Design of FRP Structures: in Seismic Zone
Design of FRP Structures: in Seismic Zone
Design of FRP Structures: in Seismic Zone
Design of FRP structures in seismic zone
Giosuè Boscato(**)
Carlo Casalegno(*)
Salvatore Russo(*)
(*) IUAV University of Venice, Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments,
Dorsoduro 2206, 30123, Venice, Italy, phone +39 041 2571290 fax +39 041 5312988;
[email protected]
(**) IUAV University of Venice, Laboratory of Strength of Materials (LabSCo), Via Torino 153/A -
30173 Mestre, Venice, Italy, phone +39 041 2571481 fax +39 041 5312988; [email protected]
The use of FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) material in the structural engineering field is by now
current practice and supported by theoretical studies as well as many applications and constructions.
FRP material is widely accepted in the strengthening of existing structures (made by reinforced
concrete, steel, wood and masonry) but not yet commonly used for new buildings even if some
recent all-FRP constructions, in particular built with FRP members made by pultrusion process, are
very promising.
The study of the structural behaviour of pultruded FRP members, especially in the case of static
loads, has been widely developed. Instead, for what concerns the dynamic response, very few
experimental and analytical research projects have been proposed. The issue is particularly
interesting because of the mechanical characteristics of pultruded FRP material. The elastic-brittle
constitutive law with anisotropic mechanical behaviour imposes some specific precautions, while
the high durability, the low density of 1700-1900 kg/m3 and the relatively high values of strength
suggest its potential and promising application also in seismic zones.
The dynamic properties of pultruded FRP material are characterized by high periods of vibration,
low frequency and a spontaneous dissipative capacity of the dynamic actions due to its low density.
Currently there are no available guidances for the seismic design for structures with pultruded FRP
The aim of this manual is to address the issues related to the design of pultruded FRP structures
subjected to static and dynamic loading.
After a thorough introduction the manual gives a practical guidance on how to address the structural
design of pultruded FRP structures. The final part – chapter 5 - is dedicated to a new software,
named FRP-Design Software (FRP-DS), with which is possible set up to structural verifications in
supporting the common commercial numerical code.
For the use of this present manual it is considered fundamental that the reader is in possession of the
information already available in the following documents:
CNR-DT205/2007. Guide for the design and constructions of structures made of FRP pultruded
elements, National Research Council of Italy, Advisory Board on Technical Recommendations.
CEN TC250 WG4L, Ascione, J-F. Caron, P. Godonou, K. van IJselmuijden, J. Knippers, T.
Mottram, M. Oppe, M. Gantriis Sorensen, J. Taby, L. Tromp. Editors: L.Ascione, E. Gutierrez, S.
Dimova, A. Pinto, S. Denton. ‘Prospect for New Guidance in the Design of FRP,’ Support to the
implementation and further development of the Eurocodes, JRC Science and Policy Report
JRC99714, EUR 27666 EN, European Union, Luxembourg, (2016), p 171. ISBN 978-92-79-
54225-1 doi:10.2788/22306
NTC08. Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (last update of the Italian Building Code), Decree of
the Ministry of Infrastructures of 14th January 2008. (in Italian).
Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and
rules for buildings. EN1998-1:2004 (E): Formal Vote Version (Stage 49), 2004.
In Chapter 2 (pp. 21 - 35), BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR THE SEISMIC ANALYSIS, the synthesis
of the key-aspects related to the seismic design, such as the definition of period of vibration,
damping coefficient, behaviour factor and the dissipation capacity are discussed.
Chapter 5 (pp. 95 - 116), FRP DESIGN SOFTWARE (FRP-DS), illustrates the features of the FRP-
Design Software.
The authors thank Top Glass SpA ( for the understanding of the potential capacity
of the pultruded FRP material in civil engineering, architecture and construction fields. This work
was possible thanks to the fundamental support of the Top Glass SpA and OCV Italia Srl - OWENS
CORNING ( and Polynt ( as official suppliers of raw materials used
for the manufacturing of profiles used in experimental tests.
The authors thank also Eng. Mauro Calderan, from IUAV University of Venice, Italy, who
collaborated to the build the FRP-DS software.
