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Client: National Highways Authority Of India (NHAI)

EPC Contractor:

Construction of 3/4-Lane structures either on LHS/ RHS/ Both sides

including 3-Lane approaches either on LHS/ RHS/ Both sides at 14
structure locations in Vadodara - Surat section of NH-48 from Ch.
108+000 to Ch. 250+000 in the State of Gujarat on EPC Mode.


Document No. JCIPL/VA-SU/DGN/HYDRO/MJB/CH. 233+667

R0 4-07-24 SD GP KS

Name Sign Name Sign Name Sign

Revision Date
Design by Checked by Approved by

Design Consultant:

Sr. No. Content

1 Introduction

2 Data For Hydrology Calculation

Calculation of Design Discharge by

1. Dicken Method
3 2. Rational Formula
3. SUG Method
4. Manning's Formula

4 Summary of Design Discharge

5 Calculation of HFL using Manning's formula

8 Calculation of Scour Depth

9 Calculation of Afflux

10 Calculation of Longitudinal Slope

11 Photographs

A new high level MJBR has been proposed to be constructed with span arrangement of 1x14.5+3x33m
to accomodate Expressway configurations.

Catchment area for this bridge (which is of the order of 741.9 km2) is marked on GT Sheet No.- at
Latitude 21°24'25.58"N & Longitude 72°57'52.67"E

The Detailed Engineering Survey has been conducted at proposed bridge location in both upstream
and downstream directions upto 300 m of distances respectively which is helpful to give exact
river/stream profile.The L-section and Cross sections of river/stream are generated at many locations
including at bridge site, upstream and downstream directions with the help of survey data.

The following methods are used for the hydrogical calculation of the proposed bridge :-

1 Dicken's Method;
2 Rational Method;
3 SUG Method.
4 Manning's Formula;

HFL as per local enquired is also kept into consideration, the same is briefed in the subsequent pages.

Detailed Hydrological calculations by these methods have been done on subsequent pages.
Data For Hydrology Calculation

1 Type of Bridge MJBR

2 Proposal New Construction
3 Design Chainage 233+667
4 Span arrangement 1x14.5+3x33
5 Clear waterway 113.5 m
6 Skew angle 0 Degree
7 Catchment Area 741.9 Sq.Km
8 Length of longest Stream 86 Km
9 Level difference up to bridge site 130.845 m
10 Value of "C" to be adopted in Dickens method 14
11 Coefficient of Runoff, P (As per soil strata from soil report) 0.5
Fraction of maximum point intensity at centre of storm, depends 0.62
12 on area, f
13 Silt Factor 3
14 Co-efficient of Rugosity, 0.03
15 GT Sheets -
16 Latitude 21°24'25.58"N
17 Longitude 72°57'52.67"E
18 River Subzone Kim River(3b)
Longitudinal Slope Determination:

L-Section at Proposed Structure

0 20 40 60 80 10 12 14 16 18 20 80 10 12 14 16 18 20 80 10 12 14 16 18 20 80 10 12 14 16
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chainage Linear (Chainage)

Longitudinal slope of the river bed is evaluated here below based on the statistical method of Linear Regression.
Chainage Lowest Bed Level
Sr. No. Z * Y (Sq.m.) z^2 (Sq.m.)
(Z, in meters) (Y, in meters)
1 - 90 0 0
2 0.50 90 45 0
3 1.00 91 91 1
4 1.50 90 135 2
5 2.00 91 182 4
6 2.50 92 230 6
7 3.00 92 276 9
8 3.50 92 322 12
9 4.00 91 364 16
10 4.50 91 410 20
11 5.00 91 455 25
5 5.50 91 501 30
6 6.00 91 544 36
7 6.50 91 589 42
8 7.00 92 641 49
9 7.50 92 687 56
10 8.00 94 749 64
11 8.50 92 779 72
5 9.00 91 815 81
6 9.50 91 865 90
7 10.00 90 900 100
8 10.50 90 945 110
9 11.00 92 1008 121
10 11.50 91 1047 132
11 12.00 92 1099 144
5 12.50 95 1183 156
6 13.00 93 1204 169
7 13.50 93 1256 182
8 14.00 95 1324 196
9 14.40 95 1362 207
30 217 2746.800 20005 2136

N 30
Sum z * y 20005
Sum z 217
Sum y 2747
sum z^2 2136
Bed slope 0.178 1 in 6
Hydrology Calculation for Bridge at Design Ch. 233+667

