Course Overview: Non Conventional Resources Include Solar Energy, Wind, Falling Water, The
Course Overview: Non Conventional Resources Include Solar Energy, Wind, Falling Water, The
Course Overview: Non Conventional Resources Include Solar Energy, Wind, Falling Water, The
The detailed syllabus for Non-Conventional Energy Sources B.Tech 2016-2017 (R16) third year
second sem is as follows.
Course Overview: Non Conventional resources include solar energy, wind, falling water, the
heat of the earth (geothermal), plant materials (biomass), waves, ocean currents, temperature
differences in the
oceans and the energy of the tides. Non Conventional energy technologies produce power, heat
or mechanical energy by converting those resources either to electricity orto motive power.
The policy maker concerned with development of the national grid system will focus on those
resources that have established themselves commercially and are cost effective for on grid
applications. Such commercial technologies include hydroelectric power, solar energy, fuels
derived from biomass, wind energy and geothermal energy. Wave, ocean current, ocean thermal
and other technologies that are in the research or early commercial stage, as well as non-electric
Non Conventional energy technologies, such as solar water heaters and geothermal heat pumps,
are also based on Non Conventional resources, but outside the scope of this Manual.
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
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UNIT – II: Solar Energy-Energy available form Sun, Solar radiation data, Solar energy
conversion into
heat, Flat plate and Concentrating collectors, Mathematical analysis of Flat plate collectors and
collector efficiency, Principle of Natural and Forced convection, Solar engines-Stirling, Brayton
engines, Photovoltaic, p-n junction, solar cells, PV systems, Stand-alone, Grid connected solar
power satellite.
UNIT – III : Wind energy conversion, General formula -Lift and Drag- Basis of wind energy
conversion – Effect of density, frequency variances, angle of attack, and wind speed. Windmill
rotors Horizontal axis and vertical axis rotors. Determination of torque coefficient, Induction
type generators- working principle.
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Ashok V Desai, Non-Conventional Energy, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, 2003
K M, Non-Conventional Energy Systems, Wheeler Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2003.
For all other B.Tech 3rd Year 2nd Sem syllabus go to JNTUH B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
(Material Science and Nano Technology) 3rd Year 2nd Sem Course Structure for (R16) Batch.
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