Flex Separation Systems, S-Separators 805/815: Cleaning Systems For Heavy Fuel Oils Separator EPC 60 Controller

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The document discusses Alfa Laval's S and P Flex separation systems which combine centrifugal separators with flexible modular components to suit various oil separation applications.

S-separators are centrifugal separators that automatically adjust the oil/water interface and monitor the clean oil outlet water content, making them suitable for separating heavy fuels with varying densities as well as other oils. They are designed for automatic and unattended operation.

The S and P Flex separation systems offer flexibility in system layout and assembly, a new PLC-based controller, and combine high efficiency, low sludge output and low operating costs. The modular components allow for easy installation and flexible positioning in engine rooms.

Flex separation systems, S-separators 805/815

Cleaning systems for heavy fuel oils*

Separator EPC 60 controller Change-over valve

Water block Oil block incl. water


Flex system components for S-separators 805/815. * S-separators 805/815 can also be used to clean lighter fuel oils and lubricating oils.

S and P Flex separation systems Application S-separators

Alfa Laval’s S and P Flex separation systems com- S-separators are based on Alcap technology,
bine the high efficiency, low sludge output and low which means they automatically adjust the oil/water
operating cost of Alfa Laval centrifugal separators interphase and also supervise the water content in
with a flexible scope of supply. Extensive possibilities the clean oil outlet. This makes them particularly
for the separation system layout and assembly make suitable for separating heavy fuel oils with varying
it possible to suit any engine room and any oil sepa- density, although they can be used to clean all of
ration application. the following:
In addition, S and P Flex separation systems  Heavy fuel oils with densities up to 1 010 kg/m3
feature the new EPC 60 controller, which enables and viscosities up to 700 cSt/50°C (higher
the ­intuitive navigation of menus, parameters and ­viscosities available upon request)
alarms. The EPC 60 controller has a modular  Lubricating oils
­construction for easy I/O board addition and  Distillates
­replacement.  Lighter diesel oils
The S and P Flex separation concept includes the S-separators 805/815 optimized for lower flows
complete S- and P-separator range. These can all onboard small ships combine ease of use, low
be combined in mixed ship sets, even within a single operating cost and robust design ensuring high
customer-­specified module. reliability. They are designed for automatic opera-
tion in periodically unmanned engine rooms at
sea and in automated power stations ashore.
Scope of supply Module examples
The S and P Flex separation concept
­provides a wide range of alternatives for
S-separators. Depending on the need, an
S-separator can be supplied as a separator
Single flex module
with ancillaries, as a customer-specified with separator (excluding
module or as part of a comprehensive heater and pump)
package including services and order-­
specific documentation. Single flex module
with separator, heater
Flex system and pump

An S-separator with ancillaries in the form

of optimized block components provides
full say over the use of space. This allows
for local modularization or do-it-yourself

Quadruple flex module

Flex modules
with separators, heaters and pumps
A compact S-separator module
can be built to a customer-specified
­configuration from a wide range of
­modular skids and machine blocks.
­Multi-modules are ­possible, as well as
mixed modules ­including one or more
S-separators and/or P-separators for
the simultaneous ­treatment of different
types of ­mineral oils. All Flex modules
are factory tested to ensure faster
start-up and ­commissioning.

