Kumpel2013 PDF
Kumpel2013 PDF
Kumpel2013 PDF
Article history: Supplying piped water intermittently is a common practice throughout the world that
Received 13 February 2013 increases the risk of microbial contamination through multiple mechanisms. Converting
Received in revised form an intermittent supply to a continuous supply has the potential to improve the quality of
30 May 2013 water delivered to consumers. To understand the effects of this upgrade on water quality,
Accepted 31 May 2013 we tested samples from reservoirs, consumer taps, and drinking water provided by
Available online xxx households (e.g. from storage containers) from an intermittent and continuous supply in
HublieDharwad, India, over one year. Water samples were tested for total coliform,
Keywords: Escherichia coli, turbidity, free chlorine, and combined chlorine. While water quality was
Water distribution system similar at service reservoirs supplying the continuous and intermittent sections of the
Intermittent water supply network, indicator bacteria were detected more frequently and at higher concentrations in
Water quality samples from taps supplied intermittently compared to those supplied continuously
Continuous water supply ( p < 0.01). Detection of E. coli was rare in continuous supply, with 0.7% of tap samples
24/7 water supply positive compared to 31.7% of intermittent water supply tap samples positive for E. coli. In
India samples from both continuously and intermittently supplied taps, higher concentrations of
total coliform were measured after rainfall events. While source water quality declined
slightly during the rainy season, only tap water from intermittent supply had significantly
more indicator bacteria throughout the rainy season compared to the dry season. Drinking
water samples provided by households in both continuous and intermittent supplies
had higher concentrations of indicator bacteria than samples collected directly from taps.
Most households with continuous supply continued to store water for drinking, resulting in
re-contamination, which may reduce the benefits to water quality of converting to
continuous supply.
ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
2 w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3
Previous studies have found evidence of impaired water underground sewer networks (which cover 40% of Hubli’s area
quality at consumer taps in intermittently supplied systems and 30% of Dharwad’s area), open drains, septic tanks, and pit
(Raman et al., 1978; Tokajian and Hashwa, 2003; Ayoub and latrines (Wilbur Smith Associates Private Limited, 2009).
Malaeb, 2006; Yassin et al., 2006; Andey and Kelkar, 2007;
Elala et al., 2011). When pipes are at low pressure or are 2.2. Demonstration 24 7 supply
empty when supply is off, contaminants from outside of pipes
can enter pipes by backflow or intrusion. Additionally, inter- The Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project
mittent delivery of water necessitates household collection and (KUWASIP) has provided approximately 81,000 consumers
storage, a practice associated with recontamination (Wright with continuous water supply (“24 7” supply) through a
et al., 2004; Levy et al., 2008; Elala et al., 2011; Eshcol et al., 2009). demonstration project in Hubli and Dharwad since 2007 and
No major city in India has continuous water supply 2008, respectively (World Bank, 2010, 2004). Four wards in each
(McKenzie and Ray, 2009), though several cities in India have of Hubli and Dharwad have 24 7 supply while the remaining
implemented pilot projects or developed proposals to switch 59 wards continue to receive water intermittently. Wards
from intermittent to continuous supply (World Bank, 2010, were selected by KUWASIP for 24 7 supply based on criteria
2003; McIntosh and Yiguez, 1997). Improved water quality is of a socio-economically diverse population and the ability to
often mentioned as a benefit of upgrading an IWS to a contin- hydraulically isolate the ward’s network from the rest of the
uous supply, but only one study has compared water quality system (Sangameswaran et al., 2008).
between intermittent and continuous modes of operation, and The KUWS&DB provided bulk water from the Amminbhavi
its conclusions were limited by a small sample size (Andey and WTP to two reservoirs dedicated to supplying the 24 7
Kelkar, 2007). Because the costs of upgrading to continuous demonstration wards, one each in Hubli and Dharwad (Fig. 1).
supply may be significant, it is important to provide quantita- In the 24 7 areas, a private contractor operated and main-
tive evidence of whether the expected water quality benefits tained the distribution networks that pipe water from the
are actually achieved to aid decision-makers in identifying outlets of the service reservoirs to customers’ property lines; all
cost-effective strategies to upgrade intermittent supplies. of the pipes in these networks were replaced before launching
This research compares water quality at reservoirs, taps, 24 7 supply, with higher quality service line materials (high
and in drinking water in homes in intermittent and continu- density polyethylene (HDPE)) and meters than those that exis-
ously operated distribution systems in the same cities in ted in the intermittently supply network (World Bank, 2010).
