The Book of Blessings and Rituals - Athena Perrakis PDF
The Book of Blessings and Rituals - Athena Perrakis PDF
The Book of Blessings and Rituals - Athena Perrakis PDF
3 March 6 June
The Month The Month
of Emerging Life 32 of Balance, Cycles,
Spring Equinox (Ostara) 34 and Celebrations 62
Blessing and Invocation Handfasting Ceremony 64
I did not set out to write a book of hemisphere. But brothers and sisters of •
blessings and rituals, which in many ways the southern hemisphere, simply follow
is what makes it so profound. These are it in alignment with your cycles and you
not esoteric teachings sans applicability will find resonance and power within to
or relevance; these are uttered blessings support you.
and projects that have guided me and
my students toward transformation and Energy work is real, and all energy is •
healing. Now, they belong to you. composed of both light and shadow
aspects. Although certain basic
This book is a doorway to your own ceremonial protocols are woven into
magic. Enter with caution, gratitude, each project and ritual included here,
and excitement. May the threshold you you should always take the following H
are about to cross be a blessed one, my precautions before any sacred practice: to
friend, and may you always remember the re
power of words. Choose them well and say • Smudge with cleansing herbs such as th
them with strength. In that way, you will white sage, sacred trees such as palo m
find your wisest voice and your deepest santo, or resins such as copal and myrrh. d
authentic truth, and on that same path you • Open a sacred circle by taking a m
will bring honor and healing to your line. selenite or other wand and opening a o
circle in the air, clockwise, asking that
Please note that this book is written in only energies in service to the Highest
alignment with the cycles of the northern Good be allowed to enter therein.
of the Four Directions to attend and wanes with the moon, and is thus
your workings. Anchoring the four strongest at the full moon; do not move
directions helps you create a tight or clear your altars within forty-eight
container for your work, in which the hours of a full moon or during an eclipse,
energy you raise will be stronger and if possible. Keep your altar free of dust;
more likely to yield a good outcome. sacred space is worthy of your attention.
Then, after any sacred practice: Take care to honor important protocol
in your practice. Not only will you be
• Release the Guardians of the Four safer doing so, but also your magical
Directions with gratitude, thanking work will be more efficacious. Consider
them for their presence and wisdom. the guidance here a series of general
• Release your sacred circle by turning directions, however, and if your practice
your wand counterclockwise in a circle guides you differently, trust what feels
(either in the air or on the ground in right and accurate.
front of you), giving thanks to the
energies present for your work and In preparation for our work together,
releasing them with gratitude. a prayer:
• Smudge and ground your own energy.
Almandine garnet, when held in each Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, Father God,
hand, is an excellent anchoring crystal Mother Goddess, Source, Creator, please
after a ceremony. activate the words on these pages so they
embody the medicine and magic needed
How long you work with an altar is up in the moment and reveal what must be
to you. If you feel called to keep it as a known to the one who reads them. Let it be
reminder and space for meditation, honor understood that it is the spirit of the reader,
that instinct. Clean your altar at the new his or her unique essence, that brings my
moon, recharging it with intention if you words to life. May the one who reads these
h. desire. Take altars down, also at the new words be blessed in all ways, always.
moon, by removing items in the opposite
order in which they were originally Amen, A’ho, and On we go
January a
The pressure has been building since Samhain, co
since the fall equinox even. You have wanted to ex
envision, imagine, and create since harvest season, th
but you have also honored the call to rest, the to
invitation to slumber that is the winter season in
the northern hemisphere. Now you are in the thick at
of your dormancy, yet the fire within you still h
Book of Blessings | Chapter heading spot illoʼs | Andrea Henning Art | 01.30.19
a dual blessing and challenge. When you beginning of this new calendar year,
released the fruits from your vines last present to both its possibilities and its
September, you were rich with inspiration challenges. Imagine yourself celebrating
and gratitude. But now as you gaze across twelve months from now the desires,
the vista of life, it is a darker and more successes, and experiences you most seek.
barren place you see. In winter, hope must What do you need to allow, surrender,
come from within. Relying on others, or invite right now to achieve your goals
expecting outside reward or motivation, for the rest of the year? Ask your spirit
is risky now. Everything you will build in guides, higher self, and all light beings to
n, the year ahead already resides within you surround you, support you, and sustain
today. Now is the time to create, but in a you. May you receive all that you long for,
passive way—for example, visualizing and in perfect time and full alignment with
setting intentions. Intentions are best set your intended path.
k at the new year and the new moon, so you
have multiple opportunities this month. Y a’ho
The original Sage Goddess ancient voices speaking in familiar
invocation to the Guardians tongues.
of the Four Directions To the chilly blast of winter’s breath,
, to the hurricanes that destroy so we
Between day and night, we gather can re-create,
and seek and to the currents that support the
the wisdom of the elders, the ancients, wings of the seagull.
the guides, To the winds of my dreams, carrying my
the ancestors, and humbly in their hopes for tomorrow,
presence, we seek the knowledge we and to the storms of my heart, violent
are ready to integrate. and tempestuous.
For this is the hour of magic, To desert gusts, where lightning strikes
and now is the moment of possibility. and thunder rumbles.
Gatekeepers of the Four Directions, Be here with us tonight, element
thank you for turning your gaze of air, and let the power of your
toward us this evening. gentle force fill our lungs, open
We honor your sacred presence our minds,
and thank you for your guidance. and lift our spirits.
