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E410 PDF
Die Casting
Process Control
E.A. Herman
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Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
The die casting industry has now progressed to where the degree competitive brands of control equipment. Any specific equip
of process control that can be routinely applied is at least ten ment used to illustrate a point was selected only because of
times (and possibly 100 times) that of just a few years ago. The the suitability and availability of the printable material as
previous edition of this book started here by saying the industry this book was being written. Once a suitable illustration was
was in a “revolution of process control”. That revolution has come found, no effort was made to search out others. This book does
and gone, and practical, in fact necessary, controls must now not describe die casting machine functions, maintenance or
be applied to the process if the die caster is to compete in the fault diagnosis. The assumption is made that the reader knows
market place. Traditionally the control of the process was accom how the machine and die systems work and that everything is
plished by the machine operator. He would inspect the castings working properly and can therefore be adjusted as necessary
as he made them and then make adjustments to the operation to achieve the desired results. The mechanics and engineering
of the process. The success of any particular operation depended design criteria for the various machine systems are presented in
substantially upon the skill of the operator and entirely on the the NADCA course on Machine Systems. This book does not
fidelity of his physical senses. Such manual feed back control explain how to determine what the “set point” operating values
loops do not have sufficient sensitivity, responsiveness or reliabil of the various variables should be. Other NADCA textbooks
ity to maximize the potential of the die casting process. and courses such as Gating, Engineering Die Casting Dies and
Engineering Die Cooling Systems show how to make those
The modern die casting manager knows that to realize the full processing set point calculations. The previous edition went into
potential of the process, he must have both electro-hydraulic- considerable detail on how to establish some, but not all, of the
mechanical feed-back control devices and the process engineer set points and was accordingly titled “Process Engineering and
ing and operating skills to use those devices properly. This book Control.” Some instruments used for controlling the process are
and the associated certificate earning NADCA course have equally useful for diagnosing improper functioning of the die
been created to help develop those skills. Each major process casting machine. So when a particular type of instrumentation
variable is identified, its natural behavior described, and the is discussed in this book, the reader should be aware that there
required control scheme is defined. could be other uses for it.
For definitive cause-and-effect relationships between the The purpose of this book is to show the processing engineer and
processing variables and casting quality, the reader is referred operating technician what type of control method is applicable
to other NADCA courses such as Heat Flow, Die Casting to each of the die casting machine/die/process systems, how
Dies: Designing, Dimensional Repeatability, Gating and to measure the performance of each critical variable, compare
Metallurgy. This book does not describe the set up, calibra actual performance to the desired and to adjust the actual per
tion or maintenance of the process controlling instruments formance to meet the desired. The reader will find this edition
and/or equipment. That information must be obtained from more definitive and focused than the previous editions.
the equipment manufacturers. This book does not evaluate
Control Theory lack of a coherent theory of the causes and effects relationships
between specific adjustments, machine/process performance
There are four essential elements in any process control func and casting quality. The machine operator did not have all the
tion. These are: tools (both physical and informational) that he needed. The
1. Predetermined standard (ideal) condition results have been a catch-as-catch-can situation where both
good and bad castings are produced on a somewhat random
2. Measurement of actual condition pattern. Inspection techniques are employed to sort the good
3. Comparison of actual to standard from the bad as illustrated in Figure 1-2.
4. Adjustment to process
Figure 1-1 illustrates these four elements. A typical process may
have many inputs. Some may have a stronger influence on the
output of the process than others. Sometimes one input has such
a strong effect that it is the only one that needs to be controlled.
The accelerator pedal in and automobile is such an example.
There are many inputs that determine the exact speed that the
vehicle is traveling at any instant. Some interpretation by the
driver of the speed limit sign establishes the desired speed. The
speedometer registers the actual speed. The driver then decides
to adjust the speed based on the difference between the actual
Fig. 1-2. Many accepted inspection techniques are invaluable for segregating bad
and desired speeds and adjusts the accelerator pedal accordingly.
parts from good ones. However, such sorting does not constitute process control.
The driver does not concern himself with the exact position
of the pedal. He pushes it down farther to go faster, and that
action overcomes all other inputs. Fortunately, the die caster now has both the coherent processing
theory,1-5 and the equipment6-8 to operate a die casting machine
“in control.” This book explains how.
5. Die Temperature
The best example of a set and check control would be the
setting of the hydraulic pressure of the die casting machine’s 6. Release Material
hydraulic system. It is supposed to be XXX psi, and the
control valve is adjusted until that pressure registers on the
7. Casting ejection temperature
pressure gauge. It is now “set.” The gauge is “checked” on
some routine schedule such as the start of each production
shift to be sure that the pressure is what it should be. Oth 8. Cycle timing
erwise there is no attention given to the hydraulic pressure
unless some other problem indicates that there might be a 9. Die wear
pressure fault.
The die is not generally thought of as a process variable, but
Sometimes the tie bar tonnage is displayed continuously where since it can wear (and hence change dimensions on the part)
the operator (or technician) can see and monitor it. The interpre or break, it is included here as a set of process variables. The
tation and reaction to the values displayed are at the discretion alloy content is not addressed in this book. The reader is
of the observer. A thermometer outside the kitchen window referred to the NADCA textbooks, Metallurgy,4 and Molten
showing the outside temperature is a continuous display system. Metal Systems31 for information on alloy control.
However, it is not connected to any “control” function.
The automatic control to a set point is like the temperature con Book Format
trol of a typical home. The thermostat is set to the desired tem
perature. The thermostat continuously monitors the temperature This book is presented in three parts:
of the room. When the room is colder than the set point, the
thermostat automatically starts the furnace. When the tempera I. Statistical Methods
ture of the room reaches the set point, the furnace is turned off.
In the die casting process metal and die temperatures are/can be II. The Die Casting Variables
controlled with automatic control to a set point.
III. Perspective
A SERVO (or proportioning) system is a continuously
variable control system. Unlike the automatic control to a The first part, Statistical Methods, has one chapter describing
set point which simply turns the energy effecter on or off, how to measure and quantify the actual performance of any
the SERVO system measures how far the actual condi single process variable, and one chapter describing the general
tion is from the set point and adjusts the input energy approach to statistical process control. Both chapters are sim
accordingly. The “cruise control” for an automobile is such plifications of the respective subjects, but show the die caster
a system. The accelerator position is adjusted as some the basic concepts as they apply to die casting. The second part,
function of the difference between the actual speed of the
The Die Casting Variables, has one chapter devoted to each
vehicle and the set speed. major variable. Here, the behavior of the variable is described
and the performance characteristic(s) that causes an out of con
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a system where per trol condition is (are) defined. Then, the type of control system
formance measurements are taken on a random basis. The that best applies to the particular variable is described. Each of
average and range of the measurements are calculated and these chapters is subdivided into the four parts of the control
plotted on a graph. When the plotted values exceed a pre function as listed above. The reader is lead through the step by
determined control value, corrective action is triggered. The step procedures for dealing with each function. The final part,
wear of a cutter in a machining operation can be tracked and Perspective, has a chapter on the mechanics of implementing a
the cutter replaced before out of control parts are made. process control program and a chapter on the theoretical poten
tial of the die casting process.
1. Alloy Content
No process variable performs exactly the same all the time. readily useable forms for the die caster and the information
Temperatures drift hotter and cooler. The shot plunger on how the process works and can be controlled (such as this
sometimes moves faster and sometimes slower. This chapter text) are readily available to the die caster. Data on hyd raulic
describes statistical methods of quantifying the performance of pressures, plunger speed, die temperature, and tie bar strain
such process variables. A process variable is literally a process can be readily obtained; and are necessary for meaningful
behavior such as speed, force, temperature, time, or pressure. process capability analysis and for process control. The tech
niques for obtaining those measurements are not discussed
The concept of process capability analysis is to get a math in this chapter, since such discussion is included in the
ematical description of the variable’s behavior. Ideally, chapters of Part II of this book.
the resulting description is simple, easy to understand,
meaningf ul, and readily communicated to others. Statisti
cal analysis provides the necessary techniques to accomplish Collecting Data
these object ives: The performance of a variable is described
by two numbers (i.e. statistics) called the average and the The first step in the study is to collect data. One must have
standard dev iation. The average, denoted by the symbol x, something to analyze, and that something is data. The data
describes the typical or normal performance — literally are numbers and those numbers are measurements of the
the average of all performance measurements. The standard process variable’s performance. The data must be collected
deviation, denoted by the lower case Greek letter sigma (σ), in a way that insures true representation of the variable’s
describes how the variable deviates from the average. behavior. Usually a single measurement does not accurately
represent actual performance, and continuous measurement
It is important to understand that a capability study only records are impractical. A reasonable number of measure
measures actual performance. It does not establish goodness ments is the goal, and that is usually between 50 and 150.
or badness. Nor does the process capability predict potential
for improvement. However, the engineer can use the results Occasionally the behavior of a process variable can be
of the capability study to help make such analyses. The die deduced from characteristics of the product being produced.
caster’s customer may use statistical methods to evaluate the However, the investigator must be able to define explicitly
die caster’s processing capability. His definition of process (mathematically) the relationship between the product’s
capability is significantly different than that used in this characteristic and the processing variable before he attempts
book. He will use measurements of casting quality such as to use such measurements to define the process capability.
the total percent of castings rejected, dimensional varia For example, the size of any particular feature on a die cast
tion, surface finish, or internal soundness whereas the die ing’ is determined by the size of the die, the temperature of
caster would be more likely to measure the process inputs the die when the casting was made, the temperature of the
such as plunger speed, die temperature, etc.. the capabil casting at the instant it was ejected from the die, the alloy
ity computed from the customer’s perspective only provides content and the time-temperature history of the casting
a gross estimate of the die caster’s actual performance. It since it was made. The mathematical relationships between
gives no direction for corrective action. These types of data those process variables and the actual size of the casting’s
can be valuable and mathematic ally legitimate for statisti feature are well documented.1 However, unless all of those
cal quality control (SQC) but NOT for statistical process processi ng conditions are known for a specific casting, it
control (SPC). It is of critical importance that the die caster makes no sense to use the measurement of that casting to
understand the differences between SQC and SPC. There draw conclusions about the fidelity of the die. Fortunately,
is a temptation to believe that since one is using statistical statistical methods can often be used to sort out the essential
methods that the process is in control. Such is not necessar relationships. And, in fact, change of the actual dimen
ily the situation. sions of the die is one type of processing variable that can be
determined from measurements of the casting providing it is
Traditionally, die caster’s have lacked the means to measure done correctly with statistical methods. The engineer should
the critical process variables. Originally, the equipment was thoroughly understand the concepts presented in this book
not available and later the typical die casting manager did before trying to establish any process capabilities for die
not understand the cost effectiveness or the proper use of the casting. The following hypothetical example describes the
measurement equipment. Now, the equipment is available in techn iques for collecting meaningful data.
