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Information Technology
Computer Science
1 (2012) 726-737

2nd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT-2011)

Introducing extractability quality attribute for software product

Mohammad ali Torkamani a *, Fereidoon Shams b
Shahid Beheshti University, Evin, Tehran, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Evin, Tehran, Iran


A software product line consists of a family of software systems. Most of quality attributes are defined for single systems.
When we are facing a family of products instead of a single system, some aspects of architecture evaluation, such as cost,
time, and reusability of available assets, become more highlighted. In this paper a new quality attribute for software product
line, which we called it extractability, is introduced. Also extractability measuring method and relationship between
extractability with some quality attributes is presented. At the end, Extractability Effectiveness on Software Product Line is
evaluated by a case study.

Keywords: Software Product line, software quality attribute, extractability;

Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hafize Keser.

©2012 Academic World Education & Research Center. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and motivation

A software product line is a set of software-intensive systems sharing a common, managed set of features
that satisfy the specific needs of a particular market segment or mission and that are developed from a common
set of core assets in a prescribed way[1]. As architecture enjoys a special status in other fields of software
engineering, it also plays an important key role in the software product line. Generally, one of the most
important concerns of the software product line architecture is to achievethe stockholders’ desiredquality
attributes. Most of the existing quality attributes are defined for single systems. While when we are confronted
with a family of products instead of asingle system, some of the aspects of evaluating the architecture such as
cost, time and reusability of the existing products become more prominent. So, a special quality attribute for the
software product line is needed that architects can consider it in designing architecture and also stockholders

* ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Mohammad ali Torkamani, Shahid Beheshti University, Evin, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad ali Torkamani / AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science (2012) 726-737

can evaluate the quality of product line with its use. In this paper, a new quality attribute for software product
line, named “Extractability”, is presented and the Extractability effectiveness on Software Product Line is
evaluated. The structure of the continuation of the paper is in this way that first the related works are studied in
the second part of the paper. Then in the third part of the paper,definition of the extractability quality attribute,
its general scenario, themeasuring method and its relation with some of the quality attributes is presented. Part
four, five and six of the paper are devoted to case study, conclusion, and further works, respectively.

2. Related Works

Some of the researchers in papers like [3] have considered common quality attributes in software engineering
such as reusability and have presented methods for the increase of quality in software product line. Reference
[4] also has presented the quality model of reusability for software product line. In this model, the quality
attribute of reusability includes the six quality attributes of flexibility, maintainability, portability, scope
coverage, understandability, and variability. References [5, 6] have considered variability as a quality attribute in
the software product line. Reference [7] has also presented a general scenario for variability. Some of the
references such as [8-14] have presented metrics for measuring the quality in software product line, which the
most important ones are Structure Similarity Coefficient (SSC), Component reuse rate (CRR), Reuse benefit rate
(RBT), Product-related Reusability (PrR), Size of Commonality (SOC), Percent reuse. References [15-20] have also
presented metrics for assessment of the feature model. Reference [21] has also presented EATAM method for
assessment of architecture of product line which is actually a development of ATAM method. Reference [22] has
also examined quality attributes for a family of medical products. One of the prominent points of this paper is
that among the presented quality attributes, two quality attribute of serviceability and safety can also be seen.
Reference [23] has also examined the quality attribute for embedded software product lines. Moreover, due to
the importance of cost in product line, models such as SIMPLE [24] and InCoME [25, 26] have been presented for
the product line engineering. Some of the references like [27-29] have also presented quality models for
software product line. Reference [30] has also examined remarkable aspects of quality necessities in software
product line. Considering this fact that the major concern of this paper is related to MAP and OAR techniques,
further we will describe these two methods.

2.1. MAP and OAR Techniques

MAP and OAR Methods are techniques for developing core assets for software product lines from existing
assets. Major goals of MAP Method include:
 Analysis of several legacy systems to determine the commonalities and variability across these systems.
 To determine whether, from a technical viewpoint, it should undertake a software product line approach
MAP can be applied along with Options Analysis for Reengineering (OAR), which is a method for measuring
economic feasibility of mining the existing components for the product line. In fact, after performing MAP
method and designing the architecture of new product line and after reaching to the conclusion that we should
have product line, “analysis of make/buy/mine/commission” should be done. That means, the organization
should decide whether to construct or to buy the required components or to extract them from the components
of the existing system or to commit them to a contractor. If mining is chosen, OAR method can be applied for
identification of components which have the necessary potential for reusability. OAR method specifies the
mining options, cost, efforts and risks of each connection (joint). OAR method is applied to specify whether some
components of the existing systems can be reused in the new product line or not? MAP method in the
architecture level and OAR method in the components level looks for the assets [31].

