Concrete Bridge Construction 5-393.350
Concrete Bridge Construction 5-393.350
Concrete Bridge Construction 5-393.350
5-393.351 PREPARATIONS FOR CONCRETE PLACE- cubic yards required up to the cut-off point when a delay
MENT is required in concrete placement. An example might be
the top of pier columns when the pier cap is to be placed
Well in advance of each concrete placement, the inspector monolithically with the columns. The extent of the delay
should review the operations and be assured that nothing has period will depend on the setting time of the concrete and
been overlooked that may influence the success of the the rate of pour. The minimum delay period of one hour,
proposed pour. In general, this review should be made with required by Specifications should be scheduled for hot
the Contractor. The Contractor is the responsible party and weather and a slow to medium (up to 1.5 m per hour) rate
should give the orders for any corrections or preparations of pour. A maximum delay period of 1 1/2 hours should
necessary. The review should include items contained in the be used for higher rates of pour and/or lower
following list, some of which may have been made before the temperatures. The purpose of this delay is to permit
initial placement. maximum water release and consolidation of the concrete
in the columns or walls prior to placement of concrete in
1. The time of day that the placement is to be started should the cap.
be determined and the completion time estimated.
8. The use of concrete additives such as retarders for deck
2. Approved concrete materials in quantities adequate to placements and Type III cement for cold weather
complete the placement must be available. The placements should be discussed with the Concrete
aggregates must be approved, cement must be the proper Engineer. All admixtures including air entraining must be
brand and either approved or sampled according to the approved.
Concrete Manual. A small quantity of the air entraining
agent, retarder or other admixture used should be 9. Placing equipment should be reviewed to ensure that
available at the bridge site when Type 3 (air-entrained) proper methods of placing are used. The possibility of a
concrete is mixed away from the site. break-down in placement equipment should be discussed,
as well as the availability of replacement equipment. If
3. Time-settlement delays after embankment construction at concrete is being placed for a critical falsework design
abutments or piers may be required by the Special (slab span, box girder, rigid frame or concrete arch) by
Provisions. A check should be made to ensure that any means of a pump, the contractor may be required by the
such requirements are fulfilled prior to footing engineer to have a standby pump at the site.
placements. In addition, the soil must be compacted as
required in Specification 2451.3 B, C and D for all spread 10. Approved finishing tools and equipment must be
footings placed on soil; this includes footings on natural provided. Strike-offs must have the proper crown or
soil as well as footings on embankments. straightness. Longitudinal floats and straightedges must
be true. The necessity for small tools such as darbies,
4. Pumps, with sumps outside the formed area, should be hand floats, trowels, edgers and brooms, together with
provided when necessary to keep footing areas dewatered. bridges to work from, must not be overlooked. Lack of
The water level must be kept below the bottom of the an edger or specified radius for curbs and sidewalks can
proposed pour for succeeding casts. All concrete, except be very troublesome, and edgers are almost impossible to
concrete seals, should be placed “in the dry” except as improvise on short notice. Edgers should be long enough
permitted by Plan or Special Provision. and wide enough to permit slight variations in pressure
without causing dips and gouges.
5. Concrete mixing equipment should be checked as
required in 5-694.400 of the Concrete Manual. 11. The number of concrete finishers necessary should be
discussed, since this directly affects the rate of finishing.
6. The concrete delivery or production rate should be
coordinated with the rate of placement permitted by the 12. When finishing must be done in poorly windowed
form plans or coordinated with a rate of placement that housing, or it is anticipated that finishing may be required
will permit proper finishing with available personnel and at night, adequate artificial lighting should be provided.
equipment. The Special Provisions may require a
minimum rate of placement for placements of large seals, 13. Procedures to follow in case of rainfall before the
decks or piers. In this case, equipment and personnel concrete has set up should be discussed with the
must be available and the forms must be designed so that Contractor. Deck slabs should be given careful
the minimum rate of placement can be maintained. consideration due to the large area that may be exposed
and the extensive damage that may result from running
7. The rate of delivery should be fairly uniform. Ready-mix water. Plastic sheeting or other protective covering
trucks should be scheduled to leave the plant at spaced should be on hand at the bridge site.
intervals, not in groups. A check should be made on the
5-393.351 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
14. Curing materials (burlap, plastic curing blankets, etc.) 2. Panel forms for substructure units should be treated with
should be at the site in sufficient quantity to cover the an approved form release agent before erection. Forms
placement. It is very difficult to adequately seal concrete for deck slabs should be treated in advance of placing
with curing blankets when dowels or other reinforcement reinforcement bars. The removable portion of form bolts
bars project from the surface. It may be necessary to should be coated before placing to facilitate removal. A
arrange to cure such areas with wet burlap. resin-coated form-grade plywood is available, which is
said to be non-staining.
15. When temperatures below 4EC (40EF) are anticipated or
can be expected before completion of curing, cold 3. The face of the forms that will be in contact with concrete
weather protection materials should be at the jobsite prior should be clean and all debris removed from within the
to placement. Requirements for cold weather protection forms. This may require that openings be cut through the
are given in Specification 2401.3C2. Arrangements form near the bottom, the debris removed, and the
should be made to preheat the forms, reinforcement bars opening closed. On deck slabs, flushing the forms with
and abutting concrete surfaces when they have been water to move the debris to several central locations for
subjected to freezing temperatures. Required curing and removal is an excellent method of cleaning within the
the need for form insulation or housing and heating forms. The inspector should pay particular attention to
should be discussed. Unformed upper surfaces must be see that paper, chips, sawdust, etc., are removed from
protected during finishing operations until the concrete is “hard to get” locations. Industrial type vacuum cleaners
set up enough to bear the upper insulating material. Heat or compressed air blowers are useful at such locations. A
applied directly to fresh concrete must be provided by magnet tied to the end of a rod can be used for picking up
vented heaters. Combustion products from unvented metal objects such as nails and wires.
heaters cause a weak layer of calcium carbonate on the
surface of the concrete that interferes with cement 4. Deck slab forms usually take some time to construct.
hydration. The result is a soft, chalky surface that dusts Wood forms that were constructed tightly may shrink,
off under traffic. especially during hot weather, and develop openings
through which mortar may leak. Thoroughly flushing the
16. The need for taking control test cylinders should be forms a day in advance of pouring will usually tighten up
considered and discussed with the Contractor. These the forms. (Note: Flushing with water for cleaning or
cylinders would be in addition to cylinders required for tightening the forms is, in addition to the Specification
acceptance of materials. Control cylinders are normally requirement for flushing immediately in advance of
used when cold weather curing is anticipated. See concrete placement). A close inspection should be made
Specification 2401.3G for further details. for holes or cracks through which mortar may leak. On
steel beam spans with stools (haunches), the wedges
17. A water supply for wetting forms and providing a fog holding the sheathing tightly against the underside of the
spray should be discussed with the Contractor. The need beam flange should be checked and snugged up. Holes in
for fog spray nozzles at the jobsite should be pointed out vertical forms may be plugged with a piece of cork cut
at that discussion. flush with the face of the form in contact with concrete.
Holes or cracks in the forms for the underside of deck
Specification 2461.4A states that concrete production shall not slabs may be covered with tin nailed in place. Covering
be started until the Engineer has approved all preparations for holes with tin on vertical forms, where the concrete will
concrete placement. The following items should be carefully be exposed to view, is not advisable as the slight
checked during the pre-placement inspection. depression will show up and a concrete patch will not
adhere in such a shallow depression. Adjacent sheets of
1. The forms should be checked for conformance with the plyform sheathing or other form lining on vertical forms
Plan dimensions, elevations and alignment. Surveying must be close fitting with smooth joints. If the joints are
instruments are often necessary for checking the not close fitting, the crack should be filled with a non-
alignment or elevations of forms. Form lines should staining putty or other suitable material to reduce the
always be checked visually, but a blind dependence amount of ordinary surface finish work.
should not be placed on them. Chamfer or cove strips
should be checked for location, size, warping and 5. All reinforcement, inserts, anchorages and sleeves which
adequate nailing every 150 mm to 200 mm (6-8 inches). are to be cast in should be checked for proper positioning,
Forms and falsework plans should also be checked to see projection and minimum concrete cover.
that the construction conforms to the approved Plans. It is
assumed that the size, spacing and materials used have 6. Expansion devices should be carefully adjusted as
been checked for compliance with the approved form discussed under Section 5-393.370 of this manual.
plans, and that any changes necessary have been made
during construction. See Section 5-393.250 of this 7. When temporary wood spreaders are used within vertical
manual for inspection of reinforcement bars, mesh, etc. forms, a wire tied around the spreader and extending to
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.352 (1)
the top of the form may prevent them from being or onto a conveyor belt. See the following sketch from an
inadvertently cast into the concrete. American Concrete Institute publication.
8. Slipforming equipment should be given a “dry run” to Chutes normally carried with ready mix trucks to discharge
ensure clearance and minimum concrete cover over concrete are classified as short chutes. There is some
reinforcement. segregation associated with their use and the segregation
increases as the chute angle increases. When the concrete is
5-393.352 CONCRETE PLACEMENT EQUIPMENT chuted directly into forms, baffles or hoppers may be
necessary to change the direction of the flow to prevent
Chutes segregation. When ready-mix trucks are used to discharge
Chutes are constructed of metal in a semicircular shape or of concrete into deck slab or sidewalk forms, the chute should be
wood in a rectangular shape. They should be mortar tight. moved in as large an arc as possible when discharging to
Aluminum chutes should never be permitted since the coarse minimize segregation. See Concrete Manual 5-694.622.
aggregate will wear off particles of aluminum and cause
gassing in the concrete mix. Downspouts
Downspouts are sometimes referred to as “drop chutes” when
The amount of segregation in concrete discharged from a made of metal or as “elephant trunks” when made of rubber.
chute will increase as the length and slope of the chute
increases. No definite rule can be laid down as to the length Nominal diameters vary from 200 mm to 400 mm (8 to 16
and slope of a straight chute that may be used without inches). Commonly used downspouts are made of sheet metal
segregation. The slope is usually 1 vertical to 2 or 2 1/2 and are constructed in sections. Each section usually makes a
horizontal. The important thing for the inspector to remember downspout 1.3 m (4 feet) long. The sections are made in the
is that, if segregation is apparent in chutes, baffles must be shape of a truncated cone and are placed with the smaller end
installed or shorter chutes that reverse the direction of the flow down. Hooks and chains are provided to hold the sections
of concrete must be used. These corrections will slow down together. Each lower section overlaps the upper section and is
the coarse aggregate and permit the mortar to “catch up.” suspended from it. A steel hopper completes the upper end of
the downspout. This hopper is usually constructed with a
Mortar short section of downspout into which the concrete is
Baffle discharged.
600 mm (2 ft.) min.
No separation Rock
With the hopper resting on a suitable framework on top of the
headroom for
form, the downspout is constructed initially to a length such
that the lower end will be 1.3 m (4 feet) or less from the
bottom of the concrete. As the concrete level approaches the
end of the downspout, a 1.3 m (4 feet) section is removed and
this procedure is repeated until the concrete level is 1.3 m (4
CORRECT INCORRECT feet) or less from the finished surface, at which time the spout
The above arrangement Improper or lack of control and hopper may be removed.
prevents segregation, at end of any concrete chute,
no matter how long no matter how short.
the chute. Whether Usually a baffle merely When large areas of concrete such as walls are being poured
concrete is being changes the direction of through downspouts, better results will be obtained if a
discharged into hoppers, segregation. number of downspouts are provided. The concrete can then be
buckets, trucks, or forms. maintained approximately level by depositing a small amount
of concrete in each spout successively rather than using one
Control Of Concrete Segregation downspout and moving it from one location to another to
At The End Of Chutes maintain level lifts of 300 mm (1 foot) or less.
At the end of a chute the coarse aggregate will discharge A downspout in each column of a pier in which the cap is cast
ahead of the mortar and segregation will result. The monolithic with the columns is preferred. Equal lifts of
segregation is aggravated where the concrete hits the side of a concrete can then be placed alternately in each column with
form or mat of reinforcement bars. For this reason, if several advantages: the overall rate of pour is faster (the rate
segregation is evident, the direction of discharge of concrete must not exceed the rate for which the forms were designed);
into the forms must change to vertical by means of a baffle or the degree of set is practically the same for each column when
a hopper with a short length of downspout. The most the concrete level reaches the tops of the columns at the start
satisfactory method of ensuring a vertical drop is by passing of the delay period; and the forms may be maintained in better
the concrete through a short section of pipe. Baffle plates are alignment.
not always satisfactory as sometimes they merely change the
direction of separation. This may apply to sloping discharges
from mixers and truck mixers, as well as longer chutes. It
does not apply when concrete is discharged into another chute
5-393.352 (2) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
In some cases, due to the location of the reinforcement bars or Discharging a 2 cubic meter (2.6 cy) bucket suddenly would
the limited space between forms, downspouts cannot be used. drop approximately 5 metric tons (5.5 tons) of concrete into
In these cases, it may be necessary to cut a series of openings the forms. In addition, the bucket should be as close to the
in the back side of the form to place the concrete. The forms as possible to reduce the impact from dropping the
openings are closed when the concrete level approaches the concrete.
bottom of the opening and the procedure is repeated to the
next higher level. Pump Placement
The modern mobile pump with hydraulic placing boom is
Concrete Buckets economical to use in placing both large and small quantities of
Concrete buckets are used as a crane attachment to transport concrete. These units are used to convey concrete directly
concrete from one location or level to another. The size from a truck unloading point to the concrete placement area.
commonly used on bridge work vary from 0.5 cubic meters
capacity up to 1.5 cubic meters (0.65 to 2.0 cubic yards).
