Release 6.0: Technical Overview

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Technical Overview

ASSET Technical Overview

Release 6.0

Author: AIRCOM International

Date: 15 July 2020

Ref: I-SM-SR-EM-A3G-004
Version: 1

Sec. Class: Commercial in Confidence

Copyright 2007 AIRCOM International - All rights reserved. No part of this work, which is protected by copyright, may be reproduced in
any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or storage in an information
retrieval system – without the written permission of the copyright owner.
Commercial in Confidence


1 Document Control.............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Revision History........................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Reviewers................................................................................................................. 3
2 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4
3 Key Features and Functionality......................................................................................... 4
3.1 Propagation Modelling............................................................................................... 4
3.2 Coverage Analysis.................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Traffic Planning....................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Traffic Definition.................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Traffic Spreading................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Simulation and Analysis.......................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Monte Carlo Simulation.......................................................................................11
3.4.2 Output Arrays and Statistics................................................................................12
3.4.3 Compound Arrays...............................................................................................13
3.4.4 Pixel Analyser...................................................................................................... 14
3.4.5 Simulation Reports.............................................................................................. 15
3.5 Advanced Planning Algorithms...............................................................................15
3.5.1 Neighbour Planning.............................................................................................15
3.5.2 Frequency Planning............................................................................................15
3.5.3 Scrambling Code Planning..................................................................................16
3.5.4 PN Code Planning............................................................................................... 16
3.6 Other Features........................................................................................................ 16
3.6.1 Spreadsheet Data View.......................................................................................16
3.6.2 Reporting............................................................................................................. 17
4 Supported Technologies.................................................................................................. 17
4.1 GSM/GPRS/EDGE.................................................................................................. 17
4.2 UMTS...................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 HSDPA.................................................................................................................... 19
4.4 CDMA2000/EV-DO................................................................................................. 20
4.5 Mobile WiMAX......................................................................................................... 20
4.6 DVB-H..................................................................................................................... 21

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1 Document Control
1.1 Revision History
Revision Date Name Revision
1 03.07.04 D.Koster Update to new template
2 05/10.05 I. Dunn Removed references to Unlicensed
functionally i.e GSM, Frequency
planning, and GPRS. All
functionality required for full
CDMA2000 analysis remains.
3 16/03/06 D. Ramirez Updated screenshots. Added
HSDPA feature and New Sim details
4 27/6/06 N. Hathi Updated to include the new
functionality introduced in 5.2
5 19/10/06 P. Nahi Added information on new features
in 5.2.1 related to DVB-H and
updated the pixel analyser
6 18/09/07 Y. Gkekas Added features introduced in 6.0 and
made changes

1.2 Reviewers
Reviewer Date Feedback
A Blake

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2 Introduction
ASSET is a multi-technology planning and analysis tool aimed at providing cellular
network planners with comprehensive and powerful capability in planning and
analysing networks of all the key cellular\mobile radio network technologies. This
includes the main planning functions such as propagation modelling, CW data
analysis, coverage analysis, traffic planning and static simulation as well as more
advanced processes including neighbour planning and scrambling code planning.
All key mobile/cellular technologies are supported; GSM/GPRS/EDGE,
fixed & mobile WiMAX and DVB-H networks can be adequately planned and
This document presents an overview of the features and functionalities provided in
ASSET and details the key features available in version 6.0.

3 Key Features and Functionality

3.1 Propagation Modelling

ASSET version 6.0 provides the following propagation models:

 Standard Macro Cell Model
 Standard Micro Cell Model
 IEEE 802.16 SUI Model
 ITU-R P.1546-2 SLR Model

The Standard Macro Cell model is general purpose macro cellular propagation
model that considers the different elements of propagation in the wireless channel
through the definition of 7 parameters plus Clutter losses. This makes it highly
flexible and capable of modelling well-known models such as COST231,
Okumura-Hata. The Standard Macro Cell Model can be typically calibrated to 8 dB
standard deviation.
The standard ASSET Macro Cell model conforms to a basic formula for calculation
of path loss which incorporates clutter effects and diffraction losses:

Pathloss = k1+k2log(d)+k3(Hms)+k4log(Hms)+k5log(Heff)+k6log(Heff)log(d)+

Hms = Height of mobile

Heff = Effective base station antenna height
Diffn = Diffraction loss
Clutter_loss = Loss due to clutter

The path loss values can be fully customised by the planners by defining the k-
factor values.