Name / No. of Structure : Major Bridge

Name of Nallah / Stream / River : Kim River(3b)
River Sub - Zone : Kim River(3b)
G.T Sheet No. : -
Scale : 1 : 50,000
Location : 233+667
Latitude : 21°24'25.58"N
Longitude : 72°57'52.67"E

1 Discharge by Dicken's Formula : ( Refer IRC - SP : 13 - 2004, Clause : 4.2 )

Discharge as per Dicken's Formula,

Q = C M 3/4
C = 14 - 19 where annual rainfall is more than 120 cm
= 11 - 14 where annual rainfall is 60-120 cm
= 22 in Western Ghats
Value of " C " adopted in the present case = 14
Catchment Area, M = 741.900 Sq. Km
Discharge, Q = 1990.16 Cumecs

2 Discharge by Rational Formula : ( Refer IRC - SP : 13 - 2004, Clause : 4.7 )

Catchment Area, A = 741.900 Sq. Km

= 74190.00 Hectares
Length of path from Toposheet, L = 86.000 Km

Average Level Calculation from Toposheet

Difference in Levels from Toposheet, H = 130.85 m

( Ref: Index Map / G.T.Sheet )

Maximum Rainfall, F = 420.00 mm

Duration of Storm, T = 24 Hrs
One Hour Rainfall,
Io = ( F / T ) x ( T + 1 ) / ( t + 1 ) = 218.75 mm / Hr
Time of Concentration
tc = ( 0.87 x L3 / H ) 0.385 = 24.89 Hrs
Critical Rainfall Intensity,
Ic = I o x ( 2 / ( 1 + t c ) = 16.90 mm / Hr
Q = 0.028 x P x f x A x Ic
Coefficient of Runoff, P = 0.500
Fraction of maximum point intensity at centre of storm, depends on area, f = 0.62
Catchment Area in Hectares, A = 74190.00 Hectares
Critical Intensity of Rainfall, Ic = 1.690 cm / Hr

Maximum Discharge, Q = 1088.00 Cumecs

3 Discharge by Manning's Formula : ( Refer IRC - SP : 13 - 2004, Clause : 5.4 )
HFL with Afflux ( HFL ) taken at Bridge site for Proposed Span = 19.008 m

The Hydrological Calculations has been done at Proposed Bridge location.

(i) At U/S location : ( Distance from Proposed Bridge = 300 m )

HFL ( Annexure - 1 & 6 ) = 19.01 m
Cross - Sectional Area of Flow, A = 884.63 Sq. m
Width of Flow, W = 113.50 m
Wetted Perimeter ( perpendicular to direction of flow ) , P = 114.22 m
Hydraulic Mean Radius, R=A/P = 7.75 m
Longitudinal Slope ( as calculated ), S = 0.00158 m per m

Velocity by Manning's Formula, V = ( 1/n ) R2/3 S1/2

Co-efficient of Rugosity, n = 0.030

Velocity, V = 5.194 m/s
Discharge, Q=AxV = 4595.000 Cumecs

Design Discharge, Q = 4,595.00 Cumecs

Run, Afflux for Ex

Summary of Design Discharge : (Refer IRC - SP : 13 - 2004, Clause : 6.2)

Discharge by Dicken's Formula = 1,990.16 Cumecs

Discharge by Rational Formula = 1,088.00 Cumecs
Discharge by Manning's Formula (For re-calculating of HFL) = 4,595.00 Cumecs
Discharge by Flood Estimation Report - SUG ( 100 Years Return Period ) = 550.25 Cumecs

Maximum discharge = 550.25 Cumecs

which is not more than 50% of the next discharge and therefore adopting discharge = 550.25 Cumecs

Hence, Design Discharge = = 550.25 Cumecs

(As per of SP 13 2004 Clause 6.2.2) the design discharge

Run, Afflux for Pro

4. Hydrology for Major Bridge at 233+667 (Kim River):

2. By Unit Hydrograph (CWC) Method.

Design discharge by unit hydrograph method:

