Manning Equation - Open Channel Flow Using Excel: Course Content
Manning Equation - Open Channel Flow Using Excel: Course Content
Manning Equation - Open Channel Flow Using Excel: Course Content
1. Introduction
The Manning equation is a widely used empirical equation for uniform open
channel flow of water. It provides a relationship among several open channel
flow parameters of interest: flow rate or average velocity, bottom slope of the
channel, cross-sectional area of flow, wetted perimeter, and Manning roughness
coefficient for the channel. Open channel flow takes place in natural channels
like rivers and streams, as well as in manmade channels like those used to
transport wastewater and in circular sewers flowing partially full.
The main topic of this course is uniform open channel flow, in which the
channel slope, water velocity and water depth remain constant. This includes a
variety of example calculations with the Manning equation and the use of Excel
spreadsheets for those calculations.
2. Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, the student will
• Know the differences between laminar & turbulent, steady state &
unsteady state, and uniform & non-uniform open channel flow.
• Be able to carry out a variety of calculations for full or partially full flow
under gravity in a circular pipe site.
VI. Summary
Figure 3. Dye injection into laminar & turbulent open channel flow
Laminar flow, sometimes also called streamline flow, occurs for flows with high
fluid viscosity and/or low velocity. Turbulent flow takes place for flows with
low fluid viscosity and/or high velocity.
More discussion of the Reynolds number and its calculation for open channel
flow are given in Section 6 of this course. For most practical cases of water
transport in either manmade or natural open channels, the Reynolds number is
greater than 12,500, and thus the flow is turbulent. One notable exception is
flow of a thin liquid layer on a large flat surface, such as rainfall runoff from a
parking lot, highway, or airport runway. This type of flow, often called sheet
flow, is typically laminar.
B. Unsteady State and Steady State Flow: The concepts of steady state and
unsteady state flow are used for a variety of fluid flow applications, including
open channel flow. Steady state flow is taking place whenever there are no
changes in velocity pattern or magnitude with time at a given channel cross
section. When unsteady state flow is present, however, there are changes of
velocity with time at any given cross section in the flow. Steady state open
channel flow takes place when a constant flow rate of liquid is passing through
the channel. Unsteady state open channel flow takes place when there is a
changing flow rate, as for example in a river after a rainstorm. Steady state or
nearly steady state conditions are present for many practical open channel flow
situations. The equations and calculations presented in this course are all for
steady state flow.
Q = (1.49/n)A(Rh2/3)S1/2 (1)
• Q = the volumetric flow rate of water passing through the channel reach
in ft3/sec.
*S is actually the slope of the energy grade line. For uniform flow, however, the
depth of flow is constant and the velocity head is constant, so the slope of the
energy grade line is the same as that of the hydraulic grade line and is the same
as the slope of the water surface, which is the same as the channel bottom slope.
For convenience, the channel bottom slope is typically used for S in the
Manning Equation.
The flow must be in the turbulent regime in order to use the Manning equation
for uniform open channel flow. It is fortunate that nearly all practical instances
of water transport through an open channel have Re greater than 12,500, in
which case the flow is turbulent and the Manning equation can be used.
The Manning equation is specifically for the flow of water, and no water
properties are required in the equation. In order to calculate the Reynolds
number to check on whether the flow is turbulent, however, values of density
and viscosity for the water in question are needed. Tables of density and
viscosity values for water as a function of temperature are available in many
textbooks, handbooks, and websites. Table 2 below gives values for density and
viscosity of water from 32oF to 70oF.
Example #1: Water at 60oF is flowing 1.2 feet deep in a 3 foot wide rectangular
open channel, as shown in the diagram below. The channel is made of concrete
(made with wooden forms) and has a bottom slope of 0.0008. Determine
whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.
Solution: Based on the problem statement, this will be uniform flow. The flow
is probably turbulent, however the velocity is needed in order to calculate the
Reynolds number. Hence we will assume that the flow is turbulent, use the
Manning equation to calculate Q and V. Then Re can be calculated to check on
whether the flow is indeed turbulent.
