En 353 - 2
En 353 - 2
En 353 - 2
Abstract: -- This dissertation work shall focus on the unique response -Residual Stress - found upon turning the
workpiece using CNC turning center. The material chosen is EN353, which is used in Automobile applications like shafts
& gears, where the case of the part is expected to be hard while the core should stay soft to offer toughness during shock
loading. The research shall be performed upon identifying fundamental machining parameters that influences this
response. Statistical techniques shall be used to determine the optimal settings for the given parameters. The experiment
shall be performed at a suitable facility and the optimal results shall be validated through experimentation. The residual
stresses are being considered to be measured using `Hole Drilling Method’ or a suitable technique at the test lab. The
objective of the work shall be to optimize the parameters in order to realize reduced level of residual stress while
maintaining the rate of production for the given component.
Keywords- CNC turning, Speed, Feed, Depth of cut, Residual Stress, Optimization, Process parameters, Statistica
The use of coolant to increase tool life has been an issue parameters for the experimental work with three levels of
with different views. However, environmental and 4 parameters and 2 cutting environment conditions and
economic considerations of developed countries led to L18 orthogonal array was choosen.Result showed showed
implementation of dry machining. that nose radius has the greatest effect on surface
Today, there are two obvious trends in cutting tool roughness and is followed by feed, depth of cut, cutting
developments. Dry machining is desirable to avoid the speed and coolant condition in that order.
extra costs and environmental problems associated to
cutting fluids. High speed machining of hardened steel has R.Saravanan et.al.[3] explores the various
the potential of giving sufficiently high quality of the optimization procedure for solving the CNC turning
machined surface to make finishing operations such as problem to find the optimum operating parameters such as
grinding and polishing unnecessary. Both cases tend to cutting speed and feedrate.Objective is total production
intensify the heat generation along the tool surfaces, and time considering cutting force, power, tool–chip interface
consequently the tools must possess further improved, temperature and surface roughness of the product.
thermal and chemical stability. A general theory covering Conventional and non-conventional optimisation
all relevant properties and parameters involved in the techniques and procedure are used. Their results are
design and application of tribological coating composites compared. It is observed that a BSP is able to find the
is very far from being realized. Such a theory would have exact answer, but it is not flexible enough to include more
to treat the long chain of relations ranging from the coating variables and equations. The results obtained by SA are
deposition parameters to the tribological response of the comparable with the BSP and the flexibility of the method
coated components. needs further investigation. The Nelder Mead SA deviates
from the boundary search method by 1%–3%, but with
2. LITERATURE REVIEW simple modification it can be extended to other machining
problems by including one more variable. The Genetic
Algorithm(GA) method also deviates from boundary
The literature review focuses on study done on related
search method by 1%–3%, but by adopting a suitable
journal papers and articles. The literature covers the
coding system, it can be used to solve any type of
turning process related to input parameters and machining
machining optimisation problem such as milling,
parameters on output response parameters using
cylindrical grinding, surface grinding, etc.
optimization techniques.
temperature made the material ahead of tool soffer and Vaibhav Joshi et.al. [9] investigated to study the effect of
plastic.MRR improves as cutting speed and feed rate is machining parameters on tool wear and surface roughness
kept at higher level. for turning of VT-20 (titanium wrought alloy).Experiments
were carried as per L9 orthogonal array.Cutting
Sanjay Kajal et.al.[6] used design of experiments to study parameters were taken as speed,feed rate and depth of cut
the effect of turning parameters on surface roughnessof were taken as inputs and machining was done by CNMG
EN 351 steel.Mathematical predication model of the 120408 insert. speed is the most significant controlled
surface roughness had been developed in terms feed, parameter for the CNC turning operation followed by feed,
cutting speed, and depth of cut of single point cutting and depth of cut with minimization of tool wear and
tool.Results showed that speed increases Ra also increases surface roughness.Optimal combinations were found to be
but feed decreases Ra decreases. But in the case of depth A1 (Speed 250 m/min), B1 ( 0.5 mm) and C3 (Feed 0.25
of cut, it increases with increase in surface roughness mm/rev).
values.Optimized factor for minimizing surface roughness Errors between experimental and predicted values were
Ra is feed rate f1=0.1mm/rev, cutting found within a range of ±0.20.For optimal setting tool
speed,V3=225m/min, depth of cut d3=1.5mm. wear was found to be 0.0531 μm and Ra of 0.3157 μm.
Waleed Bin Rashid et.al. [7] provided the experimental Poornima et.al. [10] studied the effect of cutting
results on turning of AISI 4340 steel (69 HRC) using a parameters for CNC turning of martensitic stainless
carbide boron nitrate cutting tool. An orthogonal array was steel.Response surface methodology(RSM) and genetic
implemented using a set of judiciously chosen cutting algorithm(GA) were used for optimization. The surface
parameters. Subsequently, the longitudinal turning trials quality of the machined parts is the value of surface
were carried out in accordance with a well-designed full roughness or the waviness are mainly decided by the three
factorial based Taguchi matrix. The speculation indeed factors speed, feed and depth of cut beyond the levels
proved correct as a mirror finished optical quality influenced by the other factors. The results obtained from
machined surface (an average surface roughness value of RSM are R-Sq obtained was 99.9% which indicates that
45 nm) was achieved by the conventional cutting method selected parameters significantly affect the response. The
using a carbide boron nitrate(CBN) cutting tool. The best ranges obtained by using the genetic algorithm
design of experiment using Taguchi’s approach can be approach are cutting velocity (speed) -119.93 m/min,
used to evaluate the effect of control parameters for Feed-0.15 m/min and Depth of cut -0.5mm. Hence the
parameter optimization. Taguchi’s approach allows the Optimal surface roughness from GA is 0.74 microns.
study of the whole parameter space with a limited number
of experiments, as long as they were carried out in a Shunmugeshet.al.[11]investigated machining process in
planned orthogonal array. This methodology helps reduce turning of 11SMn30 using carbide tip insert under dry
the variability of the response variable and is therefore an conditions.Material selected was alloy of magnesium and
important tool for improving the productivity of the zinc. Experiment was carried out using three input
experiments. parameters namely cutting speed, feed rate and depth of
cut. The output parameters were surface roughness of Ra
Harish Kumar et.al. [8] performed effect of input and Rz value.The most dominant factor affecting the
parameters for improvement of quality of the product of surface roughness was feed rate. Optimum factors for
turning operation on CNC machine. Feed Rate, Spindle minimizing surface roughness Ra and Rz is feed rate
speed & depth of cut are taken as the input parameters and f1=0.1mm/rev, Cutting speed, V3=225m/min, Depth of
the dimensional tolerances as output parameter. L9 Array Cut d3=1.5mm. The optimum values for surface roughness
has been used in design of experiment. Taguchi approch Ra and Rz is found to be 1.854 μm and 12.899 μm
gives us the optimal parameters in the CNC turning respectively.
process using High Speed Steel cutting tools the optimum
set of speed, feed rate and depth of cut .The most affecting Krupal Pawar et.al [12] studied optimization of process
parameters having the impact of 59.9% is speed and it is parameters in CNC turning operation.This literature
most dominant factor. described dry optimization techniques and the literature