Program Guide For Value-Added Resellers

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SAP® PartnerEdge™

Program Guide for Value-Added Resellers

Table of Contents

4 The Program Guide for Value-Added Resellers

Exceptional Value
Supporting Your Opportunities
Program Overview
Program Requirements

12 The First Step Toward Selling

How to Become Authorized
How to Maintain Product Authorization
Support Authorization

14 Earning Your Way to a Higher

Program Level
How Your Program Level Is Calculated
Maintaining Your Program Level
Moving Up a Level
Moving Down a Level

16 Rewarding Success

17 Differentiate Your Competence

Why Validated Expertise
Criteria for Validated Expertise

18 A Dedicated Resource
Role of the Partner Services Advisor
How Your Designated Partner Services Advisor
Engages with You

19 Your Entitlements 33 Understanding the Process
Important Information About Service Entitlements Time Frames and Expiration Dates
SAP Program Office
20 Overview of Training, Qualification, How to Request MDF
and Certification
Tips for Success
Curriculum Formats
How to Claim MDF for a Completed Initiative
Role-Based Training

22 Rewards for Active Participation 36 Initiatives That Do Not Qualify for MDF
General Partner Benefits 37 General Policies
Partner Education Claim Submissions and Approvals
Business Enablement Benefits Claim Audit
Active Quality Management MDF Earning
Software Benefits Expiry Rules
Marketing and Selling Support Benefits Submitting Claims and VAT (Varies from Country to
Solution Development Support Benefits Country)
Technical Support Adjustments to Your MDF Account
Amendments to the MDF Program
30 An Introduction to MDF MDF Requests
Initiatives That Qualify for MDF Use Logo Usage
MDF Initiatives
31 Support for Promoting Your Business
How to Earn MDF 41 Value Points Eligibility Details
MDF for Software and Services Sales Euro Currency Conversion
Jump-Start MDF
Funds Management Access FOR Preoperational

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

The Program Guide for Value-Added Resellers

For 2011 the SAP® PartnerEdge™ program showcases new features

designed to enhance and inspire your partnership experience with SAP.
This guide1 summarizes the program framework, benefits, and

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

Exceptional Value

The SAP PartnerEdge program aims to deliver exceptional value and reward partners for their
commitment to SAP. Your membership provides:
•• Effective engagement with SAP
•• Access to tools and resources to develop new opportunities and grow your business
•• Training and enablement to extend your expertise
•• Opportunities for market differentiation

Our award-winning partner program, with robust benefits and enablement resources, is
designed to help you build your business and drive success with offerings that help customers
create value and gain a competitive advantage using SAP solutions. When you choose to partner
with SAP, you have the opportunity to represent a comprehensive and growing portfolio of
on-premise and on-demand solutions.

Supporting Your Opportunities

Among other key benefits, this program provides partners:
1. Terms not defined in the pro-
gram guide will have the meaning •• The new validated expertise designation that helps you better promote your product and
ascribed to them in the channel industry specializations. Please see the “Validated Expertise” section in this guide. (This
partner agreement for the SAP program benefit may not be available in all regions.)
PartnerEdge program. An electronic
•• Sales support that helps you focus on the right prospect, shorten the sales cycle, and sell
copy of this guide and additional
program information are also avail- profitably
able in the SAP Channel Partner •• Market development funds (MDF) for capitalizing on opportunities
Portal site. •• An assigned partner services advisor who helps with technical enablement and services,
along with program support
Please note that for the SAP
Business ByDesign™ solution and •• A unique set of guidelines available to help minimize any channel conflicts, so that you can
subscription-based hosting for an confidently work with our direct sales force when the time arises
SAP Business All-in-One solution, •• A dedicated set of guidelines for achieving support authorization
you must sign a dedicated agree-
ment to be eligible as a partner
offering these products. Most important, we believe in building partner loyalty and satisfaction. We are glad to have you
as part of our team. Please accept our very best wishes for a rewarding partnership with SAP.

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

Program Overview

The SAP PartnerEdge program provides your organization with a robust set of business enable-
ment resources and program benefits that rank among the best, according to industry analysts.

Program Overview

Key Program Element Explanation

Program levels There are three program levels: bronze, silver, and gold. Each level entitles you to an impressive
set of program benefits that increase as you advance to a higher level via our unique Value
Points system.

Value Points Partners earn Value Points in three areas: revenue, competency – capability building, and
marketing initiatives. For complete details, please see “Earning Your Way to a Higher Program
Level” in the “Program Levels” section of this guide.

Validated expertise SAP-validated expertise is a program benefit that enables partners to state that the
organization has achieved SAP-validated expertise in a specific solution or industry. Partners
that have achieved this validation may use the term to help differentiate their competence and
market focus. It may not be available in all regions.

Product authorization Partners must attain authorization before selling – a specific ongoing requirement that
includes training and qualification or certification for each SAP® product family, as defined in
your Region-Specific Program Information guide.

Support authorization To provide value-added reseller–delivered support, your organization must be certified as a
partner center of expertise, which involves employee training, qualification, and certification.

Region-Specific Program This concise document complements this program guide, providing all the necessary regional
Information information related to your partner type. It includes ongoing program requirements, solution-
specific requirements, Value Points earnings, program benefits, and rates for market develop-
ment funds.

Market development funds Depending on your status and program level, you may have the opportunity to earn MDF
(MDF) for your demand-generation and training activities. For details, please refer to the “Market
Development Funds” sections of this guide.

SAP Channel Partner This site is a secure, centralized online resource that provides information, tools, training,
Portal site and specific applications to manage your SAP partnership (
(SAP Business ByDesign™ Business Center is accessible via the portal.)

Partner services advisor The advisor serves as your designated personal contact, complementing other SAP contacts
and providing access to education and enablement support resources.

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

Program Requirements

This section details the minimum and ongoing program requirements.

For new partners, minimum entry requirements include accreditation requirements for the
SAP PartnerEdge program. Upon satisfactory completion of minimum program requirements
(including at least one product authorization), your organization will be entered into the pro-
gram as an operational partner at the bronze level.

As an official member of the SAP channel partner family at the bronze level, your organization:
•• Is authorized to resell agreed-upon products and services
•• Begins receiving the program benefits, including earning MDF
•• Receives the SAP PartnerEdge program e-welcome kit
•• Gets full access to the SAP Channel Partner Portal site
•• Receives a welcome e-mail with key information and a special ID (called a portal user ID) for
accessing SAP solutions
•• Is eligible to use the SAP partner logo and SAP trademarks2
•• Determines the support delivery model

Minimum Program Entry Requirements for All Value-Added Resellers

SAP sponsorship Partners must be sponsored by local SAP channel manage-

ment based on value-oriented capabilities and match to SAP
market coverage needs.

Signed channel Each applicant must sign the channel partner agreement for
partner agreement the SAP® PartnerEdge™ program that includes the terms and
conditions for the partner relationship.

Business profile Each partner candidate completes an online business appli-

cation including company information, key contacts, assess-
ment of company skills and capabilities, and other relevant
Footnotes information. Partners must keep their profiles accurate at all
2. See SAP PartnerEdge Brand-
ing and Logo Usage Guidelines for Program jump-start A new partner must pay any required program jump-start
Partners, which is available on the Contribution3 contribution. Prospective partners are invoiced from SAP
upon application approval.
3. Please check your Region- Where applicable, a percentage of the program jump-start
Specific Program Information guide contribution may be rebated to the partner in the form of
to see if this is applicable for your jump-start market development funds.

