Moodle 2.0 - Basics Steps
Moodle 2.0 - Basics Steps
Moodle 2.0 - Basics Steps
Copyright in the information in this manual is vested in La Trobe University pursuant to the
Australian Copyright Act 1968. Unless otherwise stated, no part may be reproduced by any process,
unless permitted by the Australian Copyright Act 1968, or used for any commercial purposes
without the written permission of La Trobe University.
While every effort has been made by La Trobe University to ensure that the information in this
manual is up to date and accurate, La Trobe University does not give any guarantees, undertakings
or warranties in relation to the accuracy, completeness and up to date status of the above
La Trobe University will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of
the reliance of any information in this manual.
La Trobe University accepts no responsibility or liability for the content available at any of the web
sites referred to in this manual.
La Trobe University acknowledges that Moodle „Help with Resources‟ and have been
used in this document‟s preparation.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 4
Conventions Used in this Manual .................................................................................. 7
Course Overview ............................................................................................................. 8
Topic 1 - Overview .......................................................................................................... 9
Background.............................................................................................................. 10
Migrating to Moodle .................................................................................................... 10
Why Moodle? ................................................................................................................ 10
Terminology ............................................................................................................ 10
Getting Started in Moodle ..................................................................................... 11
Access ............................................................................................................................ 11
Request a New Subject ................................................................................................ 11
Moodle Design Essentials ..................................................................................... 12
Topic 2 - Navigation...................................................................................................... 13
Login to Moodle ..................................................................................................... 14
Page Layouts............................................................................................................ 15
Basic Navigation ..................................................................................................... 18
Exercise .................................................................................................................... 18
Editing ...................................................................................................................... 19
Blocks ....................................................................................................................... 19
Add a Block Block ....................................................................................................... 20
Navigation Block.......................................................................................................... 20
Settings Block ............................................................................................................... 21
Upcoming Events Block ............................................................................................. 21
Messages Block............................................................................................................. 22
Move a Block ................................................................................................................ 22
Move a Block, continued ............................................................................................ 23
Remove a Block ........................................................................................................... 23
Exercise .................................................................................................................... 23
Topic 3 - Subject Content ............................................................................................. 25
Manage Subject Content ........................................................................................ 26
Copyright Licences ................................................................................................. 26
Edit Settings ............................................................................................................ 27
Exercise .................................................................................................................... 28
Turn Editing On Function .................................................................................... 30
Add a Resource ....................................................................................................... 31
Upload a File ................................................................................................................. 32
Create a Folder ............................................................................................................. 35
The following icons call your attention to important points located throughout this manual.
Course Overview
This course Moodle Basics is designed to ensure you are equipped with the skills
essential to getting started with La Trobe University‟s new Learning
Management System (LMS), Moodle.
Materials A class set will be provided and can be used for recording notes.
Topic 1 - Overview
Migrating to Moodle
After a careful process of evaluation, La Trobe has decided to adopt Moodle 2.0 as the University‟s next
Learning Management System (LMS), to replace the current Blackboard CE6.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is open source software and is used
by a growing number of universities in Australia and around the world. It will become the University‟s
LMS for all subjects from first semester 2011.
Why Moodle?
The evaluation phase revealed that Moodle would be the best LMS in consideration of costs, vendor
performance and evidence for capacity to support the Design for Learning Project.
While both Moodle and Blackboard were strong in terms of functionality and features, Moodle was ahead
in terms of flexibility to meet the needs of Design for Learning, lower fees and internal costs, having no
vendor lock-in, while at the same time having the option to purchase Moodle services from an experienced
Australian Moodle partner (NetSpot).
On balance, Moodle proved to have a better fit with the University‟s LMS needs.
The following are some common Moodle terms and definitions:
Subject – a space in Moodle to which you can add Resources and learning Activities for your
Resource – available options are: File, Folder, IMS Content Package, Label, (Web) Page and URL.
(See page 31.)
Activity – available options are: Assignments (four types), Chat, Choice, Database, Feedback,
Forum, Glossary, Lesson, Quiz, Survey and Wiki. (See page 47.)