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The Standard Micro Cell model is general purpose micro cellular propagation
model based on a pseudo ray-tracing technique that uses building outlines and
terrain height to model the propagation environment. The pathloss is calculated by
considering paths of direct and diffracted rays between the source and the
prediction point. Two types of model are used depending on whether there is a
LOS between the two points or not. The user can customize the pathloss values
by defining appropriate LOS and NLOS parameters plus Clutter specific and In-
building losses.

Figure 1: The pathloss parameters for the Standard Micro

Cell model

The IEEE 802.16 SUI (Stanford University Interim) model is one of the
recommended models for fixed access network planning. The SUI model is an
empirical model governed by a basic path loss equation:

 4  d 0  d  f 
L  20  log   10    log   6.0  log   X h  Ld  (Diff Loss)  Clutter Loss
    d0   2000 

d is the distance in metres

d0 = 100 metres
s is the shadow fading factor with a normal distribution
  a  b  hb 
h 
X h  10.8 log m  for Terrain Types A and B
 2.0 
h 
X h  20.0 log m  for Terrain Type C
 2. 0 

The path loss values can be controlled by defining the a, b and c values.

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The DVB-H standard suggests the use of the ITU-R P.1546-2 recommendation for
the purpose of calculating the received signal strength of the DVB-H signal. The
ITU-R P.1546-2 SLR model is included in v6.0 of ASSET.

For each different model type it is possible to define a loss for each clutter type to
be included in the pathloss calculation. It is also possible to specify receiver heights
which can be particularly useful for predicting signal levels and interference in tall
buildings. For the Macrocell and SUI models, height and separation can also be
selectively included in the propagation model for each clutter type.

Figure 2: The Clutter specific parameters and losses for the

Standard Macrocell model

The Macro Cell and SUI models also incorporate a choice of methods for
calculating the loss associated with multiple knife edge diffraction. These include:

 Epstein Peterson
 Bullington
 Deygout
 Japanese Atlas

Figure 3: The diffraction loss calculation


Different algorithms for calculating the effective base station antenna heights in the
Macro Cell model include:

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 Absolute
 Average
 Relative
 Slope

Figure 4: Effective antenna height algorithm

Model Tuning
The Standard Macro Cell propagation model can be tuned to improve the
accuracy of the predictions by using the Continuous Wave Analysis module. The
Continuous Wave (CW) measurement data can be imported from a variety of
sources to enhance the performance of user defined propagation models. The
analysis tool allows the users to differentiate between line of sight and non-line of
sight propagation and characterises the model according to different clutter

Figure 5: CW Measurements Options

The results of the CW analysis include calculations of average and RMS errors for
varying level of detail, from individual data bins through groups defined by clutter
category. The results are displayed in tabular form and can be exported into
Microsoft Excel.
Users can import continuous wave signals from Signia, Rhode and Schwarz,
Grayson, TMR and TOM files. When displaying the CW signal in the 2D view, it is
possible for users to change the size of the points that are displayed for each
measurement error. A regression line is also displayed for the Error vs. Log (d)

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Path Loss Predictions

Path loss predictions are calculated using the propagation models defined by the
users on per antenna basis.
Significant performance and user experience enhancements have been introduced
in version 6.0 of ASSET. Users are given the option to use multiple resolutions
and models for the path loss predictions of each antenna, e.g. use high resolution
closer to the antenna and a lower one for larger distances, where high accuracy is
not required. Multi-core predictions are also available enhancing the user
experience both in terms of the system performance and responsiveness.

Figure 6: Coverage analysis using multi-resolution (high close to the

site and lower for further distances)

ASSET gives users the possibility of

considering measured data (CW data) in
the path loss predictions. Functionality is
provided for this purpose which allows for
the specification of the weight with which
measurements will be considered.
Furthermore, users have the option to
interpolate predictions with
measurements by defining a roll off

Figure 7: Using measurements in the

pathloss predictions

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3.2 Coverage Analysis

After the path loss prediction calculation for the selected sites, coverage analysis
can be performed. It should be noted that the path loss predictor does not need to
be explicitly invoked before running predictions as during coverage analysis
predictions are generated automatically for any site\cell\antenna that does not
have up-to-date predictions.
The tool calculates the received signals from all cells and displays the best one for
each pixel on the 2D view using different colours depending on signal strength.
The signal level thresholds are user defined and any number of such thresholds
can be defined and saved as schemas.
The coverage analysis can be generated using the GSM Best Server wizard or the
technology specific Pilot Coverage wizard for the other technologies. As a quick
alternative the coverage analysis can also be performed from the 2D view toolbar
for single or multiple cells or sites.