They are constructed with manually operated discharge gates.
The rate of discharge may be varied by manually varying the
gate opening which discharges the concrete. Direction
of spreading
Concrete buckets are usually designed to be self-cleaning but
the inspector should check the bucket occasionally to see that
it is clean and that there is no progressive build-up of mortar
in the bucket. It is necessary to rest the bucket on a sheet of Rock pockets form
plywood or other material when it is being filled to prevent at bottom of slab
contamination with dirt. Concrete buckets should be filled as
shown in the sketch below taken from an American Concrete CORRECT INCORRECT
Institute publication. Turn bucket so that Dumping so that
separated rock falls on free rock falls
concrete where it may out on forms or
be readily worked into subgrade.
Temporary Expedient
Filling Concrete Bucket 2. Avoid, if at all possible, having steep angles in the pump
pipelines. Steep angles and slow placement rates are
A temporary expedient which can be used if segregation has probably the worst conditions for minimizing air loss and
not been eliminated in filling buckets is shown in the segregation.
following sketch, taken from an American Concrete Institute
publication. Correction in filling the bucket should be made When using pumps, concrete should not be pumped through
as soon as possible to eliminate the segregation. aluminum pipe. Aluminum can be eroded by the moving
concrete in sufficient quantity to cause a reaction between it
Most concrete buckets are designed to handle concrete of the and the lime in the cement which leads to the generation of
consistency normally used on bridge work. If concrete of hydrogen. This has the same effect as excessive air
specified slump cannot be properly discharged from the entrainment and the strength of the concrete may be drastically
bucket used, the bucket, rather than the slump, should be reduced. Problems arise in the adverse reaction of concrete
changed. with aluminum, not from the placement of concrete with
pumps. All samples should be taken at the discharge end.
The discharge gate should not be suddenly opened to full Concrete for test cylinders should also be collected at the
width, but should gradually be opened and the discharge discharge end.
controlled to prevent excessive impact on the forms.
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.352 (3)
For additional information on pumping see “Pumpcrete”, platform rolled back as the pour progresses. The head of the
5-694.624 in the Concrete Manual. concrete is thus maintained approximately parallel to the
finishing machine screed.
Concrete Buggies
There are two types of buggies used for placing concrete. When placing concrete from buggies, the concrete should be
They are commonly referred to as hand buggies and power dumped into the face of concrete in place, rather than away
buggies. from the concrete in place: see the sketch below, taken from
an American Concrete Institute publication. This should
1. Hand buggies are two wheeled with rubber tires and have prevent separation of rock and mortar.
capacities of approximately 0.2 cubic meters (0.25 cy).
They are pushed and dumped manually.
Concrete buggies require runways when they cannot operate CORRECT INCORRECT
on previously placed concrete. When used for concrete To dump concrete To dump concrete
placement on piers, abutments or walls, the runway should rest into face of concrete away from concrete
on falsework that is independent of the concrete forms or in place. in place.
falsework. Runways and the supporting falsework should be
Placing Slab Concrete
checked for structural adequacy using loadings provided by
from Buggies
the manufacture of the power buggy. When they are used to
place concrete on deck slabs, the runway is supported on
cross-frames whose legs rest on the forms. The legs of the Gantry Cranes
cross-frame must be long enough to allow the cross joist of the Gantry cranes have been adapted to transport form materials,
frame to clear the deck rebars. The runways are constructed in reinforcement bars, and concrete for the deck slabs of longer
sections and the sections must be removed as the pour span bridges. They are self-propelled, very heavy, and run on
progresses. the same rails used for the bridge deck finishing machine. A
concrete bucket is suspended from the power operated crane
When runways are necessary with buggies, the placement which moves transversely on the supporting framework. One
must start at the far end of the section and progress toward the end of the gantry frame-work overhangs the deck. In
end where the buggies are loaded. In some sectional pours, operations, the bucket is moved to the overhang, lowered to
the buggies must cross deck slabs poured the day before or the ground or barge to be filled, and is then raised. The crane
several days previously. This is not objectionable provided may be moved along the rails as the bucket is raised or the
the curing materials are protected from abrasion and some bucket may be raised, centered on the gantry, and the gantry is
provision is made to distribute the load and reduce impact. then moved. Large, undesirable stresses and differential
With hand buggies, boards laid on the curing material over the deflections may be set up in the bridge structure due to the
area to be used as a runway is usually sufficient. Sections of mass of the gantry, impact of the moving load and the
prefabricated runway or heavy planks should be placed on the movement due to the overhanging load. Each bridge is a
curing material when power buggies are used to distribute the special case and no blanket approval or limitation on the use
load and reduce impact. The runway should be free of abrupt of a gantry crane is practical. If the use of this machine is
vertical offsets and obstructions. Due to the mass of a loaded anticipated, an investigation of resulting stresses and
power buggy, its lack of springing action and the speed deflections should be made.
traveled, a noticeable shock wave will be transmitted to the
concrete when a buggy crosses a board in its path. It may also Tremis
be advisable to require reduced speeds to avoid cracking on A tremie consists of a watertight metal tube not less than 250
previously cast concrete. mm (10 inch) in diameter and of sufficient strength to perform
the work. The lower end of the tremie is equipped with a
Power buggies have been successfully used on long deck slab suitable valve or device which can be tightly closed while the
pours where a bridge finishing machine was required. A tremie is being charged and lowered into position and which
runway is centered on the roadway slab and is connected to a can be fully opened in the lowered position. A typical tremie
short ramp leading up to a transverse unloading platform. tube may be constructed of 300 mm (12 inch) O.D. steel shell
This platform is equipped with flanged wheels which rest on pile section with a welded hopper which is either conical or
the rails on which the finishing machine operates. The rectangular with a sloping bottom. The control cables for the
unloading platform permits the buggies to unload transversely valve may extend from the valve through the tremie tube up to
without additional runways and with very little shoveling. the top of the hopper. If sectional tremie tubes are used, water
Sections of the main runway are taken up and the loading tight gaskets must be used where sections are bolted together.
5-393.353 (1) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
The tube should be long enough so that the hopper will be The Specifications require that all concrete used on bridges,
well above the water surface when the bottom of the tube is at except cofferdam seals or cast-in-place concrete piles, must be
the bottom of the excavation. vibrated by the use of internal vibrators. The requirements for
vibration and spading are covered completely in Specification
Concrete Conveyor Belts 2401.3D with supplemental information in 5-694.600 of the
Conveyor belts have been used to transport concrete. Concrete Manual.
Segregation will usually result at the discharge end of the belt
unless a suitable hopper with vertical downspout is used. A Over-vibration tends to segregate the concrete. Incomplete
belt that is too flat will spill mortar over the sides. Belt vibration, where part of the concrete is not vibrated, may show
scrapers are mandatory. See the sketch on the following page, honeycomb and insufficient consolidation when lower slump
taken from an American Concrete Institute publication. concrete is used. The vibrator should penetrate the previous
lift of concrete. Systematic vibration of each new lift is shown
in the sketch below, taken from an American Concrete
Institute publication.
Counter weighted
rubber scraper No baffle
Provide 600 mm (2 ft.)
Baffle Mortar
No separation Rock
headroom for
Vertical penetration of Haphazard random
Concrete placement in bridges is governed by Specification Vibration of concrete does not take the place of spading
2401. Methods for controlling segregation for the various concrete along the forms but does reduce the amount required.
types of placement equipment are discussed under the Spading should always be done along bulkheads in deck slab
previous section 5-393.352. The basic requirements of pours, along the edge of the roadway slab, curb, coping and
Specification 2401 regarding prevention of segregation of railing forms.
mortar and coarse aggregate are as follows:
The reaction of the forms and falsework under the concrete
1. The height of freefall of the concrete from the end of a load should also be watched. The end result of a good form
chute, downspout, hopper or bucket, to its final position in plan, but careless construction practice, can be poor. The
the forms shall not exceed 1.3 meters (4 ft). Contractor should be required to provide “form-watchers” on
piers, abutments and other large wall pours. The “form-
2. Concrete shall be deposited as near its final position as watchers” should climb the forms as the pour progresses,
possible and vibrators shall not be used to move the checking form bolts and observing the behavior of the forms
concrete horizontally within the forms. under load. When excessive bulging is noticed, or if a form
bolt should snap, pouring should cease until corrective
3. Pipes, belts or chutes that are inclined may be used only measures can be taken. Sometimes due to carelessness the
when approved means of preventing segregation are holes drilled through the sheathing for form bolts do not line
provided. Inclined pipes, chutes and belts (either inclined up between opposing forms. When the form bolts are placed,
or horizontal), shall discharge into hoppers with vertical they are sometimes bent to pass through the misaligned holes.
downspouts. The bent folds may straighten as the load is applied which
tends to place a greater load on adjacent bolts, perhaps causing
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.353 (2)
a serious overstress on these bolts even though the design is but this estimated elevation should not be considered as final
entirely adequate. grade. See 5-393.203 for estimating the false work deflection.
When the concrete level approaches 150 mm to 300 mm (6 to
The plumbness of substructure units must be maintained. A 12 inches) of the top of the pier cap, one of two things should
description of methods for holding the forms plumb, be done: (a) recheck grade nails, reset to true elevation when
inspecting plumbness and a discussion of tolerances are as necessary, then place chamfer strips or (b) when chamfer
follows: strips are preset with temporary nailing, check and realign to
true grade and fasten securely. It is important for true bearing
1. The plumbness of the pier forms may be maintained by areas that this check and resetting of the top grades be made
the use of: (a) guy cables and turnbuckles attached to the after most of the concrete is placed.
walers or strongbacks on the pier forms at the one end and
a substantial anchorage at the other end, or (b) by Vertical forms for bridge substructures, retaining walls, etc.,
pushbraces (shores) with wedges for adjustment, or (c) by are usually designed to resist a certain maximum concrete
cross cables with turnbuckles fastened at one end to the pressure. The pressure used in the form design is based on the
falsework caps and at the other end to hairpin bars cast in rate of pour and concrete temperature anticipated. See 5-
the footing. On piers adjacent to railway tracks, bracing 393.200 of this manual.
may have to be confined to one side of the pier and a
combination of cables and pushbraces may be required. The inspector should check concrete temperatures as the
concrete is placed in the form. The rate of placement should
2. In many cases on land, such as the piers of a grade be reduced when lower than anticipated concrete temperatures
separation bridge, offset lines may be run and the will cause an excessive increase in pressure. Actual
plumbness of a unit checked with a transit. When the placement rates should also be checked and should not be
plumbness of a pier is checked with a transit, an offset permitted to exceed the design rate.
line from the pier centerline is usually used. The offset
distance must be sufficient to clear the walers, The Plans usually show a permissible construction joint
strongbacks and form bolts. Usually one meter (3 feet) between pier caps and columns. If the Contractor elects to
from the face of concrete is adequate. Horizontal wood pour the cap monolithic with the pier columns, a time delay of
strips (lookouts) are nailed to the studs at several 30 minutes to 90 minutes should elapse between placing
locations and, measuring from the outside of the column concrete and cap concrete (see Specification
sheathing, a nail is set vertically in the lookout at the 2401.3C1). Before starting the cap portion of the placement,
offset distance. On piers with columns, at least two points the tops of the columns should be cleaned of laitance and any
should be set at each column, one about 1/4 the height of loose or porous concrete. Concrete shrinks and settles very
the column above its footing and one near the top of the rapidly in its early stages of setting up. The purpose of the
column. More points should be required on high delay is to allow most of this consolidation to occur in the
columns. A lookout point should be placed near the top column before the cap concrete is placed. No delay, or an
of the pier cap forms over each column. insufficient delay period, may cause visible cracks or low
strength concrete at the top of the column. These cracks will
3. With the transit on the offset line, each lookout point is not generally extend around the column but will extend from
observed before the pour and the forms adjusted to be the top of the column on diagonal lines up into the pier cap at
truly vertical. The inspector should verify that the transit about the angle of repose of green concrete. The cap concrete
offset line and the nails set in the lookouts are the same over the column settles with the column and the adjacent cap
offset distance from the pier centerline. Intermittent concrete supported on falsework cannot settle. Excessive,
observations are also taken on the points as the placement slow crushing of the falsework combined with a slow rate of
progresses. A weaving action may occur in which the pour in the cap could cause the same type of crack.
forms will list slightly in one direction, then in the other,
as the placement progresses. Plumb-bobs suspended from Single diaphragms on prestressed girders which encase the
outriggers may also be used to check on plumbness ends of girders in adjacent spans are required to be poured
during the placement. monolithic with the slab. The diaphragm is poured monolithic
with the slab in an attempt to have the diaphragm concrete
4. With all of the concrete in place, the top of the forms plastic while the girder ends rotate due to slab dead load
should be within the plumb tolerances specified in Section deflection. This method of construction reduces compression
5-393.203. Generally, all the lookouts in a horizontal line stresses in the ends of the girders. See the following sketch:
should show approximately the same deviation or wavy
concrete lines may result.
The elevation of the top of pier caps or other units supported Rotation into diaphragm High compression stress
on falsework should be determined in the following manner. CORRECT INCORRECT
Grade nails or vee strips to which the concrete surface is Unrestrained condition Restrained condition
finished may be preset with the estimated deflection included, (diaphragm plastic) (diaphragm set)
5-393.354 CONCRETE PLACEMENT IN COFFER- design and creates an additional safety factor. The inside
DAMS dimensions of the cofferdam usually conform to the horizontal
dimensions of the seal.