As per Topo Sheet,

1. Name of Stream – KIM RIVER
2. Location of bridge 21°36'52.91"N 72°59'59.59"E
3. Length of stream from origin to bridge point 33.9 Km
3.1. Length of stream from origin to bridge point 20 Km
4. Catchment Area 52.18 sq Km
5. Shape of Catchment upto point of study – Approx. Rectangular
Step 1. Determination of synthetic unit graph as per 3.9 & 3.10 of flood estimation report for sub zone (3b)
Area (A) = 52.18 sq Km
Length of longest stream = 33.9 Km
6. SynthetitUnitjraph= 1 Hr
v Computation of Equivalent slope (s)
Annexure Table 1

Along Mainstream

(Di-1 + Di) Li(D­i-1 + Di)

Sl. Difference
L­1 R.L Li Di (④ x ⑥)
No. between
Datum & Ith RL

① ② Km ③m ④ Km ⑤m ⑥m ⑦ Km x m

1 0 31 0 0 0 0

2 5 35 -5 -4 -4 20

10 36 -5 -5 -9 45

15 40 -5 -9 -14 70

20 43 -5 -12 -21 105

3 25 44 -5 -13 -25 125

4 30 48 -5 -17 -30 150

5 33.9 54 -3.9 -23 -40 156

L1 (Di-1 + Di) = 671

S= = 0.584 m/Km

L*Lc/Ös = 887.30
Computation of 6 hours synthetic unit graph parameters :
Annexure Table 2
Sl. Evaluated Unknown Calculated
Synthetic Relationship Calculated Value Remark
No. Parameters Parameters Value
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑤ ⑥

1 L/Ös qp = 1.914/(tp)^0.763 0.605 0.60
2 qp Qp= qp x A 31.5 31.54
3 qp tp = 0.583/qp^0.302 4.53 4.53
4 tp Tm = tp+ tr/2 5.03 5.00
5 qp W50 = 1.849/(qp)^0.976 3.02 3.02
6 qp W75 = 0.955/(qp)^0.792 1.42 1.42
7 qp WR50 = 0.738/(qp)^0.781 1.09 1.09
8 qp WR75 = 0.438/(qp)^0.641 0.60 0.60
9 tp TB = 7.042/(tp)^0.559 16.38 16.00

v Calculation of 6 hrs. unit hydrograph ordinates for plot:

Tm = 5.00 Hrs.
Tp = 5.00 Hrs.
Qp = 31.5 Cumes
Ordinate for WR50 = 3.91 Hrs.
Ordinate for WR75 = 4.40 Hrs.
Ordinate for W50 = 6.93 Hrs.
Ordinate for W75 = 5.82 Hrs.

Time SUG Ordinate

0.00 0.00

WR50 3.91 15.77

WR75 4.40 23.66

Wpeak 5.00 31.54

W75 5.82 23.66

W50 6.93 15.77

TB 16.00 0.00
SUG Ordinate Graph for 6Hr. Interval


23.66 23.66


SUG Ordinate
15.77 15.77



0.00 0.00
0.00 3.91 4.40 5.00 5.82 6.93 16.00


SUG Ordinate

v Actual sum of the total of SUG ordinates (at 1 hrs. interval) after adjustment:

Time SUG Ordinate Modified

0 0 -
1 4.04 4.04
2 8.07 8.07
3 12.11 12.11
3.91 15.77 15.77 WR50
4 17.28 17.28
4.40 23.66 23.66 WR75
5 31.54 31.54
5.82 23.66 23.66 Wpeak
6 22.37 22.37
6.93 15.77 15.77 W75
7.00 15.65 15.65
8 13.91 13.91 W50
9 12.17 12.17
10 10.43 10.43
11 8.69 8.69
12 6.95 6.95
13 5.22 5.22
14 3.48 3.48
15 1.74 1.74
16 0.00 - TB
Sum = 252.52

Theoretical sum of total SUH ordinate: net surface run off For 1 cm rain fall
= A/0.36tr
SUG Ordinate Graph for 1Hr. Interval


23.66 23.66


SUG Ordinate
15.77 15.77 15.65

12.11 12.17


5 5.22


0 0 0.00
0 1 2 3 3.90663990512434 4 4.39524355306076 5 5.817947547292 6 6.9284407554462 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

v Estimation of Design Strom Duration
The Design Storm Duration (TD) is equal to 1.1 times tp as recommended in section
3.10 of flood estimation report Subzone 1(f)

TD = 4.98
However T­D is limited to 24 hrs. =
4.98 Hrs.

v Estimation of Point Rainfall & Arial Rainfall

For 100 years return period 5.00

= Hrs.