India. The results are useful for understanding the benefits of The results from a sanitary survey conducted along with our
upgrading an intermittent to a continuous supply and can water sampling confirmed that infrastructure improvements
help inform investments to increase access to safe water in house service connections had accompanied the transition
through piped distribution systems. to 24 7 supply. Among households with IWS, 80% had taps
located above ground and 34% had taps located indoors, while
among households with 24 7 households, 99% of taps were
2. Background above ground level and 43% were indoors. Only infrastructure
relating to the water supply pipe network was improved as part
2.1. Study site of the 24 7 demonstration project; no changes were made to
existing wastewater or drainage systems. In the household
Hubli and Dharwad are twin cities with a combined population survey conducted as part of this study, 91% of households in
of over 900,000 in northern Karnataka, India (Registrar General 24 7 areas (n ¼ 1794) and 92% in IWS areas (n ¼ 1666) reported
of India, 2011). The bulk water supplies and distribution net- using private latrines and 6% of households in 24 7 and 4% in
works are managed by the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and IWS areas reported using public latrines.
Drainage Board (KUWS & DB) (Fig. 1). Surface water is drawn
from two sources: the Renukasagar Reservoir, fed by the Mala- 2.3. Comparison of intermittent and 24 7 supply
prabha River and located 65 km northeast of Dharwad, and the
rain-fed Neersagar lake located 20 km southwest of Hubli. The Leaks in distribution network pipes and poor quality materials
Amminbhavi and Kanvihonnapur water treatment plants (WTP) and fittings in consumer service connections can allow
treat the water using aeration, coagulation and flocculation with contamination to enter a distribution system as intrusion
alum, clarification, rapid sand filtration, and chlorination with when pipes are at low pressure. In the 24 7 network in 2011,
Cl2 gas. Treated water intended for drinking and domestic pur- an estimated 7e20% of the input water supply is lost through
poses is delivered via transmission/feeder mains (pumping or leaks, a rate similar to industrialized countries where these
gravity) to service reservoirs and then to consumers through the losses average 12% (Kingdom et al., 2006). Water loss esti-
distribution network pipes. Pipes are primarily cast iron mains mates in the IWS network were not available, but non-
and PVC service lines, with newer service lines made from HDPE. revenue water in Indian cities averages 44% (World Bank,
Additional chlorine is added sporadically at service reservoirs. 2010) and 60% of water losses in developing countries are
During the time of the study, water was provided intermittently estimated to be physical losses (Kingdom et al., 2006). Based
every one to eight days with a median frequency of five days. on the best available data, it appears that low pressure was
Consumers also commonly supplemented their water supply more prevalent in the IWS network than the 24 7 network,
with groundwater from handpumps, electric borewells, tanker with pressures reported to be between 0 and 5 m (0e7 psi) in
trucks, and neighborhood-scale piped groundwater systems. the IWS network and 22e40 m (31e57 psi) in the 24 7
Wastewater infrastructure consisted of a combination of network (World Bank, 2010). Pressures in IWS service lines
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3 3
measured by the authors ranged from 4 psi to 36 psi (Kumpel could affect water quality were also collected and used in
and Nelson, 2013). analyses.
