Safe Operating Procedure No: TS - WE02 Hot Work Procedures
Safe Operating Procedure No: TS - WE02 Hot Work Procedures
Safe Operating Procedure No: TS - WE02 Hot Work Procedures
Last Updated: February 2008
Update Due: February 2010
No: TS –WE02 SOP Trim Ref. ACC2008/23585
Hot Work Procedures
AREA: City Park Lands, Streets, & Council owned Buildings JOB TASK: Welding and Allied Processes – Hot Work safety procedures
Plant rooms, garbage compactors, & tanks.
A ‘HOT WORK’ Permit SHALL be issued by a responsible person before any welding, thermal or oxygen cutting (or heating), and other related heat
producing or sparkproducing operations is carried out within a confined space, a restricted space, or on work sites where there may be flammable,
combustible or explosive materials/ gases.
SOP Risk Assessment Trim Reference No: ACC2005/ 18889
This procedure is to be used in conjunction with any Operating Manuals, Codes of Practice, Australian Standards, SOP’s or training relevant to the task.
Update by contacting Team Leader, H&S Rep. and in consultation with the Corporate OHS&W Coordinator.
1. RISK ASSESSMENT of worksite :
· Conduct a task risk assessment at the work site, and fill in the · Failure to do a Job Safety
Welding Risk Assessment Form. Identify and record in writing Assessment or Risk
(using a blue or black ink pen) on the Hot Work Permit all Assessment prior to
hazards identified within 15 metres of the hot work area commencing work.
· Unsafe use of equipment Use appropriate PPE
2. Personal Protective Equipment · Fire Note:
· Explosion (1) Long hair must be tied back
Safety equipment/clothing mandatory for performing the tasks when operating the working with the
below. Include but no limited to: machinery
· Footware – steel capped footware (2) Jewellery must be removed when
· Protective clothing – UV resistant long sleeve and leg working with the machinery.
clothing to be worn at all times All equipment shall be used in
· High visibility clothing to be worn at all times accordance with the relevant
· Gloves suitable for the purpose Australian Standard and the
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manufacturer’s instructions
· Ensure a ‘responsible officer’ is at the worksite at all times while Ensure ‘responsible person’ has
the work is being carried out. The responsible officer SHALL be a experience in operating gas testing
person who has a satisfactory knowledge of the fire, explosion and equipment and records all gas levels
toxicity hazards associated with hot work in hazardous areas and detected.
who is adequately trained and experienced in testing procedures,
precautions and identifying the correct extinguisher type and use
necessary for the elimination of any risk involved (reference – Ensure all 2 way radios and mobile
phones which are taken out to the
section 1.3.4 of AS 1674.1 – 1997).
work site have a fully charged battery
· Ensure an experienced fire watcher is available if required. and have emergency phone numbers
Must be trained in use of fire extinguisher as a minimum requirement programmed into the phone.
· Ensure a ‘responsible person’
Identify and check (using a gas meter) all potential fire/ explosion Respiratory problems
identifies and checks all hazard
sources within 15 metres of the hot work area : Environmental contamination.
sources with a well maintained
Striking of body
· all gas and sewerage service/ maintenance access points; gas meter. Record all findings on
falling from a height
· drains, sumps, vents, valves, pump glands, flanges; the Hot Work Permit.
· pressure vessels and tanks. · Ensure the concentration of any
· Check the work site for timber surfaces/ materials and any other flammable gas or flammable
combustible materials. Where possible, remove these from the vapour is less than 5% of it’s
work area. If removal is not reasonably practicable, completely lower explosion limit (LEL).
cover the timber/ combustible materials with a fire proof blanket. · Report any problems to your
supervisor IMMEDIATELY and
wait for instructions.