For you are welcome here. I call to the guardians and gatekeepers
I call first to the guardians and of the South,
gatekeepers of the East, and to you, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
and to you, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. I call to Fire,
I call to Air, to the dry heat of the desert
to the white clouds wandering across a that burns under a flaming orange sun.
pale blue-violet sky To the courage of the lion whose red
and to the air that lifts them. mane dances in golden majesty about
To the breeze that blows across his face,
my face, and to the energy that burns within me
to warm summer currents that bring and within you.
scents of sea and sand. To the sparkles of fairy magic
To the whispers of dawn, and the golden glow of citrine stones.
and to vistas far and wide, landscapes to each other,
green and brown, to all forms of life.
arid and tropic beauty. May the delicate and precious
Be here with us tonight, element balance of these four elements
of earth, and let the power of make itself known to you, now
your grounding force call us into and always.
present time,
reminding us of the gift of Amen, A’ho, So it is
A calling for support from the and the grandmothers who encourage
four directions to guide your my trust.
journey in the year ahead I receive strength from the South,
and elements of courage to empower me.
As you read these words aloud, imagine I receive inspiration from the East,
energy gathering from all directions, and fuel for the long journeys ahead.
bringing with it resources you need to I receive wisdom from my Creator,
support you on your path this year. Know the essence of all life, and I allow that
that you are always guided, seen, held, knowing to flow
and nurtured by forces near and far. and move freely through me.
I root deeply into Pachamama,
I set my vision for this new year, trusting that she can hold me steady
focusing my will and intention on the during the storms of life.
dreams within my heart. And I connect powerfully with Source,
I open my mind and spirit attuning to universal frequencies of love.
to receive and allow energies to flow As above, so below.
that will co-create my intention in full As within, so without.
alignment with my Highest Good and I welcome universal support from
the Highest Good of all beings. all directions,
I receive support from the North, and give thanks for spirit guidance.
and the elder spirits who bring me wisdom.
I receive flow from the West, Amen, Aho, So it is
Chakra “I
power, and I have learned that wherever I am
stronger and more energized every day. is home.
“I am the author of my life, writing the “I take up my space with pride and
words of the sacred texts of my unapologetic wisdom.
existence in flowing inks of love and I have enough. I am enough. I know
gratitude.” enough.”
As I repeat this mantra, I activate the As I repeat this mantra, I activate the
Solar Plexus chakra, Root chakra
and I forgive the past, for my power is in for stability, protection, and safety.
this moment only. At the Earth Star, I am anchored in Gaia’s
At the Sacral, I am a fountain of crystalline matrix, and I gather my
creative potential, strength from the stone people.
and desire flows to and from me in all “I receive wisdom and energy from the
directions. crystals around me,
“I create life, I deliver life, I am and through them, I attune to the cosmic
life itself. frequency of truth.”
I glow from within, a reflection of the As I repeat this mantra, I activate the
Divine.” Earth Star chakra,
As I repeat this mantra, I activate the and in doing so I align my energy to the
Sacral chakra energy of all life.
for passion, creativity, and physical
connection. Amen, A’ho, So it is
your heart expand with gratitude toward deity corresponds. Items that represent
them. Clear your space with the smoke of the heartspace and love can be placed in
white sage, palo santo, or copal. Lay your the center of your altar as well; I like to
altar cloth across your table or space. Be use an amethyst or a quartz heart for this
attentive to the details and the process purpose. Power crystals should be in the T
here: Straighten edges, wipe off any center as well, so they can draw power a
leftover ash, and bring attention to your from the four directions. Wands can also P
breath so you stay mindful. be placed at the center of your altar, or to
the east. B
I like to work clockwise in magic, se
from east to north, so I begin with the Once you feel satisfied with the order, an
placement of my easternmost items: balance, and beauty of your altar, smudge w
feather and smudging herbs. Then, one more time, bringing the smoke of the u
I place my candles and lighter in herbs and resins up, over, and through all li
the south. In the west I organize my the items. Then, bow your head and bring u
divination tools, which align to the your hands to prayer position at your Y
element of water, flowers, and herbs. In heart, giving thanks for the gathering of it
the north I place my journal and crystals, magic before you. May it serve you well. b
which represent the stone people. If you
have a deity statue, you can place it in Amen, A’ho, So it is S
3D Crystalline Vision Board
must begin with an intention. Remember channeling, if you desire. And then clear
that the ethics of intention setting require off your board. Look over your clippings
two considerations: First, your intention and chip stones or crystals, clustering
must be for you alone. We do not ethically them if you feel called by a theme or
work magic for others, even if our color and gluing them in place. Turn on
intention is to help. Second, your intention some music that inspires you and let the
must be in alignment with the Highest magic unfold.
Good, not only yours but the collective.
Causing harm to others, intentionally or Smudge a little just because it feels good to
unintentionally, is not your right. do sacred work in a clear energetic space.
Enjoy the process—don’t place rules or
Set an intention for yourself and what you restrictions on what you put together.
wish to enjoy or experience. Ask that you Trust that a higher power is guiding your
be able to enjoy this arrival freely, without hand. Sing or laugh a little. Watch with
encumbrance or fear. Allow yourself to wonder as a message emerges. When your
step into this vision for a moment in your vision board feels complete, smudge it,
mind. How does it feel to create or receive bless it, and hang it where you can see
what you desire? Fill your heart and mind it. I like to blow my breath of life across
with the energy of that juicy connection my vision board each day, affirming my
to your dreams. commitment. May yours bring what you
seek in perfect time and remind you that
Come up with one phrase or sentence magic is real.
that captures the essence of what you wish
to envision into reality. Say it out loud. Amen, A’ho, So it is
And then, light your candle. Anoint with
February an
In February, winter’s chill loosens its grasp on the th
land. We arrive at the midway point between winter p
and spring in the northern hemisphere, a time to to
celebrate. Much of nature is pregnant with life, which A
is reflected by the holiday Imbolc, February 1. Imbolc
means “in the belly,” and you are invited to think
about what is gestating inside of you. Are you kindling
your inner fire? Love has brought us through the
cycle of conception. Now, the waiting begins. It isn’t
yet time to burst forth into the world with all your
dreams fully materialized. Prepare as much as you
can for what is coming. Turn your gaze inward, and
stay there.
