Machine Design - 1

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Department of _MME______________________ The LNM IIT, Jaipur

MME20: Machine Design I

Programme: B.Tech. (MME) Year: 2017 Semester : IV sem, EVEN
Course : Core Credits : 3 Hours : 40

Course Context and Overview (100 words):

The objective of the course is to provide the knowledge on the fundamental concepts and
processes of machine design. This will help the students for designing and analyzing the
machine components as per the customer or client requirements. The further detailed
objectives are as following:
1. To understand the basic concepts of machine design.
2. To understand the concepts of design for manufacturing.
3. To understand the concepts of design against static and fluctuating load.
4. To learn the various types of analytical approach used for designing machine
components or assemblies.
5. To learn the all aspects of design of machine components including material selection
and life or performance estimation under static, fatigue and impact loading conditions.

Prerequisites Courses: Mechanics of Solids

Course outcomes(COs):

On completion of this course, the students will have the ability to:
CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts and processes of machine design.

C02 Understand the importance of manufacturing consideration in design.

C03 Understand the design concept under static and fatigue load

C04 Understand the design approach of threaded and riveted joints

C05 Understand the design approach for mechanical springs.

Course Topics:

Topics Lecture Hours

UNIT - I 4

Course Design Template version 1.0

Department of _MME______________________ The LNM IIT, Jaipur

1. Topic: Introduction
1.1 Machine Design 1
1.2 Basic Procedure and Requirements of Machine Design 1
1.3 Selection of Engineering Materials 2
Unit – II
2. Topic: Manufacturing Considerations in Design
2.1 Selection of Manufacturing Method 1
2.2 Design Consideration of Castings and Forgings 2
2.2 Design For Manufacturing and Assembly 1
2.3 Fits and Tolerances 2
Unit - III
3. Topic: Design Against Static Loads
3.1 Introduction and Modes Of Failure 1
3.2 Factor of Safety And Stresses Due to Various Types of 1
3.3 Design of Knuckle Joint 1
3.4 Theory of Failures 2
Unit - IV
4. Topic: Design Against Fluctuating Loads
4.1 Introduction 1
4.2 Stress Concentration Factor, Notch Sensitivity and 2
Reduction of Stress Concentration Factor
4.3 Endurance Limit and Endurance Strength 1
4.4 Goodman, Soderberg and Gerber Diagram 1
4.5 Design of Machine Components For Finite and Infinite 1
4.6 Cumulative damage 1
5. Topic: Threaded Joints

5.1 Introduction 1
5.2 Bolted Joint- Simple Analysis 1
5.3 Eccentrically Loaded Bolted Joint in Shear 2
5.3 Eccentrically Load Perpendicular to Axis of Bolt 1
5.4 Elastic Analysis of Bolted Joints 1
6. Topic: Riveted Joints

6.1 Introduction 1
6.2 Rivet Joints and Types 1
6.3Types of Failures and Strength Equations 1
6.4 Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint 2
7. Topic: Springs

7.1 Introduction 1
7.2 Stress and deflection equation 1
7.3 Design of Helical Springs 2
7.4 Helical Torsion Springs 1
7.5 Design of Leaf Spring 2

Course Design Template version 1.0

Department of _MME______________________ The LNM IIT, Jaipur

Textbook references (IEEE format):

Text Book:
1. Bhandari V B, “Design of Machine Elements”, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill.
2. Norton L. Robert., “Machine Design an Integrated Approach” 2nd ed., Pearson.

Reference books:
1. Shigley’s et al., “Mechanical Engineering Design” 9th ed., McGraw-Hill.
2. Jindal U. C., “Machine Design”, Pearson.

Additional Resources (NPTEL, MIT Video Lectures, Web resources etc.):

Evaluation Methods:
Item Weightage
Quiz 1: 7.5
Quiz 2: 7.5
Assignments: 5

Midterm 30
Final Examination 50

Prepared By: Dr Ashok Kumar Dargar

Last Update: _11-10-2017

Course Design Template version 1.0

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