PDT Worksheet 5

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Learning Goal Strategies Resources Success Indicators Target Date

Related Standard What are the best ways to achieve this What do I need to help me achieve this? How will I know I achieved it? When do I plan to achieve it?
 Regularly search for  Access to data bases with  When I have read 12  By the first day of fall
By the first day of Level evidence-based literature evidence based literature articles semester 2020
II Fieldwork I will read related to diagnoses, i.e. Pubmed,  Increased knowledge on
12 peer reviewed interventions, GoogleScholar, OTsearch, topics presented in
articles relevant to the assessments, etc. relevant etc. literature
setting. to my assigned setting
 Arrange deadlines for
myself to read the
 Discuss the literature with
others to reinforce
learned knowledge
Clinical Reasoning:  n/a  Increased clinical  By the end of Fall
 Be open and observant reasoning skills semester 2020
By the end of Level II when it comes to clinical
Fieldwork, I will have decision making in
had at least five in fieldwork
depth conversations  Build rapport with CI – feel
with my CI about the comfortable talking to
nature of a clinical them about clinical
decision I/they made. reasoning
 Regularly talk with CI
about clinical reasoning
and decision making.

 Listen to and value  Increased interpersonal • By the end of Fall 2020
Interpersonal abilities: feedback from CI • n/a skills with clients and their semester.
 Utilize feedback regularly families, and colleagues.
By the end of Level II  Development of
Fieldwork, I will utilize meaningful relationships.
feedback from CI  Effective therapeutic use
regarding interpersonal of self.
effectiveness with
clients/families, and
colleagues 100% of the
Performance Skills:
 Regularly read evidence-  Access to data bases with  Outcomes reflecting  By the end of Fall 2020
By the end of Level II based literature for evidence based literature success with use of semester
Fieldwork, I will assessments, i.e. Pubmed, evidence-based practice.
implement evidence- interventions, etc. GoogleScholar, OTsearch,
based practice 100% of  Work with CI to etc.
the time. implement evidence-  Materials/support
based practice.

Ethical Reasoning
 Read/reflect on AOTA  AOTA Code of Ethics  Understanding the code of  By the beginning of Fall
By the beginning of code of ethics ethics – ability to Semester 2020
Level II Fieldwork, I will  Discuss code of ethics with discuss/make decisions
memorize and other professionals based on each item
understand 100% of the comprehensively within
AOTA code of ethics. the context of practice.

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