Studyprotocol Open Access: Babar Asma, Leblanc Vicky, Dudonne Stephanie, Desjardins Yves, Howell Amy and Dodin Sylvie
Studyprotocol Open Access: Babar Asma, Leblanc Vicky, Dudonne Stephanie, Desjardins Yves, Howell Amy and Dodin Sylvie
Studyprotocol Open Access: Babar Asma, Leblanc Vicky, Dudonne Stephanie, Desjardins Yves, Howell Amy and Dodin Sylvie
Background: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are amongst the most common bacterial infections affecting women.
Although antibiotics are the treatment of choice for UTI, cranberry derived products have been used for many years to
prevent UTIs, with limited evidence as to their efficacy. Our objective is to assess the efficacy of a cranberry extract
capsule standardized in A-type linkage proanthocyanidins (PACs) for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection.
Methods: We will perform a 1:1 randomized, controlled, double blind clinical trial in women aged 18 years or more
who present ≥2 UTIs in 6 months or ≥ 3 UTIs in 12 months. One hundred and forty-eight women will be recruited and
randomized in two groups to either receive an optimal dose of cranberry extract quantified and standardized in PACs
(2 × 18.5 mg PACs per day) or a control dose (2 × 1 mg PACs per day). The primary outcome for the trial is the mean
number of new symptomatic UTIs in women during a 6-month intervention period. Secondary outcomes are: (1) To
evaluate the mean number of new symptomatic UTIs with pyuria as demonstrated by a positive leucocyte esterase
test; (2) To detect the mean number of new symptomatic culture-confirmed UTIs; (3) To quantify urinary PACs
metabolites in women who take a daily dose of 37 mg PACs per day compared to women who take a daily dose of
2 mg per day for 6 months; (4) To characterize women who present recurrent UTI based on known risk factors for
recurrent UTI; (5) To describe the side effects of daily intake of cranberry extract containing 37 mg PACs compared to
2 mg PACs. This report provides comprehensive methodological data for this randomized controlled trial.
Discussion: The results of this trial will inform urologists, gynaecologists, family physicians and other healthcare
professionals caring for healthy women with recurrent UTI, as to the benefits of daily use of an optimal dose of
cranberry extract for the prevention of recurrent UTI.
Trial registration:, identifier: NCT02572895 October 8th 2015.
Keywords: Recurrent urinary tract infection, Women’s health, Proanthocyanidins, Cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon,
Antioxidants, Prevention
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Laval University, CHU de
Québec - Université Laval, 2705, boulevard Laurier, Local A1385, Québec,
Québec G1V 4G2, Canada
Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods, Laval University, 2440 Hochelaga
Boulevard, Quebec City, Quebec G1V 0A6, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Asma et al. BMC Urology (2018) 18:29 Page 2 of 7
Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional sexual relations, personal and familial history of UTI; (5)
Trials (SPIRIT) Statement. The SPIRIT figure is illus- To describe the side effects of daily intake of cranberry
trated in Fig. 1. extract containing 37 mg PACs compared to 2 mg PACs.
The primary objective is to evaluate, in sexually active
women who present r-UTIs, the effects of a standardized Study participants and recruitment
cranberry extract containing 37 mg type-A linkage PACs This clinical trial aims to enrol sexually active non-
per day, compared to a control dose of 2 mg PACs per pregnant non-lactating women aged 18 years and over
day during a 6-month period on the incidence rate of presenting culture-confirmed r-UTI (defined as ≥2 UTIs
newly symptomatic UTIs during a 6-month follow-up in the past 6 months or ≥ 3 UTIs in the past 12 months).
period. Secondary objectives are: (1) To evaluate the Women will be recruited in the Laval University com-
mean number of new symptomatic UTIs with pyuria as munity in Quebec City, Canada, through list serves and
demonstrated by a positive leucocyte esterase test; (2) local clinician referrals as well as posters in medical
To detect the mean number of new symptomatic clinics, social media, paid advertising and word of
culture-confirmed UTIs; (3) To quantify urinary PACs mouth. Women wishing to participate will contact the
metabolites in women who take a daily dose of 37 mg study coordinator who will explain the research project
PACs per day compared to women who take a daily dose to them and verify eligibility according to inclusion and
of 2 mg per day for 6 months; (4) To characterize exclusion criteria (Table 1). The risks and benefits of the
women who present r-UTI based on known risk factors study will be thoroughly discussed and the consent form
such as spermicidal contraception use, frequency of will be signed at the first of three visits at the Institute
on Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF).
Potential participants will need to restrain exposure to
systemic antimicrobial agents or cranberry derivatives in
the two weeks preceding enrolment. Women with ana-
tomical abnormalities of the urinary tract, a history of
renal disease (renal failure, nephrolithiasis) or intestinal
disease causing malabsorption (Crohn’s disease, Celiac
disease), or anticoagulant therapy will be excluded. Fur-
thermore, we will exclude women with known allergy or
intolerance to cranberries.
