204 Sqm. Non-Lakeview
204 Sqm. Non-Lakeview
204 Sqm. Non-Lakeview
Scheme 2
15% Outright Downpayment 244,800.00
*up to 89% DP
15% Less : 15% discount if paid within 7 days 36,720.00
Net Downpayment after discount 208,080.00
Less : Reservation Fee 10,000.00
Net Downpayment 198,080.00
5 year term
60 1st year, no interest 23,120.00 1,728.22 24,848.22
0.027326476 2nd to 5th year at 14% interest 30,325.83 1,728.22 32,054.05
10 year term
120 1st year, no interest 11,560.00 864.11 12,424.11
0.016333701 2nd to 10th year at 14% interest 20,392.30 864.11 21,256.41
5 year term
60 1st year, no interest 23,120.00 1,768.00 24,888.00
0.027326476 2nd to 5th year at 14% interest 30,325.83 1,768.00 32,093.83
10 year term
120 1st year, no interest 11,560.00 884.00 12,444.00
0.016333701 2nd to 10th year at 14% interest 20,392.30 884.00 21,276.30
Scheme 3
20% Outright Downpayment 326,400.00
*up to 89% DP
10% Less : 10% discount if paid within 7 days 32,640.00
Net Downpayment after discount 293,760.00
Less : Reservation Fee 10,000.00
Net Downpayment 283,760.00
5 year term
60 1st year, no interest 21,760.00 1,732.64 23,492.64
0.027326476 2nd to 5th year at 14% interest 28,541.96 1,732.64 30,274.60
10 year term
120 1st year, no interest 10,880.00 866.32 11,746.32
0.016333701 2nd to 10th year at 14% interest 19,192.75 866.32 20,059.07
5 year term
60 1st year, no interest 21,760.00 1,768.00 23,528.00
0.027326476 2nd to 5th year at 14% interest 28,541.96 1,768.00 30,309.96
10 year term
120 1st year, no interest 10,880.00 884.00 11,764.00
0.016333701 2nd to 10th year at 14% interest 19,192.75 884.00 20,076.75
Scheme 4
No Reservation, No Downpayment
TSP payable monthly in 36 months, no interest 1,632,000.00 106,080.00 1,738,080.00
36 Monthly Amortization 45,333.33 2,946.67 48,280.00
*Price, terms, discounts and lot availability are subject to change without prior notice.
*Sta. Lucia Land, Inc. reserves the right to correct any figure herein in case of typographical or computation error.
*The contents of this material do not form any part of an offer or contract, nor shall any contract be made based on the contents.