Point of rain fall = 420 mm (Refer plate)

Point Rain fall for TD hrs. / Point Rain fall Fig. 10
= 0.583
For 100 years return period

Areal Reduction Factor = 0.92 From Annexure 4.4

Therefore Arial Rainfall = 22.589 cm


v Time Distribution of Areal Rainfall for 24 hrs:

As per Table A-5:
% of Strom Dist. Coefficient
Cum % of rainfall for Cum rainfall
Duration rainfall 5 hrs. gross
col. ②, read from curve
Duration in Hrs. rainfall
Col. ① x 100/(Hr. (e) of fig. 12(Annexure read from table A- increments
4.3) R x col. ④
Duration) 5
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
1 20 61 13.78 311.26 13.78
2 40 80 18.07 408.21 4.29
3 60 91 20.56 464.34 2.48
4 80 94 21.23 479.65 0.68
5 100 100 22.59 510.26 1.36

Total 22.589

v Estimation of Rainfall excess limits:

Loss rate = 0.5 cm/hr Clause 3.11 of subzone 3(b)

Loss rate for 1 hrs. = 0.5 x 1 0.5 cm/hr.

Rainfall excess limits shown in table below:

Loss/hr. Rainfall excess cm

Gross Rainfall Col. 6
of previous table
cm Col. ② - Col. ③

① ② ③ ④

0 0.00 0 0.00

1 13.78 0.5 13.28

2 4.29 0.5 3.79

3 2.48 0.5 1.98

4 0.68 0.5 0.18

5 1.36 0.5 0.86

v Estimation of Base flow:
Clause 3.12 of subzone 3(b)

Base Flow = 0.05 cumecs/sqKm

Total the Base Flow = 2.609 cumecs

v Estimation of Design Flood (Peak only):

UG ordinates Critical Sequence of Direct Run off

Time in Hrs.
cumecs effective rainfall Cumecs

① ② ③ ④ = (② x ③)

0 0.00 0.00 -
1 4.04 0.00 -
2 8.07 0.00 -
3 12.11 0.00 -
4 17.28 0.00 -
5 31.54 13.28 418.89
6 22.37 3.79 84.81
7 15.65 1.98 31.06
8 13.91 0.18 2.47
9 12.17 0.86 10.41
10 10.43 0.00 -
11 8.69 0.00 -
12 6.95 0.00 -
13 5.22 0.00 -
14 3.48 0.00 -
15 1.74 0.00 -
16 0.00 0.00 -
17 0.00 0.00 -
18 0.00 0.00 -
19 0.00 0.00 -
20 0.00 0.00 -
21 0.00 0.00 -

Total (Cumecs) 547.64

Base Discharge 2.609
100 year flood peak (cumecs) 550.25

v Design Flood Hydrograph:

The 3hrs. Rain fall excess sequence for obtaining maximum peak of design flood hydrograph shown below:

Critical 8 hrs.
Time in Hrs. Rainfall excess
5.00 13.28
6.00 3.79
7.00 1.98
8.00 0.18
9.00 0.86
10.00 0.00
11.00 0.00
12.00 0.00

Computation Design Flood Hydrograph:

Time 8 Hrs. Rainfall excess units (cm)

SUH Ordinates Total DRH Base Flow Flood Flow
Cumecs (Cumecs) (cumecs) (cumecs)
Hrs. 13.28 3.79 1.98 0.18 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

