Title: COVID19 The Worse Pandemic of The World

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Title: COVID19 The worse pandemic of the world

Thesis Statement:
The early month of 2020 tackle the worse pandemic of the world which affected all
countries. The pandemic shows changes to all on how the Government will handle the situation.
The safety measure has been imposed for the safety of the people.


A. Origin of COVID19?

B.Changes made by COVID19?

C.Safety measures imposed by Government?

II: DEVELOPMENT ; The aid provided by the people.

A. Municipal aid given to the people?

B. Barangay uses its own budget for relief goods?

C. SAP distribution has been given?


A. The COVID19 pandemic made a significant changes to people specially to the people
who work in the government because of the society measure they imposed so that the
spreading of the virus will stop?

B. For every crisis we should be prepared and we need to follow the safety measures
imposed by the government so that we will be safe and we will gain proper knowledge
about the pandemic?
COVID19 The worse Pandemic of the World

Since 2019 coronavirus pandemic existed in Wuhan China. It started from several
patients then boost to thousands. At that point it was not totally affecting the world but since
Chinese are travelers it started to affect other countries which become the world pandemic .

Here in the Philippines the COVID 19 pandemic changes the life of the people specially
those who we call front-liners where Nurses, Doctors, Police, Women, Air Forces, Local
Government Units , Fire Brigade and even those who work in the funeral services with this
pandemic all establishments have been affected Malls, Super Market, Market, the Philippines
stock exchanges and other business entity. This world pandemic made a greater trouble to human
life because every people are affected. COVID 19 is really dangerous because people with this
virus can easily affect through direct and indirect contact to other people around. The pandemic
almost killed thousands of people everyday specially those who can help the recovery of patient.
Most front-liners like Doctors and Nurses suffer to this pandemic and the most who will affect
die from it. COVID 19 has shown how dangerous and devastating it is. It terrify people from the
poor class, middle class and even the riches people.

But the Philippines government battle up with the coronavirus pandemic our President
Rodrigo Roa Duterte announced its lockdown or the ECQ or Enhanced Community Quarantine
on March 16 ,2020 that occupied the Luzon cities and municipalities. With the enhanced
Community Quarantine the front-liners started to make a procedure to control the coming in and
going out of people from town to town. The Local Government Units or LGU’s imposed curfew,
Liquor Ban, Swimming in the river, Social Gathering, Gambling ban and other activities that will
gather a lots of people together. All cities imposed sanitation likewise here in our municipality
our Mayor Valentino Ben Patron imposed a quarantine pass for every Barangay coming to public
market and every Barangay has different schedules. With the participation of our Barangay they
put control checkpoint in front of our Barangay Hall but it was not good for most of people of
Barangay, most people said it should be installed in boundary by boundary so that we can
ensured that no one can get through in our Barangay easily. The Enhanced Community
Quarantine affected lots of people in our Barangay specially during time of market day. People
are asking the Barangay Captain to provide service for the people who wants to go to public
market but it did not happened. Good thing that there is one Councilor of Barangay who stands
out to give services to the people of the Barangay for free during market day of our Barangay in
our Municipal Public Market. With his idea the Barangay Captain follow the same and provided
extra jeep to be the market services for the people of Barangay.

Somehow Enhanced Community Quarantine controlled the people from staying out of
their houses. But most people suffered because the Municipal aid was not properly distributed to
al people of the Barangay the Municipal lack in giving the food aid to all. The Barangay makes
an adjustment and use the Barangay Budget to provides the needs of the people. Also there are
some sector who help providing the food aid for most of people of the Barangay .In the past day
the Vice Mayor of our municipalities gives 1 alive chicken in every family. Since everybody are
affected most people are asking who will get the allowance for their needs.
Here comes the Department of Social Welfare and Development who provide the
Financial aid that will target the Senior without pension, Driver, Persons with Disabilities,
Pregnant, Lactating Mother, Farmer, Construction Worker, No work no pay and the Informal
sector. But Department of Social Welfare and Development failed to carefully validated the
people to be added or listed for the financial aid. Instead Department of Social Welfare and
Development authorized Barangay Council to make a list of people who will belong to the
financial aid. The financial aid made a big noise to our Barangay because most people wanted to
be part of the program. There are times that most people blame the Barangay councilor for
making the list where most people of the Barangay do not even understand what really the
Barangay Officials did for the benefits of the most of our front liners do their purpose for the
people of the society but somehow their hardship was not really matter. For people of Barangay
it is matter if they get what they really need for the sustainable life during this time. But the big
changes happened because when the Department of Social Welfare and Development validated
the results because for their validation there are qualified who was been disqualified the
Barangay Councilor said if it is a real validation the Department of Social Welfare and
Development representative should went to the house of all the people listed for the financial aid
so that they can validated to the fair and equal.