All La Trobe University staff will be able to log in to the Moodle environment. Depending on previous
use of WebCT/Blackboard and/or attendance at training, you may or may not have subjects listed in the
Subject Overview.
Guest lecturers and others who do not have a La Trobe Username will be unable to log in to Moodle in
the interim. Processes are currently being developed to enable this.
Until LMS Administration processes are finalised, if you require a new Subject in Moodle, please click
Request a new LMS Subject from the Moodle Help block:
The Request New Moodle Subject web page displays. Complete all fields and submit your request.
A list of the names of staff members who require access to the subject and the role they require.
New subjects cannot be created until the first phase of the content
migration is complete.
Treat the Subject page „real estate‟ as if it were a very expensive block of land. Use Folders and
Web Pages wherever possible.
Avoid long Activity names, as this takes up valuable space in the Breadcrumbs.
Avoid large chunks of text – this is a general web design guideline. People scan web pages and
tend not to read more than a couple of paragraphs.
Avoid overuse of Blocks – less can be more. The La Trobe University Moodle template will have
the Navigation and Settings blocks on the left as standard.
Topic 2 - Navigation
Login to Moodle
The Moodle training web page can be found at
Page Layouts
When you first log in to Moodle, the Home page is displayed and may look similar to this:
Page name
o „Sticky‟ blocks (shown) – These blocks can be moved or collapsed (hidden). They
cannot be deleted.
o Floating blocks (shown) – These blocks can be moved, deleted or collapsed (hidden).
o Floating blocks (hidden) – These blocks can be moved, deleted or expanded (shown).
Available Courses (Subjects) – Lists all subjects with which you are associated, no matter
what your role.
Dock – This is where blocks are docked. Any type of block (sticky or floating) can be
docked here to free up screen real estate.
The My home page layout has some extra options. This is an example of a My home page, with the options
numbered the same as the Home page, plus the extra ones:
Course overview (Subjects) – Lists all subjects with which you are associated, no matter what
your role.
Breadcrumbs – Shows the location of the current page within the subject site structure.
The subject page differs slightly from the My home page. Your page may look similar to this:
Basic Navigation
Use the Breadcrumbs to move backwards through the pages.
To toggle to editing mode, click . In editing mode, the Add a block Block displays and
editing icons display for each Block, for each Resource and Activity and for each section, e.g. .
Hover your mouse over each icon to display its function.
There are many blocks available in Moodle. Most items in the Block are hyperlinks.
Each Block has block toggles , which can be used to hide the block , or dock the block .
Docking moves a Block from its current location to the Dock on the left. The Dock is a special bar that is
displayed in a constant position on the side of the page by default, thereby freeing up screen real estate.
When a Block is docked there is only one block toggle , which undocks the block and returns it to its
location prior to docking.
Available blocks can be selected from a drop down list in the Add a Block Block.
As a Block is added to the subject page, the Block name disappears from the available list.
Some of the more common blocks are: Navigation; Settings; Upcoming Events; and Messages.
Navigation Block
The Navigation Block allows you to navigate within the My home page and within your Moodle subject,
i.e. you can navigate to any subject in which you have a role.
The Settings block allows you to perform various functions, which change, depending on the context.
The Home page, My home page and subject page Settings blocks include My profile settings, which allows
you to edit your profile and configure your message settings.
Course administration – Edit settings is used to edit any settings within the subject.
Switch role to... – Allows you to switch to the Student role, to view your subject from a student‟s
perspective. There are five staff roles available: Designer, Lecturer, Tutor, Student and Audit
The Upcoming Events block can be used to communicate information about forthcoming events for
your students. It can be used as a Public and Private calendar.
The Messages Block can be used to set up internal instant messaging between yourself and other LTU
Moodle users (colleagues and students).
You will need to manage your contacts to add other users to your contact list and to send them instant
From the My contacts drop down menu, a list of your subjects displays. Select a subject to display a list of
individuals associated with that subject, then select a recipient.
If the intended recipient is not logged into Moodle when you send a message, a message is sent to their
preferred email address instead. Any response from them will be sent to your preferred email address.
