Copa Syllabus

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Computer Operator and Programming Assistant



1. Install and setup Identify basic first aid and use them under different circumstances.
operating system and Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as per
related software in a requirement.
computer following Assemble a computer
safety precautions. Install and configure Windows OS.
Install the printer and other peripheral devices.
(NOS: SSC/N3022) Install application software.
Troubleshoot the PC.
Execute DOS and LINUX commands.
Customize Windows and LINUX OS settings.

2. Create, format and edit Create your resume using editing/formatting options in a document.
document using word Create purchase order using tables and images.
processing application Create magazine using columns page borders, header footers.
software. Create an invitation letter using mail merge for n invitees.

(NOS: SSC/N3022)

3. Create, format, edit and Identify Excel tools in the Ribbon.

develop a workbook by Create mark sheet using a spreadsheet with data validation.
using spreadsheet Create a chart for the mark sheet.
application software. Create Pay slip using functions and formulae with sharing two
different sheets/files.
(NOS: SSC/N3022) Create a table and Perform Sorting; filtering, Subtotal, validation, and
goal seek on a table.
Prepare a pivot table on any existing table with data.
Create a table and Perform Sorting; filtering, Subtotal, validation, and
goal seek on a table.
Prepare a pivot table on any existing table with data.

4. Create and customize Create simple presentations

slides for presentation. Create presentations with tables, images & graphic elements
Create presentations with audio & video elements with transitions
(NOS: SSC/N3022)

5. Create and manage Create simple database on Relational Database in MySQL using data
database file by using validation, filters, sorting, query.
MySQL. (NOS: Import, Export, Link, Backup and Retrieve database in MySQL.
SSC/N9401) Create query with functions, joins, sub-query.

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

6. Install, setup/configure, Identify different cables and connectors used in networking.

troubleshoot and secure Assign Computer Name and workgroup to a computer Prepare UTP
computer network cross cable & connect computers.
including Internet.
Share a printer with Network.
(NOS: SSC/N3022) Share Internet using Windows Tools.
Check Network connectivity.
Configure HUB & Switch.
Configure DHCP and firewall.
Secure Network with various tools.
Create E Mail ID and sending / receiving mails Perform text chat and
video chat using social network sites Configure Outlook Express.

7. Develop web pages Create Text, Lists, Tables, and Frames with HTML.
using HTML, CSS . Create Hyperlinks, Images and Multimedia Working with Forms and
(NOS: SSC/N0503, Create Lists and Tables with CSS.
SSC/N0501) Create Box Model by using borders, Padding, and Margin with CSS.
Create CSS document by Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning,
Floating, Align, Pseudo class, Navigation Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute
Create simple static Web Pages using internal styles (CSS) and external

8. Develop web pages Design a dynamic Web Page in JavaScript using various operators.
using Java Script. Design a dynamic Web Page in JavaScript using various control
statements and looping structures.
(NOS:SSC/N0503, Design a dynamic Web Page in JavaScript using strings and functions.
SSC/N0501) Design a dynamic Web Page in JavaScript using Arrays and objects.
Design a dynamic Web Page in JavaScript using Web Forms and images.

9. Create workbooks with Create workbooks with advanced functionalities in Excel.

advanced formulas, Create advanced charts & Pivot Tables.
macros, charts, pivot Create output files using specific Power tool.
tables and demonstrate
ability to use Power

10. Browse, select and Place order for products from E commerce websites for purchase.
transact using E- Upload a product in E Commerce site for sale.
commerce websites. Identify security issues in E- commerce and payment operations.

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

11. Secure information from Provide firewall security for Internet connection and Network System.
Internet by using cyber Make backup copies of important file, data, and information.
security concept. Secure your Wi-Fi networks using wireless security features.

12. Explain Cloud concepts Create cloud concepts.

& services and Describe Use common cloud services such as Office 365, Google Drive, Dropbox.
Development Life Cycle. Identify the phases of Application Development Life Cycle.
Describe Roles in each of phases of the Application Development Life

13. Write programs using Install Python / Java.

Python / Java language. Perform operations on Python / Java ; construct simple code and
document these.
Perform Document code segments using comments and
documentation strings.
Perform operations using in-built modules / libraries.