Book of Blessings | Chapter heading spot illoʼs | Andrea Henning Art | 01.30.19
and universal love are easily accessible. are the same. We must know both love
Invite them in by gently bringing your and its opposites to understand it. On a
attention to your breath, speaking your practical level, you will experience hate,
full birth name out loud, and then asking disgust, and sorrow while you welcome
self- and universal love energies to come love. That is law.
into your heart. Imagine your heart
opening wide to receive them. Welcome And is why one must be vulnerable in
these energies and thank them for their love; it is the only way to really feel
presence. The blessing, invocations, it. You might get terribly hurt along the
and project in this chapter are designed way. But you might also get terribly loved.
to attract general love energies to you. May you feel and embody both love and
Are you ready to serve as a channel and its opposite with grace, now and always.
conduit of love? By choosing yes, you also
welcome the inverse of love. Everything Y a’ho
A calling to summon Please, Great Spirit, bring this
the Twin Flame love to me,
so that I might spend all my days
I call to the winds of the four directions, in the sacred embrace
and draw them toward me. of the one who knows me from within
I ask you, Great Spirit, to guide true and and without,
immortal love from above
toward my heart and home. and below.
I seek the love of my lifetime, Let me be still and be loved
and I know that because I seek it, by the one who sees me
it is also seeking me, and whom I see
for no desire is placed upon the human with tender clarity.
heart in vain. I summon this love and, once found,
The love I seek, I vow to cherish it until my last breath.
a partnership that nourishes me, For the Highest Good of all,
sustains me, honors and supports me so it shall be.
is the love they call “I feel the life force flowing
the Anam Cara, the soul’s mirror, through me,
The Twin Flame: and I am a healthy open channel for it
A beloved I shall recognize from lifetimes to manifest
of connection, in human form.”
remembering him or her across seas of
longing and belonging. Amen, A’ho, So it is
To attract new love into • White sage or palo santo to cleanse
your life and clear your space
• Selenite or quartz wand to open
The items you gather for this project are sacred space
all sacred to both Venus and Aphrodite, • Dried hibiscus leaves
the Roman and Greek goddesses of love, • Patchouli essential oil or dried herbs
respectively. Ideally, gather the items on • Rose petals
Friday (Venus day), or create the medicine • Dried rosemary
bag on a Friday, or do both on Friday. • Balm of Gilead bud
• Dried damiana herb
Center yourself and call your energy into • Rose quartz
present time by speaking your full birth • Magnetite or magnesite
name out loud three times. Take a deep • Small bowl
breath, enjoying the delicious inhale fully; • Rose essential oil
on the exhale, release all inhibitions you • Rose geranium essential oil
may be holding toward love. Let go of • Small magnet
fear, feelings of unworthiness, or anger • A strand of your hair as an object
about past wounds. You are setting the link (optional)
stage for a new love to reach you. Focus • Almandine garnet, jet, hematite, or
on him, focus on her. Focus on what is onyx to ground your energy upon
becoming, not what has been. The magic closing your space
you work will be more potent, energized, • Small organza bag in either pink,
and durable. burgundy, or green
you feel called to by your spirit guides. bag, infusing each ingredient with
As you gather each item, gaze up to Father your unique energetic codes and
Sky and give thanks to Source for the frequencies. This medicine will only
blessing of its growth, its presence, and be as powerful as the intention you
its wisdom. Once you have arranged your set while creating it. Stay there: Don’t
items, smudge them. doubt for a moment how powerful
this work is, and how powerful you
Open your sacred space (see page 6). are as the magician. Allow this to be
Mix your herbs together with your a moment whereby you simultaneously
hands, gently massaging and crushing create magic and reify your own
them to release their oils and fragrance, personal commitment to your life
then combine the herbs with the crystals path and force.
in a small bowl. Feel the textural
juxtaposition between herb and stone, May it be so. For it is done.
enjoying the earth-based alchemies they
hold and represent. Once the mixture Place this Love Draw Medicine Bag upon
is combined to your satisfaction and your primary altar if you only have one,
complete pleasure, pour a few drops of or on your love altar. Give thanks to
each essential oil over it. Allow yourself your spirit guides and ancestors, release
to fully delight in the union. them, and prepare for love to come in
perfect time.
Place everything into the organza bag
and take a deep breath. Blow your Amen, A’ho, So it is
March T
There is something different about the months li
when we change season; they are periods of b
transformation. In March, all of nature is heavy T
with seeds and pregnancy. It’s as if every tree is an
about to burst into bloom, and every expecting
mother is on the edge of delivery. There is an aura k
of welcome anticipation to March. You just know cl
warmer, happier days of hope and laughter are
ahead once you get past the labor, the birth,
the release.
Book of Blessings | Chapter heading spot illoʼs | Andrea Henning Art | 01.30.19
That is the lesson of childbirth. But there you never know which of them will bear
is beauty in the struggle. Can you see the the ripest fruit.
sacred in the situations of your life? March
is an invitation to find balance in your The quality of balance you strike in
life, as it anchors the spring equinox in March will dictate the strength you have
the northern hemisphere. Where in your in summer to support your own growth.
life do you need to seek and discover What you do this month really counts.
balance? Are you aware of your light and Be mindful about your words and your
shadow, and do you honor them equally? time. Try to create a better 50/50 split
This month, energy streams of integration between work and play, knowing and
and preparation are activated. Now you trusting that often “play” is devised by
are called to take the wisdom of your spirit to inspire and enhance your work.
winter slumber and turn it into active Good ideas don’t come under duress.
knowing. Your spirit guides are leaning Create space for beauty.
closer to you now. Will you listen to them?
Nurture all these seeds of wisdom and Y A’ho
A calling to summon fertility as I become the Mother
and Divine Feminine beauty and create a container of beauty
for a new soul to incarnate.
I feel the call, Teach me, divine mothers,
life seeking to be born through me, how to become a profound vessel
and I feel the connection to Gaia, of sacred and divine fertility.
to the essence of the Mother Bless the seeds within me as they
that abides in all forms of creation. take root
and thrive, bringing new forms of life
I celebrate fertility of all kinds, and creative possibility into being.
and the potential to create, All life flows through me,
honoring my existence as a sexual being and within me,
capable of giving and sustaining life. all life is nourished.