The case of HublieDharwad provides an opportunity to
compare water quality between intermittent and 24 7 oper- 3.1. Sample collection
ation of water distribution systems given the same bulk water
input, environment, and socio-economic context. However, Water samples were collected in parallel with a study of the
since the 24 7 demonstration project also included use of effect of 24 7 water supply on child health and household
dedicated reservoirs and extensive pipe replacements, it was economics that enrolled 3919 households (enrollment pro-
not possible to isolate the effect of changing only modes of cedures and results reported elsewhere). For the survey,
operation. Instead, the comparison presented in this paper is the eight wards with 24 7 water supply were matched
between IWS with the existing network and 24 7 supply that with eight wards with intermittent supply that had similar
includes pipe and house service connection replacement and demographic and infrastructure characteristics (including
leak management. Current projects and proposals to convert frequency of garbage collection and percent of households
from intermittent to 24 7 water supply in India include with latrines and water taps) in 2006, which was before
similar infrastructure improvements (World Bank, 2003). implementation of 24 7 supply (CMDR, 2006). Using genetic
matching (GM) the four wards in each of Hubli and Dharwad
with 24 7 supply were matched with five wards in Hubli and
3. Materials and methods three in Dharwad with IWS (Fig. 4) (Sekhon and Grieve, 2008).
Water samples were collected between November 9, 2010 and
Samples were collected from reservoirs, household taps, November 17, 2011 in three repeated rounds of data collection.
and drinking water provided by households (points of con-
sumption) and tested for total coliform, Escherichia coli, and 3.1.1. Distribution system sampling
physico-chemical parameters. Household storage container A total of 624 samples in 24 7 wards and 602 samples from IWS
characteristics and information about the tap surroundings that wards were collected from taps used by households. Ideally,
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
4 w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3
sampling locations would have been randomly selected from an their child. This glass of water was poured into sample bottles.
entire ward to ensure balance between sampling locations in Of the 611 samples collected, 68% were from stored water
IWS and 24 7. However, this was not possible since in IWS containers with no treatment, 21% from stored water that had
wards, water delivery was unpredictable and only small sub- been treated, and 11% were directly from taps. Enumerators
sections of the ward receive water at the same time. There- also recorded characteristics of the storage containers and the
fore, 8e12 samples were collected during a visit to a ward from method used to extract water. 135 of the second and third
the areas where water was on at the time of sampling. The team round tap (n ¼ 728) and point-of-consumption (n ¼ 366) water
conducted 3e4 visits to each ward per round to collect at least 25 samples were collected from the same household (19% of tap
samples per ward per round. Since the nature of IWS dictated and 37% of point-of-consumption water samples).
the sampling strategy, the same procedure was emulated in
24 7 wards to achieve a balanced sample. In 24 7 wards, water 3.2. Sample analysis
samples taken on the same day were collected within the
boundaries of clusters, which were subdivisions of wards drawn Water samples for enumeration of bacteria were collected in
by the study team, to emulate IWS water supply areas. sterile 100 mL bottles with sodium thiosulfate to neutralize
Ideally, water samples would have been collected from residual chlorine. Samples were transported on ice to the
households enrolled in the study to coordinate data collection; laboratory for processing within 8 h. Samples were tested for
however, samples in the first round were collected before total coliform and E. coli by the most probable number (MPN)
households were enrolled in this study. Therefore, during the method using Colilert Quanti-tray 2000 (IDEXX Laboratories
first round, sampling locations were selected by walking along Inc., Westbrook, ME, USA). Samples were incubated at 35 C
the streets of the area receiving supply and selecting the third and counted after 24e28 h. Samples for physico-chemical
structure on the left side of each street in the bounded area. analysis were collected in clean 100 mL bottles and tested
During the second and third data collection rounds, samples for turbidity (Hach Portable Turbidimeter 2100Q) and con-
were, where possible, collected using a similar walking ductivity (HANNA Instruments pH/conductivity/TDS tester or
pattern but by selecting the first household enrolled in the Extech ExStik II pH/conductivity meter) within 8 h of sam-
health and economics study that could be located. In these pling. Free and total chlorine were tested on-site using a DPD
rounds, 366 (98.9%) of the samples from 24 7 household taps method (Hach Colorimeter II). Duplicates were collected for
and 225 (64.8%) from IWS household taps were from house- every 15 samples and field and lab blanks for every 10.