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant




Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Install and setup Safe working practices (10 Hrs) Introduction to
Skill - 94 Hrs; operating system 1. Visit COPA Lab. of the institutes Computers (3 Hrs)
and related and locate the electrical  Safe working
Professional software in a connections with computer practices
Knowledge - computer following system setup. (3 Hrs)  Scope of the COPA
32 Hrs safety precautions. 2. Identifying safety symbols and trade.
hazard identification. (3 Hrs)  Safety rules and
(Mapped NOS: 3. Practice safe methods of fire safety signs.
SSC/N3022) fighting in case of electrical fire.  Types and working
(2 Hrs) of fire
4. Use of fire extinguishers. (2Hrs) extinguishers.
Assemble a Desktop PC (8 hrs) Introduction to
5. Identify computer peripherals Computer
and internal components of a components
desktop computer. (4 Hrs) Introduction to
6. Assemble components of computer system (4 Hrs)
desktop computer. (4 Hrs)  Concepts of
Using Windows Operating Systems Hardware and
(20 hrs) Software.
7. Practice on Windows interface  Function of
and navigating windows. (3 Hrs) motherboard
8. Practice on managing files and components and
folders using removable drives. various processors.
(4 Hrs)  Various Input/
9. Customize the desktop (2 hrs) Output devices in
10. Settings and manage user use and their
accounts. (1 Hr) features
11. View system properties and Introduction Windows
control panel details. (3 Hrs) Operating System (9
12. Work with keyboard shortcut Hrs)
commands. (4 Hrs)  Introduction to
13. Print and scan document using operating System
different commands. (3 Hrs)  Main features of
Computer basics and Software Windows OS
Installation (20 Hrs)

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
14. View the BIOS settings and their  Concept of various
modifications. (3 Hrs) shortcut
15. Install Windows operating commands.
system. (4 Hrs) Introduction to the
16. Format hard disk and create booting process (6 Hrs)
partition. (3 Hrs)  Introduction to
17. Identify and rectify common various types of
hardware and software issues memories and their
during OS installation. (3 Hrs) features.
18. Install necessary application  Basic Hardware and
software for Windows i.e. Office software issues and
Package, PDF Reader, Media their solutions.
Player etc. (2 Hrs)  Usage of
19. Configure Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Application
settings. (1 Hr) software and
20. Install Drivers for printer, Antivirus.
scanner, webcam and DVD etc. Introduction to DOS
(2 Hrs) Command Line Interface
21. Burn data, video and audio files & Linux Operating
on CD/DVD using application Systems (10 Hrs)
software. (2 Hrs)  Introduction to
DOS Command Line Interface (9Hrs) basic DOS Internal
22. Use basic DOS commands for and External
directory listing. (5 Hrs) Commands.
23. Manage files and folders using  Introduction to
DOS commands. (4 Hrs) Open Source
Install Ubuntu Linux operating Software
system and execute basic Linux  Introduction to
commands (27 Hrs) Linux Operating
24. Installation of Ubuntu Linux System features,
operating system (6 Hrs) structure, files and
25. Install necessary application processes
software for Linux i.e. Office  Basic Linux
Package, PDF Reader, Media commands.
Player etc. (4 Hrs)
26. Use Basic Linux commands for
directory listing, file and folder
management, password etc. (6
27. Use the Linux graphical user
interface for file and folder
management, exploring the
system etc. (6 Hrs)
28. Customize desktop settings and
manage user accounts in Linux.
(3 Hrs)
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
29. View system properties and
manage system setting in Linux.
(2 Hrs)
Professional Create, format, and Using Word Processing Software (47 Using Word Processing
Skill – 47 edit document hrs) Software (14 Hrs)
Hrs.; using word Manage documents (11 Hrs.)  Introduction to the
processing 30. Navigate within documents (2 various applications
Professional application Hrs) in MS office.
Knowledge - software.  Search for text  Introduction to
14 Hrs (Mapped NOS:  Link to locations within Word features,
SSC/N3022) documents Office button,
 Move to specific locations toolbars.
and objects in documents  Creating, saving and
 Show and hide formatting formatting and
symbols and hidden text printing documents
31. Format documents (4.6 Hrs) using Word.
 Set up document pages  Working with
 Apply style sets objects, macro, mail
 Insert and modify headers merge, templates
and footers and other tools in
 Configure page background Word.
32. Save and share documents (2
 Save documents in
alternative file formats
 Modify basic document
 Modify print settings
 Share documents
33. Inspect documents for issues
(2.4 Hrs)
 Locate and remove hidden
properties and personal
 Locate and correct
accessibility issues
 Locate and correct
compatibility issues
Format documents (8 Hrs.)
34. Insert text and paragraphs (2
 Find and replace text

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Insert symbols and special

35. Format text and paragraphs (3
 Apply text effects
 Apply formatting by using
Format Painter
 Set line and paragraph
spacing and indentation
 Apply built-in styles to text
 Clear formatting
36. Create and configure document
sections (3 Hrs)
 Format text in multiple
 Insert page, section, and
column breaks
 Change page setup options
for a section
Manage tables and lists (9.5 Hrs)
37. Create tables (3 Hrs)
 Convert text to tables
 Convert tables to text
 Create tables by specifying
rows and columns
38. Modify tables (3 Hrs)
 Sort table data
 Configure cell margins and
 Merge and split cells
 Resize tables, rows, and
 Split tables
 Configure a repeating row
39. Create and modify lists (3.5 Hrs)
 Format paragraphs as
numbered and bulleted lists
 Change bullet characters and
number formats
 Define custom bullet
characters and number
 Increase and decrease list
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Restart and continue list