Features and benefits

 Small footprint, high flexibility  Efficient discharge Displacement water inlet
The small separator and the modular Separated sludge and water are effi- Oil inlet
nature of the surrounding components ciently removed from the system. Oil outlet
allow easy installation and flexible
 Easy operation and service
positioning in the engine room. Paring disc
The new PLC based EPC 60
 Optimum performance with Alcap ­controller is designed for “one-­
Disc stack
technology  button” starts and stops, as well
Sludge and Sludge and
A water transducer in the clean oil as intuitive menu navigation. water outlet water outlet
outlet automatically adjusts the oil/water Information about parameters and
­interphase to maximize separation alarms can be easily accessed,
­performance. which simplifies both operation
and troubleshooting. The EPC 60
 High separation efficiency
also has a modular construction
An optimized design ensures the best
that enables faster troubleshooting
possible separation efficiency from the
and I/O board replacement.
bowl and disc stack.
 Remote monitoring
 Simple installation Opening water
Using either Ethernet or Bus Bowl spindle
No tank is needed to supply operating
communication, Flex systems and Closing water
water and no pipe is needed to
modules based on S-separators
discharge it, which further simplifies
805/815 can be supervised remotely
from the control room. A variety of
 Separate feed pump alarm functions is available as
A separate feed pump reduces pipe- standard and extra I/O boards can
work to and from the preheater. be added to the EPC 60 controller
in order to enhance its monitoring
 Low oil loss
The separator’s highly efficient displace-
ment ensures that virtually no oil is lost.
Operating principle Optional equipment
A Flex separation system based on S-separators 805/815 Flex separation systems based on S-separators
is operated automatically by the EPC 60 controller, except 805/815 can be complemented with the following
at startup. Untreated oil, heated to the ­correct temperature, equipment:
is fed continuously to the separator, which is driven by an  Starter (included in module versions)
electric motor via a friction clutch and belt.  Heater
The separator bowl is fixed at the top of a spindle, which  Space heating
is supported by bearings and springs. During operation  Additional thermometers
separated sludge and water accumulate at the bowl  Vibration switch
­periphery and are intermittently discharged by the high-­  Feed pump (see feed pump delivery options below)
precision discharge system.  Strainer
 Flow regulating system
Operation of the separator is based on the Alcap principle,
which means the separator automatically adjusts to the  Sludge removal kit
density of the oil. Thus, no gravity disc is needed. A water  Sludge outlet butterfly valve kit
transducer in the clean oil outlet measures capacitive resis-  Steam shut-off valve kit
tance and signals changes to the EPC 60 controller.  Air pressure reducer valve
 Pipe arrangement for multiple modules, including
When the water content has increased or the timer setting
heater cross-connection
has expired, the system automatically discharges the
 Emergency safety shutdown
­accumulated water and sludge through the bowl discharge
ports during a controlled sludge discharge.  Remote monitoring
Feed pump options
During normal operation, vital process parameters are
­monitored. These parameters, as well as alarms, are
­indicated by easy-to-understand text messages on the
LCD display of the EPC 60 controller.

The EPC 60 controller provides many alarm functions,

in-cluding alarms for low oil pressure, high sludge tank level
(if the optional sludge removal kit is included) and power Pump Pump mounted Pump module,
delivered on skid 3 skids mounted together
failure. Additional functions are available as well. loose

System layout
EPC 60
1 2 3 4 4 6 7

Untreated Clean oil

oil inlet outlet

Conditioning water

Opening water 1. Feed pump

Water inlet
Closing water
2. Heater
3. Pneumatically controlled
Optional 1.change-over
Feed pump valve
4. Pressure
2. Heater transmitter
8 3. Pneumatically
5. Control unit controlled
6. Water valve
Sludge and 4.Regulating
7. Pressure transmitter
water outlet 5. Control unit
8. Solenoid valve block, water
6. Water transducer
7. Regulating valve
8. Solenoid valve block, water
Operations Max. Recommended Capacity, l/h on HFO 380 cSt/50 ºC
A preventive maintenance
prog­ramme using Alfa Laval
Service Kits ­ensures safe and
easy ­maintenance.
S 815

 Recommended maintenance S 805

 Intermediate Service every
2 000 hours or 3 months
 Major Service every 8 000 0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 l/h

CentriLock, CentriShoot and REMIND are trademarks owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. ALFA LAVAL is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB.
hours or 12 months