1.1. Overview
1.2. Materials and manufacturing
1.3. Normative, design guidelines and technical references
1.4. Constructions and applications with pultruded FRP profiles
3.1. Statement of the structural design
3.2. Materials
3.3. Basic assumptions
3.4. Load analysis
3.4.1. Permanent loads
3.4.2. Variable loads
3.4.3. Seismic analysis Modal analysis Spectral analysis Elastic response spectrum Design spectra for ULS design Displacement response spectra Pushover analysis
3.5. ULS analysis
3.5.1. Forces and moments diagrams Axial force Bending moment Shear force Torsional moment
3.5.2. Example of verification of a compressed member
3.6. SLS analysis
3.6.1. Forces and moments diagrams Axial force Bending moment Shear force Torsional moment
3.6.2. Verification of elements Stresses Deformations
3.7. Joint's verification
3.7.1. Net-tension failure of the plate
3.7.2. Shear-out failure of the plate
3.7.3. Bearing failure of the plate
3.7.4. Shear failure of the steel bolt
3.8. References
4.1. References
4.2. Symbols
4.3. Verification’s functions
4.4. References
Manual by Top Glass S.p.A. and IUAV University of Venice
Design of FRP structures in seismic zone
1.1. Overview
Starting from the 90's there has been a significant increase throughout the world in the use of
pultruded FRP members in primary load-bearing systems for general constructions, as well as for
strengthening and rehabilitation of existing structures. The interest in this material lies in the several
advantages that it offers compared with traditional construction materials, such as the corrosion
resistance, the durability, the high strength to weight ratio, the versatility and the ease of
transportation and erection.
FRP structural profiles are commonly produced through the pultrusion process. General profiles
present the same cross-sectional shapes (I, H, leg-angle, channel, box, etc.) as found in structural
steelwork. They consist of fibre reinforcement with layers of unidirectional roving along Z-direction
covered by continuous mats, in X- and Y-directions, in a resin-based matrix, see Figure 1.1.
The mass density of the pultruded FRP material is between 1700-1900 kg/m3, that is about 1/4 of
steel density, while the tensile strength in the longitudinal direction is more than 240 MPa.
Nevertheless, the use of FRP structural profiles in civil engineering presents also some sensitive
aspects, such as the high deformability, the anisotropic and brittle-elastic behavior. The longitudinal
modulus of elasticity lies in the range of 20-30 GPa and both the elastic modulus and the strength
values are significantly lower in the transversal direction, where the influence of the matrix is
dominant due to the pultrusion process. Moreover, the pultruded FRP material presents different
characteristics in tension and compression. In general, the risk of buckling tends to govern the
Due to the brittle-elastic behavior of the material, it is not possible to take advantage of the plastic
deformation and of the related dissipation capacity; this aspect partially influences the seismic
design approach. Nevertheless, some ductile phenomena are observed focusing on structural
systems, particularly on the moment–rotation curves of all-FRP beam-column connections.
Similarly to steel structures, the design of joints represents one of the most important aspects. The
preferred method of connecting the FRP profiles is by means of bolted joints that mimic steel
connections, sometimes used in conjunction with adhesives; the bolts are usually made of steel.
Nevertheless, due to the anisotropy the mechanical behavior of joints is more complex than that
realized with isotropic materials.
FRP materials are realized by the combination of fibres and matrix. The fibres generally used for
the realization of structural FRP composite members are carbon, aramid, PVA and glass; the glass
fibre is the most commonly employed, due to the relatively low cost and the good mechanical
properties. In general, pultruded FRP elements are realized with a volume percentage of continuous
filaments of fibres around 40%. The mechanical properties of the fibres are orders of magnitude
greater than those of the polymer resin that they reinforce. The function of the matrix is first of all
to protect the fibres. Moreover, it creates the continuity, through the cohesion, between the
filaments of fibres; it guarantees the transferring of the stresses between the fibres through its shear
stiffness and creates, through also the polymerization process, the desired shape. The matrices most
commonly employed for the realization of the fibre reinforced composites are polyester and
vinylester but they can be also thermoplastic, thermosetting and epoxy type. The mechanical
characteristics of some commonly used fibres and matrices are reported in Tables 1.1 and 1.2. The
tensile behavior of the FRP material is linear elastic up to failure, which is characterized by a brittle
mechanism. The behavior of the FRP material is anisotropic, due to fibres orientation, and - as
already specified - the mechanical performances in the transversal directions is significantly lower
than the one in the longitudinal direction.