holds enrolled in the health and economics study. Fewer
samples were collected from enrolled households with IWS 3.3. Data analysis
because it was difficult to locate specific households within
the short water supply durations. If an enrolled household Microbial detection limits had a lower bound of <1 MPN/
could not be located or refused to participate, a non-enrolled 100 mL and an upper bound of >2419.6 MPN/100 mL. One half
household was selected using the first round procedure. was substituted for values below the lower detection limit and
Taps were flushed for at least 1 min before sampling and 2420 MPN/100 mL was substituted for samples above the
sterilized by spraying a chlorine solution. GPS coordinates upper detection limit. Statistical tests using indicator bacteria
were recorded and a short sanitary survey administered for data were performed on their rank values to account for
each tap sample. The sanitary survey included: tap location censoring at lower and upper limits. Log transformations for
(indoors/outdoors and at/below ground level), whether the total coliform and E. coli used a value of log10 (x þ 1). Un-
pipe before the tap was exposed, and presence of an open transformed data were used for turbidity, free and combined
drain less than 5 m from the tap (examples in Supporting chlorine, and conductivity. Tests for significance were per-
Information Fig. S1). formed using permutation tests, since this method does not
require assumptions about the distribution of the data. To
3.1.2. Service reservoirs control for correlations among measurements taken within
Where possible, one sample was collected from service reser- the same ward, permutations were restricted by ward
voirs that supplied water to a tap sampling area. More samples (Anderson and Braak, 2003). Two-way analyses of variance
were collected at the 24 7 reservoirs (n ¼ 69) than IWS res- (ANOVA) tests for continuous data and c2 for binary data were
ervoirs (n ¼ 23). Two reservoirs supplied all 24 7 wards, both performed within the permutation framework. Graphing and
of which were accessible for sampling, while seven reservoirs data analysis were carried out using R (R Core Team, 2012) and
and transmission lines supplied the IWS wards in the study. the permute package (Simpson, 2012). Values were considered
Not all supplying reservoirs could be accessed (locked, unsafe significant at p < 0.05 level.
ladder) and, in a few cases, the study team could not verify the
origin of the water supplying sample neighborhoods. A limited
number of samples were collected from the water treatment 4. Results and discussion
plants (WTPs), which were difficult to access and located at
remote locations compared to study wards. 4.1. Comparing 24 7 and intermittent supply at taps
3.1.3. Point-of-consumption sampling Water provided to the continuous (24 7) and intermittent
Enumerators collected water samples from households when (IWS) distribution networks was of similar quality, based on a
they administered the health and economics survey by asking comparison of water quality at the reservoirs (see Section 4.6).
respondents for a glass of water as they would have given to Thus, differences in water quality at taps can be attributed to
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3 5
the distribution system. Results from water samples collected (17.7%) (c2, p < 0.01). Concentrations of total coliform were
at consumer taps and tested for physico-chemical parameters higher at IWS taps (ANOVA, p < 0.01) (Fig. 2a). 15.9% of samples
and indicator bacteria are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 2. from IWS were at or above the detection limit of 2419.6 MPN/
The geometric mean of turbidity in all samples collected 100 mL, compared to 0.7% in 24 7. Significantly more sam-
from consumer taps was 4.9 NTU (range 0.95e113.00 NTU). ples were positive for E. coli in IWS samples than in 24 7
More than half of the samples in both IWS and 24 7 supplies samples (c2, <0.01). 1.2% of samples from IWS were at or above
were above the Indian Drinking Water Standards aesthetic the detection limit for E. coli of 2419.6 MPN/100 mL, while the
guideline of <5 NTU (Fig. 2b), though most samples (99.2% in maximum concentration in 24 7 samples was 3.1 MPN/
24 7 and 91.7% in IWS) were below the maximum permis- 100 mL.
sible limit of <10 NTU (BIS, 2004). There was no significant Indian Drinking Water Standards for piped water supplies
difference in the percent of samples meeting the standard in recommend that no more than 5% of samples should contain
IWS compared to 24 7 (c2, p > 0.05) (Table 1). There were coliform organisms and no sample should have a concentra-
more high and low turbidity outliers among IWS samples tion greater than 10 CFU/100 mL (BIS, 2004). 8.4% of 24 7
(Fig. 2a), but there was no significant difference between 24 7 samples and 53.1% of IWS samples had concentrations of total
and IWS tap sample means (ANOVA, p > 0.05) (Table 1). coliform greater than 10 MPN/100 mL. The standards also
Free chlorine in all tap samples ranged from <0.02 to recommend that E. coli should not be present in any samples;
2.20 mg/L with an arithmetic mean concentration of 0.28 mg/ 99.3% of samples from 24 7 taps met the standard for E. coli
