Geologic and Tectonic Evolution of The Himalaya Before and After The India-Asia Collision

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Geologic and t e c t o n i c e v o l u t i o n of t h e H i m a l a y a before and

after the India-Asia collision

Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Gen. Mahadev Singh Road, Dehra Dun 248 001, India
e-mail: [email protected]

The geology and tectonics of the Himalaya has been reviewed in the light of new data and recent studies
by the author. The data suggest that the Lesser Himalayan Gneissic Basement (LHGB) represents the
northern extension of the Bundelkhand craton, Northern Indian shield and the large scale granite
magmatism in the LHGB towards the end of the Palmoproterozoic Wangtu Orogeny, stabilized the early
crust in this region between 2-1.9 Ga. The region witnessed rapid uplift and development of the Lesser
Himalayan rift basin, wherein the cyclic sedimentation continued during the Palaeoproterozoic and
Mesoproterozoic. The Tethys basin with the Vaikrita rocks at its base is suggested to have developed as a
younger rift basin (~ 900 Ma ago) to the north of the Lesser Himalayan basin, floored by the LHGB. The
southward shifting of the Lesser Himalayan basin marked by the deposition of Jaunsar-Simla and Blaini-
Krol-Tal cycles in a confined basin, the changes in the sedimentation pattern in the Tethys basin during
late Precambrian-Cambrian, deformation and the large scale granite activity (~ 500 • 50 Ma), suggests a
strong possibility of late Precambrian-Cambrian Kinnar Kailas Orogeny in the Himalaya. From the
records of the oceanic crust of the Neo-Tethys basin, subduction, arc growth and collision, well
documented from the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone north of the Tethys basin, it is evident that the
Himalayan region has been growing gradually since Proterozoic, with a northward shift of the depocentre
induced by N-S directed alternating compression and extension. During the Himalayan collision scenario,
the 10-12km thick unconsolidated sedimentary pile of the Tethys basin (TSS), trapped between the
subducting continental crust of the Indian plate and the southward thrusting of the oceanic crust of the
Neo-Tethys and the arc components of the Indus-Tangpo collision zone, got considerably thickened
through large scale folding and intra-formational thrusting, and moved southward as the Kashmir Thrust
Sheet along the Panjal Thrust. This brought about early phase (M1) Barrovian type metamorphism of
underlying Vaikrita rocks. With the continued northward push of the Indian Plate, the Vaikrita rocks
suffered maximum compression, deformation and remobilization, and exhumed rapidly as the Higher
Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) during Oligo-Miocene, inducing gravity gliding of its Tethyan
sedimentary cover. Further, it is the continental crust of the LHGB that is suggested to have
underthrust the Himalaya and southern Tibet, its cover rocks stacked as thrust slices formed the
Himalayan mountain and its decollement surface reflected as the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), in the
INDEPTH profile.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n (1975, 1989). With developments in the concept of

plate tectonics, the Himalaya believed to be a classic
"Geology of the Himalayas" by Gansser (1964) was example of the continent-continent collision related
the first regional attempt to synthesize the knowledge mountain belt (Dewey and Bird 1970), the attention of
gained in the past one century on the world's highest many researchers was focused to understand the colli-
and the youngest mountain, followed by Le Fort sion mountain building processes. Large geochemical,

Keywords. Collision tectonics; crustal growth; Himalayan evolution.

Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 107, No. 4, December1998, pp. 265-282
9 Printed in India 265
266 Kewal K Sharma

geochronological, isotopic and geophysical data base The Sub or Outer Himalaya forms low altitude hills
generated in the past two decades provides a good limited between the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) in
understanding of the geology of the Himalayan the south and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in
mountain and a better constrained model of its the north. It preserves the record of the post-collision
geodynamic evolution. sediments produced by weathering and erosion of the
Despite the fact that many gaps in the under- debris of the rising Himalayan front, carried and
standing of the Himalayan geology and its tectonic deposited by rivers in the fore-deep basin called the
evolution, have been filled, there are still many grey Murree-Siwalik Basin.
areas in the understanding of the Himalaya. Some of The Lesser or Lower Himalaya, limited between the
these are: MBT in the south and the Main Central Thrust-
Vaikrita (MCT-V) in the north, comprises records of
(i) The stratigraphy of the Lesser Himalayan sedi-
marine sediments of Proterozoic to Cambrian age and
mentary units and their response to changes in
some sedimentary records of transgressing shallow sea
tectonics within the basin and the surrounding
during Permian, Upper Cretaceous and Middle
Eocene. The LHS are covered by two thrust sheets of
(ii) the status of the 2.5 Ga Rampur-Bhowali vol-
low to medium grade metasediments (Jutogh-Almora
canics (Bhat and Le Fort 1992; Bhat et a11998)
and Chail-Ramgarh). The sediments of the Lesser
and associated sediments of the Lesser Hima-
Himalayan basin in general provide information in
layan basin,
terms of tectonic changes in the basin and associated
(iii) the relationship of the Lesser Himalayan Sedi- magmatism and its surrounding regions during
mentaries (LHS) and the Lesser Himalayan
Proterozoic and Phanerozoic.
Crystallines (LHC) which cover the LHS as
The Great or Higher Himalaya, limited by MCT in
thrust sheets,
the south and Tethyan Detachment Fault (TDF) in
(iv) time and space relationship of the rocks of the
the north, is represented by the high grade Precam-
lower and upper crystalline thrust sheets of the
brian crystallines, Cambro-Ordovician (500 + 50 Ma)
granites/orthogneisses and the Tertiary leucogranites.
(v) did the LHS and the LHC rocks, during their
The Tethys Himalaya is confined between the TDF
long geological history from Archaean?-Palaeo-
in the south and the Indus-Tsangpo Suture (ITS) in
proterozoic till their collision induced Himala-
the north. It comprises Late Precambrian to Phaner-
yan deformation and metamorphism, remain as
ozoic (Palaeozoic-Mesozoic) marine sediments depos-
such without any change? or do they show any
ited in the Tethyan Sea that extended up to the Lesser
evidence of pre-Himalayan orogeny?,
Himalaya during the Vendian-Cambrian Cycle (Shah
(vi) status of Vaikrita/Tibetan slab/Higher Hima-
layan Crystallines (HHC) vis-a-vis the Tethyan
The Trans-Himalaya or Indus- Tsangpo suture zone
sedimentary sequences (TSS) and the LHC,
comprises the obducted slices of the oceanic crust of
(vii) the limit to which the Archaean-Proterozoic
the Neo-Tethys, deep-sea trench sediments, subduc-
continental crust of the Indian shield extends
tion and collision related island arc magmatic rocks,
under the Ganga Alluvium and the Himalaya,
the arc derived accretionary prism related sediments
and the post-collision Kargil molassic sediments.
(viii) the nature of the continental crust that lies
beneath the Himalaya and South Tibet, obser-
ved as a reflecting surface in the INDEPTH
3. G e o l o g y o f t h e H i m a l a y a s
profile (Zhao et al 1993).
The present paper is an attempt to answer some of Various aspects of the Himalayas can be covered
these questions and discuss the current status of the under this heading, however, the author has preferred
geologic and the tectonic evolution in the light of to discuss only some important aspects of the geology.
new observations and data from the NW Himalaya The Lesser Himalayan Basin sedimentaries (LHS).
(Himachal, Garhwal, Kumaun) and Central (Nepal) In view of the general paucity of fossils, difficulty to
Himalaya. The NW Himalaya, being a less squeezed assign reliable stratigraphic ages due to sheared con-
section than the Central (Nepal) and the NE Himalaya, tacts, scarcity of the dependable isotopic numbers
has been the main focus in this paper. capable of resolving the age problems together with
the confusion created by multiplicity of names assig-
ned to similar lithologies in the adjoining areas, the
2. Divisions o f t h e H i m a l a y a s LHS were considered as the most confused sequence of
the Himalaya (Gansser 1981). No consensus has yet
The Himalayas from south to north are divided into emerged to build a reliable time stratigraphy of the
five well-known and generally accepted lithotectonic LHS, and the confusion still exists in recent literature
units (figure I). (Shanker et a11989; Valdiya 1995; Virdi 1995). Under
Evolution of the Himalaya 267