I call upon Gaia, Mary, and Quan Yin
to heal, bless, and support me Amen, A’ho, So it is
giving thanks for their energy and what imagining your future into being. If
they offer to your space and to you. Clear it feels right to you, recite the Ostara
the space energetically, burning white Blessing and Invocation in this chapter
sage or copal and waving the smoke of aloud. Then, extinguish your candle, T
the herbs around you, your space, and all and with a heart full of gratitude, release o
your tools. Then, with your wand or right the Guardians of the Four Directions
hand, open your circle of energy to create from your circle, in the opposite order G
a powerful container for your ritual. Invite in which you invited them. o
and welcome the Guardians of the Four ra
Directions (see page 7). Clear the surface Wave your wand counterclockwise to
upon which you will place your Ostara release the circle of energy, imagining it G
offerings, laying down an altar covering scattering like tiny stars of beauty and •
if you want to. Then fill your vase with possibility out into the matrix where
fresh water and flowers to represent your each one of your visions will anchor, root, •
intention for emotional rebirth, placing a and begin to grow. Keep saying thank you.
crystal inside to represent your intention Thank you, thank you, thank you. •
for growth.
With your feet firmly on the floor, send
Light your candle, which represents your any residual energy down into Gaia’s belly,
intention for strength and courage, and where it can be transmuted into usable
anoint with your sacred oils to represent white light. •
your intention to manifest beauty in the
world. Take three deep cleansing breaths, May your growth, your rebirth, and your
envisioning your growth, rebirth, and expansion be blessed.
expansion. How will you grow this season, •
what will be born or reborn through you, Amen, A’ho, So it is
and how will you expand your essence
To honor the dualities Think of grids as compasses, anchoring
of equinox the energies of the four cardinal
directions: north for wisdom; east for
Grids are energy vortexes; they are places new beginnings and new life; south
of power and magic. Are you ready to for courage and strength; and west
raise energy for your dreams? for emotional balance, healing,
detoxification, and grief. You can make
Gather: a simple grid using a generator in the
• Palo santo, copal, or white sage center and four crystals at the quadrants;
for smudging or you can “cut the quadrants” into
, • A quartz generator, obelisk, quarters, making cross-quarters, and
u. or pyramid expand the energy, increasing the number
• Gemstones aligned to balance: of crystals to eight, and then sixteen, and
lepidolite, sodalite, blue kyanite, then thirty-two. Each time you expand
fluorite, sapphire, turquoise, larimar, the circle by multiples of four, you radiate
y, chrysoprase, and blue opal are a higher frequency.
good options
• Herbs or flowers of balance and Begin by smudging the crystals.
equalization (optional): lotus root, Place your generator in the center of
hydrangea, rosemary, and thyme are your grid, visualizing a beam of white
good options divine light flowing from beneath it,
• Double-terminated quartz point through it, and out toward the heavens.
Then working clockwise, place stones
around your generator. If you have four
stones, place one at each of the cardinal
directions. If you have eight, you can
place two at each direction or one at
each direction and each cross-quarter
direction (e.g., NE, NW, SE, SW).
stones, you can cross the quarters again around the grid. Once you return to the
into eighths, making a mandala design, or center generator, stop, close your eyes, and
you can extend the limbs of a basic four- declare that the energetic field of the grid
directional or eight-directional grid. Base is open. In doing so, you allow the flow of
your decision on the aesthetics of your energies to begin.
grid or on the energy. Including more
stones in fewer directions will empower If and when you decide to close the
the energy streams more directly. Add energy of this grid, open your
herbs or flowers as desired. circle, remove and bless items in a
counterclockwise direction, and smudge
Once your grid feels complete, charge it and thank each item for its service.
with a double-terminated quartz point. This is best done at a new moon or
Touch one end of your point to the during a waning moon phase.
generator in the center of your grid, and
then touch the easternmost crystal in Great Spirit, we thank you for blessing
the center of your grid. Focus your our sacred work and honoring our need
energy and attention on your intention for balance at this time.
for building this grid, which is balance.
Moving clockwise, touch the center Amen, A’ho, So it is
generator and then each crystal in the
April o
When you open your door in April, a full symphony fu
of nature’s music awaits you. Birds are singing their ar
songs of hope and freedom, while winds whisper
through trees full of tender green leaves. The fullest T
display of nature’s beauty awaits you, of course; the
most heavily scented of her flowers have yet to spread
their petals. Your heart flutters with optimism when
you see life emerging and flourishing. Much that
seemed to wither last winter has come back to life
in new and surprising ways, reminding you not to
discount the healing powers of rest and surrender.
Warmer days are luring you outside. Heed that
invitation; sink your feet into grass and feel your
worries melt and flow down into Gaia’s thick roots
away from you, leaving you lighter and happier.
Whatever you have carried over from winter, make
one final release here and now.
of healing. April is the triumph of light you will finally access that healing you
over darkness, and it represents your have waited on. Healing is an outcome
own ability to persevere through intense of love. And the most important person
challenges. Think about it: You have who needs to love you is you. Use the
survived them all! You are a warrior, a invocations and blessing in this chapter
survivor, and a teacher. You are a creator, to call in the healing you seek on physical,
a builder, and a steward. Honor the emotional, and spiritual levels. Living
fullness of the expression of life that you a well life is your birthright. Now is the
are. How many people have you helped time, and you are ready. Once you engage
along this path? your faith, nothing is impossible.
To remove energetic I call on Archangel Michael
bonds of addiction and Archangel Raphael to heal energies
of addiction.