L. A significantly higher proportion of samples from 24 7 compared to 68.3% of samples from IWS taps.
taps met the minimum standard concentration of 0.20 mg/L Water quality parameters in IWS samples were variable,
(BIS, 2004) compared to samples from IWS taps (c2, p < 0.01) with large ranges and frequent outliers (Fig. 2a). More frequent
(Table 1). While the median free chlorine concentration was detection of indicator bacteria in the IWS network than in the
higher in 24 7 than IWS taps (0.27 mg/L compared to 0.13 mg/ 24 7 networks suggest that contamination occurred in the
L), this difference was not significant (ANOVA, p > 0.05) (Table IWS distribution system. This contamination could be from
1). This result is likely influenced by high value outliers in IWS backflow (e.g. intrusion from the environment or back-
taps (Fig. 2a); 18.8% of IWS samples were above 0.5 mg/L free siphonage from cross-connections) into pipe networks when
chlorine while only 5.0% of 24 7 samples were above this supply is off or during low-pressure events when the supply is
value (Fig. 2b). This suggests that there was uneven or irreg- on (Karim et al., 2003; Besner et al., 2011), resuspension or
ular dosing at IWS service reservoirs. Mean combined chlorine scouring of particulate matter harboring bacteria from pipe
in all tap samples was 0.14 mg/L (range 0e1.26 mg/L), and walls (Lehtola et al., 2004; Zacheus et al., 2001), or release from
there were no significant differences in combined chlorine at biofilms (van der Wende et al., 1989; Telgmann et al., 2004).
24 7 and IWS taps (ANOVA, p > 0.5) (Table 1). These results are consistent with Andey and Kelkar (2007),
Fig. 2b shows the percent of samples grouped by World which found more samples positive for fecal indicator bacte-
Health Organization guidelines for risk posed by E. coli (WHO, ria in IWS and CWS, though this study was limited by a small
1997); here they are also applied to total coliform. Overall, sample size. The presence of total coliform in 24 7 tap water
indicator bacteria were detected more frequently and in suggests there are still factors compromising the 24 7 dis-
higher concentrations in IWS tap samples compared to 24 7 tribution system, including high turbidity, low free chlorine
tap samples. A significantly higher proportion of samples residual, and interruptions to supply (discussed in Section
were positive for total coliform in IWS (64.9%) than 24 7 4.3.1).
Table 1 e Descriptive statistics for samples collected from consumer taps including the number of samples (n), quantiles,
percent of samples meeting criteria, and significance testing.
Supply n Quantiles Meeting standards
Min 25% Median 75% Max p-value Criteriab % p-valuec
Turbidity (NTU) 24 7 618 1.18 4.02 5.25 6.28 20.8 0.18 <5 44.5 0.98
IWS 586 0.95 3.57 5.28 6.81 113 44.4
Free chlorine (mg/L) 24 7 575 <0.02 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.98 0.48 >0.2 68.3 0.02*
IWS 557 <0.02 0.07 0.13 0.33 2.2 39.9
Combined chlorine (mg/L) 24 7 563 <0.02 0.1 0.14 0.18 0.57 0.91 84.4
IWS 551 <0.02 0.09 0.12 0.16 1.26 89.3
Total coliform 24 7 586 <0.02 <1 <1 <1 >2419.6 <0.01** <1 82.3 <0.01**
(MPN/100 mL) IWS 589 <1 <1 18.5 648.8 >2419.6 35.1
E. coli (MPN/100 mL) 24 7 587 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.1 <0.01** <1 99.3 <0.01**
IWS 589 <1 <1 <1 4.1 >2419.6 68.3
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
6 w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3
Log, MPN/100 mL
Log, MPN/100 mL
2 3 3
Log, NTU
1.5 2 2
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0 0 0
24x7 IWS 24x7 IWS 24x7 IWS 24x7 IWS
(a) Box and whisker plots
Turbidity Free chlorine Total coliform E. coli
n= 618 586 n= 575 557 n= 586 589 n= 587 589
100 100 100 100
% of samples
50 50 50 50
0 0 0 0
24x7 IWS 24x7 IWS 24x7 IWS 24x7 IWS
Turbidity (NTU) Free Chlorine (mg/L) Risk (MPN/100 mL)
<5 5−10 >10 >0.5 .2−.5 < 0.2 Compliance (<1) High (101−1000)
Low (1−10) Very high (>1001)
Moderate (11−100)
4.2. Seasonal changes Among service reservoirs, there was higher turbidity dur-
ing the rainy season than in the dry season (ANOVA, p < 0.05),
HublieDharwad receives rainfall seasonally, with a dry sea- and after rain occurred in the 24 h before sampling in any
son from JanuaryeMay (comprising of winter from Januar- season (ANOVA, p < 0.01) (data not shown). No other water
yeFebruary and summer from MarcheMay) and a rainy quality parameter was significantly different during the rainy
season from JuneeDecember. Historically, 65% of annual season compared to the dry season in service reservoirs.
