Saadatu Ibrahim
Saadatu Ibrahim
Saadatu Ibrahim
Saadatu Ibrahim
This study assesses the role of women in environmental protection in Kura local
government area of Kano State for sustainable poverty reduction. Both primary and
secondary sources of data were used for this study Simple descriptive statistics and the
Logistic model was employed in the analysis. The study concludes that women are
actively participating in environmental protection and as well play significant role in
welfare status of their family. Also the results shows that only the dwelling pattern, the
nature of the drainage networks and the source of water are positive and statistically
significant to the incidence of poverty among women in the study area, while the
kitchen pattern, the bathroom pattern, and the source of fuel for cooking are negative.
The results obtained shows that the lack of access to safe water appears more serious
as they have to struggle daily to obtain water for their use. The study recommended
that, there is need for the government and Non-governmental organization to engage
more women in environmental protection because of their role of resource managers.
There is the need to address the housing conditions of the women, most especially the
dwelling pattern and the nature of dwelling. To improve the well-being of women in
the study area adequate provision of infrastructure facilities most especially provision
of agricultural products and special awareness by implementing of programmes that
will educate women on special nutritional food that should be taken.
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
governments have focus on the development of In fact, sustainable development requires the
“business cases” for gender equality and women management and maintenance of different sorts of
empowerment (Francis, Christel, Nah & Coleen, capita: (including physical infrastructure,
2017). This is done by spelling out actions which buildings, machinery and equipment), natural
would transform the lives of hundreds of millions capital (the environment and the natural
of poor people and make the planet a better and resources), human capital (human skills and
safer place through environmental protection, capacity) and social capital (strong social
economic well-being and special equity (Warhan relationships and institutions) (DFID, 1997).
2001). This is the reason why in Nigeria, majority
Poverty is said to be both cause and effect on
of women are in the agricultural and informal
environmental degradation. Akinbode (2002)
sectors of the economy where they constitute
stated that the link between poverty and
about 60 percent of farm labour and produce over
environment is an extremely complex
90 percent of the domestic food supply (Aina,
phenomenon. Inequality may foster un-
2001; Dankelman and Davidson, 1997).
sustainability because the poor rely on natural
resources more than the rich, deplete natural
Thus, a lot of studies on women and environment
resources faster as they have no real prospects of
have shown that women are significant actors in
gaining access to other types of resources
natural resources management and major
(Akinyele, 1994). Therefore acceleration in
contributors to environment rehabilitation and
poverty alleviation is imperative to break this link
conservation (Solomon, Vincent, Arin, Daloeng &
between poverty and the environment.
Baminda, (2014). That is the reason for the global
committee agreement on the need to improve their It is against this background that, this study intends
status and harness their full potential (Adeyemo, to assess the women participation in environmental
1991). Hence, the Rio Declaration on Sustainable protection for sustainable poverty reduction in
development signed by 178 countries at the United Kura local government area of Kano state.
Nations (UN) Conference on Environment and
The Study Area
Development in 1992 recognizes a number of key
points which include eradication of poverty, Kura local government area is located at the
environmental protection and the recognition of southern part of Kano state with a population of
the vital role of women in environmental 144,601 people (NPC, 2006) and land mass of 206
management and development. All these efforts km2, located between latitude 11º 46I 12.84IIN and
by the UN were to examine how widespread the longitude 8º 35I 29.02IIE. The area is characterized
problem of environmental degradation is and how by rocks of the Basement Complex of pre-
people are affected as well as how the environment cambrian age (Olofin, 2014) except in the extreme
can be sustained. North-east where cretaceous sediment overlap the
crystalline rock. The wet season lasts from May to
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
mid-October with a peak in August while the dry is also practiced. Formally, most farmlands were
season extends from mid-October of one calendar- usually cultivated on annual basis except near the
year to mid-May of the next. The mean annual water bodies and irrigation canals which are used
rainfall is between 800 mm and 900 mm; and for dry season agriculture. Today with the
variations about the mean annual values are up to development of modern irrigation in the area most
± 30%. The mean annual temperature is about farmlands are used during both dry and rainy
260C (Olofin, 2014). The main crops grown in this seasons, where tomatoes, onion, wheat, maize,
area are those of well-drained soil such as millet, groundnut and rice are grown.
sorghum, millet, groundnut, etc. Mixed cropping
MATERIAL AND METHODS obtained from the internet, periodicals and other
relevant publications. Primary data was obtained
Both primary and secondary sources of data were
through the administration of structured
used for this study. The secondary data was
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to reduction in this study, a logistic regression model
gather information relating to socio-economic was conceptualized. The full model is expressed in
characteristics of women and to identify, their equation 1, following McDonald and Moffit
sources of income, role played in poverty (1980). The model has been extensively used by
reduction. The questionnaire was pre-tested and social scientists to measure the effect of changes
amended before the administration. in the explanatory variables (xi) on the probability
of being poor and the depth or intensity of poverty.