Figure 8: UMTS Pilot Strength

The coverage can be displayed onto any mapping backdrop such as terrain height
data, land usage information and scanned maps. It can also be overlaid using a
stippling effect onto building information or roads.

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3.3 Traffic Planning

3.3.1 Traffic Definition

ASSET allows planners to create traffic forecasts through the definition of terminal
types. A terminal type models the RF characteristics of the terminal and its
geographical distribution within the network. The tool incorporates the facility for
network capacity planning using user defined traffic forecasts or actual traffic
information extracted from the BSC/RNC.

Dynamic Traffic Creation

The terminals can be spread over the network using 4 different terrain features:
clutter, open vectors, closed vectors and single points. The traffic can be specified
in terms of terminal density or absolute number of terminals over these features.

Figure 9: Definition of traffic per terminal type

Planners can define technology specific terminals according to the network to be

analysed and simulated. In order to facilitate the joint planning of GSM and UMTS
networks, a joint GSM/UMTS terminal type is also supported.
For terminal types used in the simulator it is also possible to specify the
percentage or weights per clutter type which are thereafter considered in the

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terminal distribution. Terminals can also be specified as being located “in building”
on per clutter type basis and thus allowing the user to generate specific indoor
analysis results. In addition, the effect of terminal speed is also considered the
simulator through the specification of various parameters related to the speed of
the mobile which is again clutter type specific.

Live Traffic Import

When network traffic statistics, extracted from the BSC/RNC are available, ASSET
provides planners with the functionality to use this information in order to define
the spread distribution over the network.
In this case the traffic information can be imported from files and spread over the
coverage area of the cell to with which that traffic is associated. In the case of
2G/2.5G networks, the data is first imported into the database and then spread
over the network whereas in the case of 3G networks the import and spreading
operation are performed at the same time.
For 3G networks, alternative option of defining the live traffic distribution in terms
of radio bearer specific measurements is also supported. Files containing
information about the bearers and their weighting in a given cell are imported into
the tool. The bearer weighting is defined in terms of Erlangs. The tool converts
bearer weighting into terminals per cell and spreads the terminals over the
coverage area of the cell.

3.3.2 Traffic Spreading

After the traffic distribution is performed using one of the abovementioned

methods, ASSET Traffic wizard is used in order to spread traffic over a given area
and create a traffic raster. Traffic rasters can be displayed on the 2D view showing
the exact traffic distribution for each terminal type.
Traffic rasters can be scaled to project increase in system load over time or to
carry out sensitivity analysis of nominal network. Furthermore if a pilot coverage
array or best server array is created, the traffic spread can be restricted to areas
where the pilot power/signal strength is above a certain specified threshold.

3.4 Simulation and Analysis

3.4.1 Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo simulation provides planners with means of analysing the

performance of multi-service networks. ASSET allows planners to simulate
UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA, Fixed & Mobile WiMAX and DVB-H networks. It also
supports joint simulation of GSM and UMTS networks.
After the configuration of the network elements and parameters (e.g. terminal
types, site/nodes/cells/sectors, bearers, services, etc.) is over, the simulator can
be run in order to generate an estimation of the network performance. The
simulator generates random distributions (i.e. snapshots) of the network traffic and
endeavours to serve the requested services. The performance of each snapshot is
measured by calculating a number of network parameters (e.g. signal strength,
best server, SINR, etc.) on each pixel. The overall network performance is
analysed by averaging the results across all snapshots based on Monte Carlo

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method. A passive scan is run for the terminal/service/bearer/carrier combination

of interest and stable Coverage results can be produced with only 20 snapshots.
As a quicker alternative to analyse the network reliably without running snapshots
which are time consuming, ASSET gives the option of calculating the network
traffic using user-definable uplink and downlink loads on per cell basis. The load
values are given by the user in the site database or otherwise they can
automatically be written after snapshots have been run.