The main manufacturing methods used to produce FRP material are the pultrusion process, the hand
lay-up, the filament winding and the molding process. Pultrusion is a continuous process used to
create FRP mono-dimensional elements with constant cross-section. A pultruded member can have
Reinforcing fibre Tensile strength (MPa) Elastic modulus (GPa) Ultimate strain (‰)
Carbon 2400-5700 230-400 3-18
Aramid 2400-3150 62-142 15-44
Glass 3300-4500 72-87 48-50
PVA 870-1350 8-28 90-170
Table 1.1. Mechanical properties of fibres
The static behavior of the FRP material and of FRP structural systems is nowadays studied quiet in-
depth, as demonstrated by the availability of several manuals, handbooks and scientific
publications. Nevertheless, to date a normative reference for the structural design with FRP
materials is not yet available, unless the recent CEN TC250 WG4 which gives finally a depth and
support in this so strategic design field. For what concerns the seismic response of pultruded FRP
elements/structures the researches are still growing. In the following the main normative references,
concerning the material properties, and the main available guidelines and literature references for
the design of FRP structures are listed.
Normative references:
EN 13121-1:2003 GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground – Part 1: Raw materials –
Specification conditions and acceptance conditions
Manual by Top Glass S.p.A. and IUAV University of Venice
Design of FRP structures in seismic zone
EN 13121-2:2003 GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground – Part 2: Composite materials –
Chemical resistance
EN 13121-3:2008 GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground – Part 3: Design and
EN 13121-4:2005 GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground – Part 4: Delivery, installation
and maintenance
ASTM D 790:2010 Standard test method for flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced
plastics and electrical insulating materials
ASTM D 2344:2006 Standard test method for short beam strength of polymer matrix composite
materials and laminates
ASTM D 3039:2008 Standard test method for tensile properties of polymer matrix composite
ASTM D 3410:2008 Standard test method for compressive properties of polymer matrix
composite materials with unsupported gage section by shear loading
ASTM D 3518:2007 Standard test method for in-plane shear response of polymer matrix
composite materials by tensile test of a ±45° laminate
ASTM D 4255:2007 Standard test method for in-plane shear properties of polymer matrix
composite materials by the rail shear method
CEN TC250 WG4L, Ascione, J-F. Caron, P. Godonou, K. van IJselmuijden, J. Knippers, T.
Mottram, M. Oppe, M. Gantriis Sorensen, J. Taby, L. Tromp. Editors: L.Ascione, E. Gutierrez,
S. Dimova, A. Pinto, S. Denton. ‘Prospect for New Guidance in the Design of FRP,’ Support to
the implementation and further development of the Eurocodes, JRC Science and Policy Report
JRC99714, EUR 27666 EN, European Union, Luxembourg, (2016), p 171. ISBN 978-92-79-
54225-1 doi:10.2788/22306
CUR 96 Fibre reinforced polymers in civil load bearing structures (Dutch recommendation,
EUROCOMP Structural design of polymer composites (Design code and background document,
BD90/05 Design of FRP bridges and highway structures (The Highways Agency, Scottish
Executive, Welsh Assembly Government, The Department for Regional Development Northern
Ireland, 2005)
CNR-DT 205/2007 Guide for the design and construction of structures made of pultruded FRP
elements (Italian National Research Council, 2008)
ACMA Pre-standard for load and resistance factor design of pultruded fiber polymer structures
(American Composites Manufacturer Association, 2010)
DIN 13121 Structural polymer components for building and construction (2010)
ASCE, 1984, Structural Plastics Design Manual, 1984, ASCE Manual No. 63, ASCE, VA.