Table 2-1. Temperature data from thermocouple in die casting die. (A hypothetical example)
Temperature Measurements, °F
made from the thermocouple and recorded as shown in 385.5 XX
Table 2-1. The readings were made at random intervals 375.5 XXX
during one week of continuous two shift operation. All
readings were taken during normal operation. The machine
was assumed to be operating on eight hour shifts with no 355.5 XXXXXXXXX
break between shifts. Operator break and lunch periods 345.5 XXXXXXXXXXX
were relieved so there was no break in the operation once 335.5 XXXXXXXXXX
the machine was started in the morning. No measurements
were taken during the first hour each day. Temperatures 325.5 XXXXXXXX
were known to vary widely during that first hour because of 315.5 XXXXX
die “warm up” and few saleable castings were made during 305.5 XX
that time. The time between measurements was selected
295.5 X
randomly in ten minute increments from a minimum of ten
minutes to a maximum of 150 minutes. It is important that Fig. 2-1. A histogram (i.e. frequency distribution) developed by plotting the
measurements for statistical analysis be taken on a random data from Table 2-1. Each temperature value in the table is plotted here as an
basis. Random time intervals eliminate the chance of taking X. These plots show graphically how the variable behaves.
all measurements at the same point of a processing cycle.
And, it is important that they only represent normal operat Next, these extreme values are subtracted to find the total
ing conditions. Die warm up periods and times when some range of all measured values.
thing is not working right (such as when the waterline was
plugged so the die was being run slowly with excess die lube Largest Value 399°F
to “finish off the run”) must not be used to obtain process Smallest Value - 301°F
capability data. (Data from such abnormal conditions can be Range of Values = 98°F
used to establish the degree to which such operating condi
tions hurt the process. But such data is only useful once the
The third step is to establish some reasonable number of groups
capability of normal conditions is quantified. Such studies
(sometimes called cells) into which the data can be organized
deal with the risks associated with uncontrolled processes,
for plotting. Usually ten, fifteen, or twenty cells (groups) are
and that is beyond the scope of this book.)
used. The ideal number of cells depends on the number of mea
surements and on the shape of the frequency distribution. The
general rule is to use:
From Fig. 2-3 it can be seen that the process variable depicted The average of temperature measurements listed in Table 2-1
has cyclic drift performance. Peak temperatures occur at is 349°F.
approximately 15 to 20 hour intervals. It also shows that the
temperature can change very rapidly. Such rapid changes are The average, X, shows the expected value. The process
found between 8 and 9 o’clock of the third day, 5 and 6 o’clock variable will usually be close to the average. The average
of the fourth day, and 3 and 4 o’clock of the fifth day. performance can usually be changed by some deliberate
adjustment to the process. The average is also the value that
Because of these rapid changes, the engineer may want to get would be specified by the processing engineer. For example,
four hours of continuous recordings on a chart recorder to better the processing engineer might specify the plunger velocity
understand this variable. Even large temperature excursions for a specific die to be set at 86 in. per sec. The 86 in. per
can happen quickly. The most extreme temperatures recorded sec. is the desired average. The implementation of a process
were within four hours on the second day. There is no evidence, controller allows such parameters to be set (i.e. by the num
however, of any significant difference between the first and bers) on the mac hine as specified by the processing engineer.
second shifts. The time plot also shows that even though the In the ongoing example of die temperature, the average
peak to peak period is long, the temperature drift can be reversed would be increased if the die were to be run faster, or if the
quickly. The ability to have sharp reversals of the performance flow of water through the cooling line was to be shut off.
means that the variable will probably respond well to the cor
rect control technique. But, the random nature of the naturally When the histogram is reasonably bell shaped, the variat ion
occurring reversals indicates that statistical process control (SPC) of performance about the average is described by the second
techniques might have quite limited effectiveness. A smoother statistic, the standard deviation denoted by σ. The first step
profile would improve confidence in SPC. in computing σ is to subtract the average, X, from each mea
surement, X i, as shown in the second column in Table 2-2.
The frequency distribution and time plot help the investigator Then each of these differences is squared, (X i - X). 2 These
understand the behavior of the processing variable. They also squared differences are totaled, which for the example is:
help determine if the data accurately represents the behavior of
the process. And, by studying these graphs, the engineer may
get new ideas on how the process can best be controlled. σ( X i - X)2 = 28,209
Table 2-2. The standard deviation, a, required that the difference between each value and the average be found (x, - x) and these differences be squared
(x; -x)2 and summed.
If the frequency distribution has the “tail only” shape shown Summary
in Fig. 2-2e, and the investigator is satisfied that the data The ability to control a process depends upon having a math
is valid, it is sometimes possible to approximate the dis ematical description of the behavior of the processing variables.
tribution with a triangle. Such an approximation is shown The behavior descriptions before and after implementation of a
in Fig. 2-4. The centroid of a right triangle is one third of control technique show the effectiveness of the control. Such a
the length of the base measured along the vertical side. The mathematical description usually consists of two numbers (sta
avera ge value will fall on (or near) the centroid. In these tistics) called the average and the standard deviation. To get the
situat ions, the second statistic (describing the variation data necessary to calculate these statistics, the process variable
about the average) can be the range third (The difference must be measured. Usually 50 to 150 repeated measurements
of the largest measurement minus smallest measurement must be made at random intervals during normal operation of
divided by three). Then the normal performance is expressed the process. Then, to best understand the variables behavior and
as the average minus one range third plus two range thirds. to check out the validity of the data a frequency distribution,
(If the frequency distribution shape is symmetrically oppo and possibly a time plot, should be made of the data. Finally,
site the expression would be the average plus one range third the average and standard deviation are computed. The average
minus two range thirds.) defines the normal or expected behavior and the standard devia
tion defines the variation about the average. The expected range
X +2R/3 or X +R/3
of variation is usually plus three standard deviations and minus
-2R/3 three standard deviations from the average.
Statistical methods can be used to insure that a process is program must be trained. It is obvious that those taking
performing within its capability, predict that it is on the verge measurements, doing calculations and plotting charts must
of behavior that is outside its normal capability or that it is be properly trained. But, it is equally important that the
actually operating outside its normal capability. Because of the production workers and managers also know what is being
behavior characteristics of most process variables in die cast done, and why. Statistical process control cannot be accom
ing, statistical process control (SPC) is not usually an effective plished if management thinks it is something that “does not
primary control method. Continuous control instrumentation involve” or “must be hidden from” the machine operators.
is usually required. However, SPC is a very good technique To be successful, the operators must take an active part in
for some variables, and is invaluable for verification that the the process. It is the operating personnel who must react
primary control is working. Hard copies of such verification immediately to any out of control situation identified by
can be supplied to the customer as certification. the control process. It is the operating people for whom the
control charts are created. For anyone else, the control chart
The first step in any SPC program is a good “process capabil is only interesting. It is also important that the management
ity” study as described in Chapter 2. It makes no sense to try and marketing personnel understand the program. As stated
to keep something operating within its normal operating range in the previous paragraph, this chapter concentrates on the
if nothing is known about its performance behavior. Tradi technical aspects of design and execution of an SPC pro
tionally, die casters have had only the most general notion of gram, not the management aspects. However, these imple
the actual performance of the variables. The process capabil mentation considerations are critical to the success of the
ity study used as a basis for the SPC program must show the program and are therefore mentioned here.
capability of the process as it will perform for making the
subject casting. The SPC program will not automatically cause The final step in a successful SPC program is continuing com
better performance. It will only help the die caster insure that munication. It is not enough to collect and analyze measure
the process will not perform worse. Any improvement must ments and plot charts. Even when the charted information
be achieved through some physical change to the equipment, actually results in action that causes consistent manufacture of
operating procedure and/or control instrumentation. Such high quality castings, it is not enough. Frequent communica
changes will change the fundamental behavior of the process tions to management, marketing, engineering, the production
and a new process capability study will be required to measure operators and the customers are necessary to maintain the
the new performance. momentum of the program. Little things like the following
memo are very important:
The second step is to design the SPC program for the spe
cific process variable for the subject casting. The design of the “On Tuesday, July 30, 2006, the SPC chart (attached)
program is the primary subject of this chapter. The program for machine number 6 showed that die temperature
must define clearly the measurement method to be used, the could be going out of control. The jobsetter, Joe Smith,
inspection procedure and the inspection schedule. Then the took immediate action and discovered and immediately
charting technique must be designed and the calculations (with corrected a plugged waterline hose. As a result, no sub-
worksheets) specified. Finally, the program must have clearly quality castings were made. Another example of our SPC
defined decision criteria and specific corrective actions to be program at work,”
taken for specific situations.