 Service kits contain all necessary technical data

spare parts for each service and
Main supply voltage 3-phase, 220 V up to 690 V
tips for maintenance at regular
Control voltage 1-phase, 100/110/115/230 V
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
 Intermediate Service Kit with
Control air Min. 5 bar, max. 8 bar
O-rings and seals for separator
Operating water pressure Min. 2 bar, max. 8 bar
bowl, inlet and outlet
 Major Service Kit with parts
for drive system, belt, bearings flex system size ( height x width x length )* net weight *

and friction pads S 805 928 x 750 x 1035 286 kg

S 815 928 x 750 x 1035 293 kg
 The System Manual includes
detailed information in electronic * Dimensions and weights for Flex systems do not include control cabinet.
or printed form:
 Installation instructions flex module size ( height x width x length )** net weight **
 Operating instructions S 805 1750 x 750 x 1075 433 kg
 Alarms and troubleshooting S 815 1750 x 750 x 1075 438 kg
 Service and spare parts
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
** Dimensions and weights for Flex modules do not include pump and heater.
 Commissioning and technical
services, including startup assis-
tance and advice on ­operation
and maintenance, are available
from all Alfa Laval offices

 Training in all aspects of oil

treatment, freshwater generation
and heat transfer ­is available

 All services can be incorporated

into specially tailored Nonstop
Performance packages. Details
are available from local Alfa Laval

The mark of conformity confirms that the equipment complies with
European Economics Area (EEA) directives.

EMD00234EN 1008 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

How to contact Alfa Laval

Contact details for all countries are continually updated on our web
site. Please visit www.alfalaval.com to access the information directly.
Flex separation systems, S-separators 821– 886
Cleaning systems for heavy fuel oils*

Separator EPC 60 controller Change-over valve

Water block Oil block incl.

water transducer

Flex system components for S-separators 821– 886. * S-separators can be also be used to clean lighter oils.

S and P Flex separation systems Application: S-separators

Alfa Laval’s S and P Flex separation systems combi- S-separators are based on Alcap technology,
ne the high efficiency, low sludge output and low which means they automatically adjust the oil/water
operating cost of Alfa Laval centrifugal separators interphase based on the water content in the clean
with a flexible scope of supply. Extensive possibilities oil outlet. This makes them particularly suitable
for the separation system layout and assembly make for separating heavy fuel oils with varying density,
it possible to suit any engine room and any oil sepa- though they can be used to clean all of the
ration application. following:

In addition, S and P Flex separation systems feature  Heavy fuel oils with densities up to 1010 kg/m3
the new EPC 60 controller, which enables the intuiti- and viscosities up to 700 cSt/50ºC (higher
ve navigation of menus, parameters and alarms. The viscosities upon request)
EPC 60 controller also has a modular construction  Lubricating oils
for easy I/O board addition and replacement.  Distillates
 Lighter diesel oils
Included in the S and P Flex separation concept
are all S-separators 805–886 and P-separators S-separators are designed for automatic operation
605–636. These can be combined in mixed ship in periodically unmanned engine rooms at sea and
sets, even within a single customer-specified module. in automated power stations ashore.
Scope of supply Module examples
The S and P Flex separation concept
provides a wide range of alternatives for
S-separators. Depending on the need, an
S-separator can be supplied as a separator with separator (excluding
and ancillaries, as a customer-specified heater and pump)
module, or as part of a comprehensive
package including services and order- SINGLE FLEX MODULE
specific documentation. with separator, heater
and pump
S Flex system (block components)
An S-separator with ancillaries in the form
of optimized block components provides
full say over the use of space. This allows
for local modularization or do-it-yourself
with separators, heaters and pumps
S Flex modules
A compact S-separator module can be
built to a customer-specified configuration
from a wide range of modular skids and
machine blocks. Multi-modules are pos-
sible, as well as mixed modules including
one or more S-separators and/or
P-separators for the simultaneous treat-
ment of different types of mineral oils. All
Flex modules are factory tested to ensure
faster start-up and commissioning.

Features and benefits

 Small footprint, high flexibility  Easy operation and service  Remote control and monitoring
The small separator and the modular The new EPC 60 controller is designed Using Ethernet or Bus communication,
nature of the surrounding components for “one-button” starts and stops, as Flex systems and modules based on
allow easy installation and flexible posi- well as intuitive menu navigation. Infor- S-separators can be operated and
tioning in the engine room. mation about parameters and alarms supervised remotely from the control
 Alcap technology can be easily accessed, which simplifies room. A variety of alarm functions are
A water transducer in the clean oil outlet both operation and troubleshooting. available as standard, and extra I/O
automatically adjusts the oil/ water inter- The EPC 60 also has a modular con- boards can be added to the EPC 60
phase to maximize separation perfor- struction that enables faster trouble- controller in order to enhance its opera-
mance. shooting and I/O board replacement. ting and monitoring capabilities.