Figure 10: Running the Monte Carlo simulator using cell


3.4.2 Output Arrays and Statistics

After the Monte Carlo simulator is run, the results of the calculated parameters for
each pixel are stored in different arrays, which can be displayed on the 2D view
using different colours and user defined thresholds. These arrays show the final
probability or mean values and they will help planners validate the suitability of
their network design. Arrays can also be saved in a format which will allow users
to run the simulation again or use for future comparisons.

Figure 11: Best RSCP array generated by the ASSET simulator

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3G Technologies
All arrays are produced on a per carrier basis. Most arrays have a dependency on
terminal type because body loss and terminal antenna gain are always included in
the link loss.
Many arrays depend on whether the terminal is taken to be indoor or outdoor.
Indoor arrays use the in-building parameters for the clutter type at each pixel (i.e.
indoor loss and indoor shadow-fading standard deviation). Indoor terminals are
always taken to be slow moving.
Coverage arrays can be drawn even if no snapshots have been run, but the user
should note that the arrays then refer to coverage in an unloaded system. To
obtain coverage arrays for a loaded system the user must run some snapshots.
Arrays for coverage tend to have a weak dependence on the number of snapshots
run, and the arrays change little after a relatively small number of snapshots have
been performed (10s of snapshots in most cases). This is because only a small
number of snapshots are needed to get an idea of the average noise rise and
average DL traffic power on each cell.
Arrays for hard or soft blocking probabilities have a strong dependence on the
number of snapshots run. This is because blocking is evaluated by reporting the
proportion of snapshots that would block further connections. For example, if the
user has run 1 snapshot then all blocking probabilities will be either 0% or 100%. If
5 snapshots have been run then all blocking probabilities will belong to the set
{0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%}.

Arrays can also be used to create comprehensive statistical reports over clutter
types, cells or vectors.

Figure 12: Statistics for simulator array

3.4.3 Compound Arrays

ASSET version 6.0 provides the capability to generate new arrays which are the
result of performing mathematical operations between several ASSET arrays
(listed in Section 3.6).
The functionality allows the production of arrays as simple as a “before and after”
difference arrays (Signal Strength 1- Signal Strength 2) or a “show me the RSCP
of the Best Server in the areas where the Ec/Io is over -6dB”, to complex
operations mixing output arrays from 2G and 3G networks. Operators available

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include +, -, >, >=, <, <=. It is also possible to chain operations using Boolean
operators such as AND and OR. These expressions and the generated output
arrays can both be saved for later use or analysis.

Figure 13: Compound Arrays Dialog

3.4.4 Pixel Analyser

The pixel analyser is a separate window that can be placed alongside a map view
in order to see detailed signal strength information that has been accumulated
during Monte Carlo simulations. The pixel analyser provides a strong functionality
for problem solving as it allows planners to perform analysis at pixel level in the 2D

Figure 14: Pixel Analyser Window

It is also possible to select a particular pixel using pixel select and transfer the
values related to that pixel into Microsoft Excel using Grid Export for further
analysis. In addition, users can also select to restrict the number of columns
displayed in the analyser window.

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In ASSET version 6.0, the pixel analyser has been enhanced to display signal
strength and signal quality along vector segments in the form of a line graph.

3.4.5 Simulation Reports

The Monte Carlo simulator produces analysis reports for 2G, 3G, joint GSM/UMTS
and WiMAX simulations. Each snapshot of the Monte Carlo simulation process
generates several outputs which are stored and processed to produce statistical
reports. The reports allow planners to view the performance of the area as a whole
and the performance of individual cells.
The Monte Carlo simulator generates some or all of the following reports, based
on the technology being simulated:

Composite Report: The performance per Service and Contribution to failures.

Cell Failure Report: Failures breakdown on a per Cell basis.
Cell Downlink Performance Report: The downlink performance per cell/per carrier
Cell Handover Report: The number and type of channels used per cell/per carrier.
Cell Throughput Report: The throughput achieved per cell/per service.
Cell Uplink Performance Report: The uplink performance per cell/per carrier.
Cell Blocking Report per Service: The reasons for connection failure on a per
cell/per service basis.