Such communications should go to everyone.”
The third step is to implement the program. Implementa
tion is a management, not an engineering or quality con
trol function. People must be assigned tasks and be held Average (X) and Range (R) Charts
responsible for performing them. Also, budgets must be The basic tool for SPC is the average and range chart, com
established. SPC programs are not free. And, if one tries monly referred to as the “X and R charts” (pronounced “X
to “bootleg” it through, other priorities will insure failure. and R”). The X and R chart is a time plot of the averages,
(Sometimes test cases to prove the value of the program can X, and ranges, R, of small groups (i.e. subgroups) of mea
be bootlegged, but that is the extent of it.) Finally, there surements taken at intervals (usually random intervals). An
is training. Everyone involved with, or exposed to, the example chart is shown in Fig. 3-1.
n A2 D2 D3 D4
2 1.88 1.13 0 3.27
3 1.02 1.69 0 2.57
4 0.073 2.06 0 2.28
5 0.58 2.33 0 2.11
6 0.48 2.53 0 2.00
7 0.42 2.70 0.08 1.92
8 0.37 2.85 0.14 1.86
9 0.34 2.97 0.18 1.82
10 0.31 3.08 0.22 1.78
11 0.29 3.17 0.26 1.74
12 0.27 3.26 0.28 1.72
13 0.25 3.34 0.31 1.69
14 0.24 3.41 0.33 1.67
15 0.22 3.47 0.35 1.65
16 0.21 3.53 0.36 1.64
17 0.20 3.59 0.38 1.62
18 0.19 3.64 0.39 1.61
19 0.19 3.69 0.40 1.60
20 0.18 3.74 0.41 1.59
All factors in table are based on the normal distribution
Table 3-2. Factors for determining from R the 3 sigma control limits for X and R charts. Published from Eugene L. Grant, Statistical Quality Control courtesy
of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Periodically, copies of the X and R charts should be forwarded only the most rudimentary, although highly effective, applica
to the customer. If there are no out-of-control points on the tions of statistical methods to die casting. The serious investi
charts, a cover letter could say something to the effect that gator can glean much more from the data, and he can use his
the charts show how well the process is being maintained and initial data to determine how to collect data more meaningful,
controlled. If there are out of control points on the charts, the if he applies more advanced techniques. The NADCA course
cover letter should explain what steps were taken to insure that on SPC provides more explanation of the theory and shows
no defective castings were shipped. how to use the techniques for a larger variety of situations. Also
most colleges and universities offer courses on the subject in
both credit earning and continuing education curricula. There
Additional Information from Charts are also many good books on the subject. The intent in this
The discussions in both Chapters 2 and 3 are only an introduc book is to show the die caster the basics of statistical methods
tion to statistical methods. These chapters give instructions for as they could apply to die casting.
Except for the alloying constituents (which are beyond the furnace temperature specified must be far enough from the
scope of this book), the temperature of the molten metal “alloy limits” that the ± 3σ expected variation in temperature
in the holding furnace is the first process variable that will will not violate one of those limits. For example, if a particu
influence the making of a die casting. And, it was probably lar holding furnace has an alloy that should not get below
the first variable to have had continuous feed back controls 1150°F (620°C) or above 1350°F (730°C) and the 3σ tempera
applied. Such controls must now be considered traditional ture variation of the furnace is 24°F (13.3°C) (σ = 8°F(4.4°C)),
practice in this application. The questions for today’s die then the holding furnace temperature specified for any cast
caster are not if he needs metal temperature controls; but ing should be between 1175°F (635°C) and 1325°F (720°C).
rather, how should his control system be configured to Between these limits, the temperature selected must be that
achieve the desired results. A second question could be: are which is best for making the subject casting. The NADCA
the existing controls actually doing what one thinks they are courses on Metallurgy of Die Casting Alloys and Molten
doing? And finally, at what temperature should the molten Metal Melting and Handling explain the temperature limits.
metal be held for any specific casting. The NADCA course on Gating shows how to determine the
best temperature for making the casting.
Determining the Required Performance For cold chamber machines, the molten metal can lose between
The casting to be made determines the temperature at which 5 and 20°F (3 to 11°C) during ladling and while it is in the shot
the molten metal should be in the holding furnace. There sleeve. The temperature loss to the ladle and shot sleeve can be
can be some trade off between die temperature, cavity filling estimated from the nomographs14 in Fig. 4-1. The die caster
time and the temperature of the molten metal. Also, some should measure the actual temperature loss that happens in his
alloys will experience excessive oxidation (e.g. dross) or other particular situation. If the heat loss is highly variable, the die
alloy degradation if held at too high a temperature, and some caster may need to change the process to stabilize the heat loss
develop sludge if held at too low a temperature. The holding in the ladle and shot sleeve.
The shot system of the die casting machine is described in plunger must be advanced slowly until the pour hole is closed
detail in the NADCA course and textbook on Machine to avoid splashing of the molten metal out of the shot sleeve. If
Systems. The calculations for establishing the required perfor the system has only two speed controls the closing of the pour
mance of the shot system for any specific casting is described in hole is accomplished at the slow shot speed. If the system has
the NADCA course and textbook Gating of Die Casting Dies. three speed controls, the flow control valve for the first speed
Methods of controlling the machine to maintain the calculated is adjusted until there is no splashing out of the pour hole and
set point conditions are described in this chapter. The primary then left there. The limit switch that signals the initiation of the
functions of the shot system are: slow shot speed (i.e. the second speed) is set so the slow shot
1. Close pour hole speed starts as soon as the plunger has closed the pour hole.
Machines with advanced (e.g. SERVO controlled) shot system
2. Slow shot velocity control might allow the programming of the pour hole close
velocity through the machine controller. The pore hole plunger
3. Fast shot transition point speed and the pour hole close speed to slow shot speed transi
4. Fast shot velocity tion point are not likely to be specified by the part specific engi
neering so they must be determined by the operating people
5. Low impact position through experimentation.
6. Intensification delay
The hydraulic flow control valves are set by manual adjustment
7. Rate of intensification build-up of the actual valve. The instructions for the setting of those
flow control valves should be on a “set-up” chart at the die cast
8. Intensification pressure ing machine. The instructions might be:
Slow Shot Valve: 3 ½ Turns Open
The values for all of these functions are established during
the design of the gating system for the die and must be made Fast Shot Valve: 2 Full Turns Open
available at the die casting machine for set-up and operation
of the machine. The information should be available at the die Some circuits allow the slow shot to be accelerated by gradually
casting machine in the form of a “set-up” chart (i.e. a “visual”) opening the hydraulic flow control valve. An additional flow
that is laminated in plastic and positioned in clear view of the control valve on the pilot circuit of the slow shot flow control
operator/technician. The control of these functions is described valve must be set to achieve such a acceleration.
below first for the cold chamber machines. The control func
tions for hot chamber machines are nearly identical to those The actual plunger speed would be calculated during the design
for the cold chamber machines. The few variations for the hot of the die gating system. For example the slow shot speed may
chamber machines are described later in this chapter. have been calculated to be 13.8 in./sec and the fast shot speed
164 in./sec. However, if there is not instrumentation to actually
measure the speed of the plunger, the set up person can only
Flow Control Functions guess as to the correctness of the speed. In those situations, the
The first five (5) of the above listed shot functions are a set up and/or other operating person(s) must judge the cor
combination of hydraulic fluid flow control and position con rectness of the settings from the quality of the casting. He/she
trol. For these functions the plunger speed is controlled by a will adjust the valve openings to his/her interpretation of the
flow control valve in the hydraulic system. condition. When satisfied, the set up chart instructions will
be changed to what was determined to make the best castings.
These simple systems with no velocity measurement have a
Simple Systems wide variation (i.e. +/- 3σ) and are subject to being set at the
The simpler hydraulic systems have as many parallel circuits wrong condition (i.e. set point) because there are so many other
as there are control functions available to the operator of the process variables affecting the quality of the casting.
machine. The minimum are two as shown in Figure 5-1, one
for the initial slow shot and the other for the fast shot. How If the shot sequence is manually initiated, the plunger movement
ever there can be more. If there are three, the closing of the is started by the operator pressing a palm button. That signals the
pour hole can have a different speed than the slow shot. The machine control circuit to open the slow shot (or pour hole close)
directional valve. The manual initiation is usually used only when The position of the limit switch can be positioned quite
the molten metal is manually ladled into the shot sleeve. When accurately. A permanent scale can be affixed to the machine
the molten metal is mechanically ladled into the shot sleeve, the for such purposes. What is not so accurate is the accommoda
slow shot (or pour hole close) directional valve would be opened tion of the machine’s response to the signal. For example, the
from a signal indicating that ladling is complete. That signal is person setting the switch may not know exactly where in the
most likely to come from a timer that starts when the ladle starts travel of the switch arm the switch actually sends the signal.
to pour the molten metal into the shot sleeve. Then there is the response delay of the control system. If it is a
relay control system, and several relays have to be sequenced,
The transition from the slow shot velocity to the fast shot and it is an A/C control system, there can be electrical delays.