rainfall accumulates during the southwest monsoon from Higher turbidity and lower free chlorine concentrations in
June to September and the remaining accumulates during the samples from both 24 7 and IWS taps occurred during the
northeast monsoon from October to December (CGWB, 2008). rainy season (ANOVA, p < 0.01) (Fig. 3). Lower concentrations
Unique conditions during both dry and rainy seasons can of free chlorine during the rainy season were likely due to
potentially adversely affect water quality. At the end of the dry higher chlorine demand from organic matter in source water.
season, water levels in the raw water reservoirs were low and In 24 7 wards, there was an increase in total coliform
sediments may have been drawn in with the bulk water. During concentration at the start of the rainy season in June (Fig. 3),
the wet season, runoff likely introduced sediments into source though there was no significant difference in total coliform
water from the watershed. Ambient temperatures are at their concentration between the dry and rainy seasons. Samples
highest during the end of the dry season (Fig. 3). High temper- taken from 24 7 taps after rain had occurred in the previous
atures have been shown to be positively related to bacteria 24 h had lower free chlorine concentration and higher
concentrations and inversely related to free chlorine concen- turbidity (ANOVA, p < 0.01), as well as higher total coliform
trations (Francisque et al., 2009; LeChevallier et al., 1996). concentration (ANOVA, p < 0.05).
However, throughout the rainy season or when rain occurs in In IWS wards, concentrations of indicator bacteria were
any season, soil surrounding pipes can become saturated and lower during the winter months and increased in April, which
drains and sewers can overflow, providing backpressure that was also when the first rains began, the ambient temperature
can force intrusion of contaminants into pipes. was highest and the water levels in the sources were at their
Monthly precipitation and mean daily ambient tempera- lowest (Fig. 3). Concentrations of total coliform and E. coli were
tures are presented in Fig. 3 along with daily means of significantly higher in the rainy seasons (ANOVA, p < 0.01).
turbidity and free chlorine and daily medians of indicator Free chlorine was significantly lower and total coliform and E.
bacteria. Temperature in tap samples ranged from 23 to 29 C coli concentrations were higher when rain occurred within
during round 1 of data collection (Nov 2010eFeb 2011) and 24 h of sampling at IWS taps (ANOVA, p < 0.01); differences in
from 28 to 30 C during round 2 (MareJun 2011). turbidity were not significant.
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3 7
24x7 IWS
Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep
5 5
0 0
0.8 0.8
Free chlorine (mg/L) Free chlorine (mg/L)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
DL Total coliform Total coliform DL
3 3
(Log, MPN/100mL) (Log, MPN/100mL)
2 2
1 1
0 0
3 3
E. coli E. coli
2 (Log, MPN/100mL) (Log, MPN/100mL) 2
1 1
0 0
Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep
Fig. 3 e Water quality parameters over time in tap samples. Shaded rectangles denote the rainy season. The top line
presents repeated plots of total monthly rainfall and a smoothed fitted cubic line of daily ambient temperature. Daily means
are plotted for turbidity and free chlorine and daily medians plotted for total coliform and E. coli. Each ward is plotted with a
different symbol. Temperature data: meteorological station in Gadag, India (http://www.wunderground.com/global/
stations/43201.html) Rainfall data: India Meteorological Department Hydromet Division (IMD).