Move a Block
1. Click .
2. Click for the Block you want to move.
A dotted line now surrounds the selected Block, e.g.
Remove a Block
Blocks can be removed from the subject page, by clicking from the Block editing icons.
The Block name reappears in the Add a Block Block drop down list.
Depending on what is to be updated, use Turn editing on to edit the page layout or the Settings block
(Edit settings) to edit subject settings.
Copyright Licences
Any material copied and communicated via the LMS (Moodle) is subject to part VB of the Copyright Act
1969. More information about copyright can be found at
Creative Commons – licensing that you can attach to work that is attributed to you. For further
information, refer to the Creative Commons website
No Commercial Derivs – cannot be used for commercial purposes and no derivative works
Edit Settings
Edit settings in the Settings block is used to maintain subject settings, including:
In the Settings block, click .
General section:
On this page, the Course summary is updated using the HTML editor.
The HTML editor is used throughout Moodle, so all available HTML
editor functionality may be used for the field.
Format: Determines the layout of the subject page.
Collapsed Topics – subject page is organised into topic sections,
initially all collapsed. More than one individual topic can be
expanded/viewed at a time.
Topics format – subject page is organised into topic sections. When
„Show only Topic n‟ function used, cannot view more than one topic
at a time.
Weekly format – subject page is organised into weekly sections, with
the first week starting on the course start date.
6. Click .
Click to manage Blocks and add Resources and Activities to your subject.
The delete icon does not display for the Navigation and
Settings Blocks as these blocks cannot be deleted.
Add a Resource
Resources can be added to the Topic/Weekly outline, or to an individual Topic/Week.
Click to display the Add a resource... drop down menu in the Topic/Weekly outline
and in each Topic/Week.
File – A file of any type can be uploaded to Moodle and displayed to students. File types include
HTML, word processing documents, text files, images and PowerPoint presentations. Students
may also be able to download files, so they may require appropriate software to view the file if it is
not in HTML format. You are encouraged to upload only accessible files to your Moodle subject.
You are encouraged to save large multimedia files (i.e. over 20MB)
to the Lectopia server because Moodle has not been designed to
stream multimedia.
Folder – A folder can contain files of any type and can help in the battle against „Death by
IMS Content Package – This is a web standard. A content package can be imported to Moodle.
This is not yet available.
Page – This allows you to create a web page to add content to your subject. This should rarely be
more than one and a half screens in length.
Files can be uploaded directly to the Topic/Weekly outline or to a Topic/Week, or they can be uploaded
to a Folder within the Topic/Weekly outline or a Topic/Week.
1. Click .
6. Click .
7. The File Upload window displays. Locate the required file and click to
highlight it, then click .
Click to display the folder.
Folders can be created in Moodle to manage files and reduce clutter on the page, thereby freeing up screen
real estate.
1. Click .
1. Click .
5. Click .
6. Click .
7. The File Upload window displays. Locate the required file and click to
highlight it, then click .
To view the file, click the folder name to display the folder
contents, then click the file name (which is a hyperlink).
Turn editing on
Upload a file directly to your Topic outline or to one of
your Topics
Drag-and-drop it to a different section
Add a Folder to your Topic outline or to one of your Topics
Upload a file to the new folder
Turn editing off
One summary can be added to the top of the Topic/Weekly outline and each Topic/Week, if required.
Summaries can be used for introducing the Subject/Topic, entering announcements and instructions and
can include graphics.
1. Click .
More than one label can be added per topic/week to set up a hierarchical structure to guide students
through the learning path.
1. Click .
Web pages can be added to a subject as a Resource and should typically include instructions for students
that are one screen or less, i.e. not intended for printing.
1. Click .
You can link to a web page (URL) directly from a Topic/Week Outline or a Topic/Week, or from another
resource. The instructions below are for linking directly from a Topic/Week.
1. Click .
From the HTML editor you can add images, link to other websites and link to images.
1. Click .
3. From the HTML editor, click . The Insert/edit image window displays.
4. Click .
6. Click .
7. The File Upload window displays. Locate the required image file and click to
highlight it, then click .
Click .
