Hydraulics Cambio Latiguillos

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8/7/2019 Hydraulics

bring them in. Some tractor owners have gone to the expense of retrofitting tractors with North American hoses,
adapters. We can now provide replacement hoses for your tractor and loader.

Ordering hose by tractor make and model isn't possible. We need to know the hose size, the "eye" diameter of t
to eye). This is because over the years manufactures changed hosing. As an example, Pasquali steering valves
3/8" or 1/2" depending on the distribution block used. These are inch fittings in British Standard Parallel (BSPP)
throughout Europe and vary in size by application. We have seen identical tractors of the same era with differen
there was a standard we can go by. We also carry replacement banjo bolts, compression seals and adapters. M
nominal size. Measure hose length between the centers of the banjo fittings. Also note the orientation of the fittin
lay (do not twist or torment hose to fit, use full curves, ends should be crimped to optimum lay).

Always avoid sharp or hard bends, lack of adequate arc or poor layout due to using the wrong ends. Note above
conventional hoses avoids messy layouts. One of the beauties of the banjo fitting is that it allows for 360 degree
as there is some thought as to end orientation to each other, hoses can adjusted to optimum lays.

Some owners don't like working with banjo's, so we can provide you with JIC adapters and hoses. We personall
new design neo-alum seal rings, they are essentially leak proof. Almost every excavator in the world now uses b
dated or an inferior design.


If you are working on or trying to troubleshoot an older Pasquali hydraulic system please refer to the service ma
it's preferred to follow the 3pt lift valve with the loader valve to give priority to the power steering. If manual steer
on the inlet side of the 3pt valve. Regardless of installation, always keep low pressure circuits separate from hig
tied to each other. While many loader valves are installed first in sequence and work fine, it can cause the powe
when using the loader.


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