3. Extractability

Extractability means the ability of finding the commonality, analysing the benefit and cost, and ease of
rehabilitating the products, resources, or some pieces of the existing software systems for giving service in the
software product line. The necessary conditionfor the system to have extractability is that assets extraction cost
Mohammad ali Torkamani / AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science (2012) 726-737

in it be less than a new development cost. Cost is indicated with dollar ($) unit. Table 1 indicates the general
scenario for core assets extraction. In the software product line several assets are used. The value of these assets
and the benefit made by the organization through each asset reuse are different. Extractability of the weight
value of the assets is considered in metric. So, before we describe the way of calculating the extractability, we
present the way of calculating the weight value of the assets.

3.1. Determining the weight value of the assets

In past years, the focus of experts was on the reusability of fine grain assets like reusability in code level. Due to
this approach, we have seen fewer successes in reusability field. Currently, the concentrations have been
changed towards coarse grain assets which are being uniformed by software architecture. This approach has
some advantages: a) the assets would be more appropriate for offering in market, b) it increases productivity
and c) it saves time [17]. Moreover, the SEI framework of product line [32] considers product line as an attempt
for employing strategic plans for coarse grain reuse. For this, larger grain assets are more valuable for reusing in
software product line. In order to determine the weight value, we should convert assets and artifacts to a
common measurement unit such as “Line of code”*33+.

Table 1: General Scenario for core Assets Extraction

Scenario Part Values
Source of stimulus Development Organization
Wishes to finding, analyzing and rehabilitating core Assets for use in software product
Analysis, Architecture, Design, Part of code, Sub system, Component, Service, External
Softwares (Such asCOTS)
Environment Before/After Product line Installation
Locates in Architecture to be modified, Wrapping, Adapting components,
Create/UpdateCONOPS†, Create/Update Production plan
Response measure Extraction Cost, Extraction Effort, Time, Level ofRisk

If the number of code lines of the software assets is not available (like a situation in which an organization has
purchased a commercial of the shelf (COTS))or it is difficult to us to convert non software assets to the number
of code lines, the following method can be used for determining the weight value. Suppose that among the
assets, ak asset has made the least necessary effort for development. The necessary effort for development of
this asset is shown with Ek. In this case, weight value of the asset ai is calculated with relation 1:


It is evident that weight value of the asset ak equals 1. The more the necessary effort for development of an
asset, the more its cost would be; so in relation 1 development cost can be replaced with effort, i.e.:


3.2. The method of measuring extractability

According to the definition of extractability, this quality attribute should be a function of the three parameters of
finding commonality, analysis of cost and benefit, and ease of rehabilitating. Finding is what is done in MAP and
OAR methods, i.e., determination of commonality and variability in the product line. In order to evaluate this
Mohammad ali Torkamani / AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science (2012) 726-737

part of work, we can divide the weight of common components in product line architecture over the weight of
all the components of the product line. After commonality and variability were specified, analysis of
make/buy/mine/commission should be done so that to specify which one of the choices of make, buy,
commission or rehabilitating of the existing components is suitable for satisfying the new architecture. Mining
and rehabilitation of the existing component to serve in a new system are chosen when mining cost is less than
the cost of a new development. It’s better to exert the ratio of benefit to cost i.e. the Return of Investment (ROI)
in the formula instead of only considering the benefit alone. According to the component table in the OAR
method [31] we evaluate the ease of rehabilitating with the amount of changes of the component for
comparison with the new architecture. So we have:

∑ ( )(3)

In this relation, n is the number of common assets in the architecture of the product line, E is the extractability,
wi is the weight value of the asset i, wspl is the weight of all assets of the product line, ROI i is the asset i return of
investment, and Mi is the percentage of changes of the component i toadapted with the new architecture.
Weight of the assets of the product line is calculated using the following relation:

∑ (4)

in which m is the total number of the product line assets. If after the component i the black box is reused,
equals1. It is evident that would be an integer, more than zero and less than one. In order to
calculate ROIi one should divide the asset extraction benefit over the asset i cost of extraction. Extraction benefit
and cost of extraction are indicated with BEi and CEi, respectively (relation 5).