D. Gay et al., Composite materials: design and applications, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002
L. C. Bank, Composites for construction – Structural design with FRP materials, John Wiley &
Sons Inc., New Jersey, 2006
B. D. Agarwal et al., Analysis and performance of fiber composites, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
New Jersey, 2006
Pecce, M. and Cosenza, E., ‘FRP structural profiles and shapes, in Wiley. Encyclopedia of
Composites, 2012 - Wiley Online Library.
Dedicated conference series:
The pultrusion process for producing FRP profiles was developed first in 1950s. Although the first
profiles were realized primarily for industrial applications, the potentials related to their adoption as
substitutes for conventional beams and columns in civil engineering applications were always
envisioned. By the late 1960s and early 1970s, in fact, a number of pultrusion companies were
producing I-shaped and tubular profiles.
The first large FRP structures were single-story frames realized for the electromagnetic and
computer industry. The electromagnetic transparency was the key advantage offered by the FRP
pultruded profiles in this field. In 1985 the Composite Technology Inc. designed and realized an
innovative EMI (electromagnetic interference) composite building for Apple Computer. Similar
structures where realized for IBM and others in the 1980s. Another significant use of FRP profiles
is found in the construction of cooling towers. In the bridge engineering field, pultruded FRP
profiles have been widely used since the mid-1970s. Hundreds of FRP footbridges have been
designed and realized all around the world. In 1992 a FRP footbridge 131 m long has been realized
in Aberfeldy, Scotland. A 127 m long FRP footbridge has been realized in 2012 in Floriadebrug,
Netherlands. The first pedestrian bridge (25 m of span length) in Italy has been realized in 2011 in
Prato. Another FRP pedestrian bridge 148 m long is actually under construction in Salerno. FRP
profiles have not been yet widely employed in multi-story residential and commercial buildings.
Neverthless, a significant prototype of a multi-story frame, called Eyecatcher, has been realized by
Fiberline in Basilea, Switzerland, in 1999. To date, the largest FRP strut and tie spatial structure
ever realized is probably represented by the 1,050 m2 by 30 m high FRP temporary shelter located
inside the church of Santa Maria Paganica in L’Aquila, Italy, in order to protect the monument after
the 2009 earthquake. Among other structural types, in 2014 a FRP grid-shell, made with pultruded
tubes, has been realized in Creteil, France. Also a demonstrative composite house has been built in
2012 in Borne, UK. More generally, a depth and updated overview of the all more significant
pultruded FRP structures realized is reported in CEN TC250 WG4L.
Besides, it is important to outline that the characteristics of pultruded FRP profiles, such as the
reduced density, the durability and the ease of erection make them particularly suitable for the use
in the field of the reinforcing of RC (reinforced concrete) structures or traditional masonry
structures, with particular regards for historical constructions. The structural reinforcement of these
buildings through the use of pultruded FRP profiles represents an efficient solution that allows
realizing non-invasive, reversible and durable interventions for the improving of the structural
performance with a very limited added structural mass.
Examples are the reinforcement of the timber deck of the Collicola Palace in Spoleto, Italy, through
H-shaped pultruded FRP profiles; the reinforcement of roof of the San Domenico Church in Siena,
Italy; the reinforcement of the Paludo bridge in Venice, Italy, which was necessary due to the
serious deterioration of the iron structure induced by the aggressive environment conditions.
Another example of interaction between FRP structural systems and historical construction is the
realization of an auxiliary floor in the Cogollo house in Vicenza (Figure 1.3), Italy, realized in order
to optimize the available space.
Following are illustrated some all-FRP constructions which are new and built in existing sites.
The beams of the spatial frame, illustrated in Figure 1.3, are wide flanges "H" shapes
(200x200x20x10 mm), while the built-up columns are assembled from four off-the-shelf pultruded
leg-angle-shaped sections having same cross-section dimensions (100x100 mm) and wall thickness
of 8 mm. The connection elements (angle) between FRP members, the bolts, and the braces are
made of stainless steel; the circular deck (diameter of 5 m) is made of 5 cm thick multilayer wooden
Figure 1.3 FRP spatial frame, Cogollo house in Vicenza, Italy, 1999 (measures in meters)
The auxiliary floor, shown in Figure 1.4, made of pultruded FRP profile, has been built in Verona
(Italy) and is constituted by:
- a double frame that with four and two vertical “I” (200x100x10 mm) FRP profiles supports,
through the steel cables, the auxiliary deck;
- the deck that is realized by coupled “I” FRP profiles that together with individual “I” profiles form
a structural grid; for all joints steel bolts and flanges have been used and the deck is realized by self
bearing panels with a capacity equal to 250 kg/ m2;
- the backstays that are steel cables of 6 mm of diameter.
