Water Treatment Plant Model User's Manual: Prepared by The
Water Treatment Plant Model User's Manual: Prepared by The
Water Treatment Plant Model User's Manual: Prepared by The
Version 2.0
User's Manual
Prepared by the
Boulder, CO 80309-0421
The WTP Model was developed for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
by the Center for Drinking Water Optimization, University of Colorado – Boulder and Malcolm
Pirnie, Inc.
The guidance provided herein may be of educational value to a wide variety of individuals in the
water treatment industry, but each individual must adapt the results to fit their own practice. The
USEPA and the Center for Drinking Water Optimization shall not be liable for any direct, indirect,
consequential, or incidental damages resulting from the use of the WTP model.
This User's Manual for Version 2.0 of the WTP Model has been prepared to provide a basic
understanding of 1) how to operate the program, and 2) the underlying assumptions and equations
that are used to calculate the removal of natural organic matter (NOM), disinfectant decay and the
formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs).
It is not to be construed that the results from the model will necessarily be applicable to individual
raw water quality and treatment effects at unique municipalities and agencies. This model does not
replace sound engineering judgment for an individual application.
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1
2. GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................. 6
5.5.5 Membranes........................................................................................................70
6. REFERENCES .........................................................................................................115
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) model
(versions 1.0 to 1.55) was originally developed in 1992 and used to support the
Disinfectant/Disinfection By-product (D/DBP) Reg/Neg process in 1993-94 (Roberson et al.,
1995). The original model and its verification were discussed by Harrington et al. (1992).
The model predicted (1) the behavior of water quality parameters that impact the formation of
disinfection by-products (DBPs) and (2) the formation of DBPs. By 1999, the 1992 model was
limited in several ways:
a.) many existing process, inactivation, DBP formation, and disinfectant decay algorithms within
the WTP model were limited and/or outdated;
b.) new process, inactivation, DBP formation, and disinfectant decay algorithms needed to be
added; and
c.) multiple points of chlorination
The 1992 WTP model was updated for the USEPA by the Center for Drinking Water Optimization
(CDWO) at the University of Colorado and University of Cincinnati and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., to
create WTP Model version 2.0. The objectives were to modify existing model algorithms to reflect
increased data availability and knowledge of treatment processes since 1992. Furthermore, the
objectives were to extend the model with new algorithms for advanced treatment processes and
alternative disinfectants. The new model algorithms are described in Chapter 5 of this manual.
The WTP model was developed to assist utilities in achieving total system optimization (TSO), i.e.,
a method by which treatment processes can be implemented such that a utility meets the required
levels of disinfection while maintaining compliance with requirements of Stage 1 and potential
Stage 2 the D/DBP Rule.
• determine DBP levels that can be achieved by existing treatment technologies, given the
requirements for microbiological safety.
The model is not intended as a replacement for treatability testing to evaluate the effectiveness of
various processes on disinfectant decay and DBP formation in specific water supplies, but does
provide a useful tool for evaluating the potential effect of different unit processes on the
interrelationships between many of the new and forthcoming regulations. Users of the program
should be familiar with water treatment plant operation, as well as procedures and methodologies
used to disinfect water and control DBP formation. The WTP model, like any computer program,
can not replace sound engineering judgment where input and output interpretation is required.
Further, the technical adequacy of the output is primarily a function of the extent and quality of
plant-specific data input, and the extent to which an individual application can be accurately
simulated by predictive equations that are based upon the central tendency for treatment.
The model simulates DBP formation under given treatment conditions and permits the user to
evaluate the effects of changes in these conditions on the projected disinfectant decay and DBP
formation. By using the model under different treatment scenarios, the user can gain an
understanding of how the input variables affect disinfection and DBP formation. It must be stressed
that the model is largely empirical in nature. It can not be used as the sole tool for "full-scale" or
"real-time" decisions for individual public water supplies.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the WTP process schematic including model inputs and outputs. The WTP
model version 2.0 includes the treatment processes and disinfection options shown in Table 1-1.
The model simulates the following DBP formation:
Treatment Processes
Precipitative Softening/Clarification/Filtration
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Adsorption
Chlorine Dioxide
Raw Water pH
UVA Input Unit Process alkalinity
alkalinity Type temperature
temperature Baffling characteristics Conventional Br-
Br- Detention times* Softening Ca hardness
Ca hardness Chemical doses GAC Mg hardness
Mg hardness Output from previous Membranes ammonia
ammonia process Ozone Disinfectant residual
turbidity Biofiltration DBPs
Giardia inactivation ratio
Crypto . solids
flow rate
The manual is heavily based on the manual developed for the 1992 WTP Model version 1.21.
Descriptions of model algorithms that were not changed for version 2.0 are taken directly from
the 1992 manual.
This manual assumes that WTP model users have a working knowledge of water treatment plants.
This basic understanding is necessary to provide meaningful input data to the program and correctly
interpret the output.
It is not necessary for the user to have any programming knowledge or extensive computer
experience. The WTP model operates through a user-friendly prompting program. It is assumed,
however, that the user is familiar with fundamental computer operating systems. This manual will
not address functions such as loading disks or connecting a printer. Operating system information
of this type is usually contained in the users manual for a given computer system along with other
fundamental computer operations.
In addition to this introductory chapter, this user's manual contains 4 other chapters:
• Chapter 2 describes how to set up and run the model and explains menu components.
• Chapter 3 describes the information needed to run WTP and how the data should be input. A
diagram of a typical treatment plant is developed as an example, data input options are outlined,
and a general description of how to use the program is provided.
• Chapter 4 provides guidance for interpretation of the output from the WTP program.
• Chapter 5 offers a description of the equations used in the program.
This chapter contains information on installing and using WTP model 2.0
Insert the distribution disk into drive A or B and, from the Windows Start Menu choose "Run"
and type in the following: "a:\setup.exe"
New – This selection allows the user to enter a new process train with new unit process data,
and replaces any previous train and data with the new train and data.
Save – This selection will write process train data to the working file without prompting
the use. If a working file name does not exist then a "Save As" selection is automatically
Save As – This selection will prompt the user for a working file name then save the process
train data to the data file. This selection provides an opportunity to change the working file
Print – This selection will print the main window display on the system printer
Print to File – This selection will save the main window display to a disk file in ASCII
format. Any previous contents of the disk file are lost. The user is prompted to supply a
file name with a .lst extension. The disk file can then be loaded into a word processor for
further use.
Append to File – This selection will append the main window display to the end of a disk
file this not loosing the previous contents of the disk file. The user is prompted to supply a
file name with a .lst extension. The disk file can then be loaded into a word processor for
further use.
Process Train – This selection will display the names of the unit process, chemical feeds,
and sample points in the process train. The display is in the main window display area.
Unit Process Data – This selection is similar to "Display | Process Train" but includes the
Unit Process Data.
Disinfection and DBPs – This selection will run the model and display one summary table
containing disinfection and average DBP formation at minimum temperature and peak
flow conditions.
Process Train – This selection will open the "Edit Process Train" screen. See "Edit
Process Train" for details.
Control Buttons
There are six control buttons along the bottom of the main window. These buttons control most
of the actions and are similar to actions performed by the menu selections at the top of the main
Table 2-1 Model Control Buttons
List Box – This section of the Process Train display illustrates the current process train, which
can consist of any number of unit processes, chemical feeds, and sample points (collectively
At the bottom of the left half of the screen are four buttons to manipulate the process train. The
four buttons are labeled "Move", "Edit", "Delete", and "Clear".
Move Button – This selection will reposition an item in the process train. The procedure is to
first highlight an item, click the "Move" button and click on the point in the process train
where the highlighted item should be repositioned. The "Move" operation will reposition the
highlighted item such that the highlighted item will follow the clocked item in the process
Edit Button – This selection will open the parameter data entry screen starting with the
highlighted unit process. Note: double clicking any item in the process train list box will open
the parameter data entry starting at the selected item.
Delete Button – This selection will delete the highlighted item from the process train. Any
data associated with the item are lost.
Clear Button – This selection will delete all items from the process train. Be careful, "Clear"
may appear to be similar to the main window "File | New" selection but there are differences.
The difference is that the "Clear" button will retain the working file name while the main
window menu "File | New" selection will also clear the working file name. With "Clear",
WTP considers the now empty process train to be associated with the working file name.
Clicking the "Save" button on the main window will overwrite the working file without a
second warning. Please use "File | New" if a new disk data file is desired.
Cancel Button – this button will cancel all changes made to the process train and also cancel
all changes made in the parameters data entry screens. Control is returned to the main
Available Selections
On the right half of the screen are three lists of "Available Selections" that can be added to the
process train. The three lists are "Unit Processes", "Chemical Feeds", and "Sample Points". The
options for each of the three lists are shown in Table 2.2. Clicking on any selection will insert the
selection into the process train following the highlighted item in the process train, or, if no
highlight, append the selection to the end of the process train.
Table 2-2 Available Unit Process, Chemical Feed, and Sample Point Selections
Unit Processes Chemical Feeds Sample Points
Control Buttons
Next and Prev Buttons – The "Next" and "Prev" buttons will index through the data entry
screens associated with the process train. "Next" indexes to the next data entry screen while
"Prev" indexes to the previous data entry screen. The "OK" button will return to the "Edit
Process Train" screen. When clicked, "Next", "Prev", and "OK" check for valid data in each
data element and pass new data back to Edit Process Train. Both "Next" and "Prev" will
return to the "Edit Process Train" screen if the data entry screen is the first or last data entry
screen in the process train.
Cancel Button – The "Cancel" button will cancel changes made in the current data entry
screen and return to the "Edit Process Train" screen. Note: changes made on other data entry
screens are passed back to "Edit Process Train" when "Next" and/or "Prev" are clicked. If
changes are made on other data entry screens and the current data entry screen is arrived via
"Next" and/or "Prev" then pressing "Cancel" will cancel only the current data, not changes
made to the other data entry screens.
This chapter describes how to develop and enter data into the WTP model. It describes how to
develop a simulated model of the specific plant being analyzed, and how to enter the proper
information to activate the program.
WTP is an interactive computer program that consists of a main program that acts as a manager for
the number of plant simulation subroutines created for the input, output, and manipulation of data.
A conceptual schematic of program inputs/outputs is shown in Figure 3-1. The program algorithm
(steps the program follows) for a simulated process train is shown in Figure 3-2.
Removal Module Formation Module
Disinfectant Ct/Inactivation
Decay Module Module
Treated Water
Figure 3-1 Interaction for Various Process Units for Water Treatment Plant Model
Floc/Sed Basin
• WQ at entrance
• Add chemicals (if any) Subroutine 1
• Detention time • Alkalinity/pH change
• Subroutines calculate WQ
leaving process
Subroutine 2
• Disinfection
• WQ at entrance
• Disinfectant decay:
Direct filtration • Add chemical (if any)
Cl2, NH2Cl2, O3 , ClO 2
• Detention time • CT
• Subroutine calculates WQ
leaving process
Subroutine 7
•NOM Removal Subroutine 3
• WQ at entrance
• Add chemicals (if any)
• Detention time Subroutine 4
• Subroutines calculate WQ • Membranes
leaving process
Distribution System
Subroutine 5
• WQ at entrance
• Ozonation
• Add chemicals (if any)
• Biotreatment (if
• Detention time
ozonation is prior to
• Subroutines calculate WQ
leaving process
Subroutine 6
Output File DBP Formation
• WQ at end of each unit THMs, HAAs, TOX
• Cl2, NH2Cl2, O3 , Cl02 at
end of each unit process
• THM/HAA/TOX at end
of each unit process and in
distribution system
- Bromide concentration
- Alkalinity concentration
• Chemical doses
• Other raw water quality parameters
- pH
- Turbidity
The output file from a water treatment plant simulation run contains information for all the input
parameters such as the raw water quality and the treatment plant process characteristics. In
WTP Model v. 2.0 14 05/18/01
addition, the output contains information for calculated concentrations of the following parameters
at the end of each of the unit processes for the simulated water treatment plant:
Sodium = 15 mg/L
Rapid Mix
Flocculation Filtration Clearwell
Sedimentation (15 min) (60 min)
(154 min)
Rapid Mix
WTP Effluent
Average Tap
End of System
pH ....................................... 8.0
Rapid Mix
Settling Basin
Chlorine (Gas)
Contact Tank
Sodium Hydroxide
WTP Effluent
Average Tap
End of System
Parameter Value Units
Step 1 – Start WTP Model. The main menu will be displayed on the screen.
Step 3 – Type the name of the plant to be simulated and press "Enter". This displays the
"Edit Process Train" screen. The screen offers unit process options the user can select to
create your process train.
Step 4 – Highlight each unit process desired and press "Enter" to construct the process
train. The options selected move to a list at the left side of the screen as in Figure 3-5.
When the user has completed choosing options, the unit processes selected should match
those in the block diagram in Figure 3-4.