The extraction benefit of asset i is calculated using relation 6. In this relation, CDi is the new development cost of
the asset i, and CEi is the cost of extraction of the asset i.

BEi = CDi – CEi (6)

We consider a unit for extractability and indicate it with eu (extraction unit).

3.3. Extended Extractability

In relation 3, if structure similarity coefficient (SSC) [8] be replaced by ratio weight of common part of
architecture assets to weight of product line assets (i.e., for evaluating the commonality, we use the number of
assets instead of their weight) the obtained metric will be called “Extended Extractability”.Extended
extractability is indicated with Ex and is calculated using the relation 7:

∑ ( )(7)

We can rewrite the SSC metric [8] as follows:

| |
Mohammad ali Torkamani / AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science (2012) 726-737

In this relation, | |is the number of common components of the product line architecture and | |is the total
number of the product line components. Other parameters of the relation 7 are similar to those of the relation
In the case study we will examine the difference between extractability and the extended extractability.

3.4. Extractability advantages for the organization

 It is a method for evaluating the mining process in the organization

 It helps optimizing the scope of the product line. Contrary to “structure similarity coefficient”*8+ metric, it also
considers cost.
 It can be regarded as a basis for stockholders in order to evaluate the product line.
 It is a quality attribute that should be considered by the architect during architecture planning.

3.5. Extractability Correlation with other quality attributes

According to the quality model ISO/IEC – 9126, each one of the quality attributes is dependent on a number of
factors or sub-characteristics. For example, according to the quality model ISO/IEC – 9126, usability is dependent
on factors such as understandability, learnability, operability, attractiveness, and usability compliance [34]. To
specify the relation between extractability and other quality attributes, we have compared it with other quality
attributes. In this comparison, factors related with every quality attribute are considered. Tables 2, 3, and 4
indicate positive and negative Correlation of extractability with system, business, and architecture quality
attributes, respectively. Empty cells are indicator of ineffectiveness of dependence.

Table 2. Correlation between extractability and system quality attributes

System Quality
Modifiability +
Performance -
Testability +
Reliability -
Portability +
Reusability +

Table 3. Correlation between extractability and business quality attributes

Business Qualities Extractability

Time to market +
Cost and benefit +
Projected lifetime of the system +
Targeted market +
Rollout schedule
Integration with legacy systems +
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Table 4. Correlation between extractability and architecture quality attributes

Architecture Qualities Extractability

Conceptual integrity +
Correctness and completeness
Buildability +

3.6. The method of improving the architecture of the product line after calculating extractability

If the extractability of a system is low, some suggestions can be offered to the developer:
 Compare the weight value of the existing assets in common part of architecture with total weight value of the
product line assets. Maybe some of the following conditions have been happened:
o One of the products has a little commonality with other products and it is better not to be put in the
product line.
o Many exclusive features have been considered for one or several of the products. This matter can cause
the product line to lose its economic advantage.
o Weight value of the assets is not specified correctly. Regarding the fact that weight value is done on the
basis of estimating the development time, it is possible that an appropriate estimation has not been
done of the development time of the assets.
 Examine the cost and percent of necessary changes for adaptation once more. It is possible that an
appropriate estimation of the percent of necessary changes for rehabilitating the components has not been
done. So, these matters should be reassessed.

