Acoustic Emission Testing of Composite Materials
Acoustic Emission Testing of Composite Materials
Acoustic Emission Testing of Composite Materials
Composite Materials
Larry A. Duesing 0 Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company D Burbank
Key Words: Failure detection/isolation, Failure reporting, Reliability growth, Testing method.
ABSTR ACT high modulus, and low density, and in understanding their
behavior under certain types of loading. Glass-fiber reinforced
Acoustic Emission (AE) has developed rapidly over the last
is the basic cause of the AE from the material. Several other second-phase particles (> 1 urn-diameter) and greater second
terIns used fo describe Uie§e phenomena have included stress phase volume concentration (> 25070). An additional differ
wave emission, microseismic activity and micro seismic ence is that particle-reinforced composites are strengthened by
emission. the relative hardness (compared to the matrix) of the second
The first documented observation of AE in 1953 by J. phase and by second-phase constraint of matrix deformation.
Kaiser2, was the modern day starting point for its active use. These strengthening mechanisms are distinct from the disper
In fact, Kaiser characterized a basic irreversibility phenomenon sion-strengthened composites, where restriction of the motion
which bears his name. In the Kaiser Effect, when a material is of dislocations by the second phase provides the strength
stressed to a given level and then removed, upon reapplication enhancement.
of stress there is no detectable emission at a fixed sensitivity The distinct microstructural difference of fiber-reinforced
level until previously applied stress levels have been exceeded. composites is that the second phase (the fiber) has one dimen
In subsequent years, McGonnagle3 has suggested that new sion that is larger than the other t wo dimensions. This
physical phenomena be evaluated for their potential as characteristic leads to anisotropic composite properties rather
nondestructive testing tools and that resolution power and sen than the macroscopically isotropic properties of the first two
sitivity-of all-methods be increased and nev-; instrumentation categories. Isotropic fibers have equal physical properties
be developed. along all axes, whereas anisotropic fibers have unequal pro
perties along different axes.
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Deformation in composites under changes in stess or
temperature are measured in the same manner as metals and
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other base materials. , I ,
Because AE is not restricted to metal vessels (i.e. any
material that can be put under stress emits Acoustic Emis
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ro ro 30 � � � ro � w m
sions), this method can be used throughout the aerospace and AMPLITUDE (dB)
aircraft industries. Each application has its own unique
Fig. I-Amplitude Distribution of Composite Defects
method of test, but they have been generally classed into
Felicity Flfect
metals or composites testing.
When a load is removed and subsequently reapplied signifi
There are now established test procedures for testing com
cant Acoustic Emission is frequently monitored at stress le\'els
posites and they are recognized by all the governing bodies
below those previously applied. This phenomenon is known
stated above. Most general rules of procedure will be similar
as the Felicity Effect. Research has shown that the ratio of
for all composites.
stress at onset of emission to the previous maximum stress,
All of the current field tests on composites have been con
kDow as the Felicity Ratio, is an indication of the severity of
fmed to fiber-reinforced glass I epoxy structures. The newer
damage. Emissions from damaged areas will occur at loads
composites, (i.e. MMCs and Thermoplastics) have been con
lower than those previously applied and, for this reason, it
fmed to laboratory. governm�t. or manufacturing facilities.
is not necessary to overload components during an Acoustic
. . ··· ThiS lSiiot to say tlWAEwoIi'f 6Ci::Ome a standard practice in
Emission test. Th make maximum use of the Felicity Effect,
aerospace, it's just that so much attention has been placed on
equipment is unloaded and held for a period of time with
development of the materials that inspection is being forced to
little or no load applied. (See Figure 2. S-3A Radome Loading
catch up.
Sequence) This permits viscoelastic flow of the resin and
Experience and laboratory testing has shown the following
redistribution of the internal stresses. It should be noted that
Acoustic Emission parameters are indications of structumI de
the Kaiser effect is based on the underlying tenet that energy
ficiencies such as damage, underdesign, or improper fabricatioa
release from a material is irreversible. The presence of the
7btal Emission Felicity Effect does not violate this assumption, rather, it is
At. design stress levels, total emission is an indication of the an indication of additional damage occurring due to low C)'cle
sa'erity and extent of damage. 1btaI emission is also an indica fatigue. For low cycle fatigue to occur, major damage (i.e.
tion of underdesign. This parameter is particularly useful for crack, y ield, etc.) must be present.
detecting corrosion damage. -r:30�m�n
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kkground :2
Noise !\ � q
Emission Under Constant Load
A damaged component will continue to emit when held � :\-= i � g�
: ,I � .. 0
.. � q
mg, fiber pullout, and resin cracking. In cases of severe
damage, load redistribution may even lead to fiber breakage.