~-~ .~,-~


.~ ~

.~ ~

'~ ~
~ ~"~


268 Kewal K Sharma

Figure 2. Time and space relationship of various sedimentary basins developedin the Himalayan region since Proterozoic (pre-
Himalayan collisionscenario).

the circumstances, the author considers the division of represents the oldest unit of the LHS. The quartz
the LHS on the basis of sedimentary cycles as a fairly dominated lithologies with a high degree of mineralo-
reasonable approach, and recognizes four sedimentary gical and textural maturity and the associated rift
cycles (Rampur-Sundernagar cycle, Larji-Shali-Deo- related tholeiitic volcanics (Ahmad and Tarney 1991;
ban cycle, Jaunsar-Simla cycle and Blaini-Krol-Tal Bhat and Le Fort 1992) in the lower part of the
cycle) given in figure 2. In view of the age controversy sequence suggest that the Lesser Himalayan sedimen-
the earliest (Rarnpur-Sundernagar) cycle needs ela- tation began in a rift basin and the terrain to the
boration. south exposed largely the granitic rocks (Bundelk-
It is now generally accepted that the white quartzite hand craton; Sharma 1998). This is followed by a thick
(Rampur Formation) with penecontemporaneous sequence of alternating bands of grey to white
tholeiitic volcanics (green beds or Rampur metavol- quartzite, metavolcanics and grey to green phyllites
canics) and green (fuchsite) quartzites marking the (Bhalan Fm) in the KRW (Sharma 1977). Similar
basal sequence in the Kulu-Rampur Window (KRW), lithostratigraphic units are widely exposed in the
Evolution of the Himalaya 269

Lesser Himalaya in Himachal Pradesh (Sundernagar mud transition zone tidal flat complex (Singh and
group; Srikantia 1977), Garhwal-Kumaun (Berinag Meerajudin 1980) and as a large muddy delta built
quartzite, Damtha group, Valdiya 1980), Nepal, out into a basin formed by collapse of the Shali carbo-
Sikkim and Bhutan sectors (Valdiya 1995; Virdi 1995). nate plateform (Kumar and Brookfield 1989). The
The increasing argillaceous content in the younger Nagthat quartzites in parts of the Mussoorie and
sequences of Bhalan-Sundernagar-Dhamtha rocks Korgai synclines is considered as shore to proximal
suggests the deepening of the rift basin with time. inner shelf deposits (Ghosh 1991).
This sedimentary sequence is called the Rampur- Another sequence of clastics-carbonates-clastics
Sundernagar/Berinag-Damtha cycle. On a regional rocks that lie with an unconformity over the Jaunsar-
scale, similar lithostratigraphy has been recognized in Simla rocks is termed the Blaini-Krol-Tal cycle. The
the rift related volcano-sedimentary basins in the sedimentation of this cycle took place in a much
Proterozoic (Aravalli, Bijawar, Gwalior) surrounding confined basin than the Inner Carbonate basin
the Bundelkhand craton (Ahmed and Tarney 1994; (Deoban-Shali) and accordingly has a restricted occur-
Sharma 1998; Sinha-Roy et al 1998). rence between Krol Hills in Himachal to Nainital in
Rampur-Mandi-Bhimtal-Bhowali metavolcanics, Kumaun. The discovery of conodonts (Azmi et al
dated 2.5 Ga using the Sm-Nd method (Bhat and Le 1981), trilobites and other body fossils from Tal (Singh
Fort 1992; Bhat et al 1998), has surprised many and Rai 1983; Kumar et al 1987) provide a more
(Valdiya 1995) and is not supported by the geological definite time control from Late Precambrian to Early
setting and other isotopic ages. The Bandal granite Cambrian for the Blaini-Krol-Tal cycle. The Sr~ ratio
(1905• 70Ma; recalculated with new )~ value from of 0.7093 in the carbonaceous shales associated with
Frank et al 1977), believed to intrude the Manikaran phosphorites at the base of Tal closely corresponds to
quartzite-volcanic unit (Sharma 1977), is indeed a the world seawater record during Cambrian (Sharma
multi-phase orthogneissic complex having sheared et al 1992) and is significant to understand the tecto-
contact with quartzites and is similar to the Wangtu nics of that time (discussed later).
Gneissic Complex (WGC) exposed in the adjoining A few transgressive phases during Lower Permian
Satluj valley. The recent data from the WGC suggest- (Boulder Slate), upper Cretaceous shelly limestone
ing Palmoproterozoic Wangtu Orogeny (discussed and Eocene Sabathu Fm (Valdiya 1995; Virdi 1995;
later), together with U-Pb dating of detrital zircon Mathur 1997) in the Lesser Himalaya suggest that the
grains (between 1.87 Ga and 2.6 Ga) from the Lesser region has been a positive area for most of the time
Himalayan sequences (Parrish and Hodges 1996), since Early Cambrian.
suggest their depositional age to be less than 1.87 Ga. Metasediments of the Lesser Himalayan Crystallines
The author considers the lower age limit for the sedi- (Chail-Ramgarh/Jutogh-Almora). The Lesser Hima-
ments of the Rampur-Sundernagar cycle and its layan sedimentary sequences in most places are
deeper facies equivalents (Chail-Ramgarh Gp) having covered by thrust sheets of low and medium grade
bimodal magmatism (granite, porphyry, mafic volca- crystalline (metasedimentary and magmatic) rocks
nics, gabbro) to be around 1900Ma (Trivedi and known as J u t o g h - A l m o r a and Chail-Ramgarh
Pande 1993; Ahmad et al 1996). (figure 1). The relationship between the LHS, the
The Larji-Shali-Deoban cycle that follows uncon- LHC and the HHC has been attempted, since a clear
formably the Rampur-Sundernagar cycle rocks, repre- understanding of their composition and age is funda-
sents carbonate dominating sequence with prolific mental requisite to the better understanding of the
development of the stromatolite assemblage suggest- crustal structure of the Himalayan Orogen.
ing Lower Riphean i.e. 1200-900 Ma age and stable The Chail thrust sheet in the Himachal Pradesh and
shelf environment for their deposition (Raha 1980; the Ramgarh thrust sheet in the Garhwal-Kumaun
Valdiya 1980; Tewari 1989). The Pb-Pb age of ca region brings the low grade metasediments along the
1,000Ma for the syn-diagenetic galena (Raha et al Chail/Ramgarh Thrust to lie over the LHS in the
1978) also constraints the carbonate sequence to be NW Himalaya. The author supports earlier workers
older than 1,000Ma. The comparative lithologies are (Saraswat et al 1970; Virdi 1981) who consider Chail
known from the Sirban limestone in Pakistan, Great rocks to have distinct lithology, grade of metamorph-
limestone from Jammu, Larji-Shali from Himachal, ism (biotite-garnet grade) and tectonic position than
Deoban-Gangolihat from Garhwal-Kumaun region, the overlying Jutogh Thrust Sheet. The Chail thrust
Dhading in Nepal and Buxa in Bhutan forming the sheet is best exposed between Mandi and Kulu in the
key stratigraphic horizon in the Lesser Himalaya. Beas valley, Baragaon and Dutt Nagar in the Satluj
The carbonate sequence is followed by dominantly valley (surrounding the Kulu-Rampur Window) and
clastic sediments known as the Jaunsar-Simla groups below the Jutogh Thrust Sheet in the Simla and Chaur
(Srikantia and Sharma 1971; Kumar and Brookfield regions. Earlier, Sharma (1977) prefered to include
1989), hence the Jaunsar-Simla cycle. The Simla group Chail rocks of the Kulu-Rampur Window in the
is considered as turbiditic sediment (Srikantia and Jutogh Thrust Sheet (Khamrada Member), and
Sharma 1971; Bhargava 1976; Valdiya 1980); shelf- Bhargava and Bassi (1994) in the Kulu Thrust Sheet.
270 Kewal K Sharma

