Sop 1
Sop 1
Sop 1
I play the drums in a local rock band and even in my instrument I completely feel the
strength of mechanical rules. I am interested in development of mechanical tools in order to
help society. Nowadays, we can see mechanical engineering elements all around us. It is a
great pleasure to me that I study mechanical engineering and I really love to join your M.Sc.
program in mechanical engineering.
Another project which I'm working on it now is "Frictional Forces In Orthodontic Brackets".
Our team is so hard working and determine on this project and hopefully, we will publish
some papers around this subject by the end of this academic year. Frictional forces in
orthodontic brackets was the subject of my thesis ,too. I present my thesis to my professor
and he was satisfied. I get an "A" mark scoring 19.5/20 for my thesis. This project covers a
huge area of science and technology and I hope that I can find new methods of testing in
your labs and release more papers with the support of your university.
Studying in your country has always been my dream. I really love to continue my career in
Italy, because of its capacities and facilities. Beside facilities and university supports in your
country, it is really great to study in a beautiful and industrial country. I really like to work
and research in your labs and it would be a great honor to me to join your university. I am
confident that the M.Sc. program offered by your University would significantly impact my
professional life and would equip me with comprehensive, specialized and rigorous
professional training in all aspects of mechanical engineering. I will give my full dedication
and attention to all things will be taught to me in your University. I sincerely hope to have a
mutually beneficial association with your University to contribute my best towards making a
successful research endeavor. Keeping this in mind, joining your University seems to me as
an excellent first step. Thanks for your consideration.
Reza Panahi