 High separation efficiency

Untreated oil
An optimized design ensures the best
possible separation efficiency from the Clean oil outlet

bowl and disc stack. Water outlet

The CentriShoot discharge system greatly
reduces sludge volumes. Its fixed dis- CentriLock Paring tube
charge side flexes gently to expose the
discharge ports, thereby eliminating metal-
to-metal wear.
 CentriLock Seal ring
The CentriLock bowl-locking system uses
a lightweight, non-threaded snap ring.
Discharge ports
This prevents wear by allowing easy
removal without a sledgehammer.
Discharge slide
 Long service intervals
Wear-preventing features like CentriShoot
and CentriLock reduce the consumption
of spare parts and allow planned mainte-
nance to be performed less often.
This reduces operating costs.
Optional equipment
Flex separation systems based on S-separators can be complemented with the following equipment:

 Starter (included in module versions)  Steam shut-off valve kit

 Heater  Air pressure reducer valve
 Heater control board in EPC 60 controller  Pipe arrangement for multiple modules,
 Space heating including heater cross-connection
 Additional thermometers  Emergency safety shutdown
 Vibration sensor kit  Remote monitoring and control
 Feed pump  Separator lifting tool
ƒ Supplied loose
ƒ Mounted on a separate skid
ƒ Incorporated into a module
ƒ As a pump module (multiple pump skids Feed pump options
mounted together)
 Flow regulating system
 Sludge removal kit
 Sludge outlet butterfly valve kit
 Pressure indicators
 Root valves for PI
Pump delivered Pump mounted Pump module,
 Needle valves loose on skid 3 skids mounted together

Schematic diagram
1 Feed pump 5 Change-over valve 9 Regulating valve – oil 13 Pressure transmitter – water
2 Heater 6 Process controller 10 Pneumatic shut-off valve 14 Drain valve
3 Temperature transmitter 7 Pressure transmitter – oil 11 Valve block water 15 Sludge removal kit
4 Safety valve 8 Water transducer 12 Separator 16 Regulating valve
System layout



1. Feed pump 6. Control unit 11. Solenoid valve block, water

2. Heater 7. Pressure transmitter, oil 12. Separator
3. Temperature transmitter 8. Water transducer 13. Pressure transmitter, water
4. Pressure transmitter, oil 9. Pneumatically controlled 14. Drain valve
5. Pneumatically controlled shut-off valve
change-over valve 10. Regulating valve

Operating principle
An S and P Flex separation system based on an The EPC 60 controller provides many alarm functions,
S-separator 821– 886 is operated automatically by the EPC including alarms for low oil pressure, high sludge tank level
60 controller. Untreated oil, heated to the correct tempera- (if the optional sludge removal kit is included) and power
ture, is fed continuously to the separator, which is driven by failure. Additional functions are available for a vibration
an electric motor via a friction clutch and belt. alarm when the optional vibration sensor is fitted.