The Chail rocks have dominantly pelitic (phyllite, Karcham (figure lb) and are represented by garnet-
schist) lithology with mylonitic orthogneisses in the staurolite bearing schists alternating with bands of
lower part and occasional quartzitic and carbonaceous grey quartzites and amphibolites. The author, in an
bands in the upper part. The mylonitic gneisses best underground adit recently put up for hydro-electric
developed in the Satluj valley between Baragaon and project, near Karcha.m, observed that the highly folia-
Nirath have yielded Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age of ted granitic gneisses of WGC grade into 30-50 m thick
1445 4- 75 Ma, which with two more samples added white quartzite unit, however, a local thrust separates
from the mylonitic gneisses (figure lb) collected from the quartzites from the overlying Jutogh sequence of
Jhakhari (north of the KRW) together define a alternating schist, grey quartzite and amphibolites. A
combined isochron age of 1495 + 63 Ma with initial hot water (~ 80~ spring located near the thrust
ratio of 0.7429 4-84 Ma (Kumar 1986). To me, this contact suggests its deep seated nature. The author
age represents a strong thermal imprint on 1900 Ma supports the views of the earlier workers (Bhargava and
granitic rocks associated with Ramgarh crystallines Ameta 1987; Bhargava et a11991) that the WGC acts
from the Kumaun region. as basement for the relatively thinner unit of Rampur
In the Garhwal-Kumaun region, the low grade rocks quartzite. Further east the JTS is thrust over by high
of the lower thrust sheet are known as Ramgarh Group grade (kyanite-sillimanite) Valkrita (HHC) rocks.
and comprise of mylonitic quartz porphyry, porphy- In the Garhwal-Kumaun region the metamorphic
ritic granite, phyllites, quartz wackes, metasiltstone, rocks of the crystalline thrust sheet are known as the
carbonaceous slates and phyllites with occasional Almora Group, a structural rather than a true strati-
crystalline limestone (Valdiya 1980). Collectively the graphic unit (Valdiya 1980). It comprises garnetifer-
lower thrust sheet of the Lesser Himalayan Crystal- ous mica schist, micaceous quartzite with occasional
lines may be called the Chail-Ramgarh thrust sheet. carbonaceous/graphitic schists intruded by 565+22
Rb-Sr dating (~ 1888 4- 46 Ma) of cogenetic quartz Ma old batholithic body of Champawat granodiorite
porphyry and associated granites (Trivedi and Pande (Valdiya 1980; Trivedi et a11984). In view of the asso-
1993) from Amritpur area closely associated with ciated amphibolites in the lower part and the granitic
mafic volcanism (flows and dykes), suggests the rocks (with limited age data) in its .upper part, the
magmatic event to be Pal~eoproterozoic. The gabbro Jutogh-Almora crystallines are considered to be either
body, a plutonic phase of rift related Garhwal contemporary or relatively younger than the Chail-
volcanics, from this sequence has been dated around Ramgarh crystallines.
1900Ma (Ahmad et al 1996). Further, the author Wangtu Gneissic Complex. A domal upwarp in the
considers the Chail rocks with biomodal magmatism JTS, between Chaura and Karcham in the Satluj
to be metamorphosed deeper facies equivalent of the valley, with its deeper part exposed around Wangtu
rocks of the Rampur-Sundernagar cycle of the LHS (Wangtu Dome, Berthelsen 1951) comprises domi-
(figure 2). In this context it may be mentioned that nantly of coarse and fine grained gneisses alternating
earlier workers expressed their inability to differenti- with kyanite-sillimanite bearing schists, quartzites,
ate between the Chail and the Berinag sequences calc-silicates and amphibolites. The author prefers to
(Fuchs 1982; Valdiya 1988) and between the Ramgarh call this distinct lithology of the basal part of the JTS
succession and the Rautgarha Fm (Valdiya 1980). (figure lb) dominating in metasediments, amphibo-
The Yutogh-Almora thrust sheet. Generally a lites and orthogneisses intruded by coarse and fine
medium grade (garnet-staurolite) metasedimentary grained granites and associated pegmatite-aplite
sequence (schists, quartzites, marble, calc-silicates, phase, as the Wangtu Gneissic Complex (WGC).
etc.), with bands of orthogneisses, amphibolites and Petro-mineralogical and geochemical studies carried
occasional granite intrusives exposed around Chaur, out by the author suggest that the fine and coarse
Simla and in the Satluj valley, represents the rocks of grained gneisses in layered parallel arrangement with
the Jutogh Thrust Sheet (JTS) in the Himachal high grade schists, quartzites, calc-silicates and amphi-
Himalaya. It forms a continuous sheet between Chaur bolites are genetically related to the fine and coarse
and Karcham (figure lb). The unfoliated intrusive grained porphyritic granites which intrudes them,
granite phase (530 + 40Ma) around Chaur at the except for a dominant pegmatite phase associated with
higher structural level and the biotite orthogneisses the latter. The granitic rocks of the WGC are meta-
(1100 4- 50 Ma and 930 + 115 Ma; Kumar 1986) inter- aluminous to paraluminous in composition and the
bedded with the Jutogh rocks at the lower structural melts for both the suits were derived from similar
level suggest two distinct magmatic events. Subse- source rocks (Rao et al 1995). The fractionated REE
quently, zircon fractions from the biotite orthog- patterns of these rocks are similar to Proterozoic
neisses dated by U-Pb technique (912 4- 6 Ma and Pb granitic rocks and suggest derivation of the magma
loss at later event ca. 500Ma) confirmed two from deeper crustal level, also supported by low Sri
magmatic episodes in the Jutogh Thrust Sheet in the ratio of 0.705 of the granitic melt.
Chaur area recognised by Rb-Sr dating. In the Satluj The younger (fine grained) granite phase intruding
valley, the JTS is exposed around Jhakhari and the gneisses defines a well spread six point isochron
Evolution of the Himalaya 271