0 - - - - - - - - - 2.609 0

1 4.04 53.61 15.31 - - - - - - 2.609 2.61

2 8.07 107.23 30.62 16.03 - - - - - 2.609 2.61

3 12.11 160.84 45.93 24.04 2.15 - - - - 2.609 2.61

4 17.28 229.46 65.52 34.30 3.07 14.78 - - - - 2.609 2.61

5 31.54 418.89 119.62 62.61 5.60 26.98 - - - - 2.609 2.61

6 22.37 297.00 84.81 44.39 3.97 19.13 - - - - 2.609 2.61

7 15.65 207.79 59.34 31.06 2.78 13.38 - - - 48.27 2.609 50.88

8 13.91 184.71 52.74 27.61 2.47 11.90 - - - 138.32 2.609 140.93

9 12.17 161.62 46.15 24.16 2.16 10.41 - - - 212.18 2.609 214.79

10 10.43 138.53 39.56 20.71 1.85 8.92 - - - 306.33 2.609 308.94

11 8.69 115.44 32.96 17.25 1.54 7.44 - - - 408.14 2.609 410.75

12 6.95 92.35 26.37 13.80 1.24 5.95 - - - 547.64 2.609 550.25

13 5.22 69.26 19.78 10.35 0.93 4.46 - - - 395.03 2.609 397.64

14 3.48 46.18 13.19 6.90 0.62 2.97 - - - 293.98 2.609 296.59

15 1.74 23.09 6.59 3.45 0.31 1.49 - - - 259.06 2.609 261.66

16 - - - - - - - - - 224.13 2.609 226.74

17 - - - - - - - - - 189.20 2.609 191.81

18 - - - - - - - - - 154.27 2.609 156.88

19 - - - - - - - - - 119.34 2.609 121.95

20 - - - - - - - - - 85.90 2.609 88.51

21 - - - - - - - - - 52.77 2.609 55.38

- - - - - - - - - 23.09 2.609 25.70

- - - - - - - - - - 2.609 2.61

Design Flood Hydrograph




400 410.75
Flood Flow

300 308.94


200 214.79


50.88 55.38
0 2.61
1 2.61
2 2.61
3 2.61
4 2.61
5 2.61
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2.61

Time in hours
Hydraulic Calculations of Cross Section at Chainage ( At Bridge Location )

Cross-section profile of the proposed bridge is as follows.

Cross-section Profile
19.008 19.008 19.008 19.008 19.008
14.661 14.593
Actual Bed Level

9.000 9.837
0.000 14.500 47.500 80.500 113.500
RL (m) 14.661 12.610 9.837 9.138 14.593
Column L 19.008 19.008 19.008 19.008 19.008


Discharge calulations can be shown as follows :

Discharge Calculations as per Area-Velocity Method :

Q = A x V
where, A = Cross Sectional Area
V = Velocity, calculated from Manning's formula = (1/n)*R^(2/3)*S^(1/2)
R = Hydraulic mean depth = A/P
P = Wetted Perimeter
S = Bed Slope, measured over a long reach
n = Co-efficient rugosity (vide Table 5.1, SP-13, pg18)
HFL = 19.008 (Obtained from Local Enquiry at Site)

Cross Sectional Details at Km 233+667

Actual Bed Modified Average Horizontal Difference Wetted
S No. Chainage H.F.L. Height Area
Level Bed Level Height Distance in height Perimeter
m m m m m m sq m m m
1 0.000 14.661 14.661 4.35
2 14.500 12.610 12.610 6.40 5.37 14.50 77.90 2.05 14.64
3 47.500 9.837 9.837 9.17 7.78 33.00 256.88 2.77 33.12
4 80.500 9.138 9.138 9.87 9.52 33.00 314.17 0.70 33.01
5 113.500 14.593 14.593 4.41 7.14 33.00 235.69 5.46 33.45

29.8 885 114

Rougosity coefficient , n = 0.030

Area of Cross-Section, A, (sq.m) = 885 sq.m
Wetted Perimeter, P (m) = 114.2 m
Hydraulic Mean Depth (m), R = 7.75 m
Longitudinal Slope, S = 0.00158
Velocity of stream, V = 5.19 m/s
Discharge, Q = A x V = 4595.00 cum/sec
To maintain the same discharge in manning formula the considered revise HFL = 19.01
Hydraulic Calculations of Cross Section at Chainage ( Proposed Bridge Location Side)

As per the existing bridge inventory, the local enquiry says that there has been no overtopping at the bridge site. This indicates that
the waterway
The proposed of the bridge
bridge is adequate
location is nearby and
the HFL is below
existing the Therefore
bridge. soffit leveldischarge
of the bridge
Q atdeck.
the proposed bridge location would be almost
same as that of the existing bridge.
Cross-section profile of the proposed bridge is as follows.