In my frailty, I have become reliant Great Spirit, please relay your divine
on sources of energy guidance
beyond my own so that I may know purity of mind, body,
and I seek now to heal and transform, and spirit,
free of the bonds of addiction free from all negative bonds.
and pain. I no longer give power to those bonds,
I surrender my pain and all my fear for they do not serve my Highest Good.
to Source, I call back my power
so I may be held, and healed. and choose only what is healthy and right
I recognize my humanity, for me.
my imperfections, and my flaws. I am here, I will survive, and
And although I face challenges, I will rise above any circumstances
I love and accept myself, as I am in that deter me from my soul’s true path.
this moment. I claim my wholeness and my wellness.
Nothing to change, nothing to fix. I claim my alignment, my place,
Great Spirit, I ask you to aid me in and my connection with God.
releasing my bonds.
I ask for your benevolent compassion. Amen, A’ho, So it is
To bring health to your family Green is the color of healing, so place your
altar in a green room or use a green cover.
First consider what kind(s) of healing you According to principles of feng shui, the
seek to manifest: physical, emotional, ideal location for a healing altar within
spiritual, or karmic? Self-healing or your home or sacred space is in the center,
healing for others? For family members though a family healing altar belongs in
or clients? Gemstone choices may change the east.
depending on your decision.
Consider the elements as you begin to
Gather: organize them. Then, smudge each item.
• Smudging herbs for healing (such as (I also recommend smudging your entire
palo santo or white sage) home or sacred space before setting up
• A crystal generator aligned to healing this altar.) You might say, “With this
(hematoid quartz, clear quartz, smoky smoke I clear any energies in this space
quartz, or aventurine) that are not in service to my Highest Good
• 4, 8, 12, or 16 natural or tumbled or the Highest Good of those I love, and
healing crystals aligned to healing need those who reside here. I call in universal
(you can choose crystals for relevant White Light of love and truth to replace
chakras or health concerns) any energies I remove today. Amen, A’ho,
• A healing wand made of prehnite, So it is.”
aventurine, Tibetan quartz, or
danburite (optional) Place your crystal generator in the center
• A feather or smudging fan (optional) of your altar, and surround it with any of
• Healing oils and herbs (e.g., rosemary, the other crystal healing stones to form a
eucalyptus, sage, thyme, basil, and aloe) mandala. Add one stone at each direction:
• A glass or chalice of fresh water north, south, east, and west. Or use eight
(optional) or sixteen stones, cutting the quarters into
• A statue of a healing deity or symbol cross-quarters, expanding the circle of
(Quan Yin or the shamanic Healing your mandala.
Hand, for example, optional) continued
• A green healing candle
in the east with your wand, smudging of your altar, and give thanks to the
fan, feather, or any other air-element southern guardians.
offerings. Give thanks to the eastern
guardians for their support. Next, add Smudge one more time. Bow your
any healing oils to the western corner head and bring your hands to prayer
of your altar, representing water. You position over your heart. Give thanks
can also use a glass of water to represent for the wisdom and inspiration that led
health and hydration. Give thanks to the to your altar’s creation. May you enjoy
western guardians. If you have a healing perfect health in your home or sacred
statue of a deity, place that in the center space, always.
or in the north to represent wisdom.
Give thanks to the northern guardians. Amen, A’ho, So it is
To raise energy for beauty, and through the act of meditating upon
wellness, and ease the energy they hold.
May h
The number of fingers on each hand, the number m
of points on a star. The number of leaves on the sm
cinquefoil plant, which attracts prosperity. Five is se
a number of completion and wealth. And in the
fifth month of the year, there is a palpable energy
of abundance. Work with this energy to enhance
flow of financial resources ahead of the growth and
harvest seasons to come.
how big it is, how another river might for wealth of all things for all beings
compare to it, or whether it is entitled to at all times. When I open a portal for
flow freely, expansively, and powerfully prosperity, that energy becomes available
along its path. Nature models wealth to us for the collective. I delight when I see
in every way—abundance of flowers and others call in prosperity, for all benefit
fruits, vistas so wide and colorful your when one benefits. So ring your bell, light
eyes can’t fully take them in. Why, then, your candle, summon your guides, gather
might humans feel conditioned to stay your crystals, bathe in salt, and let go of
small and take up minimal space? And fear. Stake your claim to what is yours
how does this mind-set of smallness using the blessings and projects in this
serve us? chapter to guide you.
Y A’ho
To celebrate fire, I am a being of power, maturity, passion,
passion, and fertility and wisdom,
ripe with the fruits of Beltane.
At Beltane, we honor the culmination I am manifest potential, and my creative
s of spring fire burns.
and the sacred union of the God Today and always,
and Goddess I ask that you help me feel and fan my
to bring forth new life. Our ancestors inner fire.
invoked the wild, animalistic energies Today and always,
of the Green Man on this day, I ask that you bless me
while dancing around the Maypole. with the continuous love of the one
Repeat the following blessing aloud whose touch I have known
to celebrate fertility and the midway point for a thousand years.
to summer. May the flames, ashes, and smoke of the
Beltane fire
At Beltane, I ignite the sacred flame protect, strengthen, and inspire me
within me, while they seduce, inspire, and
activating my fertility, my magic. nourish me.
