Sociolinguistics and Education: (Dynamic of English Language Instruction)
Sociolinguistics and Education: (Dynamic of English Language Instruction)
Sociolinguistics and Education: (Dynamic of English Language Instruction)
The contributions of sociolinguistics in the field of education can be seen at least, in two
ways. Educators may get some insight into the sociological nature of education and its
problems and theories concerning situated language use, language being the medium of
instruction and one of the subjects at school.
Schools may reflect the society in which they are built and which they are designed to
serve. In so far as they do, we can see one of their purposes being to maintain social
order, (see Stern, 1983 : 424), The students at a school represent the society as a whole.
An ideal situation is the one in which each member of the society has an equal access to
However, even in this ideal situation, students may still face problems which are caused
by differences of students' experiences, outside of school, especially students from
ethnic minority groups and those from lower working class, (Ferguson, 1981)
Discourse analysis finding have given some insight into instruction. Sinclair (1975)
sum up some areas of application of discourse analysis in education.
a. "A study of teacher-pupil interactions in the reception classes of junior schools and
nursery schools." This can explain how "the five-year-old speaks, when he wants to
become the ten year-old who waits to be nominated."
b. A study found out that "Well-planned lessons which progress in well-ordered steps
to a conclusion are not necessarily successful " In such a lesson the teacher usually uses
a question such as Wouldn't you agree that.....? which gives away a strong clue to
answer expected ("Yes"), and the teacher takes the correct answer as "an indication that
pupils are following and understanding." However, this seems not to be an indication of
understanding at all.
c. A discourse analysis of the classroom can also show teachers what happens when
they are not present to control the discourse.
d. A cross-cultural comparison of teacher-pupil interactions would show educational
planners and teachers some possible causes of learning problems.
e. Another question in a discourse analysis of the classroom is "how far different
educational levels anticipate different types of discourse" (Points a - e are taken from
Sinclair et al, 1975)
Cazden shows that the study of classroom discourse can answer important educational
questions such as how patterns of language use affect learning, the equality or inequality
of students' educational opportunities and what communicative competence these
patterns presume and foster. (Cazden, 1988)
Bell (1981 : 112) shows how sociolinguistics fits into the context of inputs to functional
language teaching. His figure 6.1. looks like this :
Linguistic Sociolinguistic philosophical
Input input input '
a. semantic a. variation a. speech acts
b. register b. communicative
c. language c. contex of use
Functional Other
Approach • input
National pedagogical,
syllabus psycological, etc.
The sociolinguistic approach sees language as an open system and the consequence that
language has variation shifts the emphasis in language study from the one language for
all people (the monolithic approach) to the awareness of language variation. The
implication for language instruction is the need to emphasize appropriateness rather
than correctness and the need to select varieties (if necessary more than one) based on
the needs of the students. The idea of communicative competence in sociolinguistics
emphasizes functions, situational constraints (such as relationship of the speaker and the
hearer (listener), setting, topic, etc) and various expressions used to perform each
function. The practice section in the textbook usually takes the form of communication
tasks which are meant to develop the student's ability to communicate in different
hypothetical situations.
There are three important details to consider in sociolinguistic profiles. These are 1) the
degree of linguistic heterogenity 2) the legal status of the language and 3) the
functions of the language.
The degree of linguistic heterogenity to do with 1) the total number of languages in the
state 2) the ratio of L1 users of each language to the total population 3) the demographic
characteristics of each language: whether it is the language of a single ethnic group or of
many. (Ibid)
The legal status of a language can fall into the following categories.
1. sole official language ,
2. joint official language
3. regional official language
4. promoted language
5. tolerated language
6. discouraged language
Another important document from the sociolinguistic research that can help in the
selection of language materials is a survey report about the language demands of
various social groups and professions. Halliday (1972) states that language experiences
at school must be relevant to the student's linguistic experience prior to the instruction
and at the same time they must also be relevant to their experience in the future.
A syllabus that suits the sociolinguistic approach is the functional syllabus, because it
always starts with the social function of language and takes variation in linguistic
expressions into consideration. This corresponds to Bell's statement about the change in
emphasis in language study "from referential to the study of social uses to which
language is put".
The texts in the language materials must meet three requirements, that is, they must be
situationally likely, the role played by each participant is likely and the level of
language formality is appropriate to the situation.
The contributions of sociolinguistics in the field of education can be seen in two ways.
Sociolinguistics helps the educator to see the sociological nature of education and its
problems. Sociolinguistics has theories about situated language use that are Important to
consider in school teaching, language being the medium of instruction and one of the
subject at school.
Learning problems that are caused by differences of experiences outside school will still
remain even in a ideal situation in which each member of the society has an equal
access to education. These can be meaningfully investigated and solved with a
sociolinguistic approach.
Discourse analysis studies can show the educator some thing about classroom
interaction, interaction among students when the teacher is not present and they can give
some understanding about causes of learning problems. For example they can show how
patterns of language use affect learning. They can show something about the equality or
inequality of opportunities and the kinds of communicative competence being fostered
at school.
Sociolinguistics has some input for a language syllabus design. It has theories about
language variation, communicative competence and context of language use. Research
on sociolinguistics can produce data about sociolinguistic profiles of the society in
which the learner is living and about the social functions of the target language.
Three important details in sociolinguistic profiles are 1) the degree of linguistic
heterogenity 2) the legal status of the language and 3} the functions of the language.
Another contribution of sociolinguistics is in the selection of language materials for
instruction. Survey results on language demands of various groups and professions can
be used in deciding what kinds of language materials to be taught.
