ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Seakeeping Experiments
ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Seakeeping Experiments
ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Seakeeping Experiments
Procedures and Guidelines Page 1 of 22
Table of Contents
Seakeeping Experiments
Fr ωe (LM/g)1/2
This procedure outlines the recommended 0.5
relevant to the selection of model size, 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
completeness of its geometry, ballasting and
mass distribution and possible model
configurations. It provides recommendations Figure 1. Maximum frequency at which tank
for model response data measurements, and interference occurs in head waves
operational and environment parameters that
should be included in the test plan.
BT/LM Fr ⋅ ω LM / g
The procedure also outlines the
0.50 0.635
recommended approach to data analysis and
presentation formats as well as the preferred 0.75 0.458
approach to uncertainty analysis including 1.00 0.378
theoretical background and practical examples. 1.25 0.335
1.50 0.309
1.75 0.292
2.25 0.271
2.1 Model Size 2.50 0.265
2.75 0.260
The size of the model should be such that 3.00 0.255
tank wall interference is avoided for the range
3.25 0.252
of wave frequencies and model speeds to be
3.50 0.249
tested. Figure 1 and Table 1 give, in
3.75 0.247
dimensionless form, a relationship between
4.00 0.245
model length LM tank breadth BT , Froude
number Fr and the highest wave frequency ω Table 1. Maximum frequency at which tank
at which interference effects may occur in interference occurs in head waves
head waves.
Those calculations are made by estimating
the potential generated by a source with
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Fr. ωe √(LM/g)
harmonic strength. Calculations using the 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Non published work of Fernandez shows BT/LM
gyration is unknown, a value between 0.35B Care has to be taken to reduce any
and 0.40B, depending on the ship type, should influence of cables or safety lines on the
be used. (These values are those without model’s motions to a minimum.
including the effect of added mass).
It is recommended that rpm and rudder
For experiments during which rolling is action are continuously recorded.
not restrained, the metacentric height should
be simulated. If the vertical position of the 2.6 Measurement of Wave Loads
centre of gravity is unknown, it should be
established and reported. As an alternative to Segmented models for measuring global
ballasting the model to a specified transverse loads should have natural frequencies far from
radius of gyration, the natural period of the wave frequency range. These frequencies
rolling of the full-scale ship may be simulated. have to be measured and documented.
When measuring loads on catamarans, The mass, COG and inertias of each
cross products of inertia have to be taken into separate segment have to be known (measured
account. or calculated) and reported. Preferably, the
loads due to the mass and inertia of the
2.4 Guidance System segments should be separated from the total
loads during analysis to get the wave-induced
The guidance system should be such as to loads.
impose the minimum restraint on the motions
of the model. It is desirable that even in head For global bending moment, sagging and
or following waves the model should have the hogging loads should be reported.
freedom to roll. In oblique waves, care also
must be taken to minimize restraint on sway 2.7 Measurement of Added Resistance
and yaw motions.
The power increase in waves can be
The report should describe in detail the measured directly with free running models or
characteristics of the guidance system. determined indirectly from measurements of
added resistance on captive models (refer to
2.5 Free Running Tests ITTC recommended procedure 7.5-02-06-0.1).
- Relative motion. Measurements of the When performing tests in oblique seas, the
relative motion between the model and the range of encounter angles between zero and
water surface at points that allow 180 degrees should be selected in accordance
correlation with wave and other motion with the stated test objectives. The 180
data. degrees heading represents head seas.
value of the ratio of wave height to fetch-limited seas. When generating irregular
wavelength is around 1/50.) waves in a tank, the input signal to the wave
maker should be produced such that the
In determining the motions, it is generated waves are non-repeatable.
recommended that the average amplitude and
Irregular wave generation in experimental
period of at least 10 cycles be obtained.
tanks is subjected to voluntary or involuntary
Alternatively, a spectral analysis following
truncation of idealized spectrum as a result of
the procedures for irregular waves outlined
mechanical limits of wave making facilities.
below could be followed to obtain the mean
amplitude and period of waves and responses. The truncation frequency is facility specific
and depends on characteristics of the wave
Guidelines for regular wave data analysis are
given in the ITTC Recommended Procedure maker and model scale selected for the
experiment. Selection of too low cut-off
7.5-02-07-03.2 “Analysis Procedure for
frequency affects properties of resultant
Model Tests in Regular Waves”.