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

As an authorized partner, you must abide by the SAP PartnerEdge program ongoing requirements
to maintain your status.

SAP reserves the right to terminate the channel partner agreement if your organization does not:
• Pay annual fees
• Meet at least one product authorization
• Meet or exceed minimum annual revenue
• Submit a business plan
• Keep accounts payable in good standing

All of the requirements listed in the tables must be met by the partner. In July and January of
each year, SAP will verify that partners are meeting the ongoing program requirements and may
take action accordingly.

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

Minimum Program Entry Requirements for All Value-Added Resellers

Annual fee Partners must pay any required annual fees in full. Existing partners are invoiced in full at the
beginning of each year. The amount of the annual fee is listed in your Region-Specific Program
Information guide.
For new partners, this fee will be prorated based on the quarter in which the partner joins.
Please see below. Prospective partners receive an invoice from SAP upon application approval.
•• Q1 start = 100% of the fee
•• Q2 start = 75% of the fee
•• Q3 start = 50% of the fee
•• Q4 start = 25% of the fee
The program fee for partners entering the program after the 10th day in the last month of each
quarter is calculated and invoiced from the following quarter.

Business plan Business plans outline specific goals, including revenue and training activities. A partner organi-
zation must submit a business plan during the recruitment phase and then annually to meet the
requirements of the program. SAP provides the template and timeline for review and completion
to all partners, and the SAP partner manager will make best efforts to collaborate in developing a
plan that both parties will agree to. The business plan template is available in the Manage My
Partnership application, which you can access via the SAP Channel Partner Portal site.
Please note: If you are a new partner entering the program between January and July, you
should use the current year’s business plan template. If you enter the program later in the year,
you will have the option to use either the current year’s planning template or the next year’s.
If you are obtaining authorization for another product, you are required to update your business
plan during the new-product onboarding phase.

Product authorization Fulfilling the specific requirement for product authorization is mandatory for each SAP
product family prior to selling those products. This is achieved by having employees take
the required training and any associated Web assessments or certification exams, thereby
meeting the minimum number of trained employees for each product family. Your organiza-
tion must maintain at least one product authorization to remain an operational partner.
Product families and associated training requirements are described in your Region-Specific
Program Information guide. SAP may develop new training curriculums for niche products
within a solution portfolio. This training and corresponding Web assessments are needed for
product authorization. A partner that completes only the niche product training can sell only
that specific product. Additionally, SAP may add new product authorizations or product
focus areas that have specific training requirements. More information can be found in SAP
Channel Partner Portal. See the “SAP PartnerEdge Education” section in this guide for the
appropriate training roles.

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

Ongoing Program Requirements

Business plan Submit a yearly business plan in line with SAP’s financial year, using the forms provided in the
Manage My Partnership application:
•• The SAP partner manager will work with your organization to develop a mutually
agreed-upon plan.
•• Your organization maintains ownership of your business plan and planning data.
•• The business plan must be submitted no later than the first quarter of each new year

Annual fees Submit payment of any annual fees:

•• Please refer to the program fees table in your Region-Specific Program Information guide.
•• Additional program fees will not be required when adding products.

Product authorization Maintain the minimum number of trained individuals required for your country or region.
An employee is qualified or certified by satisfactorily completing the required training and
passing the corresponding Web-based assessment (for qualification) or in-person exam
(for certification). Partners must maintain a minimum level of trained and qualified or certified
To sell more than one SAP® product, partners need to achieve and maintain product authori-
zation for each product. Partners may be deauthorized if the authorization requirements are
not maintained for a specific product family.
SAP may develop new training curricula for niche products within a solution portfolio. This
training and corresponding Web assessments are needed for product authorization. A partner
that completes only the niche product training can sell only that specific product. Additionally,
SAP may add new product authorizations or product focus areas that have specific training
requirements. More information can be found in the SAP Channel Partner Portal site.

Support authorization To provide value-added reseller–delivered support, your organization must be certified as a
partner center of expertise. This comprises several requirements.
Certified support consultants fulfill the following roles:
•• System administrator
•• Message processor
•• Support coordinator
•• The necessary support infrastructure – the SAP Solution Manager application
management solution
•• A successfully passed SAP audit – for detailed information, please see

Welcome to the SAP PartnerEdge Program

Minimum annual Partners must maintain the minimum annual revenue defined in your Region-Specific Program
revenue Information guide:
•• Only partners that have been in the program for a full calendar year will be required to meet
the annual revenue requirement, which will be in line with SAP’s financial year (January 1
through December 31).
•• Partners that carry multiple product authorizations will be required to meet a revenue re-
quirement equal to the sum of each of the product’s individual annual revenue or subscrip-
tion order value requirements.
•• Partners carrying multiple product authorizations can meet the revenue requirements on
any one or a combination of products.
•• If partners carrying multiple products fail to produce any revenue for one of the products,
SAP may deauthorize that partner for that particular product.

Accounts payable Ensure that your SAP accounts payable are always in good standing. If your accounts payable
are not in good standing, your organization will not be able to move up a program level, even if
you have the Value Points required for a higher program level.

Product Authorization

The First Step Toward Selling

Getting your partnership off to a fast and productive start is easy.

As soon as SAP receives your signed channel partner agreement and
any required fees, you should immediately focus on achieving product
authorization on the solution(s) that you choose to represent.

During this period, your organization will receive limited access to SAP Channel Partner Portal,
where you and your designated staff can access the online education content for the required
training sessions and assessments.

Once you achieve product authorization, you can then start selling. The section below details
how to get authorized.

How to Become Authorized

For value-added resellers (VARs), product authorization is achieved when the required number
of employees within your organization complete mandatory training and pass the qualification
and certification for each product family you plan to sell. The minimum number of trained
individuals for each product family is listed in the Region-Specific Program Information guide
applicable for your country.

SAP may develop new training curricula for niche products within a solution portfolio. This
training and corresponding Web assessments are needed for product authorization. A partner
that completes only the niche product training can sell only that specific product. Additionally,
SAP may add new product authorizations or product focus areas that have specific training
requirements. More information can be found in the SAP Channel Partner Portal site.

Successful completion of a course assessment or exam is required. Requirements can be satis-

fied by the same employee who successfully completes multiple assessments or exams.

If your organization represents multiple SAP solutions in the marketplace, you must complete
the product authorization requirements for all solutions. If you have any questions, please con-
sult your SAP partner manager

How to Maintain Product Authorization

Product authorization is a key element of the minimum program entry requirements and the
ongoing program requirements. The loss of an employee trained or certified by SAP affects
whether you meet the ongoing program requirements for product authorization. It is your
responsibility to notify SAP when a trained employee leaves your company, and to correct and
update any deficiencies in the Manage My Partnership application, which you can access via the
SAP Channel Partner Portal site.

It is best to select another individual quickly who will take the necessary qualification or
certification to avoid possible termination from the program.

Product Authorization


New partners have six months to complete the product authorization requirements. If product
authorization is not achieved within that period, partners face the possibility of termination of
their partnership agreement with SAP.

Existing partners that choose to represent an additional SAP product also must meet the
required six-month product authorization deadline.

When a new release becomes available in your country, you will receive notice no less than six
months in advance for employees to get qualified or certified on the new release.

Support Authorization

All partners must decide between SAP-delivered support and VAR-delivered support.
SAP-delivered support means that you sell the SAP solution and SAP provides the necessary
support. For new partners, this model implies less effort. Your customers have the choice
between SAP Standard Support and SAP Enterprise Support services.