Cross-section Profile
88.713 88.613
88.268 88.213


Actual Bed Level


85.750 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653

85.762 85.825



-13.500 -12.000 -6.500 0.000 6.500 12.000 13.500

Actual Bed Level 88.268 88.213 85.762 85.653 85.825 88.713 88.613
H.F.L. 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653


Discharge calulations can be shown as follows :

Discharge Calculations as per Area-Velocity Method :

Q = A x V
where, A = Cross Sectional Area
V = Velocity, calculated from Manning's formula = (1/n)*R^(2/3)*S^(1/2)
R = Hydraulic mean depth = A/P
P = Wetted Perimeter
S = Bed Slope, measured over a long reach
n = Co-efficient rugosity (vide Table 3, SP-13, pg34)
S = Bed Slope, measured over a long reach

Cross Sectional Details at Km 233+667

S No. Chainage H.F.L. Actual Bed Modified Height Average Horizontal Area Difference in Wetted
Level Bed Level Height Distance height Perimeter

m m m m m m sq m m m
1 -13.500 88.268 88.268 0.00
2 -12.000 88.213 88.213 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 -6.500 85.762 85.762 0.00 0.00 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 0.000 85.653 85.653 0.00 0.00 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 6.500 85.825 85.825 0.00 0.00 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 12.000 88.713 88.713 0.00 0.00 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 13.500 88.613 88.613 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

n = 0.030
Area of Cross-Section, A, (sq.m) = 0.0 sq.m
Wetted Perimeter, P (m) = 0.0 m
Hydraulic Mean Depth (m), R = #DIV/0! m
Longitudinal Slope, S = 0.00158
Velocity of stream, V = #DIV/0! m/s
Discharge, Q = A x V = #DIV/0! cum/sec
Hydraulic Calculations of Cross Section at Chainage ( Downstream Side)

Cross-section profile of the proposed bridge is as follows.

Cross-section Profile

88.410 88.513
88.156 88.235

Actual Bed Level

85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653

85.425 85.393 85.436



-13.500 -12.000 -6.500 0.000 6.500 12.000 13.500

Actual Bed Level 88.156 88.235 85.425 85.393 85.436 88.410 88.513
H.F.L. 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653 85.653


Discharge calulations can be shown as follows :

Discharge Calculations as per Area-Velocity Method :

Q = A x V
where, A = Cross Sectional Area
V = Velocity, calculated from Manning's formula = (1/n)*R^(2/3)*S^(1/2)
R = Hydraulic mean depth = A/P
P = Wetted Perimeter
S = Bed Slope, measured over a long reach
n = Co-efficient rugosity (vide Table 3, SP-13, pg34)
HFL = 19.008 (Obtained from Local Enquiry at Site)

Cross Sectional Details at Km 233+667

Actual Bed Modified Average Horizontal Difference Wetted

S No. Chainage H.F.L. Level Bed Level Height Height Distance Area in height Perimeter

m m m m m m sq m m m
1 -13.500 88.156 88.156 0.00
2 -12.000 88.235 88.235 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.0000 0.00 0.00
3 -6.500 85.425 85.425 0.23 0.11 5.50 0.62700 0.23 5.50
4 0.000 85.393 85.393 0.26 0.24 6.50 1.586 0.03 6.50
5 6.500 85.436 85.436 0.22 0.24 6.50 1.5503 0.04 6.50
6 12.000 88.410 88.410 0.00 0.11 5.50 0.5967 0.22 0.00
7 13.500 88.513 88.513 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.0000 0.00 0.00
0.71 4.360 18.50
n = 0.030
Area of Cross-Section, A, (sq.m) = 4.4 sq.m
Wetted Perimeter, P (m) = 18.5 m
Hydraulic Mean Depth (m), R = 0.2 m
Longitudinal Slope, S = 0.00158
Velocity of stream, V = 0.5 m/s
Discharge, Q = A x V = 2.21 cum/sec

Discharge from Cross section at Chainage Q1 = #DIV/0! cum/sec
Discharge from Cross section at Upstream Q2 = 4,595.00 cum/sec
Discharge from Cross section at Downstream Q3 = 2.21 cum/sec
Linear waterway Calculation

Discharge, Q = 550.25 cum/sec

Linear waterway = 4.8 x √(Q)

= 112.6 m
Linear Waterway Provided = 113.5 m
Scour Depth : ( Refer IRC : 78 - 2014, Clause : 703 )

As per Clause 703.1.1 of IRC : 78-2004

Discharge 550.25 cum/sec

Increase in Discharge 30%
so, Design Discharge = 715.33 cum/sec
Total Water Way provided, L = 102.60 m

Mean Depth of Scour, dsm = 1.34 x ( Db 2 / Ksf )1/3

Db = Design discharge per metre width 6.972 Cumecs / m
Ksf = Silt factor 3.00
dsm = 3.391 m

