Project 1

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ECS 150: Project #1 - Simple shell

Prof. Joël Porquet

UC Davis, Spring Quarter 2019

1 Changelog
2 General information
3 Objectives of the project
4 Program description
5 Suggested work phases
6 Submission
7 Academic integrity

1 Changelog
Note that the specifications for this project are subject to change at anytime for additional clarification. Make sure to always
refer to the latest version.

v1: First publication

2 General information
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Due before 11:59 PM, Wednesday, April 17th, 2019.
You will be working with a partner for this project.
The reference work environment is the CSIF.

3 Objectives of the project

The objectives of this programming project are:

Reviewing most of the concepts learned in previous programming courses: data structures, file manipulation, command
line arguments, Makefile, etc.
Discovering and making use of many of system calls that UNIX-like operating systems typically offer, especially syscalls
belonging to the following categories: processes, files, pipes, and signals.
Understanding how a shell works behind the hood, and how processes are launched and configured.
Writing high-quality C code by following established industry standards.

4 Program description
4.1 Introduction
The goal of this project is to understand important UNIX system calls by implementing a simple shell called sshell. A shell is a
command-line interpreter: it accepts input from the user under the form of command lines and executes them.

In the following example, it is the shell that is in charge of printing the shell prompt, understanding the supplied command
line (redirect the output of executable program ls with the argument -l to the input of executable program cat), execute it

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and wait for it to finish before prompting the user for a new command line.

jporquet@pc10:~/ecs150 $ ls -l | cat
total 12K
-rw------- 1 jporquet users 11K 2018-01-06 11:08
jporquet@pc10:~/ecs150 $

Similar to well-known shells such as bash or zsh, your shell will be able to:

1. execute user-supplied commands with optional arguments

2. offer a selection of builtin commands
3. redirect the standard input or standard output of commands to files
4. pipe the output of commands to other commands
5. put commands in the background

A working example of the simple shell can be found on the CSIF, at /home/cs150/public/p1/sshell_ref.

4.2 Constraints
The shell must be written in C, be compiled with GCC and only use the standard functions provided by the GNU C Library (aka
libc). All the functions provided by the libc can be used, but your program cannot be linked to any other external libraries.

Your source code should adopt a sane and consistent coding style and be properly commented when necessary. One good
option is to follow the relevant parts of the Linux kernel coding style.

4.3 Assessment

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Your grade for this assignment will be broken down in two scores:

Auto-grading: ~60% of grade

Running an auto-grading script that tests your program and checks the output against various inputs

Manual review: ~40% of grade

The manual review is itself broken down into different rubrics:

Report file: ~50%

Submission : ~5%
Makefile: ~5%
Quality of implementation: ~30%
Code style: ~10%

5 Suggested work phases

The following phases are only a suggestion to help you progress step by step. But while Phase 0 to Phase 4 definitely build on
one another, Phase 5 to Phase 8 are somewhat independent and could probably be implemented in any order you see fit.

5.1 Phase 0: preliminary work

In this preliminary phase, copy the skeleton C file /home/cs150/public/p1/sshell.c to your directory. Compile it into an
executable named sshell and run it.

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jporquet@pc10:~/ $ ./sshell

What does it do?

5.1.1 0.1 Understand the code

Open the C file sshell.c and read the code. As you can notice, we use the function system() to run the command /bin/date
-u (which displays the current time in UTC format) and print the raw status value that the command returned to the standard
output (stdout).

The problem is that system() is too high-level to use for implementing a realistic shell. For example, it doesn’t let you redirect
the input or output, or run commands in the background.

Useful resources for this phase:

5.1.2 0.2 Makefile

Write a simple Makefile that generates an executable sshell from the file sshell.c, using GCC.

The compiler should be run with the -Wall (enable all warnings) and -Werror (treat all warnings as errors) options.
There should also be a clean rule that removes any generated files and puts the directory back in its original state.

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5.2 Phase 1: running commands the hard way

Instead of using the function system(), modify the program in order to use the fork+exec+wait method, as seen in lecture.