3.5 Advanced Planning Algorithms

3.5.1 Neighbour Planning

Based on the path loss predictions and on a series of user specific parameters
such as signal thresholds and number of covering cells, ASSET neighbour
planning algorithm generates neighbour relations between cells of the same or
different technologies and frequencies. The user can perform automatic planning
of neighbour relationships for GSM, intra- and inter-carrier UMTS, GSM and
UMTS, intra- and inter-carrier CDMA2000 and Mobile WiMAX. The results are
presented in a detailed neighbour analysis page where the user has the option of
editing\sanctioning any relationships and subsequently store them in the database.

3.5.2 Frequency Planning

Apart from the manual frequency planning for 2G networks, ASSET provides users
with a sophisticated automatic frequency planning tool (ILSA). Based on user
specified criteria, ILSA uses an advanced heuristic algorithm for the calculation of
the frequency plan which minimises the interference caused.

3.5.3 Scrambling Code Planning

ASSET includes the functionality to perform scrambling code planning for UMTS
networks. The algorithm uses path loss calculations to create an interference

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matrix. This matrix is used to ensure that codes assigned to a cell are generally
different to those of any of its interfering cells. The user can specify for each site in
the map view whether it should be planned, read-only or ignored. This will allow
code plans for adjacent regions to be merged. The scrambling codes will be
assigned to UMTS cells and stored in the database. It is possible to constrain the
code planner so that only newly added UMTS cells have codes assigned and
existing assignments remain unchanged. Multiple stages of planning can also be
supported. New cells can be planned and the old code assignments of adjacent
cells can be considered during the plan. All carriers can be planned in one go.

3.5.4 PN Code Planning

Similar to the UMTS Scrambling Code Planner, ASSET provides a PN Code

Planner for the CDMA2000/EV-DO sectors. The planner uses user specified
parameters such as code re-use distance, number of covering sectors and offset
spacing in order to assign appropriately the primary codes to the selected sectors.

3.6 Other Features

3.6.1 Spreadsheet Data View

Enterprise version 6.0 introduces a new feature allowing the user to easily view
and edit the site database entries. The data contained in an XML, Excel or CSV
(Comma Separated Values) file can be accessed using the feature and viewed as
spreadsheet. The user can then easily edit the entries by simply typing on them.
The feature allows for further flexibility by letting the user create new XML files for
any of the Site Database’s element (Cells, Sites, Antennas, etc.). The edited files
can be saved as XML files and imported to ASSET, as usual.

Figure 11: Spreadsheet data view

3.6.2 Reporting

The information contained in the site database is essential for the both the
planning process and the network management and maintenance. ENTERPRISE
provides a very useful reporting feature allowing the user decide which parameters
and also which filters to generate reports.

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Figure 15: Site/Node Reporter

4 Supported Technologies
ASSET supports all the main mobile and cellular technologies and provides with
technology specific elements such as Bearers, Terminal Types and Site/Cell/Node
parameters for a more reliable analysis of the planned network.
The general approach followed for all supported technologies consists of 3 main
parts; the definition of all network related parameters such as transmit powers,
antenna configurations used and available resources in the site database, the
specification of all air interface characteristics, such as bitrates and KPIs
requirements in the bearers and services and the definition of all terminal
characteristics such as transmit power capabilities and supported services in the
terminal types.
The supported technologies are GSM/GPRS/EDGE, AMPS/TDMA,
WiMAX and DVB-H.


ASSET provides a comprehensive and flexible modelling of the GSM and GPRS
networks. The user is able to define a desired frequency band with appropriate
carrier spacing and UL-DL separation or use one of the default ones. The GSM
channels are modelled using the carrier layers where the user has the option of
specifying the available carriers to use as well as the frequency re-use pattern.
The carrier layers are then associated to cell layers to be used by each GSM cell.

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Figure 16: GSM configuration

The interference and capacity analysis is possible by allocating specific carriers to

each cell layer and by defining the exact channel to transceiver mapping.
Frequency hopping is also supported in the tool.
In order to allow for more sophisticated network analysis ASSET introduces the
use of appropriately defined GSM+GPRS bearers, which are associated with
Services and Terminal Types. The GSM+GPRS bearers model the various bitrates
and the C/I requirements in the DL as well as AMR functionality. According to the
capabilities of the serving cell in terms of achieved C/I and available TRXs and
timeslots, the simulator provides accurate results on the expected KPIs as well as
detailed reporting on the throughput and connection failure statistics.