Requirements for cofferdams are given in Specification
2451.3A3. In most cases, the Engineer will want to review the When conditions are encountered that make it impractical to
Contractor’s plans for the cofferdam to ensure adequate dewater a cofferdam prior to placement of concrete, a
roomfor the concrete seal (if required), pile driving and foundation seal may be provided by the Contractor. Concrete
footing concrete. Safety for Mn/DOT inspectors must also be seals are used to provide some or all of the following: to resist
considered and the construction of cofferdams of inadequate buoyancy, to minimize infiltration of water through permeable
depth or without sufficient bracing should not be permitted. It soil, to act as a lower support for the sheet piles, to tie the
is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide a safe and driven piles together to resist uplift and to provide subsequent
adequate cofferdam; however, it is in everyone’s best interest support for the construction of the pier footing. The size and
to bring obvious deficiencies to the Contractor’s attention thickness of the concrete seal should be sufficient to permit
prior to beginning construction. Special requirements for subsequent dewatering without the risk of failure due to “blow
cofferdams may be given in the Plan and/or Special out” from water pressure. Specification 2451.3A3b provides
Provisions. for placement of a concrete seal when no seal is indicated in
the Plans, if the Contractor so desires. In this event, the cost
Concrete seals are specified in the Plan when it is anticipated of the seal would be covered by the Contractor. The
that a cofferdam cannot be safely dewatered to the bottom of Contractor would then be required to submit the proposal to
the footing elevation. If the conditions of the bottom are such the Engineer for approval. The Engineer should then contact
that no appreciable penetration can be effected into the bottom the Bridge Construction and Maintenance Section for
and, if friction between the outside submerged soil and the concurrence and the change could be covered by a Change
sheet piling cannot be depended upon, then a concrete seal Order.
sufficiently heavy to prevent uplift from hydrostatic pressure
is required. The following sketch shows one situation where a With the cofferdam in place and before driving foundation
seal is required. piles (if they are required), excavation should be completed to
the bottom of the seal. Soundings are taken to determine
The Plans will show which units require concrete seals and excavation progress by measuring the depth from the water
also the seal dimensions. Usually seals are 0.5 meter (1-2 surface to the bottom of seal. The elevation of the water
feet) larger on all sides than the footing dimensions of the pier surface is determined and the theoretical distance from the
to provide for water surface to the established bottom of seal is computed. A
benchmark is made on the cofferdam sheets near the water
surface at a known elevation for checking excavation and seal
elevations. The final elevation of the bottom as determined by
Water Sheet Pile soundings should not vary more than about 150 mm (6 inches)
Cofferdam between the different soundings and the average elevation of
the bottom should not be higher than the established bottom of
the seal elevation.
A prod or measuring pole for sounding may be constructed
Seal using a 20 mm (3/4 inch) pipe with a 150 mm (6 inch)
diameter board or plate fastened to one end. A mark is made
on the pole at a distance above the plate equal to the distance
Soil from top of water elevation to plan bottom of seal elevation.
Foundation Marks are also made above and below the original mark at
Piling 0.05 m (2 inch) intervals. The pole is lowered vertically into
the water until the plate touches bottom and the depth is noted.
On fairly deep seals the pole may become too heavy and
awkward to lift up and transfer from one cofferdam bay to
another. Flat steel plates with a ring welded to the center of
the plate and suspended on a light link chain have been used in
lieu of the pole for sounding. Areas near and under cofferdam
Cofferdam With Seal struts, that may be high due to difficulty getting an excavating
bucket under them, should always be checked.
construction room. The seal thickness depends on the depth of
water above the bottom of the seal because a concrete seal is When foundation piling is required in the footing, a precaution
designed to resist hydrostatic uplift with its mass. The friction is necessary because the soil in the cofferdam may swell or be
on the sheet piling and foundation piling also resist uplift due displaced upward during pile driving. Generally, contractors
to hydrostatic pressure. This friction is generally ignored in will excavate below the bottom of seal elevation anticipating
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.354 (2)
such swell and will backfill to grade after the piles are driven. higher than normal slump (120 mm-150 mm) (5-6 inches) is
Allowance for swell of foundation material may vary from used to facilitate lateral flow of the concrete. Loss of cement
nothing to 600 mm (2 feet) or more, depending on the soil from the mix is also minimized if the water in the cofferdam is
type and pile spacing. The depth must be determined by the still and the equipment is moved slowly in the water or
Contractor because it is their responsibility to provide the concrete.
proper foundation grade. Steel H-type bearing piles will cause
muchless ground swell than will timber or steel shell piles Frequent soundings must be taken to obtain a reasonably level
because of their relatively small cross sectional area. top surface on the seal. The same equipment used to check the
excavation elevation can also be used for this purpose. The
Immediately after the piles are driven, the Contractor should water level may rise in a tight cofferdam as the concrete
check the bottom elevation of the excavation so that displaces the water. The benchmark originally set on the
corrections can be made. If the bottom of the excavation is cofferdam sheets for checking the excavation elevation may
below the established bottom of seal elevation, the Contractor be used to check the elevation of the seal. Additional
may elect to backfill with suitable sand-gravel material rather information on concrete seals is contained in 5-694.835 of the
than fill with concrete. If the Contractor elects to fill the void Concrete Manual.
with concrete, it will be at their expense. After corrections are
made, the Contractor should again sound and record the The inspector should record water temperatures during the
elevation of the bottom of the excavation. placement and several times daily thereafter until the
cofferdam is dewatered. The water temperature desired is the
Seal concrete must be placed as near its final position as temperature at the surface of the seal. Based on these
possible by means of a tremie or by pumping. The water in temperatures, the length of the curing period should be
the cofferdam should be relatively still and undisturbed at the determined (see Specification 2451.3A3c). Dewatering
point of deposit. The concrete should, unless otherwise should not be done within a sealed cofferdam until the seal has
specified, be placed to full depth in one continuous operation, been placed and cured since the foundation soils may be
completing the work to grade progressively from one end of seriously disturbed.
the cofferdam to the other. The tremie pipe or pump line
should be kept in the puddle at all times, being withdrawn After the cofferdam is dewatered, the pile cut-off is made and
only at the completion of each day or as may be required by the top of the seal within the footing thoroughly cleaned of
the cofferdam bracing. The level of the concrete in the tremie laitance and loose material. If the top of the seal projects
tube should be kept approximately at the level of the water above plan grade far enough to displace the reinforcement mat
outside of the tube. After withdrawing, the tremie should be upwards, it must be cut down. It should also be cut down
recharged with concrete above water and lowered to the new around pile heads so that the piles will project into the footing
position where the discharge end can be set into the concrete as planned. Any leaks that show up in the seal should be
puddle. plugged so that the footing can be poured “in the dry.”
In operation, the tremie suspended from a crane line with the It is sometimes necessary to leave the struts of a cofferdam in
valve closed and out of the water is fully filled or charged with place and cast the concrete around the struts. This condition
concrete. It is then lowered to the bottom near one end of the frequently occurs adjacent to railroad tracks or in water, where
cofferdam and raised a small amount to allow the valve to be the removal of the struts in advance of pouring may cause
opened. As the concrete is discharged, the concrete level in collapse.
the tremie will lower. As the concrete level in the tremie
approaches water level, the valve should be closed so that the When cofferdams struts are to be left in place, they must be of
concrete level in the tremie is never below water level. The steel and generally should be cast into the concrete.
tremie is then recharged and the operation repeated. It may be Specification 2451 permits boxing out braces or struts only
necessary to raise and lower the tremie slightly to assist in upon written approval of the Engineer. If the Contractor
discharging the concrete, but the bottom of the tremie should requests boxing out around struts or braces, the Bridge Office
not be raised out of the concrete. Usually a valve opening of should be contacted for a recommendation.
150 mm (6 inches) or less together with the raising and
lowering of the tremie is sufficient for discharge. The tremie When the concrete has gained sufficient strength, the
is then moved laterally with its lower end still in the concrete. cofferdam sheets may be braced against it or may be held in
If cofferdam struts are present, lateral movement of the tremie position by back filling. The struts can then be cut off.
is restricted. In this case the tremie should be completely
discharged, recharged above water and placed on the other If the struts are below final ground elevation or below low
side of the strut (or other obstruction). It is then discharged in water elevation, they may be burned off close to the concrete
previously placed concrete whenever possible. surface. If above these elevations, a recess 75 mm (3 inches)
deep should be formed out around the strut. The strut is
The operation is based on exposing as little concrete surface as burned off about 25 mm (1 inch) from the face of the recess
possible to the eroding action of the water. Some loss of and the recess then filled with a cement mortar or an epoxy
cement is anticipated; therefore, a rich mix (1X62) is used. A
5-393.355 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
5-393.355 REMOVAL OF FORMS Specification 2401 gives complete requirements for ordinary
surface finish and the mortar mix for repairs. When an area
The Specifications permit forms to remain in place as a curing must be repaired (due to any reason listed in Specification
media but they must not be permitted to become dry. If the 2401), it is recommended that the minimum depth of the patch
Contractor elects to use this method of cure, the forms must be 6 mm (1/4 in.). Feather-edged patches should be avoided.
remain in place until the curing requirements are met or the On exposed areas that must be patched after the concrete has
curing must be continued by other methods. set, neat lines should be cut around the perimeter of the area
with a concrete saw.
The Specifications also specify a minimum length of time that
the forms and falsework supporting the underside of bridge In suitable weather, filling of form bolt holes and repair of
members of various types must remain in place. The length of defective areas should be done immediately after the forms are
time required is based on concrete strength gain as computed stripped. When forms are used as a cold weather cure, the
under Specification 2401.3G or by control cylinders if cured work may have to be delayed until the following spring. In
under adverse weather conditions. this case, due to the advanced set of the concrete, the mortar in
patched areas should be bonded to the concrete with an
The soffit railing form for the cast-in-place concrete railing approved bonding agent. In addition, an epoxy mortar patch
and the concrete base used with ornamental metal railing may may be necessary when the patch would be difficult to cure.
be removed when 45% of concrete compressive strength is Bonding agents should also be used to repair concrete
attained. Surface finishing requirements may provide for form damaged during later construction operations. Information on
removal as soon as concrete has set sufficiently to retain its approved bonding agents and epoxy mortar may be obtained
molded shape. from the Concrete Engineer. For units constructed inside of
cofferdams, the filling of form bolt holes and any repair work
The forms for the battered front face of curbs or sidewalks necessary must obviously be done in advance of filling with
may be removed as soon as the concrete has set sufficiently to water. This may necessitate work during cold weather. When
retain the molded shape but in no case later than 48 hours after repair areas will be under water, an asphalt mastic is
casting. See Specification 2401.3F2d. recommended for minor repairs when the temperatures are
below 0EC (32EF).
Formwork (including formbolts) should be removed in a
manner that will not damage the concrete surface. Particular Mortar used for patching should be mixed about an hour in
care must be taken if forms are to be removed while the advance of placing and remixed immediately before
concrete is still green (first or second day of cure). In this application, to reduce shrinkage. Patches that show shrinkage
case, metal tools such as crow bars or pry bars should not be cracks around their perimeter after the mortar has set should
permitted to bear directly on the concrete surface. be considered defective and the mortar replaced.
Some parts of the structure may require rustication grooves or Normally either epoxy mortar or cement mortar may be used
vertical panels in exposed surfaces. The corner, formed by the for repairs. A list of approved epoxy materials can be
strip or panel and the concrete surface, is sharp edged without obtained from the Concrete Engineer. Epoxy mortar should
chamfer and may be easily chipped or spalled if the rustication consist of 5 to 6 parts sand mixed with 1 part of epoxy by
strip or panel is removed with the wall form. Forms for the volume to obtain desired workability. After cleaning, the area
rustication grooves or panels should be fastened to the wall to be repaired is primed with a coat of the same epoxy mixture
form with double headed nails, screws or bolts. These may be which is used in making the epoxy mortar. Epoxy mortar
removed before the wall form is removed, leaving the patches do not need to be cured as required for cement mortar
rustication form in place. Be certain that rustication forms fit and will not shrink.
tightly against the wall forms to prevent entry of mortar into
the joint. This creates fins and thin shells which result in In addition to mortar repairs, fins at sheathing joints, marks
spalled corners. Recesses in curbs at floor drains should be left by finishing tools, patches (after curing for at least 24
similarly treated. hours) and any other projections should be removed from
exposed surfaces by rubbing with a dry stone. The amount of
Steel column forms for circular columns should not be work required on exposed surfaces will depend to a large
removed by partially opening and lifting the form vertically. extent on the quality and workmanship of the forms.
This method of removal leaves objectionable marks on the
columns which are very difficult to remove. The form should At construction joints that are to receive joint waterproofing,
be completely opened and each half removed separately. all sharp projections or mortar shells that may cut or interfere
with proper placement of the waterproofing fabric should be
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.357
All conventionally formed concrete surfaces that are to receive 2. Application should not be made on a frosted surface
the special surface finish, shall be sandblasted or water- regardless of the air temperature. The surface
sandblasted prior to the ordinary surface finish to break the temperature of the concrete should be checked if low
surface film and to remove all laitance, form release agent, dirt temperatures prevail especially on shaded surfaces. A
and other foreign matter that may impede adhesion of the surface temperature of 2EC (36EF) or higher should be
special finish. required at time of application.