Study randomization
Concealed randomization will be generated using com-
puter aided block randomization by blocks of 10. Eligible
women will be assigned 1:1 to consume a cranberry ex- for an additional 24 weeks, with follow-up visits at 36 and
tract either formulated in high PAC content capsules (2 48 weeks. This data will provide information on seasonal
capsules of 18.5 mg PAC per day) or low PAC content variations in the incidence of UTI.
capsules (2 capsules of 1 mg PAC per day) for 6 months.
The low PAC content cranberry capsule is comparable Sample size and statistical analysis
to the majority of cranberry extract products presently Statistical analyses will be performed using SAS 9.2 (SAS
approved by Health Canada [21] . The standardized cap- Institute Inc., USA). All analyses will be based on the
sules will be manufactured and provided by Diana Foods intention-to-treat principle before unmasking the treatment
and will be distributed in opaque packaging in order to groups. The baseline characteristics of both groups will be
conceal colour variations from the research team. The compared using a Student’s t test for continuous variables
PAC content of each cranberry treatment will be vali- and a generalized linear model for nominal variables. The
dated at INAF according to the standardized BL-DMAC Poisson regression model, which allows us to adjust for par-
method, using A2 procyanidin dimer as standard for the ticipants that were lost to follow up, will be used to com-
quantification [22]. All clinical investigation, laboratory pare the incidence of UTI during the 6-month follow up
analysis, data collection and assessment will be blinded period as well as side effects of the treatment. Subgroup
to the randomization allocation. analyses will be performed in order to evaluate the impact
of cranberry capsules in pre- and post-menopausal women
Clinical follow-up as well as women with certain risk factors for complicated
Each visit (0, 12 and 24 weeks) will include a short ques- UTI such as pelvic floor disorders and diabetes.
tionnaire documenting socio-demographic characteristics Based on the literature [17], we estimate that 35% of
(T = 0 only), medication and natural health product intake, patients in the control group will present at least one
quality of life (SF-12) [23], risk factors for UTIs, and a vali- UTI during the 6-month follow-up period. In total, 126
dated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) [24] modified for women will need to be recruited in order to detect a
our study to specifically include foods containing PACs. clinically significant difference of 25% between the 2
Double data entry will be performed under the study co- groups (10% of women assigned to the experimental
ordinator supervision in order to promote data quality. Par- group will have at least 1 UTI with a power of 80%).
ticipants will be instructed to obtain a midstream urine Based on our past clinical trial experience [25], we esti-
sample according to standard methods suggested by the mate that 15% of randomized participants will be lost to
microbiological laboratory. A dipstick urinalysis using follow up, therefore 148 women will need to be recruited
Chemstrip 9 (Roche Diagnostics USA) and a pregnancy test in order to have at least 126 participants who will
(ß-hCG) will be completed. Three 10 ml tubes will be complete the 24-week intervention.
placed in a − 80 °C freezer for urinary PAC metabolites
measurements by ultra-high performance liquid chroma- End points
tography coupled with mass spectrometry, and the urine Incidence of UTI
sample for culture will be refrigerated and transported to The primary endpoint is the average number of symptom-
the microbiology laboratory at the CHU de Quebec – Uni- atic UTIs during the 6-month follow-up period. Individ-
versite Laval within 24 h after collection. uals with acute urinary symptoms such as pollakiuria,
During their participation, the women will be asked to urgency, burning, suprapubic pain, and hematuria will be
contact the study coordinator if they present symptoms of assessed by study staff and will have to provide a urine
UTI in order to schedule a visit at INAF to confirm the sample for urinalysis. Women who present both symptom
diagnosis by urinalysis and urine culture and to receive an and pyuria criteria, defined as a positive leukocyte esterase
appropriate antibiotic prescription based on their medical dipstick result, will be diagnosed as having confirmed
history and allergies. Women unable to present themselves symptomatic UTI and prescribed appropriate antibiotic
at INAF will be prescribed antibiotics waiving a confirm- treatment. If the urine culture results are positive, the epi-
ation of their UTI. Women wishing to discontinue the con- sode will be categorized as a culture-confirmed UTI.
sumption of capsules will be asked to present themselves at Women with symptomatic UTI during the study period
the 3 and 6-month visit in order to complete intention to will continue to take the cranberry capsules and remain in
treat analysis. The participants will be asked not to con- the study for the full 6 months unless they are lost to fol-
sume other products containing cranberry derivatives for low up or discontinue the intervention.