Maximum Scour Depth,

For Piers, 2.0 x dsm = 6.782 m below HFL
For Abutments, 1.27 x dsm = 4.306 m below HFL

Level at Important Locations :

RL as per
S.No Location Hydrological
Calculation ( m )

1 HFL by reverse calculation using manning's formula 19.008

2 HFL near at Proposed Bridge with Afflux 25.811
3 Lowest Bed Level at Abutment Location 14.593
4 Lowest Bed Level at Proposed Bridge Location 9.138
5 Maximum Scour Level for Pier 9.138
6 Maximum Scour Level for Abutment 14.593 0.000
7 Minimum Soffit Level of Bridge Deck 27.010 0.000

Vertical Clearance : ( Refer IRC : 5 - 2015, Clause : 106.8.2 )

Design Discharge, Q = 550.252 Cumecs

Vertical Clearance ( adopted ), = 1.20 m

Minimum Soffit Level of Deck Slab = HFL + Afflux + Vertical Clearance

= 27.010 m OK

Maximum Scour Level :

Maximum Scour Level = HFL - Maximum Scour Depth

For Piers, = 9.138 m

For Abutments, = 14.593 m
These scour depth will not be applicable if the non-scourable strata exists above this level.
Thickness of Wearing Coat = 0.05 m

Linear waterway,L = 113.5 m

Width of flow of river,W = 102.6 m
Unobstructed area of Cross-Section, A, (sq.m) = 796.2 m2
Depth in downstream of river = 7.8 m
The depth before the construction of the bridge is the depth downstream of the bridge after its
construction. Hence, Dd = 7.76 m
L/W = 1.11
By the Orifice Formula the discharge through the bridge

(As per IRC: SP-13, Pg 54)

From fig. 15.3 & 15.4, C0 = 0.8 e = 0 g = 9.8

=> 550.25 = 3119.433 x h + 1 x u2


=> h + 0.051 x u2 = 0.031 equ.1

Now, the discharge just upstream of the bridge

=> 550.25 = 102.60 x ( 7.760 + h ) u

=> h = 5.36 - 7.760 equ.2

Putting for h from equ.2 in equ.1 and rearranging

=> 5.36 - 7.760 + 0.051 x u2 = 0.031


=> 0.051 x u -
7.791 u + 5.36 = 0

u= 5.60 m/sec

Putting for u in equ.2 h = 6.8028 m

Longitudinal Slope Determination:

L-Section at Proposed Structure







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390

Chainage Linear (Chainage)

Longitudinal slope of the river bed is evaluated here below based on the statistical method of Linear Regression.
Chainage Lowest Bed Level
Sr. No. Z * Y (Sq.m.) z^2 (Sq.m.)
(Z, in meters) (Y, in meters)
1 0 9.34 0 0
2 10 9.31 93 100
3 20 9.91 198 400
4 30 9.60 288 900
5 40 9.64 386 1600
6 50 9.78 489 2500
7 60 9.77 586 3600
8 70 9.42 660 4900
9 80 9.17 734 6400
10 90 9.04 813 8100
11 100 8.96 896 10000
12 110 8.85 973 12100
13 120 8.71 1046 14400
14 130 8.64 1124 16900
15 140 8.64 1209 19600
16 150 8.70 1305 22500
17 160 8.83 1412 25600
18 170 8.94 1520 28900
19 180 9.09 1636 32400
20 190 8.92 1695 36100
21 200 8.82 1764 40000
22 210 8.56 1798 44100
23 220 8.28 1821 48400
24 230 7.99 1837 52900
25 240 9.00 2160 57600
26 250 8.10 2024 62500
27 260 8.37 2175 67600
28 270 8.62 2327 72900
29 280 9.24 2587 78400
30 290 9.25 2682 84100
31 300 9.05 2714 90000
32 310 8.69 2693 96100
33 320 8.44 2701 102400
34 330 8.37 2761 108900
35 340 8.35 2839 115600
36 350 8.36 2925 122500
37 360 8.44 3039 129600
38 370 8.53 3156 136900
39 380 9.11 3462 144400
40 390 10.00 3900 152100
41 400 9.04 3617 160000
42 410 9.19 3767 168100
43 420 9.01 3785 176400
43 9030 384 79596 2558500

N 43
Sum z * y 79596
Sum z 9030
Sum y 384
sum z^2 2558500
Bed slope 0.00158 1 in 631
Photographs at Ch. 233+667

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