Prior to starting the special surface finish, the surface should 3. Freezing nighttime temperatures are not considered
be thoroughly wet down. Wetting should be continued so that objectionable. However, in order to allow some curing
the surface finishing will not be performed on a dry surface. time prior to freezing, no application should be performed
after 3:00 PM on days when an overnight freeze is
The special surface finishing shall be performed using a anticipated.
department approved system of commercially packaged
mortar, bonding agent, and 100% acrylic paint. The mortar, 4. For information regarding cold weather application of
bonding agent, and water shall be blended in proportions special surface finish materials contact the Concrete
specified by the manufacturer. The 100% acrylic paint shall Engineer.
be blended in at a rate of 3.8 L/22.7 kg (1 gallon/50 pound) of
dry mortar mix. The 100% acrylic paint shall meet the 5. Roller application is not permitted, however, rollers may
requirements of 3584. The approval requirements for the be used to produce a uniform texture after the special
special surface finish system along with the approved list are surface finish is applied using a sprayer.
on file in the Concrete Engineering Unit. The materials used
for the system shall produce a mixture suitable for spray For complete requirements for curb, sidewalk and median
application to vertical concrete surfaces at the specified finish, see Specification 2401.3F2d. The top edge of the
coverage rate. roadway curb, sidewalk or median must be edged or rounded
to the radius specified in the Plans. The specified radius and
The mixture shall be applied in a minimum of two coats by specified curb batter usually require a special edging tool. The
spraying. The initial coat shall cover the entire surface; it inspector should verify that a proper edging tool is available
shall not be so thick as to cause runs, sags or a "plastered" for curbs before any curb or sidewalk pour is started. In
effect. Follow all other manufacturer recommended addition to a lip formed to the proper radius and batter, the
application procedures. The total coverage rate for the two curb edger should be fairly long 200 mm - 300 mm (8"-12")
coats shall be 0.4m2 per L (16 square feet per gallon) of and the lip should not be so thick that a significant offset
material. between the face of the curb form and the radius will occur.
The special surface finishing shall be performed using a Curb edges are sometimes rounded to the required radius by
department approved system of commercially packaged using a wood cove for a form. The cove must be dressed to
mortar, bonding agent, and 100% acrylic paint. The mortar, proper radius and batter, and the edges must be feathered out.
bonding agent, and water shall be blended in proportions When coves are used, the curb form will usually extend above
specified by the manufacturer. The 100% acrylic paint shall the finished surface and the cove is set to proper elevation
be blended in at a rate of 3.8 L/22.7 kg (1 gallon/50 pound) of from grade nails set in the side of the curb form after it is
dry mortar mix. The 100% acrylic paint shall meet the placed in position. Due to the feather edge, care must be taken
requirements of 3584. The approval requirements for the not to damage the cove previous to or during concrete
special surface finish system along with the approved list are operations. The cove should be well covered with a form
on file in the Concrete Engineering Unit. The materials used coating material.
for the system shall produce a mixture suitable for spray
application to vertical concrete surfaces at the specified The practice of providing a radius by the use of a chamfer
coverage rate. strip and rubbing down the concrete edges with a rubbing
stone should not be permitted. This usually results in an
Finishing operations should be as continuous as possible. irregular radius because of encountering coarse aggregates.
Interruptions in the operations result in variations of shade and
texture giving a poor appearance.
5-393.358 (1) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
At edged joints the top of the form or bulkhead should always the riding quality of the bridge equal to the riding quality of
be set to the finished grade and the concrete struck off to the the adjacent roadway.
top of the form. After the initial strike-off, the edger should
be placed at the top of the form and run along the joint to push Bridge structural slabs are usually placed in one continuous
the coarse aggregate back from the rounded edge. Successive placement. Contractors occasionally request permission to
strike-offs are then made, disregarding the rounded edge. place a transverse construction joint even though a
construction joint is not indicated in the Plans or Special
When the water sheen starts to leave the surface, the edger can Provisions. The usual reason for requesting the joint is that
then be floated on the concrete surface without digging and at the Contractor cannot adequately place and finish the
this time the joint should be edged. Joints that are edged when indicated area with their workforce in one continuous
the concrete is too plastic will be wavy. After edging, trails operation. The Engineer should consult the Bridge
left by the tool should be removed and the final broom or Construction and Maintenance Section when such requests are
brush finish applied. made. Joints in bridge curbs or sidewalks will usually be
required over the construction joints in the slab to prevent
A painted surface finish is currently used for Type “F” median cracking. Slab construction joints directly under a rail post
barrier and inside face and top of Type “F” railing. Surfaces anchorage assembly or within a concrete railpost are
to be painted are sandblasted, given an ordinary surface finish undesirable and should be avoided. See Section 5-393.366 of
(except slipformed surfaces for which sandblasting and this manual for additional information regarding locating
ordinary surface finish are not required) and then painted with construction joints.
an approved latex or acrylic based paint.
Concrete overlays, typically consisting of low slump concrete,
A sack rubbed finish may be required where uniform are used on bridges meeting any of the following criteria:
appearance of painted surfaces is necessary. The Special
Provisions will contain this requirement if it is desired on a 1. All bridges carrying interstate traffic
project. 2. All interstate highway bridges at an interchange with
access to interstate
5-393.358 PLACING BRIDGE ROADWAY SLABS 3. All bridges carrying trunk highway traffic within major
metropolitan areas and municipalities with populations of
Two basic requirements for a good riding surface on any 5000 or greater
roadway are a true grade line without deviations from grade 4. All bridges on trunk highways with 20 year projected
and a smooth uniform surface without local bumps or ADT greater than 2000
depressions. The task of achieving a true grade line on bridge
roadways is complicated by deflections: the deflection of Detailed requirements for materials, placement, finishing, and
falsework for cast-in-place concrete bridges and the deflection curing of concrete overlays are currently found in
of the spanning members under the mass of the roadway slab. Specification 2404.
In addition, a long time continued deflection of concrete
members, known as creep, occurs. Allowances for deflection Several additives or admixtures are commonly used to
and creep must be accurately predicted and constructed into facilitate placing, finishing and curing. The latest list of
the roadway surface to prevent undesirable deviations from a approved products in Section 5-694.100 of the Concrete
true grade line. On cast-in-place slab span and box girder Manual should be checked prior to admixture use. If the
bridges, a true grade line cannot be continuously maintained proposed product is not listed, the Concrete Unit should be
since the deflection is continually increasing as time passes. contacted for a recommendation. Commonly used additives or
admixtures are as follows:
There are many complications in achieving a deck of uniform
smoothness. There are space limitations on a bridge roadway 1. Water Reducing Agent - A water reducing agent
for handling, placing and finishing concrete, and there is the added to the concrete will act to increase the slump
lack of completely mechanized operations and a reliance without increasing the water content. The higher
placed on hand finishing methods. slump facilitates placement of concrete in heavily
reinforced portions of a structure.
The best gauge the traveling public has for evaluating the
riding quality of a bridge is to compare it to the riding quality 2. Retarders - Retarders are admixtures used to delay
of the roadway adjacent to the bridge. There is nothing about the setting time of the concrete. The Engineer may
a bridge that is noticed by the traveling public so much as the require a retarder on continuous slab placement. The
riding quality of the deck. A structure which is satisfactory in retarder ensures that the concrete will remain plastic
all other respects will not be fully appreciated if the riding while dead load deflection is occurring, as early set
surface is rough or bumpy. Most concrete and asphaltic of the concrete could result in slab cracks from the
concrete pavements will have a smooth riding surface. The dead load deflection. (See Specification 2401.3.)
inspector must, therefore, pay close attention to setting grades Such retarders must be used with discretion on fast
and to the concrete placing and finishing operations to have drying days because early drying of the concrete
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.358 (2)
surface may still occur unless a fog spray is used or adjusted vertically. Vibration is provided sometimes to
other protective measures are taken. prevent the concrete from sticking to the rollers. The vibration
prevents any unwanted segregation. The crown of the deck is
3. Accelerators - Accelerators are an admixture that can controlled by input from the operator.
be used to accelerate the set and the rate of heat
development. When cold weather protection of the Structural slabs, the base slab upon which a dense concrete
concrete is required, accelerators may be overlay is cast, can be placed with a conventional paving
advantageous for curing (See Specification 2461.3E). machine as mentioned in the previous paragraph, or with an
Calcium chloride is not permitted for units containing "air screed" or "template". An air screed or template is a
prestressed steel or bridge superstructure concrete. much smaller and simpler piece of equipment that does not
require screed rails for support. Instead, it is generally
The delivery and placing rate should be governed entirely by mounted on a 1" high pipe or ski and rides on the top mat of
the amount of slab that the Contractor’s force and equipment deck reinforcing bars. Concrete shall be spread and leveled in
will be able to finish properly, not by how fast the concrete front of template so as not to cause "float" or overriding.
can be mixed, delivered and placed. Slow or erratic concrete
delivery and placement that requires frequent stops in the
finishing operations will increase the frequency of bumps.
Specification 2401 also requires that the rate of concrete
placement for continuous pours of two or more spans shall be
adequate to ensure that concrete will remain plastic for at least
one-half a span length back of an intermediate support until
placement has proceeded to a point one-half a span length
ahead of that support.
Some shoveling or redistribution of concrete is usually Templates or air screeds supported on slab reinforcement bars
necessary with the concrete placement methods used for a will not be permitted unless all of the following requirements
bridge slab. The best results will be obtained if the concrete are met:
can be deposited in its final position with a minimum of
shoveling. Differential subsidence will be minimized if: 1. The template shall be a product fabricated for the
intended purpose by a manufacturer with at least 10 years
1. Vibrators are not used to move concrete from one location experience. If template length exceeds 7315 mm
to another. (24 feet), the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer
that satisfactory adjustment can be made for crown
2. Concrete is not deposited in large piles and hand shoveled breaks. Attached vibrators shall be evenly distributed
into surrounding areas. across template length and vibration shall shut-off
automatically when forward motion stops.
3. Low areas are filled with concrete not mortar.
2. Supports for templates shall be spaced to provide no
4. Walking in the concrete is kept to a minimum and is not appreciable sag in the template.
permitted after the initial pass of the screed.
3. Portions of template supports in contact with
5. Compaction is accomplished with mechanical vibrators reinforcement shall consist of round tubes or rods with a
applied internally and by spading. See Specification smooth, low friction surface. Skis shall have a minimum
2401, 5-694.600 of the Concrete Manual and 5-393.353 length of 1520 mm (5 feet) and shall have a gradual "turn-
of this manual for information on compaction. up" nose sufficient to prevent entrapment in
There are essentially two machines used for finishing
monolithic concrete bridge decks. They are the Bidwell and Transverse reinforcement bars shall be supported within
Gonmaco series. The machines mount on a paving carriage, 150 mm (6 inches) of the location where template support skis
and utilize augers to strike off and rollers to finish. The will ride. Top reinforcement shall be securely tied and rigidly
adjustable dual augers strike off any excess concrete just supported. Prior to beginning placement of concrete, the
above grade. The motor propels steel drums that smoothes out Contractor shall demonstrate that equipment and methods to
and finishes the concrete on successive passes. The two free- be used will not damage or displace reinforcement bars. Any
wheeling finned rollers can be leveled horizontally and
5-393.358 (3) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
visible deflections of reinforcement will require additional bar These deflections are altered to an undetermined extent by the
supports and/or additional supports for template. diaphragms which tend to make the girders function together.
A manual or powered winch shall provide forward One solution for this deflection problem is a long back-pass of
advancement of the template. Winch cables shall not be the finishing machine over the pier area after the adjacent
anchored to reinforcement bars. Attachments to beams (shear spans have been loaded. This can be done only if the concrete
studs, stirrups or lifting cables) may be utilized. can be maintained plastic for the back-pass operation.
Please note that templates or air screeds are only allowed for Figure B 5-393.358 also illustrates a condition that may arise
use on structural slabs. Such equipment is NOT permitted for at a skewed joint between simple spans when a construction
use in finishing bridge deck slabs (monolithic slabs without an joint is placed directly over a pier. From the deflection
overlay) or low slump overlays. diagram for the roadway slab as shown on the plans, the
anticipated final deflections are plotted at point W, X, Y and
Adjustment of slab forms and screed rails for deflection of the Z. No deflection will occur at points W and Z since these
girders or beams, under the mass of the deck slab, determines points are over the girder bearings. In this example, the final
to a great extent the smoothness of the final surface. deflection at X or Y is 0.1660 feet. The rail elevations may be
Elevations for setting the forms and rails, including the proper shown on the computer output directly or derived from
deflection correction, can be obtained from the computer elevations given in the computer output for fascia girders. The
program entitled “Bridge Construction Elevations.” These anticipated dead load deflection or “rail correction,” as it is
elevations should be carefully spot checked because with called in the previous example, is included in the computer
certain conditions, erroneous results have been obtained. output. Assume that Span 2 is to be placed first. With rails
Plotting the elevations using an exagerated vertical scale set according to computer elevations, point W would be set to
provides a good check. plan grade. Point X would not be set 0.1660 feet above plan
grade since Span 1 would not have deflected until after it was
The screed rail should be adjusted to the proper elevation for placed. Slab elevations along line W-Z would not conform to
the entire length of the bridge before starting concrete plan elevations unless modification was made in the runout
placement. If this is not possible, as in the case of a long rail elevation in Span 1. The necessary modification would be
structure with more than one series of continuous spans, the to drop the rail elevation at point X to the final grade of
rail should then be set far enough ahead of the placement so 0.1660 feet below the computer grade. After Span 2 is
that deflections will not be induced in the girders where the completed, Span 1 should then be poured preferably ending at
rail is being set. This generally means setting the rail for the joint W-Z. The runout rail at point Y should be set at plan
entire length of the continuous spans between expansion grade, not the computer grade, because Span 2 is loaded.