spectrum and values of target significant
2.12 Transient Waves wave height HW1/3 and modal period TP. If
n=fT/fP: fT is truncated frequency and fP is
The transient wave technique is an peak frequency of idealized spectra, the
experimental technique in which a wave train recommended cut-off frequency for most
that contains wave components of all the facilities is n>2, and preferable n approaching
relevant frequencies is produced in such a 3.
way that the component waves reach a certain Data should preferably be digitised before
place in the test tank simultaneously so that a analysis, using sample rates appropriate for
single large wave packet is formed. If a model the avoidance of aliasing with the individual
structure is positioned at the place where the measured parameters. Care must be taken for
single large wave packet accumulates, the duration of the data acquisition so that
response characteristics to regular waves of enough data are recorded for the objective of
all the frequencies contained in the wave the test.
packet are obtained in one single experiment
(provided the linear superposition assumption The test duration is represented by total
holds). This technique proves to be very number of waves (encounters) N. The N=50
efficient as a standard tool for evaluating should be taken as a lower limit. Larger
RAO’s of stationary offshore structures or values are to be preferred and it is more usual
towed/self propelled ships. to take N=100 as the standard; N=200 or
above is considered excellent practice. For the
2.13 Irregular Waves following sea case, 30 minutes of equivalent
full scale is considered sufficient.
Tests should be carried out in waves
corresponding to the sea conditions in which The time interval between test runs is also
the vessel may be required to operate. In the important and can be tank specific. In most
absence of specific wave spectrum data the cases 20 minutes between runs is acceptable
ITTC should be used for open ocean and for a typical facility. The residuary tank
JONSWAP spectrum should be used for
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
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disturbance of less than 1% of the next target Rudder angles may be non-dimensionalized
wave height is a valid alternative. by wave slope or be presented in other
appropriate non-dimensional form.
The sample rate in the data acquisition
needs to be fast enough in order to achieve
Translations x1, 2,3
sufficient resolution. A sampling rate
corresponding to about 4 Hz at full scale is ςA
enough for most measurements but much Rotations x 4 , 5, 6
higher rates (in the order of kHz) are
κς A
necessary to detect peaks of slamming loads.
The coordinate system in which data are The results of statistical analyses may be
presented should be defined. Motion presented to depict probability of exceedance
components should also be defined. Linear and as cumulative probability distribution for
translations and rotations may be presented in selected responses.
non-dimensional form as being divided by
wave elevation and wave slope respectively.
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
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8-2) Tests of a Wigley hull form. Added Kishev, R., (1998), “Uncertainty Analysis of
masses, damping, exciting forces and Dynamic Model tests and Its Application
seakeeping motions and loads. to Capsizing Simulation in Waves”,
Proceedings of International Workshop on
8-3) Tests for S-175. Modeling of Ocean Environments in
Waves & Current Basin, February, 1998,
9) The ITTC Database of Seakeeping Taejon, Korea.
Experiments (21st ITTC, 1996, pp.43). S-
175, high speed marine vehicle Yum, D.J., Lee, H.Y. and Lee, C.M., 1993.
Uncertainty Analysis for Seakeeping
10) Numerical and Experimental Investigation Model Tests. Journal of the Society of
to Evaluate Wave-Induced Global Design Naval Architects of Korea, 30 (3): 75-89.
Loads for Fast Ships (Schellin et al, 2003).
Two segmented models of fast ships (Fr
up to 0.63) were tested in head seas.
Motions and global loads are reported.
The results are compared with several Appendix A
non-linear codes.
