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16. Junipa Research Report. 2007. “Mobile Muhammadou M.O. Kah, is Dean of School of
Entertainment: Revenue Opportunities”. February Information Technology & Communications,
2007. Abti-American University of Nigeria. He
completed his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in IS at
17. Odinma, A.C. 2005. “Telecom Network Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ; and also
Convergent Architecture and Migration Strategies
for Operators”. NSE Technical Transaction.
has a M.S in Finance from The George
40(4). Washington University, Washington, D.C. He
has teaching experience in the US, UAE,
18. In-Stat Report. 2007. “3G, Wi-Fi, WiMax and Gambia, and Nigeria. He was chair of MIS &
others Battle for Wireless Supremacy.” Feb. Operations Management at American University
2007. of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Dr. Kah’s
current research focuses on how businesses
19. 3GSM World Congress. 2007. 3GSM WC: and governments can effectively use ICTs and
Barcelona, Spain. Feb. 12, 2007.
the Internet, in particular, to add value and ways
20. http://www.Sprint.com
in which advances in ICTs contribute to poverty
reduction, economic growth & development, and
21. White, M.C. 2007. Data Communications and enhances quality of life for developing
Computer Networks: A Business User’s economies and communities. His research
Approach. 4th ed. Thomson Course Technology: interest also includes, telecommunications and
Boston. wireless technologies in developing countries,
virtual communities, knowledge management
and knowledge sharing and transfer for
ABOUT THE AUTHORS organizations in developing countries.
Augustine C. Odinma received his PhD in
Electronics from the University of London. He SUGGESTED CITATION
also has an MSc in OR/COSC, MBA, and B.S.
His special research interests are in switching, Odinma, A.C., L.I. Oborkhale, and M.M.O. Kah.
communications technologies, and stochastic 2007. “The Trends in Broadband Wireless
models. He is an international figure and has Networks Technologies”. Pacific Journal of
teaching experiences in telecommunications, Science and Technology. 8(1):118-125.
computer engineering, and science in the US,
UK, and Nigeria. He is also a prolific writer and
publishes widely in journals, conferences,
Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
colloquium, and news media. He was a former
senior management staff of AT&T Labs and Bell
Labs. He left Lucent Technologies in 2003 as
Head of Network Solutions for Europe, Middle
East, and Africa. He is currently a Consultant in