VAR-delivered support means that you sell the SAP solutions and also provide the support.
You need a certified partner center of expertise with certified support consultants and an
operational support infrastructure. Your customers also have the choice of SAP Standard
Support or SAP Enterprise Support.

Program Levels

Earning Your Way to a Higher

Program Level

All new partners enter the program at the bronze level, with the
opportunity to attain a higher program level that offers more benefits
(see Figure 1).

How Your Program Level Is Calculated

SAP calculates your program level based on the number of Value Points you earn in three areas:
•• Revenue
•• Competency – capability building
•• Marketing initiatives

You can find your Value Points balance in the Manage My Partnership application.
Each program level requires a defined amount of Value Points (refer to your Region-
Specific Program Information guide).

At the end of each month, SAP will check your organization’s Value Points balance. Provided
your company has met the required Value Points threshold for a higher program level, SAP will
automatically upgrade your program level at the beginning of the following month. Most Value
Points expire 12 months after they are earned. To find out what the expiration rules are and how
you can earn Value Points for the different areas, see the “Value Points Eligibility” tables in the
“Reference” section at the end of this guide.

Gold Level
Most benefits

Silver Level

Higher commitment

Elevated benefits

Bronze Level
Program entry point
Standard requirements
Business benefits

Figure 1: SAP® PartnerEdge™ Program Levels

Program Levels

Maintaining Your Program Level

Once you reach a program level, your organization maintains that level by maintaining
the required Value Points range. Level-up evaluations are done monthly. Level-down
evaluations are done in January and July.

Moving Up a Level

When your organization has met or exceeded the Value Points threshold for a higher program
level, advancement to the next level will occur in the beginning of the following month. (SAP
strives to achieve this by the third workday.) You will then begin receiving the accompanying
benefits of the higher program level.

Moving Down a Level

If SAP determines that your organization is failing to maintain the Value Points threshold during
the twice-a-year check (January and July), it will be moved down to the appropriate program

Value Points

Rewarding Success

Our unique Value Points system provides innovative ways to reward

your success. What makes our Value Points system so unique – and
so attractive – is that it offers an equal opportunity for all partners to
excel and advance in program level by accumulating points for various
activities and initiatives.

Value Points activities and initiatives are organized and earned in three areas: revenue;
competency – capability building; and marketing initiatives.

Partners begin to earn Value Points during the onboarding phase, but Value Points will not be
counted toward your program level until your organization becomes operational.

As a new partner, you will enter at the bronze level and can begin earning your way toward
the next levels (silver and gold) as the Value Points process is formally initiated. You can check
your Value Points statement located in the Manage My Partnership application in SAP Channel
Partner Portal.

Note: If SAP requires payment prior to product delivery to the partner, then Value Points will be
allocated after payment has been received in full. Value Points are only awarded for products on
the current price list. They are not awarded for legacy products that are not on the current price

To learn more about the Value Points available in your region, see your Region-Specific Program
Information guide.

Important note: In the Value Points tables in your Region-Specific Program Information guide,
you will see a set maximum number of Value Points you can earn for each activity. However,
please do not discontinue activities when you have earned the maximum number, because
those Value Points will be used to replace expiring Value Points.

How Value Points Work for Your Organization

Revenue •• New customer license sales

(Any revenue you create •• Current SAP customer license sales
when selling SAP® prod- •• Subscription sale – new contract
ucts to your customers) •• Subscription sale – renewal contract

Competency – •• Additional employees trained and qualified or certified

capability building •• New qualified or certified solutions for certain products
(Rewards your education
efforts and solution

Marketing initiatives •• Participation in select marketing and demand-generation

initiatives that produce tangible results
•• Customer references

Validated Expertise

Differentiate Your Competence

SAP clearly understands your organization’s need to stand out among

competitors and send a clear and confident message to prospects.
To support you in this regard, we are introducing “validated expertise.”

Validated expertise is a program benefit that enables partners to state that their organization
has achieved SAP-validated expertise in a specific solution or industry. Partners that have
achieved this validation may use the term to help differentiate their competence and market

Why Validated Expertise

While your SAP product authorizations are a vital and necessary component of your ongoing
program participation, the validated expertise designation is an important part of a basic
business tactic. It is intended to build confidence among your prospective customers in your
abilities to deliver an SAP solution that satisfies their business needs.

The validated expertise designation highlights to customers not only your solution expertise but
also that you have successfully worked with other customers to deliver value in the respective
industry or solution area.

The validated expertise designation is globally available to our partners.4 Once it is granted, you
can use it on your Web site, marketing literature, business cards, and other vehicles and media.

Criteria for Validated Expertise

You can find an application and more specific rules in SAP Channel Partner Portal, or you can
contact your partner services advisor for further details. The validated expertise designation is
valid for one year from the date issued, when you will need to reapply.

Criteria areas are as follows:

•• Delivery capability – Partners must meet or exceed a certain number of customer references
or validated projects related to the specific solution or industry (specific industry scenarios)
achieved on time and within budget. The country will determine the minimum project size for
an implementation reference. Size can change based on market evolution. SAP validates deliv-
ery expertise through the customer implementation validation process. Customer references
are valid for two years from the date submitted by customers.
•• Product competency – Partners must meet or exceed a targeted number of people on staff
with specific solution or industry competence.
•• Business performance – Partners must meet a certain “minimum sold” of new names in in-
dustry categories in the past 24 months. The version of the solution implemented must be a
current or previous version.

4. Validated expertise may not be

available in all regions.

Partner Services Advisor

A Dedicated Resource

A unique and special program benefit is the assignment of a designated partner services advisor,
who will act as one of your personal contacts and complement your other SAP resources. Your
partner services advisor5 primarily focuses on your capability enablement and SAP PartnerEdge
program support. In contrast, your SAP partner manager focuses on your overall relationship
with SAP, engaging with you on joint business planning and performance tracking and assisting
you with day-to-day business matters and specific sales opportunities.

After you have signed the partner agreement, SAP’s global partner services delivery team will
provide you with necessary details about your partner services advisor (including telephone and
e-mail information).

If you don’t know who your partner services advisor is, you can contact the partner support
center at [email protected].

Role of the Partner Services Advisor

Your partner services advisor will help you:

•• Develop an ongoing enablement plan for your organization based on individual targets and
•• Facilitate technical knowledge related to SAP products and solutions, new features, and
information on new releases
•• Coordinate access to program benefits
•• Understand the program framework and requirements and identify opportunities to maximize
your partnership performance

How Your Designated Partner Services Advisor Engages with You

As a new partner, you can expect your advisor to proactively schedule an introductory session.
Based on your business priorities, the advisor develops a tailored enablement plan for your

Depending on your experience level, the enablement plan can comprise a blend of remote ser-
vices such as:
•• Enablement sessions – one-to-many enablement sessions
•• Focus sessions – personalized one-on-one online meetings

Please note: Your partner services advisor assists with capability-building and program queries
and does not replace SAP standard product support. Please refer to the Technical Support Guide
for further details. In the area of support, the partner services advisor:
•• Can only provide assistance in routing incidents or requests to the appropriate support
organization 5, SAP reserves the right to reas-
•• Does not provide on-site visits and handling of remote consulting topics sign an advisor without forewarn-
•• Is authorized to do a spot-check audit of any partner requirements related to product support. ing. SAP may adjust the description
of the advisor’s role and tasks
In cases where the support request is generated from a customer incident, service will be according to changes in technology
provided only if the customer has subscribed to an SAP maintenance model, either SAP and software upon prior written
Standard Support or SAP Enterprise Support. notice to the partner.