Step 5 – Select "OK" to finalize the process train. The simulated plant is now created.
Step 1 – Enter the requested information at the data entry point marked by the blinking
cursor. To move between data entry points use either the "Tab" function or position the
cursor in the data entry field
Step 2 – After all the process information has been entered for a specific process, click the
"Next" Button to move to the following data entry screen. The "OK" button will take the
user back to the "Edit Process Train" window.
After all unit process data have been entered, the simulated plant model can be run or modified
from the main menu.
Step 1 – Return to main menu and select "Edit | Process Train", or click on the "Edit" button.
Step 2 – Highlight item in process train to be modified and click "Edit", or double click on
item. Unit processes can be deleted by highlighting them and clicking the "Delete" button.
Step 3 – Modify the input parameters for the selected unit process in the same way the
process unit parameters were entered.
These procedures and illustrative figures provide some direction on the operation of WTP. Main
menu options not specifically explained here are described in Chapter 2.
This chapter provides a description of the output of the WTP program. An example process train
was shown in Figure 3-3, and input parameters were summarized in Figures 3.5 and 3.6. The
output generated after the "Run" command contains the full output from the simulation exercise.
The output tables list the predicted parameters for each unit process in the simulated treatment plant.
Each table also indicates the plant flow and temperature conditions for which the predictions were
generated. The model is operated at average flow and temperature conditions. The output generated
after the "Reg" command contains only one output of selected disinfection results at minimum
temperature and peak flow conditions (Table 10).
� Table 1 is a summary table for raw, finished and distributed water quality (this table
also indicates whether enhanced coagulation requirements were met or not).
� Table 2 lists selected input parameters such as temperatures flow rates, disinfection
inputs, chemical doses and process hydraulic parameters.
Tables 3 to 10 summarize WTP model predictions at the end of each unit process.
� Table 3 lists predicted water quality profile (NOM characteristics, disinfectant residual
and residence times).
� Table 4 summarizes inorganic water quality predictions.
� Table 5 summarizes predicted THMs and other DBPs (bromate, chlorite, TOX, THM
species and TTHM).
� Table 6 summarizes five predicted HAA species and HAA5.
� Table 7 summarizes the remaining HAA species, HAA6, and HAA9.
� Table 8 summarizes predicted disinfection parameters (disinfectant residuals and CT
� Table 9 summarizes predicted CT values.
Table 1
Parameter Units Raw Water Effluent Avg. Tap End of Sys
pH (-) 8.0 8.3 8.4 8.5
Bromide (ug/L) 50 50 50 50
HAA5 (ug/L) 0 35 54 65
HAA6 (ug/L) 0 38 62 74
HAA9 (ug/L) 0 48 71 83
Bromate (ug/L) 0 0 0 0
E.C. raw TOC, raw SUVA, and finished TOC <= 2 exemptions do not apply
CT Ratios
Parameter Value Units
20.0 (deg. C)
5.0 (deg. C)
2.0 (mgd)
Peak Hourly
5.0 (mgd)
25.0 (mg/L as Al2(SO4)3*14H2O)
Chlorine (Gas)
4.0 (mg/L as Cl2)
Sodium Hydroxide
15.0 (mg/L as NaOH)
Flocculation 0.5
1.0 0.0400
Filtration 0.5
1.0 0.0200
| Residence Time |
Influent 8.0 4.0 0.120 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00
Rapid Mix 7.2 3.4 0.079 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.08 0.08
Settling Basin 7.2 3.4 0.079 2.3 0.0 0.0 2.00 2.57
Chlorine (Gas) 7.0 3.4 0.055 1.6 3.9 0.0 0.00 2.57
Contact Tank 7.1 3.4 0.055 1.6 2.8 0.0 1.00 3.80
Sodium Hydroxide 8.3 3.4 0.055 1.6 2.8 0.0 0.00 3.80
WTP Effluent 8.3 3.4 0.055 1.6 2.8 0.0 0.00 3.80
Average Tap 8.4 3.4 0.055 1.6 1.7 0.0 24.00 27.80
End of System 8.5 3.4 0.055 1.6 1.1 0.0 72.00 75.80
TOC Removal (percent): 15
E.C. raw TOC, raw SUVA, and finished TOC <= 2 exemptions do not apply
Table 4
Calcium Magnesium
Influent 8.0 100 100 20 0.0 0.0 50
BrO3- ClO2- TOX |CHCl3 CHBrCl2 CHBr2Cl CHBr3 TTHMs
Influent 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alum 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flocculation 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 6
Influent 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alum 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rapid Mix 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flocculation 0 0 0 0 0 0
Settling Basin 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chlorine (Gas) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Filtration 6 7 14 0 0 28
Contact Tank 5 10 19 0 0 35
Sodium Hydroxide 5 10 19 0 0 35
WTP Effluent 5 10 19 0 0 35
Average Tap 4 21 28 0 1 54
End of System 4 26 33 0 1 65
Influent 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alum 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rapid Mix 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flocculation 0 0 0 0 0 0
Settling Basin 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chlorine (Gas) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Filtration 3 8 2 0 30 40
Contact Tank 4 8 2 0 38 48
Sodium Hydroxide 4 8 2 0 38 48
WTP Effluent 4 8 2 0 38 48
Average Tap 7 8 1 0 62 71
End of System 9 8 1 0 74 83
Table 8
CT Ratios
Influent 20.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Alum 20.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rapid Mix 20.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Flocculation 20.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Settling Basin 20.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Chlorine (Gas) 20.0 7.0 3.9 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Filtration 20.0 7.1 2.9 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.7 20.7 0.0
Contact Tank 20.0 7.1 2.8 0.0 0.00 0.00 8.5 103.6 0.0
Sodium Hydroxide 20.0 8.3 2.8 0.0 0.00 0.00 8.5 103.6 0.0
WTP Effluent 20.0 8.3 2.8 0.0 0.00 0.00 8.5 103.6 0.0
Average Tap 20.0 8.4 1.7 0.0 0.00 0.00 8.5 103.6 0.0
End of System 20.0 8.5 1.1 0.0 0.00 0.00 8.5 103.6 0.0
Influent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Table 10
CT Ratios
Influent 5.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Alum 5.0 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rapid Mix 5.0 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Flocculation 5.0 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Settling Basin 5.0 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Chlorine (Gas) 5.0 7.2 3.9 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Filtration 5.0 7.2 2.9 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.2 2.1 0.0
Contact Tank 5.0 7.2 2.8 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.2 10.6 0.0
Sodium Hydroxide 5.0 8.3 2.8 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.2 10.6 0.0
WTP Effluent 5.0 8.3 2.8 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.2 10.6 0.0
Average Tap 5.0 8.3 2.2 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.2 10.6 0.0
End of System 5.0 8.4 1.6 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.2 10.6 0.0
Table 4-11 describes the parameters in the output from a simulation run. For each unit process, the
predicted value in the table is the value at the effluent of the unit process.
Cumulative Residence Time Cumulative residence time (hours) through process train
CT ratios
Giardia CT ratio for Giardia lamblia
CHCl3 Chloroform concentration (mg/L)
Total organic halogen concentration (mg Cl-/L)
For example, TTHM presented in the output file represent the concentration predicted by one
TTHM equation. These concentrations also appear on the computer screen after the "DBPs"
command is selected. The proportion of each individual THM concentration to the sum of the four
THMs is determined from four individual THM predictive equations.
In this example, the proportion of chloroform to the TTHM concentration is 50/100, or 0.50. The
proportions for the other THMs are determined in a similar manner.
If the single equation predicts a TTHM concentration of 95 ìg/L, then the program will predict the
following concentrations for the individual THMs:
Therefore, the individual THM concentrations associated with the TTHM value of 95 mg/L would
be presented in the output file.
For HAA formation, the program first predicts HAA5 formation and uses the proportions predicted
for the five species from the individual equations applied to the HAA5 bulk parameter prediction
(as explained for THMs above). Next, the model predicts HAA6 formation, and follows the same
proportional procedure to determine the concentration of BCAA. Thus, HAA6 is the sum of HAA5
and BCAA. This approach is possible as the HAA5 and HAA6 equations were developed using the
same database.
HAA9 and the remaining three species equations were developed from a different database. To
follow the same proportioning procedure as was used for TTHM, HAA5 and HAA6, a new HAA6
The reason for performing the analyses in this manner is that the equations for TTHM, HAA5,
HAA6, and HAA9 have been determined to be more accurate than the sum of the individual
species, based upon verification analyses. Because the initial efforts using the model focused upon
the impact of different DBP regulatory scenarios, the accuracy of the sum of species prediction was
more important than that for the individual predictions.
The inactivation ratio is used to evaluate whether a system meets disinfection requirements for
surface waters or ground waters. For surface water systems (or ground water systems under the
influence of surface water), the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR) (REF)
maintain removal/inactivation requirements set forth in the 1989 SWTR and requires a 3-log (99.9
percent) removal/inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts and a 4-log (99.99 percent)
removal/inactivation of viruses. The IESWTR also requires a 2-log (99 percent) removal
inactivation of Cryptosporidium for systems serving more than 10,000 persons. For ground water
systems (not under the influence of surface waters), the Ground Water Disinfection Rule (GWDR)
requires a 4-log removal/inactivation of viruses. In the WTP model, the type of source water (i.e.,
surface or ground water) is specified in the input file.
Although the IESWTR currently requires surface waters (or ground waters under the influence of
surface water) to achieve a minimum 3-log removal/inactivation of Giardia and a 4.0-log
removal/inactivation of viruses, the USEPA recommends that utilities achieve greater inactivation
depending on the Giardia concentration in the raw water. According to the SWTR, the
recommended levels of removal/inactivation are based on the raw water Giardia concentrations as
shown in Table 4-12.
1 3-log 4-log
1 – 10 4-log 5-log
10 – 100 5-log 6-log
100 – 10,0001 6-log 7-log
1,000 – 10,000 7-log 8-log
For surface waters, the program establishes the recommended level of Giardia and virus
removal/inactivation based on the raw water concentration of Giardia in the input file. For
example, if a Giardia concentration in the range of 1 to 10 cysts is input, the removal/inactivation
requirement will be 4-log for Giardia and 5-log for viruses. The log removal credit through
filtration for Giardia and viruses is similar to that discussed above. Therefore, a system with a
required 4-log and 5-log removal/inactivation for Giardia and viruses, respectively, would be
required to provide a 1.5-log inactivation of Giardia and a 3-log inactivation of viruses.
The model output lists both the CT achieved (in Table 9) and the CT, or inactivation, ratio (Table
8). The inactivation ratio is defined as the level of inactivation (calculated as CT) achieved through
a given process divided by the required amount of inactivation for Giardia, viruses or
Cryptosporidium from the IESWTR or GWDR. If the value of the inactivation ratio at the
treatment plant effluent (representing the first customer) is equal to or greater than 1.0, the system
meets the disinfection requirements. For example, if the required CT value to meet a required level
of inactivation is 100, and the calculated CT value through a given treatment process is 80, the
resulting inactivation ratio for that process is 80/100, or 0.80. A complete description of the
inactivation ratio algorithm (for Giardia, viruses and Cryptosporidium) is presented in Chapter 5.
The output file for a given modeled treatment system presents the inactivation ratio under two
different scenarios. The first scenario describes average temperature and average flow conditions
while the second describes minimum temperature and peak hourly flow conditions. The second
scenario represents the most stringent disinfection conditions and, therefore, represents the
conditions under which plants would most likely design their treatment systems to meet the
disinfection requirements. The inactivation ratios visually displayed on the summary screen after
It is important to note that when free chlorine is used as the primary disinfectant in a surface water
system using coagulation and filtration, a 0.5-log inactivation of Giardia will provide greater than
2.0-log inactivation of viruses. Similarly, for a non-filtering surface water, a 3.0-log inactivation of
Giardia will provide a greater than 4.0-log inactivation of viruses. As a result, when free chlorine is
used as the primary disinfectant, the level of inactivation required for Giardia is always greater than
the corresponding level of inactivation required for viruses.
If chloramines are used as the primary disinfectant in a surface water treated with coagulation and
filtration, however, a 0.5-log inactivation of Giardia will not provide greater than 2.0-log
inactivation of viruses. In this case, the model will still set the required level of inactivation based
on Giardia inactivation, not upon viruses. Thus, the inactivation ratio would provide an inaccurate
description of the system's disinfection requirements..
It should also be noted that different types of filtration (i.e., direct, slow sand and diatomaceous
earth) can provide different removal of Giardia cysts and viruses than coagulation and filtration
systems. The current version of the model, however, does not account for different removals that
may be associated with other types of filtration systems. It is intended that subsequent versions of
the model will address this issue.
Removal Credit
Treatment Process Giardia Viruses Cryptosporidium
This chapter presents the equations of the of the WTP model algorithms that simulate NOM
removal, DBP formation and disinfectant decay in water treatment plants.