Amplitude Distribution
• •
: 10
• I
jlt! 1
:: 10:,
01. .. 0
Amplitude distribution is the key facet of signature analysis : �:\:a �:: �:,� .:.
for determining defect characterization in composites. At. early :: :
\li'E�: : :\�s�
: \i' E E
stages of the load cycle most events tend to be in the low :
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(4()...6()dB) amplitude range. Of the five (5) main failure 5.4 : �!: : L.+J
mechanisms, resin cracking, fiber debonding and fiber pullout TIME ---- -,� :
PH 01 02 PH 03 04 PH os PH 06 07 PH D8 09 PH 10
faD in this range. Delamination bas a cbal8cteristic of having
a separate peak and shows up in the mid-range of a distnbut- Fig. 2-S-3A Radome Loading Sequence
array need to be within t wo (2) feet of an emission source
AE Sensor Signal AmPlification : Signal to ensure location of all significant events. Such an arrange
I Processing
Low Noise Preamplifier
, ment would be prohibitively expensive for most components.
, The second problem arises because triangulation calculations
� L _______ , assume that stress waves travel along the structure wall at con
-------- -------
CRT MOnitor :
stant velocity. Most of these types of composite constructions
I are anisotropic and stress waves will travel much faster along
the glass fibers than perpendicular to them through the
matrix. In theroy, it might be possible to adjust for the dif
Raw ference in wave velocity. However, most practical construc
Storage tions have two (2) or three (3) fiber orientations and the
x Y Plotter (Optional)
. mathematics becomes extremely complicated. Fiberglass rein
."1-_---' Video (Optional) forced composites are extremely good emitters and this leads
to the third problem. A large number of events will be
Fig. 3 - AE Data Processing generated by a single source and each event will follow
closely upon the previous one. These events have a broad range
In order to detect microseismic activity on any part, it is of amplitudes, and some will not reach all sensors of a
necessary to attach a sensor directly to the surface of the part; measurement array. Frequently, it becomes impossible to track
much like a physician uses a stethoscope to listen. Unlike the which event is striking which sensor first, and the source loca
stethoscope, which picks up sound in the audible range, AE tion results become invalid. So, source location on fiberglass
sensors rely on local surface deflection caused by a crack epoxy reinforced composites, and initially on all other com
releasing energy which propagates as a stress wave to a free posites tested, will be accomplished utilizing individual sen
surface which then oscillates producing a pressure on a sor activity. By spacing the sensors further apart, it ensures
piezoelectric type sensor. These sensors are called transducers that tracking of first sensor hits can be distinguished. To en
because of their ability to transfer mechanical energy into elec sure complete coverage, the zones of interest of adjacent sen
trical energy for measurement. sors overlap and in these areas the emissions will be detected
Today, there are a selection of AE systems, which, depend by more than one sensor. The approximate location of the
ing on the application needs, have from one (1) channel to defect can be determined by recording which sensor, or sen
multi-channel systems having 128 channels. The earliest sors, detect the emission. Zone location is not exact, however,
systems, now used primarily in lab environments, were simple it provides an indication of which area of the component
digital machines that measured the number of times a sensor should be inspected by follow-up NDf examination. Normall)\
was pulsed (HI T) and could cumulate totals. As the need it is a relatively simple matter to identify the specific defect
increased to monitor structures outside the lab, and to monitor within the zone.
structures much larger than tensile test specimens, more chan Thday's modem systems not only are capable of determin
nels were added. At this time, it was discovered that data rates ing Delta-T's (L::,. T = time of arrival between two or more sen
increased exponentially as more sensors were placed on a sor), expanded capabilities of computers enable them to look
structure and in order to discriminate (in time) which sensor at each event ( = a hit at each transducer that is strong enough
was being hit, an accurate recording was necessary. With the to rise above a preset threshold which is above the electronic
mode noise rejection and maximum electrical isolation from continuous. Crack nucleation and propagation often emit as
the part being tested . This required dual leads within the (sen bursts. Other defects show up as continuous and can be diffi
sor to system) cabling. Newer single crystal sensors with cases cult to distinguish from pseudo sources when looking at the
that provide EMI (electromagnetic interference) and RFI waveform alone. These pseudo sources are:
(radio frequency interference) protection, enables the use of Liquid and gas leakage
single power I signal coax cables with BNC connectors. There Crack closure
is no appreciable loss in sensitivity and either can be used, Loose particles and loose parts
but the ease of use could dictate the latter. Slag cracking
As with ali sensors, the signai from the sensor is pre Frictional rubbing
amplified before driving the signal up the long cable. In the Cavitation
past, the sensor and pre-amp were separate and required Any sudden volume change suC;h as:
special handling. Thday, the pre-amps are built into the sensor boiling
housing, with only a slight increase in height of the sensor, freezing
which makes for easier and quicker set-ups. melting
The score of diverse sensors cover a range of 25-800 kHz. chemical reaction
�Ij �
, parameter, such as pressure. This is useful in the analysis
of AE data when the test or operational parameters are
'OdB Threshold
_ .. - ---- ---- continually increasing. A "rate" display is frequently
1/ I I 1/ A
easier to interpret in tests which there is
number of AE data.
7. Video display of sensor arrays and AE source location
high total
il I
in respect to sensors. Each AE event will produce one