 Set starting number values
Create and manage references (3
40. Create and manage reference
elements (1.4 Hrs)
 Insert footnotes and
 Modify footnote and endnote
 Create and modify
bibliography citation sources
 Insert citations for
41. Create and manage reference
tables (1.6 Hrs)
 Insert tables of contents
 Customize tables of contents
 Insert bibliographies
Manage graphic elements (8.5 Hrs.)
42. Insert illustrations and text
boxes (3 Hrs)
 Insert shapes
 Insert pictures
 Insert 3D models
 Insert Smart Art graphics
 Insert screenshots and screen
 Insert text boxes
43. Format illustrations and text
boxes (3 Hrs)
 Apply artistic effects
 Apply picture effects and
picture styles
 Remove picture backgrounds
 Format graphic elements
 Format SmartArt graphics
 Format 3D models
44. Add text to graphic elements (1
 Add and modify text in text
 Add and modify text in shapes

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Add and modify SmartArt

graphic content
45. Modify graphic elements (1.5
 Position objects
 Wrap text around objects
 Add alternative text to
objects for accessibility
Manage document collaboration
(3.5 Hrs.)
46. Add and manage comments (1
 Add comments
 Review and reply to
 Resolve comments
 Delete comments
47. Manage change tracking (2.5
 Track changes
 Review tracked changes
 Accept and reject tracked
 Lock and unlock change
Manage Mailings (3.5 Hrs)
48. Perform mail merge (3.5 Hrs)
 Create envelopes
 Create labels
 Create a new mailing list
 Perform mail merge using an
existing list
Professional Create, format, edit Spread Sheet Application (72 Hrs) Spread Sheet
Skill - 72 and develop a Manage Worksheets and Application (18 Hrs)
Hrs.; workbook by using Workbooks (12 Hrs.)  Introduction to
spreadsheet 49. Open files in MS Excel (1.5 Hrs) Excel features and
Professional application  Open MS Excel Data Types.
Knowledge - software.  Create a new Excel file  Cell referencing and
18 Hrs  Create a new Excel file from a linking Sheets.
(Mapped NOS: template  Introduction to
SSC/N3022)  Open an existing Excel file various functions in
50. Import data (1.5 Hrs) all categories of
 Import data from txt files Excel.
 Import data from csv files

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
51. Navigate within workbooks (2  Concepts of sorting,
Hrs) filtering and
 Search data validating data.
 Navigate to named cells,  Analyzing data using
ranges or workbook elements charts, data tables,
 Insert and remove hyperlinks pivot tables, goal
52. Format worksheets and seek and scenarios
workbooks (2 Hrs)
 Modify page setup
 Adjust row height and column
 Customize headers and
53. Customize options and views (3
 Display and modify content in
different views
 Freeze rows and columns
 Change window views
 Modify basic workbook
 Display formulas
54. Configure content for
collaboration (2 Hrs)
 Set a print area
 Save workbooks in alternative
file formats
 Configure print settings
Manage data cells and ranges (12
55. Manipulate data (3 Hrs)
 Paste data by using special
paste options
 Fill cells by using Auto Fill
 Insert and delete multiple
columns or rows
 Insert and delete cells
56. Format cells and ranges (5 Hrs)
 Merge and Unmerge cells
 Modify cell alignment,
orientation and indentation
 Format cells using Format
 Wrap text within cells
 Apply number formats
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Apply cell formats from the

Format cells dialog box
 Apply cell styles
 Clear cell formatting
57. Define and reference named
ranges (4 Hrs)
 Define a named range
 Name a table
 Summarize data visually
Insert spark lines
 Apply built in conditional
 Remove conditional
Manage tables and table data (12
58. Create and format tables (4 hrs)
 Create excel tables from cell
 Apply table styles
 Convert tables to cell ranges
59. Manage tables and table data
(5 Hrs)
 Add or remove table rows
and columns
 Configure table style options
 Insert and configure total
60. Filter and sort table data (3 Hrs)
 Filter records
 Sort data by multiple columns
Perform operations using formulas
and functions (12 Hrs.)
61. Insert references (3 Hrs)
 Insert relative, absolute and
mixed references
 Reference named ranges and
named tables in formulas
62. Calculate and transform data (5
 Perform calculations using
AVERAGE(), MIN(), MAX() and

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Count cells by using COUNT(),