The basic modeling approach begins with the estimation of DBP precursor removal by individual
process units in the process train of interest. The fate of applied disinfectant through the treatment
process train is analyzed and the concentration of the disinfectant at the beginning and end of a
process unit is determined. The final step involves the calculation of DBP formation based on
water quality through the process train.
The following process, inactivation, DBP formation and disinfectant decay algorithms, that were
already part of the 1992 WTP model (version 1.21), were modified and updated with recent data
to reflect improved understanding of treatment processes:
• Coagulation
• Softening
• Granular activation carbon (GAC) adsorption
• Membranes
• THM formation - total and individual
• HAA formation - total (HAA5, HAA6) and individual species
• Chlorine decay
• Chloramine decay
• Giardia inactivation - high pH and alternative disinfectants
Several new process, inactivation, DBP formation and disinfectant decay algorithms were
developed to extend the WTP model to more complete coverage of existing treatment practice, as
well as extend it to include alternative treatment practice that may be more fully utilized in the
future. These include:
• Prechlorination
• Ozone inactivation, oxidation and decay
• Chlorine dioxide inactivation and decay
Y = A( X 1 )a (X 2 )b ( X 3 )c (5-1)
Multiple regression analysis can be performed to correlate ln(Y) with a linear combination of the
independent variables. This analysis determines the intercept, ln(A), and the slopes for the
independent variables (a, b and c). These constants can then be used to describe the equation
shown in Equation 5-1.
As a first step of the modeling effort, dependent and independent variables are defined. The
development of an appropriate regression equation consists of selecting the most significant
variable forms and then performing a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis using the
selected variable forms. The selection of the appropriate variable forms was generally done by
developing a Pearson's Correlation matrix for all variable forms on the entire database. A
Pearson's Correlation matrix shows the correlation coefficients among all the variables in the
matrix. The importance of a particular variable in the regression equation is shown by the
correlation coefficient, considering the variable as a single predictor. A high correlation between
two independent variables indicates that if one is selected, the addition of the other will not
improve the significance of the regression.
In a stepwise regression analysis, the most significant independent variable describing the
dependent variable is taken into consideration first. Variables are added one at a time according
to the highest remaining correlation coefficient after the previously selected variable is removed.
Addition of independent variables increases the overall correlation coefficient, but as the degrees
of freedom decrease (as a result of increasing the number of variables), the significance of the
regression equation (portrayed by the F value) decreases. The stepwise regression was typically
performed using a commercially available statistics package.
In selecting independent variable forms for describing the dependent variable, only one
occurrence of each of the controlling variables was desired. The elimination of independent
variables that are highly correlated with each other is important in avoiding multi-colinearity.
This problem is minimized by using the correlation matrix. In some cases, however, the
elimination of all such variables was not possible. In cases where two correlated variables were
WTP Model v. 2.0 37 05/18/01
of prime importance, they were considered in the equation in spite of the high correlation between
The equations shown in this chapter are accompanied by regression statistics. A selection of the
following regression parameters are given for the equations: the multiple correlation coefficient
(R2 ), which measures the strength of the correlation by indicating the proportion of the variability
in the dependent variable that is explained by all predictor variables combined; the adjusted
correlation coefficient (R2 adj), which is the multiple correlation coefficient adjusted by the number
of predictor variables; the standard estimate of error (SEE), which measures the amount of scatter
in the vertical direction of the data (i.e., around the dependent variable) about the regression
plane; the F-statistic, which can be used to assess the goodness of fit using the F-test of the
variance accounted for by regression; and the number of data points (n) used in equation
development (Crow et al., 1960).
Algorithm equations, together with data ranges for the input parameters, are given in this chapter.
These data ranges represent the boundary conditions within which the equations were developed
and should be used. However, the WTP model does not restrict the use of the equations outside
these boundary conditions. It is the user's responsibility to apply the model in an appropriate
The WTP model was verified using complete plant data from the ICR database. For some
parameters a correction factor was developed as a result of verification. Correction factors were
developed when the average ratio of predicted versus measured values differed by more than ±5
percent. As the model was applied to ICR plant data, the parameters were verified and corrected
(if necessary) in the following order: pH, NOM removal, disinfectant residuals and DBP
formation. If for example the pH prediction was corrected, the NOM removal parameters were
verified using the corrected pH parameter.
Where [HCO 3 -] is the molar concentration of the bicarbonate ion, [CO32-] is the molar concentration
of the carbonate ion, [OH-] is the molar concentration of the hydroxide ion and [H+] is the molar
concentration of the hydrogen ion. The concentrations of the carbonate and bicarbonate ions are pH
dependent and may be defined as:
[ HCO -3 ] = a1 CT,CO 3 (5-4)
K1 [ H ]
a1 = (5-7)
[ H+ ] 2+ K1 [ H+ ] + K 1 K2
In the above equations, [H2 CO3 ] is the molar concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide (carbonic
acid), while K1 and K2 are the acidity constants for carbonic acid and bicarbonate ion, respectively.
At 25ºC and an ionic strength of zero, the value for K 1 is 10-6.3 while the value for K 2 is 10-10.3.
The model assumes that K1 and K2 are temperature dependent as follows (Stumm and Morgan,
( K 1 ) DH O ( 1
ln =
Ł K 1 O
ł R
where ÄHº is the standard enthalpy change of the dissociation of carbonic acid to bicarbonate, Tº is
the standard temperature of 298ºK (25ºC) and K1º is the value of the equilibrium constant at Tº.
Solving Equation 5-9 for K1 produces the following:
O ( 1
) ø
1 = exp Œ œ -
ln K
1 O
O ł ß
Using Equation 5-10, the following equations were developed for K1 and K2 :
Ø ( J ) ø
Œ 7700
mole ( 1
) œ
K 1 = exp
Œ œ - 14.5
Œ 8.314
298.15OK ł œ
K • mole ł ßœ
Ø ( J ) ø
Œ 14900
mole ( 1
) œ
K 2 = exp
Œ œ - 23.7
Œ 8.314
298.15OK ł œ
K • mole ł ßœ
[ OH - ] = (5-13)
[ H+ ]
where Kw is the ion product of water and is 10-14 at 25ºC. Like K1 and K2 , Kw is temperature
dependent. The model uses an empirical equation described in Stumm and Morgan (1981) to
calculate Kw at temperatures other than 25ºC (298.15ºK) as follows:
- 4470.99
log 10 ( K w )= + 6.0875 - 0.01706 T (5-14)
Based on Equations 5-3 through 5-8 and on Equation 5-13, Equation 5-3 can be rewritten as
Alkalinity = ( a1 + 2 a2 ) CT,CO 3 + [ OH - ] - [ H + ]
( K1 [ H+ ] + K1 K 2 ) Kw
= 2 CT,CO 3 + +
- [ H+ ]
Ł [ H ] + K1 [ H ] + K1 K2 ł
+ +
[H ]
As shown by this equation, alkalinity is dependent on [H+], CT,CO3 and several equilibrium
constants. The equilibrium constants are dependent on temperature. Therefore, any change in
alkalinity, CT,CO3 or temperature will produce a change in [H+]. Because pH is equal to -log10 [H+],
any change in alkalinity, CT,CO3 or temperature will produce a change in pH.
where CB is the equivalent concentration of all positively charged ions except hydrogen and CA is
the equivalent concentration of all negatively charged ions except hydroxide, bicarbonate and
[ Ca2 + ] K Ca 2+ _ CaOH+
[ CaOH + ] = (5-18)
[ H+ ]
+[ Mg 2+ ] K Mg 2+ _ MgOH+
[ MgOH ] = (5-19)
[ H+]
( -
K Ca 2+ _ CaOH+ = exp
J ø
Œ - 72320 œ
= exp Œ mole œ
Œ ( 8.314 J )(T)
mole • OK ł
( -
K Mg 2+ _ MgOH + = exp
J ø
Œ - 65180 œ
= exp Œ mole œ
Œ ( 8.314 J )(T)
mole • OK ł
Using Equations 5-18 and 5-19, Equation 5-17 can be rewritten as follows:
Alkalinity = C B ¢ + [ Ca 2+ ]
2 +
Ca +CaOH
[H ] ł
K 2+ _ + )
+ [ Mg 2+ ]
2 +
Mg +MgOH (5-22)
[H ] ł
+ [ NH
+4 ] - C
A¢ - [ OCl - ]
[ Ca2+ ] K Ca 2+ _ Ca(OH )2 (aq)
[Ca(OH )2 (aq) ] = (5-24)
[ H+ ]2
( -
K Ca 2+ _ Ca(OH )2 (aq)= exp
J ø
Œ - 159800 œ
= exp Œ mole œ
Œ ( 8.314 J )(T) œ
mole • OK ł œß
Combining Equations 5-18, 5-23 and 5-24, the following relationship is obtained:
[ Ca2+ ] = (5-26)
K 2+ _ + K Ca 2+ _ Ca(OH )2 (aq)
1 + Ca +CaOH +
[H ] [ H+ ]2
2+ +
CT,Mg = [ Mg ] + [ MgOH ] + [Mg(OH )2 (aq) ] (5-27)
[ Mg 2+ ] K Mg 2+ _ Mg(OH )2 (aq)
[Mg(OH )2 (aq) ] = (5-28)
[ H + ]2
Combining Equations 5-18, 5-27 and 5-28, the following relationship is obtained:
( -
K Mg 2+ _ Mg(OH )2 (aq)= exp
J ø
Œ - 159760 œ
= exp Œ mole œ
Œ ( 8.314 J )(T)
mole • OK ł
[ Mg 2+ ] =
K 2+ + K Mg 2+ _ Mg(OH )2 (aq)
Mg _ +MgOH +
[H ] [ H + ]2
[ ][ + ]
[HOCl] = OCl H (5-32)
K HOCl _ OCl
J ) ø
Œ 13800
mole ( 1
) œ
K HOCl _ OCl - = exp Œ œ - 17.5 (5-33)
Œ 8.314
298.15O K ł œ
mole ł
[ NH +4 ] K NH +4 _ NH 3
[ NH 3 ] = (5-36)
[ H+ ]
J ) ø
Œ 52210
mole ( 1
) œ
K NH +4 _ = exp Œ œ - 21.4 (5-37)
298.15OK ł
NH 3
Œ 8.314
mole ł
CT, NH 3
[ NH +4 ] = (5-38)
K +
1 + NH 4 +_ NH 3
[H ]
Combining Equations 5-22, 5-26, 5-30, 5-34 and 5-38, the following expression may be written:
K Ca 2+ _ CaOH+ )
C T,Ca 2+
Ł [ H+ ] ł
K 2+ + K Ca 2+ _ Ca(OH )
1+ Ca _ +CaOH + + 2
2 (aq)
[H ] [H ]
( + )
2 + K Mg _ +MgOH
+ Ł [H ] ł
K 2+ + K Mg _ Mg(OH )2 (aq)
1 + Mg _+MgOH +
[H ] [ H+ ]2
K + [ H+ ] (5-39)
1 + NH 4 +_ NH 3 1 +
[H ] K HOCl _ OCl -
The model calculates [H+] based on the equality of Equations 5-15 and 5-39. As shown by these
equations, the model assumes that a change in [H+] occurs when a change occurs in CA', CB', CT,Ca,
CT,Mg , CT,NH3, CT,OCl , CT,CO3 or temperature. The calculation method is described below.
where C Ca,ppt is the concentration of precipitated calcium in equilibrium with the aqueous phase and
CCO3,ppt is the concentration of precipitated carbonate in equilibrium with the aqueous phase. These
concentrations are related to dissolved phase concentrations and Equation 5-40 can be rewritten as
CCa - CT,Ca = C CO 3 - CT,CO 3 (5-41)
The solubility of calcium and carbonate ions in equilibrium with calcium carbonate is given by the
following expression:
[ Ca2+ ][ CO23 ] = K so,CaCO 3 (5-42)
Ø ( J ) ø
Œ - 12530
mole ( 1 ) œ
K so,CaCO 3 = exp Œ œ - 19.1 (5-43)
Œ 8.314 J Ł 298.15OK ł œ
Œº Ł OK • mole ł œß
Based on Equations 5-5, 5-7 and 5-22, Equation 5-32 can be rewritten as follows:
( )
CT,Ca ( K 1 K 2 C T,CO 3 )
K so,CaCO 3 = 2
K Ca 2+ _ Ca(OH )2 (aq) Ł [ H ] + K 1 [ H ] + K 1 K 2 ł
+ +
1 + K Ca _ +CaOH +
2+ +
Ł [H ] [ H + ]2 ł
Solving Equation 5-41 for CT,CO3 and substituting Equation 5-45 for CT,Ca yields the following:
C T,CO 3 + 2
Ł [ H ] + K 1[ H ] + K1 K2 ł
[H ] [ H + ]2
- K so,CaCO 3
K1 K 2
+ 2
Ł [ H ] + K1 [ H+ ] + K1 K 2 ł
a =1 (5-49)
b = CCa - CCO 3 (5-50)
The model calculates C T,CO3 from Equations 5-48 through 5-52 when
Ł [H ] [ H + ]2 ł
After calculating CT,CO3, the model calculates CT,Ca from Equation 5-41. The calculated values of
CT,CO3 and C T,Ca are substituted into the alkalinity expressions in Equations 5-15 and 5-39.
