SN English Grammar: A Complete Solution For Students

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SN English Grammar Passage

A Complete Solution for Students Narration

Narration- দুই প্রকারঃ
Direct narration Indirect narration
He said to me, “I am ill.” He told me that he was ill.
Direct narration- এ দুই ধরননর Speech থানক
Reporting Speech Reported Speech
He said to me, “I am ill.”
1.Without Inverted Comma 1.In Inverted comma
2.V=said/say/will say/asked/ask/replied 2.V=Any Tense
3.Incomplete Statement 3.Complete statement
Steps for Direct to Indirect Narration
1.Rules for Persons change
2.Rules for Tense Change
3. A Chart for words change
4.Sentence basis change &
5.Rules for Passage Narration

Rules for Persons Change

Reported Speech- এর মনধে যদদ I থানক, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার সময় Reporting Speech-
Rules#01 এর Subject- এর Subjective form বসনব।
I D= Kamal said to me, I am taking a good preparation.
ID=Kamal told me that he was taking a good preparation.
Reported Speech- এর মনধে যদদ my থানক, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার সময় Reporting
Rules#02 Speech- এর Subject- এর Possessive form বসনব।
My D= Kamal said to me, I have lost my cell phone.
ID=Kamal told me that he had lost his cell phone.
Reported Speech- এর মনধে যদদ me থানক, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার সময় Reporting
Rules#03 Speech- এর Subject- এর Objective form বসনব।
Me D= Kamal said to me, She miss me a lot.
ID=Kamal told me that She missed him a lot.
Reported Speech- এর মনধে যদদ You থানক, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার সময় Reporting
Rules#04 Speech- এর Object- এর Subjective form বসনব।
You D= Kamal said to me, You are so bad boy.
ID=Kamal told me that I was so bad boy.
Reported Speech- এর মনধে যদদ Your থানক, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার সময় Reporting
Rules#05 Speech- এর Object- এর Possessive form বসনব।
Your D= Kamal said to me, I follow your hair style.
ID=Kamal told me that he followed my hair style.
Reported Speech- এর মনধে যদদ You থানক objective form দহনসনব, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার
Rules#06 সময় Reporting Speech- এর Object- এর Objective form বসনব।
You D= Kamal said to me, I hate you.
ID=Kamal told me that he hated me.
Reported Speech- এর মনধে I/My/Me/You/Your/You ছাড়া অনে থকান Persons থানক, তাহন঱ Direct
Rules#07 থথনক Indirect করার সময় থকান ঩দরবততন হনব না।
Others D=Kamal said to me, She is very beautiful lady.
ID=Kamal told me that She was very beautiful lady.

Md. Masum Bellah Shazib Mob: 01721123773

Teacher of English, BPSC Email.: [email protected]
The Founder & Managing Director
Bashundhara Public School & College
SN English Grammar Passage
A Complete Solution for Students Narration
A Chart of Persons form
Subjective form Possessive form Objective form
I My Me
We Us Us
You Your You
He His Him
She Her Her
They Their Them
It Its It
Male (He) his Him
Female (She) Her Her
Thing (it) Its It

Rules for Tense Change

যদদ Reporting Speech- এর মনধে Verb- দি V-2 হয়, তাহন঱ Direct থথনক Indirect করার সময়
Reported speech- দি Tense অনুযায়ী ঩দরবততন হনব। অনেথায় tense অনুযায়ী থকান ঩দরবততন হনব না।
Rules#01 D= Kamal said to me, I am taking a good preparation.
ID=Kamal told me that he was taking a good preparation.

D= Kamal says to me, I am taking a good preparation.

ID=Kamal told me that he is taking a good preparation.

A Chart of Tense changing

Direct Narration Indirect Narration Direct Narration Indirect Narration
V1 V2 Do Did
Don‟t/doesn‟t+V1 Didn‟t+V1 Don‟t do Didn‟t do
Am/is/are+V+ing Was/were+V+ing Am doing Was doing
Am/is/are+not+V+ing Was/were+not+V+ing Am not doing Was not doing
Am/is/are Was/were Am Was
Am/is/are+not Was/were+not Am not Was not
Have/has+V3 Had+V3 Have done Had done
Have/has+not+V3 Had+not+V3 Haven‟t done Hadn‟t done
Have/has Had Have had
Have/has+been+V+ing Had been+V+ing Have been doing Had been doing
Have/has+been+not+V+ing Had not+been+ V+ing Haven‟t been doing Hadn‟t been doing
V2 Had+V3 Did Had done
Didn‟t+V1 Had not +V3 Didn‟t do Hadn‟t done
Was/were+V+ing Had been + V+ing Was doing Had been doing
Was/were+not+V+ing Had not been + V+ing Was not doing Hadn‟t been doing
Was/were Had been Was Had been
Was/were+not Had not been Was not Hadn‟t been
Must Must/ had to Must do Must do
Must not Must not/ had not to Must not do Must not do
Shall/will Should/ would Will do Would do
Shall/will + not Should/ would +not Wont do Wouldn‟t do
Should/ would Should/ would Should do Should do
Should/ would + not Should/ would+not Should not do Should not do