giving age of 1895-t-64Ma with initial Sr ratio of metasediments, is of greenschist to lower amphibolite
0.7046 9 72 (Sharma et al 1993). Earlier, the fine and grade.
coarse grained gneisses from Tapri to Chaura, repre- A colossal pile of metamorphics and mylonitic
senting the peripheral part of the WGC, were collec- gneisses, best exposed near Munsiari in the Kumaun
ted by the author and dated by Rb-Sr technique as region, is known as Munsiari Fm (Valdiya 1980).
2025 • 86 Ma (Kumar 1986). The U-Pb dating of zir- According to the author, the Munsiari Fm compares
con fractions confirmed older ages for the gneisses with Wangtu Gneissic Complex and the Almora
(2068 :t= 5Ma) and younger ages (1866 • 10Ma) for Group metasediments and granitoids with the Jutogh
the post-tectonic granites (Singh et a11993). The lower Group. This is substantiated by Palmoproterozoic
intercept on the concordia diagram at 48-t-28Ma (1860 Ma) age of orthogneiss from the base of the
suggests lead loss during the Himalayan Orogeny. Almora Nappe, Askot klippe, Munsiari and other
The metapelites with sillimanite-kyanite-K-feldspar places in the Kumaun Himalaya (Trivedi et al 1984).
-t-muscovite assemblage, interlayered with quartzites, The widespread occurrences of Palmoproterozoic
calc-silicates, ortho-amphibolites, fine and coarse (2000 -4-I00 Ma) orthogneisses, associated with meta-
grained gneisses indicate that the WGC reached the sediments and amphibolites all along the 2500km
higher side of the sillimanite zone of Barrovian-type length of the Himalaya (figure la) suggest the granite
metamorphism. The involvement of the sillimanite magmatism in the Lesser Himalaya to be a regional
and kyanite along with micaceous minerals in the tight phenomena. Further, the orthogneiss occurrences
folding associated with Proterozoic deformation sug- aligned along the MCT represent the scraped slices
gest peak metamorphism to be pre- to syn-tectonic in of an extensive Lesser Himalayan Gneissic Basement
nature. Further, the presence of sillimanite-kyanite (LHGB) that underthrusts the Himalaya and the
bearing schistose xenoliths noticed in the fine grained Southern Tibet (see discussion).
gneisses (2068 • 5 Ma) and orthogneiss xenolith in The Tethyan Basin. The 10-15km thick pile of
younger granite phase suggests that the early stage Phanerozoic Tethyan sedimentary sequences (TSS)
intrusion of the granite magma followed the peak (Srikantia 1981; Gaetani et al 1986; Fucks 1987;
metamorphism during Palmoproterozoic. The author Bhargava 1998) and the underlying late Precambrian-
relates Palmoproterozoic deformation, metamorphism early Palmozoic rocks called Haimanta Fm/Phe Fm/
and granite magmatism to the Wangtu Orogeny. The Annapurna Fm/North Col Fm are generally consid-
presence of cordierite, superimposed on the sillima- ered the deposites of the Tethys basin. The author
nite-kyanite-K-feldspar assemblage, has also been suggests sedimentary protoliths for the Vaikrita/
noticed indicating lower temperature and lower pres- Tibetan slab (HCC) rocks to represent the basal part
sure metamorphic conditions reached during exhuma- of the Tethyan basin. The sedimentation in the rifted
tion of the rocks. This together with the presence of Tethyan basin, north of the Lesser Himalayan basin,
unrotated large xenoliths of orthogneisses and amphi- is suggested to have began in Neoproterozoic
bolites in the younger (1860 :t= 10Ma) granites-peg- (~ 900 Ma), as evident from the detrital zircon grains
matities supports the "passive" or "permitted" of 960 Ma age from the metasandstones within HHC
emplacement of volatile rich end stage melts. Similar (Parrish and Hodges 1996), the quartz dominated
studies by the author in the Kulu-Rampur Window lithology with tholeiitic volcanics in the lower part of
suggest that the Bandal granite exposed in the core of the Vaikrita Group and the changes in the sedimenta-
the tectonic window and believed to be intrusive in tion pattern in the Lesser Himalayan basin.
LHS (Sharma 1977), is indeed a gneissic basement The Phanerozoic Tethyan sedimentary sequences
(Bandal Gneissic Complex-BGC) having similar (TTS) have been discussed in detail by earlier workers.
geochemical signature as in the granitic rocks of the Thepresent author would like to draw attention to
WGC. Such a scenario supports orogeny related rapid changes in the Tethys basin which caused termination
uplift and fast removal of its cover rocks. The upwell- of deeper flyschoid sedimentation and shallowing of
ing plume, further induced decompression/extension the basin during late Precambrian, absence of late
in the WGC and caused development of Lesser Cambrian and early Ordovieian sequence in the
Himalayan rift basin and mafic magmatism. Kashmir-Zanskar region (Shah et al 1991), defor-
It may be important to record that the rocks of the mation (Baig et al 1988; Kumar et al 1978), early
WGC preserve upper amphibolite (sillimanite-kya- Palmozoic (500• Ma) magmatism (Sharma 1997)
nite) grade assemblage in an area about I km 2, and the occurrence of Ordovician conglomerates of
presently exposed in the core of the Wangtu Dome. fluvial nature (Bagati 1991), suggesting a significant
Somehow, this area escaped the effects of Himalayan orogeny related tectonic activity on the regional scale
deformation (Tertiary), which is commonly present in during late Precambrian-Cambrian (Bhargava 1980;
the peripheral part of the dome and its core part Valdiya 1995, Sharma 1997).
remained as teetonically resistant enclave. The super- The Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC). There
imposed younger (Tertiary?) metamorphism, in the is sufficient lithological and isotopic data to suggest
marginal part of the WGC and the overlying Jutogh that the Neoproterozoic Vaikrita Group rocks, late
272 Kewal K Sharma

Precambrian-Cambrian Haimanta rocks and the quently, the evidence suggesting normal detachment
Phanerozoic TSS rocks, along with their associated faulting of weakly to unmetamorphosed Tethyan
magmatic suits, represent more or less a complete sequence (Haimanta and TSS) against the mid-crustal
sequence of the sedimentary pile of the Tethyan basin. high grade rocks of the HHC has been discussed from
In the Satluj valley, the author considers the Vaikrita Zanskar, NW Himalaya (Herren 1987; Searle and Rex
Group lithology to correspond to original sediments 1989; Patel et al 1993), Annapurna in Nepal (Brown
dominating in quartz with interbedded basic lava and Nazarchuk 1993), Gyirong-Lhozhag-La Kang seg-
flows in the lower part, dominantly argillaceous in the ment in south Tibet (Burchfiel et al 1992) and very
middle part and carbonaceous shales, marly shales recently from Besham-Banna area in north Pakistan
with impure limestone bands in the upper part. The (Vince and Treloar 1996). These workers emphasized
psammo-pelitic lithology of the upper part of the the role of the extensional tectonics in the TSS, con-
Vaikrita Group, corresponds closely to the lower part temporary to compressional tectonics active in the
of the Haimanta particularly in its carbonaceous HHC and south of it. Burchfiel et al (1992) estimated
content. The transitional zone between the Vaikrita nearly 10km of vertical displacement and 35 km of
and the Haimanta in the Satluj valley is intruded by northward horizontal extension across the normal
lower Ordovician ( 4 7 7 • granite (Kumar detachment fault along the profile at Qomolangma
1986). Such granitic rocks are also known from the (Everest) in south Tibet, while Herren (1987) esti-
Tibetan slab of the Nepal Himalaya and described as mates vertical displacement and horizontal extension
orthogneisses (Le Fort et al 1986). By far the most of the order of 19 km and 16 km, respectively, in the
extensive tract of metamorphosed rocks seen within Zanskar region of NW Himalaya. The sense of shear
the Himalayas is to the south of Indus-Tsangpo Suture indicators recognised in a zone (Burg et al 1984;
Zone. The widely exposed HHC in the Himalaya show Herren 1987; Burchfiel et a11992) suggests northward
strong similarity in its bulk lithology, early Palaeozoic normal faulting of the hanging wall (Tethyan) rocks,
granitic (orthogneisses) activity and the post Hima- whereas Patel et al (1993) have recognized an earlier
layan collision metamorphic history and deformation phase of top-to-south thrusting of the hanging wall
patterns (S-vergent tight to isoclinal folds and other (TSS) of the Zanskar shear zone followed by north-
thrust related structures). The migmatites and the ward normal faulting. Since the overlying Tethyan
Lower Ordovician orthogneisses intruded by small sedimentary sequence with its low grade basal unit
plutons and network of Miocene leucogranites, dom- (Haimanta) detached and glided down northward and
inate in the uppermost part of the HHC. are juxtaposed with the high grade mid-crustal rocks
The structural and metamorphic studies on the of the HHC, this detachment is referred by a regional
HHC rocks from Zanskar and Nepal sectors of the name "Tethyan Detachment Fault" (TDF), instead
Higher Himalaya suggest three phases (M1, M2, M3) of local names.
of metamorphism (Pognente and Benna 1993; Searle In Satluj valley, the present author observed that
and Rex 1989). The first phase of metamorphism the contact zone between the HHC and the Haimanta
(MI: T --550-680~ and P = 8-10Kbar) is early Fm is marked by 1-2 km thick shear characterized by
Barrowian-type and is attributed to subduction and low angle ductile S-C fabrics, and also by brittle
crustal thickening during India-Eurasia collision. deformation (both high and low angle normal faults),
In the middle and the upper levels of the HHC, the indicating NE-directed extension (figure lb). Across
most common assemblage of quartz-plagioclase-ortho- TDF, the F1 and F2 folding patterns in the HHC and
clase-biotite-garnet-sillimanite in the gneisses and the Haimanta rocks are similar with possible differ-
migmatization and the formation of concordant ence in the timing of their development due to the
garnet-orthoclase-sillimanite-bearing leucosomes is movement of two successive thrust sheets. The rocks
related to peak metamorphism (M2 phase, T -- 650- north of the TDF show additional north dipping
750~ and P = 4-7Kbar). A relatively lower tem- normal fault-generated structures, such as north-
perature and lower pressure (T -- 600-700~ and P vergent folds, north dipping high and low angle faults,
-- 2-4 Kbar) M3 phase metamorphism is characterized asymmetrical drag folds and S-C fabrics indicating
by the formation of andalusite-cordierite-orthoclase- northward sense of shearing. Low angle structures are
bearing discordant leucosomes which cross cut M2 related to normal detachment faulting along the TDF,
leucosomes in the upper part of the HHC. Similar whereas the high angle faults are later and have
observations have been made by the author and his superposed on the earlier low angle structures. The
associates on the Vaikrita rocks from the Satluj valley northvergent mesoscopic to large megascopic tight
and estimated temperatures from 590~ to 700~ folds observed in the northern part (Spilu-Pooh area)
during metamorphism (Chawla 1995). represent the gravity gliding related third generation
Tethyan Detachment Fault (TDF). Studies in south folds (F3) developed during south dipping back thrust-
Tibet revealed the existence of a number of normal ing, along which the Haimanta rocks were thrust
faults in the Tethyan sequence (Burg et a11984), north over the domal upwarp in the high grade Vaikrita
of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC). Subse- rocks (figure lb). Similarly, the large north-facing
Evolution of the Himalaya 273