The model uses Equation 5-41 and Equations 5-48 through 5-51 only when the aqueous phase is
considered to be in equilibrium with calcium carbonate precipitate. If the precipitate is removed by
a treatment process and pH conditions are changed such that the aqueous phase is undersaturated
with respect to calcium carbonate precipitate, the model assumes that the aqueous phase is no
longer in equilibrium with calcium carbonate precipitate.
Ø ( J ) ø
Œ - 113960 mole ( 1 ) œ
K so,M g(OH )2 = exp Œ œ + 38.8 (5-54)
Œ 8.314 J Ł 298.15OK ł œ
Œº Ł OK • mole ł œß
K so,M g(OH )2 = + 2 +
[ H ] + [ H ] K Mg 2+
_ MgOH
+ + K Mg 2+ _ Mg(OH )2 (aq)
K so,M g(OH )2 < + 2 +
[ H ] + [ H ] K Mg 2+ _ MgOH + + K Mg 2+ _ Mg(OH )2 (aq)
The model uses Equation 5-56 only when the aqueous phase is considered to be in equilibrium with
magnesium hydroxide precipitate. If the precipitate is removed by a treatment process and pH
conditions are changed such that the aqueous phase is undersaturated with respect to magnesium
hydroxide precipitate, the model assumes that the aqueous phase is no longer in equilibrium with
magnesium hydroxide precipitate.
A more realistic model would account for the kinetics of carbon dioxide transfer from the air into
water by using an appropriate mass transfer model with the appropriate mass transfer coefficients.
As an alternative to using such a kinetic model, two equilibrium models were considered for the
water treatment plant model described in this paper. One equilibrium model, referred to as the open
system model, assumes that the concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in the water in treatment
plant basins is in equilibrium with the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere above the
water. The other equilibrium model, referred to as the closed system model, assumes no exchange
of carbon dioxide between the water and the atmosphere. The water treatment plant model
described in this chapter assumes that the closed system model more closely approximates actual
For the purposes of this model, all of the sulfate ions are assumed to remain dissociated and all of
the aluminum ions are assumed to form insoluble aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3(s). Therefore,
when one mole of alum is added to one liter of water, the quantity (CB' - CA') decreases by six
equivalents per liter and the alkalinity correspondingly decreases by six equivalents per liter (see
Equation 5-39). The assumption that all aluminum ions form insoluble aluminum hydroxide
becomes less valid at pH levels farther from the pH of minimum solubility (pH = 5.9 at 25o C). The
iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a new value for [H+] and, hence, pH.
For the purposes of this model, all of the sulfate ions are assumed to remain dissociated and all of
the ferric ions are assumed to form insoluble ferric hydroxide, Fe(OH)3. Therefore, when one mole
of ferric sulfate is added to one liter of water, the quantity (CB' - CA ') decreases by six equivalents
per liter and the alkalinity correspondingly decreases by six equivalents per liter (see Equation 5
39). The assumption that all ferric ions form insoluble ferric hydroxide becomes less valid at pH
levels farther from the pH of minimum solubility (pH = 9 at 25o C). The iterative procedure
described above is used to obtain a new value for [H +] and, hence, pH. Also, the model does not
account for any excess acidity that might accompany commercial ferric sulfate.
When ferric chloride is added to water, it dissociates according to the following equation:
For the purposes of this model, all of the chloride ions are assumed to remain dissociated and all of
the ferric ions are assumed to form insoluble ferric hydroxide, Fe(OH)3. Therefore, when one mole
of ferric chloride is added to one liter of water, the quantity (CB' - CA ') decreases by three
equivalents per liter and the alkalinity correspondingly decreases by three equivalents per liter (see
Equation 5-39). The assumption that all ferric ions form insoluble ferric hydroxide becomes less
valid at pH levels farther from the pH of minimum solubility (pH = 9.0 at 25o C). The iterative
procedure described above is used to obtain a new value for [H +] and, hence, pH. Also, the model
does not account for any excess acidity that might accompany commercial ferric chloride.
Therefore, when one mole of lime is added to one liter of water, CT,Ca increases by one mole per
liter (see Equations 5-52 and 5-39). If the condition described by Equation 5-52 is met (this is the
objective in precipitative softening), CT,CO3 is recalculated with Equations 5-48 through 5-51 and
CT,Ca is recalculated with Equation 5-41. If the condition described by Equation 5-52 is not met,
however, C T,CO3 does not change and CT,Ca increases by one mole per liter (see Equation 5-39). The
iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a new value for [H+] and, hence, pH.
Softening pH Correction
WTP model verification with ICR softening plant data showed a slight underprediction of softened
water pH. The corrected pH is given below:
pH pred - 1.86
pHcorr = (5-62)
Is Equation Recalculate CT, CO 3 from
5-50 true? Equations 5-46 through 5-49
Ferric Chloride Increase CA '
Sulfuric Acid
No Recalculate CT,Ca from
Equation 5-39
Lime Increase CT,Ca Is Equation Recalculate CT, Mg from
5-55 true? Equation 5-54
Caustic Increase CB'
Recalculate Alkalinity
as defined by Equation 5-13
Increase CB'
Soda Ash Recalculate Alkalinity
and CT, CO 3
as defined by Equation 5-37
Increase CT, CO 3
Is the alkalinity
defined by Equation 5-39 No
greater than the alkalinity
Increase CA '
Chlorine defined by 5-13?
and CT, OCl
Sodium Increase CB'
Hypochlorite and CT, OCl
Lo pH = pH Hi pH = pH
pH = (pH+ Hi pH)/2 pH = (pH+ Lo pH)/2
No Is Yes
Recalculate [H+]=10 -pH (Hi pH-Lo pH)< 0.0001? End
Cl 2 (g) + H 2 O fi HOCl + H + + Cl
For the purposes of this model, all of the chloride ions are assumed to remain dissociated.
Therefore, when one mole of chlorine gas is added to one liter of water, CT,OCl increases by one
mole per liter and the quantity (CB' - CA') decreases by one equivalent per liter (see Equation 5-39).
The iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a new value for [H +] and, hence, pH.
For the purposes of this model, all of the sodium ions are assumed to remain dissociated.
Therefore, when one mole of sodium hypochlorite is added to one liter of water, CT,OCl increases by
one mole per liter and the quantity (CB' - C A ') increases by one equivalent per liter (see Equation 5
39). The iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a new value for [H +] and, hence, pH.
For the purposes of this model, all of the potassium ions are assumed to remain dissociated and all
of the permanganate ions are assumed to react and form insoluble manganese dioxide as shown by
the following equation:
The assumption that all permanganate ions form insoluble manganese dioxide becomes less valid at
pH levels farther from the pH of minimum solubility.
Sulfate ions are assumed to remain completely dissociated (this assumption is valid for pH greater
than 2 and when the solubility limit of calcium sulfate is not exceeded). Thus, when one mole of
sulfuric acid is added to one liter of water, the quantity (CB' - CA ') is decreased by two equivalents
per liter (see Equation 5-39). The iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a new value
for [H +] and, hence, pH.
Sodium ions are assumed to remain completely dissociated. Thus, when one mole of sodium
hydroxide is added to one liter of water, the quantity (CB' - CA ') is increased by one equivalent per
Therefore, when one mole of lime is added to one liter of water, CT,Ca increases by one mole per
liter (see Equations 5-52 and 5-39). If the condition described by Equation 5-62 is met (this is not
the objective when using lime for pH adjustment), CT,CO3 is recalculated with Equations 5-48
through 5-51 and CT,Ca is recalculated with Equation 5-41. If the condition described by Equation
5-52 is not met, however, CT,CO3 does not change and CT,Ca increases by one mole per liter (see
Equation 5-39). The iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a new value for [H+] and,
hence, pH.
Therefore, when one mole of soda ash is added to one liter of water, the quantity (CB' - CA') is
increased by two equivalents per liter and CT,CO3 is increased by one mole per liter (see Equations 5
52 and 5-39). If the condition described by Equation 5-52 is met, CT,CO3 is recalculated with
Equations 5-48 through 5-51 and CT,Ca is recalculated with Equation 5-41. The iterative procedure
described above is used to obtain a new value for [H +] and, hence, pH.
NH 3 + H 2 O fi NH +4 + OH (5-71)
Therefore, when one mole of ammonium hydroxide is added to one liter of water, CT,NH3 increases
by one mole per liter (see Equation 5-39). The iterative procedure described above is used to obtain
a new value for [H+] and, hence, pH.
NH 3 + H 2 O fi NH +4 + OH - (5-72)
Therefore, when one mole of ammonium sulfate is added to one liter of water, CT,NH3 increases by
one mole per liter (see Equation 5-39). The iterative procedure described above is used to obtain a
new value for [H+] and, hence, pH.
TH0 = feed water total hardness (mg CaCO 3 /L): 61 £ TH0 £ 340
THf = product water total hardness (mg CaCO3 /L): 14 £ THf £ 340
R = recovery (%):10 £ R £ 90
MWC = molecular weight cut-off (Da): 100 £ MWC £ 40,000
where TH 0 is the feed water total hardness in mg/L as calcium carbonate, THf is the product water
total hardness in mg/L as calcium carbonate, MWC is the molecular weight cutoff, and Recovery is
the ratio between the product water flow rate and the feed water flow rate in percent.
Ø( ) ø
ln Œ ALK 0 - 1œ = 14.602 - [ln (MWC )]{1.667 - 0.054[ln ( Alk 0 )] - 0.203 [ln (R )]} (5-74)
ŒºŁ ALK f ł œß
Alk0 = feed water alkalinity (mg CaCO3 /L): 23 £ Alk0 £ 310
Alk f = product water alkalinity (mg CaCO3 /L): 0 £ Alk f £ 100
R = recovery (%): 10 £ R £ 90
MWC = molecular weight cut-off (Da): 50 £ MWC £ 40,000
where ALK 0 is the feed water alkalinity in mg/L as calcium carbonate, ALKf is the product water
alkalinity in mg/L as calcium carbonate, MWC is the molecular weight cutoff, Pressure is the
CO3,0 = feed water total carbonate (mg CaCO3 /L): 86 £ CO3,0 £ 328
CO3,f = product water total carbonate (mg CaCO 3 /L): 1.4 £ CO3,f £ 94
R = recovery (%): 10 £ R £ 90
MWC = molecular weight cut-off (Da): 100 £ MWC £ 40,000
where C T,CO3,0 is the feed water total carbonate concentration in mg/L as calcium carbonate, CT,CO3,f
is the product water total carbonate concentration in mg/L as calcium carbonate, MWC is the
molecular weight cutoff, Pressure is the operating pressure in lb/in 2 and Recovery is the ratio
between the product water flow rate and the feed water flow rate in percent.
The changes in alkalinity and CT,CO3 calculated by Equations 5-74 and 5-75 are used in combination
with Equation 5-15 to calculate changes in pH. This iterative procedure uses a bisection method to
search for the concentration of hydrogen ions, [H+], that allows the alkalinity calculated by Equation
5-15 to be equivalent to the alkalinity calculated by Equation 5-74. Once the new value of [H +] is
obtained, Equation 5-39 is used in combination with the new values of CT,Ca and CT,Mg (calculated
by Equation 5-73) to calculate a new value for the quantity (CB' - CA ').
Since 1992 significant research has been done on trying to predict TOC and UVA removal by
TOC Removal
Version 2.0 of the WTP model uses a semi-empirical sorption model developed by Edwards
(1997) to predict TOC removal by coagulation. The model proposed by Edwards (1997) was
based on dissolved organic carbon (DOC); however, the author showed it to predict TOC removal
nearly as well. Tseng and Edwards (1999) developed a similar model for TOC removal;
however, the improvements in predictions of the TOC based model were not significant
compared to the DOC based model. The DOC model does not consider particulate organic matter
(POC), which, together with DOC comprises TOC.
The model was developed using a subset of the AWWA National Enhanced Coagulation and
Softening Database (NECSD) (Tseng et al., 1996). The database contained 608 data points from
39 water sources. Data were not included if coagulation pH were below 5 or above 8, if
parameters required as model inputs were missing, and if the coagulated DOC was higher than
the raw water DOC plus 0.2 mg/L.
The model divides TOC into fractions that are sorbable (TOCsorb,eq) and nonsorbable (TOCnonsorb)
by the coagulant, shown in Equation 5-74. The nonsorbable fraction cannot be removed by
coagulation, and TOC removal is attributed solely to the sorbable fraction, as shown in Equation
5-75. Additional information and detail about the equations can be found in Edwards (1997).