I dance around the fire with my beloved May the fire
honoring the abundance we hold as that ever burns within me
a union. also ever burn between
At this pinnacle of spring, I honor me and my soul’s twin.
my growth,
abundance, and sexual energy. Amen, A’ho, So it is
To raise energies of wealth Smudge your space and offer a prayer
and financial gain for prosperity. Focus on what you seek,
as specifically as you can, as you set
A prosperity altar is a powerful vortex your intention.
that attracts energy streams of wealth and
abundance. Put it in the southeast corner Place your generator at the center of your
of your home or sacred space. altar. Bless it as a bringer of prosperity
and abundance energies. Give thanks for
Gather: its work. Place four tumbled stones at the
• Palo santo, copal, or white sage for corners. Use four of the same stone to
smudging create balance, or alternate stones to create
• A large quartz, citrine, or aventurine visual interest. If you would like, cut
generator the corners into cross-quarters, placing
• Tumbled stones aligned to prosperity: stones between the four directions. Place
natural citrine, aventurine, hessonite your chalice in the west, where it will
garnet, yellow apatite, yellow fluorite, nourish the spirits of the west who bring
pyrite, emerald, jade, and green clearing and purification, along with your
tourmaline perfume or oils. Take one of your quartz
• A fountain or chalice of water or citrine points and lay it at each of the
• Perfume or essential oils for wealth four directions as the outermost objects
(e.g., patchouli, myrtle, basil, cinnamon, in your grid. Turn the points inward to
orange, and myrrh) ensure that the prosperity energy you’re
• 4 or 8 clear quartz or natural citrine raising stays anchored in your space; by
points (not tumbled) turning the points outward, you raise a
• Herbs associated with wealth: more general frequency of prosperity that
cinquefoil, basil, cinnamon sticks, or is allowed to extend beyond your space
patchouli (optional) and bless the broader planet. Place any
• Pieces of currency herbs between the crystals, adding their
• A statue of a deity associated with elemental energy. Next, add your coins in
wealth (optional) the western quadrant of your altar, as west
• A green or gold candle governs water and flow. Place your statue
• A double-terminated quartz wand in the center or in the eastern quadrant to
place your candle at the southernmost circle. Set the intention that energy is
point on your altar, and see if anything flowing through you and all your tools,
else feels called to be present. opening a portal for connection to
Source. Imagine it flowing from every
You are ready to charge your altar corner of our universe, directly to you.
(optional). Light your candle, calling in Your hand will likely become warm. As
the elemental guardians of the south. you bring your wand back to its starting
As you gaze at it, imagine the prosperity point, closing the circle and sealing the
you desire, and inhabit the depth of that blessings, bow your head and bring your
emotion for a moment. How will you feel hands to prayer position. Give thanks for
when you receive your abundance? Let the abundance already on its way.
yourself feel it now. With your right hand,
extend your double-terminated quartz Amen, A’ho, So it is
You can use this incense every day or Place your herbs, one at a time, into your
during rituals that welcome energies of mortar. As you grind them, bless each
abundance and wealth. and thank it. Smell the blend frequently,
making sure it’s pleasing. Add a few drops
Gather: of essential oil and grind. Don’t weight
• Dried herbs and flowers associated with your incense down too heavily with oils;
wealth and attraction (e.g., patchouli, use them for their energy and as a gentle
cinquefoil, basil, cinnamon bark, binding agent.
orange peel, bay, orange blossom/neroli,
and catnip) Place your quartz point or crystal into
• A mortar and pestle the incense. Place both hands over your
• Essential oils associated with wealth mortar and send gratitude through your
and attraction (same list as above) hands into the blend, asking that it bless
• A quartz point or other crystal you and anyone who works with it. For
associated with wealth (e.g., aventurine, the highest good of all, may money come
citrine, peridot, and hessonite garnet) to you from sources seen and unseen.
• A small, tight-sealing, beautiful jar Store your incense in a jar. To use, place
a pinch on a charcoal disk, allowing the
Clear your space and focus on your smoke to move through your sacred
intention. Why are you drawing money space and bless you.
energy? Is it for a specific purpose, or are
you seeking to experience greater wealth Amen, A’ho, So it is
June p
We arrive at summer’s door this month, ready to S
burst at the seams. We have been preparing for this b
moment for almost a year; right after harvest last year n
we sowed our first seeds of sacred intention for what to
might be possible this year. That was the first step
toward this moment of our evolution, a circle of time
and energy that perpetuates itself in service of our
collective advancement. In short, in nature it’s grow
or die. There is no perpetual natural stasis. If you have
been standing still too long, well, something must
change. And you know it.
penance. This is a month for you to begin for you and hopes you will notice before
tasting some of the sweet fruits of your it’s too late. All of nature hopes you will
desires and your hard work. Enjoy the notice, enjoy, stop, give thanks, take a
unfolding of the season of becoming. breather, stretch out, lounge around,
and yet still make sure she has what she
How will you use the summer days? Some needs, for much of her domain cannot
of them should be syrupy, slow, and sweet. speak to you in words. Nature speaks
Some of them should be long and arduous in flowers.
because you are still tending your crops.
Some of them should end with warm May your garden overflow with color
r nights full of laughter and sweet toasts and beauty all season long, my fellow
to tender moments. Bring new flowers Soulscaper.
from the garden into your home because
they long to be near you. Each one has Y A’ho
For elemental support I draw in the element of water to move
during change through me
as I allow these deepest feelings of sadness
All that begins must end, and loss
and yet energy is neither created to come forth and flow like the rivers.
nor destroyed. I draw in the element of fire to cleanse me
Our souls and our spirits roam in eternity, as I release and surrender what can no
endlessly rediscovering each other. longer be.
You and I are old and young I draw in the element of air to usher in
and we have traveled many roads together. winds of change.
As I say goodbye to one Sadness is a precursor of joy,
who must leave this human form and the cycles of life always prevail.
and space, To the Earth and the Stars
I honor the cycles and the seasons. we shall all one day return.
/ I am reminded of the preciousness I have known you since we left the stars,
of life. and I shall recognize you
I draw in the element of earth to ground when we reunite there together again.
me as I mourn,
y, to catch my tears, and hold my feet. Amen, A’ho, So it is
For the growth season ahead and I channel the divine masculine
Litha is the dawn of summer and the Great Spirit, I ask you to show me
longest day of the year. To honor and the realms
o bask in this light-filled day, repeat where the fae run free, my ancestors reign,
the following blessing aloud, preferably and my deepest wisdom resides.
while sitting in the southern direction Here my branches stretch
in direct sunlight. skyward, free to grow tall and strong,
and here my soul finds freedom
I come to this day of solstice as a seeker, to express itself fully.
watching the sun return to its seat I activate my Solar Plexus and
of power, Sacral chakras,
signaling summer’s start. my deepest sources of human power
This season of fertility and growth and latent potential.
promises rich reward. May the last flames of Litha’s sun shine
At Litha, a portal opens, brightly on me,
the wheel turns south, and unleash my sacred potential in
as divine light shines on the longest day abundant ways.
of the year.