4. Case Study

In order to evaluate this research, Mont Carlo method [25, 26] has been used. The main criterions for evaluating
this case study are Structure Similarity Coefficient (SSC), Component reuse rate (CRR), Reuse benefit rate (RBR),
Product-related Reusability (PrR), Size of Commonality or SOC [8, 10]. Other criterions used include: the number
of rehabilitated components, the number of reuse in architecture common parts, the number of products,
average weight of the assets of the product line, weight of members of the product line , weight of the
components of the architecture common parts, weight of components of the product line, ROI, ease of
rehabilitating the assets for adaptation and reuse in a product (AoRp), ease of rehabilitating the assets for
adaptation and reuse in the product line (AoRSPL), impact of the reusability of an asset on developing a product
(Iij), the impact of reusability on developing a product (Ii), impact of reusability on developing all products (I),
weight percent of products reusability (Wt%RP), and weight percent of reusability (Wt%R). AoRp, AoRSPL, Iij, Ii, I,
Wt%Rp and Wt%R are presented in [35]. In order to perform a case study, five supposed product lines were
defined. All data was created accidentally in the Excel software. Tables 5 to 8 indicate the data related to the
product line 1. In table 5, list of common assets of the architecture of the product line has been shown. In table
6, list of other assets which are reused in some of the products of the product line 1 is indicated. In table 7, list of
other assets (new development) is presented. In table 8, products of the product line 1 is presented along with
the data related to each product. These items include the name of the product, name of the used assets in the
product, weight value of any asset, type of asset (new development or mining), mining ROI, percent of exerting
the necessary changes for comparing them with the new architecture and weight of the product (W P). In these
tables, calculation of the Wt%Rp, AoRp metrics, theimpact of the reusability of an asset on developing a product
(Iij),), the impact of reusability on developing a product (Ii), impact of reusability on developing all products (I)
and products related reusability (PrR) is also presented.
In order to perform evaluation, we calculated the evaluation criterions, extractability and extended extractability
and recorded the results in table 9. In table 10, for every aspects of comparison, we specified the rank achieved
by product lines 1 to 5. This table has been prepared using the recorded results in table 10.
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Table 5. List of architecture common assets of the product line 1

Percept of
no asset wi type ROIM CRR
1 a1 1 Mining 10 20 100
2 a2 2 Mining 5 BB 100
3 a3 2 Mining 7 BB 100
4 a4 1 Mining 21 BB 100
5 a5 7 Mining 50 40 100
6 a6 3 Mining 4 40 100
7 a7 5 Develop. 100
8 a8 2 Develop. 100

Table 6. List of other assets which are reused in some of the products of the product line 1
no asset wi CRR
1 a9 2 40
2 a10 1 40
3 a11 1 40
4 a12 2 40
5 a13 1 20
6 a14 1 20
7 a15 1 20
8 a16 2 20
9 a17 2 40
10 a18 2 20
11 a19 2 20
12 a20 2 20

The reusability potential in product line is usually measured with SOC and SSC. According to these metrics, the
more the common components of the product line, the more the similarity of architecture of product line
members. So, the product line will obtain more benefit of reuse. Examination of the results of the case study
indicates that product line 4 has the biggest SSC (row 7 of table 10). So this product line should have more
benefit of reuse. The results of metrics of RBR and “the effect of reuse in products (I)” also confirms this matter
(rows 13 and 19 of table 10). But these metrics cannot be a good criterion for evaluating the reuse in product
line. The obtained results of the case study show that product line 4 has the least amount of ROI (rows 16 and 17
of table 10).
On the other hand, according to table 10, product line 2 has the first rank of weight percent of reuse (Wt%R) and
AoRSPL and also the second rank of ROI, the number of reuse in architecture common parts, the number of
products, size of commonality (SOC), average of CRR, weight of components of the architecture common parts,
reuse benefit rate (RBR), and the effect of reuse in products. According to the instances and regarding the fact
that extractability of product line 2 is maximum, it can be said that this metric has provided an appropriate view
about product line 2. (Remember that extractability metric is a multivariate metric and is not dependant on one
But in comparison with extractability of product line 4 and 1, it is remarkable that despite the fact that product
line 4 has the least rate of ROI, in respect of the number of rehabilitated components, the number of reuse in
architecture common parts, the number of products, size of commonality (SOC), structure similarity coefficient
(SSC), weight of components of the architecture common parts, reuse benefit rate (RBR), average of PrR, impact
of reusability on developing all products (I), it has been the best product line. This is while product line 1 in most
of these criterions has gained the last ranks (fourth or fifth) among these product lines. So, it can be said in
respect of this product line, extractability metric has not behaved fairly. But this problem does not exist in the
metric of extended extractability. If we compare extractability with extended extractability, you will see that the
rank of product line 1 and 4 are substituted with each other. We can conclude from this matter that when W SPL is
more than a certain extent, metric of extended extractability would respond better. It is necessary to mention
that product line 4 has the biggest weight of the components of the product line (WSPL), the most number of
products and weight of the product line members. It also holds the second rank of the total number of the
components. So we can state that this product line has the biggest product line among the product lines of 1-5.
Mohammad ali Torkamani / AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science (2012) 726-737