In a nutshell, your shell should fork and create a child process; the child process should run the specified command with exec
while the parent process waits until the child process has completed and the parent can collect its exit status.

The output of the program execution should be as follows.

jporquet@pc10:~/ $ ./sshell
Tue Apr 4 21:12:18 UTC 2017
+ completed '/bin/date -u' [0]
jporquet@pc10:~/ $

There are a couple of non-apparent differences between this output and the output of the provided skeleton code:

The information message following the execution of the command is printed to stderr and not stdout.

This can be verified by redirecting the error output to /dev/null and checking that the information message is not
printed anymore:

jporquet@pc10:~/ $ ./sshell 2>/dev/null

Tue Apr 4 21:12:18 UTC 2017
jporquet@pc10:~/ $

The printed status (i.e. 0 in the example above) is not the full raw status value anymore, it is the exit status only. Refer to
the Process Completion Status section of the libc documentation to understand how to extract this value (see link below).

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Useful resources for this phase:

5.3 Phase 2: read commands from the input

Until now, your program is only running a hard-coded command. In order to be interactive, the shell should instead read
commands from the user and execute them.

In this phase, modify your shell in order to print the shell prompt ‘sshell$ ’ (without the quotes but with the trailing white
space) and read a complete command line from the user. We assume that the maximum length of a command line never
exceeds 512 characters.

Since it would be annoying for the user to always type the complete paths of the commands to execute (e.g. /bin/ls),
programs should be searched according to the $PATH environment variable. To automatically search programs in the $PATH,
you need to carefully choose which of the exec functions should be used (see second link below).

For this phase, you can assume that the user can only enter the name of a program (e.g. ls, ps, date, etc.) without any

Example of output:

sshell$ date
Tue Apr 4 14:09:08 PDT 2017
+ completed 'date' [0]

Useful resources for this phase:

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5.3.1 Error management

In case of user errors (e.g. invalid input, command not found, etc.), the shell should display an error message on stderr and
wait for the next input, but it should not die.

Look through the document to see all the possible error messages that your shell should print (they all start with Error:). All
these non-terminal error messages are to be explicitly printed by your shell. Here are a couple examples:

sshell$ &
Error: invalid command line
sshell$ >
Error: invalid command line
sshell$ toto
Error: command not found
+ completed 'toto' [1]

The only reason for which the shell is allowed to die (with an exit value of 1) is if a system call actually fails. For example,
malloc() fails to allocate memory or fork() fails to spawn a child. Only in that case, you can optionally use perror() to
report the reason of the failure.

5.4 Phase 3: arguments

In this phase, you must add to your shell the ability to handle command lines containing programs and their arguments.

A command is defined as the name of a program, followed by optional arguments, each separated by white spaces (at least
one, but can also be more than one). In order to simplify your implementation, you can assume that a command will never
have more than 16 arguments (name of the program included).

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For this phase, you will need to start parsing the command line in order to interpret what needs to be run. Refer to the libc
documentation to learn more about strings in C (and particularly sections 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7 and 5.10):

Example of commands which include arguments (with more or less white spaces separating arguments):

sshell$ date -u
Tue Apr 4 22:07:03 UTC 2017
+ completed 'date -u' [0]
sshell$ date -u
Tue Apr 4 22:46:41 UTC 2017
+ completed 'date -u' [0]

At this point, and if you have not already, it probably is the right time to think of how you could represent commands using
proper data structures. After all, a struct object in C is nothing different than a C++/Java class without methods. But such an
object can still contain fields that contain the object’s properties, and C++-like methods can be implemented as simple
functions that receive objects as parameters.


/* C++ class */
class myclass {
int a;

mymethod(int b) {
a = b;

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/* Equivalent in C */
struct myobj {
int a;

myfunc(struct myobj *obj, int b) {

obj->a = b;

Hint: the result of parsing the command line should be the instance of a data structure which contains all the information
necessary to run the specified command (so that the original command line does not have to be parsed again).