velocity is accomplished by the opening of the directional valve Finally there is the response of the control valve and the inertia
in the fast shot circuit allowing a greater flow of hydraulic fluid. of the hydraulic fluid. All these things and more cause a delay
That transition (i.e. the opening of the fast shot directional in the actual achievement of the fast shot velocity. If the
valve) is triggered by the plunger tripping a limit switch. The calculated position of plunger for the transition to the fast shot
position of the limit switch is also a manual adjustment. The speed is 28.5 inches as for the above example, the limit switch
instructions on the “set-up” chart could be: may have to be set at 27.75 inches to accommodate the delays
Fast Shot Transition Limit Switch Position: 28.5 in. and achieve the required results. The ideal velocities (either as
Inlet Closed
& Nozzle Full
Sprue and
Molten Runners Full
Metal Die Full
Fig. 5-8. In a hot chamber machine the stroke of the plunger must pass the inlet ports and then displace sufficient metal to fill the gooseneck and nozzle before
metal enters the die.
shown in Figure 5-5 shows the pressure building to the maxi Slow Shot Velocity
mum value in about 500 milliseconds. As with the delay, the The slow shot velocity for the cold chamber machine is estab
rate of pressure build up should usually be as fast as possible lished to control the wave formation in the shot sleeve. There
without flashing the die. Once the best intensification build-up is no such consideration in a hot chamber machine. However,
rate is established, it should be recorded on the “set-up” chart the calculations must account for the plunger displacement
and the machine control re-set to that value each time that required to fill the gooseneck (above the holding furnace metal
particular die is set in the machine. level) and the nozzle. Little or no displacement of molten metal
can occur before the plunger closes the gooseneck’s inlet ports
Intensification Pressure so the first part of the stroke (usually one or two inches) is
non-effective. Venting of air out of the die is probably improved
Some systems achieve intensified hydraulic pressures that
if a slow advance is used to fill the gooseneck and nozzle. In
are four times system pressure. System pressure and/or
other situations, a slow advance through nozzle filling is used
intensified pressure are adjustable on many machines. Inten
in conjunction with an extra hot (900 to 950 deg. F for zinc)
sified hydraulic pressures are usually achieved by one of two
nozzle to superheat the first metal to flow through the die. If
methods. The first method is through the use of differential
one uses the slow shot to preheat the first metal, there must be
piston hydraulic intensifiers. Machines equipped with these
very good temperature control of the nozzle. Some die casters
devices can only achieve maximum intensified pressures that
find a fast shot through the total stroke to work best.
are a fixed multiple (e.g. 2:1, 2.5:1 3:1, etc.) of the normal
system pressure. So, to change the actual intensified pres
sure one must change the system pressure. Changing the
system pressure can have ramifications on the performance
of other shot plunger performances. The second method is
to have a high pressure hydraulic system with its own pump
and accumulator to provide the higher pressure hydrau
lic fluid. These systems can be set to a range of pressures.
However, resetting the intensification pressure for every
die change may not be practical. The reader is referenced to
the NADCA course and text on Machine Systems to get
descriptions of the different intensification systems and how
they work. The most common practice is to set the intensi
fication pressure at one value and then adjust the delay and
the pressure build-up rate to achieve the desired results.
Hot Chamber
The hot chamber injection is shown schematically in Fig. 5-8.
Most of the calculations, measurement of variables and control
decisions are the same as those for the cold chamber process.
However, there are some noteworthy differences. The hot Fig. 5-9. As the holding furnace metal level drops, the empty space in the
chamber machines do not have intensification capability. So, gooseneck passage increases. The increased space requires extra plunger
there are no considerations similar to those for the intensifica stroke. As a result the calculated plunger positions for nozzle full, runners
tion on cold chamber machines. full and die full are changed.
Furnace Level
One feature of the hot chamber process is that the holding
furnace level affects the point on the plunger stroke at which
the cavity becomes full. Referring to Figs. 5-8 and 5-9, the Fig. 5-10. When air is trapped under the gooseneck plunger, the chart record
length of the gooseneck channel above the furnace metal level ing of shot cylinder pressure will show long-term pulsations.
(which is empty of molten metal) increases as the level in the
holding furnace drops. In one example, a change of three (3)
inches in the level of the molten metal in the holding furnace An alternative method is to open the die as the plunger is
changed the plunger position at which the cavity filled by 3/8 returning and before the inlet ports are opened. This is the
of an inch. The position of the plunger at which the molten “open die first” method. With this “open die first” method
metal reaches the sprue is changed by an equal amount. The atmospheric pressure entering the sprue from the die part
slow to fast shot transition limit switch setting must insure ing surface forces the metal down the gooseneck, making
that the fast shot speed is achieved before the molten metal it impossible to dribble. A limit switch actuated by the tail
rod of the shot hydraulic cylinder triggers the opening of
reaches the sprue for all furnace levels.
the die. Opening the die before the gooseneck inlets are
open eliminates sprue dribble but has other disadvantages.
Nozzle One disadvantage is increased filling time for the goose
If a nozzle is replaced, the replacement nozzle could have a neck. There is no vacuum to make the air pressure push the
different length and/or inside diameter than the one being molten metal into the gooseneck. Only the head pressure of
replaced. The change in interior volume of the nozzle will the molten metal in the holding furnace pushes the metal
change the position of the plunger when the metal reaches the into the gooseneck. If the gooseneck is not filled in time,
sprue and when the cavity is filled. The position of the slow to the production rate must be slowed to accommodate the re-
fast shot transition limit switch setting must be checked and filling of the gooseneck.
adjusted if necessary when a nozzle is changed.
A second disadvantage is the tendency for getting air
trapped in the gooseneck under the plunger. Air is drawn
Plunger Return and Die Opening into the gooseneck cylinder when the volume of the cast
One method to sequence the return of the shot plunger and the shot exceeds the total volume of the nozzle hole plus goose
opening of the die is to return the plunger and then open the neck outlet. When air is trapped under the plunger, the
die. This is the “return plunger first” method. As the plunger hydraulic pressure will fluctuate wildly in the shot cylinder
returns a vacuum forms in the nozzle and beneath the plunger as shown in Fig. 5-10. When air bubbles up through the
causing the nozzle to fill with metal as soon as the gooseneck gooseneck it creates dross in both the gooseneck cylinder
inlet ports are opened. Air pressure forces the metal into the and on the holding furnace. The dross in the gooseneck cyl
nozzle to the solidified sprue in the die. The existence of the inder can be driven into the next casting, and the dross on
vacuum causes the full effect of the air pressure to force the the holding furnace must be skimmed off. The extra dross
molten metal into the gooseneck. The result is that the re-filling also represents a cost in greater melt losses. Although open
of the gooseneck is very fast. When the die opens, molten metal ing the inlet ports before the die opens solves the entrapped
(being at the sprue) is likely to dribble down the face of the die. air problem, a better solution is to use a gooseneck with
The metal dribble runs down the parting face of the die. When sufficient volume in the gooseneck outlet passage. It might
the dribble freezes onto the die it must be scraped off, slow be necessary to build a pouch like enlargement in the goose
ing the operation. These frozen metal dribbles are particularly neck outlet chamber below the metal level to achieve the
troublesome for automatic operation. sufficient volume.
Clamping Force
The purpose of the clamping system of a die casting machine is trates all of the control concepts and it provides for the most
to hold the die halves together as the molten metal is injected and possible adjustment. Except for the additional opportunity for
to open and close the die for removal of the casting. This chapter adjustment of the individual tie bars on the tie bar and platen
addresses the holding together of the die halves. type, the two types yield to the same analyses.
There are two types of clamping frame structures used on die The clamp system of a die casting machine is shown in Fig.
casting machines. These are the tie bars with platens type and 6-1 and consists of the platens, tie bars, toggles, and die close
the solid frame type. The tie bar and platen type is used as the cylinder with its attendant hydraulic equipment. The perfor
example in this chapter because it is the most common, illus mance of the clamp system can be analyzed by measuring tie
bar strain, rod end hydraulic pressure in the die close cylinder,
head end hydraulic pressure in the die close cylinder, and the
time intervals between events in the cycle. Casting thickness
variation is the most direct result of improper performance of
the clamp system. Variations in casting thickness obviously
have dimensional effects and they also influence direct material
usage and heat input to the die. The dimensional relationships
are developed thoroughly in the NADCA textbook Dimen-
sional Repeatability of the Die Casting Process. Another, and
rather obvious, result of improper performance is when the
machine will not “lock up”. In that instance the die will close,
but the toggles never straighten so the machine just stalls and
does not continue the process sequence. Measurements of the
critical variables of the clamp system can also contain clues to
problems in the other machine systems.
Fig. 6-1. The force of the die-close hydraulic cylinder is multiplied by the During the original planning and/or die design stage, the
toggles to stretch the tie bars after the die closes. The amount of tie bar elon expected clamp force should be computed. The required die
gation is directly related to the clamping force on the die. clamp force is:
The total tie bar stretch of a 100-in. (2.54 m) long tie bar would Hydraulic Pressure and Clamping Force
be 0.034 in. (0.86 mm). If a dial indicator is set up to read elon
gation through a 10-in. (254 mm) length it should read 0.0034 Except for the force to accelerate the heavy platen and die,
in. (0.086 mm). the force on the die close cylinder is relatively low until the
die actually closes. Additional movement of the cylinder is
The relationship between tonnage and tie bar strain (elonga then accomplished only by stretching the tie bars. Therefore,
tion) can be plotted graphically for total elongation, unit elon the hydraulic pressure builds rapidly as the tie bar force
gation or actual elongation over the distance of the measuring increases. 23 As the tie bars are stretching the toggles are
device to be used. Fig. 6-3 shows such a chart for total machine increasing their mechanical advantage which, at some point,
tonnages and total tie bar stretch. becomes so great that hydraulic pressure actually drops.
