All About Mini Bridge
All About Mini Bridge
All About Mini Bridge
Bridge is one of the most enduring and popular games in the world; for over 100 years, people
of all types and from all walks of life have been fascinated by the game. It is one of the most
popular leisure activities in Britain, with around 300,000 people playing on a regular basis.
What is MiniBridge?
MiniBridge is a simplified version of the game of love being clever and working things out - and
bridge and is the route into bridge winning. These are all possible when children
recommended by the English Bridge Union, the learn to play MiniBridge, but because it is a
national governing body for bridge in England. partnership game they will also learn that they
MiniBridge was first developed in France and need to co-operate, share information and com-
the Netherlands as an introduction to bridge for bine as a team to beat the opposition.
schoolchildren and was soon acknowledged as
an excellent game in its own right. But MiniBridge is not just a game for the
younger age group. It can be taught to any age,
Card playing helps children to identify numbers, to pupils and students in primary, secondary
colours, similarities and sequences. By the age and tertiary education right through to adults. It
of six or seven, many children own or have is widely used as a precursor to learning bridge
access to a computer in the home or at school, for all ages and is universally found to be both
and the first thing they often try to do is play the effective and enjoyable.
free card games that are available. Children
4 - Announcing points met, then the declaring side scores nothing and
the opponents score points instead. Choosing
Beginning with the dealer, and then in clockwise
order, each player announces how many points the best contract is therefore a critical part of the
his or her hand contains. The partnership with game which needs skill and judgement.
the most points becomes the declaring side who If declarer chooses a trump contract, the cards
decide the contract. The other pair are the de- in dummy in the chosen suit are moved to be on
fending side, who try to prevent the contract be- the dummy’s right hand side (the left hand end
ing made by making tricks themselves. There is as declarer looks at them).
a re-deal if the point distribution between the
partnerships turns out to be 20:20.
MiniBridge Vocabulary
Balanced hand One with a relatively equal number of cards in each suit. No void or singleton, not
more than one doubleton.
Board The container which holds a deal and shows who is dealer. Sometimes called a
Bonus Extra points for making a contract, The part score bonus is 50 points and game
bonus is 300 points.
Cash To play a winning card or cards. To ‘cash out’ is to take all your winning cards.
Claim When the play is clear-cut, declarer may show his/her hand, claiming a stated
number of tricks.
Contract The announcement by declarer of the denomination (trump suit or no trumps) for
this deal and the target number of tricks to be won by the declaring side.
Deal Fifty-two cards distributed so each player has thirteen cards.
Dealer The player who announces points first on a deal.
Declarer The player on the side winning the contract who has the most points, or who an-
nounced points first. Declarer has responsibility for playing both his/her hand and
Defeat the contract To win, in defence, enough tricks so that declarer fails to make the contract.
Defenders score 50 points for each undertrick.
Defence The line of play adopted by the defenders.
Defenders The two players in opposition to declarer. Often referred to as LHO (left-hand op-
ponent) and RHO (right-hand opponent).
Discarding Playing another suit (not trumps) when unable to play a card in the suit led, pref-
erably throwing a card that gives helpful information to partner.
Doubleton A holding of two cards in a suit, often shown by either leading the higher or play-
ing the higher one before the lower.
Drawing trumps Continuing to lead trumps until opponents have none left – this involves counting
the cards played to make sure all opposition trumps have been drawn.
Ducking (hold-up) Deliberately withholding a high card which could have won a trick.
Dummy The hand of declarer’s partner which is placed up on the table.
Duplicate competition Where the result on each deal is determined by comparison with scores achieved
by other pairs playing the same deal.
Duplication Duplication of distribution is when both players in a partnership have the same
length in each suit. Duplication of values is when strong holdings in one hand are
facing strong values in the same suit in partner’s hand, such as AQ opposite KJ.
Eight-card fit A combined holding of eight cards in a suit between the two hands of a partner-
English Bridge Union The governing body for the game of duplicate bridge in England.
Establishing a suit To force out the high card held by the opponents and set up winners.
Fourth highest The lead in a suit of the fourth card from the top. e.g. the lead of the 6 from K J 9
6 4.
Game Contract whose trick score is 100 points or more
High card points Values given to high cards as follows: ace=4, king=3, queen=2, jack=1. There
are 40 high card points (HCP) in the pack.
Honours The five highest cards in a suit (ace, king, queen, jack, ten).
Lead The first card played to a trick.
Exercise on MiniBridge
The hands below were dealt in a game of MiniBridge. Why don’t you give it a go?
The dealer was West.
North 1. How many points does each player have?
♠ 10 5 3 2
♥AK4 2. Who announces his points first?
♦K83 3. Which pair are the declaring side?
West East 4. Who is declarer and who is dummy?
♠J98 ♠Q74
♥ Q J 10 8 ♥75 5. Which player makes the first lead?
♦9752 ♦ J 10 6
♣ 10 8 ♣QJ976 6. Which suit would you advise defender to lead?
Deal Seat (N, S, Points held by Total Contract No. tricks Score our
No. E or W) points of (Game or made by way
declaring Part-score, declarer
N S E W + -
side suit or NT)
Deal Seat (N, S, Points held by Total Contract No. tricks Score our
No. E or W) points of (Game or made by way
declaring Part-score, declarer
N S E W + -
side suit or NT)
To obtain more help or advice on learning MiniBridge, contact the EBU Education Department on:
01296 317217 or email [email protected] or visit
For more information on bridge and the EBU, please contact the Communications Officer on:
01296 317 215 or [email protected].