5.5 Phase 4: builtin commands

Usually, when a user enters a command, the related program is an external executable file. For example, ls refers to the
executable file /bin/ls while fdisk refers to /sbin/fdisk.

For some commands, it is preferable, or even necessary, that the shell itself implements the command instead of running an
external program. In this phase, your shell must implement the commands exit, cd and pwd.

Note that pwd can actually be implemented by an external program (and is often provided as such on most UNIX systems), but
we decide for this project that it should be provided by the shell itself.

For simplicity, you can assume that these builtin commands will never be called with incorrect arguments (i.e. no arguments
for exit and pwd and exactly one argument for cd).

5.5.1 exit
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Receiving the builtin command exit should cause the shell to exit properly (i.e. with exit status 0). Before exiting, the shell
must print the message ‘Bye...’ on stderr.


jporquet@pc10:~/ $ ./sshell
sshell$ exit
jporquet@pc10:~/ $ echo $?

5.5.2 cd and pwd

The user can change the current working directory (i.e. the directory the shell is currently “in”) with cd or display it with pwd.


sshell$ pwd
+ completed 'pwd' [0]
sshell$ cd ..
+ completed 'cd ..' [0]
sshell$ pwd
+ completed 'pwd' [0]
sshell$ cd toto
Error: no such directory
+ completed 'cd toto' [1]

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Useful resources for this phase:

5.6 Phase 5: Input redirection

The standard input redirection is indicated by using the meta-character < followed by a file name. Such redirection implies
that the command located right before < is to read its input from the specified file instead of the shell’s standard input (that is
from the keyboard if the shell is run in a terminal).


sshell$ cat file

+ completed 'cat file' [0]
sshell$ grep toto<file
+ completed 'grep toto<file' [0]
sshell$ grep toto < tata
Error: cannot open input file
sshell$ cat <
Error: no input file

Note that the input redirection symbol can or not be surrounded by white spaces.

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5.7 Phase 6: Output redirection
The standard output redirection is indicated by using the meta-character > followed by a file name. Such redirection implies
that the command located right before > is to write its output to the specified file instead of the shell’s standard output (that is
on the screen if the shell is run in a terminal).


sshell$ echo Hello world!>file

+ completed 'echo Hello world!>file' [0]
sshell$ cat file
Hello world!
+ completed 'cat file' [0]
sshell$ echo hack > /etc/passwd
Error: cannot open output file
sshell$ echo >
Error: no output file

Note that the output redirection symbol can or not be surrounded by white spaces.

5.8 Phase 7: Pipeline commands

So far, a command line could only be composed of one command (name of program and optional arguments). In this phase,
we introduce the notion of pipeline of commands.

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The pipe sign is indicated by the meta-character | and allows multiple commands to be connected to each other. When the
shell encounters a pipe sign, it indicates that the output of the command located before the pipe sign must be connected to the
input of the command located after the pipe sign. There can be multiple pipe signs on the same command line to connect
multiple commands to each other.


sshell$ echo Hello world! | grep Hello|wc -l

+ completed 'echo Hello world! | grep Hello|wc -l' [0][0][0]

Note that there is no limit on the number of commands part of a pipeline as long as it fits into the command line (i.e. 512

The information message must display the exit value of each command composing the pipeline separately. This means that
commands can have different exit values as shown in the example below (the first command succeeds while the second
command fails with exit value 2).

sshell$ echo hello | ls file_that_doesnt_exists

ls: cannot access 'file_that_doesnt_exists': No such file or directory
+ completed 'echo hello | ls file_that_doesnt_exists' [0][2]

In a pipeline of commands, only the first command can have its input redirected and only the last command can have its
output redirected.

sshell$ cat file | grep toto < file

Error: mislocated input redirection
sshell$ echo Hello world! > file | cat file

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Error: mislocated output redirection

Hint: for this phase, you will probably need to think of a data structure that can be used to represent a job (i.e. a pipeline of
one or more commands).

Useful resources for this phase (sections 15.1 and 15.2):

5.9 Phase 8: Background commands

Up until now, when the user enters a command line and the shell executes it, the shell waits until the specified job is
completed before it displays the prompt again and is able to accept a new command line to be supplied.