The pedestrian “Paludo” bridge is a typical venetian bridge built at the end of XIX century, with
arch static scheme – 12.7 meters for the length and 3.25 meters for the width - built entirely with
iron and wood materials.
The flexural stiffness has been increased substituting the existing longitudinal wood beams with
double "I" shape pultruded FRP profiles (120x60x8 mm) assembled by bolted FRP plates (Figure
1.5). The details of Figure 1.5 show the workers operating facility to execute the cut (a), the holes
(b) and the final assemblage (c), the mechanical connection with the bridge abutments through the
galvanic steel gussets (d), the two “I” FRP profiles and the beam-beam joint realized through the
FRP pultruded plates and stainless bolts (e) and the final positioning in the thickness of the deck (f).
Figure 1.5 Rehabilitation of historic pedestrian bridge, Paludo bridge, Venice, Italy (2007).
The pedestrian bridge is fully made with pultruded FRP profiles, except steel bolts. The total length
of the footbridge is equal to 25 meters, with reinforced concrete piers and FRP ramps, see detail of
Figure 1.6; at the edges the access ramps have been designed with a staircase made in FRP and an
elevator. With a load bearing capacity of 5 kN/m² the bridge weighs only 8 tons. With the spatial
truss configuration the top chord is able to resist compression, while the lower chord has to resist
only to tension. The two frame trusses are strongly braced by a lateral system in the plane of its
chord in order to diminish the buckling effective length.
Figure 1.6 Plan, views and details of the spatial strut and tie all-FRP pedestrian bridge, Prato,
Italy (2013)
The temporary covering-structure of S.M. Paganica church, in L'Aquila, has been made of
pultruded FRP members (Figure 1.7) produced with grade 23 (EN 13706), see Table 1.4. The
structure is still inside the historic church and mentioned in CEN TC250 WG4L (2016). The truss
members are built-up “C” shape members connected with stainless steel bolts.
As shown in Figures 1.7 and 1.8, Structure 1 covers 607 m2 for the nave, having a maximum height
of 22.5 m; Structure 2 covers 266 m2 for the apse, having a maximum height of 29.4 m; Structure 3
(130 m2) protects cells along one longer side; Structure 4 (76 m2) is protecting the entrance-façade.
Figure 1.7 Plan and view of the spatial truss all-FRP structure, L’Aquila, Italy, 2010 (measure
in meters)
The frame joints use conventional steel bolts and gusset plates of FRP material made by the bag
molding process, see Figure 1.9. Detail (a) shows the built-up member’s cross-section comprising
four channel (C) profiles having same cross-section dimensions 152x46x9.5mm; while detail (b)
shows the connection between the built-up member’s cross-section of four channel (C) profiles
having same cross-section dimensions 300x100x15mm and bracings.
Figure 1.9 Details of joints of structure 1 (a) and structure 2 (b); L’Aquila (2010)
To facilitate the reading of this manual, in the following a short introduction in the form of sheets to
some aspects and based concepts of seismic design is presented.
4. Damping coefficient
5. Response spectra
6. Spectral analysis
7. Pushover analysis
8. Dissipative capacity
It is noted that the insights discussed in these short presentations are specific of the analyzes and
studies carried out in this manual. For more clarification, the specific texts present in the literature
and cited in every sheet are the following:
Chopra AK. Dynamics of structures, 3rd Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part 1: General rules, seismic actions
and rules for buildings. EN1998-1:2004 (E),: Formal Vote Version (Stage 49), 2004.
NTC08. Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (last update of the Italian Building Code), Decree of the
Ministry of Infrastructures of 14th January 2008. (in Italian).
damping coefficient
2n m
damped pulsation D n 1 2
Equation of motion of damped system is:
2 nu n2u 0
Coulomb-damped system SDoF subjected to seismic action
The Coulomb-damped free vibration is controlled by
sliding of two dry surfaces through friction.