After the product line 4, product line 3 is regarded as the biggest product line, because it holds the second rank
in respect of the weight of the product line components, the number of products, the weight of the product line
members and holds the third rank in respect of the total number of the components. Product line 5 is also
considered as the smallest product line. Comparison of the rows 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 20, and 21 of table 10 for
product line 3 and 5 indicates that in respect of this product line, extractability has provided an acceptable
comment, but extended extractability has not behaved so fairly because since the structure similarity coefficient
(SSC) is higher we expect the potential of the extractability reuse in product line 5 to be more and because of the
better quality of ROI we expect that this product line be more economical in respect of the costs (cost-effective).
Now if you suppose that product line 3 is better than product line 5 on the basis of other criterions (other rows
of the table 10 except the rows of 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 20, and 21), we can understand that extractability in respect
of the product line 3 which has been a big product line, has not behaved fairly. But extended extractability has
presented an acceptable comment in this regard. We can conclude from this discussion that extractability is
more appropriate for small product lines and extended extractability must be used for bigger product lines. Also
in comparison with metrics of size of commonality (SOC) and structure similarity coefficient (SSC) for product
lines 2 and 3, we will notice that these metrics are equal and as a result they have no specific suggestion in
respect of product lines 2 and 3. So, extractability can help optimization of the scope of product line beside
structure similarity coefficient.

Table 7. List of other assets of the product line 1 (new development)

no asset wi CRR no Asset wi CRR

1 a21 1 20 21 a41 1 20
2 a22 1 20 22 a42 1 20
3 a23 1 20 23 a43 1 20
4 a24 1 20 24 a44 1 20
5 a25 1 20 25 a45 1 20
6 a26 1 20 26 a46 1 20
7 a27 1 20 27 a47 1 20
8 a28 1 20 28 a48 1 20
9 a29 3 20 29 a49 1 20
10 a30 1 20 30 a50 1 20
11 a31 1 20 31 a51 1 20
12 a32 1 20 32 a52 1 20
13 a33 1 20 33 a53 1 20
14 a34 1 20 34 a54 1 20
15 a35 1 20 35 a55 1 20
16 a36 1 20 36 a56 1 20
17 a37 2 20 37 a57 1 20
18 a38 5 20 38 a58 1 20
19 a39 1 20 39 a59 1 20
20 a40 1 20 40 a60 1 20

Table 8. The products of the product line 1



wi type ROIM of Wp Wt%Rp AoRP Iij Ii PrR

1 a1 1 Mining 10 20 0.027586207
2 a2 2 Mining 5 BB 0.068965517
3 a3 2 Mining 7 BB 0.068965517
4 a4 1 Mining 21 BB 0.034482759
5 a5 7 Mining 50 40 0.144827586




6 a6 3 Mining 4 40 0.062068966
7 p1 a7 5 Develop. 29 22
8 a8 2 Develop.
9 a11 1 Mining 3 20 0.027586207
10 a12 2 Mining 2 BB 0.068965517
11 a13 1 Mining 5 BB 0.034482759
12 a14 1 Mining 2.1 BB 0.034482759

13 a15 1 Mining 1.1 40 0.020689655

1 a1 1 Mining 10 20 0.017777778
2 a2 2 Mining 5 BB 0.044444444
3 a3 2 Mining 7 BB 0.044444444
4 a4 1 Mining 21 BB 0.022222222
5 a5 7 Mining 50 40 0.093333333
6 a6 3 Mining 4 40 0.04




