Everyman's Play
Everyman's Play
Everyman's Play
Everyman play
God speak from above..
So sad that all creatures are unkind and they are
and drowned in sins . they forgot me and ignored
messengers and prophets whom I sent and all in
mind is worldly riches . I am their God and they
me . they did the seven deadly sins . I will do justice
every one living without fear .
God called out the death..
God requested from death to go to everyman to
take his
soul ..
death went to everyman
• Death : said to everyman ,where are you going
gaily? , have you forgotten your God? and death
told him God sent me to take your soul with your
• Everyman :said I am unready and I don't have
reckoning to give , and what messenger are you?
• Death: I am death and no escape
• Everyman : told death I am not ready and you
came without warning ,but I will give you some
of my wealth and you give me another chance till
tomorrow but death refused and said if you give
me all your wealth ,I will not give chance
• Everyman: start crying and asking for mercy and
begging God but
• Death: said don't weep and cry that doesn't use
and get ready for this voyage and ask for your
friendship to help you
• Everyman :said I need my fellowship surely ease
my sorrow , everyman ordered from friendship to
come ..
• Fellowship: yes everyman you called me how can i
help you ? I think you are in trouble (( مصيبهtell me i
will help you if that costs my life ..
• Everyman: said yeeees my dear I am in great
and said death came to me and wanted to take my
soul with my reckoning please come with me but
fellowship refused and said.
• Fellowship: it is your problem and you must solve it
alone and your words about death scared me , i will
• Everyman: said ,but you promised me to stay with
me ..
• Fellowship: said I don't want to die with you and I
should forsake you bye..
And after that everyman called out kinsmen
they said , we heard you calling we will stay with you
alive or dead and everyman told them that death
wanted to take his soul , and everyman asked for
kinsmen to join him this journey but.
• Kinsmen: refused as fellowship did
And everyman felt sad and said they promised me
nothing will do certain ,
• and said all in my life I loved riches and
goods( ( حاجياتand maybe it will help me everyman
called out goods
• Goods: you called me everyman? How can i help
you or which help do you want?
• Everyman: said I want you to come with me
before Almighty God to help me to clean my
reckoning ,but goods refused to help because it
• Everyman: said I trusted you and i loved you ..
• Goods: said if you gave poor people some of your
money , you wouldn't be in this great sorrow..
And everyman called Good deed to
help him
Good deeds: spoke from the ground , here I am , and
your sins and careless made me weak and can't
move .
• Everyman: said I stand in fear please help me ..
• Good deeds : I understand but i can't help , Good
deeds opened everyman’s book of account and said
i can't help you because you have a lot of sins and
no good deeds ,but i have sister called knowledge
maybe can help you
• Knowledge : said to everyman you should be sorry
for your sins
• Everyman : said , what should i do?
• Knowledge : you should confess sins that you did
in the house of salvation( بيت الخالص في الكنيسة
( الشخص يعترف بأخطائهwhere living that holly man
confession ..
And everyman went and kneeled and asked for
• Confession : said I know your sorrow everyman
I will give you penance ( ( توبه
And knowledge gave everyman scourge of
penance(( تعويذة التوبةafter that good deeds stood
and became strong
Good deeds : said thank God ,you freed me now I
go with you and help you to declare your good works
And everyman felt happy and said now I can go in
journey ..
• Good deeds :said you can't go without these three
• Everyman :said how I missed or forgot ?
• Good deeds : said .discretion , strength and beauty
and five wits as your advisers ( ( ناصحون
• Everyman :called out all to come
• They said : we are ready what shall we do ?
• Everyman : said i want you to come with me in this
heavy journey
• They said we are ready and will stand by you in
distress محنall of them said like that ,but
beauty said, I will stay with you until death's hour
• And everyman stood in front of grave and said my
friends let's leave this land and never turn again
• But beauty said : what into this grave ? and refused
to go with everyman
• Everyman : called beauty ,but it said, I am deaf ,
and I don't look behind me
• After that strength did like beauty did and all did
this ,but good deeds said I will stay with you
• And everyman asked knowledge , will you forsake
• Knowledge :said when you die I shall go ,but not
now ..
• Good deeds :said to everyman all worldly riches
and things will forsake you when you died also your
friends and kinsmen will leave you except good
deeds will stay with you in death .
By : Haider Ahmed