Md. Masum Bellah Shazib Mob: 01721123773

Teacher of English, BPSC Email.: [email protected]
The Founder & Managing Director
Bashundhara Public School & College
SN English Grammar Passage
A Complete Solution for Students Narration

A Chart of Words Change

Direct Narration Indirect Narration Direct Narration Indirect Narration
Now Then Hence thence
Ago Before Hither thither
Today That day So that is why
Tonight That night This day that day
Tomorrow The next day Last month the previous month
Yesterday The previous day Last year the previous year
Last night the previous night Good morning wish good morning
Next week the following week Next month the flowing month
Here There It that
This That But express dissatisfaction
These Those The day after in two days time
Thus that way / so The day before yesterday two days
Come Go before

A Chart of Sentence Basis Change

Sentence Reporting Verb Inverted Comma
Assertive Said to=told, said=said, says to=tells, say=tell, will say=will say That

Interrogative Said to=asked, said=asked, says to=asks, say=ask, will say=will AV=If
Sentence ask, asked=asked WH=Wh-word

Imperative Verb=Ordered/Advised/Requested/Permitted/Proposed / forbade Verb=To/not to

Sentence /begged Let=that
Let=Proposed [S+should+V1+Ob.]

Optative Prayed/Wished That


Exclamatory Exclaimed with joy/Exclaimed with sorrow/Exclaimed with That

Sentence surprised

Example of Sentence Basis Change

Sentence Direct Narration Indirect Narration
Assertive Sentence She said to me, “I am a doctor.” She told me that She was a doctor.

Interrogative Sentence She said to me, “Why do you disturb She asked me why I disturbed her.

Imperative Sentence She said to me, “Give me a pen.” She requested me to give her a pen.

Optative Sentence She said, “If I were a Queen.” She wished that She had been a

Exclamatory Sentence She said to me, “Hurrah! I got A+.” She exclaimed with joy that she had
got A+.
Md. Masum Bellah Shazib Mob: 01721123773
Teacher of English, BPSC Email.: [email protected]
The Founder & Managing Director
Bashundhara Public School & College
SN English Grammar Passage
A Complete Solution for Students Narration

Rules for Passage Narrations

, ঩ Passage- ঩ Speaker Audience । ঩
Mood ধ ন ।
Rule#01 Example:
D=“Will you buy my hair.” asked Akhi. “I buy hair.” said Tori.
ID= Akhi asked Tori if he would buy her hair. Tori replied that he bought hair.

Reporting verb Indirect Speech -G Sentence

Rule#02 D=“Where are you from?” said the student. “I am from Jamalpur.” said Tori.
ID=The student asked Tori where he was from. Tori replied that he was from Jamalpur.

঩ Passage ধ ন ঩ ঩
a)Assertive Sentence : added/further added/also said
b)Interrogative Sentence : again asked/further asked/also asked
c)Imperative Sentence : and Requested /and ordered to
d)Optative Sentence : and prayed/and wished that
e) Exclamatory Sentence : and exclaimed in joy that/ in grief that
D=“ I‟ll pay for it. I‟ll repair the broken axe. I broke it.” He said to me. “Why did you break
it? How did you show your responsibility? Do you have money for repairing it?” I said.

ID= He told me that he would pay for it. He added that he would repair the broken axe. He
further added that He had broken it. I asked him why he had broken it. I also asked him how
he had showed his responsibility. I further asked if he had money for repairing it.

Reported Speech G hw` ïay „Yes‟ Subject + replied in the affirmative or Subject +
Auxiliary Verb Ges Reported Speech G „Yes‟ Subject + replied in
the affirmative and said that
D=I said to him, “Have you memorized Narration?”, “Yes” He said.
Rule#04 ID= I asked him if he had memorized Narration. He replied in the affirmative. Or he said that
he had.