The separator bowl is fixed at the top of a spindle, which is

supported by bearings and special composite springs.
During operation, separated sludge and water accumulate
at the bowl periphery and are intermittently discharged by Separation Performance Standard (SPS)
the high-precision CentriShoot discharge system. The flow rates on the back of this leaflet show the
maximum recommended capacities for S-separators
The separator’s operation is based on the Alcap principle,
821– 886. Alternatively, Alfa Laval can supply
which means the separator automatically adjusts to the
S-separators 821– 886 in accordance with the marine
nature of the oil. No gravity disc is needed. A water trans-
Separation Performance Standard, SPS (CWA 15375).
ducer in the clean oil outlet measures capacitative resist-
ance and signals changes to the EPC 60 controller. The aim of the SPS is to establish a separator’s ability
to remove hard, abrasive particles from heavy fuel oils.
Depending on the water content, the EPC 60 either opens
Verified by classification societies, it provides a reliable
the drain valve or expels the water through the bowl dis-
method of evaluating and
charge ports during sludge discharge. A patented paring
comparing the separation
tube adapts itself to remove the water from the bowl while a
performance of different fuel
paring disc pumps away the clean oil.
oil separators.
During normal operation, vital process parameters are mon-
Actual catalytic fines and the
itored. These parameters, as well as alarms, are indicated spherical particles used to verify
by easy-to-understand text messages on the LCD display separation performance.
of the EPC 60 controller.
CentriShoot CentriLock
Instead of a sliding bowl bottom, the CentriShoot discharge Conventional lock rings are threaded and must be removed
system features a fixed discharge slide that flexes at its with a sledgehammer. Over time, the metal-to-metal wear
edge. This increases discharge accuracy and does away between bowl and lock ring can lead to expensive bowl
with metal-to-metal wear. repair or replacement.

STEP ONE: An Allen key is the only tool needed to work with CentriLock.
The CentriShoot discharge slide is fixed at the centre. During separation, No sledgehammer is necessary.
the slide covers the discharge ports.

STEP TWO: The CentriLock snap ring lifts out and snaps in easily – without any
During sludge discharge, the edge of the slide flexes downward, exposing threads to wear.
the discharge ports.
Instead of a conventional lock ring, the CentriLock bowl-
locking system features a non-threaded snap ring.
This lightweight ring snaps quickly into place and is easily
removed with only an Allen key.

After discharge, the slide moves gently back into position to close the ports.
This is done hydraulically, without any springs.
Operations Max. Recommended Capacity, l/h HFO 380 cSt/50˚C
Preventive maintenance procedures
are handled quickly and simply with
the help of a compression tool. The
snap ring of the patented CentriLock
bowl-locking system is non-threaded
and requires only an Allen key to
 Maintenance intervals:
ƒ Inspection Service every

CentriLock, CentriShoot and REMIND are trademarks owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. ALFA LAVAL is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB.
4000 h or 6 months.
ƒ Overhaul Service every
12 000 h or 18 months.
 Service spares kits contain all
necessary spare parts for each
service and tips for maintenance
in checkpoints: TECHNICAL DATA
ƒ Inspection Kit with O-rings and Main supply voltage 3-phase, 220 V up to 690 V
seals for separator bowl. Control voltage 1-phase, 100/110/115/230 V
ƒ Overhaul Kit with parts for drive Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
system, belt, bearings and pads. Control air Min 5 bar, max 8 bar
Also contains an Inspection Kit. Operating water pressure Min 2 bar, max 8 bar
ƒ Support Kit with strategic
spares for operation and main-
 The System Manual includes S 821/826 970 x 750 x 1075 391 kg
detailed information in electronic S 831/836 1059 x 850 x 1195 447 kg
or printed form: S 841/846 1123 x 850 x 1195 525 kg
ƒ Installation instructions. S 851/856 1291 x 1000 x 1325 728 kg
ƒ Operating instructions. S 861/866 1405 x 1000 x 1325 893 kg
ƒ Alarms and troubleshooting. S 871/876 1526 x 1250 x 1525 1246 kg
ƒ Service and spare parts. S 881/886 1713 x 1250 x 1525 1632 kg
 Commissioning and technical * Dimensions for Flex systems are excluding control cabinet.
services are available from all
Alfa Laval offices, including start-
up assistance and advice on
S 821/826 1750 x 750 x 1075 505 kg
operation and maintenance.
S 831/836 1750 x 850 x 1195 585 kg
 Training in all aspects of oil treat- S 841/846 1750 x 850 x 1195 660 kg
ment, freshwater generation and
S 851/856 1766 x 1000 x 1325 935 kg
cooling is available.
S 861/866 1766 x 1000 x 1325 1100 kg
 All services can be incorporated S 871/876 1766 x 1250 x 1525 1490 kg
into specially tailored Nonstop S 881/886 1766 x 1250 x 1525 1865 kg
Performance packages. Details
All dimensions and weights are excluding pump and heater.
are available from local Alfa Laval

