Media and Information Literacy (Reviewer 2)
Media and Information Literacy (Reviewer 2)
Media and Information Literacy (Reviewer 2)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________Score:________________
Strand Gr & Sec: ____________________________________________________________Date: ________________
Directions: Match each of the items in column A to the appropriate item in column B.
________1. People who are well-oriented regarding the use of media a. conventions
and production of messages.
________2. These are the used of language style and textual layout. b. people as media
________3. These are the technical know-how in using equipments c. technical codes
in telling stories
d. crowdsourcing
________4. These are systems of signs that create meanings.
________5. These are generally accepted ideas in doing something e. written codes
________6. Objects, colors, shapes used to show what is beneath
f. symbolic codes
the surface and add meaning to what we see.
________7. A nonfiction writing with the purpose of giving information. g. people in media
________8. They are the people without proper training in journalism h. codes
but are able to use the tool to creat messages.
i. Text information and
________9. The practice of obtaining additional ideas and services media
through the prosces of soliciting contributions of a larger
group of people. j. social journalism
________10. Media practitioners that provide information coming from
their expertise. k. citizen journalism
A. Directions: Write PAS if the item is people as media and PIN if it is people in media.
______11. Student Journalist ______12. Government Official
______13. MIL Teacher ______14. TV Broadcaster
______15. Layout Artist ______16. Novel Writer
______17. Columnist ______18. Organization Leader
______19. Professional Vlogger ______20. Online News Writer
B. Directions: Tell whether the following is format or source of Text and Information Media. Write F for
format and S for source.
______21. Brochure ______22. Documentaries
______23. Instruction Manual ______24. News article
______25. Newspaper ______26. Poster
______27. History Books ______28. Textbooks
______29. Magazines ______30. Biography
C. Directions: Put a check mark if the statement shows advantage of Code and Conventions, TIAM,
People Media. Cross it out if it gives disadvantage.
______31. Written codes can be very attractive and may capture audience’s interest.
______32. Conventions may help a movie to appear very cliché and less interesting for the viewers.
______33. Symbols if are used incorrectly without understanding the culture of the viewers may lead to
wrong interpretations.
______34. Use of conventions helps the producers of the film to easily give their message.
Text and Information Media
______35. Written text can be less expressive and less encouraging for viewers.
______36. Text requires effortful comprehension from among its viewers.
______37. Text and information media is ubiquitous.
______38. TIAM provides a lasting record.
People Media
______39. Ordinary people may take their chance to inform public regarding some issues in which
they are not so knowledgeable.
______40. Information may be manipulated by media practitioner in purpose.
______41. Wrong interpretation on some information is easily disseminated through social networking.
______42. Information and/or messages become readily available to public at all times.
D. Directions: Write A if the most appropriate font style to be used in each item below is Serif B if Sans
Serif C if Script and D if Decorative.
E. Directions: Study each picture below and tell whether the following shows or practices activities of
the following:
F. Directions: Choose the statement that will BEST answer the following questions? Select your answer
from the options below.
A. It is more appealing to the emotions and may create dramatic effect on the part of the viewers.
B. It has a larger font size and usually bold and thus is easier to be seen.
C. It is more preferred by the writers and editors.
D. It has encouraging appearance and impact to the target and interested readers/audience.
E. It makes imaginary lines that help readers to focus on the lines of the text and avoid their eyes to
skip some lines unintentionally.
F. It is the convention followed and practiced by most of the publishers and writers.
_______57. Why does slab serif font style mostly used in billboards?
_______58. Why do most publishers before prefer to use serif font style in writing textbooks?
_______59. Why is script font style being used in social notes?
_______60. Why is decorative font style being preferred by layout artist in designing front cover of
children’s books and teenagers’ novels?
Answer Key
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