recumbent fold of the Annapurna, with a lateral most part the HHC and the basal part of the
extent of more than 200 km and an inverted limb up Haimanta rocks and some time through the upper
to 25 km (Colchen et al 1986) is also attributed to the Paleeozoic and Mesozoic sequences (Guillot et a11993).
gravity gliding. In some cases (as the Leopargial pluton) they occur as
Further, in the Satluj valley section, the basal unit far as 30 km towards north (figure Ib). Two distinct
(Haimanta) of the TSS has been metamorphosed to belts of the leucogranite plutons have been recognised
kyanite-staurolite grade in the core of a large south- in the Higher Himalayan region, (i) the southern belt
directed thrust related recumbent fold developed (which is restricted to the contact zone of the HHC and
during the southward movement of the Kashmir the base of the Haimanta rocks and (ii) the northern
Thrust Sheet. Similar south vergent folds (FI) in the belt confined to the Tso Morari Dome and the Lhogoi-
hanging wall have also been reported from the Kangri belt (Tu et a11981; Sharma 1997). The granites
Zanskar and the Nyalam and Gyirong areas of south of the southern belts have been studied in detail.
Tibet and are believed to predate the north-dipping Characterized by remarkable uniformity in mineralo-
normal faults (Burchflel et al 1992; Patel et al 1993). gical and major-element composition, the leucogranites
Small plutons of the Tertiary leucogranite and the net- show very strong heterogeneity in Rb/Sr isotopic
work of aplite-pegmatite veins intrude the Palaeozoic systematics. Sr, Pb, Nd and O isotopic data for some
granite, locally called the Kinnar Kailas granite, in the of the leucogranites (Le Fort 1981) corroborates field
upper part of the HHC. If the leucogranites of the and laboratory data, suggesting derivation of anatectic
Satluj valley, like all other Himalayan leucogranites, melts from a crustal sedimentary source. The age data
are Oligo-Miocene (29-18 Ma) in age, then the timing on a number of granite bodies from the southern belt
of the normal detachment faulting and associated suggest the time of granite emplacement and crystal-
ductile S-C mylonitic fabric and low angle faults in lization between 29 and 18 Ma (Le Fort 1981). The
leucogranite represent a closely spaced and interre- mineral age data from the granite bodies and the rocks
lated events. Intensive sericitization and chloritization of the HHC vary between 18 and liMa and are
of large kyanite blades in the Haimanta rocks interpreted to suggest the time of rapid exhumation
observed near Morang and Kah in the Satluj valley and fast cooling of the HHC. U-Pb ages of zircon/
is attributed to hydrothermal activity during intru- monazite of 15.1 • 0.5 Ma from Lhagoi-Kangri pluton
sion of the leucogranite and the associated aplite- and 9.8 :i:0.7Ma and 9.2 • 0.I Ma for Maja pluton
pegmatites. The Oligo-Miocene age of leucogranite (Scharer et a11986) suggest the granite plutons of the
intrusion constraints the southward thrusting and northern belt to be younger than the plutons of the
associated metamorphism of the Haimanta rocks, southern belt.
along with th:z thrusting of the KTS along Panjal The extensive occurrences of leucosome in the
Thrust, to be an earlier event: possibly during the gneisses, in the upper part of the HHC, resulting into
mid-Eocene (45 4- 5 Ma). The leucogranite bodies are migmatites is attributed to the partial melting (~-, 6
generally confined to the uppermost part of the HHC, vol%) of the pelitic and quartzo-feldspathic source
i.e the zone of normal detachment fault, and north o~ rocks by muscovite breakdown during the climax of
it. The aplite-pegmatite veins of the leucogranite in the M2 metamorphism (Pognente and Benna 1993).
Satluj valley are folded along with the F2 folds The large volume of leucogranite melts that emplaced
in HHC. Elsewhere in the Himalaya leucogranite- in the uppermost part of the HHC and north of it
aplite-pegmatite veins are also folded along with the during Oligo-Miocene (29-18Ma) is difficult to
northvergent folds developed as a consequence of account for by fluid-absent muscovite breakdown
north-dipping low angle normal faulting against the reaction in pelites and quartzo-feldspathic rocks.
HHC (Burchfiel et al 1992). Later, these veins are Alternatively, biotite breakdown is necessary, as it
offset by north-dipping high angle normal faults. Thus, can yield up to 50 vol% of granitoid melts. Crystal-
the leucogranites generation, emplacement and crys- lization experiments either in the fluid-absent or at
tallization are short time span events and contempor- low H20 suggest that a major amount of the melt is
ary to the initial stage of the detachment faulting. The produced by fluid-absent biotite breakdown in pelitic
development of northvergent folds, back thrust and system at approximately 850~ (Clemens and Viel-
regional synclinal fold in the Haimanta rocks in the zenf 1987) and only a small extent of melting occurs at
Satluj valley (see figure 4a) is attributed to the north- 800~ temperature involving biotite ~ sillimanite •
ward dipping normal detachment faulting and gliding plagioclase + quartz = garnet • K-feldspar + liquid
of the TSS rocks over the rapidly exhuming HHC. The (Le Breton and Thompson 1988). In order to generate
high angle faulting and the N-S faulting are the a still larger volume of the anatectic melts neccesary
subsequently developed structural features. to produce plutons of the size of Leopargia], Manaslu,
Leucogranite magmatism in HHC. In addition to a Makalu and Kula Kangri, the availability of H20 or
thick zone of anatectic melting resulting migmatites in temperature of 850~ is necessary. Since, there is no
the upper structural level of the HHC, leucogranite evidence that the HHC at the present level of erosion
plutons of various dimensions intrude in the upper in the Himalaya has attained a temperature higher
274 Kewal K Sharma