Partner Enablement Services

Your Entitlements

Your partner services advisor helps provide you with partner enable-
ment services. Your organization’s program level (bronze, silver, or gold)
determines the number of service entitlements you can consume
throughout a year, and that number increases as you achieve higher
program levels. (The number of service entitlements by program level is
listed in your Region-Specific Program Information guide.)

Your partner services advisor can provide you with an up-to-date list of available enablement
services. It is the partner’s responsibility to fully utilize the service entitlements within a calendar
year. We therefore suggest that you appoint a key contact who can plan your service entitle-
ments with the partner services advisor to maximize your service entitlement usage.

The available sessions are as follows:

•• Enablement sessions – Enablement sessions are delivered in a one-to-many mode. You can
explore specific subjects that are prescheduled on the partner enablement calendar (accessi-
ble via SAP Channel Partner Portal).
•• Focus sessions – Focus sessions are prescheduled one-on-one meetings with your advisor,
based on your specific needs. Focus sessions also include live, online workshops. These ses-
sions will consume more entitlements than the one-to-many enablement sessions

Important Information About Service Entitlements

Some important information regarding service entitlements is as follows:

•• Service entitlements are based on a calendar year.
•• At the beginning of each calendar year, your organization is credited with the number of
service entitlements that corresponds to your program level. If your level changes, your
entitlement will be adjusted accordingly.
•• For partners joining the program midyear, the allocation of service entitlements will be
prorated depending on the quarter in which the channel partner agreement is signed.
Any unused entitlements will expire at the end of the calendar year without any reimburse-
ment, and they cannot be transferred into subsequent years.
•• Any service included in the SAP standard service catalog is not part of this program and
cannot be consumed against the entitlement, but it can always be requested as an additional
paid service.

SAP will always strive to meet your request for a session but cannot guarantee that each request
can be met should your organization exceed this recommended level of consumption in any one
calendar quarter. In case a service that you request is not available through the partner enable-
ment calendar, or cannot be offered by the partner services delivery organization, SAP may offer
a customized service, subject to availability, for an additional fee. For details on the consumption
rate of services, please contact your partner services advisor.

SAP PartnerEdge Education

Overview of Training, Qualification,

and Certification

The SAP PartnerEdge Education program enables your employees to

earn qualification or certification for SAP products and technology.

SAP helps your employees become better prepared to develop, sell, implement, or deploy
your SAP solutions with confidence. Our intelligently designed training is organized by job
role to help ensure that individual employees get the right training.

SAP PartnerEdge Education is offered in three levels, with progressively more challenging
content at each level. For new partners, Level 1 is the foundation training. As the SAP product
portfolio expands, additional training opportunities may be offered.

Curriculum Formats

We offer a blended approach of classroom training, workshops, and e-learning resources

available via the Education section of SAP Channel Partner Portal.

Once they complete the course work, your employees must pass tests to become qualified or
certified. The tests consist of:
• Web assessments used for qualification
• Proctored exams at a certified testing center for SAP certification
• A combination of both, depending on the employee’s role

Web assessments that are linked in a series must all be completed to be counted toward
product authorization (a minimum and ongoing requirement) or Value Points. Web assess-
ments are offered in various local languages. All linked Web assessments should be completed
in the same language.

Role-Based Training

The “Roles” table summarizes the training provided for the different job roles. The role may vary
depending on the SAP solution. Please see the Education section of SAP Channel Partner Portal
for additional information and a detailed training matrix. Testing that requires an in-person
proctored exam will be held at a certified testing center.

SAP PartnerEdge Education

Roles Role Function

Development Add additional functionality or develop add-ons for a market

consultant niche

Sales executive Sell to customers (for partners that sell SAP® Business
ByDesign™, this role was formally known as account

Implementation Introduce business processes and implement software at

consultant customer sites for the SAP Business One application

Presales consultant Work with the sales team to define customer needs and
recommend the appropriate application (for partners that sell
SAP Business ByDesign, this role was formally known as the
solution advisor)

Project manager Plan, evaluate, analyze, implement, and provide project

management coaching to team members

Technical consultant Introduce business processes and implement software at

customer sites for the SAP Business All-in-One solutions (for
partners that sell SAP Business ByDesign, this role was for-
mally known as the service advisor)

Solution consultant Implement qualified partner solutions at customer sites and

develop qualified partner solutions that package and produc-
tize these solutions

Support consultant Set up the support infrastructure and deliver support for
customers from a certified partner center of expertise
(applicable to VAR-delivered support only)

Note: We strongly recommend that partners have the ability to demonstrate the technology.
We encourage partners to maintain and have access to a current functioning demo environ-
ment in support of the solutions they are selling.

Program Benefits

Rewards for Active Participation

The SAP PartnerEdge program offers rich benefits that reward your
organization for active participation and success with SAP products and
programs. Actual benefits may vary by country.

Refer to the Region-Specific Program Information guide in your e-welcome kit or in the SAP
Channel Partner Portal site to see which benefits are available in your area. While many benefits
are available to all partners, some are level or product specific. Your organization will receive
more benefits and more rewards as higher program levels are attained.

General Partner Benefits

The following benefits are available to all partners.

Channel Partner Newsflash or Newsletter

Partner newsletters are available in both local and global editions. These e-newsletters keep
you informed of product announcements and developments, program-related issues and news,
and how to make the most of your partnership.

SAP PartnerEdge Program E-Welcome Kit

Upon entering the program, new partners receive an e-welcome kit with documentation and
resources to facilitate the initial selling and development of SAP products and solutions.

Figure 2: SAP® Channel Partner Portal for Value-Added Resellers

Program Benefits

Access to SAP Channel Partner Portal

You receive access to SAP Channel Partner Portal – a password-protected, single sign-on,
partner-only Web site for easy information management and access to sales and marketing
resources, educational content, and ordering (see Figure 2). The My Partnership section also
allows you to manage your business relationship, view Value Points, access the MDF manage-
ment application, and more. SAP Business ByDesign Business Center is available from the
Web site and provides partners with additional information, topics, and resources on the SAP
Business ByDesign solution.

Jump-Start Resources
New partners may receive bundled support to simplify learning and minimize start-up

Designated Partner Services Advisor

Please see the “Partner Services Advisor” section earlier in this guide for details on this program

Assigned Partner Manager

Top program-level partners are assigned a designated partner manager to provide strategic
guidance in sales engagements.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Program

SAP runs a partner-centric customer satisfaction survey program with an external vendor. The
program helps you understand your company’s performance in the market using a satisfaction
benchmarking approach. If you are interested in joining this program, please talk to your SAP
partner manager.

Partner Conferences
SAP partner conferences and events offer an opportunity to learn about the latest products and
program developments and provide a chance to meet SAP executives and colleagues.

SAP Financing
The SAP Financing service is designed to benefit your customers by improving cash flow,
optimizing their budgets, and improving the ROI of their SAP projects. SAP Financing can be
used to finance all software, hardware, and services costs of an SAP solution for a period of up
to seven years. Partners are encouraged to explore the benefits of offering SAP Financing to
their customers. SAP Financing is not available in all countries. You can find additional informa-
tion about SAP Financing in SAP Channel Partner Portal.

Partner Education

Please see the “SAP PartnerEdge Education” section earlier in this guide for details on this
program benefit.

Program Benefits

Business Enablement Benefits

The following benefits help you grow your business relationship and market base with SAP.

