Equations Involving Absolute Values.: Short Term Plan (STP) 2018-19

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Pakistan International School, Doha, Qatar

Short Term Plan (STP) 2018-19

Linear Equations and

Subject Math-Science Week-12 June : 24– 28 Unit#7 Class IX
STP NO. Topics Main Teaching Activities Remarks
LO: Students will be able to
Equations involving  Solve the equations involving absolute Student Task: Studentswould be
1 asked to solve the concerning
absolute values. values.
 Examples:(1,2,3). examples at home.
 Exercise: 7.2 (Q:1)

Equations involving LO: Students will be able to Student Task: Students would be
2 absolute values.  Find the solution sets for the equations asked to solve the questions
with absolute values. associated with absolute values.
 Exercise: 7.2 (Q:2;i-viii)

LO: Students will be able to Student Task: Students would be .

Linear Inequalities.  Solve the linear inequalities. asked to solve the related
Stp:61  Examples: 1,2,3,4. examples and questions.
 Exercise: 7.3 (Q:1;i-v)
4 Linear Inequalities. LO: Students will be able to Student Task: Students would be
 Find the solution of linear inequalities. asked to solve the remaining
Stp:62  Exercise: 7.3 (Q:1;vi-viii) (Q:2;i-iii) questions.
5 Solution of Linear LO: Students will be able to Student Task: Students would be
inequalities.  Solve the linear inequalities in difficult asked to solve the remaining
Stp:63 forms. parts of the questions.
 Exercise: 7.3 (Q:2; iv-viii)

Linear equations and LO: Students will be able to Student Task: Students would be
Pakistan International School, Doha, Qatar
Short Term Plan (STP) 2018-19
6 inequalities.  Solve the M.C.Qs related to linear asked to make practice of
equations and inequalities. M.C.Qs.
Stp:64  Review Exercise: 7(Q:1,2)

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