IJSR Women in Quarry

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611

Assessment of the Roles of Women in Quarry

Operations in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Oke Olugbenga O.1, Nenuwa Olushola B.2, Ajakaiye Ajibola3
Minerals and Petroleum Resources Engineering Department, Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B. 5351, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti state, Nigeria

Abstract: This project shed light on the participatory roles of women in quarry operations. Three quarries were selected as case study
and they are: Mac Engineering Construction Limited, Ikere-Ekiti, Hajaig Construction Nigeria Limited, Ikole-Ekiti, and Hajaig
Construction Nigeria Limited located in Ifaki-Ekiti, all in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study made use of fifty structured questionnaires
which comprise of quantitative and qualitative questions. The results of the study showed that the level of participation of women in
quarry operations is low. Only 24% of the workers in the quarries are female, most of them are married and they are within the age of
18 -40 years. These women who are majorly unskilled are employed as bookkeepers, office assistants, security guards, cooks, cleaners
and some operate as service providers. They cope with the plight of gender discrimination, low wages, and poor working condition just to
mention a few. There is need for relevant stakeholders to respond to inequalities in access to resources (capital, information, education
and training e.t.c.) in order to better position these women to drive positive change in the quarry industry.

Keywords: Gender, Quarry, Roles, Workforce, Women

1. Introduction exploitation and expansion of quarries in many areas.

Different authors have established the economic importance
Quarry operations have played an important role in the of the southwestern basement complex rocks of Nigeria
development of human societies and economies. It is an (Elueze, 1981; Dada, 2006). The proportion of women
activity in which humans interface with the environment and among the workers in small mines and quarries varies from
development in complex and intertwining ways. From a country to country, according to location, nature and value
technical point of view, there are two basic types of mining of the mineral, processing techniques used, marketing
and quarrying: surface and underground. In an underground systems, local social milieu, availability of alternative
operation, the participation of women workers is essentially occupations and other factors. The percentage of women can
restricted by international regulations that came into effect in vary from as low as 10 per cent to as high as 50 per cent
the last century; thus, women tend to seek employment in (Hinton et al, 2003). The results of the questionnaire survey
surface operations. Quarrying is a form of mining carried out on the quarry workers in three selected quarry
distinguished by the fact that the excavated product is used sites in Abeokuta Metropolis, Ogun state revealed that over
for building or architectural purposes, rather than subjected 70% of the entire working force in the quarry was mainly
to further processing, as in the case of an extraction of a women who work as casual labourers crushing or sorting
metalliferous component of a rock, or the combustion of stones in the quarries. The ages of the female quarry workers
coal to obtain energy. Stone, such as marble, granite, ranges between 10 - 60 years, with majority of them having
limestone and sandstone, is quarried by splitting blocks of little or no formal education (Gbadebo et al, 2012). The role
rock from a massive rock surface. The desired product can of women on the sustenance of the environment and its
take the form of a dimension stone suitable as building resources cannot be over-emphasized even with the growing
blocks and tiles, or can be crushed for use as gravel or trends of globalization of the world‟s economies (Boserup,
aggregate. In 1999, the gross world production of stones was 1989; Hemmati, 2004; Scott, 1988).
in the range of 55 million tones, with the highest level of
production recorded in China, followed by Italy, Germany, The roles played by the women were generally less visible
USA, Spain, Japan and India; these countries account for and attract less public recognition than the work men engage
just over one half of global production. About 60% of in. In education and employment, women have a lower
quarried materials are considered useful or marketable. India status than men do. Women who constitute about half of the
is the largest producer of dimensional stones (27% of world Nigerian population have remained educationally
production), and is a major exporter of stone (Lahiri-Dutt, disadvantaged. Literacy rate in Nigeria rose from 59% in
2003; GDM, 2000). 2001 to 70 % in 2006 for male compared to that of the
female which was from 41 % to 55 % for the corresponding
Quarrying products are increasingly demanded for years (National Bureau of Statistics, 2006). In the quarries,
industrial, domestic, agricultural and other purposes so as to the women are primarily engaged in menial and tedious
satisfy the needs of the rapidly growing population. works which do not require any skill. These women have
Quarrying operations generally involve removal of over limited access to critical resources like education, land,
burden, drilling, blasting and crushing of rock materials technology, and credit; hence, they are often excluded from
(Areola, 1991). The quarry industry is vital to the economic employment in the formal sector. Although women‟s
and social well-being of every nation. Quarried materials are measured labour force participation has been increasing in
fundamental input into all major infrastructure and many regions around the world, a process sometimes
construction projects. Population increase and the need for described as „the feminization of labour‟, women are still
construction materials have made it necessary for the concentrated in lower quality, more precarious forms of paid

Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015

Paper ID: SUB158574 427
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
work; household vulnerability is increasing (Chant, 2007). such heavy loads (Gravis, 2010). Employment of women is
Approximately 30% of the world‟s artisanal miners are very popular in opencast mines because they are more
women who occupy a number of roles ranging from labour- regular and dependable and do not indulge in excessive
intensive mining methods to the processing aspect of drinking Women are in demand also for hand sorting and
artisanal mining. It has been well documented that inequities blending for improving the quality of extracted minerals
in political power, distribution of income, capital assets, and which cannot be gainfully carried out mechanically
access to education and information have resulted in the (Chakravorty, 2001).
increased susceptibility of women to chronic poverty. In
some cultures, this is exacerbated by the fact that women do The objectives of the research are to investigate the
not always have control of their earned income or they numerical strength of women in the quarry and to also
occupy positions in the unpaid economy (e.g. subsistence examine women‟s participatory roles in quarry operations in
agriculture, domestic work). Ultimately, it is crucial that Ekiti state with the view to address the gender inequality and
women be empowered to transform their skills and the high poverty level among them. The work will bring
capabilities into well-being (Jennifer et al, 2003). As women about sensitization of all stakeholders to incorporating a
often work part-time at informal mining operations, and gender lens in related measures which will hopefully lead to
occupy “ancillary roles” (e.g. cooks, service providers), policy interventions to formally involve women in the
there may be significant discrepancies between the estimated development processes and in achieving sustainable
and actual numbers of women involved in artisanal mining development.
(Wasserman, 1999). Further to this, as women are more
frequently associated with transporting and processing 2. Description of the Study Areas
materials, as opposed to digging, they are not always
identified as “miners” (Susapu and Crispin, 2001). The study areas were selected from three different Local
Government Area (LGA) in Ekiti State and they are: Mac
Women who act as “cooks” are particularly significant, not Engineering Construction Limited, situated at Km20, Ado-
only in terms of food preparation, but also with respect to Akure road in Ikere-Ekiti (Ikere LGA), Hajaig Construction
managing food stocks and related financial resources. They Nigeria Limited, Ikole-Ekiti (Ikole LGA) and Hajaig
also frequently provide administrative assistance to mine Construction Nigeria Limited, Ifaki-Ekiti (Ido-Osi LGA).
owners and represent a stabilizing factor; this is achieved The study areas are underlain by the Pan-African older
through maintenance of regular schedules, and provision of granite series (NGSA, 2006) of the Precambrian Basement
emotional and (occasionally) medical support (Rodriguez, Complex rocks of Southwestern Nigeria (Figure 1 shows the
1993; Veiga, 1997). Women also act as goods and service map of Ekiti state showing the study areas). Field
providers, including owner-operators of bars and equipment observations at the survey site revealed that the lithology is
owners. Lured by the promise of riches and opportunity (and the coarse porphyritic granite and the undifferentiated
often an initial lump sum of money), many young girls are porphyritic granite and granite, gneiss and migmatite rock
brought to remote regions to work in “night clubs” as types. A characteristic feature of the Basement Complex
prostitutes. Both direct and indirect involvement of women tectonics is the widespread occurrence of fractures (Oluyide,
in artisanal mining is believed to be on the rise. This can be 1988).
attributed to a number of factors, including: escalation of
rural poverty from droughts and/or structural adjustment
programmes resulting in a greater need to supplement
incomes; outward migration of skilled male miners from
artisanal mining areas due to increased large-scale mining
development in other regions or in pursuit of other
opportunities in urban areas; evolving cultural norms with
respect to gender roles; lack of employment in other sectors;
and high birth rates and growth of extended families
(Jennifer et al, 2003). Women‟s participation in the mining
economy has significantly diminished in recent years with
the advent of mechanized technology (Lahiri-Dutt, 2003).
Although mines have a masculine image, women have
always been employed in mines in productive roles. Jobs in
the mines are sexually segregated, which is also referred to
as horizontal segregation, offering women and men
restricted entry to particular jobs. For example, local
transportation of materials is almost always done in head Figure 1: Map of Ekiti state showing the location of the
loads of baskets by women, whereas technical jobs requiring study areas (Ifaki-Ekiti is located within Ido-Osi LGA)
skill or use of machines are almost always reserved for men.
The typical notion is that women are docile, possessing the 3. Methodology
proverbial “nimble fingers”, and are not supposed to do
heavy work. However, in almost all mines and quarries, it is The study draws information from both primary and
women who head-load the cut mineral ores from the mine secondary data. Primary data were collected by means of
site to the crusher, factory or the truck stop and thus one questionnaire administration, focus group discussion,
wonders how it is possible for the “nimble fingers” to carry personal interviews, direct observation and informal surveys.
Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Paper ID: SUB158574 428
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
The major sources of secondary information are articles e.t.c. The qualitative questions were aimed at identifying
from journals, books, scholarly notes, websites and research subjective perception of reasons for engaging in the quarry
studies. The surveys dealt with working conditions and work, assessment of the quarry job by the women, emotional
activities as well as gender distinctions in quarrying condition of the women quarry workers and the
activities and incomes, with particular focus on roles of the recommendations of the women on whether the quarry job
women. The major instrument used for data collection is should be encouraged among women.
structured questionnaires. Information was collected on the
socio-economic characteristics of respondents and the quarry 4. Results and Discussion
activities engaged in. A purposive sampling method was
used in the selection of the study areas, three quarries were The results obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed
selected from three different Local Government Area (LGA) to obtain the frequency and percentage distribution of the
in Ekiti State (Ikere, Ikole and Ido-Osi LGA). Fifty (50) variables examined and they are presented on Table 1 which
questionnaires which consisted of both open-ended and summarizes the socio-economic characteristics of the
close-ended questions were administered, some of the respondents.
questions were quantitative while others were qualitative.
The quantitative questions related to family size and setting,
no of working hours per day, age, level of education, sex,