the duration of the study and to consume their cranberry
extracts 2–4 h preceding each visit. Participants will also be Urinary PAC content
asked to limit intense physical activity for 24 h preceding At the beginning of the trial, participants will be offered
each visit. After 24 weeks of participation, women will be the option to provide a 24-h urine collect for targeted
provided with the option of prolonging their participation metabolomic characterization of PAC metabolites using
Asma et al. BMC Urology (2018) 18:29 Page 5 of 7
ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled test and a urine culture. Positive leucocytes or nitrites
to tandem mass spectrometry, performed by a chemist will indicate a positive dipstick test [26]. A positive urine
blinded to treatment allocation. culture will be designated by greater than 106 colony-
forming units, according to the microbiological labora-
Compliance and side effects tory standards of the CHUL hospital. In our study, anti-
The cranberry extract capsules will be distributed at each biotics will be prescribed in the presence of clinical
visit and participants will be asked to bring remaining cap- symptoms in combination with either a positive urine
sules the next visit in order to count remaining capsules. dipstick test and/or positive urine culture.
The participants will fill out a daily journal to record com-
pliance, transient UTI symptoms and any adverse effects
related to capsule intake. A bi-monthly email reminder Implications of findings
will be sent to encourage participation. Each participant Many Canadian women who present r-UTI commonly use
will receive an email reminder in the week preceding each over the counter cranberries-derived products with inad-
visit. Evaluation of side effects will take place at each visit equate labelling of PACs concentrations. For cranberry prod-
and participants will be asked to document symptoms ucts with quantification of PACs, these concentrations rarely
(nausea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, bloating and head- exceed 2 mg in Canada [21]. Various trials have tested the ef-
aches) in their daily journal. In the presence of severe side fectiveness of cranberry derived products, essentially in juice
effects, participants will be allowed to discontinue the form, and their results remain discordant mainly due to the
intervention and remain in the study in order to preserve lack of standardization and low doses of PACs in tested
the intention to treat analyses. products. Hence, the intrinsic activity of cranberry PACs,
demonstrated against Escherichia coli in vitro, has never
Blinding and contamination Bias been optimized for the prevention of UTI. The results gener-
The proportion of women who will guess their group allo- ated from this trial will clarify the role of cranberry extracts
cation correctly will be documented with a short question- standardized in PACs on the decreased incidence of UTI in
naire at the last visit. To control for contamination bias, women presenting r-UTIs, will evaluate the differences in
any antibiotic therapy during the study period will be de- the incidence of UTI on the basis of different PACs concen-
clared to the study coordinator and PAC consumption will trations and will respond to the recommendations reported
be measured by FFQ for the 24 h preceding each visit. in the last Cochrane meta-analysis [17].
This report provides comprehensive methods for a clin-
Discussion ical trial on the prevention of RUTI by cranberry extract
Use of cranberry derived products in the prevention of capsule intake. The strengths of this trial include the
r-UTI remains controversial, with no definitive evidence quantification and standardisation of PACs contained in
to show superiority of the cranberry compared to anti- the cranberry extract capsule and a randomized, double
biotic therapy [17, 18]. There is some evidence that blind, controlled trial method. Our trial will add to a
cranberry products may reduce the incidence of UTIs growing body of literature regarding cranberry extract
compared to placebo, though the most effective amount capsule for the prevention of r-UTI in healthy women. In
and concentration of PACs that must be consumed and addition, the data set and specimen bank generated from
the duration for the intervention are unknown [17]. To conducting this trial will enable researchers to understand
our knowledge, this study is the first large, prospective the metabolites of type-A PACs produced after prolonged
randomized clinical trial assessing the impact of a cran- consumption of cranberry capsules.
berry extract capsule standardized to 37 mg PAC per
day compared to 2 mg PAC per day in preventing UTIs Trial status
in healthy women presenting r-UTI. Participant recruitment started on August 18th 2015
Incidence of symptomatic UTI during the 6-month and was completed in March 2017. Study follow up
follow-up period was selected as the primary end-point visits will continue into Winter 2018.
in this trial because it is the most important, clinically
relevant long-term outcome for patients. We used three Abbreviations
classifications for UTI analyses: symptomatic UTI, FFQ: Food frequency questionnaire; PAC: Proanthocyanidin; RCT: Randomized
dipstick-positive UTI and culture-confirmed UTI. Symp- controlled trial; r-UTI: Recurrent UTI; UTI: Urinary tract infection
tomatic UTI was diagnosed if a participant presented at
least one of the following symptoms: dysuria, pollakiuria, Acknowledgements
urinary urgency, suprapubic pain or hematuria. In the We thank Iseult Grenier-Ouellet and Marie-Pier Bernard-Genest for their assistance
in the clinical follow-up of participants during this clinical trial at the Institute of
presence of clinical symptoms, participants will be asked Nutrition and Functional Foods, Laval University. The authors are very grateful to
to provide a urine sample in order to perform a dipstick the laboratory and clinical staff and all participants in this study.
Asma et al. BMC Urology (2018) 18:29 Page 6 of 7