 Perform conditional
operations by using the IF()
63. Format and modify text(4 Hrs)
 Format text using
RIGHT(),LEFT() and MID()
 Format text using UPPER(),
LOWER() and LEN() functions
 Format text using CONCAT()
and TEXTJOIN() functions
Manage Charts (12 Hrs.)
64. Create Charts (3 Hrs)
 Create charts
 Create chart sheets
65. Modify charts (4 Hrs)
 Add data series to charts
 Switch between rows and
columns in source data
 Add and modify chart
 Add trend lines to chart
66. Format charts (5 Hrs)
 Apply chart layouts
 Apply chart styles
 Add alternative text to charts
for accessibility
Manage Pivot Tables (12 Hrs.)
67. Create Pivot Tables(12 Hrs)
 Create Pivot tables from cell
 Manipulate fields (columns)
to get desired analysis
 Use Filters for pivot tables
 Represent data as Count,
Sum, Average & % of row /
 Group data in Columns &
rows for aggregate reports
Professional Create and Power point Presentations (9.5 Hrs.) Power point
Skill - 53 Hrs; customize slides for 68. Open files in MS PowerPoint (1 Presentations (13 Hrs.)
presentation. Hr)
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
Professional  Open MS PowerPoint  Image editing,
Knowledge - (Mapped NOS:  Create a new PowerPoint file Presentations
13 Hrs SSC/N3022)  Create a new PowerPoint file  Introduction to
from a template Open Office.
 Open an existing PowerPoint  Introduction to the
file properties and
69. Format PowerPoint editing of images.
Presentations (1.5 Hrs)  Introduction to
 Add slides different formats of
 Add titles and text images and their
 Select slide layouts uses.
 Add PowerPoint templates  Introduction to
 Duplicate slides Power Point and its
70. Modify slide masters, handout advantages.
masters, and note masters (2  Creating Slide
Hrs) Shows.
 Change the slide master Fine tuning the
theme or background presentation and good
 Modify slide master content presentation technique
 Modify slide layouts
71. Change presentation options
and views (1.5 Hrs)
 Change slide size
 Display presentations in
different views
72. Save and share PowerPoint
Presentations (1.5 Hrs)
 Save presentations in
alternative file formats
 Configure different Print
 Share presentations
73. Configure and present slide
shows (1 Hr)
 Hide unwanted slides while
 Configure slide show options
 Present slide shows by using
Presenter View
74. Prepare presentations for
collaboration (1 Hrs)
 Protect presentations by
using passwords

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Export presentations to other

Format presentations (6.5 Hrs.)
75. Insert text and paragraphs (2
 Find and replace text
 Insert symbols and special
76. Format text and paragraphs (2
 Apply text effects
 Apply formatting by using
Format Painter
 Set line and paragraph
spacing and indentation
 Apply built-in styles to text
77. Create and configure sections
(2.5 Hrs)
 Format text in multiple
 Text and image presentation
 Clear formatting
Manage tables and bulleted text (8
78. Create tables (3 Hrs)
 Insert tables in PowerPoint
 Apply built-in table styles
 Create tables by specifying
rows and columns
79. Modify tables (3 Hrs)
 Insert and delete table rows
and columns
 Configure cell margins and
 Merge and split cells
 Resize tables, rows, and
80. Create and modify bulleted text
(2 Hrs)
 Format paragraphs as
numbered and bulleted lists
 Change bullet characters and
number formats

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Increase and decrease list

 Set starting number values
 Restart and continue list
numbering on different slides
Create and manage reference
elements (hyperlinks) (1.25 Hrs)
 Create hyperlinks within
 Create hyperlinks in
presentations for files and
other sources
Manage graphic elements (11.5 Hrs)
81. Insert illustrations and text
boxes (3.5 Hrs)
 Insert shapes
 Insert pictures
 Insert SmartArt graphics
 Insert screenshots and screen
82. Format illustrations and text
boxes (4 Hrs)
 Apply artistic effects
 Apply picture effects and
picture styles
 Remove picture backgrounds
 Crop images
 Format graphic elements
 Format SmartArt graphics
83. Add and modify text in graphic
elements (4 Hrs)
 Add and modify text in text
 Add and modify text in shapes
 Add and modify SmartArt
graphic text
 Create, insert and modify
Manage Audio & Video elements
(6.5 Hrs)
84. Add Audio elements (2 Hrs)
 Import audio files in
 Configure audio playback
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
85. Add Video elements (4.5 Hrs)
 Import video files in
 Resize video to fit slide
 Configure video playback
Manage transitions and animations
(9 Hrs)
86. Add slide transitions (5 Hrs)
 Add same slide transition for
all slides
 Set transition effect duration
 Configure transition start and
finish options
 Customise select slide
87. Add animations (4 Hrs)
 Animate text and graphic
 Order shapes, images, and
text boxes
 Group shapes, images, and
text boxes
 Configure animation effects
 Configure animation paths
 Reorder animations on a slide
Manage collaboration (0.75 Hrs)
88. Add and manage comments
(0.75 Hrs)
 Add comments
 Review and reply to
Professional Create and manage Demonstrate on (15 Hrs.) Database Concepts (4
Skill - 53 database file by 89. Installation of MySQL. (1 Hr) Hrs.)
Hrs.; using MySQL. (NOS: 90. Troubleshooting basic  Concept of DBMS,
SSC/N9401) installation issues. (1 Hr) RDBMS.
Professional  Data Models, Concept of
91. Creation and use of
Knowledge - DBA, Database Users.
13 Hrs database. (3 Hr)  Database Schema.
92. Designing of tables. (3 Hr)  Designing Database using
93. Applying data integrity rules. Normalization Rules.
 Various data types Data
(2 Hr)
integrity, DDL DML and
94. Using the DDL, DCL and DML DCL statements.
statements. (2 Hrs)  Enforcing Primary key
and foreign key.
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
95. Enforcing constraints,  Adding Indices.
primary key and foreign key.
Queries (4 Hrs)
(2 Hrs)
96. Adding indices to Tables. (1  Concepts of Transactions
Hr)  ACID Property of
Transaction Constraints.
Demonstrate on (15 Hrs)
Joins and Functions (5 Hrs)
97. Simple select queries. (5 Hrs)
98. Insert and delete queries  Joining of tables
 Sub Queries
Update queries. (10 Hrs)
 Functions used in query
like sum, average, max,
Demonstrate on (23 Hrs)
min, count etc.
99. Using the Number, Date and
Character functions. Joins
and Functions (11.5 Hrs)
100. Joins, Group by,
Having, Sub query. (11.5 Hrs)