Validated Expertise Designation

You have the opportunity to apply for a designation that describes your depth of experience in
industries and SAP solutions to prospective customers. This will help you promote awareness
of your company’s skills and competencies in the market.

Deal Registration Service

A service (available in select regions) saves you time by helping you input your deal information
into the opportunity management system.

Opportunity Sharing
An automated lead-distribution process equitably shares leads with partners by geographic
region, based on program level.

Partner Locator Listing

Your company contact information can be posted on an end-customer-facing tool at Each SAP partner is listed with basic profile information so that prospective
customers can find partners quickly and easily.

Solution Directory Listing

Your solution details are available for other partners and prospective customers to see at

Active Quality Management

Active quality management, a recently launched global quality accreditation program for
channel partners, can help your organization adopt a quality approach for processes and
delivery methodologies. The SAP Active Quality Management organization does this by
collaborating with channel partners and providing helpful templates, tools, and processes.
By achieving SAP accreditation in active quality management, your team can improve customer
satisfaction, drive success, and increase profitability.

Technology and Business Industry Advisors

External technology and industry advisors offer advice on best practices and guidance to help
partners build business.

Joint Proposal to SAP Global and Large Accounts

Select partners can join SAP in proposing an SAP solution to a global or large account customer.

Program Benefits

Software Benefits

Software benefits are available based on program participation and level and product
authorization. SAP distributes these benefits at the time of availability.

Software is made available to the partner company based on existing SAP license terms.
Certain license and maintenance fees may apply in accordance with the prevailing and relevant
SAP price list and terms per your local subsidiary

Demo Software
Demo software is made available to partners. Fees may apply.

Productive Use of the Software

Software is made available to partners. Minimal license or subscription fees may be charged,
provided the partner agrees to SAP license terms. Additionally, the partner may have to pay a
maintenance fee according to the current price list.

Participation in Ramp-Up or Beta Testing

Partners get to be part of the early cycles of software development. This opportunity is open to
partners that develop qualified SAP Business All-in-One partner solutions and to silver- and
gold-level VARs and software solution and technology partners that offer the SAP Business One

Product Briefings
All partners have the opportunity to receive the latest product briefings via different events or
modes. These include SAP Channel Partner Portal, SAP Business ByDesign Business Center for
partners selling SAP Business ByDesign, and electronic newsletters or mailings.

Marketing and Selling Support Benefits

You may have access to a variety of marketing and selling support and resources to help you
sell better, market better, and grow your business.

Demand-Generation Tools
Find demand-generation tools in SAP Channel Partner Portal, including the new online cam-
paign creation tool. With this tool, you now have a simple, cost-effective way to generate quality
sales leads for your organization.

Using this tool, you can develop targeted demand-generation campaigns from a library of
materials – including e-mails, postcards, direct mailers, brochures, and more. Leverage demand-
generation campaign messaging as well as prebuilt templates – or build your own campaigns.
You can view, customize, and execute comprehensive marketing campaigns at little to no cost to
your business.

In North America and the Asia-Pacific-Japan and Latin America regions, the tool is called the
SAP Virtual Agency partner campaign creator. In Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it is called
SAP partner campaign creator.

Program Benefits

Marketing Services Bureau

Some countries and regions have bureaus that provide partners with SAP-designed marketing
collateral and assets for demand generation and awareness building. You can use many of these
bureaus in conjunction with the online campaign creation tool described above.

Marketing Tools and Collateral

SAP Channel Partner Portal includes tools to assist you in your marketing efforts, including
marketing collateral, demand-generation marketing campaigns, and detailed product
documentation to help you communicate with current and prospective customers.

SAP may also provide you with additional collateral for use in your marketing efforts (for
distribution to prospective customers). Such collateral, as well as all marketing tools, is
provided without warranty of any kind by SAP.

Market Development Funds

SAP may provide you with MDF to help you market your solutions. In addition to MDF, your
organization may present a proposal to SAP for business development funds (BDF) to support
expansion of your market potential. (BDF requests are subject to SAP channel management
approval.) Rules for MDF and BDF vary by program level and by country or region. Please refer
to the “Market Development Funds” sections of this guide for more information. Additional
funds may be available based on business or marketing plans.

Marketing Training
The SAP channel marketing university is a free online training Web site created especially for
SAP partners for the small and midsize enterprise market. You will have access to 10 training
modules covering basic marketing concepts, demand-generation fundamentals, marketing
planning and execution, lead management, and success metrics. All of the training modules
have been specifically created to enable you to drive your own demand-generation campaigns.

Standard Discounts
SAP offers a discount on the list price of products you are authorized to sell, commensurate with
your program level. Refer to the channel partner agreement and discount letter for more information.

Resellers of SAP Business ByDesign that opt to earn commission (sell on SAP paper), in
countries where this is option is available, will be paid commission on net revenue to SAP after
the customer has paid SAP. Refer to the SAP Business ByDesign partner agreement.

Access to SAP Facilities

Use SAP facilities for demonstrations and customer briefs by making a request through your
partner manager. Special conditions apply. Contact your partner manager for more details.

Comarketing Opportunities
Partners have opportunities to comarket with SAP. Silver and gold partners may receive additional
packages and detailed options.

Program Benefits

Customer Reference Program

Earn Value Points for providing valid customer references. For more information about the
customer reference program, refer to Maximizing SAP Resources: Guide for Channel Partners
in your e-welcome kit.

Partner Networking
On-site partner events provide a venue for partners to network with and promote their

Presales Enablement
Receive presales support from SAP product experts and salespeople on SAP products.

SAP periodically sponsors promotions for partners. Look for information in the portal or in your
local or global Channel Partner Newsflash.

Sales Tools
SAP has a variety of Web-based and CD resources and hard-copy tools to aid you through the
customer engagement lifecycle.

SAP Logo Usage Rights and Logo Kit

Authorized partners may use the appropriate SAP partner logo and SAP trademarks in market-
ing and sales efforts, subject to terms and conditions outlined by SAP. Terms of the SAP logo li-
cense included with the channel partner agreement apply. A unique brand identifier and usage
guidelines are available for gold partners. See SAP PartnerEdge Branding and Logo Usage Guide-
lines for Partners, which is available in the portal.

Solution Display Opportunities

Software solution and technology partners may display their solutions at SAP-sponsored inter-
nal and customer-facing events.

Customer Success Stories

Submit success story ideas to your partner manager. We evaluate submissions and may publish
your stories on the SAP Web site as well as the portal. You can use these published success sto-
ries on your Web site or as collateral to promote your SAP solutions. Please see your Region-
Specific Program Information guide for availability of Value Points.

Solution Development Support Benefits

SAP supports partners with solution certification. The following benefits are scaled to your level
in the program.

Product Marketing Development Tools

Receive access to the SAP Tutor application, Solution Composer tool, vertical solution develop-
ment kit, and SAP Best Practices packages.

Program Benefits

Add-On Product Certification

To help you attain industry clout, a well-defined, official SAP process certifies or qualifies the
integration between your add-on and SAP software. This is a mandatory, fee-based benefit.
Please see SAP Channel Partner Portal for details.

Access to SAP Developer Network

Partners have access to the SAP Developer Network site to get guidance and technical expertise
directly from SAP developers and communicate with peers.

Technical Support

The following benefits are designed to provide knowledge, services, and access to SAP’s
support infrastructure to help you succeed in your relationship with SAP and with your
customers. Please see the SAP PartnerEdge Technical Services Guide for additional details on
remote services available to SAP channel partners.