7 a7 5 Develop.
8 p2 a8 2 Develop. 45 38
9 a16 2 Mining 1 10 0.04
10 a17 2 Mining 2 60 0.017777778
11 a18 2 Mining 1 25 0.033333333
12 a19 2 Mining 1 40 0.026666667
13 a20 2 Mining 2 45 0.024444444
14 a21 1 Develop.
15 a22 1 Develop.
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16 a23 1 Develop.
17 a24 1 Develop.
18 a25 1 Develop.
19 a26 1 Develop.
20 a27 1 Develop.
21 a28 1 Develop.
22 a29 3 Develop.
23 a30 1 Develop.
1 a1 1 Mining 10 20 0.026666667
2 a2 2 Mining 5 BB 0.066666667
3 a3 2 Mining 7 BB 0.066666667
4 a4 1 Mining 21 BB 0.033333333
5 a5 7 Mining 50 40 0.14

6 a6 3 Mining 4 40 0.06
7 a7 5 Develop.


p3 30 18
8 a8 2 Develop.
9 a9 2 Mining 2 15 0.056666667
10 a31 1 Develop.
11 a32 1 Develop.
12 a33 1 Develop.
13 a34 1 Develop.
14 a35 1 Develop.
1 a1 1 Mining 10 20 0.021052632
2 a2 2 Mining 5 BB 0.052631579
3 a3 2 Mining 7 BB 0.052631579
4 a4 1 Mining 21 BB 0.026315789
5 a5 7 Mining 50 40 0.110526316
6 a6 3 Mining 4 40 0.047368421
7 a7 5 Develop.


8 a8 2 Develop.


9 p4 a9 2 Mining 5 40 38 21 0.031578947
10 a10 1 Mining 3 40 0.015789474
11 a11 1 Mining 4 30 0.018421053
12 a12 1 Mining 1.7 10 0.023684211
13 a36 1 Develop.
14 a37 2 Develop.
15 a38 5 Develop.
16 a39 1 Develop.
17 a40 1 Develop.
1 a1 1 Mining 10 20 0.017391304
2 a2 2 Mining 5 BB 0.043478261
3 a3 2 Mining 7 BB 0.043478261
4 a4 1 Mining 21 BB 0.02173913
5 a5 7 Mining 50 40 0.091304348
6 a6 3 Mining 4 40 0.039130435
7 a7 5 Develop.
8 a8 2 Develop.
9 a10 1 Mining 2 40 0.013043478
10 a17 2 Mining 7 40 0.026086957
11 a41 1 Develop.
12 a42 1 Develop.
13 a43 1 Develop.



14 a44 1 Develop.

15 a45 1 Develop.
p5 46 19
16 a46 1 Develop.
17 a47 1 Develop.
18 a48 1 Develop.
19 a49 1 Develop.
20 a50 1 Develop.
21 a51 1 Develop.
22 a52 1 Develop.
23 a53 1 Develop.
24 a54 1 Develop.
25 a55 1 Develop.
26 a56 1 Develop.
27 a57 1 Develop.
28 a58 1 Develop.
29 a59 1 Develop.
30 a60 1 Develop.

Table 9: calculation of the metrics and comparing them for the product lines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

No. Comparison aspect SPL1 SPL2 SPL3 SPL4 SPL5

1 Total number of the components 60 40 40 44 16
Total number of the new
2 42 25 25 14 6
3 Number of rehabilitated components 18 15 15 30 10
No. of reusability in common part of
4 6 10 10 15 10
5 Number of products 5 6 6 10 5
6 Size of commonality (SOC) 8 10 10 15 5
7 Structure similarity coefficient (SSC) 0.133333333 0.25 0.25 0.340909091 0.3125
8 Average of CRR 32.33 38.49206349 38.49206349 35.68181818 47.5
Weight of product line components
9 89 72 96 105 44
10 Average weight of product line assets 1.483333333 1.8 2.4 2.386363636 2.75
11 Weight of product line members 188 206 233 725 104
Components’ weight of the
12 23 31 29 61 13
architecture common part
13 RBR 2.112359551 2.861111111 2.427083333 6.904761905 2.363636364
14 PrR average 0.454378835 0.657020358 0.657020358 0.727545548 0.660714286
15 AoRp average 0.821 0.706400544 0.841656954 0.744730649 0.658333333
Mining ROI average for architecture
16 16.16666667 9.625 4.625 4.483333333 6.6
common parts
17 ROI average for all the products 11.27446809 8.739130435 4.391304348 4.089847716 5.90625
18 AoRSPL 0.625 0.875 0.725 0.716666667 0.66
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impact of reusability on developing all