Professional Install, setup/ Computer Network (68 Hrs.) Communicating in a

Skill - 68 Hrs; configure, Set-up & configure a Computer Connected World (12
troubleshoot, and Network (48 Hrs.) Hrs.)
Professional secure computer 101. View Network connections. (2  Local Networks,
Knowledge - network including Hrs)  Communicating on
16 Hrs Internet. 102. Connect a computer to a a Local Network,
(Mapped NOS: network and share Devices i.e. Principles of
SSC/N3022) Printers, files, folders and Communications,
drives. (4 Hrs)  How do Ethernet
103. Work with various Network Networks Work?,
devices, connectors and  How are Networks
cables. Create straight and Built?,
cross cable and punch a UTP  Routing Across
cable in the patch socket and Networks
test the connectivity. (4 Hrs)  Explain how end-
104. Practice IP Addressing and user devices and
Subnet masking for IPV4/ IPV6 local networks
and pinging to test networks. interact with the
(4 Hrs) global Internet.
105. Configure Hub and Switch. (4  Communicating in a
Hrs) Connected World
106. Set up and configure wired Explain the concept
and wireless LAN in a of network
Computer Lab within at least communication.
three computers. (6 Hrs)
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
107. Use patch panel & I/O Box for  Local Networks
wired LAN and installing & Explain the roles of
configuring Internet devices in a
connection in a single PC and network.
in a LAN. (6 Hrs)  What Does a Home
108. Set up a proxy server/ DHCP Network Look Like?
Server with firewall. (8 Hrs)  How Does Wi-Fi
109. Set up video conferencing Work?
using open-source software.  Introduction to LAN
(4 Hrs) Devices,
110. Use various tools (by open Internetworking
source /free) for network Devices,
troubleshooting, maintenance Internet Concepts (4
and security for both Wired Hrs)
and Wireless (6 Hrs)  Introduction to
111. Set up Internet access & www, Concept of
communication (10 Hrs) Internet, Web
 Set-up internet connectivity Browsers, internet
 Set-up digital communication servers and search
112. Use the Internet (10 Hrs) engines.
 Browse the Internet  Concepts of Domain
 Use e-mail naming Systems
 Use Social Media and E mail
 Use the phone for online communication.
activities  Introduction to
video chatting tools
and Social
Professional Develop web pages Create simple static web pages Web Design Concepts
Skill - 67 Hrs; using HTML and CSS. using HTML tags (67 Hrs.) (17 Hrs)
(Mapped NOS: 113. Practice HTML (46 Hrs)  Concepts of Static
Professional SSC/N0503,  Practice with basic HTML and Dynamic Web
Knowledge - SSC/N0501) elements (e.g. head, title, pages.
17 Hrs body), tag and attributes.  Introduction to
 Design simple web page with HTML and various
text, paragraph and line break tags in HTML.
using HTML tags  Concepts of
 Format text, change different controls
background colour and insert used in Web Pages.
pictures in web page  Concepts of CSS and
 Design simple web page with applying CSS to
tables and lists. HTML.
 Introduction to
open source CMS