than 750~ the only other candidate to produce large sediments. The occurrences of blueschist mostly
volumes of leucogranite melt is H20. The presence of associated with obducted ophiolitic masses (Jan 1991,
H20 in the leucogranite melt is evident from the bulk 1991a) and its amphiboles dated around 98 Ma (K-Ar)
composition of the Leo Pargial granite and other suggest that the subduction related blueschist meta-
Himalayan leucogranites which are close to the mini- morphism took place during Cretaceous (Honegger et al
mum melt in the system Ab-An-Or-Qtz-H20, further 1989). Other subduction related petrotectonic assem-
supported by the presence of primary inclusions of blages include, low-K tholeiitic volcanic arc (Dras-
H20+C02 in the ratio of 70:30 in quartz from Kohistan island arc), basic igneous complexes, i.e.
Leopargial leucogranite (Choubey et al 1992) in the Kargil igneous complex in Ladakh (Sharma and
Satluj valley. This would require wet anatexis to Choubey 1991) and Chilas complex in Kohistan (Jan
produce such melt. and Jabeen 1991), and calc-alkaline (syn- to post-
Further, taking a clue from the arguments of Le collision) granite magmatism and volcanism and the
Breton and Thompson (1988) that at comparable boninitic (high-Mg tholeiite) Shyok/Chalt volcanics of
temperature and water contents, and from compar- the backarc basin (Petterson et a11991; Sharma 1991b).
able protoliths, large amounts of melts are produced The effects of collision started showing up in the
at low pressure than at high pressure, would imply petrotectonic assemblages since middle Eocene
that the sudden change in the pressure in the HHC (~ 50 Ma), at least in the Ladakh sector, where arc-
can also accelerate melting. The detachment-con- trench gap basin started shallowing and migration
trolled decompression in the HHC, under going peak towards north. The uplift of the Ladakh range
(M2) metamorphism and migmatization, caused by influenced the sedimentation and provided large
northward gliding of more than 15-20 km thick pile of volumes of volcanic-plutonic rock debris to this
thickened and thrust stacked TSS rocks from the vanishing marine basin which changed to completely
HHC would accelerate leucogranite melt generation. continental in Upper Oligocene (Nanda and Sahni
Sedimentation and m a g m a t i s m in the Indus- 1990). The molassic deposition derived from Ladakh
Tsangpo suture zone (ITSZ). The Indus-Tsangpo arc continued in the two linear basins to the south and
suture zone (ITSZ) that lies to the north of the north of the uplifted Ladakh Range (Sharma 1991c).
Tethys Himalaya, is a highly complicated accretion- The information on collision related assemblages are
ary prism zone, comprising various components of the limited from Kohistan and Lhasa sectors. According
oceanic crust, deep marine trench sediments, mag- to Cao (1991), the Qiuwu Molasse of Eocene age
matic rocks of the island arc, arc-trench gap overlies unconformably the Gangdise granitoids and
sediments, back-arc sequences and so on. Five petro- indicates that the collision occurred prior to their
tectonic assemblages characteristic of subduction- deposition.
collision zone (Condie 1982) have been recognized
and studied in detail by many workers from the ITSZ
(Sharma 1991, 1991a; and references therein). 4. D i s c u s s i o n
The bimodal volcanics (subaerial tholeiitic flows
and rhyolites; Bhat et al 1981) from Kashmir (Panjal Pre-collision tectonic evolution of the Himalaya. The
Traps) and Zanskar (Phe volcanics; Nanda et a11978) tectono-magmatic evolution of the Wangtu Gneissic
represent cratonic rift assemblage, and the platform Complex (WGC) in particular and the Lesser
shelf deposits of the Tethys basin which merge north- Himalayan Gneissic Basement (LHGB) in general,
ward with continental slope deposits called the compares closely with the tectono-magmatic evolu-
Lamayuru flysch in Ladakh (Sinha and Upadhyay tion of the Bundelkhand craton, northern part of the
1994) and Triassic flysch (Gyirong Group) in the Indian shield closest to the Himalaya. The U-Pb and
Lhasa (Cao 1991) represent the cratonic assemblages Pb-Pb age of 2656 • 0.9 Ma from LHC (Parrish and
constituting the passive margin of the Indian plate. Hodges 1996) closely correspond to one of the three
The oceanic assemblages occur in two or three linear (2.7Ga) Archean events (3.4Ga, 3.0Ga, 2.7Ga) of
belts of ophiolitic melanges tectonically emplaced in granitic activity from Bundelkhand craton (Sharma
the arc and the arc-trench interface (Sharma 1994). In 1998), suggesting a strong possibility of Archaean
the Lhasa sector, the complete section of the ophiolitic crustal components in the LHGB. It is now well
melange (Yarlung Zangbo ophiolite), with associated established that the stabilization of the Bundelkhand
upper Jurassic, deep marine radiolarian cherts is craton and its relicts in Aravalli, marked by enormous
exposed (Cao 1991; Mei 1991). Cao (1991) strongly activity of late-tectonic granite magmatism in a
feels that there are two different kinds of oceanic crust narrow time span (~ 2.5 • 0.1 Ga), coincided with the
units recognised within Zangbo suture zone, the major Archaean-Proterozoic Boundary (Weidenbeck et al
one is obducted Yarlung Zangbo ophiolite of Upper 1996). The large scale granite magmatism and the
Jurassic to pre-Albian age, while the subordinate one stabilization of the LHGB around 2 • 0.1 Ga in the
is a younger oceanic crust of Albian to Early Cenoma- Himalayan region, followed the Wangtu Orogeny and
nian age forming the basement for the Congdu trench is attributed to northward younging of the collision
Evolution of the Himalaya 275