Table 1: Socio–economic characteristics of the respondents in the study

S/N Characteristics Categories No. of Respondents Percentage %
1 Sex Male 38 76
Female 12 24
2 Age 18 – 40years 36 72
Above 40years 14 28
3 Educational Level Adult Literacy 1 2
Primary level 2 4
Secondary level 29 58
Tertiary level 17 34
None 1 2
4 Marital Status Single 16 32
Married 34 68
5 Family Size Small 16 32
Medium 27 54
Large 7 14
6 Level of exposure to Hazard Very low 10 20
Low 11 22
Medium 17 34
High 9 18
Very high 3 6
7 Number of Working hours/days Below 6hours 7 14
6 – 8hours 38 76
9 -12hours 3 6
Above 12hours 2 4
8 Stability of Income Very stable 4 8
Stable 28 56
Average 18 36
Unstable - -
Very unstable - -
9 Feelings about the job Very satisfied 3 6
Satisfied 18 36
Average 23 46
Unsatisfied 6 12
Very unsatisfied - -
10 Reason for the job Lack of capital 9 18
Family purpose 23 46
Others 18 36
11 Year of working in quarry Below 5years 26 52
6 – 10years 19 38
11 – 20years 2 4
Above 20years 3 6
12 Can women be encourage in Yes 30 60
quarry No 20 40

Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015

Paper ID: SUB158574 429
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
From this table, 76% of the workers in the quarry are male directly involved in the high risk aspect of the quarry
while only 24% of the workers in the quarry are female. This activities; they participate in the ancillary roles where the
indicated that the number of female workers in the quarries level of exposure to hazard is low. The health hazard
is low. Majority of the women found in the quarry are not associated to the quarry operations is high. Solid materials in
directly engaged in the quarry operations (drilling, blasting, the form of smoke, dust and also vapour generated during
mucking e.t.c.) but they are employed as bookkeepers, office quarrying operations are usually suspended over a long
assistants, security guards, cooks and cleaners, some operate period in the air. Moreover, particulate matters in the air are
as service providers. These women are also deprived and capable of being transported from the point of generation to
marginalized in terms of wages and working conditions. areas far remote (UNEP, 1991b). Inhalation of fine,
72% of the women fall between 18 - 40 years of age, while crystalline silica dust, which is generated from breaking and
28% fall above 40 years. This implies that most of the crushing rock, can result in silicosis. Silicosis is an incurable
women working in the quarry are youthful and energetic. lung disease that kills thousands annually (WHO, 2000).
The work in the quarry is tedious and requires strength, Conditions resulting from silicosis include emphysema, lung
therefore young and agile employees are usually sourced to fibrosis and silica-tuberculosis. The high level of particulates
form the workforce. Workers above 40years are usually generated at the drilling and crushing areas depicts them as
weak and may be prone to sickness and so they are few in hazard zones. For the working hours per day, 14% of the
the quarry, this group of workers is involved in the less women work below 6hours per day, 76% work between 6 to
tedious operations of the quarry. On the educational level, 8hours per day, 6% of them work for 9 to 12hours per day
2% of the women had no form of education, 2% of them while 4% of the women work above 12hours per day. The
also had adult education, 4% had primary education, 58% younger women work in the quarry for 6 - 8hours per day;
had secondary education and 34% had tertiary education. those that are more energetic work longer hours, 14% of the
This means that majority of the women working in the women that work below 6hours daily are those who cannot
quarry had only secondary education, although most of these withstand the stress in the quarry due to old age or health
women are not stack illiterate, the main operations of the challenge. These women are casual workers who are paid
quarry requires professional training. The operations are either per day or weekly, some of them come to the quarry
technical and mechanized and cannot be handled by to sell food, drinks and other products for the quarry
unskilled personnel. All the women found in the quarry in workers. They are also engaged in other informal activities
the course of this study are unskilled and according to them, outside the quarry like trading, housekeeping, land clearing
they cannot afford the cost of acquiring the training needed e.t.c to augment the meager wages they receive from the
for the job. Many of the women decided to work in the quarry.
quarry because they could not get and in more formal
organization. 64% of the women agreed that the income they get form the
quarry is stable while 36% of the women said the stability of
32% of the women are single while 68% of them are their income is on the average. Majority of the women
married, this shows that majority of the women are married working in the quarry are regular on the job as few of them
with children. The pressure to provide for the family led have other sources of income. Those women who are
most of the women into the quarry industry. These women permanent staff get monthly salary and they accepted that
are married to men that are unable to meet up with the the income is stable while those that are casual workers are
welfare demands of their wives and children, and so they paid either daily or weekly and they said the stability of the
have to look for any available means to complement the income is average as they will be paid base on the number of
efforts of their husbands. 32% of the respondents own a times they come to work. The characteristics of most casuals
small-sized family, 54% own medium-sized family while indicate that this form of employment has more to do with
14% had a large family size. 68% of the women are trapped limited choices available to the women and their low skills.
in polygamous homes, where they live in abject poverty and Employers use casualisation of labour force as an effective
have to fend for themselves and their children by any way of reducing cost and maximizing profits and de-
available means. This phenomenon can be attributed to the unionizing the work force (Gbedebo et al, 2012). Gender
patriarchal value system which gives the men supremacy inequalities are present in many ways in the labour market.
over the women and allow them to marry many wives Costa and Silva (2008) stressed that two relevant indicators
without making adequate provisions to take care of them. of these inequalities are the ratio between female and male
Polygamy also tends to perpetuate women‟s low social and participation in the paid workforce and the ratio between
economic status by forcing women to share valuable female and male hourly wages. These indicators according
resources with their husbands, other wives and children. to them reflect the fact that women face barriers to enter the
Financial dependence created from a lack of resources can labour market and, when they find a job; their earnings are
pressurize women into entering polygamous marriages lower than those of men. Women's wages on the other hand
(CEDAW, 1994). Polygamy exacerbates the are viewed as complementary rather than primary, which
impoverishment of women by limiting their access to explains women's willingness to work for a lower wage.
financial resources during the marriage and upon divorce or This helps to explain why women's wages often remain
death of the husband (Gbadebo et al, 2012). barely above 50 percent of male wages in cases where
women's productivity is as high, if not higher, than men's
42% of the women agreed that the level of exposure to (ILO, 1970 &1976).
hazard in the course of working in the quarry is low, 34%
said the level of exposure to hazard is medium, 24% said it About 42% of the women said they are satisfied with the job
is high. Most of the women working in the quarry are not they do in the quarry, 46% of the women are averagely
Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Paper ID: SUB158574 430
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
satisfied with the job while 12% of the women are mobility and basic human rights. A formal incorporation of
unsatisfied with the quarry job. The women on this job are gender issues and the promotion of micro-credit and other
trapped somehow and they are contented with what life has programmes that provide financing for women should be
offered them. They believed their economic conditions will encouraged. Government should mandate quarry operators
be worst if they quit the job. Base on the personal as part of their corporate social responsibilities in
observation of the researcher, these women are not satisfied implementing programmes to train women in various
with the quarry job as they are willing to quit the job if they aspects of mining and quarry operations, as well as in
get more rewarding job. From the response of the women marketing, management and bookkeeping. The issues of
they seem to have concluded that they cannot get better job poor working condition and remuneration of workers in the
as they do not possess any professional skill and so they are quarry should also be redressed. Once all the existing
satisfied with what they are doing now. 18% of the women barriers that prevent women from fully benefiting from this
did quarry work because they lack capital to start their sector are resolved women will definitely demonstrate
business, 46% of them did the work because they need capacity to drive positive change in the quarry industry.
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Paper ID: SUB158574 431
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
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Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015

Paper ID: SUB158574 432
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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