Figure D 5-393.358 illustrates a condition that may occur at a
The inspector should be aware of deflection conditions on square joint between adjacent spans. The condition may arise
skewed bridges in the area of piers that may cause variations because the screed of a power operated strike-off is suspended
from a true surface. Problems can occur even if the rails are a constant distance below the rails on which the machine rides.
set with the proper deflection taken into account. In the Span 1 or 2 is to be poured without any slab in place on the
example shown, the concrete placement is proceeding from adjacent span and the pour is to start at B. A high joint may
Span 1 to Span 3. See Figures, A, B and C 5-393.358 for an result if the machine is started with the screed at the joint and
example of a simple span prestressed girder bridge. Figure A the machine approximately centered over the joint. As shown,
5-393.358 shows a cross-section of the example and gives data the joint B must be lower than any constant distance below the
and deflection formulas used in the problem. Figure B rails at the wheels. The rails on the span that are not being
5-393.358 shows a partial plan view indicating the sections A- poured should be lowered temporarily adjacent to B so that the
A, B-B and C-C which are to be studied as the pour progresses screed will strike-off the concrete to the correct elevation at
from Span 1 through Span 2. Figure C 5-393.358 shows the joint.
anticipated cross sectional profiles during strike-off and at
completion of the deck placement compared to the desired Attempts have been made to strike off skewed bridges by
plan profile. The solid line indicates the desired cross skewing the frame and screed of the paving machine to the
sectional profile. The alternate long and short dashed line skew of the bridge. Such attempts have not always been
indicates the cross sectional profile as it is struck off. The successful. They should never be done when the deck slab is
uniform short-dashed line indicates the final cross sectional on a vertical curve as a warped surface may result. Skewing
profile after all deflections have taken place. The “rail the paving machine may, however, be a good solution to
elevation correction” is the amount the screed rail is raised to deflection problems on a sharply skewed structure if the
compensate for deflection and is included in computer output bridge is not on a vertical curve.
from the “Bridge Construction Elevations” program. The
deflection shown with the placement at a certain section is the Use of an air screed to place a structural slab on a skewed
deflection when the placement is made to exactly that section. bridge is somewhat less complicated. In this situation the
concrete is generally placed in a line parallel with the
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.358 (4)
substructure units and one or more air screeds are operated should be considered a leveling or checking operation
perpendicular to the centerline. In this situation care must be to assure a proper depth of concrete for the
taken to ensure that the leading edge of concrete is not allowed succeeding finishing passes. The screed should be
to become excessively dry. stopped during the initial pass as necessary to shovel
concrete into low areas. Shoveling concrete to
Flared bridges with strike-off rails set on non-parallel girders depressions should not be left to be done on
present a problem. This is illustrated in Figure G 5-393.358. succeeding finishing passes. Excessively large rolls
This problem occurs if the supporting wheels move out of concrete in front of the screed should be shoveled
parallel to the bed of the machine as the machine operates in out or redistributed. When a large roll is carried in
the flared area. One solution is to keep the slope of the front of the screed, the roll should be shoveled out
machine or the transverse grade between the rails constant as and revibrated before the screed is brought up to the
the machine moves in the flared area. The computer new head. It will not be possible to define the end of
elevations will have to be adjusted on the flared girder to previously vibrated concrete once the screed has
maintain a constant grade between the rails. If the machine is passed over. See Figures E and F 5-393.358 for
moving from the narrow portion into the widened portion, the examples of correct and incorrect strike-off.
computer elevations would be adjusted as follows. The
elevation of the rail as given by the computer should have an 2. The finishing passes of the screed should be made at
amount added to it equal to the product of the flare (distance a slow, uniform rate without stops and should cover
“a” Figure G 5-393.358) times the crown (0.02 ft./ft.). From as long a section as practicable. A continuous roll of
this, an amount equal to the product of the transverse slope of concrete should always be carried ahead of the
the machine times the flare width “a” is subtracted to obtain screed, and the size of the roll will usually decrease
the correct rail elevation. If the machine moved from the wide on successive passes.
portion to the narrow portion, the rail would have to be
adjusted in a similar manner to maintain the slope of the The function of the longtudinal floating operation are as
machine constant and equal to the slope at the widest portion follows:
of the slab.
1. Compaction
Screeding equipment should be checked for trueness in cross After the concrete is struck off, the aggregate particles
sectional crown with a straightedge and corrected, if settle in the fluid concrete leaving the water on the top as
necessary, previous to each day’s pour. On larger bridges, a shown in the sketches below.
master straightedge should be requisitioned and kept at the Water layer
bridge site for checking the equipment.
After the screed rails have been set to correct elevation, the
top reinforcement must be checked by the Contractor, in the
presence of an inspector, for vertical position by operating the
paving machine on the rails as required by Specification Section Before Section After
2472.C2. The Specifications require that a filler strip, 6 mm Settlement Settlement
(1/4 inch) less in thickness than the minimum concrete cover This phenomenon of a water layer developing at the upper
requirement, be attached to the bottom of the strike-off during concrete surface during subsidence or settlement is
this check as a means of detecting reinforcement bars which commonly known as bleeding. Bleeding is not normally a
encroach on the required clearance. This requirement should problem with a well designed air-entrained concrete mix
be diligently enforced regardless of the type of machine that is and good slump control. As this surface water disappears,
used. If the cylinder type machine is used, some ingenuity the concrete settles slightly into its final surface contour.
may be required to use the required filler strip. One method is The settlement may be more or less in different areas
to attach the wood strip to the cylinder and hold the cylinder depending on how evenly the mortar is distributed. Areas
motionless with the wood strip on the bottom as it passes back with the most coarse aggregate will settle the least. This
and forth over the reinforcing. Other methods of attaching differential settlement is aggravated by reinforcement bars
filler strips to cylinder machines may be used provided they near the concrete surface of roadway slabs, as shown in
will give a thorough check on the reinforcing placement. In the sketch following.
addition, spot check measurements of the total slab thickness Surface after
Original surface
should be made during this dry run. subsidence
Cracks may develop directly above the reinforcement bars and water sheen may appear and disappear in a short interval of
a horizontal cleavage plane may develop at these time and should be watched very closely.
reinforcement bars. Longitudinal floating at the proper time
will recompact the top aggregate and the concrete mass When the operation is performed too soon, the bleed water
adjacent to the bars. This will help prevent the cracking and may be worked back into the surface mortar, resulting in a
formation of the cleavage plane. The longitudinal floating very weak surface which will likely start scaling at an early
should be delayed as long as practicable but must be age.
completed while the surface mortar is still plastic if optimum
results are to be attained. Due to its length and its overlapping When it is repeatedly necessary to cut large bumps with the
operation over the entire roadway surface, the float detects and longitudinal float, there is obviously something wrong in the
removes ripples and other irregularities left by the screed. screeding portion of the work. Modifications should be made
in the screeding operation to alleviate the problem. Additional
A typical manually operated longitudinal (Iowa) float may be rail supports may be necessary if the problem is created by
a heavy plank equipped with plow handles at its ends for deflection between supports.
manipulation. The plank should be at least 3000 mm (10 feet)
long and at least 180 mm (7 inches) wide. It should be braced 5-393.359 FINISHING BRIDGE ROADWAY SLABS
or reinforced to resist warping so that the surface in contact
with the concrete remains a plane surface. Suitable work Small finishing tools should be used only where necessary.
bridges must be provided from which to operate the float. The indiscriminiate use of hand floats, long handled floats, or
These work bridges should be readily movable and darbies should not be permitted. Such tools may be used to
constructed to be reasonably free from wobble or excessive remove trails or ridges left by the longitudinal float, to correct
deflection when used by the float operators. areas where a checking straightedge has detected irregularities
and to finish areas adjacent to the curbs or screed rails if such
The float should always be operated with its length parallel to areas cannot be finished with the longitudinal float. Repeated
the centerline of roadway regardless of the direction of the reworking of a surface which has already been properly
screeding operation (transverse or longitudinal). In operation, finished will result in a thick mortar layer at the surface of the
the manually-operated longitudinal float rests on the concrete concrete. It may also result in the sealing of bleed water under
surface at one curb line with its length parallel to the curb line. the concrete surface which is undesirable.
It is then sawed back and forth a short distance and at the same
time moved transversely across the roadway slab toward the A 3 m (10 ft) long wooden straightedge should be used for
other curb line, similar to a screeding operation. The concrete checking the slab surface. This straightedge should be used
should support the mass of the longitudinal float. The float for checking purposes only and not used as a scraping
should not be tilted on edge during this operation. The straightedge for finishing. The final check on the surface
operation is then repeated by returning the float over the same should be made immediately behind the longitudinal floating
area to the starting position. The float is then moved one-half and also immediately behind the hand finishing at the gutter
its length toward the head of the concrete and the operation lines so that out-of-tolerance areas may be promptly corrected.
repeated. Successive overlapping passes are made until the The straightedge should be set on the slab longitudinally and
entire length of the placement has been covered but always the full width of the slab (usually from curb to curb) should be
staying as far behind the strike-off as the set of the concrete spot checked at various locations. In addition, the straightedge
will permit. may be transversely placed near the curbs, where hand
finishing is involved, to assure that the proper crown section
The effectiveness of the longitudinal floating operation is has been obtained. The straightedge should be picked up each
largely dependent on timing. The operation should commence time it is moved so as not to mar the concrete unnecessarily.
after most of the differential settlement has occurred in the If the finishing has been conducted properly and in accordance
concrete surface but before the initial set has hardened the with the Specifications, only occasional minor irregularities
concrete to such a degree that the float will not be effective. will be detected during this spot checking.
Although the motion of the longitudinal float is a screeding
motion, screeds rest on rigid rails or guides whereas the
manually operated longitudinal float is supported on the
concrete surface. If the floating operation is performed too
soon the float will dig, be unmanageable, and the surface
smoothness may be impaired rather than improved.
A Wheel base of C
finishing machine
D Span 1 B Span 2 E
CL Pier
Dotted Line A-B-C = Position of rails on which finishing machine travels before
concrete slab is placed.
Solid Line D-B-E = Desired position of rails with concrete slab in place on
spans 1 & 2.
Screed Screed
(Make head of concrete parallel to screed before operating screed from A to B.)
Screed Screed
Mortar roll
Head of Mortar roll
Slab concrete Slab Head of
Form Form
(Stop screed short of head of concrete, and do not permit mortar roll to be spilled over
head of concrete. Leave small rolls, mix large rolls with fresh concrete as it is deposited.)
The final finish placed on the roadway surface is an artificial After completion of the above investigation, a decision can be
grass-type carpet drag followed by transverse tining. The made as to the need for surface correction (if any) and the type
artificial grass-type carpet drag behind the finishing machine of surface correction. Surface correction should be limited to
shall be a minimum of 900 mm (13 feet) in length for bridge those situations in which significant improvement in
deck concrete (Grade 3Y36) and 1200 mm (4 feet) in length rideability, skid resistance, deck drainage, cover over rebars,
for low slump overlays (Grade 3U17A). The transverse tining etc., can be obtained. In general, corrections will consist of
may be made with a manual tining device operated from a grinding or concrete removal and replacement for high areas
suitable work bridge. The tining shall be made in one full pass and concrete removal and replacement for low areas.
on the surface except for a 300 mm (1 ft) wide section on the
gutters. The tining device used for this opeation shall be The Specifications require that areas corrected by surface
equipped with 100 mm to 150 mm (4 in. to 6 in.) steel tines, 2 grinding be coated with an approved surface sealer. If
mm to 3 mm (1/16 in. to 1/8 in.) thick, arranged so as to obtain transverse tining is removed by the grinding, grooves should
randomized grooves approximately 3 mm to 8 mm (1/8 in. to be cut to restore the texture and a sealer should be applied.
5/16 in.) deep with a variable spacing between tines of 16 mm When depth of grinding is shallow, so that transverse texturing
to 26 mm (5/8 in. to 1 in.). Depth of tining must be checked at is not entirely removed, treating oil will be considered as an
the time the work is performed as correction is difficult after acceptable sealer. Contact the Bridge Construction Unit for a
the concrete has cured. If tining depth is inadequate, grooves list of approved sealers.
may be cut to provide an acceptable surface texture.
When it is determined that the correction will consist of
Specifications require that the final surface be free of porous building up low areas, the Bridge Office should be contacted
spots and irregularities, and it shall not vary more than: 3 mm for a recommendation for surface preparation and type of
(1/8 in.) from a 3 m (10 ft) straightedge laid longitudinally on concrete mix. A price reduction might also be in the best
the surface of bridge deck slabs and latex wearing courses, 10 interests of the State.
mm (3/8 in.) on the surface of structural slabs, and 5 mm
(3/16 in.) on the surface of low slump concrete wearing 5-393.360 CONCRETE CURING
courses. Transverse cross section shall be substantially in
accordance with Plan dimensions. This check should Curing of concrete refers to the maintenance of favorable
preferably be made with the rolling straightedge which marks conditions in the concrete for a period of time after initial set.
the “out of tolerance” areas on the slab. In lieu of this, the This allows a reasonably fast strength gain in the concrete at
slab may be checked with the 3 m (10 ft) straightedge, early ages and the strength attained at later ages will approach
although this is much more time consuming and not as the ultimate strength of the mix design. The conditions
thorough. See Figure A 5-393.359 for minimum surface required during the curing period (which is assumed to start
checking which should be made performed the gutterlines and when the concrete takes a set), should not be confused with
at two locations within each traffic lane. required conditions during placement. The inspector’s
vigilance is an important factor in obtaining such favorable
Areas along the gutterlines, which are low as indicated by conditions.
straightedging, should be rechecked with a level to see if water
pockets (or bird baths) will result. If possible, the deck should
be observed after flushing with water or after a rainfall to
determine the presence and extent of such birdbaths.