The recommendation of the ITTC 2008
Kashiwagi, N. and Ohkusu, M., 1991, “A new was to adopt the ISO-GUM (International
theory for side-wall interference effects on Organization for Standardization, Guide to
forward-speed radiation and diffraction the Expression of Uncertainty in
forces”, Schiffstechnik, vol. 38. Measurements, ISO 1995) approach to
conducting uncertainty analysis of
Schellin, T.E. et al, 2003, “Numerical and experimental results. The ISO GUM
Experimental Investigation to Evaluate recognises two groups of uncertainty, type A
Wave-Induced Global Design Loads for and type B, which are based on way in which
Fast Ships”, Transactions SNAME, vol. the uncertainty is evaluated. Type A
111, pp. 437-461. represents the random category of uncertainty
evaluated by using statistical analysis of
ISO/IEC 2008, “Guide 98-3, Uncertainty of repeated measurements of, nominally, the
measurements – Part 3: Guide to the same observation; type B components are
expression of uncertainty in measurements estimated by means other than repeated
(GUM: 1995)”, 2008 Switzerland. observations. The “other means” may include
previous measurements, past experience or
ITTC (2008), “Discussion to the 25th ITTC general knowledge, handbook information,
Seakeeping Committee by Joe Longo, manufacturer specification or data provided as
Claus Simonsen, Fred Stern”, Proceeding a certificate. A detailed approach to
of 25th ITTC-Volume III, September 2008, uncertainty analysis in experimental
Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 697-701. hydrodynamics can be found in ITTC
procedure 7.5-02-01-01.
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
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A.1.4 Combined uncertainty within the range y-U and y+U; the value of U
is defined by k. For cases where the
A further step is required when result of uncertainty can be assumed to be normally
an experiment is derived from values of a distributed the confidence factors presented in
number of other measurement variables (xi). Table 1 can be used. For example, a value
The most common situation where this is k=2.576 value gives confidence level of 99%.
undertaken in seakeeping experiments is
when the results are non-dimensionalised. In
this case, the combined uncertainty uC(y) is A.2 SOURCES OF UNCERTAINTY
applied to express uncertainty in the derived
result. A typical requirement from a seakeeping
1 experiment is to obtain the basic rigid body
N ∂f 2 N −1 N
∂f ∂f 2
uC (y) = ∑ u(xi , x j
u 2 (xi ) + 2 ∑ ∑ motions (surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and
i =1 ∂xi i =1 j =i +1 ∂xi ∂x j
yaw), accelerations and relative motions at
specific locations, waves, model speed, and
propulsion and steering systems
characteristics (propeller revolutions, rudder
The second term in the combined angle). All of these measured parameters are
uncertainty formula represents the cross subjected to type A and type B uncertainties
correlation between two or more variables. that need to be estimated as a part of the
Theses terms are zero when variables are experimentation procedure.
considered to be independent. The term A.2.1 Type A uncertainty
is the partial derivative with respect to Type A uncertainty is evaluated by taking
variable xi, also known as the sensitivity repeated measurements of the same
coefficient and u(xi) is the standard experimental condition (recommended
uncertainty of variable xi. number of repeated runs is 10). Since
repeating the entire set of test runs in a
A.1.5 Expanded uncertainty seakeeping experiment makes the programme
prohibitively long (and hence expensive) it is
When presenting the results of recommended that only a few selected
experiments along with interval expressing representative test conditions should be
some level of confidence in that measurement repeated to obtain some understanding of the
then the expanded uncertainty U is applied. type A uncertainty.
U = kuC (y) (A3) A.2.2 Type B uncertainty
Where, k represents the confidence factor, There are elemental type B uncertainties
and the result of the measurement can be that are an inherent part of each sensor, its
interpreted as y-U ≤Y≤ y+U. calibration, the data acquisition system,
processing and analysis.
So, Y can be interpreted as the best
estimate that the resultant measurement lies
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outputs. ∂v
2 2
∂v 2
u C (v) = u 2 (f) + u (D) (A9)
Data analysis. ∂f ∂D
2 (A13)
∂v 2
uC (v) = u 2 (s) + u 2 (t) (A11) 1
∂s ∂t ∆Y 1 2 ∆Y
) = u (∆Y ) + − u 2 (∆X )
∆X ∆X (∆X )
u C (v) = u 2 (s) + − 2 u 2 (t) (A12) (A14)
t t
Nominal ∆X and ∆Y values are calculated
Standard uncertainties u(s) and u(t) need to be from the mean heading angle, and the
estimated based on information provided on appropriate uncertainty can be used to
model positions and accuracy of sample time. calculate uncertainty in the ratio.