The parameters needed for the right side of the Manning equation are as follows:
P = 3 + (2)(1.2) = 5.4 ft
A = by P = 2y + b
The channel bottom width and the water depth are represented by b and y, the
same as with the rectangular channel. Additional parameters for the trapezoidal
channel shape are:
• , the angle of the sloped side of the channel from the vertical; and
The size and shape of a trapezoidal channel are often specified with the bottom
width, b, and the side slope, z. The hydraulic radius for flow in a trapezoidal
open channel can be expressed in terms of y, b, and z, as follows:
i) The cross-sectional area of flow, A, is the area of the trapezoid in Figure 4:
From Figure 6, it can be seen that the surface width, B, is greater than the
bottom width, b, by zy at each end, or:
B = b + 2zy
P = b + 2l
P = b + 2y(1 + z2)1/2
Example #2: Determine the hydraulic radius of water flowing 1.5 ft deep in a
trapezoidal open channel with a bottom width of 2 ft and side slope of
horiz:vert = 3:1.
• y, the water depth in the channel, measured from the triangle vertex
For a triangular open channel, it‘s convenient to have the hydraulic radius
expressed in terms of y and z, which can be done as follows:
The area of the triangle in Figure 8, which represents the area of flow is:
A = (1/2)By, but as shown in the figure, B = 2zy. Substituting for B in the
equation for A and simplifying gives:
A = y2z
Also from Figure 8, it can be seen that the wetted perimeter is: P = 2l.
Substituting l = [y2 + (yz)2]1/2 (as shown above for the trapezoid), and
simplifying gives:
P = 2[y2(1 + z2)]1/2
Circular pipes are used for open channel (gravity) flow for applications like
storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and circular culverts. These pipe typically flow
only partially full most of the time, but the full flow scenario is often used for
hydraulic design. Hydraulic radius expressions for the full flow and half full
cross-sections will be developed here. There will be additional discussion of
partially full pipe flow in Section 7.
Figure 9 shows a diagram for a pipe flowing full and a pipe flowing half full.
The only parameters needed for either of these cases are the diameter and the
radius of the pipe.
For the semicircular shape of a pipe flowing exactly half full, the area, A, and
the wetted perimeter, P, will each be half of the values for the full pipe flow.
Thus the hydraulic radius will remain the same, so
E. The Manning Equation in SI Units is the same as that for U.S. units except
that the constant is 1.00 instead of 1.49:
Q = (1.00/n)A(Rh2/3)S1/2 (7)
• Q = the volumetric flow rate of water passing through the channel reach
in m3/s.
Example #3: Use the Manning equation to determine the volumetric flow rate
and average velocity of water flowing 0.9 m deep in a trapezoidal open channel
with bottom width equal to 1.2 m and side slope of horiz:vert = 2:1. The
channel is concrete poured with steel forms and its bottom slope is 0.0003.
Solution: The hydraulic radius can be calculated from the specified information
(y = 0.9 m, b = 1.2 m, & z = 2) using the formula for a trapezoidal channel as
Substituting Rh and A into Equation (1) along with S = 0.0003 (given) and
n = 0.011 (from Table 1) gives:
Q = (1.00/n)A(Rh2/3)S1/2 = (1.00/0.011)(2.70)(0.5172/3)(0.00031/2)
Q = 2.74 m3/s
Now the average velocity, V, can be calculated from V = Q/A = 2.74/2.70 m/s
V = 1.01 m/s
This type of calculation is also easy to make with an Excel spreadsheet, like the
one shown in the Figure 8 screenshot on the next page.
Example #4: What would be the required slope for a 15 inch diameter circular
storm sewer made of centrifugally spun concrete, if it needs to have an average
velocity of at least 3.0 ft/sec when it’s flowing full?
Solution: For the 15” diameter sewer, Rh = D/4 = (15/12)/4 = 0.3125 ft.
From Table 1, for centrifugally spun concrete, n = 0.013. Substituting these
values for Rh and n, along with the given value of V = 3.0 ft/sec, into Equation
(8) and solving for S gives:
S = {(0.013)(3.0)/[1.49(1/4)2/3]}2 = 0.00435 = S
The typical situation requiring determination of the normal depth, yo, will have
specified values for the flow rate, Q, the Manning roughness coefficient, n, and
channel bottom slope, S, along with adequate channel size and shape
information to allow A and Rh to be expressed as functions of yo.
The approach for calculating the normal depth, yo, for a situation as described
above, is to rearrange the Manning equation to:
The right side of this equation will be a constant and the left side will be an
expression with yo as the only unkown. The next couple of examples illustrate
calculation of yo using an iterative calculation with Equation (10).
Example #5: Determine the normal depth for a water flow rate of 20 ft3/sec,
through a rectangular channel with a bottom slope of 0.00025, bottom width of 4
ft, and Manning roughness coefficient of 0.012.