Of course, the pressure immediately builds to the relief
Every die should have a set-up chart on which the die’s tonnage valve setting when the cylinder piston reaches the end of
requirement is given. If the machine shut height is adjusted its stroke. Fig. 6-4 shows the hydraulic pressure and tie bar
until the measured tie bar strain conforms to the value on strain relationship as the die closes and locks.
the calibration chart corresponding to the die tonnage, the
machine is producing only the force required for the condi In Fig. 6-4 it can be seen that the tie bar strain reached
tions. It is not working harder than necessary. only 68 percent of its capacity. That condition would have
been caused by having the shut height adjustment loosened
The example illustrated in Fig. 6-2 considered the situation slightly. If the die requires only 34 tons (302 kN) as indi
where the projected cavity area was not centered within the cated in the figure, it is probably desirable to operate the
machine’s platen area. In such instances the die should be built machine in the “under stressed” condition. The reduced ton
so the die is centered in the machine even though the cavity area nage minimizes wear and tear on both the machine and the
is not. Such die construction makes the die appear larger than die. Such dies are usually small in physical size in compari
necessary. It also makes the die more expensive than if only the son to the machine and high clamping forces can deform the
minimum size is used. If the die is not placed centrally within machine platen around these small dies. However, if the die
the machine, the tie bars will not be strained equally. The condi requires more than the 34 tons (302 kN) per tie bar of clamp
tion twists the machine out of shape and increases substantially force, the force of injection will open the die, and cause
the friction in the tie bar bushings and toggle bearings. The flashing. The opening of the die (i.e. flashing) will reflect in
condition reduces the clamping tonnage that can be generated, the tie bar strain as shown in the illustration.
As described above, the tonnage reduction is achieved by loosen not be adjusted evenly. For example, a 5-deg. rotation of a nut
ing the shut height. However, once the shut height is loosened on a 0.25-in. (6.35 mm) pitch thread moves the nut 0.0035 in.
and the tie bar strain is reduced, there is a corresponding drop in (0.089 mm) or about 10 percent of the total tie bar elongation.
the instantaneous hydraulic pressure required to accomplish the If one tie bar is overstressed and another is under stressed the
locking of the toggles. Some machines have a metal plate attached twist imposed on the machine can cause binding and friction
which shows the relationship between tonnage and hydraulic pres that will actually reduce the total applied tonnage.
sure. However, such pressure-to-tonnage relationships apply only
to the instantaneous pressure as the toggles are locking. The final Temperature variations in the die and in the machine cause
hydraulic pressure achieved after the cylinder has reached the end changes in the physical size of the die/machine components.
of its stroke has no bearing what-so-ever on clamping tonnage. These size changes will cause corresponding changes in the tie
The die can actually be open and the pressure will be at full system bar strain. The most obvious effect of this type of situation is
pressure when the toggles are fully straightened. when a die warms-up, expands, and hence requires more tie bar
elongation than the clamp cylinder/toggle system can provide.
When a machine is operating at its full clamp capacity, the The clamp system then stalls. All hydraulic fluid dumps over the
pressure-tonnage relationship will be similar to that shown in Fig. relief valve, and the cycle is interrupted. The practical approach
6-5. That illustration shows how the hydraulic pressure builds to then is to back-off the shut height adjustment to compensate for
the relief valve setting before the toggles reach their maximum the larger die. If the die should then cool somewhat, it may flash
mechanical advantage. Some hydraulic fluid bypasses the cylinder because clamping force is insufficient.1
by dumping through the relief valve. The reduction in volume flow
rate of hydraulic fluid flow causes the cylinder to move slower, and Establishing tie bar tension manually through the shut height
therefore the machine takes more time to “lock” as indicated by adjustment is limited to the observation of rather gross devia
dimension “A” in the figure. A partially-loaded machine will actu tions in actual strain (i.e. machine stall or heavy flashing). Also,
ally cycle faster than when it is fully loaded. manual adjustments may be coarse as compared to the fine
adjustment actually required. If tie bar strain is monitored con
stantly, and maintained within very narrow limits, considerable
Measurement and Control economies can be realized in terms of total cycle time, machine
of Clamping Force maintenance and casting thickness. Several techniques are used
or could be used to measure and control tie bar strain.
The most rudimentary method of controlling the machine’s
clamp force is to set the relief valve at a nominal system pres
sure (and leave it at that setting permanently), tighten the shut
height until the machine will not lock, and then loosen the Dial indicators
shut height until the machine will just lock. This technique The simplest form of continuous monitoring of tie bar strain
may insure maximum clamp force for a few shots. is through dial indicators mounted at the rear of each tie bar,
as shown in Fig. 6-6. These indicators must be so installed
Several factors can cause undetectable variation in the tonnage that they measure elongation in a section of the tie bar that is
when the above technique is used. First, the tie bar nuts may actually stressed. In other words, the sensing length must be
between the threaded portions of the tie bar such as is illus of major unbalanced conditions and will investigate possible
trated in Fig. 6-6. The installation of the dial indicators into causes such as an out-of-parallel die, an improperly mounted
threadless tie bars is somewhat different in that the indicator die, or incorrect assembly of the die height mechanism.
can be mounted directly onto the end of the tie bar as shown
in Fig. 6-7. The positioning of the dial indicators is such that constant
monitoring is difficult because the machine operator is not
Dial indicators on the tie bars are a form of continuous moni usually at a location from which he can see them. However, the
toring. However, the operator, technician or set up person operator, setter, or other responsible person can spot check the
must read the indicators and convert the readings into ton indicators to catch developing problems.
nage. Then he/she must adjust the tie bar nuts to achieve the
correct tonnage. If the appropriate tonnage vs. strain charts
are available, the setter can adjust the machine to apply the Strain Gauges
correct force. Also, he can balance the force generated so all Tie bar strain can be sensed by special electric coils which
the tie bars carry the same load. If the machine has a motor change resistance when they are compressed or stretched.
ized shut height adjustment it may not be possible to adjust Known as strain gauges, these units can be buried in a hole near
the tie bars individually. However, the setter will be aware one end of the tie bar. Since the gauges and the wires leading to
them are fragile, it probably is best to insert the units into the can even interrupt the machine cycle. The digital read out can
tie bar, and have the wires protected in flexible steel conduit to be positioned in plain view of the machine operator or techni
a junction box on the platen and then run through pipe from cian. Tie bar mounted strain gauges (load cells) with digital
there to the read out and/or controller instrument. read-out and alarm devices are standard equipment or available
options on most new die casting machines.
Electrical strain gauges have the advantage of perma
nency. Once installed, they will monitor every cycle of the
machine. In fact, if any type of automatic control is to be Full Cycle Displays
used, electrical strain gauges permanently installed in the tie
It is sometimes useful to have a graph showing the tie bar
bars probably are a necessity.
tonnage performance through the entire machine cycle. Such
recordings are generally more useful for diagnosis of problems
Strain gauges simply vary current flow with size changes and
than for routine control. If the machine is equipped with a shot
hence the controlling instrument must be calibrated to compen
system monitor such as that illustrated in figure 5-5, and a digi
sate for variations from one strain gauge to another, as well as in
tal tonnage monitor as illustrated in figure 6-8, the tie bar strain
their installation and then convert the electrical output to tons
gauge outputs can be made to be displayed on the shot system
force. Most strain gauges that are used on die casting machines
monitor. (The reader must be made aware that having such equip-
are packaged into what is called load cells. The load cell is per
ment does not necessarily mean that it has been set up to do what is
manently calibrated to give an electrical output which is propor
being described here. The point is that it could be.) The resulting
tional to force (i.e. tons) and is therefore easier to use with general
display would look like that shown in Figure 6-9.
laboratory equipment such as oscilloscopes and chart recorders, as
well as digital read-out instrumentation and controllers.
system is capable of detecting excessive flash and instructing tie bar is loosened. Once the tight tie bar is loosened, the shut
the robot to automatically reject the casting. The machine can height could very well need tightening. This can all be accom
be automatically stopped if a certain number of consecutive plished automatically.
faults are detected. Three consecutive faults are commonly used
as the criterion. Such systems can even be used to prevent shots
if insufficient tonnage is present and to reverse the machine
closing mechanism if stress on any bar exceeds a safe value
during lock up. Continuous automatic feed-back control systems are now com
monly used for tie bar load control. Control of the clamp system
Systems are also available that can automatically re-adjust the can help control casting dimensions, reduce the magnitude
tie bars. The instrument stores the out-of-tolerance data until of other variables, reduce machine maintenance, and speed
the machine opens. It then signals the shut-height mecha problem diagnosis. Tie bar load, hydraulic pressure, and cycle
nism to open or close a prescribed amount. Balance of the element times are the critical parameters. The key to control is
load between tie bars can also be achieved. When the load the engineering calculations for required tie bar tonnage and
on a specific tie bar exceeds the set point on its controller and required hydraulic pressure. Then, measurements of actual
if the total machine load was not exceeding its set value, an load are made with electrical strain gauges or dial indicators
out-of-balance condition would exist. The shut height adjust and compared with the calculated requirements to determine
ment should not be loosened, only the single excessively loaded whether or not adjustments are needed.
Die Temperature
The flow of heat from the metal being cast determines the blow (flashing) variations can change the average die tempera
solidification pattern within the casting. If solidification ture or the pattern of the die temperature. It is usually more
progresses properly a usable casting results. However, if the cost effective to control die temperature directly than to control
wrong solidification pattern develops, the resulting casting all, or most, of the other variables that affect it.
must be scrapped. Die casting is therefore a thermal process.