For the analysis of multiple-degrees-of-freedom (MDoF) The 36 static degrees of freedom may be reduced to only 3
elastic systems, the development of the code-based lateral degrees of freedom for the dynamic analysis. The
equivalent lateral force (ELF) procedure (scheme a) and three dynamic d.o.f. are u1, u2 and u3 (see scheme c).
modal superposition analysis must be carried out. The relative displacements not include the ground
In the analysis of MDoF the basic assumptions are: the displacements.
vertical and rotational masses are not required; horizontal The flexibility matrix is simply a column-wise collection of
mass be lumped into the floors; floors are axially rigid; for displaced shapes. The lateral deflection under any loading
each joint (12, scheme b) three d.o.f. (degree of freedom) may be represented as a linear combination of the columns
must be computed (see joint 12, scheme b); motion is in the flexibility matrix (see schemes d, e and f).
predominantly lateral (see joint 4, scheme b).
c3 f * (t )
Dividing by mass m* and defining ci
Expliciting, with y=amplitude and *=generalized quantities
we have: *
mode 1 m1* y1 c1* y1 k1* y1 f1* (t ) mode 1 y 2 y 2 y f1 (t )
1 1 1 1 1 1 *
mode 2 m2* y2 c2* y 2 k2* y2 f 2* (t ) mode 2 y 2 y 2 y f 2 (t )
2 2 2 2 2 2 *
mode 3 m3* y3 c3* y 3 k3* y3 f 3* (t )
mode 3 y 2 y 2 y f 3 (t )
3 3 3 3 3 3
MDoF system subjected to earthquake force
For each floor the inertial force Fi is equal to mass times
M the total acceleration (ground acceleration ( ug scalar) The inertial force = sum of two vectors through the
influence coefficient vector R; R=1 for each mass that
and relative acceleration ( ur ,i vector)).
produces an inertial force triggered by horizontal
ug (t ) ur ,1 (t ) acceleration.
Fi (t ) M ug (t ) ur , 2 (t )
u (t ) u (t )
g r ,3
i Mi
i * T
k (rad/sec)
Natural circular frequency
1 (Hz)
T 2
Natural frequency
For every structure the natural modes of vibration correspond to the number of degree of freedom and represent the free
periodic oscillations of undamped elastic system.
When the system oscillates according to one of the natural modes, all the masses oscillate with the same pulse
(corresponding to the mode) and the same phase, by keeping unchanged the relationships between the amplitudes.
For each oscillation the masses reach the point of maximum displacement in the same instant.
Damping coefficient
The equivalent viscous damping coefficient ζ is the most used approach to analyze the dissipative capacity of structures
in dynamic field. ζ depends by effects induced by hysteretic behavior, internal friction of the material, geometrical
characteristics and typology of ground taking into account the structural response in the variation of time.
Free vibration with 10% damping coefficient ζ Free vibration with 3% damping coefficient ζ
Logarithmic decrement method
Band-width method
The logarithmic decrement is an experimental approach
The Half Power Bandwidth (HPB) method in the frequency
that takes into account a linear viscoelastic damping ζ.
range is employed to analyze experimentally the capacity
To evaluate the reduction in the amplitude values that the
of the specimens to dissipate the accumulated energy from
sinusoidal oscillatory behaviour exhibits in the time
the dynamic excitation. The bandwidth (BW) is the
domain, the method used is that of the logarithmic
frequency within a range of 3 dB, corresponding to the
decrement obtained from the ratio between two consecutive
measured dominant (first natural) frequency, f1, from the
maximum amplitudes in the time range of a damped period
action of the piling machine. This quantifies, indirectly, the
of one or more cycles, as in:
velocity from the accelerometer response from initial
1 x
ln 0 frequency fi to final frequency fi+1; where fi and fi+1 are the
cn xn two frequency limits for calculating BW. Damping
where δ=logarithmic decrement; cn=cycles number; coefficient ζ is given in terms of f1 and BW = (fi+1 - fi,) by
x0=initial amplitude; xn=final amplitude.