This leaflet contains data for Flex

systems and modules based on
S-separators 821– 886. For data on
the other separators within the Flex
concept, refer to the Flex separation
The mark of conformity confirms that the equipment complies with
system leaflets for S-separators
European Economics Area (EEA) directives.
805/815 and P-separators 605/615,

EMD00146EN 1003 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

How to contact Alfa Laval

Contact details for all countries are continually updated on our web
site. Please visit www.alfalaval.com to access the information direct.
Flex separation systems, S-separators 921– 987
Cleaning systems for heavy fuel oils*

Separator EPC 60 controller Change-over valve

Water block Oil block incl.

water transducer

Flex system components for S-separators 921– 987. * S-separators can also be used to clean lighter fuel oils and lubricating oils.

S and P Flex separation systems Application S-separators

Alfa Laval’s S and P Flex separation systems com­ S-separators are based on Alcap technology,
bine the high efficiency, low sludge output and low which means they automatically adjust the oil/water
operating cost of Alfa Laval centrifugal separators interphase based on the water content in the clean
with a flexible scope of supply. Extensive possibilities oil outlet. This makes them particularly suitable
for the separation system layout and assembly make for separating heavy fuel oils with varying density,
it possible to suit any engine room and any oil sepa- though they can be used to clean all of the
ration application. following:

In addition, S and P Flex separation systems feature  Heavy fuel oils with densities up to 1 010 kg/m3
the new EPC 60 controller, which enables the ­intuitive and viscosities up to 700 cSt/50ºC (higher
navigation of menus, parameters and alarms. The viscosities upon request)
EPC 60 controller also has a modular construction for  Lubricating oils
easy I/O board addition and replacement.  Distillates
 Lighter diesel oils
The S and P Flex separation concept includes the
complete S- and P-separator range. These can be S-separators are designed for automatic operation
combined in mixed ship sets, even within a single in periodically unmanned engine rooms at sea and
customer-specified module. in automated power stations ashore.
Scope of supply Module examples
The S and P Flex separation concept
provides a wide range of alternatives for
S-separators. Depending on the need, an
Single flex module
S-separator can be supplied as a separator with separator (excluding
and ancillaries, as a customer-specified heater and pump)
module, or as part of a comprehensive
package including services and order- Single flex module
specific documentation. with separator, heater
and pump
Flex system
An S-separator with ancillaries in the form
of optimized block components provides
full say over the use of space. This allows
for local modularization or do-it-yourself
assembly. Quadruple flex module
with separators, heaters and pumps
Flex modules
A compact S-separator module can be
built to a customer-specified configuration
from a wide range of modular skids and
machine blocks. Multi-modules are possi-
ble, as well as mixed modules including
one or more S-separators and/or
P-separators for the simultaneous treat-
ment of different types of mineral oils. All
Flex modules are factory tested to ensure
faster start-up and commissioning.

Features and benefits

 Small footprint, high flexibility  Easy operation and service  Remote control and monitoring
The small separator and the modular The new PLC based EPC 60 controller Using Ethernet or Bus ­communication,
nature of the surrounding components is designed for “one-button” starts and Flex systems and modules based on
allow easy installation and flexible posi- stops, as well as intuitive menu navigation. S-separators 921– 987 can be operated
tioning in the engine room. Information about parameters and alarms and supervised remotely from the con-
 Alcap technology can be easily accessed, which simplifies trol room. A variety of alarm functions
A water transducer in the clean oil outlet both operation and troubleshooting. The are available as standard, and extra I/O
automatically adjusts the oil/water inter- EPC 60 also has a modular construction boards can be added to the EPC 60
phase to maximize separation perfor- that enables faster troubleshooting and controller in order to enhance its opera-
mance. I/O board replacement. ting and monitoring capabilities.