presence of the mixed population of the detrital zircons

from the metasandstones (HHC) in Nepal, derived
from the Palmoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic grani-
toids of LHC and, the Lesser Himalayan sequences
(LHS and LHC), suggest that the Lesser Himalaya
became a positive topography for erosion, soon after
the intrusion of 950 Ma granites exposed in the Chaur
area and elsewhere. The widespread granite magma-
tism of 1400-950Ma in the LHC (Chail, Jutogh),
mylonitic gneisses in Chaff (~ 1400 Ma) and reactiva-
tion of uranium mineralization in Rampur quartzite
(~ 1200Ma) and the presence of tholeiites, having
distinct geochemical signatures than the Garhwal
volcanics of the Lesser Himalayan basin interbedded
with the impure quartzites in the basal part of the
Neoproterozoic Vaikrita Group, not only supports the
rift related nature of the Vaikrita basin but also
suggests rapid uplift and fast erosion of the Lesser
Figure 3. Sketch showing evolution of Bundelkhand craton Himalayan rocks. It seems to be a compression related
and its northern margin extending in the Himalayan region uplift and erosion before the rifting event, as it was
(pre-Himalayan collisionscenario). accompanied by granite magmatism followed by
removal of atleast a few kilometers of the cover rocks
and suturing (figure 3) of Archaean crustal belts. All and the southward shifting of the Lesser Himalayan
the three regions (Bundelkhand craton, the Aravalli basin, where sedimentation of Jaunsar-Simla and
and the Lesser Himalaya) witnessed rapid uplift, Blaini-Krol-Tal cycles (Outer Carbonate Belt) con-
passive emplacement of pegmatites in WGC and tinued in a confined basin.
quartz veins in the Bundelkhand craton and fast Some workers (Baig et a11988; Bhargava and Bassi
erosion, suggesting a change over from compressional 1994; Valdiya 1995), on the basis of field data, strongly
to extensional environment culminating in the devel- argued in favour of the late Precambrian-Cambrian
opment of rift basins such as Bijawar, Gwalior, orogeny. The geological observations from the Kinnar
Aravalli and the Lesser Himalaya. This is attributed Kailas area in Satluj valley by the author, together
to the upwelling of mantle plume causing doming of with syn-collisional geochemical signatures of the
the Bundelkhand craton, its rifting and mafic magma- Ordovician granites from the Kashmir, Tso Morari
tism in the northern Indian shield (figure 3). The and Satluj valley (Sharma 1997) are in favour of the
sedimentation in the rifted Lesser Himalayan basin late Precambrian-Cambrian orogeny in the Himalaya
began with Rampur-Sundernagar cycle on the eroded called the Kinnar Kailas Orogeny which terminated
surfaces of the granitic crust which provided clean- sedimentation in the Lesser Himalayan basin. In this
washed matured quartz to form thick quartzite connection it may be pertinent to mention that the
interbedded with tholeiitic volcanics, and continued highly radiogenic strontium bearing gneisses of the
through Palmoproterozic-Mesoproterozoic forming the LHGB, exposed along the present Himalayan Crystal-
LHS and the LHC sequences with associated granitic line Axis, have strongly influenced the Sr-evolution
magmatism (figure 2). The Tethyan basin evidently pattern of the ocean water since 40 Ma and particu-
developed to the north of the Lesser Himalaya during larly during the past 20Ma (Himalayan Orogeny)
Neoproterozoic (~ 900 Ma), floored by gneissic base- through Himalayan rivers (Krishnaswami et al 1992;
ment and the rocks of the Lesser Himalayan basin, as Sharma 1993). Similar trends observed in the evolu-
evident from the mixed population of detrital zircon tion curve of the ocean water around Late Precam-
grains of ages older than 960 Ma from impure meta- brian-Cambrian (Burke et al 1982) and corroborated
sandstone within the HHC (Parrish and Hodges by Sr isotopic data from the Cambrian black shales of
1996). eNd value and Sm-Nd ratio of the gneissic the Tal basin (Sr/= 0.709; Sharma et al 1992), sug-
rocks of the HHC (Parrish and Hodges 1996) support gest that the Himalayan like situation created, expos-
their derivation from two different sources having ing Palmoproterozoic granites of the Lesser Himalaya,
distinct signatures. The possibility of a rifting event, .during the Kinnar Kailash Orogeny. This aspect needs
that could control fault-bounded development of the to be looked into carefully with detailed studies.
Tethyan basin and deposition in it, is quite strong. The scenario that prevailed in the Lesser Himalayan
The author believes that it is along such a fault that region during Proterozoic-Phanerozoic, prior to the
the 10-12 km thick pile of the Phanerozoic TSS could Himalayan collision, is illustrated in figures 2 and 3.
be deposited under gradually subsidiIig shallow basin Post-collision tectonic evolution of the Himalaya.
conditions, without the basin getting filled. The The rise of the Himalayan mountains is attributed to
276 Kewal K Sharma

Figure 4. Time and space relationship of various events in the Himalaya since India-Asia collision.

the continued NE-SW compression, active even after It is now well established that India continued its
the collision of India with Asia. The compressional northward movement at a reduced speed after its first
regime in the Himalaya progressively shifted from collision with Asia in the NW Himalaya 60-65 Ma ago
north to south, as evident from the southward propa- (Smith et al 1994). One of the factors responsible for
gation of the thrust sheets, northward dip of the the reduction in speed could be the bouyancy effect
major thrusts and faults demarcating various litho- caused by the subducting lighter Indian continental
tectonic units, presence of southvergent mega-folds, crust under the denser rocks of the Indus suture zone
crystalline nappes and klippes with their rootzones in (ISZ). An attempt has been made to model various
the north and the well-outlined windows of Lesser events in chronological order (figure 4). The south-
Himalayan sedimentaries under the crystalline thrust ward thrusting of the denser rocks of the ISZ on the
sheets. It is believed that nearly 2,000 km of conver- shelf rocks of the Indian passive margin as Spongtong
gence occurred since Eocene as indicated by studies of Nappe took place during Mid-Eocene, ca. 50 Ma ago.
sea floor magnetic anomalies and palmomagnetics on Evidently, it suggests that the sedimentary cover
the Lhasa and Ladakh block (Partiat and Achache rocks (TSS) of the subducting India continental crust
1984). This has been taken up by some workers as were under tremendous compression. This caused
combination of intracontinental thrusting, homoge- large scale folding, intra-formational thrusts and
neous crustal thickening and the lateral expulsion of nappes (Nimalling-Tsarp Nappe, Steck et al 1993) of
the material along strike slip fault systems developed the TSS and their southward movement as Kashmir
in the Asian Plate. However, crustal shortening, of the Thrust Sheet. Obviously the contact zone between the
order of 500 km, in the Himalaya and 150-200 km in Vaikrita and Haimanta rocks, profusely intruded by a
the Lesser Himalaya, based on the known structural large batholithic body of Lower Palmozoic Kinnar
outlines (Gansser 1981), seems to be a reasonable Kailas granite was preferred for thrusting. It was
estimate. during its southward thrusting that the basal unit of
Evolution of the Himalaya 277

