Test Scores/Certificates Accepted in International Student Admission and Required Minimum Scores

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Test Scores/Certificates Accepted in International Student Admission and Required

Minimum Scores

Name of Score/Certificate Minimum Score

A minimum score of 1200 in total from

a) SAT I “Evidence Based Reading and Writing”
and “Mathematics” sections
Test Scores

b) ACT (American A minimum score of 25 in “Composite

College Testing) Score”

c) TQDK (Azerbaijan) A minimum score of 600 out of 700

Provided that the average grade is C in

minimum; at least 3 A-Level; or 2 A-Level
a) GCE A Level: (General and 1 AS-Level scores (AS-Level subject
Certificate of Education) must be different from A-Levels) from
relevant subjects

A minimum score of 33, with one of the

b) International
High School subjects being relevant to the program
Baccalaureate (IB)
Certificate/Di applied
A minimum score of 14 in the stream
c) French Baccalaureate
relevant to the program applied

A maximum score of 2, one of the

d) ABITUR (Germany) subjects
being relevant to the program applied
e) Pishdanesgahi (Iran): A minimum score of 18

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