One of our Barangay Councilor disagreed with what the Department of Social Welfare
and Development or DSWD did. He said it is wrong validation. He emphasized that proper
validation should be visited by Department of Social Welfare and Development representative
house to house not through by phone call or text messages. And sometimes those needy person
are disqualified from from financial aid that is giving by Department of Social Welfare and
Development because they did not validated well where they did not even visited the houses of
the beneficiaries . Department of Social Welfare and Development aid some how make a
significant noise in our Barangay because there are people who was been disqualified even
through they are fully qualified for the financial aid. But the Financial aid officially insisting they
are correct but some of our Barangay official battle up to prove that the validation made is not
equal to all. And most of our official stand for it and correct the mistakes so that they can provide
aid the most.

These are some ways to prevent the spread of COVID 19, Clean your hands often they
say you need to sing a happy birthday Two times use soap and water , or an alcohol based hand
rub. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing, Don’t touch your eyes,
nose or mouth cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or
sneeze, Stay at home if you feel unwell and if you have a fever, a cough and difficulty breathing,
seek medical attention. Call in advance and always wear mask when you go outside in the house.
Department of Health said that if you didn’t have a coronavirus you didn’t need a mask. And
when you are inside the house you did not need mask. Before you putting a mask you need to
clean your hands with alcohol based hand rub or soap and water.You need to cover your mouth
and nose with mask and you need to make sure that there is no gap between your mask and your
face. Do not re use this mask again, Remove it from behind do not touch the front of the mask,
And throw immediately in a close bin or trash can. Like I said before if you are healthy you did
not need it. You only need the mask if you go outside in your house or you are taking care of a
person who are positive in coronavirus or COVID 19.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte declared to extend the Enhanced Community Quarantine
for Luzon will be until April 30,2020 instead of April 12,2020 because the number of people
who are positive in Coronavirus pandemic has increased everyday. The number of coronavirus
cases in the country has surged in the past 3 weeks. From 187 cases on March 17 ,2020 the start
of the Enhanced Community Quarantine and there are now 3660 cases as of April 6,2020

But everyday the positive cases of coronavirus pandemic has rise. And because of that on
April 24,2020 President Rodrigo Roa Duterte announced that the Enhanced Community
Quarantine was to extend up until May 15,2020 but only for Metro Manila, Central Luzon and
CALABARZON as well as other areas in Luzon that are considered a high risk for COVID 19.
Low risk to Moderate risk areas would be placed under General Community Quarantine or GCQ
or less strict quarantine starting on May 1,2020 . As of now April 30,2020 the number of
confirmed cases are 8,212 and the recoveries are 1,023 and sad to say that number of people who
died in this pandemic are 558
In the last week there are some news and incident happen like a retired soldier was shot
dead by a police officer for allegedly trying to pull out a gun at a checkpoint in Quezon City.
Winston Ragos was asked to go home because he was being a lockdown violator but he
disobeyed the orders and instead allegedly pulled out a 38 caliber from his sling bag which
triggered Police Master Sergeant Daniel Florendo Jr to shoot him. One witness added that
Winston Ragos never had a gun instead it was just his quarantine pass inside the bag. This was
revealed after the police checked the bag . Winston Ragos was rushed to the Commonwealth
Hospital but he did not make it. It shows the some of our soldiers has no moral responsibilities in
our society. Because our soldier are over confident that if someone has other intention most
soldier think it will endanger them that’s why the reflect easily with violence reactions. Now that
our country is in a Enhanced Community Quarantine the total number of COVID 19 cases in the
Philippines keep getting high , What more if the Government remove the Enhanced Community
Quarantine it will make the cases boost to higher percentages . Most people of the municipalities
that is under Enhanced Community Quarantine are complaining with their situation where in the
government is giving enough support for the relief goods. Also there are lots of private sector
who are helping in giving food aid for the people. With the pandemic most people said that we
should give our trust to god only because god can heal the virus and time will come it will be
resolved. Yes it is true that we should have strong faith for this kind of situation we should help
also our government for their program to make the people safe from the pandemic. We must not
blame the government for the situation because our leader and doing their part to make the
people safe from COVID 19 all we need to do is have a proper Discipline to follow the
government procedure in making all the people to be safe from the pandemic. There are
government agencies on Local Government Units or LGU’s that made a big changes in their
Enhanced Community Quarantine procedure like Lipa who made a total lockdown in their
municipalities and acted mandatory testing on their people. All the checkpoints has barrier so
that the people from San Jose can not go throw the barrier. Since Lipa has 24 cases of COVID 19
pandemic the municipal has its safety measure to battle-up for the pandemic. Our municipal of
San Jose has 1 COVID 19 positive but the patient easily recovered and now our municipality has
zero COVID 19 case. The municipal is asking the Barangay Captain to make the procedure fo
the Enhanced Community Quarantine or ECQ to be more though because our barangay was
mentioned in a radio station that most people of Barangay Aya are stubborn they don’t even
follow the government mandate for the Enhanced Community Quarantine because there are
people who was caught gambling, swimming in river, playing with their kite, alcohol drinking
and even party gathering. It really shows that treat most people of Barangay don’t have
discipline and they don’t even listen to the government mandate. But still the municipal mayor
keep asking the people of the municipal to follow the procedure and ask the policemen and
women to make a tougher measure so that people will follow and respect the procedure imposed
by the government for the safety procedure for what we called pandemic.