Nominal values of s and t should be applied to
In case when model heading is obtained
obtain combined uncertainty.
after double integration of yaw rate
Similarly if a captive model is used or free measurement, both uncertainty of yaw rate
running model follows the carriage the measurement and accuracy of integration
heading angle is assumed to be equal to the procedure need to be included in combined
heading of the carriage with respect to the uncertainty estimate.
oncoming waves. For free running, self-
Model geometry and mass distribution -
propelled models when an optical system is
sources of uncertainty in model geometry are
used to obtain model positions the
model length (LPP), width (B) and draft (T).
instantaneous (and mean) heading angle can
For seakeeping experiments the position of
be estimated from consecutive longitudinal
centre of gravity (KG) and longitudinal radius
and lateral positions of the model. The
of gyration (kyy) are also important and their
estimate of combined uncertainty in heading
respective uncertainties need to be determined.
is then based on the uncertainty in the lateral
and longitudinal position of the previous and Typical suggested tolerances on the
next location of the model, and the nominal principal parameters associated with model
longitudinal and lateral distance between geometry are +/-0.05% on linear dimensions
those two points. The arctangent is applied to larger than 2m, and +/-1mm on dimensions
estimate the uncertainty in the angle based on less than 2 m, and +/-1% on model
the uncertainty in the ratio of the lateral (∆Y) displacement. In all cases they are the type B
and longitudinal (∆X) consecutive positions. uncertainties that are constant for the duration
Uncertainty in the ratio can be calculated of experiment. Examples of achieved and/or
from: suggested uncertainties of model main
∆Y 2 2
2 parameters and mass properties as well as
∂ ∂ presented results are shown in Kishev (1998)
∆Y ∆X 2 ∆X 2
u( ) = u (∆Y ) + u (∆X ) and ITTC (2008).
∆X ∂ (∆Y ) ∂ (∆X )
Uncertainties in model geometry can be
determined using past experience in model
construction. For instance, if a model
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u (W ) +
+/-2.5 mm. The standard uncertainty can be ∂W ∂ϕ
estimated, using the confidence factor in
Table 1, from expression 2.5/1.645=1.52 d 2
w 2
u (ϕ ) ]
resultant standard uncertainty of the length is − 2 u (W ) + −
W tgϕ W ⋅ sin 2 ϕ
~1.5 mm.
To estimate the uncertainty in the model
Standard uncertainty of KB and BM can
KG and kyy,, the propagation of uncertainty
be evaluated by assuming a simplified
needs to be applied to the formula used to
geometry of hull form and using known
calculate these respective values. For example
standard uncertainties of main parameters.
if KG of a model is estimated based on
inclining experiments and the following For example, the transverse BM for a
formula is employed: KG =KB + BM − GM . triangle-prism shaped vessel with a
The vertical centre of buoyancy (KB) and rectangular water plane area can be calculated
transverse metacenter ( BM ) are geometry from:
dependent, when metacentric height ( GM )
can be obtained from inclining experiment. I LB 3 LB 3 B 2 (A19)
BM= = = =
The combined uncertainty in KG can be V 12∇ 12 ⋅ 1 LBT 6T
evaluated from: 2
∂ KG 2 2
∂ KG 2
∂ KG 2 2
uC ( KG ) = u ( KB) +
u ( BM ) + u (GM )
∂ KB ∂ BM ∂GM Where, I is second moment of rectangular
(A15) water plane area about its centreline, ∇
The standard uncertainty of GM can be volume of displacement, and L, B and T are
estimated by applying combined uncertainty length and breadth of water plane respectively
formula to: and T is draft of the vessel.
w ⋅d
GM = (A16) The combined uncertainty of BM is:
W ⋅ tan(ϕ ) 1
∂ BM 2 ∂ BM 2 (A20)
2 2
uC ( BM )
= u ( B) +
u (T )
Where, w is inclining weight, d is distance ∂B ∂T
the inclining weight is moved, W model 1
B 2 B2 2
2 2
displacement, φ is heel angle when inclined. =
uC ( BM ) u ( B ) − 2 u (T ) (A21)
3T 6T
The combined uncertainty of GM can be
presented as: Nominal B and T values, and their
respective uncertainties need to be applied to
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
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2 2 1/2
uC ( Fr ) u (V ) + u ( LPP )
L ωe ∂V ∂LPP
uC (ω ) PP u 2 (ωe ) + −
= '
u ( LPP )
2(L ⋅ g )
PP (A27)
Again, ωe, LPP and g are respective
nominal values, and u(ωe) and u(LPP) are ∂Fr 1
respective standard uncertainties. =
Motions in irregular seas are typically
presented as plots of non-dimensional or ∂Fr V
= −
significant values versus velocity, Froude ∂LPP 2 gL3PP
number or sea state.
