71 - Magnus Lind Paper
71 - Magnus Lind Paper
71 - Magnus Lind Paper
2019-02-21 19FMV854-2:1
This close cooperation between industry, authorities, end- In order to reduce technical risks, and thereby staying
users as well as academia has been a key to overcome the within the allowed budget for the project, a design to cost
challenges of ASW in extreme littoral waters with high model was chosen which includes an evolutionary
sea traffic intensity. development plan for the torpedo system. As a result
TS47 is based on a modular design and the use of COTS
The underwater environmental conditions in the Swedish components where applicable.
operational area, the Baltic Sea and eastern part of the
North Sea, provide significant challenges to overcome in One of the key design features of the TP47 is the modular
order to develop an efficient torpedo system. The Baltic design. Not only does it add value when using and
Sea is to most the extent a shallow sea that features large maintaining the system, but it also enables cost efficient
variations in topography, sea floor material and vast areas upgrades and evolutionary development to incorporate
of archipelago along the Swedish and Finnish coast. new technologies and adding system functions. It also
enables the use of an advanced exercise module replacing
the warhead module in the torpedo, thus eliminating the
need for a separate training vehicle. After the exercise
shot, the exercise module inflates its balloon so that you
can recover the torpedo from the surface.
These environmental conditions combined with the high As a result, training of SwAF in ASW scenarios is cost-
sea traffic intensity require special adaptations in terms of efficient and highly accessible, granting frequent and
navigational systems, active and passive sensor systems qualified training as well as strategy development.
and communication systems.
Öppen / Unclassified
2019-02-21 19FMV854-2:1
3 Innovation/Technical Topics
To maintain high pace in the development Model Based
Definition(MBD) has been an important tool to make the
design changes between the different prototypes smooth
and easy.
The Homing system for Torped 47 utilizes the next Fig 5. Parts from Torped 47 in MBD-view
generation of a Swedish built forward-looking sonar and
is optimized for Baltic sea conditions with the capability In January 2018 the Finnish Defence ´Forces decided to
to function in blue water. It has the capability to operate order TS 47 for the Hamina class upgrade and the
in both passive and active homing that have high Squadron 2020 project.
resistance to reverberation and false targets.
According to current plans, TS47 will be operational in
With a new electrical propulsion system and a pump-jet, the Swedish Armed Forces from 2022/2023 and will
Torped 47 will get better dynamic control characteristics provide a reliable and highly adaptable underwater
with a wider speed envelope, ensuring good weapon to meet current and future requirements and
maneuverability and low signature. challenges.