Etters: The Origins of Olmec Civilization
Etters: The Origins of Olmec Civilization
Etters: The Origins of Olmec Civilization
The Origins of across multilingual Mesoamerica. The serve as the backdrop for a series of 16
demise of the Shang Empire circa 1500 jadeite figurines arranged in a ritual scene.
Olmec Civilization B.C.E. coincides with the emergence of These celts were deposited in Complex A at
Olmec civilization. Rather than speculate in La Venta between 800 and 700 B.C.E. (6),
IN THEIR RESEARCH ARTICLE “OLMEC POTTERY a vacuum on the intangible character of long after the demise of the Shang empire.
production and export in ancient Mexico Olmec society, it would seem profitable to Xu translates the incisions on the Offering 4
determined through elemental analysis” compare the archaeological remains with celts based on Shang characters (2); these
(18 Feb., p. 1068), J. P. Blomster et al. report the detailed record of the impact of writing celts, however, were recarved from a larger
that “all nonlocally produced Olmec-style on the development of Chinese civilization. engraved celt or plaque, so that the incisions
gray pottery samples found outside the Gulf What do we have to lose? represent fragments of a larger original
Coast” and all Conejo Orange-on-White and BETTY J. MEGGERS scene and are not individual characters (6).
San Lorenzo White vessels were produced in National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Meggers is quite right to suggest that
San Lorenzo. This evidence, they argue, indi- Institution, Washington, DC 20560, USA. different possibilities for the rise of the Olmec
cates that “the San Lorenzo Olmec played a References should be considered, and as scholars we have
intelligible languages and resulted in documented by any of the archaeologists creationists/intelligent design adherents.
increased commercial interaction and currently working on the Gulf Coast. “You have a philosophic choice between
social intergration. The rapid diffusion of The most frequently cited example of evolution or belief in ID, so called intelligent
Olmec iconography and associated cultural “Shang influence” comes from the incised design. But even a first-year engineering
elaboration suggests it had the same impact celts found in La Venta Offering 4, which student would be embarrassed to have
Department of Geosciences, University of top” (4 Mar., p. 1415) by R. A. Mashelkar is
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA. remarkable not for what it says, but for the
issues it sidesteps. The Essay appeared just
laws protect the
Issues in Indian before the Indian Parliament debated the interests of the poor.”
Patents Bill, which will no longer allow the
Science production of generic drugs for use by peo- –MASHELKAR
ple in India and around the world. Pressure
I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY WITH R. A. from international and domestic pharma- I did not go through a formal interview.
Mashelkar’s contention that India will ceutical companies has produced legislation Unfortunately, what Nayudamma could do
emerge as a very strong R&D force on the that, if passed, will create a situation where for Mashelkar is something that Mashelkar
world stage in a few decades (“India’s sick people will end up paying much more has not been able to do for another Mashelkar
R&D: reaching for the top,” Essay, 4 Mar., than they now do for desperately needed in recent times. There is certain amount of
p. 1415). The process of scientific repatri- medicines. Glorifying the pharmaceutical opacity that has crept into the system, which
ation to India could be made more effective industry and its enormous potential and is unfortunate, and the case that Sinha makes
if there is a concomitant restructuring in reach while ignoring the ramifications of the about transparency is perfectly valid.
scientific establishments His concern about the first authorship of
and institutions in India The scientific community in publications is a valid ethical issue; one
with regard to the selection
of personnel and recogni-
tion of professional excel-
lence. In most cases, the
selection policy is not
transparent and dynamic
enough and leaves room
“ India has been serving the
needs of the… middle class.”
cannot defend those cases in which such
ethical norms are flouted. The Society for
Scientific Values in India does take up cases
of blatant violations. On the whole, I agree
that we need to do better.
Byravan is critical of the fact that India
has changed its patent laws to meet its inter-
for favors to be bestowed on less deserving Patent Bill is either disingenuous or, at the national obligations. The current Indian laws
candidates. The case of Nobel Laureate very least, implies that Mashelkar is wearing protect the interests of the poor. Our provi-
Hargobind Khorana is a grim reminder of dangerous blinders. sions include compulsory licenses as well as
such a systemic failure to retain and nourish The scientific community in India has measures to avoid “ever greening,” which is
world-class talent. Khorana returned to been serving the needs of the roughly 3 mil- a tactic often used to extend the life of the
India in 1950 after doctoral studies at the lion middle class. However, 450 million patent by filing new patent claims, which
University of Liverpool and a brief research Indians earn less than $1 a day. Rising show only marginal improvements of no
stint at the Eidgenössische Technische above one’s impoverished background, as significant consequence. In fact, there are
Hochschule in Zurich, Switzerland (1). He Mashelkar has done, is commendable, but special provisions in the law to ensure that
applied for several jobs in India, but owing science in India is not serving its poorest poor countries who do not have manufac-
to the lack of any interest in his applications members. Surely, it is ironic that the country turing capacity will be able to benefit from
and research proposals, he decided to take whose cost of intellectual capital is one of the the supply of affordable drugs by Indian
up a job as postdoctoral researcher in lowest in the world will end up producing companies under special circumstances.