Herever OU O: Moderately

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B F7 B
Capo 3: (G) (D7) (G)

1. Wher ev er you go I shall go.

2. Wher ev er you die I shall die,

E F7 3 B
(C) (D7) (G)

1. Wher ev er you live so shall I live.

2. and there shall I be bur ied be side you.

E F7 B Gm
(C) (D7) (G) (Em)
3 3

1. Your peo ple will be my peo ple, and

E F7 E B D.C.
(C) (D7) (C) (G)

1. your God will be my God too.

E F7 B Gm
(C) (D7) (G) (Em)

2. We will be to geth er for ev er, and

E F7 3 B rit. last time (Fine)

(C) (D7) (G)

2. our love will be the gift of our life.

Text: Based on Ruth 1:16, 17; Weston Priory, Gregory Norbet, OSB, b. 1940.
Music: Weston Priory, Gregory Norbet, OSB.
Text and music © 1972, The Benedictine Foundation of the State of Vermont, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Edition #92193

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