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
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Once the experimental data have been contained below 1%, and that the type B
collected and reduced to non-dimensional uncertainty is dominating model motions
format for a particular wave encounter measurements.
frequency and/or Froude number, they can be
presented in a tabular format or we may want A.2.4 Summary
to obtain a mathematical expression to
represent the data. In this case regression can The above presented procedure outlines ITTC
be performed on the experimental data (after recommended ISO GUM approach
data reduction) and a polynomial equation fit tokjlnashakijslk uncertainty analysis in
to represent the data. The type B uncertainty seakeeping experiment measurements.
associated with the regression should be Intention of the procedure is to emphasize
included in the analysis. details unique for seakeeping experiment
measurements and data presentation.
A.2.3 Example Background information for ISO GUM
approach and assumptions are discussed in
Table A2 and Figure A1 present examples ITTC Specialists Committee on Uncertainty
of total standard and combine uncertainty Analysis procedure 7.5-02-01-01. The
calculation of model parameters and methodologies presented here are relevant to
responses from submarine model seakeeping uncertainties in measurements only. Subjects
surface experiments in irregular seas. of uncertainty in predictions
Source of uncertainty
Type A Type B Standard
Units Description of accuracy
Nominal uncertainty uncertainty uncertainty
Model Lpp 4.70 m +/- 3 mm, 90% confidence 0.0018 0.002
Model B 0.51 m +/- 2 mm, 90% confidence 0.0012 0.001
Model T 0.52 m +/- 2 mm, 90% confidence 0.0012 0.001
Model D 671.14 m3 resultant 0.0042 0.004
Model KB 0.29 m resultant 0.0012 0.001
Model BM 0.302 m resultant 0.0004 0.000
Model KG 0.264 m inclining experiment 0.0015 0.002
Model kxx 0.213 m swing frame 0.0024 0.002
Model GMt 0.038 m resultant 0.0008 0.001
Speed 1 3.4 knots Optical tracking Qualisys 0.057 0.012 0.059
Speed 2 6.2 knots Optical tracking Qualisys 0.042 0.016 0.063
Speed 3 12.9 knots Optical tracking Qualisys 0.052 0.028 0.108
Roll Angle 1 13.8 deg FOG 0.190 2 2.009
Roll Angle 2 17.5 deg FOG 0.169 2 2.007
Roll Angle 3 1.7 deg FOG 0.054 2 2.001
Pitch Angle 1 3.5 deg FOG 0.063 2 2.001
Pitch Angle 2 1.1 deg FOG 0.028 2 2.000
Pitch Angle 3 0.7 deg FOG 0.041 2 2.000
Heave Displ. 1 2.12 m Motion Pack 0.030 0.030
Heave Displ. 2 2.14 m Motion Pack 0.020 0.020
Heave Displ. 3 0.38 m Motion Pack 0.017 0.017
Vert. Accel. 1 0.16 g Honeywell, QA 1400 0.001 0.0031 0.003
Vert. Accel. 2 0.14 g Honeywell, QA 1401 0.002 0.0031 0.004
Vert. Accel. 3 0.04 g Honeywell, QA 1402 0.001 0.0031 0.003
Relative Mot. 1 1.33 m ULS, USS 635 0.018 0.0013 0.018
Relative Mot. 2 1.43 m ULS, USS 635 0.008 0.0013 0.008
Relative Mot. 3 0.69 m ULS, USS 635 0.010 0.0013 0.010
Wave Elev. 1 2.62 m Capacitance probe 0.004 0.004 0.005
Wave Elev. 2 1.84 m Capacitance probe 0.005 0.004 0.007
Wave Elev. 3 0.64 m Capacitance probe 0.006 0.004 0.007
20.00 3.00
Roll Angle
Pitch Angle
Rel. Mot.
10.00 1.50
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30
Froude Number