British Mathematical Olympiad 2006/7 British Mathematical Olympiad Round 2
British Mathematical Olympiad 2006/7 British Mathematical Olympiad Round 2
British Mathematical Olympiad 2006/7 British Mathematical Olympiad Round 2
Supported by
Note: The circumcentre of triangle ABC is the centre of the circle which
In early March, twenty students will be invited passes through the vertices A, B and C. The orthocentre is the point of
to attend the training session to be held at intersection of the perpendiculars from each vertex to the opposite side.
Trinity College, Cambridge (29th March - 2nd
April). At the training session, students sit a
pair of IMO-style papers and 8 students will be 4. In the land of Hexagonia, the six cities are connected by a rail network
selected for further training. Those selected will such that there is a direct rail line connecting each pair of cities. On
be expected to participate in correspondence work
Sundays, some lines may be closed for repair. The passengers’ rail
and to attend further training. The UK Team of
six for this summer’s International Mathematical charter stipulates that any city must be accessible by rail from any
Olympiad (to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam 23-31 other (not necessarily directly) at all times. In how many different
July) will then be chosen. ways can some of the lines be closed subject to this condition?