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

 Use marquees, hyperlinks viz, Joomla, Word

and mail to link in designing press etc. and Web
web pages authoring tools viz.
 Create frames, add style and Kompozer,
design layout. WordPress, Front
 Display a web page within a Page etc.
web page using iframes.
 Insert text, check and combo
box in web page.
 Design web page using
password field, submit button
 Reset button and radio
button etc.
 Design a web page adding
flash file, audio and video
 Design web page with forms
and form controls using HTML
114. Create simple static web
pages using CSS (21 Hrs )
 CSS syntax, Adding colors,
fonts, backgrounds, images
borders, text alignment, text
transformation, Lists etc.
 3 types of CSS
 Adding a Navigation
Bars(vertical/horizontal bars)
 CSS drop downs & Forms
 CSS counters and website
layout, Multiple backgrounds
& Putting the stylesheet in a
separate file
 CSS Animations & CSS
Professional Develop web pages JavaScript (173 Hrs) Introduction to
Skill - 173 using JavaScript. Embed JavaScript in HTML Pages JavaScript (35 Hrs)
Hrs; (127 Hrs)  Introduction to
(Mapped NOS: 115. Practicing the JavaScript in Programming and
Professional SSC/N0503, creating dynamic HTML pages. Scripting
Knowledge - SSC/N0501) (53 Hrs) Languages.
35 Hrs 116. Embed JavaScript in HTML to  Introduction to
Display Information in Web JavaScript and its
pages. (31 Hrs) application for the
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
117. Use error handling techniques  Introduction to
in JavaScript. (11 Hrs) Web Servers and
118. Use objects and classes in their features.
JavaScript. (31 Hrs)  JavaScript Basics –
119. Describe Animation and Data types,
Multimedia using JavaScript. Variables,
(1 Hr) Constants and
Create a dynamic website using an Conversion
open-source tool (40 Hrs) between data
120. Develop dynamic HTML pages types.
using JavaScript.  Arithmetic,
Deploy a simple web project (6 Hrs) Comparison, Logical
121. Deploy web project using IIS. Operators in
 Program Control
Statements and
loops in JavaScript.
 Arrays in JavaScript
– concepts, types
and usage.
 The String data type
in JavaScript.
Introduction to
String, Math and
 Introduction to
Functions in
 Built in JavaScript
functions overview.
 Concepts of Pop Up
boxes in JavaScript.
 Introduction to the
Document Object
 Concepts of using
Animation and
multimedia files in
Java Script.
Professional Create workbooks Data Visualization or analysis using Advanced Excel
Skill – 73 Hrs with advanced Excel – (73 Hrs) Concepts - Theory- (17
formulas, macros, Create advanced formulas and Hrs)
charts, pivot tables macros (24 Hrs)

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
Professional and demonstrate 122. Create and modify simple  MS excel revision
Knowledge - ability to use Power macros (6 Hrs) (row, columns,
17 Hrs. tools. (NOS: 123. Perform form controls and basic formatting,
SSC/N9402) create simple data entry form insert menu, Print
with macros. (6 Hrs) setup, etc. ) and
124. Look up data by using Look up
functions. (6 Hrs) introduction and
125. Use advanced date functions
functions.(6 Hrs)  Types of references
Manage advanced charts and tables and cell naming
(21 hrs)  Excel Linkage
126. Create and modify advanced Custom Format and
charts. (10 Hrs) Excel Protection
127. Create and modify  Tips and tricks
PivotTables. (11 Hrs)  Pivot table and
Use Power Query and Power BI (24 Pivot chart
Hrs)  Conditional
128. Create a Power Query, Power formatting
Query Function. Invoking the  Advanced Graphs
Power Query function and  Power Queries
combining queries. Organize
the workbook queries (12 Hrs)
129. Use Power BI for simple data
visualizations. (12 Hrs)
Make a dashboard in Excel (4 Hrs)
Professional Browse, select, and Browse e-Commerce sites to e-Commerce (10 Hrs)
Skill - 25hrs; transact using E- identify products & services (6.5  Introduction to E
commerce Hrs) Commerce and
Professional websites(NOS: 130. Demonstrate e-Commerce advantages.
Knowledge - SSC/N9403) sites. (1.5 Hrs)  Building business on
10 Hrs. 131. List features of e-commerce the net.
sites. (2 Hrs)  Payment and Order
132. Use e-commerce sites to Processing,
source an item. (3 Hrs) Authorization,
Shop online (4.5 Hrs) Chargeback and
133. Undertake transactions on an other payment
e-commerce site. (4.5 Hrs) methods.
Manage e-commerce operations  Security issues and
(14 Hrs) payment gateways.
134. Add products to an
ecommerce website. (4 Hrs)
135. Practice order processing. (3
136. Practice payment processing.
(4.5 Hrs)