Overall, the seasonal analysis suggests that source water quality in both IWS and 24 7 wards was highly dependent on
quality declined slightly (indicated by higher turbidity) local factors.
during the rainy season, resulting in lower chlorine re- Ward 10, which had the highest percentage of samples
siduals. In 24 7, the sampling frequency was not high positive for total coliform among 24 7 wards (Fig. 5), is
enough to identify whether the total coliform after rainfall adjacent to ward 11 (Fig. 4), which had the lowest percent of
events came from service reservoirs or the distribution positive samples (Fig. 5). Given that source water quality and
network. In IWS, greater concentrations of indicator bacte- water distribution system infrastructure should be similar in
ria in every season, which increased on average in both the 24 7 wards, the differences were likely due to the local
rainy season as well as after specific rainfall events, provide environment or operational factors in wards 10 and 11.
strong evidence that intrusion occurred in the distribution A similar percentage of samples were positive for total
system. coliform with similar concentrations in IWS wards 14 and 25
as in 24 7 ward 10, illustrating that IWS can potentially
4.3. Variability between wards provide water with similar levels of indicator bacteria as 24 7
(similar trends were observed with E. coli; data not shown)
Each ward has different operations, infrastructure, and envi- (Fig. 5). Differences in the percent of samples with >0.2 mg/L
ronments that could affect water quality; therefore, it is useful free chlorine could not explain the total coliform results,
to compare water quality between wards. The spatial distri- except that the IWS wards where total coliform was detected
bution of total coliform concentrations in tap samples shows more frequently also had persistent low or non-detectable
this heterogeneity (Fig. 4). These data suggest that water chlorine (Fig. 5).
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
8 w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3
Fig. 4 e Total coliform concentrations at each consumer tap sampling point in Hubli and Dharwad.
However, it is important to note that IWS samples were economic survey, households reported the frequency and
collected after supply had been turned on for at least a few duration of interruptions they experienced in the last month.
minutes. Therefore, the water quality data presented here do 51% of these households with 24 7 supply reported at least
not capture the lower water quality observed during the initial one outage during the study period. 9% of these outages lasted
flushing period (documented in a separate study by Kumpel for less than 1 h, 42% for 1e6 h, 45% for 6e24 h, and the
and Nelson (2013)). Elevated concentrations of indicator bac- remaining 4% for more than 24 h. These interruptions varied
teria during flushing in IWS can have important implications from a single household to street or ward-level outages (likely
for the quality of water available to consumers. caused by repairs or insufficient water in the reservoir).
Potential factors that could have been different between During the first round of data collection, all wards except 8
wards include environmental conditions that provide sources and 11 reportedly experienced at least one interruption, while
of contamination, and operations such as outages or changes in subsequent rounds, interruptions were reported in every
in upstream supply pressure that cause low pressure. Also, ward. It is possible that some of the observed contamination
high water age, which would vary by ward, can result in in 24 7 taps resulted from supply interruptions, but since
regrowth of bacteria and loss of chlorine residual. The households did not report dates of supply outages, it cannot
following section discusses interruptions in 24 7, and a more be confirmed.
detailed investigation of contamination mechanisms in IWS is
reported in a separate manuscript. 4.4. Variability within wards
4.3.1. Interruptions to continuous supply The distribution of E. coli in each ward varied by sampling day
Supply in the 24 7 distribution network was occasionally (Fig. 6). Five of the eight 24 7 wards had no samples positive
interrupted during the sampling period. In the health and for E. coli.
Fig. 5 e Percent (%) of samples positive for total coliform and percent of samples with ‡0.2 mg/L free chlorine in each ward.
