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Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
There's one industry where today's fashions just don't make it. That‘s construction. Fancy duds are likely to get caught or snagged and
cause you to fall or to get hurt in some other way. Your clothing should not only be appropriate, but rugged enough to stand up to the use it'll
Always wear a heavy duty shirt, preferably long sleeved with the cuffs buttoned at the wrist. Don't wear it loose or baggy. Keep it tucked in
to avoid snagging. Your shirt will protect you from sunburn, so keep it on even when the weather is hot. It also will protect you from scrapes
and from skin-irritating materials, such as concrete water and poison ivy. Don't wear anything around your neck that can dangle and get
caught in machinery.
Wear straight-line pants of proper length without pocket flaps or cuffs. They should not be baggy or so long that your heels get caught in
them. You probably can't keep your pants up without a belt. If your belt is too long, cut off the extra length or run it through additional belt
loops. In this way it won't get caught and pull you into machinery.
One of the most common causes of amputated fingers is jewelry, such as rings, wrist watches and bracelets. Lt may look nice, but if it gets
caught in machinery, you're in for a painful experience.
Different jobs call for different kinds of foot-wear, but, generally, properly fitted, high top safety boots should be worn. They give you more
support than other boots and more protection in case you drop something on your foot where steel-tip footwear should always be required.
Wear rubber boots when working in wet material, especially if it's deep. Spreading concrete is a good example.
During cold weather, two light, woolen shirts are better than one heavy one for warmth. Gloves and hard hat liners are also advisable in cold
When you dress for construction jobs, remember that you're not out to model the latest fashions. Your work clothes may not make you the
sharpest dude on the block, but you'll look a lot better than you would if loose clothing or jewelry caused you to get caught in a machine.
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
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