Access to the SAP Collaboration Platform

The table below describes the three components of the SAP collaboration platform.

Access to SAP Service Marketplace Extranet

SAP provides partners full access to the SAP knowledge database to facilitate delivery of
first-rate customer support. You can search on the SAP Notes service and other repositories
for software errors and information on how to remedy, avoid, and bypass these errors. You can
also find coding corrections that you can implement into your customers’ SAP solutions.

Partner support This full-fledged support desk functionality provides trans­

dashboard parent support and customer status, along with real-time
(SAP® Business One updates to important support news and hot topics. Important
application) knowledge repositories provide enablement content to your
support organization, and you can submit, manage, and track
the status of your support messages. You can also access
support tools to increase your productivity and relationship
with the product support team.

Remote support This automated tool delivers regular updates on an end-user

platform system status. As a proactive tool, the remote support plat-
(SAP Business One) form may help identify system bottlenecks and prevent sys-
tem issues. The remote support platform for the SAP Business
One application will enable support to query and heal remote
databases and prevent occurrence of known issues.

Free license for SAP SAP Solution Manager, enterprise edition, comprises all the
Solution Manager, functionality needed to manage, support, and continuously
enterprise edition optimize a customer’s landscape and applications, including
(SAP Business all operational processes along the entire solution lifecycle.
All-in-One solution)

Program Benefits

Access to the Forum “SAP Solution Manager for VARs”

Join this dedicated forum on the SAP Developer Network site that is especially for VARs to share
experiences and best practices on how to use the service desk.

Service Portfolio for Setup of SAP Solution Manager

Benefit from a brand-new portfolio of empowerment services for VARs delivering SAP Business All-
in-One solutions, enabling you to successfully set up the right support infrastructure and meet the
technical requirements to deliver SAP Enterprise Support services.

Ongoing Quality Measures for Channel Partners

SAP offers advanced support services for enhancement packages for SAP Business All-in-One
solutions, which will help accelerate innovation. Benefit from business process improvement
checks as well as direct access to remote advice delivered by an SAP solution architect.

Other Opportunities
SAP periodically conducts training and other events. Participation is dependent upon program
level, and SAP may limit invitations to select partners.

Participation in Partner Advisory Council or Solution Partner Advisory Council

Partners may be selected to participate in an exclusive partner advisory council (by invitation

Invitational Webcasts, Specialized Workshops, Training, and Executive Summits

Your organization can boost business and technology acumen by participating in highly focused

SAP Referral Program

Where available, join the SAP Referral program and earn money when a lead that you pass to
SAP results in software and subscription sales.

Note: Please be advised that on the issue of termination, the provisions of the channel partner
agreement and its exhibits apply. Any unused benefits are forfeited upon termination.

Market Development Funds

An Introduction to MDF

This section covers the basics of earning MDF, their proper usage, and
how to ensure a smooth MDF process from start to finish.

Many vendors in the IT industry overlook the fact that partners also need help marketing their
solutions and developing their markets. We see that as an imperative. Therefore, depending on
your status, program level, and region rules, you may have the opportunity to earn MDF for
promoting your business. Please check your Region-Specific Program Information guide to see
if you can participate.

Initiatives That Qualify for MDF Use

A wide variety of initiatives can be funded by your accumulated MDF. Keep in mind that the
types of initiatives and marketing campaigns allowed, and the percentage of MDF that may be
used to cover the cost of each, vary by region or country.

For regional reimbursement schedules and approved initiatives, see the Region-Specific
Program Information guide in your e-welcome kit, go to, or check
with your partner services advisor.

You may also consult the section “Market Development Funds: Initiatives That Do Not Qualify
for MDF” in this guide.

Market Development Funds

Support for Promoting Your Business

How to Earn MDF

The SAP PartnerEdge program allows your company to accumulate funding for initiatives
and programs to grow your SAP business. The rate at which you earn MDF varies by region;
see specifics in the benefits table in the Region-Specific Program Information guide in your
e-welcome kit or in the SAP Channel Partner Portal site (

MDF for Software and Services Sales

Funds are earned as a percentage of:

•• Current SAP customer license sales
•• Subscription sale – new6 contract
•• Subscription sale – renewal6 contract

Funds are calculated at the beginning of the month for the previous month’s performance.
If available in your region, MDF may be earned when you transact SAP software licenses.
MDF earnings for subscription sales will be calculated based upon the annual contract
value per sale.

For sales completed in a calendar month, MDF become available on or about the third working
day of the following month. For example: for all sales completed in December, MDF are noted as
earned and are available in your MDF account on approximately the third working day of January.

For MDF earned on software license or subscription sales that are subsequently canceled (in
part or entirely), the associated MDF earnings will be corrected and appropriate adjustments will
be made to your MDF account.

Note: If SAP requires payment prior to product delivery, then MDF will not accrue until after
payment has been received in full.

Please note that the following do not count as license sales for MDF earnings:
•• Maintenance sales
•• Nonreselling revenue (such as software benefits including development licenses, demos,
in-house products, and so on)
•• Software licenses sales not on the current price list

MDF can only be earned in the country where you are located.

Jump-Start MDF

Jump-start MDF are for new partners only, and are available only in some regions and countries.

Footnote Once you sign the channel partner agreement for SAP PartnerEdge, your program jump-start
contribution may be returned to you in the form of jump-start MDF for your use in market
6. Funds earned by resellers of development.
SAP Business ByDesign earning
a commission will be based on
net order value to SAP less any Learn your MDF percentage rates and flat amounts by visiting
commission entitlements.

Market Development Funds

Funds Management Access FOR Preoperational Partners

We allow our partners to access and use MDF that are available when your VAR status is at
“agreement started” but not yet “active.” This enables you to begin planning your demand-
generation initiatives using MDF without having to wait until you complete all the program
requirements to become authorized.

Market Development Funds

Understanding the Process

SAP has one of the industry’s most flexible policies in terms of how
long your MDF are valid for use – up to 21 months. For an overview of
the process to request and claim MDF, refer to Figure 3.

At any stage of the process, contact your partner manager or your partner services advisor if
you have questions or would like guidance on such topics as MDF account balance, campaign
planning, initiative execution, and timelines.

Program rules: An initiative request (formerly known as activity request) must be approved be-
fore you begin the initiative. We recommend you make the request at least one week before the
planned activity’s start date to ensure that approvals are completed in time. The amount of an
MDF claim may not be deducted from SAP invoices for products or services.

To be eligible for a new initiative request and reimbursement, you must keep your accounts pay-
able with SAP in good standing. Partners with status “being reviewed,” “notified of termination,”
or “in termination” in the Manage My Partnership application cannot submit a new initiative re-
quest until their program status has been switched to “operational” by SAP. However, partners
can continue to earn funds, and funds requests that are approved can be continued and brought
to reimbursement.

Partners with status “terminated’’ in the Manage My Partnership application will not be able to
raise any requests nor submit any claims. However, all funds that are at status “claim approved”
by the SAP program office can be continued and brought to reimbursement. Partners at this sta-
tus will not be able to earn MDF, and all access to funds management will also be removed.

SAP reserves the right to withhold reimbursement of MDF or retract MDF if a partner is not in
compliance with SAP PartnerEdge program guidelines.

Marketing MDF request Activity MDF claim


development execution and proof of

funds (MDF) performance

Request MDF amount Claim MDF

approved allocated approved reimbursement

by SAP by SAP

Figure 3: MDF Requests and Claims Process

Market Development Funds

When you enter your marketing initiative request in the MDF management application, the
respective funds automatically move to “allocated” status. If you decide to cancel your request,
funds will be moved back to “available” status.