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3 9
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Ward 11 Ward 8 Ward 28 Ward 32 Ward 9 Ward 27 Ward 29 Ward 10
24x7: 0.4
IWS: 0.4
Ward 25 Ward 14 Ward 16 Ward 38 Ward 18 Ward 58 Ward 63 Ward 57
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
E. coli (Log, MPN/100 mL)
Fig. 6 e CDFs of E. coli for each ward by day, with wards in the same order as in Fig. 5. Colors represent different rounds of
data collection. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
All IWS wards were subject to similar supply durations and subject to chronic problems in sections of the distribution
frequencies, though they resulted in a wide range of water network.
quality parameter values. IWS wards that had fewer samples In wards 57 and 58, E. coli were detected on every sampling
positive for total coliform (wards 25, 14, Fig. 5) had samples day, with similar frequencies and concentrations observed in
positive for E. coli occur on only a few sampling days and at every cluster and round. This pattern suggests chronic prob-
lower concentrations than other wards (Fig. 6). Wards 16 and lems with the distribution network infrastructure, environ-
38 had one day with most or all samples positive for E. coli, mental conditions, or operations in these wards.
suggesting contamination from environmental or operational A sanitary survey of each house service connection was
changes on a particular day. conducted to collect data on factors hypothesized to
Wards 38 and 18 had a similar percentage of samples contribute to localized intrusion before the tap. A Krus-
positive for total coliform (Fig. 5), however Fig. 6 reveals kaleWallis test was performed for each sanitary survey factor
different patterns of contamination. Half of sampling days in within each ward. The association between each sanitary
both wards had at least one positive sample, however, in survey factor and total coliform concentration was inconsis-
ward 38, contamination occurred in different clusters and on tent across wards (Table S1), suggesting that the sanitary
different days while in ward 18, several clusters repeatedly survey was not informative about water quality at taps. It
had positive samples over multiple sampling days. This appears that underground infrastructure, such as pipe con-
suggests that contamination in ward 38 may have been due dition, and operational features, such as pressures and flow
to environmental or operational changes in a particular rates, play a more important role in determining water quality
location on a particular day, while ward 18 may have been at the taps than the factors assessed in the sanitary survey.
Fig. 7 e Percentage of samples meeting risk levels for total coliform and E. coli grouped by free chlorine concentrations.
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
10 w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3
4.5. Chlorine residual and indicator bacteria 4.6. Water quality in water treatment plants and
In both 24 7 and IWS tap samples, indicator bacteria were
detected less frequently and at lower concentrations when The two surface water sources supplying water to HublieD-
there was higher chlorine residual (Fig. 7). Three of the four harwad had different conductivity ranges: conductivity at the
samples positive for E. coli at 24 7 taps occurred when chlorine Amminbhavi WTP ranged from 147 to 267 mS/cm and at the
was below the recommended guideline of <0.2 mg/L. The Kanvihonnapur WTP ranged from 415 to 488 mS/cm (see
detection of indicator bacteria when free chlorine was still Supporting Information Fig. S2). Thus, conductivity was a
present, particularly at levels >0.5 mg/L, suggest that indicator convenient tracer for source water. Since IWS wards were
bacteria were protected from inactivation through aggregation supplied with water from both WTPs while 24 7 wards
with other particles (Herson et al., 1987; Ridgway and Olson, received water from only the Amminbhavi WTP, conductivity
1982) or that water became contaminated through very local was used to distinguish sources and assess whether treated
intrusion or sloughing or scouring of biofilms. water quality from WTPs was comparable.
1.8 1.5
0.8 0.5
0.4 0.0
0.0 −0.6
WTPs Reservoirs Taps Reservoirs Taps WTPs Reservoirs Taps PoC Reservoirs Taps PoC
80 80
% of samples
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
WTPs Reservoirs Tap PoC Reservoirs Tap PoC WTPs Reservoirs Taps PoC Reservoirs Taps PoC
(b) Total coliform and E. coli by risk group along the distribution system
Fig. 8 e Comparison of all water quality parameters between 24 3 7 and IWS throughout the distribution system: water
treatment plants (WTPs), service reservoirs, consumer taps, and point-of-consumption (PoC). 8(a) Box and whisker plots
show the median, lower and upper quartiles, and outliers. 8(b) Percentage of samples in risk levels based on WHO
Please cite this article in press as: Kumpel, E., Nelson, K.L., Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and
continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3 11
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continuous piped water supply, Water Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.058
12 w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 3
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