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Univeristy of the Visayas

College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

Administering Eye Medications

Year and Section:___________________________________Date:__________________

Intended Learning Outcomes:

 Explain the purposes and indication of eye and ear medications

 Identify and describe contraindications of eye and ear medications
 Describe the essential steps in doing the procedure
 Perform the procedure correctly
 Perform procedures of after care

The administration of a drug by instillation of a cream, an ointment, or a liquid drop
preparation in the conjunctival sac. The correct strength and amount of the drug are
selected, and the medication is instilled into the eye or eyes as directed. The order usually
specifies O.D. for right eye, O.S. for left eye, or O.U. for both eyes. Ophthalmic preparations
are often refrigerated for storage but are given at room temperature.

Eyedrops may be instilled to treat a number of eye disorders or to anesthetize an
eye before treatment. An ophthalmic assistant, technician, nurse or physician instills
eyedrops during a routine eye examination or during treatment for ocular disease.
Anesthetic eyedrops are instilled before surgery on the eye. Sometimes ophthalmic
professionals instill dyes to help diagnose ocular disease, either by traditional methods, or
by intravenous administration, or by the use of strips.

Review the client’s record or discuss with the client or other health care team
members on purpose of administering eye medication.

Prepare needed supplies and equipment

Sterile gloves
Eye drops/ ointment
Gauze/ tissue
Medication tray


 Assess the rights of the patient

 Assess the condition of the client’s eyes and/or ears
 Assess the medications order


Accomplish by using the legend according to observed task activity:

Univeristy of the Visayas
College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

4- Yes, able to perform well

3- Yes, able to perform but needs improvement
2- No, was not able to perform
1- Not applicable

Administering Eye Medications

Steps Rationale 4 3 2 1

1. Check the order for the client,

medication, dosage, time, and route of

2. Review information regarding the


3. Check for allergies or other


4. Gather necessary equipment

5. Follow the rights of drug


6. Place medication on a clean surface

in the client’s room

7. Check client’s identification armband

8. Explain procedure; assist the client

as needed.

9. Wash hands. Apply nonsterile gloves

if needed

10. Place client in a supine position with

the head slightly hyperextended

11. If possible, assists patient to high

Fowler’s position with head slightly
tilted back.

12. If needed, cleans edges of eyelid

from inner to outer canthus.

a. Instilling Eyedrops
13a. Remove cap from bottle and place
cap on its side
Univeristy of the Visayas
College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

14a. Holding eyedropper, rests

dominant hand on patient’s forehead.

15a. With nondominanthand, pulls the

lower lid down to expose the
conjunctival sac.

16a. Place tissue below the lower lid

17a. Positions eyedropper 1/2 to 3/4

inch (13 to 19 mm) above patient’s
eye; does not let dropper touch the

18a. Asks patient to look up; drops

correct number of drops into
conjunctival sac. Does not drop onto

19a. Asks patient to gently close and

move the eyes.

20a. If medication has systemic effects,

presses gently against the same side of
the nose to close the lacrimal ducts for
1 to 2 minutes.

b. Administering Eye Ointment

13b. Rests dominant hand, with eye

ointment, on patient’s forehead.

14b. With nondominanthand, pulls the

lower lid down to expose the
conjunctival sac.

15b. Asks patient to look up.

16b. Applies a thin strip of ointment

(about 1 inch; 2 to 2.5 cm) in
conjunctival sac; twists wrist to break
off the strip.
17b. Does not let tube touch the eye.

18b. Asks patient to gently close eyes

for 2 to 3 minutes.

19b. Explains that vision will be blurred

for a short time.

Post Procedure
Univeristy of the Visayas
College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

21. Do aftercare of equipment used and

dispose of trash in appropriate disposal

22. Wash hands

23. Document the procedure


__________________________ __________________________
Signature of Clinical Instructor Signature of Student

Mosby. (2009). Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition. Elsevier.

Wilkins, F. R., Daniels, R., & Grendell, R. N. (2010). Procedure Checklists to accompany
Fundamentals of Nursing Vol. 1 & 2 (Philippine Edition ed.). (D. Martich, Ed.)
Canada: Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning Products.

Administering Ear Medications

Year and Section:___________________________________Date:___________________

Intended Learning Outcomes:

 Explain the purposes and indication of eye and ear medications

 Identify and describe contraindications of eye and ear medications
 Describe the essential steps in doing the procedure
 Perform the procedure correctly
 Perform procedures of after care

An ear instillation is a solution of topical medicine prepared for administration into
the ear canal. Medicine instilled into the ear is absorbed through the skin of the ear canal
and membranes of the eardrum

Univeristy of the Visayas
College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

Ear instillations are used primarily to treat wax build-up and inflammations or
infections of the ear.

Review the client’s record or discuss with the client or other health care team
members on purpose of administering eye medication.

Prepare needed supplies and equipment

Sterile gloves
Ear drops
Gauze/ tissue
Medication tray
Cotton tipped applicator (if needed)


 Assess the rights of the patient

 Assess the condition of the client’s eyes and/or ears
 Assess the medications order


Accomplish by using the legend according to observed task activity:

4- Yes, able to perform well
3- Yes, able to perform but needs improvement
2- No, was not able to perform
1- Not applicable

Administering Ear Medications

Steps Rationale 4 3 2 1

1. Check the order for the client,

medication, dosage, time, and
route of administration

2. Review information regarding

the drug

3. Check for allergies or other


4. Gather necessary equipment

Univeristy of the Visayas
College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

5. Follow the rights of drug


6. Place medication on a clean

surface in the client’s room

7. Check client’s identification


8. Explain procedure; assist the

client as needed.

9. Wash hands. Apply nonsterile

gloves if needed

10. Warms solution to be instilled

(e.g., in hand or in warm, not
hot, water).

11. Assists patient to side-lying

position, with appropriate ear
facing up.

12. Fills dropper with the correct

amount of medication.

13. Cleans external ear with

cotton tipped applicator if

14. For infants and young

children, asks another caregiver
to immobilize the child while
administering the medication.

15. Straightens the ear canal.

a. For patients older than 3
years, pulls pinna upward and
b. For children less than 3
years old, pulls pinna down
and back.
16. Instills correct number of
drops along the side of the ear

17. Does not touch the end of the

dropper to any part of the ear.

18. Massages or presses on the

tragus of the ear.
Univeristy of the Visayas
College of Nursing
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014
Mandaue City, Cebu, Phils.
Tel. No.: (032) 3469292 loc. 126; (032) 4161538

19. Instructs patient to remain on

his side for 5 to 10 min.

20. Places cotton loosely at the

opening of the auditory canal for
15 minutes.

Post Procedure

21. Do aftercare of equipment

used and dispose of trash in
appropriate disposal containers.

22. Wash hands

23. Document the procedure



__________________________ __________________________
Signature of Clinical Instructor Signature of Student

Mosby. (2009). Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition. Elsevier.

Wilkins, F. R., Daniels, R., & Grendell, R. N. (2010). Procedure Checklists to accompany
Fundamentals of Nursing Vol. 1 & 2 (Philippine Edition ed.). (D. Martich, Ed.)
Canada: Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning Products.

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