TOCsob,eq = f pH coag , coag. type, Dosecoag , SUVAraw , TOCraw ) (5-77)
TOCsettled = settled TOC (mg/L): 1.0 £ TOCsettled £ 26
TOCraw = raw water TOC (mg/L): 1.8 £ TOCraw £ 26.5
SUVAraw = raw water SUVA (L/mg•m): 1.32 £ SUVAraw £ 6.11
Dosecoag = coagulant dose (mmol Al/L): 0 £ Dosecoag £ 1.51
pHcoag = coagulation pH: 5.5 £ pHcoag £ 8.0
UVA Removal
In the 1992 version of the WTP model, UVA removal equations were limited by small data sets.
The new equations predicting UVA removal by coagulation are based on data analysis performed
UVAremoved = UVA removed by coagulation (1/cm): 0.000 £ UVAremoved £ 0.691
UVAraw = raw water UVA(1/cm): 0.015 £ UVA raw £ 0.751
Dosecoag = applied coagulant dose (meq/L): 0.008 £ Dosecoag £ 0.151
pHcoag = pH of coagulation: 3.0 £ pHcoag £ 8.3
TOC Removal
The semi-empirical sorption model developed by Edwards (1997) was model was designed to
handle both alum and iron coagulation and is used in the WTP model. The model was developed
from 250 data points resulting from 21 source waters from the AWWA NECSD database (Tseng
et al., 1996). Data were not included if ferric coagulation pH were below 4, if parameters required
as model inputs were missing, and if the coagulated DOC was higher than the raw water DOC
plus 0.2 mg/L.
The model to describe ferric coagulation uses the same equations as given by Equations 5-76
through 5-79. The regression statistics and data ranges are given below.
UVA Removal
In the 1992 WTP model, the equation used for UVA removal by ferric coagulation was based on
data from the same data set as was used for TOC removal.
For the WTP Model version 2.0, Equation 5-80 is also used to calculate UVA removal for ferric
coagulation. During equation development it was determined that one equation could be used to
describe removal due to both coagulants assuming coagulant doses are represented in equivalent
TOC Removal
New equations were developed for the modified WTP model. An empirical equation, Equation 5
80, for TOC removal by softening was developed based on raw water TOC, softening pH, and
lime and coagulant doses from the AWWA/WITAF database (Tseng et al., 1996). The equation
predicts TOC removal for softening plants with or without coagulant addition. For plants that do
TOCremoved = TOC removed by softening (mg/L): 0.1 £ TOCremoved £ 6.8
TOCraw = raw water TOC (mg/L): 0.9 £ TOCraw £ 14.1
pHsft = pH of softening: 8.9 £ pHsft £ 12.5
Doselime = applied lime dose (mg/L): 33 £ Doselime £ 410
Dosecoag = applied coagulant dose (meq/L): 0 £ Dosecoag £ 0.138
TOC pred
TOCcorr = (5-82)
UVA Removal
The same AWWA/WITAF database (Tseng et al., 1996) was used to develop an UVA removal
equation for softening, shown in Equation 5-83. The equation uses TOC predicted by Equation
5-81 and raw water SUVA to predict UVA removal. It is still difficult to obtain enough UVA
removal data for a robust predictive equation. The database consists of 36 data points, and the
SUVA data range includes two abnormally high values (above 11.2 L/mg-m). 90 percent of the
data used to develop the equation for UVA removal had a SUVA between 1.8 and 5.2 L/mg-m
UVAremoved = UVA removed by softening (1/cm): 0.014 £ UVA removed £ 0.874
TOCremoved = TOC removed by softening (mg/L): 0.1 £ TOCremoved £ 6.8
SUVAraw = raw water SUVA (L/mg-m): 1.8 £ SUVAraw £ 12.5
In 1992, a sufficient database was not available to develop a separate equation for UVA removal,
the model assumed that UVA removal was equivalent to TOC removal on a percentage basis.
Since 1992, significant research has been carried out investigating GAC breakthrough behavior
(Summers et al. 1998; Hooper et al.1996; Solarik et al. 1997a) including the ICR GAC treatment
studies. This research was used to develop a new GAC algorithm.
TOC Removal
New TOC removal predictions by granular activated carbon (GAC) were developed using the
logistics function also to predict a breakthrough curve. The parameters of the logistics functions
were developed to take into account the impact of influent TOC and pH, empty bed contact time
(EBCT) and the impact of single versus multiple blended contactors.
In most GAC applications of any significant size, GAC adsorbers will not be implemented as
single contactors. Instead, multiple contactors will be operated in a parallel configuration.
Parallel GAC contactors are operated in a staggered mode wherein each contactor is at a different
The overall GAC plant performance for a system of m parallel contactors can be described by the
equations discussed in Roberts and Summers (1982) by which a single contactor breakthrough
curve can be numerically integrated to yield a blended breakthrough curve using Equation 5-84.
CE 1 tR
f = = � f(t) dt (5-84)
C tR 0
in which f is the fraction remaining after a given contactor at a given time, t; f is the average
effluent fraction of the blended water remaining; CE is the average effluent concentration of the
blended water; C0 is the influent concentration; and tR is the reactivation time. Roberts and
Summers (1982) indicate that this approximation is valid when the number of parallel contactors
exceeds 10.
Another approach is to use the logistics function equation to fit the data from the single contactor
and then integrate the logistics equation to produce an equation that will predict the performance
of multiple contactors operated in parallel. The fraction remaining in the effluent as a function of
time has the form
TOCeff = A0 + (5-85)
1 + Be - D*bv
in which A, B, and D are parameters derived from the fit of the model to the data. Replacing f(t)
in Equation 5-84 with the logistics function, Equation 5-85, and integrating yields the following
equation which represents the blended effluent breakthrough curve:
The WTP model uses Equation 5-86 to predict TOC concentrations after GAC treatment.
The model was developed using data sets from all bench-scale ICR GAC treatment studies (using
bituminous GAC) that evaluated a 10- or a 20-minute full-scale equivalent empty bed contact
time. The data set consisted of thirty-two studies, which included 302 GAC-TOC breakthrough
The TOC breakthrough curves were fit with a logistic function model which were used to solve
for bed volumes (BV) for TOC percent breakthrough levels of 10 to 72.5 percent in increments of
2.5 percent. At each TOC breakthrough level, a linear correlation was developed between bed
volumes and influent TOC concentration (TOCinf). At any influent TOC level, these BV functions
could be used to develop a set of effluent TOC concentrations ranging from 10 to 72.5 percent
breakthrough. For the BV functions, (correlation between bed volumes and influent TOC
concentration), the mean R2 value was 0.41.
The BV functions and the effluent TOC data were used to construct a breakthrough curve for a
wide range of influent TOC concentrations. Each of these breakthrough curves was fit with a
logistic function to generate a family of logistic curves for a range of TOC values.
The coefficients from this family of logistic function breakthrough curves were correlated to
influent TOC concentration. This established linear relationships between the logistic function
coefficients and influent TOC : A0 = f(TOCinf), Af = f(TOCinf) and D = f(TOCinf). The linear
relationships were described by R2 values of 0.90 and above. Coefficient B was not strongly
impacted by influent TOC and was thus set equal to a constant, 100.
The logistic coefficient correlations (to influent TOC) were first developed separately for 10 and
20 minute EBCTs. Next the coefficients (i.e., the coefficients in the A0 , Af and D equations) were
correlated to EBCT. Since there were only two EBCTs, a linear coefficient was assumed.
{( ) } ( )
A0 = TOC inf - 1.148 ·10 -3 * EBCTadj + 1.208 ·10 -1 - 2.710 · 10 -6 EBCTadj + 1.097 ·10 -5
{( ) } ( )
A f = TOC inf 3.244 ·10 -3 * EBCTadj + 5.383· 10 - 1 +1.033 ·10 -5 EBCTadj + 1.759 ·10 -5
{( ) } ( )
D = TOC inf - 1.079 ·10 -5 * EBCTadj + 4.457 ·10 -4 + 1.861·10 -5 EBCTadj - 2.809 ·10 -4
B = 100 (5-90)
1440 (RT )
bv = (5-91)
To account for the impact of influent pH on performance, data from a studies by Hooper et al.
(1996; 1997) that showed the change in capacity (from isotherm tests) resulting from changes in
pH was used. The study found a 4.4% change in capacity for every unit change in pH (over a
range of 3.8 to 10.1). This change in capacity could be thought of as an effective change in
EBCT, e.g., lowering influent pH by 1 unit effectively resulted in a 4.4% increase in EBCT (e.g.,
10.55 minutes instead of 10 minutes). The pH effect was incorporated into an adjusted EBCT
term given by Equation 5-92
EBCTadj = EBCT {1+ 0.044( pHbaseline - pHinf )} (5-92)
pHbaseline = average pH for data sets used for model development (7.93)
Bv = bedvolumes
pHbaseline = average pH for data sets used for model development (7.93)
Bv = bedvolumes
UVA Removal
The removal of UVA by GAC was not addressed in the 1992 WTP model; it was assumed to be
equivalent to TOC removal. Because UVA is a surrogate measure of the more adsorbable humic,
non-polar fraction of organic material, this assumption is conservative. UVA removal typically
exceeds that of TOC, which is comprised of both non-polar and polar (less adsorbable) organic
material (Owen et al., 1992; Jackson et al., 1993). Thus new equations were developed to predict
UVA removal by GAC.
Two equations for UVA removal were developed: (1) for waters coagulated prior to GAC, and
(2) for waters coagulated, ozonated and biotreated prior to GAC. Significant differences in GAC
performance have been reported for ozonated and biotreated waters compared to conventionally
treated waters (Solarik et al., 1997a).
GAC effluent UVA was strongly correlated to effluent TOC concentrations by linear correlations,
shown in Equations 5-93 and 5-94.
( )
UVAeff = 0.0195 TOCeff - 0.0077 (5-93)
UVAeff = GAC effluent UVA (1/cm): 0.000 £ UVA eff £ 0.393
TOCeff = GAC effluent TOC (mg/L): 0.1 £ TOCeff £ 14.7
( )
UVAeff = 0.0014 TOC eff - 0.00141 (5-94)
UVAeff = GAC effluent UVA (1/cm): 0.000 £ UVA eff £ 0.0364
TOCeff = GAC effluent TOC (mg/L): 0.1 £ TOCeff £ 6.1
5.5.5 Membranes
NOM Rejection
For the WTP model version 1.21, removal of NOM by membrane systems was based on bench
scale process evaluations performed by Taylor, et al. (1987 and 1989) and Amy, et al. (1990) for
the 1992 WTP model. Data from these three studies were combined and analyzed for
For version 2.0 of the model, data from numerous studies was compiled to investigate membrane
performance for the model. Recently, regulatory pressures including new regulations governing
filtration, disinfection and DBPs have fueled the interest in membrane technology for drinking
water treatment. Therefore, since 1992 and with the ICR, the availability of membrane
performance data has significantly increased. Membranes are becoming increasingly cost-
effective alternatives for NOM removal and DBP control compared to other advanced treatment
options, as they are being developed specifically target removals of organic and inorganic
compound. Currently, it is possible to find membranes to meet any given treatment objective.
Thus, under the current status of membrane design and availability, it was decided to allow the
User to define membrane performance, instead of trying to predict it.
The User is given two options for membranes: (1) microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF), and
(2) nanofiltration (NF) or reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. For MF/UF, no NOM rejection is
allowed, as these membranes generally only reject particulate NOM. The User is requested to
input percent recovery, and log removal credits for Giardia , viruses, and Cryptosporidium. For
NF/RO membrane, which can reject 90 percent and more dissolved NOM, the user defines the
level of TOC, UVA and bromide removal. UVA removal cannot exceed TOC removal. This
behavior was predominantly seen in the data examined. The user is also requested to input
molecular weight cut-off, percent recovery, and log removal credits for Giardia, viruses, and
The amount of NOM removal due to ozonation and biotreatment is a function of the ozone dose
and the water being treated and reports have ranged from 5 to 40 percent (Miltner and Summers,
1992; Joselyn and Summers, 1992). Ozonation has been shown to reduce UVA by 25 to 50
Data for the ozonation and biotreatment algorithm was collected from research studies. The
database used to develop the equation to predict UVA oxidation by ozone was comprised of
bench-scale batch experimental data and included both raw and settled water oxidation. UVA
oxidation was difficult to model, partially due to the relatively small database, and partially due to
the lack of variability in the source data. Little data was available of UVA oxidation at pilot- or
full-scale. The equation was developed from data in Ozekin (1994). The database contained
UVA oxidation from 7 utilities, 95 raw water data points, and 25 settled water data points.
The equation to predict UVA oxidation by ozone is given by Equation 5-95. Multiple linear
regression analysis was used to correlated oxidized UVA to transferred ozone dose, TOC and
UVA prior to ozonation. The database was not extensive enough to include water quality
parameters such as pH, ammonia, and temperature or bromide concentration. Additionally, time
was not included.