19 2.143200067 3.788222304 3.566379307 7.007818122 2.941345347
products (I)
20 Wt%Rp 63.37480383 82.67909057 76.14769688 96.50385028 83.95562275
21 Wt%R 12.23404255 15.04854369 12.44635193 8.413793103 12.5
22 Extractability 3.035955056 4.219618056 0.935546875 1.78297619 1.268181818
23 Extended extractability 9.786666667 18.309375 7.784375 15.45596591 6.5625

Table 10. rank of the product lines 1-5 of different aspects

No. Comparison aspect Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

1 Total number of the components 1 4 2,3 5
2 Total number of the new development 1 2,3 4 5
3 Number of rehabilitated components 4 1 2,3 5
No. of reusability in common part of
4 4 2,3 1 5
5 Number of products 4 2,3 1,5
6 Size of commonality (SOC) 4 2,3 1 5
7 Structure similarity coefficient (SSC) 4 5 2,3 1
8 Average of CRR 5 2,3 4 1
Weight of product line components
9 4 3 1 2 5
10 Average weight of product line assets 5 3 4 2 1
11 Weight of product line members 4 3 2 1 5
Components’ weight of the
12 4 2 3 1 5
architecture common part
13 RBR 4 2 3 5 1
14 PrR average 4 5 2,3 1
15 AoRp average 3 1 4 2 5
Mining ROI average for architecture
16 1 2 5 3 4
common parts
17 ROI average for all the products 1 2 5 3 4
18 AoRSPL 2 3 4 5 1
impact of reusability on developing all
19 4 2 3 5 1
products (I)
20 Wt%Rp 4 5 2 3 1
21 Wt%R 2 5 3 1 4
22 Extractability 2 1 4 5 3
23 Extended extractability 2 4 1 3 5

5. Conclusion

In this paper, a new quality attribute called “extractability” was introduced and the general scenario and the way
of measuring it were described. Then, we paid to the examination of its correlation with some quality attributes.
We observed that this quality attribute has positive correlation with many important quality attributes.
Therefore, extractability is an important quality attribute that the architect should consider it when designing
architecture. Because the increase of this quality attribute leads to the increase of other important quality
attributes in the product line and as a result the increase of the product line quality.
Measuring this quality attribute is done on the basis of ROI, weight value of commonality, and the degree of the
ease of rehabilitating the assets extracted from the existing systems in the organization. We have defined this
quality attribute for the software product line. So, against most of the quality attributes which are generally
defined in software engineering, extractability is defined specifically for the software product line. We can
mention the following instances as the most important advantages of measuring extractability for the
 It is a method for evaluating the mining process in the organization.
 It helps optimizing the scope of software product line.
 It can be regarded as the basis of stockholders’ work for evaluating the product lines.
 It is a quality attribute that the architect should consider when designing architecture.
Mohammad ali Torkamani / AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science (2012) 726-737

 It can be considered as a method for evaluating the maturity of the product line.
 The measuring method of the extractability is easy.
At the end of this paper, Extractability effectiveness on software product Line is evaluated by a case study.The
obtained results of the case study shows that the more the amount of reuse, the more the obtained number for
extractability. Also due to the role of ROI in calculating extractability, we can say that the bigger the
extractability, the more successful the product line would be in respect of saving the costs and gaining benefit.
The results of the case study also show that extractability is more suitable for small product lines and extended
extractability is used for bigger product lines.The other result obtained from the case study is that in some
situations the obtained amount for one metric may be equal in different product lines (e.g., metrics of size of
commonality (SOC) and structure similarity coefficient for product lines 2 and 3 in case study).It is evident that
when these metrics are equal with each other, it has no special suggestion in respect of the product lines. So, in
these conditions calculating the extractability metric can be helpful.
As a final adding up we can hint to this point that regarding this fact that extractability matches with many other
metrics and also has direct relationship with many important quality attributes, generally we expect a product
line which is successful in many aspects, posses also an appropriate extractability.

6. Further work

In the case study we said that when the number of the components of the product line or their weight is more
than a certain limit, extended extractability formula responds better than the formula presented for
extractability. Research and investigation of this subject in a paper, would be our further work.


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