the KTS was deformed, metamorphosed and a small valley support this observation. The thermobarome-
amount of leucogranite magma generated during mid- try of feldspar from Leopargial leucogranite in the
Eocene (47 • 3Ma) in the lower Swat region, N. Satluj valley suggests that the feldspars of the pluton
Pakistan (Smith et a11994). The thrust loading of the crystallized around 746~ at a depth corresponding to
thickened TSS and the Haimanta rocks (more than 5 kbar pressure (Gupta and Kumar 1993) and was in
20 km thick pile) over the Vaikrita rocks caused the equilibrium with the P-T conditions of the surround-
Barrovian-type M1 metamorphism and transformed ing rocks undergoing peak M2 metamorphism (T
them into the early stage of the HHC. Somehow, the = 650-750~ P -- 4-7 kbar). This together with field
southward movement of the KTS was arrested some- observations and the fluid inclusion studies on
time around Oligocene-Miocene, possibly due to lock- primary inclusions in quartz and feldspar of the
ing of the Panjal Thrust. Thus, the compression got granite and pegmatites from Leopargial pluton
shifted to a new site at the base of the Vaikrita along indicating lower fluid trapping temperature (370-
the suggested Neoproterozoic fault which separated 460~ and pressure (1.5-2.5Kbar) suggest that the
the Tethyan Basin from the Lesser Himalayan Basin. pluton emplaced and crystallized quite rapidly under
This resulted in the peak (M2) metamorphism and an the environment of abrupt change from compression
in situ anatexis (migmatization) in the HHC and the to extension.
development of an incipient thrust (future MCT) at Further, the possibility of temperature higher than
the base of the Vaikrita. Experimental structural the M2 metamorphism (about 850~ in the HHC,
studies suggest initiation of a thrust along an older being reached at the deeper level (below the present
fault during compression (Dubey and Bhat 1986; level of erosion) during Miocene cannot be ruled out.
Ramsay and Huber 1987). This caused large scale involvement of biotite in
During the continued compression, the HHC Thrust melting, thus, producing large volumes of the leuco-
Sheet possibly moved over a ramp causing fast granite magma to satisfactorily explain the higher
exhumation. The thicken pile (more than 20 km thick) proportion of the leucogranite magma emplacement
of comparatively cool and unconsolidated Tethyan north of the TDF. Such a possibility is strongly
rocks, not withstanding the upward thrust movement supported by the suggested presence of magma under
of the hot Vaikrita (HHC) slab, started gliding north- the Tibetan plateau during INDEPTH studies (Nel-
ward against the HHC, thus causing normal faulting son et a11996). It is of interest to note that the Indian
(extension) of Haimanta and TSS rocks along the continental crust farther north of ITSZ and under
TDF. Under such a situation, the upper part of the south Tibet is in a partially molten state with tectonic
HHC, which was already undergoing partial melting, slices of the mafic lower crust (Nelson et a11996). This
accentuated leucogranite melt generation due to the observation supports the authors suggestion that
extension-induced decompression, as discussed earlier. temperature higher than 850~ was reached at the
The extension in the zone of detachment and north of deeper level (below the present level of erosion) in the
it provided the required space for the diaparic rise and HHC and north of it during Miocene, thus involving
"in situ" balloning of the magma (Guillot et al 1993) biotite melting in order to produce large volumes of
and the crystallization of the leucogranite plutons. leucogranite magma. The younger ages of the granite
The Oligo-Miocene age (29-18 Ma) of the Leucogra- plutons (less than 10 Ma) from the northern belt, in
nite plutons in the Higher Himalayan region (southern comparison to the southern belt, and the presence of
belt) constraints the timing of the gravity gliding and magma farther north under Tibet, strongly support
detachment faulting. The low angle ductile shearing of the views of the author.
the leucogranites and the involvement of the pegma- The continued northward push of the Indian plate
tite veins in the gravity gliding related northvergent after the collision, resulted stacking of various thrust
folds (Burchfiel et al 1992), indicate that the region slices of the metasedimentary cover rocks (Jutogh-
was still at depth and in the ductile regime. Such a Munsiari and Vaikrita group) of the underthrusting
scenario suggests contemporaneity between the com- LHGB, thus producing double-normal thickness of the
pressional regime necessary to cause southward thrust- crust under the Himalaya. Various geophysical studies
ing and rapid exhumation of the HHC on the one including the deep seismic reflection (INDEPTH),
hand, and the extension causing normal detachment substantiate geological observations suggesting large
faulting of the TSS north of it. Infact, the compression scale structural imbrications and stacking of thrust
in the HHC and extension in the TSS were more or slices (figure 5). The most conspicuous 'mid-crustal'
less simultaneously active during this period. The reflection visible on the INDEPTH seismic profile
rapid exhumation and fast cooling of the HHC after (Zhao et al 1993) is marking the active thrust fault
granite intrusion between 18-11 Ma period is evident called the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). In the
from the coexisting mineral ages. This clearly points opinion of the author, the MHT along which the
to the fact that various compression and extension Indian crust is now underthrusting south Tibet and
related events took place in a short time span. The the upper crust that underlies MHT (figure 5), is
studies on the Leopargial granite pluton from Satluj in fact the Palmoproterozoic LHGB forming the
278 Kewal K Sharma

pile of the Tethys basin, followed by the Halmanta

(late Precambrian-early Palmozoic) in the middle
part and the TSS (Phanerozoic) in the upper part.
The Tethyan sedimentary sequences were deposited
in a fault controlled rift-related basin developed on
the Pal~eoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic LHS/LHC
floor. The compression related tectonic readjust-
ment in the Lesser Himalayan region is suggested
during Neoproterozoic (the Lesser Himalayan
Orogeny) which caused deformation of deeper facies
equivalents of the LHS and changed them to the
LHC, granite magmatism (1000-900Ma), uplift of
the Lesser Himalayan sequences and southward
shift of the Lesser Himalayan basin where in the
Jaunsar-Simla and Blaini-Krol-Tal cycles (Outer
Carbonate Belt) were deposited in a relatively
confined basin. This region, again witnessed possibly
the Kinnar Kailas Orogeny in the Late-Precam-
brian-Cambrian time.
9 During the Himalayan Orogeny, the Vaikrita Group
rocks (HHC) absorbed the maximum compression
caused due to the India-Asia collision and the conti-
nued northward push of the Indian plate. The large
Figure 5. A: - INDEPTH seismic structure under Himalaya scale folding and stacking of the thrust slices of the
and South Tibet; B: - The geologicalprofile of the Himalaya TSS resulted in thickening of the Tethyan sedi-
along the Satluj valley. mentary pile (> 15km), sufficient to cause Barro-
vian metamorphism (M1) in the basal sequences
decollement surface. The seismic reflectors such as (Vaikrita). The Kashmir Thrust Sheet (locally
Main Central Thrust (MCT), South Tibet Detach- metamorphosed) moved southward along Panjal
ment (STD) and Kangmar Dome (KD) noticed at a Thrust and is the first thrust sheet to move in the
shallower level than the MHT, in the INDEPTH Himalaya, followed by the HHC along the MCT-V.
profile (figure 5A), match closely with the MCT-V, Geologically the Lesser Himalaya (between MBT
Tethyan Detachment Fault (TDF) and Tso Morari and MCT-V) is a distinct lithotectonic (Archaean,
Dome (TDM) mapped by the author in the Satluj Palmoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic) entity than the
valley section (figure 5B), NW Himalaya. Further an Higher Himalaya (Neoproterozoic) and the Main
important unnamed thrust, shown between MBT and Central Thrust (MCT-V) represents a deep crustal
MCT (Zhao et al 1993), corresponds closely with the thrust that separates them.
Jutogh Thrust in the Satluj valley which separates the 9 The peak metamorphism (M2 phase) and the
LHC from the LHS. remobilization in the HHC during the Himalayan
Orogeny is attributed to compression caused by the
northward movement of the Indian Plate and the
5. C o n c l u s i o n s resistance offered by the Asian Plate and the lighter
crust of the former to underthrust the heavier rocks
9 The Lesser Himalayan Gneissic Basement (LHGB) of the ITSZ (buoyancy effect). The accumulation of
represents the northern extension of the Bundelk- the stresses at the base of the Vaikrita, caused initia-
hand craton, Northern Indian shield and stabilized tion of thrust (Future MCT-V) at the site of the
around 2,000Ma ago, following the N-S compres- boundary fault separating it from the Lesser
sion related Pal~eoproterozoic Wangtu Orogeny in Himalayan sequences.
the Himalyan region. The LHGB, underwent rapid 9 The ramp related rapid uplift of the HHC around
uplift and the fast erosion soon after the orogeny, Miocene (18-11 Ma), marks M3 metamorphism in it
i.e. the compressional regime soon changed to the during its exhumation a:.d contemporary gravity
extensional (very much similar to the Himalayan gliding of the thickened TSS over the hot and the
situation), and caused development of rift-related fast exhuming HHC. This produced decompression
Lesser Himalayan basin around 1900 Ma ago. induced leucogranite melts which emplacement in
9 The Vaikrita Group, supported by the presence of successive phases [southern belt plutons (29-18 Ma),
detrital zircon of mixed ages and as young as northern belt plutons (15-10Ma) and active mag-
970 Ma, represents Neoproterozoic (900 + 50 Ma) matism under Tibet], possibly related to the rate of
sequence. It forms the basal part of the sedimentary movement of the Indian Plate.
Evolution of the Himalaya 279

9 The LHGB, the northern extension of the Bundelk- provided by the Department of Science and Technol-
hand craton, underthrusts the Himalaya and south ogy to the author under various projects sanctioned
Tibet and its cover rocks (LHS, LHC, HHC, TSS) on Ladakh, Mandi-Jaspa and Bundelkhand, is grate-
stacked as thrust slices, formed the Himalayan fully acknowledged. Special thanks are due to the
Mountain and its decollement surface as the Main research staff, who worked with the author from time
Himalayan Thrust, observed in the INDEPTH to time. The suggestions given by Drs. Talat Ahmed,
profile. M I Bhat, A K Dubey, N S Virdi and Surendar Kumar
and an anonymous reviewer greatly helped to improve
this manuscript. My thanks to Ms Kalpana Negi who
6. P r o b l e m s for future s t u d y helped to produce the computer diagrams for this
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