 High separation efficiency

Untreated oil
An optimized design ensures the best
possible separation efficiency from the Clean oil outlet

bowl and disc stack. Water outlet

 CentriShoot
The CentriShoot discharge system greatly
reduces sludge volumes. Its fixed dis- CentriLock Paring tube
charge slide flexes gently to expose the
discharge ports, thereby eliminating metal-
to-metal wear.
 CentriLock Seal ring
The CentriLock bowl-locking system uses
a lightweight, non-threaded snap ring.
Discharge ports
This prevents wear by allowing easy
removal without a sledgehammer.
Discharge slide
 Long service intervals
Wear-preventing features like CentriShoot
and CentriLock reduce the consumption
of spare parts and allow planned mainte-
nance to be performed less often.
This reduces operating costs.
Optional equipment
Flex separation systems based on S-separators 921– 987 can be complemented with the following equipment:

 Starter (included in module versions)  Pipe arrangement for multiple modules,

 Heater including heater cross-connection
 Space heating  Emergency safety shutdown
 Additional thermometers  Remote monitoring and control
 Vibration sensor kit  Separator lifting tool
 Feed pump
 Supplied loose
 Mounted on a separate skid
 Incorporated into a module Feed pump options
 As a pump module (multiple pump skids
mounted together)
 Flow regulating system
 Sludge removal kit
 Sludge outlet butterfly valve kit
 Steam shut-off valve kit Pump delivered Pump mounted Pump module,
 Air pressure reducer valve loose on skid 3 skids mounted together

Schematic diagram
1 Feed pump 5 Change-over valve 9 Regulating valve – oil 13 Pressure transmitter – water
2 Heater 6 Process controller 10 Pneumatic shut-off valve 14 Drain valve
3 Temperature transmitter 7 Pressure transmitter – oil 11 Valve block water 15 Sludge removal kit
4 Safety valve 8 Water transducer 12 Separator 16 Regulating valve
System layout



1. Feed pump 6. Control unit 11. Solenoid valve block, water

2. Heater 7. Pressure transmitter, oil 12. Separator
3. Temperature transmitter 8. Water transducer 13. Pressure transmitter, water
4. Pressure transmitter, oil 9. Pneumatically controlled 14. Drain valve
5. Pneumatically controlled shut-off valve
change-over valve 10. Regulating valve

Operating principle
A Flex separation system based on an S-separator The EPC 60 controller provides many alarm functions,
921– 987 is operated automatically by the EPC 60 including alarms for low oil pressure, high sludge tank level
­controller. Untreated oil, heated to the correct temperature, (if the optional sludge removal kit is included) and power
is fed continuously to the separator, which is driven by failure. Additional functions are available for a vibration
an electric motor via a friction clutch and belt. alarm when the optional vibration sensor is fitted.

The separator bowl is fixed at the top of a spindle, which is

supported by bearings and special composite springs.
During operation, separated sludge and water accumulate
at the bowl periphery and are intermittently discharged by Separation Performance Standard (SPS)
the high-precision CentriShoot discharge system. The flow rates on the back of this leaflet show the
maximum recommended capacities for S-separators.
The separator’s operation is based on the Alcap principle,
Alternatively, Alfa Laval can supply S-­separators in
which means the separator automatically adjusts to the
accordance with the marine Separation Performance
nature of the oil. No gravity disc is needed. A water trans-
Standard, SPS (CWA 15375).
ducer in the clean oil outlet measures capacitative resist-
ance and signals changes to the EPC 60 controller. The aim of the SPS is to establish a separator’s ability
to remove hard, abrasive particles from heavy fuel oils.
Depending on the water content, the EPC 60 either opens
Verified by classification societies, it provides a reliable
the drain valve or expels the water through the bowl dis-
method of evaluating and
charge ports during sludge discharge. A patented paring
comparing the separation
tube adapts itself to remove the water from the bowl while
performance of different fuel
a paring disc pumps away the clean oil.
oil separators.
During normal operation, vital process parameters are mon-
Actual catalytic fines and the
itored. These parameters, as well as alarms, are indicated
spherical particles used to verify
by easy-to-understand text messages on the LCD display separation performance.
of the EPC 60 controller.
CentriShoot CentriLock
Instead of a sliding bowl bottom, the CentriShoot discharge Conventional lock rings are threaded and must be removed
system features a fixed discharge slide that flexes at its with a sledgehammer. Over time, the metal-to-metal wear
edge. This increases discharge accuracy and does away between bowl and lock ring can lead to expensive bowl
with metal-to-metal wear. repair or replacement.

