PDT Worksheet 5
PDT Worksheet 5
PDT Worksheet 5
Related Standard What are the best ways to achieve this What do I need to help me achieve this? How will I know I achieved it? When do I plan to achieve it?
Regularly search for Access to data bases with When I have read 12 By the first day of fall
By the first day of Level evidence-based literature evidence based literature articles semester 2020
II Fieldwork I will read related to diagnoses, i.e. Pubmed, Increased knowledge on
12 peer reviewed interventions, GoogleScholar, OTsearch, topics presented in
articles relevant to the assessments, etc. relevant etc. literature
setting. to my assigned setting
Arrange deadlines for
myself to read the
Discuss the literature with
others to reinforce
learned knowledge
Clinical Reasoning: n/a Increased clinical By the end of Fall
Be open and observant reasoning skills semester 2020
By the end of Level II when it comes to clinical
Fieldwork, I will have decision making in
had at least five in fieldwork
depth conversations Build rapport with CI – feel
with my CI about the comfortable talking to
nature of a clinical them about clinical
decision I/they made. reasoning
Regularly talk with CI
about clinical reasoning
and decision making.
Listen to and value Increased interpersonal • By the end of Fall 2020
Interpersonal abilities: feedback from CI • n/a skills with clients and their semester.
Utilize feedback regularly families, and colleagues.
By the end of Level II Development of
Fieldwork, I will utilize meaningful relationships.
feedback from CI Effective therapeutic use
regarding interpersonal of self.
effectiveness with
clients/families, and
colleagues 100% of the
Performance Skills:
Regularly read evidence- Access to data bases with Outcomes reflecting By the end of Fall 2020
By the end of Level II based literature for evidence based literature success with use of semester
Fieldwork, I will assessments, i.e. Pubmed, evidence-based practice.
implement evidence- interventions, etc. GoogleScholar, OTsearch,
based practice 100% of Work with CI to etc.
the time. implement evidence- Materials/support
based practice.
Ethical Reasoning
Read/reflect on AOTA AOTA Code of Ethics Understanding the code of By the beginning of Fall
By the beginning of code of ethics ethics – ability to Semester 2020
Level II Fieldwork, I will Discuss code of ethics with discuss/make decisions
memorize and other professionals based on each item
understand 100% of the comprehensively within
AOTA code of ethics. the context of practice.