You can link to a web page directly from a Topic/Week Outline or a Topic/Week, or from another
resource. The instructions below are for linking from another resource.
1. Click .
4. From the HTML editor, click . The Insert/edit link window displays.
6. Click .
If adding a web page link using the „Add a resource‟ drop down
menu, it is necessary to include the http:// before the web page
address, e.g. in the „External URL‟
1. Click .
Create an Activity
Your choice of Activities depends on the type of student engagement that you want in your subject and the
intended learning outcomes for your students. For example, if you want to assess your students by
including quizzes in your Subject, you would add the Quiz activity. After you‟ve added the Activity, you
can create quizzes and make them available to students.
All of the Activities in Moodle require additional setup. You can‟t just add them and expect students to be
able to use them immediately.
Click to display the Add an activity... drop down menu in the Topic/Weekly outline
and in each Topic/Week.
Assignment – allows you to specify an online or offline activity which can be graded.
Database – enables participants to create, maintain and search a bank of record entries. The
format and structure of these entries can be almost unlimited, including images, files, URLs,
numbers and text, amongst other things.
Glossary – enables participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary.
Glossary entries may be automatically linked wherever the concept words and phrases display
throughout the subject.
Lesson – allows you to create an adaptive learning experience consisting of a series of pages
containing questions.
Quiz – allows you to design and set quizzes consisting of multiple choice, true-false, matching and
other question types. Each attempt is automatically marked, and the teacher can choose whether
to give feedback and/or show correct answers.
SCORM package – is a web standard that allows easy transfer of content from one LMS to
another. It can also refer to a subject that is developed externally to an LMS but is developed as a
SCORM package, which can then be imported to the LMS.
Survey – provides three types of survey instrument for assessing and stimulating learning in online
environments. You can use a survey to gather data that will help you learn about your class and
reflect on your own teaching.
Workshop – a subject peer assessment activity with many options. Workshop allows participants
to assess each other's projects, as well as exemplar projects, in a number of ways. It also
coordinates the collection and distribution of these assessments.
Advanced uploading of files – allows each student to upload one or more files (any format,
including zipped files). Students can enter notes for their submissions. Teachers can upload one
or more files for each student.
Online text – allows students to input text online. The assignment can be graded online.
Upload a single file – allows each student to upload a single file only (any format, including
zipped files).
Offline activity – used for assignments outside of Moodle, e.g. paper-based, practical or oral
assessment. A description of the assignment is visible to students, but they cannot upload any
Click .
Other sections
Click .
Other sections
Add at least one more thing you love about Moodle
Save this file to your desktop
Return to „Moodle Training‟ assignment page
The following exercise is a Choice Activity that has been set up for you to experience.
View the results
The Forum activity allows lecturers, tutors and students to post messages about a topic in a public
discussion forum, at their own leisure. Students can share information and benefit from each other‟s
opinions and input.
You can use the Forum activity to post important messages, generate class discussions, facilitate peer
review and evaluate students based on their responses to open-ended questions.
Forum Type:
o Q and A Forum
Threshold – Students can be blocked from posting more than a given number of posts within a
period of time, called a threshold.
Ratings – Ratings use scales to standardise the reporting of performance. Forum ratings allow
users to evaluate others‟ posts in a forum.
o Separate groups – Each group member can see only their own group. Other groups are
o Visible Groups – Each group member works in their own group and can see but not post
to other groups.
A new Forum is created as an Activity in a Topic/Week. When you create a new Forum, an icon and the
title of the forum display in the Topic/Week to which you have added it.
The discussion topic screen changes, depending on the Forum Type. For example, the New Discussion
Topic screen:
1. Click .
Further information:
Post threshold for blocking section– can be used to limit the number of
postings any one student can make in a given period of time.
Grade and Ratings sections – used if the forum is to be graded/rated.
Common module settings section (Group mode) – can be used to set up
group restrictions.
LMS2011 Website
The LMS Replacement Project website at has a number
of useful links. The website has links to:
Moodle Mentors
Reference Group
Project Team
Communication, including Forums, Chats, Instant Messaging, Blogs, News and Announcements,
Choice Activity, Summaries and Labels, and Calendars and Events