In order to estimate the impact of the role of
women on environmental protection and poverty
8. Availability of drainage
network. (Dni)
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
In specifying the model, emphasis is placed on whether the role played by women has any impacted on
environmental protection and poverty reduction or not in Kura LGA.
Povi = β0 + β1 Dpi + β2 Ndi + β3 Kfi + β4 Tfi β5 Bfi + β6 Sfi + β7 Dni + β8 Swi + β9 Sfci β10 Hhsi +
β11 Occi + β12Eati + U------------------------------1
Following Appleton’s (2001) method of as dummy 1 for non-poverty and dummy 0 for
estimating the values of consumption-expenditure poor women, thus providing us with a logic
per adult equivalent that is based on the estimate of the impact of women on environmental
internationally defined poverty line of one dollar a protection and the incidence of poverty among
day, the poverty status of each woman is defined women in Kura LGA.
The aprior expectations or the expected pattern of behaviour of the independent variables
(environmental degradation) on the dependent variable (the incidence of poverty) are:
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
R2 = 0.51
Source: Survey data (2017).
Povi = 10.90 + 0.11Dpi, +7.34Ndi -2.24Kfi +9.50Tfi-0.12Bfi +0.22 Sfi +0.32Dni +0.17Swi -3.69Sfci
-3.27 Hhsi + 4.86 Occi + 8.47Eati + U
Looking at the model it shows that it is fairly good pattern, the nature of the drainage networks and
because it has an R-square of 0.51. This shows that the source of water are positive and statistically
51% variation in the dependent variable (incidence significant to the incidence of poverty among
of poverty) is explained by the explanatory women in the study area, while the kitchen pattern,
variables and the vectors of house hold the bathroom pattern, and the source of fuel for
characteristics of individual women, while the cooking are negative and statistically significant.
error term takes care of the remaining 49% that are
That the results obtained shows that the dwelling
variables in the study that cannot be included in
pattern, the pattern of toilet facilities, the
the model because of their qualitative features. At
sanitation facilities, the nature of the drainage
5% level of significance, the F-statistic shows that
networks and the source of water conform to our
the model is useful in determining if any
a-priori expectation is an indication of the
relationship exists between environmental
deplorable state of these facilities in the study
degradation and the incidence of poverty among
areas, which can be linked to a number of factors,
women in the study area, as the computed F-
such as, lack of maintenance and repairs of
statistic which is 4.65 is greater than the tabulated
existing facilities and the lack of funds. For
F-statistic (12, 150 degree of freedom) valued at
instance, the lack of access to safe water (due to
the deplorable state of public water supply) have
In term of the individual independent variables, had its toll on women’s well-being since water
the co-efficient and the associated t-values (at 5% shortage and difficulties accessing it appear more
level of significance) show that only the dwelling serious and widespread because the women have
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
to struggle daily to obtain water for their use. This Thus, the results reveal that women participation
study agreed with the findings of Solomon, in environmental protection would reduce
Vincent, Arin, Daloeng & Baminda, (2014) that poverty-induced environmental degradation.
the problems faced by the women include lack of
Following the findings of the study, it is
waste disposal equipment, poor drainage systems
recommended that;
and lack of awareness among the general public.
1. There is need for the government and
Non-governmental organization to engage
The study conclude that women are actively more women in environmental protection
participating in environmental protection and as because of their role of resource
well play significant role in welfare status of their managers. This can be done through
family, as a result of their agricultural activities in public campaign, enlightenment and
the area that reduce their poverty level which sensitization to rural women to realize
requires employing econometrics analysis to their potential role in safe guiding the
understand it. This can be seen from the F-statistic environment.
value which is 4.65 is greater than the tabulated F-
statistic (12, 150 degree of freedom) valued at 2. There is the need to address the housing
1.83. conditions of the women, most especially
the dwelling pattern and the nature of
Also in term of the individual independent
dwelling. Although, it would be an
variables, the co-efficient and the associated t-
ambitious project to demolish and
values (at 5% level of significance) show that only
construct houses for women, but the
the dwelling pattern, the nature of the drainage
government, non-governmental
networks and the source of water are positive and
organizations and community-based
statistically significant to the incidence of poverty
organizations can embark on
among women in the study area, while the kitchen
enlightenment campaigns by educating
pattern, the bathroom pattern, and the source of
the women on the need to have good
fuel for cooking are negative and statistically
ventilated buildings, provide more
significant. That the results obtained shows that
cleaning facilities. This calls for the
the lack of access to safe water (due to the
encouraging and empowering sanitary
deplorable state of public water supply) have had
inspectorate unit of the ministry of health
its toll on women’s well-being since water
and the ministry of environment.
shortage and difficulties accessing it appear more
serious and widespread because the women have
3. The government should provide adequate
to struggle daily to obtain water for their use.
allocation to the sectors that provide
infrastructural services (like portable
FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2019, pp 258 - 265
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meet the growing demand for these Challenge for the 21st Century. White paper on
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