( O3 )
UVAO3 = 0.622 (UVA)0.931 (5-95)
UVAO3 = UVA after ozonation (1/cm): 0.010 £ UVA O3 £ 0.577
UVA = UVA before ozonation (1/cm): 0.019 £ UVA £ 0.585
O3 /TOC = transferred O 3 dose/TOC (mg-L/mg-L): 0.35 £ O3/TOC £ 2.30
Research has shown that ozonation results in the formation compounds that are highly oxidized
and more biodegradable (Langlais et al., 1991; Miltner and Summers, 1992; Schechter and
Singer, 1995). If left untreated, these biodegradable compounds could cause biological regrowth
in the distribution system. Thus, biological treatment is often employed downstream from
ozonation. Biological drinking water treatment most commonly occurs in slow sand or
conventional media (anthracite and sand) filters. Biomass can develop on the surface of the
media if a disinfectant residual is not maintained throughout the filter.
For a single CFSTR, the effluent concentration of a solute is determined with the following
C f = C i + tr (5-96)
where Cf is the final concentration of the solute within and leaving the CFSTR, Ci is the initial
concentration of the solute entering the CFSTR, t is the mean residence time in the CFSTR and r
is the reaction rate. The reaction rate is greater than zero for solute formation and is less than
zero for solute decay. The theoretical residence time in the CFSTR is calculated by dividing the
volume of the CFSTR by the volumetric flow rate of the fluid moving through the CFSTR.
For a set of N CFSTRs connected in series, the final concentration of a solute leaving the Nth
CFSTR is given by the following set of equations:
C N,i = C N -1, f (5-100)
C N, f = C N,i + t N r N (5-101)
where CN,f is the final concentration of the solute within and leaving the Nth CFSTR, CN,i is the
initial concentration of the solute entering the Nth CFSTR, tN is the mean residence time in the Nth
CFSTR and rN is the reaction rate in the Nth CFSTR. Equation 5-97 can be used to calculate C1,f
from known values of C1,i , t1 and r1 . Once C1,f is calculated, Equation 5-98 is used to obtain C2,i .
Equation 5-99 can then be used to calculate C2,f from known values of t2 and r2 . The process is
repeated through Equation 5-101 until CN,f is calculated.
In Equations 5-97 through 5-101, the reaction rate is given by the differential equation
appropriate to the reaction of interest. For a first order decay process, rN is given by the following
r N = - k C N, f (5-102)
r N = - k C2N, f (5-103)
r N = - k CmN, f (5-104)
In order to use a set of equations such as those defined by Equations 5-97 through 5-101, one
must determine the number of CFSTRs connected in series that best simulates the basin or filter
C N, f
C 1,i
( - Nt )Ø 1 ( Nt ) ø
1 ( Nt )
N -1
= 1 - exp Œ1 + + + � �� + œ
Ł tm łºŒ tm 2! Ł t m ł (N - 1)! Ł t m ł œß
where N is the number of CFSTRs connected in series, tm is the mean residence time for an entire
series of equally sized CFSTRs and t is the time of interest.
The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), finalized by USEPA in 1989, has placed great
importance on the time at which F is equal to 0.1 (USEPA, 1989). This time is frequently
referred to as t10 because it represents the time required for the effluent tracer concentration to be
10 percent of the influent tracer concentration in a step tracer study. At a time equal to t10 , the
following holds:
( - Nt 10 )Ø ø
2 N -1
Nt 1 ( Nt10 ) 1 ( Nt10 )
0.1= 1 - exp Œ1 + 10
+ + � �� + œ
Ł t m łŒº tm 2! Ł t m ł (N - 1)! Ł t m ł œß
Using this equation, the theoretical value of t10 :t m can be calculated for any value of N by using an
iteration procedure.
t10 :tm N
0.000 to 0.186 1
0.186 to 0.317 2
0.317 to 0.402 3
0.402 to 0.461 4
0.461 to 0.506 5
0.506 to 0.540 6
0.540 to 0.569 7
0.569 to 0.593 8
0.593 to 0.613 9
0.613 to 0.630 10
0.630 to 0.645 11
0.645 to 0.659 12
0.659 to 0.671 13
0.671 to 0.682 14
0.682 to 0.691 15
0.691 to 0.700 16
0.700 to 0.708 17
0.708 to 0.716 18
0.716 to 0.723 19
0.723 to 0.729 20
0.729 to 0.735 21
0.735 to 0.741 22
0.741 to 0.746 23
0.746 to 0.751 24
0.751 to 1.000 25
A given basin or filter is simulated as N equally sized CFSTRs based on user input values for ttheo,
t10 :ttheo and tm:ttheo where ttheo is the theoretical residence time of the basin or filter as given by:
t theo = (5-107)
Because N can only take on integer values, a continuous distribution of t10 :t m does not
theoretically exist. However, actual tracer studies will not likely find the specific t10 :t m ratios.
Therefore, the selected value of N is based on the t10 :t m ranges listed in Table 5-1. Once the value
of N is selected from Table 5-1, Equations 5-97 through 5-101 are used in conjunction with the
appropriate rate equations to calculate chlorine and chloramine decay in the basin or filter of
The WTP model chlorine decay reactions have been updated to use a Monod-type kinetic reaction
that has been shown to predict chlorine decay well (Dugan et. al, 1995; Koechling et. al, 1998;
Isabel et al., 2000). The database used to develop chlorine decay equations consisted of bench-
scale bottle point chlorine decay experiments. Separate chlorine decay equations were developed
for raw and treated waters.
Ct = a 1 * ln - a 2 *t + C0 (5-109)
where Ct is the chlorine residual concentration at any reaction time t, C0 is the initial chlorine
dose, and a 1 and a2 are kinetic rate parameters. The chlorine residual at any time t is calculated
Equation 5-109 was fitted to the data to develop a set of a 1 and a 2 that were then correlated to
water quality parameters.
Raw Water
The database used to develop the raw water chlorine decay equation was comprised of 48
different source waters, chlorinated at Cl2 :TOC ratios ranging from 0.5 to 2.5. Decay data was
typically taken between 15 minutes and 120 hours, and most decay curves consist of at least 7
data points.
The kinetic parameter a1 was found to be very highly dependent on the chlorine dose, and is
given by a strong linear relationship in Equation 5-110:
a 1 = -0.8147 (C 0 ) (5-110 )
The kinetic parameter a2 was found to be best correlated to TOC and a kinetic parameter k2
a 2 = k 2 * TOC (5-111)
k2 was correlated with chlorine dose and raw water UVA, as shown in Equation 5-112.
Thus, combining Equations 5-110 and 5-112, Equation 5-109 can be rewritten as follows:
( C0 ) ( C0 )
Ct = {- 0.8147 (C 0 )} * ln + - 2.2808 *TOC * time + C 0 (5-113)
Ł Ct ł Ł UVA ł
C0 = initial chlorine dose (mg/L): 0.995 £ C0 £ 41.7
TOC = total organic carbon (mg/L): 1.2 £ TOC £ 16
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance before chlorination (1/cm): 0.010 £ UVA £ 0.730
a 1 and a2 are kinetic parameters
Coagulated Water
The database used to develop the treated water chlorine decay predictive equations was
comprised of 24 different source waters, chlorinated at Cl2:TOC ratios ranging from 0.5 to 2.5.
Similar to the raw water database, chlorine residuals were typically measured between 15 minutes
and 120 hours, and most decay curves consist of at least 7 data points.
As was found for raw water decay, the kinetic parameter a 1 was found to have a strong linear
correlation with the chlorine dose, shown in Equation 5-114.
a 1 = -0.8408 (C 0 ) (5-114)
a 2 = k 2 (TOC ) (5-115)
( C0 )
k 2 = -0.404 (5-116)
Thus treated water chlorine decay can be determined iteratively by the following equation:
(C ) ( C0 )
Ct = {- 0.8404 (C 0 )} *ln 0 + - 0.404 *TOC * time + C 0 (5-117)
Ł Ct ł Ł UVA ł
C0 = initial chlorine dose (mg/L): 1.11 £ C0 £ 24.7
TOC = total organic carbon (mg/L): 1.0 £ TOC £ 11.1
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance before chlorination (1/cm): 0.012 £ UVA £ 0.250
a 1 and a2 are kinetic parameters
The WTP model predicts the change of chlorine residual through a unit process by taking the
difference between the residual at the influent and the effluent of the unit process and subtracting
this value from the influent. The correction factor was applied to the difference, as shown in
equation 5-118:
This resulted in a better fit of the model and residuals analysis of errors with a median value of 0.
New chloramine decay equations were developed for the WTP model version 2.0 using data from a
study from Rajbandhari (2001). The database contained data for waters treated by coagulation,
flocculation and sedimentation, waters treated by ozonation of the settled water followed by
biofiltration, and waters treated by nanofiltration of the raw water. The same model form as was
used for chlorine decay was used to predict chloramine decay.
dCAt - a 2 *CA0
= (5-119)
dt a1 + CAt
CAt = a 1 * ln - a 2 *t + CA0 (5-120)
where CAt is the chloramine residual concentration at any reaction time t, CA0 is the initial
chloramine dose, and a 1 and a 2 are kinetic rate parameters. The chloramine residual at any time t
is calculated iteratively.
The database consisted of 5 waters, three treatment conditions (raw, settled, ozonated and
biotreated), 3 target chloramine residuals at 24 hours (2, 3, and 4 mg/L) and 3 different free
The correlations for the kinetic parameters a1 and a 2 were developed as described for chlorine
decay. The data set was divided by treatment, however, there were not significant differences in
the parameters. Thus only one chloramine decay equation was developed.
The first kinetic rate parameter, a 1 , was strongly correlated to chloramine dose, as show by
Equation 5-121.
a 2 = -0.015 (U V A) (5-122)
For the WTP model, chlorine dioxide decay is modeled by an initial demand followed by first
order decay. The initial demand is assumed to be instantaneous. The first order decay is
characterized by constant k1 and uses a starting point chlorine dioxide dose equal to the
concentration after the initial demand.
The initial demand, is characterized by the following two equations for raw and settled water:
ClO2 Dose = chlorine dioxide dose, mg/L: 0.50 £ ClO 2 Dose £ 3.0
TOC = total organic carbon, mg/L: 1.4 £ TOC £ 8.1
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance, 1/cm: 0.034 £ UVA £ 0.263
pH: 6.5 £ pH £ 7.9
Temp = Temperature, ºC: 4.3 £ Temp £ 21.5
ClO 2,init = 0.0124 (TOC *U V A)-0.182 (ClO 2 Dose)1.415 ( pH )1.85 (T e m p)-0.0395 (5-124)
ClO2 Dose = chlorine dioxide dose, mg/L: 1.0 £ ClO2 Dose £ 3.0
TOC = total organic carbon, mg/L: 1.3 £ TOC £ 6.1
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance, 1/cm: 0.037 £ UVA £ 0.097
pH: 6.4 £ pH £ 7.4
Temp = Temperature, ºC: 4.5 £ Temp £ 21.5
After the initial demand is consumed, the WTP model predicts chlorine dioxide decay using a
first order decay model. ClO 2,init calculated by equations 5-123 and 5-124 is used as the initial
chlorine dioxide concentration. The kinetic parameter, k1 , was correlated to water quality
parameters and is shown in the following two equations:
k 1 = -0.0117 (TOC *U V A)0.445 (ClO 2,init )-0.584 (T e m p)0.485 (5-125)
ClO2, init = chlorine dioxide residual after initial demand, mg/L: 0.21 £ ClO2, init £ 2.37
TOC = total organic carbon, mg/L: 1.4 £ TOC £ 8.1
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance, 1/cm: 0.034 £ UVA £ 0.263
Temp = Temperature, ºC: 4.3 £ Temp £ 21.5
k 1 = -0.0146 (TOC *U V A)0.941 (ClO 2,init )-0.140 (T e m p)0.533 (5-126)
ClO2, init = chlorine dioxide residual after initial demand, mg/L: 0.62 £ ClO2, init £ 1.86
TOC = total organic carbon, mg/L: 1.3 £ TOC £ 6.1
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance, 1/cm: 0.037 £ UVA £ 0.097
Temp = Temperature, ºC: 4.5 £ Temp £ 21.5
The ozone residuals represent those measured in dissipation chambers only. The ozone residual
can be calculated by subtracting the ozone demand from the ozone dose shown below.