This equation has yo as the only unknown. The equation can’t be solved
explicitly for yo, but it can be solved by an iterative (trial and error) process as
illustrated in the Excel spreadsheet screenshot in Figure 11 on the next page.
The spreadsheet screenshot shows the solution to be: yo = 2.40 ft, accurate to 3
significant figures. Note that this type of iterative calculation can also be
accomplished with Excel's Goal Seek or Solver tool.
Example #6: Determine the normal depth for a water flow rate of 20 ft3/sec,
through a trapezoidal channel with a bottom slope of 0.00025, bottom width of 4
ft, side slope of horiz:vert = 2:1, and Manning roughness coefficient of 0.012.
Solution: The values of Q, n, & S are the same as for Example #5, so the right
hand side of Equation (10) will remain the same at 10.187. The left hand side
will be somewhat more complicated with the expression for Rh as a function of
yo for a trapezoid. Equation (10) for this calculation is:
The iterative calculations leading to yo = 1.49 ft are shown below. The solution
is yo = 1.49 ft, because 10.228 is closer to the target value of 10.187, than the
value of 10.094 for yo = 1.48 or 10.363 for yo = 1.50.
C. Circular Pipes Flowing Full : Because of the simple form of the equations
for hydraulic radius and cross-sectional area as functions of the diameter for a
circular pipe flowing full ( Rh = D/4 and A = D2/4 ), the Manning equation
can be conveniently used to calculate Q and V, D, S, or n if the other parameters
are known. Several useful forms of the Manning equation for a circular pipe
flowing full under gravity are:
Q = (1.49/n)(D2/4)((D/4)2/3)S1/2 (11)
V = (1.49/n)((D/4)2/3)S1/2 (12)
D = 4[Vn/(1.49S1/2)]3/2 (13)
D = 1.33Qn/S1/2 (14)
Note that these four equations are for the U.S. units previously specified. For
S.I. units, the 1.49 should be replaced with 1.00 in the first three equations. In
Equation (14), 1.33 should be replaced with 0.893.
Hydraulic design of storm sewers is typically based on full pipe flow using
equations (11) through (14).
Example #7: What would be the flow rate and velocity in a 30 inch diameter
storm sewer that has n = 0.011 and slope = 0.00095, when it is flowing full
under gravity?
Solution: Substituting the given values of n, D, and S into Equation (12) gives:
Figure 12 shows the depth of flow, y, and the diameter, D, as used for partially
full pipe flow calculations.
Figure 12. Depth of flow, y, and Diameter, D, for Partially Full Pipe Flow
Graphical Solution: One common way of handling partially full pipe flow
calculations is through the use of a graph that correlates V/Vfull and Q/Qfull to
y/D, as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13. Flow Rate and Velocity Ratios in Pipes Flowing Partially Full
If values of D, Vfull and Qfull are known or can be calculated, then the velocity,
V, and flow rate, Q, can be calculated for any depth of flow, y, in that pipe
through the use of figure 13.
Example #8: What would be the velocity and flow rate in the storm sewer of
Example #7 (D = 30”, n = 0.011, S = 0.00095) when it is flowing at a depth of
12 inches?
Solution: From the solution to Example #7: Vfull = 3.052 ft/sec and Qfull = 15.0
cfs. From the given y and D values: y/D = 12/30 = 0.40. From Figure 13, for
y/D = 0.40, V/Vfull = 0.70 and Q/Qfull = 0.25.
Background on Equations for Partially Full Pipe Flow: There are equations
available to calculate the A and P for any depth of flow in a circular pipe (as
presented below). These equations allow calculation of the hydraulic radius for
partially full pipe flow. If the hydraulic radius calculated by this method is used
with the Manning equation, using the full pipe value for n, the calculated flow
rate and velocity don’t agree well with experimental measurements. This was
observed by T.R Camp in 1946 (reference #3). Camp developed a method that
uses Manning roughness, n, to be variable as a function of y/D, which makes
calculated results agree with experimental measurements. Camp is the original
source for a diagram like Figure 13, which gives V/Vfull, Q/Qfull, and n/nfull as
functions of y/D. The graphs in Figure 13 were created using values read from a
similar graph in Steel & McGhee (reference # 2).
Equations for less than half full pipe flow: The diagram and equations below
summarize the calculation of A, P, & Rh for a pipe flowing less than half full
Figure 14. Diagram and Equations for Less Than Half Full Pipe Flow
For known pipe diameter, D, and depth of flow, y, the equations above allow
calculation of cross-sectional area of flow, A, and wetted perimeter, P. Then the
hydraulic radius can be calculated from Rh = A/P, for a pipe flowing less than
half full.