The damping coefficient (ζ) is determined through:
BW f1 1 2 2 2 N 11
2 2
1 2 2 2 N 11
2 2
4 2 where N = U/U* and U = U* - 3 dB, and U* is the peak
1 2
amplitude at f1. The relationship in Equation between ζ and
BW/f1 holds only for ζ 0.353, and by letting N=21/2 the
Equation can be simplified for small values of ζ i.e., when
expression for the damping coefficient is simplified to
(1- ζ2)0.5 is close to 1, becoming
2 f1
The representation of the seismic action components is the elastic response spectrum for a conventional damping
coefficient ζ of 5%. It provides the maximum acceleration response of the generic dynamic system with natural period
of T≤4s and is expressed as the product between the spectral shape and the maximum acceleration of the ground.
On the right the deformation response factor and phase angle for a damped system.
For NTC08 and Eurocode8 the equivalent viscous damping
coefficient ζ is taken into account through the damping
correction factor η=√(10/(5+ζ))≥0.55;
This equation vales for ULS (Ultimate Limit State); then
assuming ζ=5% (reinforced concrete RC structure) we have
η=1 (unchanged spectrum); with ζ=2-3% (steel structure)
η=1.2-1.12 (amplified spectrum); while with ζ=0% η=1.41
(amplified spectrum).
In brief passing from RC to steel structure increase the
horizontal components of the design response spectrum which
tend to maximize for ζ=0, that is for a elastic structure and,
therefore, extremely rigid with respect to a dissipative structure.
5a - Response spectra
SDoF system is subjected to ground motion ug(t); u(t)is fs(t)is the static force which must be applied to create the
the calculated displacement response. displacement u(t)
A response spectrum is a plot of a
maximum response, in
displacement or velocity or
acceleration form, of a SDoF
system with respect to a given
ground acceleration against
systems parameters (Tn (natural
period of vibration) and ζ
(damping coefficient)).
A response spectrum is calculated
numerically (through Duhamel
integral or time integration
methods) for (Tn and ζ).
Adapted from Chopra (2007)
Starting from the seismic action for specific soil
g (t ) :
characterized by u
g (t ) to SDoF system with Tn and fixed
-I apply u
damping coefficient ζ;
-I solve the problem calculating u(t) and plotting the
graph ω2u(t)in time domain;
-I calculate the maximum value of
spectral displacements SDe={u(t)}max
spectral pseudo-velocity SVe=ω{u(t)}max
spectral pseudo-acceleration SVe=ω2{u(t)}max
Following the relationship:
S De u t
S Ae
For a given seismic action the D-V-A
(Displacement, pseudo-Velocity, pseudo-
Acceleration) elastic response spectra summarizes
the behavior in term of maximum D-V-A of all
elastic SDoF system with 0<Tn< and fixed
damping coefficient. Combined D-V-A response spectrum for El-Centro ground motion
In detail pseudo-velocity is related to energy while with ζ=0, 2, 5, 10 and 20%, (Chopra 2007).
pseudo-acceleration is proportional to static load.
5b - Response spectra
The elastic response spectrum is obtained by many seismic events, and it isn't refered to the real earthquake.
The spectrum which characterizes the site is obtained as the envelope of the most response spectra.
The development of response spectra for a specific site requires a study of geological and seismological characteristics
of the site. It is known that the characteristics of seismic action are affected by the source that triggers the earthquake,
from the wave's directions up to the site and by local conditions.
For NTC08 the seismic action depends by VR=CUxVN (where VN=service life while CU=structural class).
The period return TR= VR/(ln(1-PVr) where PVr=probability of exceedance that changes in function of the different
damage levels (SLO=operational; SLD=immediate occupancy; SLV=life safety; SLC=collapse prevention).
For EC08 the recommended values for the no-collapse requirement are PNCR=10% (probability of excedeence) and
TNCR=475 years (return period) while for the damage limitation requirement are P DLR=10% (probability of excedeence)
and TDLR=95 years (return period).
Eurocode 8, 2004 and NTC08, 2008 shall be take into account for basic informations about ground conditions, seismic
actions and general parameters.
The horizontal component of acceleration is always higher than in the vertical direction. It can be seen that the elastic
response spectra from Eurocode 8 are significantly higher, and have different time differentials, than those obtained on
using NCT08.