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
137. Identify common security
issues. (3.5 Hrs )
Professional Secure information 138. Protect information, Cyber Security (10 Hrs)
Skill - 20 Hrs from Internet by computers and networks  Overview of
using cyber security from viruses, spyware and Information
Professional concept. (NOS: other malicious code (19 Hrs) Security, SSL,
Knowledge - SSC/N9404)  Explain Cyber security (2 Hrs) HTTPS, Security
10 Hrs.  Secure computers & the threats, information
network (5.5 Hrs) Security
 Reduce cyber security threats vulnerability and
(2 Hrs) Risk management.
 Secure a Wi-Fi Network (4  Introduction to
Hrs) Directory Services,
 Use Anti-Virus software (3 Access Control,
Hrs) Security, Privacy
 Perform back-ups of files, protection, Audit
data & information (2.5 Hrs) and Security.
139. Explain compliance with IT  Introduction to IT
Act (1 Hr) Act and penalties
 Identify steps for information for cybercrimes.
privacy. (0.5 Hrs)
 Identify common cybercrimes
and penalties applicable. (0.5
Professional Explain Cloud Cloud Computing (15 Hrs) Introduction to Cloud
Skill –25 Hrs; concepts &services Working with Cloud Services (12 Computing (12 Hrs)
and Describe Hrs)  Benefits of cloud
Professional Application 140. Practice with IaaS using free services, different
Knowledge Development Life cloud services. (4 Hrs) categories.
15 Hrs. Cycle. (NOS: 141. Practice with PaaS using free  Resources available
SSC/N9405) cloud services. (4 Hrs) in cloud.
142. Practice with SaaS using free Explain the Application
cloud services. (4 Hrs) Development Life Cycle
(3 Hrs)
Web hosting in Cloud (3 Hrs)  Identify Phases of
143. Host a website in a free cloud. the Application
(3 Hrs) Development Life
Develop an application and perform Cycle.
the Application Development Life  Describe Roles in
Cycle (10 Hrs) each of phases of
144. Identify Phases of the the Application
Application Development Life Development Life
Cycle. (5 Hrs) Cycle.
145. Describe Roles in each of the
phases of Application

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
Development Life Cycle. (5

To be selected either “Programming in Python” or “Programming in Java” as

Elective Module for COPA.

COPA - Elective Module – I Programming in Python

Professional Write programs Programming language (Python) Programming language
Skill - 70 Hrs; using Python Use Python from command line (7 (Python) (30 Hrs)
language. Hrs)  Introduction to
Professional ( NOS: SSC/N9406) 1. Install, set up the Python History
Knowledge - environment & run Python. (3  Features, Setting up
30 Hrs. Hrs) path Basic Syntax,
2. Use Command Line and IDE to Comments,
create and execute a python Variable
program. (4 Hrs)  Different Data
Perform Operations using Data Types
Types and Operators (15 Hrs)  Casting, string,
3. Write and test a python Boolean
program to demonstrate print  Python Operators
statement, comments,  Conditional
different types of variables. (5 Statements
Hrs)  Looping
4. Write and test a python  Control Statements,
program to perform data and String
data type operations, string Manipulation, Lists,
operations, date, input and Tuple, sets
output, output formatting and  Dictionaries
operators. (5 Hrs)
 Arrays
5. Determine the sequence of
 Iterators, modules,
execution based on operator
dates, math,
precedence. (5 Hrs)
 Modules, Input and
Control Flow with Decisions and
Loops (20hrs)
6. Construct and analyze code
segments that use branching
statements. (10 Hrs)
7. Construct and analyze code
segments that perform
iteration. (10 Hrs)
Document and Structure Code (18

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
8. Document code segments
using comments and
documentation strings. (3 Hrs)
9. Construct and analyze code
segments that include List
comprehensions, tuple, set
and Dictionary
comprehensions. (16 Hrs)

Perform Operations Using Modules

and Tools (10 Hrs)
10. Perform basic operations
using built-in modules. (5 Hrs)
11. Solve complex computing
problems by using built-in
modules. (5 Hrs)

COPA - Elective Module – II Programming in JAVA

Professional Writing programs Object Oriented Programming and Explain the following:
Skill - 70 Hrs; using JAVA. JAVA Language (15 Hrs) • Object Oriented
(SSC/N9407) 1. Installing JAVA. Programming with Core
2. Setting the Class path. Java
Professional 3. Writing and Executing a • Java Programming
Knowledge - simple JAVA Program to features
30 Hrs. display “Hello”. • JVM, Byte codes and
Class path
Demonstrate writing JAVA • Java Program
programs: Development
4. Use of various data types in • Compilation and
JAVA. Execution of JAVA
5. Use of various operators in programs
JAVA. • Basic JAVA language
6. Create and use of Local, elements – keywords,
Instance and Class variables. comments, data types
7. Read text from the keyboard and variables.
using scanner class read text • JAVA Arithmetic,
from the keyboard using Assignment,
console class. Relational, Logical,
Increment /

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

Decrement operators
and expressions.
• JAVA String Operators
• JAVA Input and Output
streams, System in,
System out.
• Input using Scanner
class and Console class
methods. (10Hrs.)
JAVA Program Flow Control (20 Explain the following:
Hrs) • Decision making and
Demonstrate writing JAVA flow control using
programs: if…then, if then else,
8. Use of the if and if … else nested if, switch case
statements. and the conditional
9. Use of the Switch statement. ternary operators in
10. Use of the Do … While and JAVA.
while – do loops. • Loop control flow using
11. Use of the For Loop. while – do, do – while
12. Use of the Break and loops, for loop, using
Continue Keywords. the break, continue
13. Use of the JAVA Numbers
Class methods. • Terminating the
JAVA program.
14. Use of the JAVA Character
• JAVA Number,
Class methods.
Character and String
15. Use of the JAVA String Class
16. Create and use of arrays. • Arrays in JAVA. (6Hrs.)