Time Frames and Expiration Dates

You get access to your MDF about one month after you have earned them. The MDF expiration
cycle is based on the calendar year, but these funds do not expire at the end of the calendar
year, as with many other programs.

For example, if you earn MDF as a result of January 2012 sales, funds become available in
February 2012, and you have until October 31, 2013 (21 months), to submit a claim for a
marketing initiative at the latest; otherwise, the funds will expire.

For more details on the MDF expiry rules, see the section “Market Development Funds: General
Policies” in this guide.

See “General Policies” and “Initiatives That Do Not Qualify for MDF” in the “Market Development
Funds” sections of the guide for important details and exceptions regarding requests and claims,
or visit the Manage My Partnership application in SAP Channel Partner Portal.

SAP Program Office

For your convenience, SAP has invested in regional program offices to fully administer, manage,
and verify MDF. These program offices serve as your main point of contact for claiming MDF and
will assist you with the claims process. Please note that the reimbursements will be handled
directly by your local SAP subsidiary.

How to Request MDF

Follow these steps to request funds online before starting your marketing initiative:
1. Click the MDF Management link in the My Partnership section of SAP Channel Partner Portal
2. Use the funds management application to request initiatives.
3. Once approved by SAP, proceed with your marketing initiative.

To contact your local SAP program office, please visit

Market Development Funds

Tips for Success

The partner invoice must be marked clearly to indicate the MDF claim ID.

Please show a clear breakdown of costs in the invoice to help us process your claim and provide
reimbursement more quickly. If you are not sure about the invoice format, contact your local
SAP program office or refer to the help and training document in the MDF management

How to Claim MDF for a Completed Initiative

Follow these steps to request reimbursement for your marketing initiative:

1. Upon completion of the activity and within 90 days of the initiative end date, go to the
funds management application in SAP Channel Partner Portal and submit an online claim for
reimbursement. (See “How to Request MDF” above for the steps to access the application.)
2. Send all relevant invoices to process and reimburse your claim:
 – Electronically attach all partner and third-party vendor invoices to the claim so the SAP
program office staff can review and process them.
– Mail a hard copy of all partner invoices to the local SAP finance office in your country. Local
rules apply.
3. Retain all supporting documents. In some cases, we may ask you to provide these for our
verification process. (For details, see the “Reference” section of this guide.)

Within approximately two weeks of invoices being verified, your local SAP subsidiary will reim-
burse you in your local currency aligned with current practices established by SAP for your
country. (The reimbursement may be via bank transfer or remitted in the form of a general
credit against your accounts receivable balance.)

Market Development Funds

Initiatives That Do Not Qualify for MDF

The following expenses do not qualify for reimbursement by SAP from MDF and are not factored
into the calculation of total qualifying initiative costs:
•• Meetings with end users intended for relationship building
•• Meetings with SAP or internal meetings
•• Fees for software implementation
•• Equipment for support or resale
•• Penalty or cancellation charges for missed, late, or changed bookings
•• Legal, tax consulting, or accounting fees (unless specifically identified as allowable)
•• Competitive content, sponsorship, or training
•• Expenses eligible for reimbursement under a separate SAP program
•• Equipment for support of normal business operations
•• Standard office stationery costs, such as business cards or other business forms
•• VAT, local or foreign, that is not recoverable by the partner
•• Entertainment events for you or your customers, such as concerts, theater performances,
sightseeing tours, or sponsorships
•• Programs such as incentive programs, salesperson incentives or recognition events, or any
efforts related to your own employee programs or competitions
•• Development for Web sites to be used for advertising
•• Travel and living expenses (such as hotel rooms)
•• Employee salaries
•• Charges for lost assets
•• Services that support normal business operations – for example, conference calls or
corporate signage
•• Charges for expedited order processing and shipping
•• Sporting events such as golf or tennis tournaments, either as participant, observer, or sponsor
•• Social events not associated with an approved, focused marketing initiative, including venue
expenses, meals, and beverages
•• Charges that have already been claimed for reimbursement through SAP Channel Partner
Portal as part of a different SAP relationship
•• Posting of ads to the SAP job portal
•• Past activities for which expenses were incurred prior to the availability of sufficient MDF

Market Development Funds

General Policies

Claim Submissions and Approvals

Claims must be submitted via the funds management application in SAP Channel Partner Portal
before the funds request expires.

Each MDF request may include only one claim. A claim may include multiple invoices, although
all invoices and proof-of-performance paperwork for the marketing initiative must reference the
MDF request approval number and be filed with the claim at the same time.

All supporting documents (proof of performance) must be retained for future reference.
SAP may request these in some cases during the verification process.

Claim approval and reimbursement are at the discretion of the SAP program office based on
SAP PartnerEdge program guidelines.

You will be notified directly by the SAP program office of any claims that have been rejected
and the corresponding reason. These MDF will be deallocated or, based on timing, may expire.
No additional claims may be entered for that initiative. SAP reserves the right to reject reim-
bursement for any such initiative or activity through MDF.

SAP will not reimburse any external supplier or vendor directly. Reimbursements for any costs
incurred by the partner are issued only to the SAP partner.

Partners may not deduct the amount of an MDF claim from SAP invoices for products or

To be eligible for program participation, including new initiative request entry and reimburse-
ment, you must keep your accounts payable with SAP in good standing.

Regarding reimbursement for initiatives not completed:

•• If your initiative is unexpectedly canceled but you incurred costs, you may still submit a claim.
•• If your initiative is unexpectedly canceled and you did not incur costs, the requested MDF re-
vert to your fund account as “available MDF,” as long as the MDF amount has not yet expired.

The default currency of a partner’s MDF account is the currency of the related sales organization
(company code). Currently, it is possible to run a partner (MDF) account as well as all other
functions (such as business planning) in one currency only. Besides the default currency, it is
possible to select a currency for a country, which can be different from the sales organization
currency (such as local currency, U.S. dollars, and so on). MDF will be approved based on the
selected country currency.

In case your invoice is issued in a different currency, the conversion rate of the day of claim
approval will be the basis for reimbursement. The partner account, including the partner
business plan, will be based on the country currency selected.

Market Development Funds

Claim Audit

The SAP program office randomly reviews claims throughout the year to ensure thorough
compliance with the MDF rules and guidelines. Keep any supporting documentation (all invoices
plus other backup as stipulated in the proof of performance) to present to the SAP program
office upon request.

All claims are subject to verification by SAP. Relevant documentation and financial records
must be kept on file for three years (or the period specified in your country) in the event that
SAP or an independent auditor elects to conduct a review of these records on your premises.
We recommend that you review supporting documentation to ensure legibility and that separate
files are maintained for each claim so that information will be easy to provide upon request.

Possible results of an audit failure include:

•• MDF account frozen or status of account adjusted to “under review”
•• Possible repayment of claim amount to SAP
•• Required preapproval by SAP management for all future marketing initiatives for which MDF
are requested
•• Additional remedial actions as recommended by SAP program management

MDF Earning

The following do not count as performance sales for MDF earnings:

•• Maintenance sales
•• Nonreselling revenue (such as software benefits including development licenses, demos,
and in-house products)

Expiry Rules

You may use MDF earned in a previous calendar year, but the time frames for claiming MDF do
change. Funds earned in the previous year must be claimed for an initiative in the MDF manage-
ment application no later than October 31. Otherwise, the funds will expire on October 31 of the
current calendar year. No exceptions to this rule will be allowed under any circumstances.