( O3 )
O3 demand = 0.995 (O3 dose)1.312 (SUVA)- 0.184 (T50 )0.068 ( Alk )0.023 ( pH )0.229 (Temp )0.087
adj = 0.89, SEE = 0.066 mg/L, F = 4569, n = 385)
O3 Dose = transferred ozone dose, mg/L: 0.50 £ O3 Dose £ 6.4
O3 /UVA = transferred ozone dose/UVA, mg-cm/L: 12.5 £ O3 /UVA £ 98.5
SUVA = specific UVA = 100*UVA/DOC, L/mg-m: 0.8 £ SUVA £ 2.8
T50 = time, minutes: 5.2 £ T50 £ 24.3
Alk = Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3 :16 £ Alk £ 197
pH: 5.8 £ pH £ 8.7
Temp = Temperature, ºC: 5 Temp 32
The 1992 version of the WTP model used THM equations that were developed from raw water
chlorination studies using very high chlorine doses in some cases. These equations were used to
predict TTHM formation in both raw and treated waters. The equations predicted concentrations
on a molar basis and had to be converted to a mass basis using a second empirical correlation.
The equations were limited in that:
At the time of development of the 1992 version of the WTP model, only limited data were
available to develop predictive equations for HAAs. HAAs were predicted either by correlations
with predicted THM formation or by empirically developed equations from laboratory studies
using one set of reaction conditions and one chlorine dose.
The program predicts THM, HAA, and TOX formation after chlorination and chloramination.
Three separate sets of DBP equations were developed for raw waters, finished waters, and GAC
treated waters. The program does not predict THM, HAA or TOX formation directly from the use
of ozone or chlorine dioxide, (in the absence of chlorination and chloramination). The program
predicts bromate formation after ozone and chlorite formation after chlorine dioxide.
In the new WTP model, DBP formation under three chlorination scenarios is modeled.
1. Prechlorination only (Figure 5-2): A single point of chlorination prior to rapid mixing. For
this approach, DBP formation is modeled in two separate, additive stages. First, the raw
water DBP formation model is proportionally adjusted with the prechlorination factor for
DBP formation through sedimentation. Formation after sedimentation is modeled using the
When chlorine is added before or during coagulation, UVA values will be lower than by
coagulation only, due to UVA oxidation by the chlorine. This is taken into account by the
following equation developed from the database of Summers et al. (1998 b) for 20 waters:
( )
UVAP r e -Cl 2 = 0.7437 UVAno Cl 2 + 0.0042 (5-129)
Cl 2
3. Pre- and post-chlorination (Figure 5-3B): Two points of chlorination--prior to rapid mixing
and after sedimentation. For this approach, the raw water model proportionally adjusted with
the prechlorination factor is applied for DBP formation before the filter. After rechlorination,
the treated water model is applied using settled water quality, with time = 0 and the UVA
decreased by prechlorination. The rechlorination dose is added to the chlorine residual at that
point to yield the effective dose for input to the DBP formation model. DBP formation at the
second chlorination point is added to that resulting from the first chlorination point to model
the cumulative formation.
Raw RM Floc/Sed Filter
Cl2 Cl2
Figure 5-3 DBP Modeling: (A) Post-Chlorination and (B) Pre- and Post-Chlorination
DBP formation is modeled as cumulative formation through processes and with multiple points of
chlorination. Currently, separate equations for DBP formation in the distribution system do not
exist. The distribution system is considered to be merely an extension of the plant, and DBP
formation is assumed to follow the same formation kinetics and rates.
The WTP model tracks bromide incorporation across each unit process. The model converts
DBP mass concentrations to molar concentrations to determine the bromide incorporation on a
molar basis. The molar bromide incorporation is then converted to a mass basis, and subtracted
from the bromide concentration at the beginning of the unit process. This new bromide
concentration is then used as the influent to the following unit process.
This version of the model does not account for bromide oxidation by chlorine.
For example, TTHM presented in the output file represent the concentration predicted by one
TTHM equation. These concentrations also appear on the computer screen after the "DBPs"
command is selected. The proportion of each individual THM concentration to the sum of the four
THMs is determined from four individual THM predictive equations.
An example considers a treatment process that predicts the following concentrations of individual
In this example, the proportion of chloroform to the TTHM concentration is 50/100, or 0.50. The
proportions for the other THMs are determined in a similar manner.
If the single equation predicts a TTHM concentration of 95 ìg/L, then the program will predict the
following concentrations for the individual THMs:
Therefore, the individual THM concentrations associated with the TTHM value of 95 ìg/L would
be presented in the output file.
For HAA formation, the program first predicts HAA5 formation and uses the proportions predicted
for the five species from the individual equations applied to the HAA5 predictions (as explained for
THMs above). Next, the model predicts HAA6 formation, and follows the proportional procedure
to determine the concentration of BCAA. Thus, HAA6 is the sum of HAA5 and BCAA. This
approach is possible as the HAA5 and HAA6 equations were developed using the same database.
For HAA9 and the remaining three species, the same procedure is applied. The model calculates the
difference between HAA9 and HAA6, and the proportioning procedure for the three species is
applied to this difference. Thus, HAA9 is the sum of HAA6, BDCAA, CDBAA, and TBAA.
The reason for performing the analyses in this manner is that the equations for TTHM, HAA5,
HAA6, and HAA9 have been determined to be more accurate than the sum of the individual
species, based upon verification analyses. Because the initial efforts using the model focused upon
( )
TTHM = 4.121 ·10 -2 (TOC )1.098 (Cl 2 )0.152 Br -
(Temp )0.609 ( pH )1.601(time )0.263 (5-130)
TOC = total organic carbon (mg/L): 1.2 £ TOC £ 10.6
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm): 0.01 £ UVA £ 0.318
Cl2 = applied chlorine dose (mg/L): 1.51 £ Cl2 £ 33.55
Br- = bromide concentration (mg/L): 7 £ Br- £ 600
Temp = temperature (OC): 15 £ Temp £ 25
pH: 6.5 £ pH £ 8.5
t= reaction time (hours): 2 £ t £ 168
The equations for the 4 THM species have a similar form, shown in Equation 5-131. The
coefficients and regressions statistics for the equations are given in Table 5-2.
( ) (Temp)
THM = A(TOC )a (Cl 2 )b Br -
c d
( pH )e (time ) f (5-131)
Regression Statistics
THM Species R adj F n
The same empirical equation format was used to develop new HAA predictive equations in raw
waters using the same database as was used for THM formation. Equations 5-132 and 5-133
show the equations for HAA5 and HAA6 predictions:
TOC = total organic carbon (mg/L): 1.2 £ TOC £ 10.6
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm): 0.01 £ UVA £ 0.318
Cl2 = applied chlorine dose (mg/L): 1.51 £ Cl2 £ 33.55
Br- = bromide concentration (mg/L): 7 £ Br- £ 600
Temp = temperature (OC): 15 £ Temp £ 25
Individual HAA species equations were developed in similar format and are generally described
by Equation 5-134. The equation coefficients and regression statistics are given in Table 5-3.
Table 5-3 Summary of Coeffiecients and Regression Statistics for Raw Water HAA Species
Coefficients for Equation 5-134
HAA Species A a b c d e f
Regression Statistics
HAA Species R adj F n
No raw water HAA9 and TOX data was available for model development. Thus, this version of
the model uses equations developed for coagulated waters, show in Equation 5-143 to 5-144 and
Table 5-6.
To better predict DBP formation for prechlorination plants, an empirical prechlorination factor
was developed to account for the decrease in DBP formation that occurs when chlorine is added
either pre- or post-rapid mixing (RM), as compared to raw water DBP formation using data from
20 waters (Summers et al., 1998b). This relationship is used to modify the DBP formation that
would be predicted by the raw water DBP formation model. The percent decrease in DBP
formation (compared to raw water DBP formation) that can be attributed to coagulation was
related to TOC removal by coagulation, to account for the higher precursor removals at higher
coagulant doses.
The DBP prediction equations for treated waters use the combined TOC and UVA (TOC*UVA)
input parameter to model DBP formation. The TOC*UVA input parameter accounts for the
impact of treatment on NOM removal as well as NOM characteristics, i.e., NOM reactivity. The
boundary conditions for these equations are similar to those for raw water. Insufficient pH and
temperature-dependent data were available to develop DBP formation equations for treated
waters. Instead, temperature and pH factors were developed from raw water data and applied to
the treated water equations. However, these factors are only valid in the 15 to 25°C temperature
range and the 6.5-8.5 pH range. For enhanced coagulation and softening, the pH boundary
conditions may be exceeded.
Equation 5-138 shows the equation used to predict TTHM formation:
( )
TTHM = 23.9(DOC *UVA)0.403 (Cl 2 )0.225 Br -
(1.1560 )( pH - 7.5) (1.0263 )(Temp -20) (time )0.264
(R2 = 0.92, R2 adj = 0.92, SEE = 0.218 µg/L, F = 798, n = 288)
The equations for the 4 THM species have a similar form, shown in Equation 5-139. The
coefficients and regressions statistics for the equations are given in Table 5-4.
Table 5-4 Summary of Coeffiecients and Regression Statisticsfor Treated Water THM
Species Predictions
Coefficients for Equation 5-139
THM Species A a b c d e f
Regression Statistics
THM Species R2 adj F n
The equations developed for HAA5 and HAA6 formation in treated waters are shown Equation 5
140 and 5-141, respectively.
Individual HAA species equations were developed in similar format and are generally described
by Equation 5-142. The equation coefficients and regression statistics are given in Table 5-5.
( ) (D )(
HAA = A(DOC * UVA)a (Cl 2 )b Br -
c pH - 7.5 )
(E )(Temp - 20) (time ) f (5-142)
Table 5-5 Summary of Coeffiecients and Regression Statistics for Treated Water HAA
Species Predictions
Coefficients for Equation 5-142
HAA Species A a b c d e f
Regression Statistics
HAA Species R2 adj F n
HAA9 and the remaining three species equations were developed from a different database than
were HAA5 and HAA6. To follow the same proportioning procedure as was used for TTHM,
HAA5 and HAA6, a new HAA6 equation was developed from the same database as was used for
HAA9. The WTP model calculates HAA9 as a bulk parameter and uses the proportioning
procedure for the difference between HAA6 and HAA9 (as described in Section 5.7.3) to
calculate the concentrations of the three species.
The equations have a similar format to that shown in Equation 5-142. Similar to the other treated
water DBP equations, correction factors were developed for pH and temperature. However, for
these three equations, the baseline pH value was 8.0. Equation 5-143 shows the equation format
and Table 5-6 shows the equation coefficients and regression statistics are shown in Table 5-6 for
the remaining three HAA species. These equations are also applied to raw waters and ozonated
and biotreated waters.
DOC = dissolved organic carbon (mg/L): 1.5 £ DOC £ 13.0
UVA = UV absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm ): 0.018 £ UVA £ 0.480
Cl2 = applied chlorine dose (mg/L): 1.5 £ Cl2 £ 13.1
Br = bromide concentration (mg/L): 10 £ Br £ 630
Temp = temperature (OC): 3 £ Temp £ 32
pH: 6.2 £ pH £ 9.9
t= reaction time (hours): 3.1 £ t £ 72
CDBAA 3.70x10-3 -0.0162 -0.170 0.972 0.839 1.054 0.685
DCBAA 5.89x10 0.230 0.140 0.301 0.700 1.022 0.422
TBAA 5.59x10 0.0657 -2.51 2.32 0.555 1.059 1.26
HAA9 10.78 0.25 0.50 0.054 0.894 1.015 0.348
Regression Statistics
HAAs R adj SEE (mg/L) F n
CDBAA 0.76 2.2 130 244
DCBAA 0.61 4.9 63 241
TBAA 0.82 1.4 188 228
HAA9 0.86 23 233 228
A new empirical correlation was developed for treated water TOX formation, shown by equation
5-144. This equation was also developed from analysis of ICR Treatment Studies database, using
GAC influent samples that were coagulated and softened only. Similar to the equations for
HAA9 species, the data used in development of the TOX equation used only the median data
value for each study. This equation is also used for raw and ozonated and biotreated waters.
TOX = 109 (TOC *UVA)0.362 (Cl 2 )0.129 (Temp )0.211 (time )0.182 (5-144)
(R2 adj = 0.73, SEE = 269 mg Cl-/L, F = 267, n = 386)
TOX = total organic halogen (mg Cl-/L): 25 £ TOX £ 893
DOC = dissolved organic carbon (mg/L): 1.5 £ DOC £ 8.5
UVA = UV absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm ): 0.010 £ UVA £ 0.300
Cl2 = applied chlorine dose (mg/L): 1.3 £ Cl2 £ 14
DBP Correction
ICR plant data was used to verify DBP formation in the plant and the distribution system for
convention treatment plants. Analysis of the data showed that some of the DBP predictions were
outside the acceptable verification criteria. Thus, the equations were recalibrated. Some DBPs
equations did not require calibration. The correction factors shown in Table 5-7 are applied to the
DBP formation equations, as shown in Equation 5-145. Since ICR plant data was used to develop
CDBAA, BDCAA, TBAA, HAA9, and TOX equations, no correction factors were developed for
these species and the bulk parameters. Furthermore, the predictions of species such as MCAA,
MBAA, and DBAA were not calibrated because their values were typically extremely low.