The ampersand character & indicates that the specified job should be executed in the background. In that case, the shell
should not wait for the job’s completion but immediately display the prompt and allow for a new command line to be entered.
The background sign may only appear as the last token of a command line.

When a background job finally completes, the shell should display the exit status of all the job’s commands right before a new
prompt is being displayed.


sshell$ sleep 1&

sshell$ sleep 5
+ completed 'sleep 1&' [0]
+ completed 'sleep 5' [0]
sshell$ echo > file & | grep toto

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Error: mislocated background sign

Trying to exit while there are still running jobs in the background should be considered a user error.


sshell$ sleep 5&

sshell$ exit
Error: active jobs still running
+ completed 'exit' [1]
sshell$ <Return>
... more than 5 seconds later ...
sshell$ <Return>
+ completed 'sleep 5&' [0]
sshell$ exit

Useful resources for this phase:

6 Submission
Since we will use auto-grading scripts in order to test your program, make sure that it strictly follows the specified output

6.1 Content
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Your submission should contain, besides your source code, the following files:

AUTHORS: student ID of each partner, one entry per line. For example:


IGRADING: only if your group has been selected for interactive grading for this project, the interactive grading time
slot you registered for.

If your group has been selected for interactive grading for this project, this file must contain exactly one line
describing your time slot with the format: %m/%d/%y - %I:%M %p (see man date for details). For example, an
appointment on Monday April 1st at 2:10pm would be transcribed as 04/20/19 - 02:10 PM.

04/20/19 - 02:10 PM
$ a description of your submission. Your report must respect the following rules:

It must be formatted in markdown language as described in this Markdown-Cheatsheet.

It should contain no more than 200 lines and the maximum width for each line should be 80 characters (check your
editor’s settings to configure it automatically –please spare yourself and do not do the formatting manually).

It should explain your high-level design choices, details about the relevant parts of your implementation, how you
tested your project, the sources that you may have used to complete this project, and any other information that can
help understanding your code.

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Keep in mind that the goal of this report is not to paraphrase the assignment, but to explain how you implemented it.

Makefile: a Makefile that compiles your source code without any errors or warnings (on the CSIF computers), and builds
an executable named sshell.

The compiler should be run with the options -Wall -Werror.

There should also be a clean rule that removes generated files and puts the directory back in its original state.

Your submission should be empty of any clutter files (such as executable files, core dumps, backup files, .DS_Store files, and
so on).

6.2 Git bundle

Your submission must be under the shape of a Git bundle. In your git repository, type in the following command (your work
must be in the branch master):

$ git bundle create p1.bundle master

It should create the file p1.bundle that you will submit via handin.

Before submitting, do make sure that your bundle was properly been packaged by extracting it in another directory and
verifying the log:

$ cd /path/to/tmp/dir
$ git clone /path/to/p1.bundle -b master p1
$ cd p1
$ ls
AUTHORS IGRADING Makefile sshell.c ...

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$ git log

6.3 Handin
Your Git bundle, as created above, is to be submitted with handin from one of the CSIF computers by only one person of
your group:

$ handin cs150 p1 p1.bundle

Submitting p1.bundle... ok

You can verify that the bundle has been properly submitted:

$ handin cs150 p1
The following input files have been received:

7 Academic integrity
You are expected to write this project from scratch. Therefore, you cannot use any existing source code available on the
Internet, or even reuse your own code if you took this class before.

You are also expected to write this project yourself. Asking anyone someone else to write your code (e.g., a friend, or a “tutor”
on a website such as is not acceptable and will result in severe sanctions.

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You must specify in your report any sources that you have viewed to help you complete this assignment. All of the
submissions will be compared with MOSS to determine if students have excessively collaborated, or have used the work of
past students.

Any failure to respect the class rules, as explained above or in the syllabus, or the UC Davis Code of Conduct will
automatically result in the matter being transferred to Student Judicial Affairs.

Copyright © 2017-2019 Joël Porquet

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