I release myself into the light Amen, A’ho, So it is
For expansion and growth Set an intention for this longest day.
to honor the sun’s power How will you use the power of this
occasion? Where in your life does the
On the summer solstice, the sun is sun need to shine more powerfully,
king, and your focus is on his power, casting his warm and intense gaze upon
his direction, and his growth. A simple, what has previously been hidden in the
elegant, and sacred ritual to honor shadows? Which plants in the garden
this day of longest sun is to drum up of your soul need the sun’s warmth to
or down the sun. grow stronger in the season of expansion
ahead? Call upon Grandfather Sun to
Gather: bring his brilliant illumination and bless
• Palo santo, copal, or white sage you with an abundance of his energy.
for smudging Speak your intention aloud or write
• A representation of the sun it down, and take a moment to honor
(e.g., a carnelian or garnet ring, the integrity of your desire. Before you
a sun-colored dress, or gold) begin drumming, smudge your space
• A drum or rattle with clearing herbs and set an intention
for this longest day. Feel into what you
seek, and allow yourself to experience
its energy as if it is already happening
in this moment. From this illuminated
space, hold the solar power piece you have
chosen to represent the sun in your right
or masculine hand. Feel the sun's rays
charging your sacred tool with power.
You can choose to wear this piece while
you drum or place it on the floor in
front of where you will be standing.
Then, when you are ready . . .
To honor and protect what Gather:
love has joined together • Palo santo, copal, or white sage for
If you desire love, or if you wish to • A perfume or essential oil blend with
celebrate the love already present in your notes aligned to love and protection
life, building this grid will strengthen (angelica, rose de mai, ylang ylang,
your connection and align you to receive vetiver, jasmine, neroli, and cedarwood
all love with a more open heart. Your love are a few options)
altar or bedroom is a natural choice for • A pink or light green candle
placement. According to principles of feng • A rose quartz generator or obelisk
shui, love altars placed in the southwest • Gemstones aligned to love (e.g.,
of your home or sacred space attract the rhodonite, rose quartz, pink opal, pink
strongest resonant frequency, and thus tourmaline, rhodochrosite, morganite,
will yield the best results. prehnite, or Botswana agate)
continued • 4 or 8 quartz points for the outer edges
of your grid, to guide the flow of energy
• Roses or other love flowers to embellish
your grid (optional)
• Statue of a love deity such as Venus or
Aphrodite (optional)
the present by taking a few deep breaths, generator at the center or heartspace
and focus on your intention. Are you in of your grid. From there, working
search of love, or do you seek to protect clockwise to open energies, place your
and strengthen an existing relationship? additional gemstones at each quarter,
Write your intention down or speak it building from the center outward in
out loud, to raise the frequency of your radiating lines of energy. Once you
work and begin to open a portal of energy. have placed all your stones and you
All magic begins with your affirmation. feel good about the balance, symmetry,
and composition of your grid, place your
Smudge the crystals and tools you have quartz points at the outer edges of the
gathered. Anoint yourself and/or your four directions, and smudge once more.
stones with your love perfume, and if you You may activate your grid by saying
desire to hold all the elements in place out loud, “With this grid, I anchor and
while you build your grid, light your attract energies of love and protection
candle as well. Smudging represents the of my heart.”
element of air; anointing and placing of
fresh flowers represents the element of May you be blessed in love forever.
water; your crystals represent the element
of earth; and your candle represents the Amen, A’ho, So it is
element of fire.
July d
Love is on the menu this month, and your seat
at this banquet of desire has been reserved all Y
year long. Unlike February, which is the month yo
of agape, or universal love, July is the month of
eros—the love that sends a shiver down your spine.
Yes, this is the month of soul mate connection,
and energy streams of lust, desire, and sexual
union are also highlighted here.
desire—your desire—and all the things part of your dharma, or soul purpose for
you want deep down inside. So much incarnating in this lifetime. You are meant
of your soul, your unique fingerprint, to want what you want. Stop fearing your
and your soul’s true mission live in your desires and start getting excited about
innermost desires, and if my mission is to them. View your desires as keys to your
understand your soul, then I must know future, your purpose, and your happiness.
what is lingering in there. If you start loving and supporting
yourself, you will begin attracting that
Your desires are not just yours; as the higher level of love toward yourself too.
famous Rumi quote suggests, what
you seek is also seeking you. In fact, the Y A’ho
For vow renewal among soul On this day, I repeat my sacred vows T
mates affirming their love and recommit to the promises I have made in
to honor our joy, our passion,
Many seasons and lifetimes our endless connection. T
I have known your soul. The true beauty of your soul inspires me. a
Great storms we have weathered, I listen, fully present, to your truths, W
pure strength we have found, and above all, and with an open heart I will always a
true love we have shared. speak mine, I
We walk hand in hand, two paths so that we may hear and receive each
intertwined, other. th
honoring how our spirits have grown I honor our union, G
together. and I am blessed to share my life with you. a
Each day, as we nurture our bond, Day after day, growing together, I
we are blessed with eternal love; learning together in patience fo
the energy between us is boundless, and strength. w
defying space and time. I will love you from this day P
To my soul mate, my Twin Flame, until my last. so
the one the Universe placed in my path As long as I breathe, a
and upon my heart, you will never walk alone. u
my commitment to you is as strong today
as it was then. Amen, A’ho, So it is
To welcome a deeply Bring us to this space together and join
e intimate soul connection our hearts
that we might spend the rest of our days
The time has come and nights
and my heart has been readied. in each other’s tender embrace.