step one: An Allen key is the only tool needed to work with CentriLock.
The CentriShoot discharge slide is fixed at the centre. During separation, No sledgehammer is necessary.
the slide covers the discharge ports.

step two: The CentriLock snap ring lifts out and snaps in easily – without any
During sludge discharge, the edge of the slide flexes downward, exposing threads to wear.
the discharge ports.
Instead of a conventional lock ring, the CentriLock bowl-
locking system features a non-threaded snap ring.
This lightweight ring snaps quickly into place and is easily
removed with only an Allen key.

step three:
After discharge, the slide moves gently back into position to close the ports.
This is done hydraulically, without any springs.
Operations Max. Recommended Capacity, l/h HFO 380 cSt/50˚C
Preventive maintenance procedures S 987
are handled quickly and simply with S 986

the help of a compression tool. The S 977

S 976
snap ring of the patented CentriLock S 967
bowl-locking system is non-threaded S 966

and requires only an Allen key to S 957

S 956
remove. S 947

 Maintenance intervals: S 946

S 937
 Inspection Service every S 936

CentriLock, CentriShoot and REMIND are trademarks owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. ALFA LAVAL is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB.
4 000 h or 6 months S 927

 Overhaul Service every S 926

S 921
12 000 h or 18 months 0 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 12 000 14 000 16 000 18 000 20 000 22 000 24 000

 Service spares kits contain all

necessary spare parts for each
service and tips for maintenance
in checkpoints: technical data
 Inspection Kit with O-rings and Main supply voltage 3-phase, 220 V up to 690 V
seals for separator bowl Control voltage 1-phase, 100/110/115/230 V
 Overhaul Kit with parts for Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
drive system, belt, bearings Control air Min 5 bar, max 8 bar
and pads, also containing Operating water pressure Min 2 bar, max 8 bar
an Inspection Kit
 Support Kit with strategic
spares for operation and main- flex system size ( height x width x length )* net weight *
tenance backup S 921/926/927 970 x 750 x 1075 391 kg
 The System Manual includes S 936/937 1059 x 850 x 1195 447 kg
detailed information in electronic S 946/947 1123 x 850 x 1195 525 kg
or printed form: S 956/957 1291 x 1000 x 1325 728 kg
 Installation instructions S 966/967 1405 x 1000 x 1325 893 kg
 Operating instructions S 976/977 1526 x 1250 x 1525 1246 kg
 Alarms and troubleshooting 0
1 000
S 986/987
1713 x 1250 x 1525
21000 22000
1632 kg
 Service and spare parts
* Dimensions and weights for Flex systems do not include control cabinet.
 Commissioning and technical

services are available from all
flex module size ( height x width x length )** net weight **
Alfa Laval offices, including start-
S 921/926/927 1750 x 750 x 1075 505 kg
up assistance and advice on
S 936/937 1750 x 850 x 1195 585 kg
operation and maintenance
S 946/947 1750 x 850 x 1195 660 kg
 Training in all aspects of oil treat- S 956/957 1766 x 1000 x 1325 935 kg
ment, freshwater generation and
S 966/967 1766 x 1000 x 1325 1100 kg
heat transfer is available
S 976/977 1766 x 1250 x 1525 1490 kg
 All services can be incorporated S 986/987 1766 x 1250 x 1525 1865 kg
into specially tailored Nonstop
** Dimensions and weights for Flex modules do not include pump and heater.
Performance packages. Details
are available from local Alfa Laval

The mark of conformity confirms that the equipment complies with
European Economics Area (EEA) directives.

EMD00233EN 1008 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

How to contact Alfa Laval

Contact details for all countries are continually updated on our web
site. Please visit www.alfalaval.com to access the information directly.

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