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

JAVA Classes, Overloading and Explain the following:

Inheritance (20 Hrs)
Demonstrate writing JAVA • JAVA Objects, Classes
programs: and Methods.
17. Create and use of simple • Passing data and
classes, objects and methods objects as parameters
in JAVA. to methods.
18. Pass data and Objects to • Method Overloading.
Methods. • Constructors and
19. Return data and Objects Overloaded constructors.
from Methods. • Inheritance in JAVA.
20. use of constructors in JAVA. • Method Overriding in
21. Create and use of JAVA. (8Hrs.)
Overloaded methods in
22. Override methods in JAVA.
23. Create and use of Super
class, Sub class in JAVA.
Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Explain the following:
JAVA (15 Hrs) • Concept of Virtual
Demonstrate writing JAVA methods.
programs: • Concept of Abstract
24. Create and use virtual classes and methods
methods. • Features of Abstract
25. Create abstract classes and Classes
methods. • JAVA Interfaces and
26. Create interfaces in JAVA. their advantages
27. Override methods in JAVA. • Method Overriding in
28. Create and implement an
• Polymorphism in JAVA
• Creating, implementing
29. Extend interfaces in JAVA.
and extending
30. Create and use a package in
• Creating and using
Packages in JAVA.

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

Troubleshooting Java issues

Download and Install Java, Check
and Verify Java Configurations, Test
Java, Remove Old Versions of
Java, Find Java version, Always
redirected to the
download page.

Industrial Visit/Project work

Broad Area:
a) Create and host a web site of at least 6 web pages using JavaScript & CSS containing
interactive objects, functions etc.
b) Create a project with Excel on Payroll Systems.
c) Create a database with MySQL on Library management system.
d) Create project in Python/Java programming language.

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant


Name of the Tools and
S No. Specification Quantity
A. Trainees Tools/ Equipment
1. Desktop Computer CPU: 32/64 Bit, 7th Generation or higher, i3 or 24 Nos.
latest processor, Speed: 3 GHz or Higher.
RAM: 8 GB or higher, 1TB HDD/SDD, Wi-Fi
Enabled. Network Card: Integrated Gigabit
Ethernet, with USB Mouse, USB Keyboard
and Monitor (as available in the market).
All in one PC
Licensed Operating System and Antivirus
compatible with trade related software.
2. Laptop 4th Gen Ci5 or higher Processor, 4GB RAM, 1TB 01 No.
Hard Disk, Win8/latest Preloaded Licensed OS,
2GB Graphics Card, DVD Writer, Standard
Ports and Connectors.
3. Wi–Fi Router With Wireless Connectivity 01 No.
4. Switch 24 Port 02 Nos.
5. Structured cabling in Lab To enable working with Wired Networks for As required
6. Internet Connectivity Broadband connection with min. 2 Mbps As required
speed/Optical Fiber
7. Registered Domain At least 100 MB Web Space As required
8. All in One printer A4 size 01 No.
9. Digital Web Cam High Resolution (3.1 Megapixel or higher) 04 Nos.
10. DLP Projector with 01 No.
Projector with
screen/Smart Interactive
Board/Smart TV
11. Online UPS 5 KVA 01 No.
12. Crimping Tool RJ-45 05 Nos.
13. Network Rack 4U for 24 ports 02 Nos.
14. Digital Multimeters 3.5-digit handheld type. 04 Nos.
15. Screwdriver Set Standard 04 Sets
16. Mini Dongle for Bluetooth USB 04 Nos.
devices Connection
17. Headphone &mic. set Wired 05 Nos.
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
18. Sound System 2:1 01 No.
19. External Hard Disk 1 TB 02 Nos.
20. Patch Panel 24 Port 02 Nos.
21. LAN Tester UTP cat5 cable tester (RJ 45) 05 Nos.
22. Punching Tool for punching RJ 45 socket with cat 5 cable 05 Nos.
B. Software
23. MS Office 2010 (Academic) or the latest version 25 Licenses
available at the time of procurement
24. Antivirus for – clients / As required 25 Licenses
workstations in profile
25. Open Office or equivalent Latest version Open-source
26. Python / Java JDK Latest Version Open-source
27. GIMP or equivalent Latest version Open-source
28. LINUX OS Latest version Open-source
29. E Commerce Simulation Latest version Open-source
Software software
30. Web Server HTTP Web server / XAMPP or any other Open-source
similar server software
31. MySQL Latest version Open-source
C. List Of Other Items/Furniture
32. Chair and table for the As required 01 each (for
instructor classroom &
33. Dual Desk or Chair and As required 12 / 24 Nos.
Tables for Trainees
34. Computer table/Work As required For 24
benches Computers
35. Operators chair As required 24 Nos.
36. Air conditioner As required As required
37. White Board As required 01 No.
38. Almirah As required 01 No.
39. Fire Extinguisher Arrange all proper NOCs and equipments from
Municipal/Competent authorities.


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