We are truly amazed by this COVID 19 pandemic because everything seem stop to the
middle of no where. Everybody are not prepared for this crisis that can killed lots of people
around the world. The global battle is set because every nation are gathering everything they
have to make a solution or cure for the worse pandemic of the world. Every nations are helping
each other to fight for the pandemic virus. Even the world strongest country are in danger and are
battling for the top spot in COVID 19 cases. The virus made significant discrimination to those
who was positive for the virus. Some countries discriminated the help or aid given by China
because some of them think that it is possible that the equipment or machine provided by China
will not make significant changes since it is made in China. Most Country are saying that the
quality of the product is not that to good. Because it is made urgently. But there are countries
who even ask for the help of China and even use the aid and equipment provided by China like
Philippines we have a tie with China and they are helping the Country to fight back the

On the other hand the pandemic made also a big impact with the Philippines Department
of Health because it shows that our health agencies are not ready to battle with this pandemic.
The agencies that are assigned to fight the pandemic are not equip with enough resources to
distribute and help all the hospitals to have enough Personal Protective Equipment or PPE, The
budget of the Philippines are not enough to supply the demand of the people especially the front
liners. But in this time of crisis, Filipinos show how helpful we are. Sewers chose to work on
Personal Protective Equipment and give it to the front liners to provide them protective
equipments some make efforts to have fund and donate them to the most in need. The artists ,
Television shows, ordinary people and private sectors help people who needs most and the front
liners who sacrifice their lives just to fight the pandemic and help the patients of COVID 19 to
survive and recover. This popular personalities from different stations are extending their
sincerest help to those that are really affected by this pandemic. Most of them are doing fund
raising online in order to collect a big sum of money. The numbers collected are then used to
help the government in purchasing personal protective equipments for the front liners, and relief
goods for thousands of families that are hoping and waiting for some help. These stars are also
donating digits in order to help those people who contracted the virus along the long run. And
thankfully despite the doubling number of COVID 19 patients, there are over a thousand who
recover from it all over the world. And the number of deaths are also decreasing. This happens
because of our unity cooperation and praying together to the almighty.

To sum it up, this coronavirus pandemic made us realize the importance of unity and
cooperation. These two became the most important factors that help the Filipinos and the world
survive amidst this Armageddon. It also made significant changes on how people are living their
lives. The situation made many people realize that living life to the fullest doesn’t mean just
having and experiencing all the leisures this world could give. The true meaning of it is spending
life helping those that are really in need and giving your all to have a significant part in this fight.

Even the government officials must have some realizations within them. Facing this
invisible enemy, they have seen the increasing demand to educate most of the population on how
to do important safety measures and hygienic practices to stop the spreading of pandemic
COVID 19 and all the other viruses that are threatening the existence of all human beings.

In part of the residents, staying at home like what the authorities are always reminding us,
could also be a very good help in this fight. By doing so we are saving lives of many. And
instead of going outside, Why not use this timing to spend more time with the whole family or
doing the things that you always wanted to do for longest time? This could also be the perfect
time to strengthen our immune system by eating healthy foods, doing some rounds of daily
exercise and drinking vitamin C.

But in the middle of this war with the unseen, we should not forget to trust the holiness pf
our father who is always bestowing his glory amongst us all.There is one certain ways to avoid
the coronavirus pandemic. All we need to do is to praise and pray to god sincerely. Always trust
him, He gave this problem to try our belief in him. In times like this that there still no vaccine
invented to prevent this pandemic all we can do is pray sincerely to God. We should ask for his
guidance for those in the medical world to finally find the solution that will put an end to this
pandemic. And also for all our front liners to have a longer life to live through having and
maintaining a healthy body despite the stress, tiredness, sleepless nights, and the threat of virus,
itself. He is the only one who can stop this. God is not dead he heard our silent prayers and
requests. Have faith when we pray . Faith sees invisible believes the unbelievable and receives
the impossible . Trust the Lord, His plan is better than our plan. His thoughts are higher than our
thoughts . God will never leave us. Jesus sees your situation and He knows what we are going

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