Control and Coordination PDF
Control and Coordination PDF
Control and Coordination PDF
Control and coordination (chapter 15):
The mammalian nervous system is made up of central nervous system (brain and spinal
cord) and peripheral nervous system (cranial and spinal nerves)
Communication using nerve action potentials (brief changes in the distribution of electrical
change across the cell surface membrane, caused by rapid movement of Na+ and K+ ions) /
impulses which travel along nerve cells (neurones) at very high speeds to their target cells
Compare the nervous and endocrine systems as communication systems that co-ordinate
responses to changes in the internal and external environment in mammals:
The length of the refractory period determines the maximum frequency at which impulses
are transmitted along neurones, as the transferred region will still be recovering from the
action potential it just had (sodium ion voltage-gated channels are ‘shut tight’ and cannot
be stimulated to open, however great the stimulus)
The difference in strength of stimulus causes the different frequency of action potentials,
where a strong stimulus produces a rapid succession of action potentials, each one
following along the axon just behind its predecessor; a weak stimulus results in fewer
action potentials per second; a strong stimulus stimulate more neurones than a weak
The brain can therefore interpret the frequency of action potentials arriving along the axon
of a sensory neurone, and the number of neurones carrying action potentials, to get
information about the strength of the stimulus being detected. The nature of the stimulus,
whether it is light, heat, touch or so on, is deduced from the position of the sensory
neurone bringing the information. If the neurone is from the retina of the eye, then the
brain will interpret the information as meaning ‘light’
Sensory receptor cell: a cell that responds and converts a stimulus into an electrical
impulse by initiating an action potential (e.g. chemoreceptor)
The roles of sensory receptor cells in detecting stimuli and stimulating the transmission of
nerve impulses in sensory neurones (e.g. chemoreceptor cell found in human taste buds):
Chemicals act as a stimulus
Each chemoreceptors contain a specific receptor protein which detects a particular
Sodium ions diffuse into cell via Microvilli, causing the membrane to depolarise,
which increases the positive charge inside the cell known as receptor potential
Sufficient stimulation (above the threshold potential (below will only cause a local
depolarisation of the receptor cell)) of Na+, stimulates opening of calcium ion
channels, hence calcium ions enter cell, causing movement of vesicles containing
neurotransmitter which is released exocytosis
Neurotransmitter stimulates action potential in sensory neurone
Chemoreceptors are transducers as they convert energy in one form into emergy in
an electrical impulse in a neurone
All or nothing law where neurones either transmit impulses from one end to
another or they do not
Chemoreceptor cells found in the papilla of the tongue
The gap between two neurones is called synaptic cleft; the parts of the two neurones near
the cleft, plus the cleft itself, make up a synapse
An action potential occurs at the cell surface membrane of the presynaptic neurone
Action potential causes the release of molecules of transmitter substance into the cleft
The molecules of neurotransmitter diffuse across the synaptic clef and bind temporarily on
the postsynaptic neurone
The postsynaptic neurone responds to all the impulses arriving at any one time by
depolarising; sends impulses if the overall depolarisation is above its threshold
Synapses that uses acetylcholine as its neurotransmitter is known as cholinergic synapses
How a cholinergic synapse functions:
Action potential reaches presynaptic membrane causing depolarisation, and Ca2+
channels to open in the presynaptic membrane
An influx of Ca2+ ions (facilitated diffused down its electrochemical gradient),
stimulates vesicles containing ACh to move towards the presynaptic membrane and
fuse with it
ACh released into synaptic cleft by exocytosis, and diffuses across the cleft
ACh binds to receptor proteins on the postsynaptic membrane; proteins change
shape causing Na+ channels to open
Na+ facilitated diffuse into postsynaptic neurone causing depolarisation of the
postsynaptic membrane creating an action potential, if the potential difference is
above the threshold for that neurone
Acetylcholinesterase catalyses the hydrolysis of each ACh molecule into acetate and
choline to prevent permanent depolarisation of the postsynaptic neurone; choline
is taken back into the presynaptic neurone to be combined with acetyl CoA to form
ACh once more and transported into the presynaptic vesicles
Role of calcium ions in synaptic transmission:
Enter the presynaptic neurone, and causes vesicles containing acetylcholine (ACh)
to fuse with the presynaptic membrane, hence releasing ACh into the synaptic cleft
Some insecticides have a similar structure to acetylcholine, hence affects the functioning of
acethycholinesterase by:
Acting as a competitive inhibitor – complementary to the active site – hence binds
with the active site, this ACh is not broken down
Multinucleate muscle fibres are called synctium instead of cell; sacrolemma instead of cell
surface membrane; sarcoplasm instead of cytoplasm; sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) instead
of endoplasmic reticulum; the deep infolding of the cell surface membrane into the interior
of the muscle fibre is called transverse system tubules or T-tubules, which runs close to
the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum have huge numbers of protein pumps that
transport calcium ions into the cisternae of the SR
The sarcoplasm contains a large number of mitochondria, packed tightly between the
myofibrils to carry out aerobic respiration, generating the ATP that is required for muscle
Each myofibrils are made up of filaments (made from protein), where parallel groups of
thick filaments (made up of myosin) lie between groups of thin ones (made up of actin),
creating the stripes or striations
The dark parts of the stripes, the A bands, correspond to the thick (myosin – fibrous
protein with a globular head pointing away from the M line) filaments; the lighter parts,
the I bands, are correspond to the thin filaments (2 chains made of many actins twisted
together, consisting of another twisted fibrous protein – tropomyosin – and protein
attached at regular intervals – troponin)
The darkest parts of the A band are produced by the overlap of thick and thin filaments,
while the lighter area within the A band, known as the H band, represents the parts where
only the thick filaments are present
The Z line provides an attachment for the actin filaments, while the M line does the same
for the myosin filaments; the part of a myofibril between two Z lines is called a sarcomere
Once energy demand has slowed down, ATP molecules produced by respiration can
be used to ‘recharge’ the creatine
Whereas if energy is still being demanded and there is no ATP spare to regenerate
creatine phosphate, the creatine is converted to creatinine and excreted in urine
10 | P a g e
The menstrual cycle – approximately 28 days:
Middle of this cycle, the female gamete is released in the oviduct, and if fertilisation
occurs, the embryo develops in the uterus lining
The height of some plants is partly controlled by their genes, e.g. tallness in pea plants is
affected by a gene with two alleles; if the dominant allele, Le, is present, the plants can
grow tall, but plants homozygous for the recessive allele, le, always remain short
The dominant allele of this gene regulates the synthesis of the last enzyme in a
pathway that produces an active form of gibberellin, GA1
Active gibberellin stimulates cell division and cell elongation in the stem, so causing
the plant to grow tall
A substitution mutation in this gene gives rise to a change from alanine to
threonine in the primary structure of the enzyme near its active site, producing a
non-functional enzyme; this mutation has given rise to the recessive allele, le;
hence homozygous plants, lele, are genetically dwarf as they do not have the active
form of gibberellin