The control of the thermodynamics of the process is all that Traditionally die temperature control was left to the machine
really matters. Much emphasis is placed on gating theory operator. However, the operator was never told what the
and injection control, but even those efforts are actually to temperature should be, now was he given the means to know
establish the best possible initial thermal condition. It can what it was. The operator was expected to look at the cast
be concluded that casting/die temperature control is the ings being made and interpret texture, warping or sticking
most important consideration in process control. A thorough to make temperature related decisions. Depending on how
discussion of the heat flow phenomenon 3 is beyond the scope he interpreted what he saw on the casting, he would speed
of this book. These phenomenon are developed in detail in up or slow down, change the application or release material
the NADCA courses and textbooks on Die Casting Dies: or adjust the cooling water flow. Fortunately there are better
Designing and Engineering Die Cooling Systems. How tools today for the control of die temperature.
ever, the temperature patterns that exist within the casting
and die must be understood and therefore a certain amount
of explanation is unavoidable. Techniques for measuring Determining Requirements
temperature patterns are described in this chapter, as are the
means of controlling those patterns. The die temperature requirements for a specific die are
determined during the die design activity. The preciseness
with which those requirements are established depends on the
The goal is to have control of the transient temperature
technique employed by the die designer. The techniques actu
condition in each casting as it is solidifying and cooling in
ally used are:
the die. Those transient thermal conditions drive the solidi
fication patterns and hence the distribution of porsity in the 1. Casual
casting. The control of heat flow through the die is actually
an indirect method of controlling the transient conditions
2. Informed experience
during casting solidification. 3 3. Basic heat balance
In one way or another all process variables are related to the 4. Finite element analysis (FEA)
transient heat flows during solidification. Cavity fill time and
compaction pressure have been defined previously in terms of Each of these techniques are described in the following para
solidification requirements or behavior. Plunger velocity, tie bar graphs so the process control engineer will understand what he
strain, and hydraulic pressures are actually means to achieve the must look for in each die before planning his control strategy.
needed fill time and cavity pressure which in turn achieves the
necessary thermal pattern or compensates for incorrect thermal
patterns in the solidifying casting. Casual
Die temperature is actually a pattern of temperatures. When The casual approach to the thermal design of the die cast
operating properly, the die will have various temperatures across ing die is to let the die builder drill waterlines wherever he
the parting surface. The sprue or biscuit area should probably wishes. The die builder should not be expected to understand
be somewhat colder than the cavity area. And, the outermost the nature of heat flow3 as that is not his trade. Even when the
extremities of the cavity should be hotter than near the gate. die builder does understand the heat flow considerations, he is
Similarly, the die gets colder at greater distances into the die faced with the conflict of doing what is correct from a heat flow
steel from the cavity surface. The coldest areas are immediately point of view and building the die in the most cost effective
adjacent to the water cooling lines and/or at the outside surfaces. way. Usually cost effectiveness wins. The result is a die with few
water-lines that are too long and go through the wrong places.
The average die temperature is effected by several other vari In many instances a single waterline will have many inches of
ables. Cycle timing, metal temperature, shot speed and die length where no cooling is needed and only a short portion
The rate at which the heat is removed from the surface region
is dependent on the mean cavity surface temperature, type and
quantity of parting material carrier, outside temperature of die,
cooling water flow rate, cooling water temperature, location of
the cooling channel, coating (i.e. calcium deposits) on the cool
ing channel wall, and the ambient conditions. All these factors,
except those related to the parting carrier material, result in
the thermal gradient shown in Fig. 7-1. The gradient actually
determines the heat flow rate. Most of the factors that affect the
gradient are in themselves variables so the heat removal through
the die also is a variable. The role of the parting material carrier
is quite substantial. It is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 8.
When, over time, the heat flowing away from the cavity surface
is not equal to the heat being input from the castings, the
Fig. 7-1. Heat (shaded area) from each casting is absorbed into the die steel
average surface temperature changes. A typical pattern of the
immediately behind the cavity surface. The absorbed heat must be removed
temperature variations over time is shown in Fig. 7-2. Changes
from that region before the next shot is made.
in the average temperature can speed or slow solidification.
Basic Control
The electrical signal from the thermocouple goes to an Zoned Control
indicating controller which indicates the temperature and In practice, some areas or zones of the die usually have a dif
has an adjustable set-point. When the temperature reaches ferent pattern of temperature variation than others. The typical
the setting, the controller turns on a solenoid valve to allow pattern is a series of generally concentric rings, or zones, around
cooling water to flow through the die. Such a temperature the biscuit or sprue as shown in Fig. 7-6. The area within each
control system is a continuous monitoring system with set zone will have its own unique temperature behavior. At the very
point on-off control. Most systems with automatic control center is the biscuit or sprue. It has the most intense heat flow
have manual bypass systems around the solenoid valve so situation. The die cavity surfaces in this area will be the coldest
that full manual control is possible. Also, the manual bypass before the shot is made; but as the shot is made, will reach the
allows a continuous low flow rate through the die with the highest momentary temperature of any part of the die. The die
high flow rate provided by the solenoid valve and thermo temperature will respond quickly to any change in cycle rate,
couple. When set properly, the low flow rate will remove metal temperature or cooling water flow. Once a stable operat
most of the heat. The high flow rate will be required only ing condition is established and the die is run at a steady rate it
occasionally. The thermal shock to the die is thereby mini is often possible to set the water cooling to be “full-on” when the
mized. The total system is shown schematically in Fig. 7-4. die is running and “off” when it is not running.
By regulating the water flow the thermocouple controlled The next ring, Zone 1 in Fig. 7-6, includes the runners and
cooling system will minimize variations in die temperature gates. This zone is the second most intense and sensitive area of
as shown in Fig. 7-5. Specifically, this type of control sta the die. Also, the die temperature in Zone 1 is likely to affect
bilizes the average cavity surface (or the transient tempera the molten metal flowing through it during die filling. These
ture). Therefore, solidification patterns are stabilized, more effects can show on other parts of the casting since the metal
good castings are made each shift, there are fewer “stickers,” flows on to those other areas. Zone 1 can usually benefit from
and die life is increased. direct temperature control.
The major portion of the actual cavity features lie in Zone 2. In surfaces that are exposed to the air and machine platens.
Zone 2 the thermal response is sluggish. Die temperature will Except for the extremities of the cavities, the temperature
rise slowly. Several (sometimes even tens of) castings must be of the die in Zone 3 has no direct effect on the casting. The
made to get the die to the proper operating temperature. And, primary function, from the thermal standpoint, of Zone 3
if the waterlines are properly placed, adjustments to the cooling is to provide the proper thermal environment for Zone 2.
water flow will have moderate effects on the temperature drift. The thermal performance of Zone 3 is dominated by the
The casting, however, is most sensitive to the die temperature heat losses from the exposed surfaces of the die, and these
in Zone 2. Therefore, this zone is where it is most important to are constant regardless of the operating status of the die. In
have direct control of the die temperature. extreme instances, its temperature control requirements are
unaffected by whether the die is even running or not. Often
The last region is Zone 3 in Fig. 7-6. The overflows are it is necessary to circulate hot oil through drilled channels
usually in Zone 3. Sometimes the extremities of the cavities or insert electric cartage heaters into this zone to maintain
are in Zone 3 too. Zone 3 contains the bulk of the outer die the desired temperature.
Fig. 7-5. By automatically controlling cooling water flow [bottom of chart] the actual temperature variation of the cavity surface is minimized. The total number
of good castings per shift is maximized by this type of control. Also, die life is increased. The top curves compare the uncontrolled die temperature from Fig.
7-2 to controlled die temperature.
Fig. 7-6. Typically die casting dies have concentric thermal zones. Each zone has
a unique temperature requirement and temperature response characteristic. Some
of the zones may need to be further divided into sectors for control purposes. Heat flow patterns in the die casting die are very complex.
The pattern varies across the cavity surface and through the
die material. Also, the temperature at any one point in the
In addition to the concentric zones described above, the die may die will fluctuate during the casting cycle. All these ther
need to be further divided into sectors such as is also shown in mal patterns change with time. Temperature measurements
Fig. 7-6. It is very common for one cavity to behave differently at selected points behind the cavity surface can be used to
than another. So, the right hand side of the die may need to be control cooling water flow, and thereby control the actual
controlled separately from the left. Or the top of the die may temperature of the die in that area. Control of the heat flow
need to be controlled separately from the bottom. Sectoring is through the casting-die system is necessary to achieve high
most frequently needed in Zones 1 and 2. quality castings on a repeatable basis.
Release Material
When the die has opened and the casting has been ejected, but perature of the molten metal in combination with the high
before the die closes again, the cavity areas of the die receive pressures cause chemical reactions to take place within the
an application of a release material. The application is usually film of release material during and just after injection. These
made by spraying the material as a fine mist. Sometimes the reactions can be exothermic (i.e. release heat), isothermic (i.e.
application is not made every time the die is open, but only have no heat released nor absorbed) or endothermic (i.e. absorb
after some small number of shots. The purpose of the release heat). If such reactions add or delete heat, they will affect the
material is to keep the casting from sticking to the die. The way the metal flows into and through the cavity.
material is called by a variety of names including “lube,” “die
spray,” “die lube,” “spray,” “parting” and “release.” The chemical reactions described above result in much of the
release material being “burned” away. The burning away is
The- practical die caster knows that the release material can desirable since the material will not then build up onto the die
have a significant influence on the performance of the die cavity (i.e. “varnish” or “scale”) or “stain” the casting. The pig
casting die. Sometimes, by changing the type or brand of ments, if any, will not burn off. Release materials for the high
material or by changing the application pattern or quantity, the temperature alloys such as brass may need to include pigments.
operating performance of the die is improved. The improve The decomposition of the material must happen slowly enough
ments are not limited to the sticking of the castings to the die. that the cavity has time to fill and the casting’s skin form
Often surface finish, productivity, porosity or even warpage is before the release material disappears.
affected. The release material and its application is a significant
processing variable. Some release materials are graded in terms of their “release,”
“anti-solder” and “lubricity” properties. These properties are
probably not available in engineering units, but the rankings
help the process engineer select the best material. The die caster
Determining Required Performance should keep a history of the release materials used, the jobs that
The performance factors25 required from the release material are: each was used on and the performances. Such a history could
be a help in selecting the material for a new job.