Figure 17: 2G and 2.5G Bearer dialog

4.2 UMTS

The UMTS modelling follows the same flexible and powerful approach of Bearers-
Services-Terminal Types of GSM technology but extended in order to allow for the
support of power control and soft(er) handover as well as both UL and DL
analysis. The code and generally resource limitations of UMTS networks are
modelled using the very flexible method of UMTS Resources definition and
consumption. Failure results due to resource limitations are also available after the

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Figure 18: UMTS UL Bearer

Finally the modelling and analysis of multiple carriers is also possible in ASSET by
defining the attenuation between adjacent carriers.


ASSET enables you to define and simulate the performance of HSDPA networks.
The HSDPA functionality is implemented as an add-on to UMTS cells. The
HSDPA configuration in ASSET starts with defining “HSDPA Resources” (Codes),
which will account for the limited number of codes available for HSDPA operation
(15 maximum codes). For the HSDPA Coding & Modulation schemes a default set
is provided (e.g. 16QAM with 2/4 code rate) and the user has the option to define
custom rates in the UMTS+HSDPA bearers. The “Air Interface” and “User” bitrates
are automatically calculated according to these parameters. The HS-SCCH power
is also user-specific in terms of P-CPICH power percentage and calculated only
for the time that the bearer is active.

Figure 19: HSDPA Bearers

The HSDPA traffic power is specified at the cell and can be fixed or dynamically
allocated based on the remaining available UMTS cell power. The allocation

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algorithm is explained in Figure 20. The supported MCS are also defined in the

HSDPA link power = min (max

HSDPA power, Available HSDPA

Figure 20: Dynamic allocation of the HSDPA power

4.4 CDMA2000/EV-DO

CDMA2000 and EV-DO networks can be adequately planned and analysed in

ASSET tool. The transmit powers of the various channels as well as the other
essential network parameters such as Radio Configuration, Noise Rise limit and
resource limits are defined on the BSs and sectors. The usual Bearers-Services-
Terminal Types approached is used for the modelling of bitrates and Eb/Nt
requirements and the simulator provides with detailed results in a series of specific
arrays and reports. Default bearers for both CDMA2000 and EV-DO are available
in ASSET while the user has the capability of adding more if needed.

Figure 21: CDMA2000 default bearers

4.5 Mobile WiMAX

In addition to the fixed access WiMAX introduced in version 5.2, ASSET version
6.0 supports mobile WiMAX technology based on IEEE 802.16e standard.
Mobile WiMAX network planning in ASSET allows for the modeling of portable and
mobile applications as well as nomadic ones. Users will be able to define WiMAX
sites/WiMAX CPEs and model WiMAX technologies such as, directional antennas,
MIMO antennas, adaptive modulation, sub-channelization and TX/RX diversity.
Traffic for WiMAX is modelled following ASSET’s flexible approach based on the
Bearers-Services-Terminal Types structure. Each bearer represents a modulation

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and coding scheme for a specific channel bandwidth. Each WiMAX service can be
supported on a single or multiple bearers. Users can prioritise bearers in terms of
throughput or manually.

Figure 22: Mobile WiMAX bearer

At the WiMAX cell level, the user can specify a number of WiMAX specific
parameters such as TX power, carrier and the sub-channelization ratios supported
by the sector etc.

4.6 DVB-H

DVB-H networks can be simulated using the ASSET UMTS Monte Carlo
Simulator. The SLR propagation model recommended by the ITU for DVB-H
networks is supported in ASSET version 6.0 (described in section 3.1) and a new
DVB-H specific output array (i.e. DVB-H C/I) is generated. The DVB-H parameters
required for the simulation are the Guard interval, the Symbol time and the
Terminal pass band and are given by the user in the Array Settings. The UMTS
Cell Pilot power is reused to represent the DVB-H downlink power.

Figure 23: DVB-H parameters

Author: AIRCOM International ASSET Technical Overview Page 21 of 22

Date: I-SM-SR-EM-A3G-004 Commercial in Confidence
Commercial in Confidence

Figure 24: Running the Monte Carlo simulator for a DVB-H network

Author: AIRCOM International ASSET Technical Overview Page 22 of 22

Date: I-SM-SR-EM-A3G-004 Commercial in Confidence

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