Straight edge the gutter lines
and approximately 3 feet
in from the edge of each
traffic lane.
12' 3" ±
Gutter line CL Bridge
12' 3" ±
12' Gutter line
Traffic lanes
Minimum Surface Check with
Rolling Straight Edge
Fig A 5-393.359
5-393.360 (2) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
Favorable conditions that must be maintained during the mixing water is minimized due to the tight nature of the
curing period are: cover. The plastic sheeting or plastic blankets must
overlap at the seams to maintain a reasonably air tight
1. Sufficient water for hydration of the cement must be seal. On substructure units they should be held in this
present. Sufficient water will be available if position by wire or rope fasteners. They should be held in
evaporation of the mixing water is prevented or position on roadway and sidewalk slabs by holding down
minimized. Curing of unformed surfaces should the blankets with sand or lumber at the joints and edges.
start as soon as the curing material can be placed When used as a method of cure for roadway slabs or
without marring the surface. On formed surfaces sidewalks, the plastic sheeting should preferably be white.
that are stripped for surface finishing before the end This color will reflect heat and reduce surface cracking
of the curing period, the surface finishing should be due to high temperatures. Black plastic blankets may be
done without delay and the curing resumed desirable for cold weather protection when additional heat
immediately. is beneficial.
2. The concrete must be protected from the effects of Burlap is desirable since it has the ability to act as a wick
low temperatures, high temperatures and extremely to distribute moisture uniformly over the surface. Burlap
rapid temperature changes. Permanent damage will must be placed in close contact with the concrete and
result if the concrete is frozen in the early stages of water must be added as necessary to assure that the
cure. The temperature should be maintained at the concrete surface is moist at all times.
required temperature or higher during the curing
period because of the loss in durability and slow When plastic sheeting or plastic blankets are used over
strength gain at lower temperatures. At the end of areas where reinforcement dowels have been placed, it is
the curing period, when protection from low very difficult to obtain an air tight seal in contact with the
temperatures has been provided, the concrete concrete surface. One method of cure at such locations is
temperature must be lowered gradually to avoid to place wet burlap in the dowel bar area, drape plastic
contraction stresses and possible cracks. Large over the tops of the dowels, and weigh down the plastic
differential temperatures between the surface and adjacent to the dowel areas. Another method is to
the interior of a concrete unit must be minimized for puncture the plastic sheeting and place it directly over the
the same reason. See Specification 2401.3G for burlap with the dowels projecting through the plastic
limitations on the rate of temperature decrease. sheeting. The important thing is that the burlap should
not be permitted to dry out during the curing period.
3. During the early part of the curing period when the 2. Water Spray
concrete has little strength, it must also be protected The amount of water applied in the water spray method
from excessive vibrations, heavy shocks or should be limited to the amount that will keep the
application of loads. concrete wet without running sheets or streams. The
location of the sprays should be such that there are no
The period of time during which favorable conditions for a skips or holidays on the concrete surface. This may be
gain in strength and durability is maintained is referred to as accomplished with soaker hoses or sprinklers. Mineral
the “curing period.” The curing period must start at the time and/or organic compounds in the water may stain the
the concrete takes a set and ideally be continuous throughout concrete and require corrective action.
the specified duration. Certain finishing operations and
unpredictable temperature variations may break the continuity 3. Membrane Curing Compound
of the curing period, but these interruptions should be limited Membrane Curing Compound (Specification 3754) is a
to a few hours. liquid membrane forming compound suitable for
approved sprayer application to retard the loss of water in
In general, the curing method shall provide temperatures concrete during the early strength gaining period. The
above the specified minimum and shall prevent loss of the common types in use for pavement, sidewalk, curb and
original moisture from the concrete. The method to be used is gutter, and low slump concrete wearing courses is a resin
optional for the Contractor except for restrictions which are based, white pigment membrane curing compound. The
placed on the use of membrane curing compound. Curing approved sprayer shall have a recirculating by-pass
compounds cannot be applied until the free water has system which provides for continuous agitation of the
disappeared from the surface of the deck. reservoir material, separate hose and nozzle filters and a
multiple or adjustable nozzle system that will provide for
Methods which are considered to be satisfactory are as variable spray patterns. The membrane curing compound
follows: shall be sprayed on the concrete after finishing operations
have been completed and as soon as surfacing conditions
1. Burlap Curing Blanket permit. Low slump concrete wearing courses require
Plastic sheeting over a layer of wet burlap or a wet burlap spraying within 30 minutes. The sprayed areas shall
curing blanket is a method of cure in which the loss of present a white, uniform surface, and any imperfections
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.360 (3)
shall be resprayed. The rate of application shall be Methods of alleviating rapid evaporation include cooling the
approximately 4 m2/L (150 ft2/gal.). mixing water, avoiding excessive mixing, prompt placement,
erecting wind breaks, the use of fog sprays to maintain high
Approved linseed oil curing compounds or emulsions humidity directly over the concrete or applying a spray-on
(Specification 2401.3G) shall be applied on bridge decks monomolecular film. See Specification 2401 for requirements
except those which are to receive latex or low slump on the use of fog spray.
wearing course. Presently the only materials approved
are linseed oil curing emulsions. The approved emulsions The use of a fog spray should be initiated at the first indication
are water based and must be protected from freezing. The of surface dryness. Any delay after surface dryness is noted
linseed oil curing emulsion is to be applied by power will almost certainly result in crack development. To help
sprayers only. This curing method is temporary and determine when a fog spray may be necessary, the American
conventional curing (wet curing, blankets, etc.) shall be Concrete Institute has developed a nomograph to determine
applied as soon as possible. the approximate rate of evaporation based on current weather
conditions, see Figure A 5-393.360. The following weather
Specification 2401.3G permits membrane curing conditions and temperatures must be observed to use the graph
compounds for such items as slope paving, footings and to determine the amount of evaporation:
other sections that are to be covered with backfill
materials. For those applications, conventional wet 1. Air Temperature
curing methods are not required after the membrane
curing has been applied. Membrane curing compounds 2. Relative humidity
will act as a parting agent. Therefore, it cannot be used
where subsequent bonded concrete will be placed or for 3. Surface temperature of the concrete
surfaces that are to be waterproofed, treated with concrete
treating oil, or are to receive a special surface finish. 4. Wind velocity
All materials sprayed on the surface of the concrete for Concrete bleeding rates generally lie in the range of about
water retention are to be applied at the approximate rate 0.5-1.5 kg per square meter per hour (0.1-0.3 lb/ft2 hr). When
of 4 m2/L (150 ft2/gal.). This is easily determined by the evaporation rate exceeds the lower of these figures, there is
placing a known quantity in the sprayer, applying a potential for plastic cracking. Conditions which produce
uniformly, and measuring the area covered after the evaporation rates of 1.0-1.5 kg per square meter per hour (0.2-
known quantity has been used. Additional coverage shall 0.3 lb/ft2 hr) make the use of precautionary measures such as
be required if it is not placed at the required rate or if the fog spray almost mandatory.
skips or holidays are present.
In lieu of the fog spray, the Contractor may be permitted to
Plastic shrinkage of concrete during setting may cause surface apply an approved membrane curing compound to reduce
cracks to appear about the time the concrete is ready to be evaporation. The use of this material should be encouraged.
finished. Such cracking may develop at any time when
circumstances produce an evaporation rate greater than the Specification 2401.3G requires curing to continue until a
bleeding rate. The major difficulty occurs in the summer on specified “Anticipated Compressive Strength” has been
deck placements, particularly if the humidity is low and attained. This strength is computed from Table 2401-1 which
evaporation is accelerated by the wind. gives the incremental percentage of strength gain in 24 hours
for various concrete surface temperatures. As surface
The following conditions tend to produce high evaporation temperatures vary within a 24 hour curing period, the average
rates: temperature is computed from measurements taken on the
concrete surface at different times of the day. The average
1. Large surface areas such as deck slabs temperatures for each 24 hour curing period is computed
separately. Once the average temperature has been
2. Concrete of low bleeding tendency (This is not meant to determined, the incremental strength gain for the first 24 hours
suggest that bleeding, which is undesirable for other is selected from Table 2401-1. The average temperature for
reasons, should be encouraged to prevent plastic the second 24 hour period is used to select the percent of
cracking.) strength gain for the second period and this percent is added to
the strength gain for the first period to determine the total
3. Low humidity percent of strength gain after 48 hours. This process is
repeated using the average temperature for the third 24 hour
4. High concrete surface temperature period and the 48 hour strength gain, the average temperature
for the fourth 24 hour period and the 72 hour strength gain,
5. Wind
5-393.361 (1) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
etc., until the strength gain has reached the minimum required During late fall and early spring, when sudden and
by Specification. No strength gain is credited during periods unpredicted temperature drops occur, emergency protection
of temperatures below 4EC (40EF) and, if temperatures fall materials should be readily available. Even though this is
below 4EC (40E F) for a significant time period, this time primarily the responsibility of the Contractor, it should also be
period is not included as curing time. Temperatures below a concern to the inspector. Comparatively inexpensive
4EC (40EF) and above 25EC (77EF) are not averaged in with preparations can save considerable expense when colder
the other data. Temperatures above 25EC (77EF) are reduced conditions do occur. It is important that all materials and
to 25EC (77EF) for the average temperature computation. equipment required for this purpose be readily available either
Temperatures below 4EC (40EF) are discarded and the curing by storage at the job site or within easy driving distance of the
period is extended to include sufficient time to provide 24 site. Discuss these matters thoroughly with the Contractor.
hours of above 4EC (40EF) temperatures. Control cylinders
may be necessary to determine strength gain if concrete is Plastic covered insulating blankets approximately 50 mm (2
subjected to significant periods of below 4EC (40EF) inches) thick are reasonably effective in maintaining
temperatures prior to obtaining minimum required strength. temperatures in slabs during short overnight temperature drops
to freezing. Another insulator for this situation might be a
5-393.361 COLD WEATHER PROTECTION bottom plastic sheet or blanket in contact with the concrete, a
layer of straw approximately 100 mm (4 inches) thick and a
Some cold weather protection requirements are as follows: top plastic sheet or blanket. The plywood forms provide some
insulation for the bottom of the slab. The effectiveness of this
1. Specification 2401 requires that concrete be protected by method is dependent on placing the insulation immediately
methods that will prevent premature drying and will after the concrete has set, in order to retain as much of the heat
provide favorable temperatures immediately adjacent to of hydration as possible. This method cannot be expected to
the concrete surfaces. maintain the required temperatures adjacent to the concrete if
the outside temperature remains near or below freezing for
2. Temperature limitations for the concrete and concrete extended periods of time.
materials are governed by the provisions of Specification
2461. As soon as it becomes apparent that the heat of hydration will
have dissipated prior to completion of the curing period,
3. Concrete should not be placed on frozen ground or heating should be started immediately. The heat should be
against concrete or steel with temperatures below applied from the bottom if possible. Tarpaulins or similar
freezing. When air temperatures are well below freezing, material can be draped down the sides and heat applied by
preheating the forms and adjacent surfaces will generally salamanders or blower type heaters. In the case of bridges
be required for a period of several hours, usually over waterways or roadways open to traffic, the heat may have
overnight, before making a placement. to be applied from the top and perhaps circulated by the use of
fans. Keep in mind moisture requirements if circulation is
4. The intent of the Specifications is to ensure that the needed.
poured concrete is protected and cured in accordance with
the requirements which will assure adequate strength and The temperature within the housing should be maintained at or
durability. above the required level for the length of the curing period.
Several thermometers should be placed within the housing
5. When the concrete has been subjected to freezing or near the concrete surfaces at locations most vulnerable to
excessive drying prior to the completion of the required prevailing winds and farthest from the heating units. The
curing, the section involved should not be accepted until it number of thermometers required will be governed to some
has been subjected to testing that the Concrete Engineer extent by the size of the unit to be protected but at least three
may recommend. thermometers should be used for units of normal size.
The method of protection is completely at the discretion of the Small commercially available temperature monitoring devices
Contractor, provided that the temperature and moisture that can be embedded into slabs, abutments, and other
requirements are met. Regardless of which type of protection concrete items are very effective at determining the concrete
is used, complete records should be kept of the atmospheric temperature during the curing period. Contact the Bridge
temperatures and temperatures adjacent to the concrete Construction Unit for more information.
Housing should be well constructed. The frame work must be
The two common methods of providing cold weather strong enough to support not only the mass of the waterproof
protection are to insulate sufficiently to prevent the loss of fabric placed on it but also to resist windloads and snowloads.
heat produced by hydration or to house and provide a heat When the fabric cover is a type which will not admit light
source outside of the concrete. Keep in mind that moist from the outside, windows should be provided of sufficient
conditions must be maintained. size and number so that workers and inspectors may perform
their work.
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL Figure A 5-393.360
Relative Humidity %
Surface Temperature
of Concrete C ( F)
30 0
3.0 (0.6)
humidity above.