Market Development Funds

Submitting Claims and VAT (Varies from Country to Country)

When submitting a claim after an initiative has been executed, provide all required invoices
showing the net amount and VAT. The maximum claimable amount is the originally claimed
amount – or less if total costs of the initiative are lower than anticipated.

Regardless of where services were purchased or which VAT is declared on third-party invoices,
MDF reimbursement will always be calculated on the net amount. However, on partner invoices,
you need to add your own VAT as required by local tax law for reimbursement of the VAT. Local
country rules apply.

Adjustments to Your MDF Account

MDF account adjustments may be made as a result of mergers or from a correction to the
account. A correction will always reference the reason and be applied against a specific item.

MDF accounts for terminated partners will be suspended immediately upon termination.
Reimbursement of completed initiatives will still be honored, provided the claim is submitted
prior to termination. An approved MDF request for which a claim form has not yet been sub­
mitted will be canceled.

Amendments to the MDF Program

SAP can amend the MDF program without the partner’s consent if any of the following
conditions are met:
•• Principal obligations of the MDF program remain substantially unaffected
•• Amendments are caused by compulsory requirements of third parties, for which SAP is not
culpably responsible
•• Amendments are in the interest of the authorized partner, in that processes are improved or
services are more efficiently provided, without the authorized partner incurring any major
•• SAP increases the scope of its MDF program

SAP shall give notice of amendments, drawing attention to the right to object (please see below)
if the amendment does not meet the criteria set above. Amendments that meet the above
criteria become effective four weeks after written notification.

Partners can object to an amendment that does not meet the above listed criteria and
terminate the channel partner agreement in accordance with Article 8, sections 2 and 3,
of the SAP PartnerEdge General Terms & Conditions.

Market Development Funds

MDF Requests

For partners with a formal, ongoing, in-house production department for collateral materials
or marketing campaign services, in-house production costs for creation or production may be
reimbursed. To obtain reimbursement, you must state the total creation and production costs.
Include a list of actual itemized costs and a published rate sheet (set rates for pages or portions
of pages, rather than for hours worked).

SAP reserves the right to verify in-house production capabilities and published rates. If pub-
lished rates are found to be substantially higher than third-party rates, reimbursement will be
based upon third-party rates.

Logo Usage

You are entitled to use the SAP channel partner or product logo only according to terms of the
channel partner agreement for VARs and the Logo and Trademark License (Exhibit 5 to the
channel partner agreement for VARs).

MDF Initiatives

To find out which MDF initiatives are available for reimbursement in your region, please refer to
the Region-Specific Program Information guide available in your e-welcome kit or in SAP Channel
Partner Portal. For more detailed descriptions and guidelines on each MDF initiative, go to SAP
Channel Partner Portal.


Value Points Eligibility Details

All initiatives that earn Value Points are time-stamped and expire on
set dates. Value Points have specific eligibility criteria. Your Value Points
statement, which includes these details, can be found in the My Partner-
ship section of SAP Channel Partner Portal

Value Points Eligibility for Revenue Category

Activities Value Points Expiration Eligibility Rules

Software license or subscription 12 months from the time of the invoice Value Points assignment is based on
sales to net-new or current or the subscription order being booked the sales order amount for net soft-
customers with SAP ware licenses or subscription sales.
For resellers of the SAP® Business
ByDesign™ solution earning a commis-
sion, Value Points will be determined
on net order value to SAP less any
commission entitlements. Mainte-
nance renewals and nonreselling
revenue such as software benefits are
not included.
A net-new customer is defined as:
•• A customer that has not purchased
SAP software previously
•• A customer that has not purchased
SAP software licenses within the
last 3 years, based on the sales
order date
All other software sales are classified
“current customers.”
A Value Points correction may occur in
the case of a customer contract can-
cellation in which the corresponding
Value Points received will be deleted.
Value Points are awarded to the extent
that the contract can be validated by
SAP as accurate. If SAP requires pay-
ment prior to product delivery, then
Value Points will be allocated after
payment has been received in full.


Value Points Eligibility for Competency – Capability Building

Activities Value Points Expiration Eligibility Rules

Additional trained and certified or 12 months from the time the activity Value Points are granted for additional
qualified employees is completed and Value Points are partner employees trained, certified,
awarded or qualified by satisfactorily undergo-
ing the required training and passing
the corresponding Web-based or in-
person exams.
Individuals must pass all Web assess-
ments aligned with the training cur-
ricula or exams with a score of 80% or
higher to be qualified and earn Value
Points. (This applies only to certifica-
tions, qualifications, or successful
completion of a training workshop by
a partner’s employees.)
A partner employee is defined as an
SAP partner contact in the Manage
My Partnership application.
A company must maintain its mini-
mum level of trained and certified or
qualified employees. Additional train-
ing and achievement of associated
qualification and certification must
take place if a new SAP certification
version becomes available or if a certi-
fied or qualified employee leaves the
partner organization.

Development efforts – certification For certification, six months following A partner solution that receives SAP
or qualification of new partner- the release of a new version of SAP certification or qualification is eligible
developed solutions; annual review software (specific timing will be clearly for Value Points. When qualification
of qualified SAP® Business All-in-One communicated in SAP Channel Partner needs to be updated, the partner
partner solutions Portal) must meet the eligibility rules for
Please note: This qualifying Value For qualification, Value Points expire in qualification outlined in SAP Channel
Points activity is only available if and 15 months if annual review is not Partner Portal.
where certification or qualification successful.
can be obtained. If annual review is not successful, all
related Value Points for solution qualifi-
cation may expire.


Value Points Eligibility Details for Marketing Initiatives

Initiatives Value Points Expiration Eligibility Rules

Participation in select marketing and 12 months from the time the initiative is If available in your region, eligible
demand-generation activities that completed, the performance is evalu- marketing initiatives are indicated in
produce tangible results ated, and Value Points are awarded the MDF initiative table in the Region-
Specific Program Information guide
available in your e-welcome kit or in
the SAP® Channel Partner Portal site.
For some initiatives, quality results
must be attained to be eligible for
Value Points.
A partner may earn Value Points for a
marketing initiative by using the regis-
tration form in SAP Channel Partner
Partners should complete their mar-
keting initiative before submitting the
registration form. The Value Points are
awarded once SAP approves the reg-

Customer references 12 months from the time the reference is A qualified customer reference has
accepted and Value Points are awarded been accepted by the SAP customer
reference program and is identified as
Use the registration form in SAP
Channel Partner Portal to submit a
customer reference.


Important notes:
•• Calculation errors regarding Value Points are corrected and appropriate adjustments are
completed as soon as SAP becomes aware of the problem. You do not have a claim to any
program benefits (including but not limited to any funds) based on an incorrect calculation
of Value Points.
•• Value Points requiring a registration process may not be awarded in the month they were
initially requested. Any Value Points that are not awarded in the month registered and are
deemed valid requests will be credited in the month following.

Euro Currency Conversion

SAP performs the conversion from euros to other currencies using the official reference rate
published by the European Central Bank (ECB). The exchange rate on the last day of the month
for transactions occurring in the following month is applied; the relevant exchange rates can be
found at This amount does not
include tax or VAT. (In rare cases where there is no official ECB reference rate, we refer either to
WM/Reuters at or another reliable source.)


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Sybase is an SAP company.

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All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of
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These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials

are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies (“SAP Group”)
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