Design spectra for ULS design
For the purpose of seismic design the dissipation capacity of any structure can be taken into consideration by
introducing a reduction factor to the elastic spectral accelerations. This is accomplished in Eurocode 8 (2004) and in
Italian Building Code (NCT08, 2008) by introducing q.
To ensure the structural design for the structure could be conservative, and when the material plasticity is minimal, the
factor q was set to be 1.0. In other words there was no reduction in the spectrum’s accelerations for the structural
analysis to establish the seismic performance.
Displacement response spectra
To gain an insight into how much horizontal displacement the structure is to experience due to ground movement the
displacement response spectrum, SDe(T), is obtained from the acceleration response spectrum (Se(T)), by using the
relationship: S De (T ) S e (T ) T
7 - Pushover analysis
In performance-based engineering it is necessary to obtain realistic estimates of inelastic deformations in structures so
that these deformations may be checked against deformation limits as established in the appropriate performance
criteria. Two basic methods are available for determining these inelastic deformations: Nonlinear static “pushover”
analysis and Nonlinear Dynamic Response History analysis.
In the non linear static analysis method a structure is subjected to gravity loading and a displacement-controlled
lateral load pattern which continuously increases through elastic and inelastic behavior until an ultimate condition is
reached. Lateral load may represent the range of base shear induced by earthquake loading.
Different types of non linear behaviour exist: mechanical (connected to the non linearity of the material), geometrical
(connected to the fact that the application point of the loads changes increasing the actions) and of beam-column
joints (connected to the interaction of structural elements).
The pushover analysis is based on: 1-Definition of capacity curve of MDoF system; 2-Definition of equivalent SDoF
system; 3-Calculation of capacity displacement (umax); 4-Calculation of displacement demand (dmax); 5-Comparison
between umax and dmax; 6-Validation when umax >dmax (see figure below).
The capacity curve= relationship between the horizontal displacement and horizontal force.
The demand curve is basically an elastic response spectrum that has been modified for expected performance and
equivalent viscous damping. The demand curve is used in concert with the capacity curve to predict the target
The expected displacement is determined locating on the capacity curve the displacement compatible with the seismic
action of the site. The identification of this displacement is pursued by operating in Acceleration Displacement
Response Spectrum (ADRS), and then describing the capacity curve and the response spectrum in terms of spectral
acceleration and spectral displacement. In the space ADRS the response spectrum and capacity curve should
respectively take the name of the Demand spectrum and Capacity spectrum capacity.
The different forms of horizontal actions are:
a)Uniform load proportional to the mass distribution
b)Triangular load proportional to the mass distribution
c)Horizontal load proportional to the lateral force distribution of the mode with the highest mass participation
The P-Δ effect must be taken into account. The P-Δ effect is a destabilizing moment equal to the force of gravity
multiplied by the horizontal displacement a structure undergoes when loaded laterally.
8a – Dissipative capacity
For the seismic design the dissipation capacity of any structure can be taken into consideration by introducing a
reduction factor to the elastic spectral accelerations. This is accomplished in standard codes by the behaviour factor q.
The design seismic action Sd(T) is given by the elastic response spectra with the elastic accelerations (forces) adjusted
downward by dividing by q. The determination of the q depends on the: materials; structural form; hyperstaticity degree
of structure; structural response (e.g. its ductility); soil-structure interaction. To ensure the structural design for the
structure could be conservative the factor q =1.0. In other words there was no reduction in the spectrum’s accelerations
in the elastic response spectrum for the structural analysis to establish the seismic performance.
The q factor is determined through kinematic or energetic equivalence conditions.
Kinematic equivalence for structure with higher period of Energetic equivalence for structure with short period of
vibration vibration
Fe umax Fe ue u
q q 1 2 max 2
Fy uy Fy u y uy
q 2 1 2 q 2 1
Elastic response spectra in SLS for horizontal and vertical Design response spectrum for ULS structural analysis
components based on Eurocode 8 (2004) and NTC08 (2008). based on using Eurocode 8 (2004) and NTC08 (2008).
8b - Dissipative capacity