Anti-solder The release material is applied to the die by spraying. The
material is first mixed with a solvent (usually water) and
Lubricity (of the moving mechanical parts of the die) then sprayed with compressed air through spray nozzles. The
water boils off the hot die leaving the desired film. The sup
A thin (and hopefully uniform) film of the material is applied pliers of the release materials take great pains to formulate
to the cavity surface and to the sliding parts of the die to the materials to stay in solution with the water (it must not
achieve those performance factors. The film of release material separate in the use tank) and to insure that it will spread-out
is a complex mixture of organic compounds and sometimes (i.e. “wet”) on the cavity surface.
pigments such as graphite and aluminum particles. Except
for lubrication for the moving mechanical parts of the die, the The processing engineer must determine how long the spray
basic function of the film is to keep the molten metal from nozzles must spray to discharge the required amount of water
establishing intimate contact with the die steel. Without con and release before each shot. The total amount of solution to
tact, the casting can not stick to the die. be discharged is the combined total of the water required. For
example, assume that for each casting cycle a particular region
The film also forms an insulating barrier between the molten of a die requires 0.70224 cu. in. (11.51 cm3) of water spayed for
metal and the die. That barrier slows the rate at which heat is cooling purposes and 0.00186 cu. in. (0.03cm3) release material
lost from the metal to the die. 26 The greater the thermal resis for an adequate barrier coating. The total amount of liquid to
tance, the better the casting’s surface finish and the longer the be sprayed each cycle is then the sum of both which is 0.70410
filling time can be. These relationships are developed in more cu. in. (11.54 cm3). If the spray nozzle discharges 0.35205 cu.
detail in the NADCA textbook, Gating. Greater thermal resis in. per second (5.77 cm3/sec), a single nozzle must spray for two
tance, however, may slow solidification somewhat. Increased seconds to discharge the required amount. If the spray nozzles
thermal resistance of the release film will reduce thermal shock are on a programmable reciprocating apparatus that passes
and therefore heat checking of the die steel. 27 The high tem them across the die face as they spray, it must be programmed
to move at the correct speed and to start and stop the spraying be deposited. If the release material is staining the casting or
action of each nozzle at the appropriate time. building up on the cavity surface, less release should be depos
ited. Likewise, if the cavity definition is not being reproduced
The boiling away of the water removes heat from the die surface. faithfully onto the casting or there are cold shot and chill on
When the die designer does a basic heat balance, thermal analy the casting’s surface, there should be more release deposited.
sis or a finite element analysis of the thermodynamics of the die,
he must determine how much heat should/ must be removed by It might be possible to get a fairly good measure of the total
the evaporating water. He will specify that certain areas of the amount of liquid (i.e. water plus release material) sprayed
die surface must have a specific amount of heat removed this way onto the die. One could draw the outlines of the desired
and other areas may have some other amount of heat removed spray pattern (such as is shown in Fig. 8-1) on a large piece
by the water spray.24 The die designer should communicate those of blotter paper. Then weigh and measure the piece of blotter
requirements to the processing engineer and to the operating paper and calculate the weight per square inch (or square cm).
personnel with a diagram as shown in Fig. 8-1. Next, hold the paper in front of the die parting surface and
cycle the spray onto the blotter paper. If there is more spray
than what the blotter paper can soak up, there is probably too
much water (and release) being sprayed onto the die. Then
Measurement and Control cut out each separate region of spray pattern from the blotter
There is no proven “good” way to measure the actual thickness paper and weigh each piece. Measure each piece to determine
of the film of release material. The best measure is the perfor the area, and calculate the new weight per square inch. Each
mance of the operation. If the casting sticks to the die or if fluid ounce of water weighs one weight ounce, and the differ
there is solder build-up, more release material should probably ence between the wet weight and the dry weight will be the
A powerful control technique is to open the die and eject the Determining Required Performance
casting when the casting’s actual temperature has declined
to some previously determined ideal value. The technique is As described in Chapter 7 there are many different thermal pat
no different than implanting a temperature probe into the terns in a die casting die. Since there can be only one location
thanksgiving turkey to shut off the oven when the turkey is of the thermocouple that determines when the die opens, its
cooked. Castings, like turkeys, are not all ready to come out location must be selected with care. The first criterion is that it
after the same length of time. The control is of the continu be placed in an area that will solidify later than the other areas.
ous monitoring with control to set point type. Tradition That location insures that the die will not open while part of the
ally, the solidification and cooling time has been controlled casting is still liquid. The biscuit, or sprue, or the runner near
by a timer on the die casting machine. By controlling the the biscuit meet this criterion. However, since different zones
opening of the die casting machine from actual casting of the die have different thermal performance (as described in
temperature, significant improvement in productivity and Chapter 7), it might be better to place the thermocouple at a
dimensional stability is realized. When a timer is used, all thick heavy portion of the casting. It should never be placed in
castings must stay in the die the length of time required for Zone 3 as defined in Fig. 7-6.
the slowest casting. The technique of controlling to the cast
ing temperature stabilizes many of the process variables such Once the location is selected, the thermocouple’s performance
as die temperature. The most dramatic effect is the stabiliza should be predicted and a control strategy established. Both the
tion of casting size. The greatest contribution to variation location of the thermocouple and the control strategy, includ
of casting dimensions’ is ejection temperature variation. So, ing an approximate temperature set point, must be established
when ejection temperature is constant, so is size. during the die and process engineering activities. However, the
The die surface temperature increases most quickly and to the If surface temperature recordings are made simultaneously
greatest degree near the gate during cavity filling3 as shown in for two or more critical points in the casting, the differences
Fig. 9-2. The temperature build-up at the die surface near an between the solidification times can be observed as shown in
overflow as shown in Fig. 9-3, is neither as great nor as rapid. Fig. 9-3. If a “shrink-feed” casting is being made, it is neces
Solidification is indicated by a flattening of the temperature sary for solidification to be completed first in those areas of
curve followed by continued temperature drop. The momentary the casting which are farthest from the sprue or shot sleeve.
halt in temperature drop is known as the eutectic arrest and is Solidification should then progress steadily towards the
caused when the solidifying metal releases its latent heat.4,21 sprue or shot sleeve.
Cycle Timing
There is an old adage among die casters: “You have to keep a machine, the accuracy of the set up and whether or not the
constant cycle.” The practical die caster recognizes that the pro process is in control.
cess works best when it is running steadily. Things that make it
slow down (such as operator fatigue) or things that cause a stop
and go operation (such as sticking castings or flash build up) do Determining Desired Timing
much more harm to productivity than just the lost time. The desired timing is dictated by the built in performance char
acteristics of the machine, the type of actuation selected for ejec
Besides the uniformity of the total cycle, the way the cycle tor pins and moving cores in the die, other auxiliary equipment
is divided among the various segments and the uniformity and finally the casting’s processing requirements. The 14 basic
of each segment is also important. The ratio of die open to segments of the die casting machine cycle are charted in Fig.
die closed time is important. Also, the timing of each seg 10-1. That figure shows an operation with moving cores that are
ment of the cycle is a good indicator of the condition of the hydraulically actuated and with hydraulically actuated ejection.
Fig. 10-1. The typical die casting cycle has fourteen segments. Some of these (i.e. machine close, machine lock, decompression, and machine open) as well as the
minimum machine cycle have fixed times as a result of the machine’s design and condition. Others (i.e. ejector retract, cores move in, pour charge, cores move
out, ejection, remove casting and spray release) are constant once the auxiliary equipment is chosen and the die mechanisms designed. Only the solidification
and delayed closing segments are truly process dependent.
Fig. 10-2. The auxiliary functions of ejection and core movements can occur simultaneously with the machine motion if the die is made with mechanical actua
tors for those functions.
Generally the mechanical parts of the die are not considered If the die could be cooled periodically to room temperature and
to be processing variables. Nevertheless some parts of the die measured, changes in dimensions of cavity features could be
are subject to wear and/or breakage and can therefore put the assessed quite straight forwardly. However, it is usually more prac
process “out of control”. When a part breaks, it is a catastrophic tical for many reasons to measure the castings and deduce the con
event. As wear occurs the process exhibits continuous drift. dition of the die from those measurements. Unfortunately, a single
Both of these characteristics were described in the Introduc measurement of a single casting may not accurately reveal the true
tion, Chapter 1, of this book. Continuous drift is the behavior condition of the die. Statistical methods are often required.
that is ideally suited to statistical process control (SPC) meth
ods, and that is the condition discussed in this chapter. When a die casting die is operating under normal conditions and
the cavity is not deteriorating, there is considerable variation of the
casting dimensions. Those short term dimensional variations will
Characteristics of Die Cavity Wear tend to mask the long term deterioration due to wear. The short
term process induced dimensional variations are of four types:
Die cavities wear slowly. Usually it takes weeks or months to
achieve a distinguishable amount of wear. Wear on the cavity 1) Linear
surface is caused by erosion/cavitation, heat checking, and
soldering. Dimensions of features created by two different die 2) Parting Line (Blow)
members (such as dimensions that cross the parting line) can 3) Shift/Match
change because of wear in the mechanical surfaces such as gibs
or leader pins that align the die members. 4) Warpage
Erosion and/or cavitation occurs where gas bubbles entrained The specific type of variation is determined by how the feature
in the molten metal flow collapse with great violence at the of the casting is formed between the members of the die. The
instant of cavity filling. mathematical relationships between the dimensional variations,
die constructions and processing variables is developed fully in the
Heat checking is the most common form of cavity wear. The NADCA Textbook Dimensional Repeatability and the associated
thermal shock of the injected metal deforms the steel at the NADCA course. A statistical process control (SPC) X and R chart
surface of the cavity. The repeated deformations fatigue the as described in Chapter 3 would quantify those short term varia
steel and it develops hair line cracks. At first the resulting tions. Such a control chart would look much like Fig. 3-1 except
cracks form a crazing of the surface. The cracks can either the vertical scales would be dimensions instead of temperatures.
grow into visible crazing, or can let the small pieces of die
steel between them be broken away. If the sprayed on release The short term dimensional variations would have periods
is washed out of the cracks during cavity filling, the molten between peaks of a few hours, and in some instances several
metal can fill them and cause the casting to stick to the die. minutes. Samples should be collected and measured hourly.