A language syllabus that suits the sociolinguistic approach is the functional one and this
corresponds to the shift in emphasis from referential aspects of language to social uses
of language. Language texts to be used for a language class must meet three
requirements. They must be situationally likely, the role played by each participant is
likely and the level of language formality is appropriate to the situation.
Namun, bahkan dalam situasi ideal ini, siswa masih menghadapi masalah yang
disebabkan oleh perbedaan pengalaman siswa, di luar sekolah, terutama siswa dari
kelompok etnis minoritas dan mereka yang berasal dari pekerja kelas yang lebih rendah,
(Ferguson, 1981)
Cazden menunjukkan bahwa studi wacana kelas dapat menjawab pertanyaan pendidikan
penting seperti bagaimana pola penggunaan bahasa mempengaruhi belajar, kesetaraan
atau ketidaksetaraan kesempatan pendidikan siswa dan apa yang kompetensi
komunikatif pola-pola asuh dan mendidik. (Cazden, 1988)
Selain tiga input sosiolinguistik seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas,
sosiolinguistik dapat membantu seorang desainer silabus dengan data tentang "profil
sosiolinguistik masyarakat di mana pelajar tinggal" dan data tentang "fungsi sosial dari
bahasa target" ini data bersama-sama dengan dokumen negara tentang "bahasa dan
kebijakan perencanaan pendidikan" penting untuk menyiapkan objektivitas dari
instruksi bahasa dan jenis materi bahasa dan kegiatan bahasa untuk dimasukkan dalam
Ada tiga rincian penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam profil sosiolinguistik. Ini adalah
1) tingkat heterogenitas linguistik 2) status hukum dan bahasa 3) fungsi bahasa.
Tingkat heterogenitas linguistik yang harus dilakukan dengan 1) jumlah bahasa di
negara 2) rasio pengguna dari setiap bahasa dengan jumlah penduduk 3) karakteristik
demografi setiap bahasa: apakah itu adalah bahasa dari etnis kelompok atau banyak.
Dokumen lain yang penting dari penelitian sosiolinguistik yang dapat membantu dalam
pemilihan bahan bahasa adalah laporan survei tentang tuntutan bahasa berbagai
kelompok sosial dan profesi. Halliday (1972) menyatakan bahwa pengalaman bahasa di
sekolah harus relevan dengan pengalaman linguistik siswa sebelum instruksi dan pada
saat yang sama mereka juga harus relevan dengan pengalaman mereka di masa depan.
Teks dalam materi bahasa harus memenuhi tiga persyaratan, yaitu, mereka harus
situasional, peran yang dimainkan oleh masing-masing peserta dan kemungkinan
tingkat formalitas bahasa sesuai dengan situasi.
Kontribusi dari sosiolinguistik di bidang pendidikan dapat dilihat dalam dua cara.
Sosiolinguistik membantu pendidik untuk melihat sifat sosiologis pendidikan dan
masalah-masalahnya. Sosiolinguistik memiliki teori tentang penggunaan bahasa yang
terletak penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam mengajar di sekolah, bahasa sebagai
media pengajaran dan salah satu subjek di sekolah.
Masalah belajar yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan pengalaman di luar sekolah masih
akan tetap bahkan dalam situasi yang ideal di mana setiap anggota masyarakat memiliki
akses yang sama terhadap pendidikan. Ini dapat bermakna diselidiki dan diselesaikan
dengan pendekatan sosiolinguistik.
Akses ke peluang tergantung pada cara menggunakan bahasa. Tampaknya ada gaya
yang berhubungan dengan kekuatan yang berbeda, gaya yang muncul kembali dalam
situasi yang berbeda. Pendidikan sekolah harus menyediakan fasilitas belajar cara-cara
menggunakan bahasa.
Studi analisis wacana dapat menunjukkan pendidik beberapa hal tentang interaksi kelas,
interaksi antara siswa ketika guru tidak hadir dan mereka dapat memberikan beberapa
pemahaman tentang penyebab masalah belajar. Misalnya mereka dapat menunjukkan
bagaimana pola penggunaan bahasa mempengaruhi belajar. Mereka dapat menunjukkan
sesuatu tentang kesetaraan atau ketidaksetaraan peluang dan jenis kompetensi
komunikatif yang dipupuk di sekolah.
Sosiolinguistik memiliki beberapa masukan untuk desain silabus bahasa. Ini memiliki
teori tentang variasi bahasa, kompetensi komunikatif dan konteks penggunaan bahasa.
Penelitian sosiolinguistik dapat menghasilkan data tentang profil sosiolinguistik dari
masyarakat di mana pelajar hidup dan tentang fungsi sosial dari bahasa target.
Tiga rincian penting dalam profil sosiolinguistik adalah 1) tingkat heterogenitas
linguistik 2) status hukum bahasa dan 3} fungsi bahasa.
Kontribusi lain dari sosiolinguistik adalah dalam pemilihan bahan bahasa untuk
instruksi. Hasil survei pada tuntutan bahasa dan berbagai kelompok profesi dapat
digunakan dalam menentukan apa jenis bahan bahasa yang akan diajarkan.
Sebuah silabus bahasa yang sesuai dengan pendekatan sosiolinguistik adalah yang
fungsional dan ini sesuai dengan pergeseran penekanan dari aspek referential bahasa
untuk manfaat sosial dari bahasa. Teks bahasa yang akan digunakan untuk kelas bahasa
harus memenuhi tiga persyaratan. Mereka harus situasional, peran yang dimainkan oleh
setiap peserta kemungkinan dan tingkat formalitas bahasa sesuai dengan situasi.