· Check worksite for existing natural cross flow ventilation. If there is
no natural cross flow ventilation, check work site for the existence · Clear all dry grass and vegetation
of artificial ventilation/ exhaust fan. from the worksite OR wet it
sufficiently to prevent the hot work
· If there is no efficient form of ventilation, make arrangements for a from starting a grass fire or bush
portable mechanical ventilation system to be installed before work fire.
starts. · Arrange the fire retardant screens
· Ensure there is a suitable fire extinguisher located within 10m of and/or blankets around the work
the Hot Work area. area, ensuring that the screens &
· Provide a safe entry and exit from the hot work area. blankets are of ample size to
prevent sparks, slag and hot
metal pieces from rolling beneath
· Only use nonflameproof lighting, switches, plugs and sockets. them or penetrating openings in
· Extension leads SHALL be heavy duty sheathed flexible, not less
· If you experience shortness of
than 30/0.25 mm strands.
breathe, dizziness, or any other ill
· Dry grass & vegetation : feeling, immediately move to an
· Clear all dry grass and vegetation within 15 metres of the hot work open area where there is fresh
area OR wet it sufficiently to prevent the hot work from starting a air.
grass fire or bush fire. · Ensure storm water drains on/or
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near the worksite are covered/
· Arrange for an experienced fire watcher to be on site before work protected from contaminants
starts. produced from the hot work
· Ensure a portable water spray in good working order, is on site, operation.
and full of water (Country Fires Act 1989 Section 40 part 3)
· Have a suitable spill kit on site
incase of an emergency.
· The authorised fire watcher
· General public, coworkers & motor
5. FIRE WATCHING : SHALL NOT leave the job unless
relieved by an authorised person.
· Be alert for any fire outbreak or hazard. · Fire
· Follow the instructions in the Fire Watching s.o.p. TS – GE 19. · Explosion
· The authorised fire watcher SHALL NOT leave the job unless
relieved by an authorised person.
· Any changes in fire watch personnel SHALL be recorded
1. Site Location
2. The hot work to be covered by this permit:
3. Location of the hot work
4. The equipment to be used
Eg. Arc Welder, Disc Grinder
5. Type of Fire fighting equipment to be
available at the work site
6. Have the following checks been made: n/a means not applicable
6.1 Have drains, pits and depressions been checked
6.1.1 Isolated & sealed.
6.2 Have combustible materials been removed from the immediate
work area or made safe?
6.3 Have tanks, valves, vents and pipelines been blanked off or
efficiently isolated?
Have leaks from valve and pump glands, flanges and the like been
Have pressure relief valves been vented to safe areas?
6.4 Is ventilation adequate?
6.5 Are spark and /or flash screens in place?
6.6 Has contaminated ground been covered?
6.7 Is the fire equipment type determined checked and ready for use?
6.7.1 Method of contacting fire brigade available?
6.7.2 Is a firewatch required?
6.7.3 If required, has a firewatch been organised?
6.8 Is the wind direction satisfactory for hot work to be done?
6.9 Has the plant being worked on been tagged out of service?
6.10 Has the hot work site been isolated & segregated with barrier
6.11 Is it necessary to deactivate smoke detectors or sprinkler
6.12 If YES notify the person in charge of the fire system and record
name, date & time.
7. The following conditions & precautions were observed :
Before Work
1. Ensure you are starting to work on the correct equipment.
2. Establish that all of the Permit conditions are being complied with.
3. Make certain that any fire protection appliances are serviceable and that you know how to use them.
4. Know what you must do if a fire occurs which YOU CAN NOT PROMPTLY EXTINGUISH
(radio emergency channel).
5. Do not create an arc eye hazard for others and USE PROTECTIVE SCREENS if required.
6. Do not trail power or welding leads about IN A HAZARDOUS MANNER.
7. Is the equipment on which you are about to work safety accessible to you or is a ladder, scaffold or safety
rope and harness required.
During Progress of the Work
1. Cease work immediately if told to do so or if you have any doubts about safety.
2. If chipping concrete, keep area wet to eliminate sparks.
3. No piping or other equipment is to be opened in the area while this permit is valid.
4. Do not support pipework etc., by rope or other combustible material.
When Work Finishes
1. Ensure oxygen and acetylene cylinders are shut off.
2. Switch power off at source.
3. Leave the work area safe, and clean up after you.
4. Return fire protection equipment at job completion.
5. At the completion of the work you are responsible for returning the Permit to the issuing authority, and
leave the area in a safe condition