When the casting is ejected off such surfaces, the cast metal Within a few days, control limits could be established and an
may shear away from the cavity leaving an obvious trace of effective SPC system put into operation.
cast metal on the cavity surface. This condition is usually
identified as soldering although heat checking is the root
cause. (True soldering is any time the cast metal establishes Establishing Desired Conditions
a metallurgical bond to the cavity surface. The casting is
sheared or torn off the resulting intermetallic layer as it The goal is to avoid having any dimension get outside of the part
is ejected leaving a rough layer of cast metal on the cavity print tolerance due to die deterioration. So, SPC X and R control
surface.) charts should be set up for all critical dimensions plus non-criti
cal dimensions that are expected to be (or subsequently found to
Soldering and heat checking do not necessarily change the be) subject to wear. Initially, such charts are not likely to show
surface dimensionally. Soldering can result in a build up on the the long term drift of wear. Instead, they will describe the effects
cavity surface that can change a casting’s dimension. The normal of the more short term processing variables such as die tempera
cause of change is the polishing that is done to the cavity surface ture. Within a week of steady operation the control limits can be
to remove the heat checked or soldered condition. Sometimes established and the X and R chart will be a working tool. Then is
cavities must be polished daily for such conditions. when the engineer should start watching for wear.
So the best fit line will be at 10.0256 in. (254.65 mm) for the
X N = X + bN (11-1) first week (1/7/85) and at 10.0180 in. (254.46 mm) for the 25th
weeks (6/24/85) as shown in Fig. 11-3.
The next step is to add the upper and lower control limits
X N = The expected value of the subgroup dimensions (i.e. (UCL and LCL) and the upper and lower size limits and the
X) after N weeks. least squares best fit line is obtained, as described previously,
X = The average value of all data points. and as shown in Fig. 11-3.
The second step is to compute the slope, b, of the best fit line. Where:
N (11-2) XUCL N = The value of the upper control limit at N weeks
Σ (N - N)(X - X)
i i
from N.
X LCL N = The value of the lower control limit at N weeks
b =
N from N.
Σ (N - N)
XUSL N = The value of the upper size limit at N weeks
from N.
And for the example:
X LSL N = The value of the lower size limit at N weeks
b = (-0.3790in.-wk.)/ 1300 wk.2
from N.
= -2.915 x 10-4 in./ wk.
= (-9.63 mm-wk.)/1300 wk.2 A2R = The control limit spacing from X in the X and R
= -74.04 x l0-4 mm/wk. chart as developed in Chapter 3.
If the value of 3σ is 0.0045 in. for the ongoing example, the Control Decision
equation of the lower control limit (the lower control limit is
The only control decision is to stop production and repair the
the critical concern in the example) is:
die. The question is when to do it. Once the slope of the wear
X LCL N = (10.0218 in. - 0.0045 in.) trend has been established and the control limits determined,
- (0.0002915 in./wks.) (N) the date at which out of tolerance parts will be produced can
= 10.0173 in.-(0.0002915 in./wks.) (N) be predicted. The prediction is actually when the appropri
ate control limit will intersect the part print tolerance limit as
Or illustrated by point Z in Fig. 11-1.
=(254.55 mm - 0.11 mm)
- (0.0074 mm/wk) (N) So, for the example, 59 weeks from April 1,1985, the die is
expected to be worn so badly that it will start making out of
= 254.44 mm-(0.0074mm/wk) (N) tolerance parts. Assume that a new cavity will be required, and
it will take 12 weeks to build and four weeks to install. The
new cavity should be started 43 weeks (59-16) after 4/1/ 85.
Finding the Critical Point Also, a four week supply of parts must be run and inventoried
The critical point Z (Fig. 11-1) is where the lower control limit by 55 weeks (59-4) from 4/1/85.
XLCL N is equal to the part print tolerance. If the part print
tolerance is 10.000 in., equation 11-5 can be written as follows These types of predictions can remove much of the emotional
to find the number of weeks, Nz, between N and Z. trauma from die casting.
Many devices and techniques for controlling the die casting However, once it is decided that implementation of the more
process have been described in this book. Other NADCA publi advanced technology is necessary, the company’s management
cations and courses offer in-depth analyses of the inter-relation must take the second and more positive step. The second step
ships between the process variables controlled by such devices consists of defining the present level of technology existing
and techniques and the influence of those variables on casting in the plant, and defining the goals to be achieved by specific
quality and productivity. The technology detailed in those books dates. Such goals might take the form shown in Table 12-1 of
and programs is useful only to the extent that it is implemented a hypothetical situation.
into production die casting operations.
The third step consists of specifying, ordering, preparing cost
The first step in the implementation procedure is to decide estimates, and doing all the other things associated with the
if implementation of all or part of the control technol first set-up. The goals such as those shown in Table 12-1, can
ogy is necessary or desirable. If the incorporation of more be established at the management level even if an outside
advanced control technology (than that currently used) will consultant’s services are necessary. But, the third step, as well
not improve the productivity of the die casting operation as all the subsequent steps, require trained personnel in the
by an amount greater than the cost of implementation, then plant. The person, or persons, responsible for this third step
the advanced technology should not be introduced. Also, must be bona-fide engineers, and even then must be thor
the short and long range plans of the company may negate oughly trained in the total technology of both the die casting
the need for introduction of a more advanced die casting process and the control devices to be used.
technology. For example, those plans could call for a total
product design change, discontinuation of the product line, The fourth step is the general indoctrination of all respon
or even bankruptcy or sale. In those situations, there is no sible plant personnel. The success of the process control
point in expending a large effort to improve die casting devices depends upon their utilization by the people who
technology in the plant. are engaged in operating the equipment. Everyone on the
Process Potential
Many devices and instruments have been described in this ings can be greatly reduced 5 through control of the casting
book along with the operating principles by which these process. And, the control of internal soundness has been the
devices can be used to control the die casting process. The subject of many research projects and papers.
process technology set forth is sufficient for many degrees of
control, which may be classified as: If the critical variables are continuously monitored, potentially
Manual defective castings could theoretically be detected before the die
is open. By implementing the proper measuring devices and
Periodic Checks readout or alarm controllers, the “good” castings could be certi
fied to conform to the specifications. The required measure
Continuous Display and/or alarm ments and control decisions would depend on the particular
Computer control casting and its specifications. The limits of the measured values
could not be pre-calculated in all situations. There usually
would be a try-out period to establish the exact relationship
As any particular installation is advanced from one level of
between casting quality and the process variables.
control to the next, there will be an improvement in total
useable pieces per shift, less scrap, better surface finish,
The magnitude of the process potential for exploiting markets
higher dimensional repeatability, and better internal integ
not generally serviced is great. Now, the means is available
rity of castings. It has been demonstrated 30 that die castings
for extracting the required performance from the process.
can be produced to tolerance ranges of one tenth of those
Together, these two situations present the greatest challenge
commercially produced. Likewise, tests have shown that
ever faced by the die casting industry.
corrosion failure risks of chromium-plated zinc die cast
10. A. H. Bowker, G. J. Lieberman, Engineering Statistics, 26. C. Kim, G. Ruhlandt, “Computer Modeling of Thermal Stress in Die Cast
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960. ing Dies,” Transactions, The Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc., 1985.
11. E. L. Grant, Statistical Quality Control, 27. C. W. Nelson, “Nature of Heat Transfer at the Die Face,” Transactions, The
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1952. Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc., 1970.
12. E. A. Herman, ed., Die Casting Handbook, 28. S. J. Noesen & H. A. Williams, “The Thermal Fatigue of Die Casting
The Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc., 1982. Dies,” Transactions, The Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc., 1975.
13. E. A. Herman, “Instruction Manual,” Computer Gating Program, The 29. A. P. Peterson, “Thermocycling Control of Aluminum Die Casting
Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc., 1983. Machines,” Transactions, The Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc.,, 1975.
14. D. Lindsey and J. F. Wallace, “Heat and Fluid Flow in the Die Casting 30. D. G. Gill, W. Babington, “Factors in the Die Casting Process Affecting
Process,” 1968 Transactions, Paper 12. The Society of Die Casting Engi Product Dimensions,” Die Casting Engineer, The Society of Die Casting
neers, Inc., 1968.
Engineers, Inc., November-December, 1967.
15. Temperature Measurement Handbook,
31. D. Apelian, M.M. Makhlouf, High Integrity Aluminum Die Casting,
Omega Engineering, Inc., 1983.
The North American Die Casting Association, 2004.
16. L. W. Garber, “Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Observation of
Air Entrapment During Cold Chamber Filling,” Die Casting Engineer,
May-June, The Society of Die Casting Engineers, Inc., 1982.