Equations for more than half full pipe flow: The diagram and equations
below summarize the calculation of A, P, & Rh for a pipe flowing more than half
Figure 15. Diagram and Equations for More Than Half Full Pipe Flow
These equations provide all of the tools necessary to make Manning equation
calculations for partially full pipe flow. With all of the equations and all of the
steps required, Excel spreadsheets are ideal for this type of calculation. For a
more detailed discussion of Manning equation calculations for partially full pipe
flow, and the use of spreadsheets for those calculations, see reference #6 at the
end of this course.
The Manning equation is used a lot for natural channel flow calculations, as well
as with the manmade channel examples we’ve already considered. One of the
primary differences in using the Manning equation for natural channel flow is
the lack of precision in estimation of Manning roughness coefficient values.
n = (1.49/Q)A(Rh2/3)S1/2
The area and hydraulic radius of the trapezoidal cross-section are calculated as
n = (1.49/75)(68.25)(1.962/3)(0.000281/2) = 0.0355 = n
ii) There are Tables of n values in many textbooks and handbooks, as well as
on websites. The table on the next two pages is an example from the Indiana
Department of Transportation Design Manual (website ref # 1 ). Similar tables
of n values are available on many state agency websites. The table below from
the Indiana DOT Design Manual gives minimum, maximum, and normal values
of the Manning roughness coefficient for a range of excavated or dredged and
natural stream channels.
Table 3. Manning Roughness Coefficient, n, for Natural Channels
Example #10: What are the minimum, maximum, and normal values of the
Manning roughness coefficient, n, for a minor mountain stream with no
vegetation in the channel, banks usually steep, trees and brush along banks
submerged at high stages, and cobbles with large boulders on the bottom, based
on Table 3 below, from the Indiana DOT Design Manual?
Solution: From Table 3, the values of n for the described natural channel are:
nmin = 0.040, nmax = 0.07, nnormal = 0.050
iii) The Cowan procedure was first presented in reference #4. There is also a
good description of this method in McCuen (reference #5). This procedure uses
a base n value with several terms added to it based on characteristics of the
channel, as described below.
2. The value for the Irregularity Modifier, n2, is selected from the
following based on the degree of irregularity:
3. The value for the Cross Section Modifier, n3, is selected from the
following based on the character of variations in size & shape of cross
4. The value for the Obstruction Modifier, n4, is selected from the
following based on the relative effect of obstructions:
• Negligible n4 = 0.000
6. The value for the Menadering Modifier, n6, is selected from the
following based on the degree of meander:
Where ns = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5
n = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 + n6
Example #11: Estimate the value for the Manning roughness coefficient for a
channel in earth with minor irregularity, only gradual changes in size or shape,
minor obstructions, medium effect of vegetation, and minor meander.
Solution: From the lists above: n1 = 0.02, n2 = 0.005, n3 = 0.000, n4 =
0.010 – 0.015, n5 = 0.010 – 0.020, and n6 = 0.000. Choosing the midpoint of
the ranges given for n4 and n5 (n4 = 0.0125 and n5 = 0.015) gives the
following equation for n:
n = 0.0525
B. Manning Equation Calculations for natural channels are the same as for
manmade channels except for less precision in estimating the Manning
roughness coefficient and greater difficulty in determining the hydraulic radius
if the channel cross-section isn’t a simple shape.
9. Summary
Open channel flow, which has a free liquid surface at atmospheric pressure,
occurs in a variety of natural and man-made settings. Open channel flow may
be classified as i) laminar or turbulent, ii) steady state or unsteady state, iii)
critical, subcritical, or supercritical, and iv) uniform or nonuniform flow. Many
practical cases of open channel flow can be treated as turbulent, steady state,
uniform flow. Several open channel flow parameters are related through the
empirical Manning Equation, for turbulent, uniform open channel flow (Q =
(1.49/n)A(Rh2/3)S1/2). The use of the Manning equation for uniform open
channel flow calculations and for the calculation of parameters in the equation,
such as cross-sectional area and hydraulic radius, are illustrated in this course
through worked examples for manmade channels and for natural channels.
2. Steel, E.W. & McGhee, T.J., Water Supply and Sewerage, 5th Ed., New York,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979.
3. Camp, T.R., “Design of Sewers to Facilitate Flow,” Sewage Works Journal,
18 (3), 1946.
5. McCuen, R.H., Hydrologic Analysis and Design, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998.