Trabajo Colaborativo - Ingles 2...
Trabajo Colaborativo - Ingles 2...
Trabajo Colaborativo - Ingles 2...
CÓDIGO: 33993588
Remark: if the answers are negative still give a reason why on each question.
3- How can you improve the other skills you are not good at?
R: Doing my best, trying to listen and pronounce better
- What do you consider is your best skill (writing - speaking – listening – reading) in
the English language? And why?
R/ I think I'm doing a lot better reading in the English language, because I can assimilate
the words with texts that have been read before, and I can translate sentences or texts
- What kind of material you use to improve your English?
R/ Every day for work issues I like to read texts or make some request for support in the
English language, the devices that I manage in my work come in the English language, this
helps me assimilate the words and remember them frequently.
- How can you improve the other skills you are not good at?
R/ Using English daily, including language in our daily activities, doing workshops,
watching videos, participating in seedlings, communicating in English allows us to improve
all the facets in which we have difficulties and we can adopt a new language at the moment
of speaking.
- Is English important for your future as a professional? Why?
R/ If it is very important, since in the area where I work 80% of what is done is in English,
constant communication with people from different parts of the world, makes it necessary
to acquire the English language to understand better and that the communication is clear
6-Create a chart with all the Skype accounts from every student.