DBPcorr = (5-145)
Correction Factors
DBPs In-Plant Distribution System
CHCl3 1 1.1
CHCl2 Br 0.92 1
CHBr2 Cl 0.65 0.46
CHBr3 1 1
TTHM 1 1
MCAA 1 1
DCAA 0.72 1.1
TCAA 1.3 1.3
MBAA 1 1
DBAA 1 1
BCAA 0.86 2.0
HAA5 1.1 1.1
HAA6 1.1 1.1
Separate DBP equations for GAC treated waters were developed using the ICR Treatment Studies
database of individual samples, which contained approximately 4,000 records. The equations
were developed for GAC effluent waters with TOC concentrations of less than or equal to 2.0
mg/L. Outliers and data with incomplete records were not used for equation development. A
significant percentage of the data was reported was being below the detection limit. This would
Equations were developed for individual THM species and TTHM, individual HAA species and
HAA5, HAA6 and HAA9, as well as for TOX.
Equation 5-146 shows the predictive equation for TTHM. The format of the species equations is
given by Equation 5-147, and the coefficients and regression statistics are shown in Table 5-8.
Table 5-8 Summary of Coeffiecients and Regression Statistics for GAC Treated Water
THM Species Predictions
Coefficients for Equation 5-147
THM Species A a b c d e f
Regression Statistics
THM Species R adj SEE (mg/L) F n
( )
HAA5 = 41.2(DOC * UVA)0.498 (Cl 2 )0.388 Br -
(0.867 )( pH - 8.0) (1.021)(Temp - 20) (time )0.263 (5-148)
( )
HAA6 = 37.8(DOC * UVA)0.511 (Cl2 )0.374 Br -
(0.913)( pH -8.0 ) (1.022 )(Temp -20) (time )0.280 (5-149)
( )
HAA9 = 20.6(DOC *UVA)0.509 (Cl2 )0.253 Br -
(0.823)( pH -8.0 ) (1.019)(Temp - 20)(time)0.425 (5-150)
DOC = dissolved organic carbon (mg/L): 0.14 £ DOC £ 2.0
UVA = UV absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm ): 0.001 £ UVA £ 0.048
Cl2 = applied chlorine dose (mg/L): 0.5 £ Cl2 £ 3.0
Br = bromide concentration (mg/L):10 £ Br £ 570
pH: 6.7 £ pH £ 10
Temp = temperature (OC): 3 £ Temp £ 33
t= reaction time (hours): 2 £ t £ 168
Table 5-9 Summary of Coeffiecients and Regression Statistics for GAC Treated Water
HAA Species Predictions
Coefficients for Equation 5-151
HAAs A a b c d e f
Regression Statistics
HAAs R adj SEE (mg/L) F n
An equation was also developed for TOX formation for GAC treated waters, shown in Equation
5-152. Data from the ICR USEPA TSD database was used. Similar to the data used for THM and
TOX = 168(TOC *UVA)0.529 (Cl 2 )0.349 (1.009 )(Temp -20 ) (time )0. 239 (5-152)
(R2 adj = 0.74, SEE = 18 mg Cl-/L, F = 1000, n = 1373)
TOX = total organic halogen (mg Cl-/L): 0.4 £ TOX £ 200
DOC = dissolved organic carbon (mg/L): 0.14 £ DOC £ 2.0
UVA = UV absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm ): 0.001 £ UVA £ 0.045
Cl2 = applied chlorine dose (mg/L): 0.6 £ Cl2 £ 7.5
Br = bromide concentration (mg/L): 10 £ Br £ 645
Temp = temperature (OC): 2.4 £ Temp £ 31
PH: 6.9 £ pH £ 9.5
Time = reaction time (hours): 3.0 £ t £ 100
Instead, WTP model applies the DBP equations developed for GAC treated waters to membrane
treated waters with good success.
1. The reaction between free chlorine and ammonia to produce monochloramine is a reversible
reaction (Morris and Isaac, 1985). Therefore, free chlorine and monochloramine can coexist
in an equilibrium state. The ability of free chlorine present in such a system to form THMs
and HAAs depends on the rate of the forward reaction relative to the rate of the reverse
2. Mixing conditions in the treatment plant are not sufficient to bring free chlorine and ammonia
into contact with each other instantaneously. The presence of free chlorine for this limited
period of time may result in THM and HAA formation.
Studies have not been conducted to evaluate the conditions under which THM and HAA
formation is observed during chloramination. Based on the nature of the reversible reaction
between free chlorine and ammonia, however, it can be speculated that free chlorine is present in
higher concentrations when the chlorine to ammonia ratio is increased. Also, because the rate of
the reaction between free chlorine and ammonia is optimal at pH 8.2, it can be speculated that
free chlorine is present at higher concentrations when pH conditions deviate from pH 8.2.
Even with this speculation, there are insufficient data available to develop a model of THM and
HAA formation during chloramination. Nevertheless, because THM and HAA formation is
observed during chloramination, the model must account for it. The 1992 model assumed that the
rate of THM formation during chloramination is 20 percent of the rate of trihalomethane
formation during chlorination. The assumption was based on Bull and Kopfler (1991) who used
an estimate developed by Amy, et al. (1990) that THM formation in chloraminated waters "would
approximate 20 percent of that observed if the same waters were chlorinated."
The WTP model version 2.0 uses the same approach as described above, i.e., applying a constant
factor to the predicted free chlorine DBP formation to determine DBPs formed by chloramines.
However, the current model used ICR data to develop the constant factors for each species and
the bulk parameters.
Table 5-10 Percent of DBPs Formed After Chloramination Compared to Free Chlorine
Percent of DBP Formed Percent of DBP Formed
Compared to Free Chlorine Compared to Free Chlorine
CHCl3 20 MCAA 20
CHCl2 Br 20 DCAA 50
CHBr2 Cl 20 TCAA 5
CHBr3 20 MBAA 20
HAA5 20
TOX 20 HAA6 20
HAA9 20
With Ammonia:
( )
BrO3- = 8.71 · 10 -8 (UVA)-0.593 ( pH )5.81 (O3 )1.28 Br -
( Alk )-0.167 (NH 3 - N )-0.051(1.035)(T -20 ) (time )0.337
( 5-153)
(R2 = 0.71 , R2 adj =0.70, SEE = 0.561, F = 73, n = 323)
Without Ammonia:
( )
BrO3- = 1.19 ·10 -7 (UVA)-0.623 ( pH )5.68 (O3 )1.31 Br -
( Alk )-0.201 (1.035)(T -20) (time )0.336 (5-154)
(R2 = 0.71, R2 adj = 0.70, SEE = 0.562, F = 84, n = 303)
BrO3 - = bromate concentration (µg/L): 1.3 £ BrO3 - £ 314
UVA = ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (1/cm): 0.01 £ UVA £ 0.28
pH = pH of ozonated water: 6.5 £ pH £ 8.5
Br = bromide concentration (mg/L): 69 £ Br- £ 440
O3 = transferred/utilized ozone (mg/L): 1.05 £ O3 £ 10
NH3 -N = nitrogen ammonia, (mg/L): 0.02 £ NH3 -N £ 3
Alk = alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3 ): 13 £ Alk £ 316
time = hydraulic retention time t10 (min): 1 £ t £ 120
T = temperature (°C):20
Bromide Consumption
Amy et al. (1998) also developed and equation for bromide consumption during ozonation. As
ozone oxidizes bromide to bromate, the concentration of bromide available for subsequent DBP
( [
B r - = B r0 - 0.625 BrO3- ])
Br = bromide concentration (mg/L): 69 £ Br- £ 440
BrO3 - = bromate concentration (µg/L): 1.3 £ BrO3 - £ 314
Little data is available to develop equations to predict chlorite formation. Instead the WTP model
version 2.0 uses a constant conversion factor applied to the chlorine dose. This conversion factor
is based on research findings. Thus, the formation of chlorite is given by Equation 5-156:
Table 5-12 summarizes the source of CT requirements used in the WTP model.
( t )
CT Achieved = (Re sidual)(t theo ) 10 (5-160)
Ł t theo ł
where Residual is the disinfectant residual (in mg/L) at the end of the contact time, ttheo is the
theoretical contact time, and t10 is the detention time corresponding to the time for which 90
percent of the water has been in contact with the residual concentration.
The required CT values for different levels of inactivation and specific treatment conditions (i.e.
temperature, pH and disinfectant residual) are obtained from the tables in the SWTR Guidance
Manual (USEPA, 1991). Appendix A lists the tables for chloramines, chlorine dioxide and ozone
for Giardia and viruses as shown in the SWTR Guidance Manual and used by the WTP Model.
The tables are established for specific temperatures and pH values. The WTP model interpolates
required CT values to get CTs in the intermediate temperature and pH ranges.
For surface water systems using chlorine as the primary disinfectant, the required CT value for
Giardia can be estimated from the following equation (Clark and Regli, 1991):
Ø ( N )ø
CTRe quired = 0.36(Cl2 ) ( pH )2.69 (T )- 0.15 Œ- log 10
œ (5-161)
Œº Ł N 0 łœß
where Cl2 is the chlorine residual at the end of the contact time (measured as free chlorine in
mg/L), T is the temperature throughout the contact time, pH is the pH throughout the contact
time, N is the number of Giardia cysts remaining after the contact time and N0 is the number of
Giardia cysts prior to the contact time. Equation 5-161 is based on the data in the CT tables in
the SWTR and calculates values of CTreq'd that are within 10 percent of the values listed in the
SWTR Guidance Manual.
For CT values Cryptosporidium for water treatment plants applying ozone, the values in Table 5
13 are applied. The inactivation values of Cryptosporidium by ozone were estimated from a
graph based on experimental data from Finch (1999) in the pH ranges of 6-9. The experiments
were performed at three temperatures. To interpolate between these temperatures, multiplier
terms were developed to link Giardia and Cryptosporidium CT values for a given temperature.
The multiplier terms can then be interpolated and applied to the Giardia CT values obtained from
the SWTR Guidance Manual
Cryptosporidium CT requirements are estimated from a graph presented by Dr. Gordon Finch at the
September 10, 1999 D/DBP Technical Workgroup meeting. The values are based on experiments
performed at the University of Alberta, funded by AWWARF and USEPA. These values are reported to be
acceptable for a pH range 6 – 9.
Giardia CT requirements are based on the CT tables included in the SWTR Guidance Manual
Multiplier = Crypto CT at a given temperature/Giardia CT at the same temperature
( N )
log inactivatio n = - log 10 (5-162)
Ł N0 ł
For surface waters, the program sets the required level of Giardia removal/inactivation based on
the raw water concentration of Giardia. Therefore, if a Giardia concentration in the range of 1 to
10 cysts/100 L or 10 to 100 cysts/100 L is input, the removal/inactivation requirement will be 4
logs (99.99 percent) or 5 logs (99.999 percent), respectively.
All ground water systems must achieve a 4.0-log removal/inactivation of viruses. According to
the SWTR, a 2.0-log removal credit is given for systems with coagulation and filtration.
Therefore, a ground water plant with coagulation/filtration would be required to achieve a 2.0-log
WTP Model v. 2.0 113 05/18/01
inactivation of viruses, while an unfiltered ground water would be required to achieve a 4.0-log
inactivation of viruses
It should also be noted that different types of filtration (i.e., direct, slow sand and diatomaceous
earth) could provide different removal of Giardia cysts and viruses than coagulation and filtration
systems. The current version of the model, however, does not account for different removals that
may be associated with other types of filtration systems. It is intended that subsequent versions of
the model will address this issue.
Removal Credit
Treatment Process Giardia Viruses Cryptosporidium
Changes in temperature through a process train are not calculated in this version of the program.
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Appendix A lists the tables from the SWTR used to calculate CT requirements for Viruses by free
chlorine, and for inactivation of Giardia and viruses by chloramines, chlorine dioxide and ozone,
as a function of pH and temperature as used by the WTP Model. Inactivation of Giardia by free
chlorine is calculated by Equation 5-161.
Temperature (ºC)
Inactivation 1 5 10 15 20 25
Temperature (ºC)
Inactivation 1 5 10 15 20 25
Temperature (ºC)
Inactivation 1 5 10 15 20 25
2.0-log 3.0-log 4.0-log
Temperature pH pH pH
0.5 6 45 9 66 12 90
5 4 30 6 44 8 60
10 3 22 4 33 6 45
15 2 15 3 22 4 30
20 1 11 2 16 3 22
25 1 7 1 11 2 15
Temperature (ºC)
Inactivation 1 5 10 15 20 25
Note: CT values apply for systems using combine chlorine where chlorine is added prior to
ammonia in the treatment sequence
Temperature (ºC)
Inactivation 1 5 10 15 20 25
Temperature (ºC)
Inactivation 1 5 10 15 20 25