20 (12)
2. Move right to line corresp- 2.5 (0.5)
onding to the concrete
15 (9)
2.0 (0.4)
3. Move down to line
approximating the wind 10 (6)
velocity. 1.5 (0.3)
0.5 (0.1) 0
5-393.361 (2) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
The several kinds of wood and mineral “wool” insulating bats Where:
for formwork come in 25 mm (1 in.) and 50 mm (2 in.) R = thermal resistance per mm (inch) of thickness
thicknesses, with widths designed to fit between studs spaced T = thickness of insulation in mm (inch)
at 305 mm, 406 mm or 610 mm (12, 16 or 24 in.). The K = thermal conductivity in kW per square meter per CE
insulation itself is about 25 mm (1 in.) less than these widths, (Btu per hour, per square foot, per FE)
and the outer casing material has reinforced flanges for nailing
the bats to the studs. The outer covering or encasement may The following table can be used as a guide for determining
be made of polyethylene plastic, asphalt-impregnated paper or approximate “K” values. “K” values vary with temperature
a plastic-paper laminate. The insulation may be stapled or and, therefore, only approximate values can be used unless the
attached with batten strips to sides of the form framing. manufacturer provides exact “K” values. The approximate
Maximum heat loss will occur at the corners; therefore, these thermal resistance “R” provided by 25 mm (1 inch) thickness
areas should be examined closely to see that they are well of insulation is shown in the following table.
insulated. See the sketch, taken from an American Concrete
Institute publication, for a recommended method of attaching
insulation at corners.
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.362 (1)
The need to limit rapid temperature changes is a factor that Soil is wet sand
must be considered when planning removal of insulated forms From Figure A 5-393.362 F = 10.8
in cold weather. Specification 2401 requires that the
temperature inside the forms be reduced at a rate not to exceed
10EC (20EF) per 12 hour period. This is most critical with 20340 142.6
moderately massive sections and, for massive units, a slower D = = = 13.2 m, say 13 m
10.8 10.8
rate of temperature reduction may be necessary.
If the empirical methods and engineering judgment indicate
5-393.362 VIBRATION PROTECTION excessive vibration, the placement should be delayed until the
operation causing the vibration is completed. If this is not
Specification 2401 requires that newly placed concrete be feasible, the vibration producing operation should be stopped
protected from vibrations. Damaging vibrations may be for the required 72 hours.
caused by pile driving, blasting, heavy road machinery and
railroad operations. Usually, with footings in place, succeeding pours will not be
affected by pile driving in adjacent units. However, excessive
Empirical methods such as observing water ripples in a small vibration can be checked.
container, observing the movement of a level bubble and
standing on piling in the unit in question when operations The cooperation of the Railroad Company can sometimes be
causing the vibrations are in progress, have been used as a obtained by requesting a “slow order” when vibrations from
guide in determining objectionable vibrations. Bubble their traffic are considered to be detrimental.
movements of several divisions back and forth indicate
excessive vibrations with a dumpy level (or transit with Where requested by the Contractor and approved by the
telescope level) set up firmly on the foundation material of the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide seismographs or other
proposed pour. Sometimes vibrations are carried by lower similar monitoring equipment to assure that maximum particle
ground strata from piles being driven in one unit to piles in velocities will not be exceeded at the site of concrete
place in an adjacent unit. The inspector can detect such
5-393.362 (2) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
placement operations. Monitoring equipment shall be Attention is directed to Specification 1513 for limitations and
securely attached next to, or on, the freshly placed concrete at requirements on construction equipment crossing or operating
a location of maximum exposure to the source of vibrations. on new or old bridges. Permission to use ready-mix trucks to
The actual measuring point should either be buried in the soil discharge concrete directly into curb or railing forms on steel
adjacent to the structure, or grouted or mechanically fastened beam or prestressed girder spans should not be granted until
(bolted) to the structure or form. the following requirement is met. Strength gain computations
or control cylinders cast with the last pour must show
The following maximum peak particle velocities are strengths of not less than 65 percent of anticipated 28 day
considered safe for newly placed concrete (“maximum” refers compressive strength (70 percent during adverse weather). On
to the maximum of three mutually perpendicular transducer simple spans, the strength requirement should be applied to
components). the span on which the truck operates and to the span on either
side. This same criteria should be applied to truck loads of
reinforcement bars, form lumber, etc.
Concrete Age (hrs) Allowable Maximum Peak
Particle Velocity (mm/sec) The turning of ready-mix trucks on bridge decks should be
avoided. If the truck must return to the same end of the bridge
0-3 NA for successive loads, the truck is usually driven to the point of
discharge, unloaded and then backed off the bridge or vice
3-12 25 versa. Speeds should be slow and the sudden application of
brakes avoided. Mixers should be restricted to agitating
12-24 38 speeds.
24-48 63
In general, the use of a crane on a bridge deck should be
48- * CP 100 discouraged because of the many indeterminate factors in the
stress analysis and the rigid enforcement required during the
*Completion of required curing period. operation. Under certain conditions the use of a crane on the
bridge deck may be the only feasible method of construction.
The above vibration limits are intended for the protection of The Bridge Construction and Maintenance Section should then
newly poured concrete only. These limits do not relieve the be contacted and an analysis of the Contractor's proposed
Contractor from complying with any other vibration limits that scheme will be made by the Bridge Design Section. If
may be in force on the project, nor do they relieve the permission is granted to operate a crane on the deck of an in
Contractor from responsibility for damage to any existing place bridge, the crane should be positioned to minimize
structures (on or off the right-of-way) that may be affected by stresses in the slab and beams. See the following sketch titled,
the vibration producing activity. While the above vibration “Plan View Showing a Possible Crane Location.”
levels are considered safe for newly placed concrete, they are
higher than what is normally allowed for older buildings and Horizontal boom angle
Percent of 28 Day Concrete Strength Cured at 23 C
4 d
e t S nd
W a
1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 100.0
Energy N . m
Distance m
Percent of 28 Day Concrete Strength Cured at 73 F
t Sa
2 W
0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0
Energy ft lb
Distance ft
5-393.363 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
The following guidelines should be observed: thickness requirement is met. Rail heights shall be
corrected if necessary and re-run for verification.
1. The crane should be located near a pier and never at
midspan. In some instances the finishing machine rails have been
adjusted to obtain a smooth profile to the extent that the
2. Outrigger pads should be centered over beams, as nearly thickness of the overlay placed was excessive. This is a
as possible. concern:
3. Plywood or timber should be placed under all outriggers a. To the Contractor because of the extra
to distribute the load. volume of concrete required
4. The vertical boom angle should be kept as small as b. To the designers because of additional dead
possible (boom as vertical as possible) to prevent high load to the structure (Any increase in the
load concentrations on any outrigger pad. dead load to the superstructure decreases the
live load capacity of the bridge.)
5. The horizontal boom angle should also be kept as small as
possible to prevent high load concentrations on any 2. The Latex mix calls for a slump of 140 mm ± 25 mm (5
outrigger pad. 1/2 in. ± 1 in.) and an air content between 3 1/2% and 6
1/2%. The low slump concrete mix calls for a slump of
5-393.363 BRIDGE DECK LOW SLUMP AND LATEX 20 mm ± 5 mm (3/4 in. ± 1/4 in.). Low slump concrete
WEARING COURSES shall be produced with an air range of 6-7% with the
normal tolerances of 6 1/2% ±1 1/2%. Since job site
Specification 2404 concrete wearing courses are placed on mixes are delivered before the materials have reacted with
new construction and repaired bridge decks to provide an the mix water (or latex modifier), five minutes must
impervious layer for the wearing surface. In general, the elapse before running the slump test in order to obtain the
requirements of this chapter apply to wearing courses; true slump. See Specification 2404 for more details.
however, materials are job site mixed which requires
additional inspection procedures. All the materials required 3. An approved power operated finishing machine, capable
for normal size bridges should be stockpiled at one location on of forward and reverse motion under positive control is
the project and inspected for specification compliance prior to required. Provisions shall be made for raising the screeds
any concrete work. Large bridges will require stockpiles during reverse operation. The length of the screed shall
located near the section where placement operations are be sufficient to extend at least 150 mm (6 in.) beyond the
planned to reduce the distance between mixing and placement edge of the course being placed and overlap the edge of
operations. A minimum of two gradations shall be run on the previously placed course at least 150 mm (6 in.). A
coarse and fine aggregate to determine specification bulkhead subject to approval of the Engineer may be
compliance. Both latex and low slump concrete mix types placed to limit waste of materials, only for latex. The
specify the same aggregates: CA70 Class A, B, C, and D finishing machine shall be so designed that the elapsed
coarse aggregate (Specification 3137) and fine aggregate time between deposit of the concrete and final finishing
(Specification 3126). does not exceed 15 minutes. Concrete placing and
finishing shall proceed at a linear rate of not less than 12
Materials are to be mixed using continuous mixers at the m per hour (40 ft/hr) and placement width shall not be
project site. Continuous mixers shall be calibrated prior to greater than 7.3 m (24 ft) unless specifically authorized in
overlay operations following the procedures in the Concrete the special provisions.
Manual 5-694.400. An approved stationary batch type mixer
may be used for latex materials but is not acceptable for low In addition to the requirements above, the finishing
slump concrete. machine for low slump concrete must meet the following;
The finishing machine must have at least one oscillating
Careful study of each project by inspectors is necessary well screed and be designed to consolidate low slump concrete
in advance of placement operations to ensure compliance with to 98 percent of rodded density by vibration. The front
requirements. Specific requirements apply to both mixes screed must have effective vibration equal to that
(except where noted) are as follows: provided by one vibrator for every 1.5 m (5 ft) of screed.
The bottom face of the front screed shall be at least 125
1. Latex wearing courses are normally placed at a minimum mm (5 in.) wide with a turned up or rounded leading
thickness of 40 mm (1 1/2 in.) and 50 mm (2 in.) for a low edge. Each screed shall be provided with positive control
slump concrete wearing course. After the rails for the of the vertical position, tilt and shape of the crown and
finishing machine have been set to provide a smooth ride must produce a pressure of at least 3.2 kg/m2 (75 lb/ft2) of
and the required minimum thickness, a fill strip shall be screed area bottom face. The finishing machine shall
secured to the bottom of the finishing machine screed and have an adjustable power operated paddle or auger for
the deck area shall be run to ensure the minimum strike off.
August 30, 2002 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.364
4 Immediately prior to overlay placement, the deck surface operated in the adjacent lane during the first 72 hours.
shall be cleaned and then sandblasted. After sandblasting, The cure shall be continued for a minimum period of 96
all spent sand, dust and debris shall be removed from the hours. After the 96 hour curing period has terminated,
surface by air blast. The air supply system must have a traffic may be permitted. If daily mean temperatures have
suitable oil trap between the storage tank and the air hose been below 15EC (60EF) during this 96 hour period,
nozzle. Any oil drippings from equipment, concrete additional curing time will be needed at the discretion of
buggies, etc., during overlay placement shall be removed the Engineer.
from the surface by re-sandblasting or bush hammering.
Bonded wearing courses require special curing
5. For latex concrete, the surface shall be dampened with procedures. Membrane curing compounds are not
water after sandblasting; however, standing water or permitted for latex overlays. They shall be covered with a
puddles shall not be permitted. Properly mixed latex single layer of wet burlap as soon as the surface can
composition shall be brushed into the dampened surface support it without deformation. The wet burlap shall be
and spent aggregate removed for disposal. All vertical covered with a layer of polyethylene film for a period of
and horizontal surfaces shall be uniformly coated and the not less than 48 hours. The curing material shall remain
overlay shall be placed and finished while the bonding in place at the discretion of the Engineer if the ambient
grout is still wet. temperature falls below 13EC (55EF) during the curing
period. After removal of the curing material, the latex
For low slump concrete, the surface shall be clean and overlay shall be dried for a period of 72 hours before
dry. The bonding grout shall consist of equal masses of traffic shall be permitted.
sand and cement and sufficient water to form a creamy
slurry. The grout shall be thoroughly scrubbed into all 9. Bridges with roadway widths in excess of 24 feet will
surfaces on which the overlay will be placed or abutted. require multiple passes of the overlay paving machine.
A very important function of the inspection is to keep the However, specification 2404 states that no impact
grouting operation close to the placement of the overlay equipment shall be operated in the adjacent lane during
concrete. The grout must not be permitted to dry out the first 72 hours after concrete overlay placement. Since
before the concrete is placed. the overlay paving machine uses significant vibration to
help consolidate the low slump concrete mixture, it is
6. Overlays are restricted to placement between April 15th considered to be "impact equipment". Hence, placement
and September 15th (October 1st south of the 46th of overlay concrete adjacent to previously placed overlay
parallel) and are subject to temperature restrictions in the is prohibited until the previously placed overlay is at least
summer. It may be possible to place an overlay during 72 hours old.
the winter by heating and housing the deck according to
Specification 2404.3A. 5-393.364 DIAPHRAGMS
Latex overlays shall not be placed when the air Steel diaphragms, if allowed, are shown on the Plans for
temperature is lower than 7EC (45EF) nor can latex or low prestressed beam structures. Shop drawings are required for
slump overlays be placed when the daytime temperature steel diaphragms showing details of beam layouts, location of
is expected to reach 28EC (80EF) or higher. When the the diaphragms and location of mounting holes. High strength
temperature is predicted by the National Weather Service bolts for steel diaphragms shall be tightened by Turn-of-Nut
to reach or exceed 28EC (80EF), the placement shall be method or the use of Direct Tension Indicators. See Section
rescheduled or started between the hours of 7:00 PM and 5-393.414 for more information.