D=Tonni said Papri, “Will you come here.” “Yes, I will join my work tomorrow.”
ID=Tonni asked Papri if she (p) would go there. Papri replied in the affirmative and said that
he would join her work the next day.
Reported Speech G hw` ïay „No‟ Subject + replied in the negative or Subject + Auxiliary
Verb + not Ges Reported Speech G „No‟ Subject + replied in the
negative and said that
Rule#05 D= I said to him, “Have you memorized Narration?”, “No” He said.
ID=I asked him if he had memorized Narration. He replied in the negative. Or he said that he

Md. Masum Bellah Shazib Mob: 01721123773

Teacher of English, BPSC Email.: [email protected]
The Founder & Managing Director
Bashundhara Public School & College
SN English Grammar Passage
A Complete Solution for Students Narration
D=Tonni said Papri, “Will you come here.” “No, I will join my work tomorrow.”
ID=Tonni asked Papri if she (p) would go there. Papri replied in the negative and said that he
would join her work the next day.
Direct Speech G Please Ges Sir Indirect Speech kindly/ politely/
respectfully Direct Speech এ sir indirect Speech এ Sir ঩ Respectfully
Addressing as sir ।
D=“Yes,sir” he replied,“I have completed my home work.”
Rule#06 ID=He replied respectfully in the affirmative that he had completed my home work.
Or ID=Addressing as sir he replied in the affirmative that he had completed my home work.

D= “May I come in, sir”, “Yes, come in” said Tori. “Please teach me” said the student.
ID=The student respectfully asked Tori if he might come in. The student
requested Tori politely to teach him clearly.
Direct Speech (address) Indirect Speech G addressing as
Rule#07 Exmple:
D= “Are you happy, students” said Torikul.
ID= Addressing as students, Torikul asked if they were happy.
Inverted comma reporting verb Gi AwZwi³ Ask Sentence
Rule#08 D= “Are you there” asked Mina, knocking to the door. “Follow my example.” Mina said to
me, as we shook hands.
ID= Knocking to the door, Mina asked me if I was there. As we shook hands, Mina advised
me to follow her example.
Reported Speech G Assertive Indirect Speech G reporting verb being
surprised (Interrogative Gi wbqg nq).
Rule#09 Example:
D=She said to me, “You have felt how she passed her day?”
ID=Ans. Being surprised, she asked me if I had felt how she had passed her day.
Reported Speech G Thank Indirect Speech G reporting verb Gi subject + thanked +
reporting verb Gi object
Rule#10 Example:
D=He said to me, “Thank you.”
ID=He thanked me.
Reported Speech G Goodbye Indirect Speech G reporting verb Gi subject + bade +
Rule#11 Reported Speech Gi object
D=He said “Goodbye my friends.”
ID=He bade his friend‟s good bye.
Reported Speech G good morning/ good evening/ good night Indirect Speech G
reporting verb Gi subject+ wished+ good morning/good evening/good night
Rule#12 Example:
D=He said to me, “Good morning.”
ID=He wished me good morning.
Reported Speech Sentence Indirect Speech G e³vi e³e¨ Abymib
Rule#13 Example:
D=I can buy your drama book. How much will I pay you? “Hundred taka only?” I said to
him. “Everything is ok.”

Md. Masum Bellah Shazib Mob: 01721123773

Teacher of English, BPSC Email.: [email protected]
The Founder & Managing Director
Bashundhara Public School & College
SN English Grammar Passage
A Complete Solution for Students Narration
ID= I told him that I could buy his drama book. I also asked him how much I would pay him.
I further asked him if hundred take only would do. He replied that everything was ok.
Reported Speech Indirect Speech the
speaker the listener
Rule#14 Example:
D= “Where are you going now?” “I am going to market”
ID=The speaker asked the listener where he was going then. The listener replied that he was
going to market.

Reported Speech G cried/ muttered ( K_v ejv) / replied/ asked

Indirect Speech G reporting verb
Rule#15 Example:
D=“Save me.” She cried.
ID=She cried to save her.
যদদ Direct Narration এ থকান বানকে দিরন্তনসতে, অভ্োসগত থকান কাজ, ঐদতহাদসক থকান ঘঠনার
দববৃদত বুজ ান঱ Indirect Narration- এ থকান Tense অনুযায়ী ঩দরবতত ন হনব না
Rule#16 D=He said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
ID=He said that honesty is the best policy.
যদদ Direct Narration এ By Allah/ by god/ by job/ by my love/ by my life/cte. থানক, তাহন঱
Indirect Narration- এর শুরুনত Swearing by Allah/ Swearing by god/ Swearing by job/
Rule#17 Swearing by love দদনয় শুরু হনব।
D=By Allah, “he replied, I will not fail in exam.”
ID=Swearing by Allah he replied that he would not fail in exam.
Direct narration-->hello/ hi
Rule#18 Indirect narration-- >great
D=He said, “hello, Kamrul, whre are you going.”
ID=He greeted Kamrul and asked him where he was going.
Direct narration--“If I were you, I should/would….
Rule#19 Indirect narration-- S +advice +O+to +V
D=I said to him, “If I were you, I should wait.”
ID=I advised him to wait.

Md. Masum Bellah Shazib Mob: 01721123773

Teacher of English, BPSC Email.: [email protected]
The Founder & Managing Director
Bashundhara Public School & College

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