5:00 AM. Placements started during this period when the
air temperature is rising and reaches 28EC (80EF) shall be 5-393.365 ANCHOR BOLTS
terminated. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer
when night pours are being scheduled and shall provide Special care should be given to the finishing of bridge seats,
suitable night illumination. Illumination provisions shall pier caps, etc., so that full and uniform bearing with the
include the necessity for inspection of both surface masonry plates will be obtained and the bearing areas are at
preparation and concrete pours. the correct elevation. Also, the location of anchor bolts must
be accurately laid out before the concrete is cast. If the anchor
7. After placement and consolidation, low slump overlay bolts are to be cast into the pour, they must be rigidly held at
wearing courses are finished as prescribed in the correct position, alignment and depth of embedment. If
Specification 2404.3. the anchor bolts are to be drilled into the hardened concrete
and anchored with melted lead or a grout, the position of the
8. Low slump concrete surfaces shall receive membrane bolts should be checked by the use of a template and the
curing compound as specified in Specification 2404.3C3. reinforcing steel adjusted as necessary to avoid interference
The surface shall be covered with conventional curing with the bolt locations.
materials (wet burlap or curing blankets) as required by
Specification 2401.3G. No impact equipment shall be
5-393.366 (1) BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL August 30, 2002
Specification 2402.3H requires that holes for anchor bolts material should be installed so that it will remain securely in
shall be drilled except where otherwise specified in the place until the anchor bolts are permanently set.
Anchor bolt nuts are seldom used but, where required, should
Before the substructure concrete is placed, the location of drill be checked for proper adjustment. Most questions regarding
holes for anchor bolts should be checked because corrections the placement of anchor bolt nuts can be answered by
are difficult to make after completion of the substructure. The carefully checking the Bridge Plan details. After the anchor
placement of substructure reinforcement bars should be bolt nut is adjusted, it should be secured by center punching to
checked carefully so that the proper clearances between the upset the threads at the outer face of the nut.
anchor bolt holes and reinforcement bars are provided.
Also, the Plans and Shop Drawings for bearing devices should
be checked to ensure that dimensions are the same and that Construction joints, as distinguished from other concrete
minimum distance to edge of bridge seat can be obtained. joints, are not intended primarily to permit movement between
sections of the structure. They are necessary either because of
Placing anchor bolts using a Portland Cement grout should be a change in concrete mixes at that location, or other
done only when the air temperature is favorable. After construction requirements. Construction joints, therefore,
drilling, anchor bolts should be inserted into the dry holes to generally have reinforcing bars extending through the joint.
check proper fit and projection and then removed. The holes
for the bolt should then be filled about 2/3 full of grout and the Permissible construction joints are permitted as a convenience
bolt should be immediately inserted and forced down until the to the contractor when large pours, or difficult forming, would
top of the bolt is at the correct height above the bridge seat. otherwise be necessary. Their use is optional with the
The anchor bolt holes should be filled with grout flush with contractor. The Plans will label these joints as “permissible
the bridge seat. All excess grout which may have been forced construction joint,” except for permissible construction joints
out of the hole, including that which may be in the expansion in roadway slabs which are described in the Special
slots or on any metal surface, should be removed. Provisions. Permissible construction joints in deck slabs
resting on prestressed girders or steel beams may be
The grout mix should consist of one part standard Portland constructed at the locations shown in the following sketches,
Cement and one part clean fine grained sand and should be unless indicated otherwise in the plans.
mixed with enough water so as to flow freely but not so wet to
cause undue shrinkage. Keyways are mandatory in all slab construction joints and
should be similar to the sketch labeled “Typical Slab
When it is necessary to place anchor bolts during freezing Keyway.”
weather, a commercial product approved by the Engineer
should be used in place of grout. The anchor bolt holes should CL Construction Jt.
be dry and the anchor bolts and concrete adjacent to the holes 0.3L (Approx.)
should be preheated. The anchor bolts should be warm when Direction of pour
the grout material is poured to defer the cooling process until
the material reaches the bottom of the void. The anchor bolts
should be in correct position. The top of the anchor bolt L
should be at the correct height above the bridge seat and the
grout material should completely fill the void between the bolt
and the edge of the hole.
Steel Beams or Prestressed Girders
When anchor bolts are to be set prior to placing concrete for with Single Diaphragm at Pier
the substructure units, they should be held and supported
securely inplace. The correct position, including the
projection above the bridge seat, should be carefully checked CL Construction Jt.
before and after concrete placement.
Required saw the maximum shear section when forces are applied to either
cut on pre- side of the member. See the Typical Keyway with Saw Cut
bridges with
joint generally
Saw cuts as described in Specification 2401.3 are required at joint may be placed in the same placement and painting or
every slab construction joint. The purpose of the saw cut is to bulkheading is not necessary. The plate must be well coated
permit sealing of a potentially leaky construction joint in the with a form release agent and held firmly in position by vee
slab. To effectively saw on the centerline of this construction strips and/or saw cuts in the side forms. Concrete should be
joint, the joint must be clearly located when the closing deposited equally on each side of the plate to prevent
concrete pour is made. This may be done by scoring a line distortion. Care must be exercised as the plate is withdrawn to
with a trowel along the joint in the plastic concrete. See the prevent spalling or cracking in the adjacent concrete.
sketch below.
Cork joints are shown in present details for all cast-in-place
Chamfered corners (13 mm (1/2 inch) sides) are required on railing types with continuous concrete rail bases and concrete
all construction joints that are exposed to view and which are traffic barriers. The concrete railing or traffic barrier may be
not required to be edged. See Specification 2401.3. placed in alternate sections between cork joints or it may be
poured continuously. In either case, copper nails must be used
to retain the cork in the joint. Generally, contractors elect to
Round corner with CL construction joint place a railing or traffic barrier in a continuous pour to save
small radius edger & score line the expense of placing and stripping bulkheads. Better
concrete lines are also maintained when the railing or barrier
is placed in a continuous placement. Cork has very little
resistance to sideways deflection and careful attention must be
given to maintain the cork in a vertical plane during the pour.
The cork is held in position at each face by chamfer strips, and
First Closing at the top by wood strips. To prevent bows in the cork, a sheet
pour pour
Deflection, contraction and expansion joints are all designed Slabs are generally continuous between expansion devices.
to permit movement between sections of the structure without Past experience has shown that, on prestressed girder bridges,
spalling or crushing of adjacent surfaces. These joints a transverse crack occurs in the slab over the piers. Saw cuts
function as follows: (a) deflection joints provide relief for in the slab over the pier (as described in Specification 2401)
bending or flexing movements, (b) contraction joints provide have been required in an attempt to control the location of this
relief during shortening or contraction movements, and (c) crack. When this works as intended, the crack coincides with
expansion joints provide for movement during shortening the saw cut and the crack may be effectively sealed with
(contraction) and lengthening (expansion) movements. These concrete joint sealer. This joint deviates from conventional
joints differ from construction joints in that either an open contraction or deflection joints in that reinforcing extends
joint or a flexible joint filler material separates the adjacent through the joint.
concrete surfaces and reinforcing does not generally extend
through the joint. It is important that mortar or concrete does Emphasis is placed on the Plan Notes which require that saw
not bridge over these joints. When such a condition exists, cuts be made over the centerline of piers as soon as the cutting
any slight differential movement of the concrete sections on can be done without raveling the concrete. During hot
either side of the joint may cause spalling. weather it may be possible to make the saw cut on the same
day as the placement. This is the ideal situation, but in most
Joints in sidewalks shall have the first of the two abutting cases it will not be possible to saw until the following morning
surfaces painted in accordance with Plan Notes. It is before shrinkage causes cracking to occur.
necessary to form the joint by placing a bulkhead at the joint
location in advance of the first pour. No reinforcement shall Prior to placing the deck treating oil or sealer, the area
project through this joint. adjacent to the saw cut should be carefully inspected to
determine the actual location of the crack. When this slab
Curb joints may be constructed as described above for crack falls outside of the saw cut, corrective work is required
sidewalks, or the joint may be formed by a removable metal as follows; (a) cracks within 13 mm (1/2 inch) of the saw cut
sheet. In this case the concrete sections on each side of the
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.368
should be chipped back to the saw cut and filled with concrete
joint sealer and (b) cracks more than 13 mm (1/2 inch) from
the saw cut should be sealed with an epoxy penetrant sealer.
Expansion gaps for strip seal joints are shown in the Plan or however, the inspector should measure the preset opening and
listed in the Special Provisions. The expansion gap for steel check to make sure the opening at (-30EF) will not exceed the
plate, “finger” or modular type devices will be shown in the design capacity of the joint. (In the preceding example, if a
plans. Type 4 joint were preset at 50 mm (2 in.), no adjustment
would be necessary unless the temperature exceeded (110EF)
Strip seal expansion devices are the most common type of at the time of installation since the total movement from
expansion joint used in Minnesota bridges. The standard strip (-30EF) to (110EF) is only 50 mm. (2 in.).
seal device is a Type 4.0, which has a movement capacity of
100 mm (4 inches). Bridges on a horizontal curve or with a For the same conditions as in the previous example, the
skew over 30 degrees must accommodate "racking" or designer has selected a steel plate type joint. A 75 mm (3
transverse movements as well. For these situations a Type 5.0 inch) expansion gap is shown in the Plans. The corrected
seal with 125 mm (5 inches) of capacity is generally used. expansion gap is 75 mm (3 inch) minus 15 mm (1/2 inch)
which equals 60 mm (2 1/2 inches). The concrete bulkheads
For bridges with skews less than 30 degrees and expansion are then set to provide the 60 mm (2 1/2 inches) opening as
distances less than 45 m (150 feet) (bridge length greater than shown in the sketch titled Temperature Adjustment.
90 m (300 feet)) the expansion device shall be set at 50 mm
(2 inches) for all temperatures. Most bridges fall into this
category of skew and length and hence simplifies setting joint
openings for most bridges. Top of deck
2" at 45º F
1 3/8" at 85º F
For bridges not meeting the criteria of the previous paragraph,
the expansion gap should be increased for temperatures below
7EC (45EF) and decreased for temperatures above 7EC (45EF) Hex nut
as indicated by the algebraic sign in Table A and B 5-
393.370. The temperatures, lengths and corresponding
corrections are used to compute the correct opening. These Bar rod (typ.)
computations should be based on the air temperature at the
time the device is set.
Long bent Bent bolt
Example stud staggered Plate
-10 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17
-15 5 7 10 12 14 17 19 21
-20 6 9 12 15 17 20 23 26
-25 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 30
-30 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
-35 9 14 18 23 27 32 36 41
60' 100' 140' 180' 220' 260' 300'
95 -3/16" -3/8" -1/2" -5/8" -13/16" -15/16" -1-1/16"
85 -3/16" -5/16" -7/16" -1/2" -5/8" -3/4" -7/8"
75 -1/8" -3/16" -5/16" -3/8" -1/2" -9/16" -5/8"
65 -1/16" -1/8" -3/16" -1/4" -5/16" -3/8" -7/16"
55 -1/16" -1/16" -1/8" -1/8" -3/16" -3/16" -3/16"
45 Desired Width of Joint Openings at 45 F
35 1/16" 1/16" 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 3/16"
25 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16"
Joint width increases by
1. This table contains bridge movements for various lengths between expansion joints due to
temperature changes. Joint openings established during construction must be corrected (decreased
on temperatures above 7 C (45 F) and increased on temperatures less than 7 C (45 F)) accordingly.
2. Formula for computing values not shown on table: Opening width (at right angles to the
joint) = Width desired @ 7 C (45 F) + [Movement length in mm (in.) x Coefficient of expansion x
[7 C (45 F) - Temperature]]
3. Joint openings have dimensions of mm unless otherwise noted.
Figure B 5-393.370 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL November 1, 2005
-10 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
-15 5 8 10 13 15 18 21 23
-20 6 9 13 16 19 22 25 28
-25 7 11 15 19 22 26 30 34
-30 9 13 17 22 26 30 35 39
-35 10 15 20 25 29 34 39 44
60' 100' 140' 180' 220' 260' 300'
95 -1/4" -3/8" -9/16" -11/16" -7/8" -1" -1-3/16"
85 -3/16" -5/16" -7/16" -9/16" -11/16" -13/16" -15/16"
75 -1/8" -1/4" -5/16" -7/16" -1/2" -5/8" -11/16"
65 -1/16" -1/8" -3/16" -1/4" -5/16" -3/8" -7/16"
55 -1/16" -1/16" -1/8" -1/8" -3/16" -3/16" -1/4"
45 Desired Width of Joint Openings at 45 F
35 1/16" 1/16" 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 1/4"
25 1/16" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16"
Joint width increases by
1. This table contains bridge movements for various lengths between expansion joints due to
temperature changes. Joint openings established during construction must be corrected (decreased
on temperatures above 7 C (45 F) and increased on temperatures less than 7 C (45 F)) accordingly.
2. Formula for computing values not shown on table: Opening width (at right angles to the
joint) = Width desired @ 7 C (45 F) + [Movement length in mm (in.) x Coefficient of expansion x
[7 C (45 F) - Temperature]]
3. Joint openings have dimensions of mm unless otherwise noted.
November 1, 2005 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-393.372
5-393.372 BEARING ASSEMBLIES Anchor bolts are sometimes cast in bridge seats of pedestrian
bridges where they are required to resist uplift forces produced
Bearings are generally placed between the bridge by wind. Hold down bolt assemblies may also be cast in
superstructure and substructure and provide two main abutments on steel beam spans when hold downs are used in
functions; support the gravity loads (dead load and live loads) lieu of counter weights. Care must be exercised in setting
and to accommodate the changes in length of the bridge these bolts to ensure proper location and projection. A
resulting from temperature variations and rotations caused by template should be used to hold these bolt assemblies rigidly
bending. in position.