With open hands and arms, I prepare my mind, body, and spirit
a tender heart, and deep gratitude, to receive love in the presence of the one
I seek the touch of my beloved, my whose being completes my own.
Anam Cara, I surrender to a love so deep
the one with whom my soul can rest. it will take this lifetime and beyond
Great Spirit and all of my guides, just to explore it fully.
ancestor spirits and guardian angels, For the Highest Good of both parties
I call upon you and ask with gratitude and all kind,
for you to help guide us to the place I seek this love
where we will find and recognize each other. and even before it arrives,
Please connect us in perfect time, I am grateful for its presence.
so that we can be together
and offer us a clear path to our union, Amen, A’ho, So it is
unencumbered by obstacles.
For Sacral chakra energy Essential oils and absolutes aligned to
to enhance desire the inner fire of desire and creation
e (Sacral chakra or Svadhisthana):
Essential oils are living, vibrational • Cinnamon
essences of plant teachers, and they hold • Damiana
wisdom, power, and potential. This • Ginger
project will help you craft a new sacred • Jasmine
perfume to honor the inner fire during • Neroli
y this month of divine passion. • Opoponax
• Patchouli
Use your intuition to choose essential • Pink peppercorn
oils for this perfume. At right are my • Rose de mai
suggested essential oil and carrier oil • Styrax
options. You will also need a 1-ounce (28 • Ylang ylang
g) container, and I recommend adding
a tiny chip stone or quartz point to the Carrier oils for high-vibrational
bottle to bring crystal energy. perfume making:
continued • Avocado
• Fractionated coconut
• Hemp
• Jojoba
from the lists on page 81 or from your stop here. If something more is needed,
own experience. Then, choose a small choose the next option that speaks to you.
clear glass bottle for blending before First smell the opened bottle next to your
decanting into your perfume vessel. Say a blend to test the partnership. If you like
prayer and invite elemental guardians and it, add a little, a few drops at a time. Stop,
spirit allies from the south to be present swirl, and smell. Inhale, exhale. Relax and
with you for this work, because they allow yourself to be with the unfolding
govern the enchanted realms of desire. essence of this perfume. Is it speaking to
you? What secrets does it contain?
Begin with your essential oils and
absolutes; you will add your carrier oil Continue testing and adding until the
after. Start with the two essential oils that final blend has revealed itself to you. Place
call most strongly to you when you think your crystal into your perfume bottle
of your inner fire, your sexiest self, your (optional), and add your blend, slowly,
ultimate seduction. Blend them, a few enjoying the view and the scent. Allow
drops at a time. Stop, swirl, and smell. Do yourself to be seduced by it.
you like their rhythm, their partnership?
Does it resonate? And most important, Amen, A’ho, So it is
August g
In August, we begin the long farewell to summer, w
not because seasons are changing but because the
fruit is already beginning to ripen on the vine and th
the harvest is not just a single gathering of crops, ye
but a series of long goodbyes to nature.
August is the beginning of the turn toward darkness. A
growth potential of the year has already return: a song that you sing, a sprig of
been realized. Our main achievements dried herbs, a small gemstone, or another
of the year are behind us. For some, this organic treasure. Some like to burn herbs
realization is a source of sadness; for and smudge while they gather their crops.
others, this surrender opens a gateway to Others prefer to bake bread to honor
abundance and other blessings, including First Harvest. However you celebrate,
gratitude. We learn to appreciate what remember that this is a time of reflection
we have. and appreciation, not only for what has
come to pass but also for what has been
Leave an offering behind, a gesture of lost, for both have taught you valuable
thanks and a gesture of faith for what has lessons and advanced you on your soul’s
yet to unfold. Offerings are your way of developmental path.
contacting Pachamama, the Great Mother,
and letting her know that you are working All harvests are good harvests through
with her medicine. At Lammastide, on such a lens.
August 1, we celebrate the early harvests
of the season—the wheat, the citrus, the Y A’ho
For blessings in the Gather:
harvest season ahead • Palo santo, copal, or white sage for
A despacho is a profoundly meaningful • A piece of paper or a paper bag,
prayer offering traditionally practiced by unfolded, upon which to create your
Q’ero shaman in the Andes Mountains mandala of offerings
of Peru, where the Apu spirits of the • Leaves from local trees to represent
local mountains continue to guide ritual prayers (Traditionally, coca leaves
and ceremonial practices. A despacho from the Amazon would be used here,
offering can be made anywhere, and at but barring access to those, please
any time, and should include items you choose leaves with meaning to you from
have at your disposal; what matters most your local garden or forest.)
d, is the intention beyond your offering, • Organic items to represent gifts (Grains,
not the specific items you include, sweets, shells, gemstones, flowers, and
though traditionally you should include herbs are beautiful examples.)
something sweet and leaves that have been • String to tie your despacho
infused with your breath or life force, the • Firepit or other source if you wish
two sweetest medicines in a despacho to burn your despacho in the traditional
bundle. The purpose of a bundle is to way (An alternative will be discussed.)
give thanks to Gaia, to Pachamama, to
our great Earth Mother for the bounty
she provides without asking for much in
return. Think of it as Gaia’s Mother’s Day
gift. To the Q’ero shaman, despacho is
one tool to enact ayni, or cosmic balance,
creating equity in the exchange between
Pachamama and her children. This is your
chance to give back in a good way for all
you receive every day.
in a small group—either way is powerful. once more, bring the edges of your
In a group setting, remember that you are paper together and fold them over the
always working not only with your unique top, carefully wrapping the despacho
intentions and energy but with the energy without turning it over so you do not
and intentions of the collective as well. spill the offerings inside or disrupt
All will need to be included, represented, their order.
and the process shared.
Once your bundle is neatly folded and
When you are ready, smudge your closed, tie it with your string and say
despacho items with smoke of copal, a final prayer as you do, reminding
sage, or palo santo. Place your piece Pachamama and your earth guides that
of paper on your altar. Then, take a this is your sacred expression of divine
bundle of your leaves and wrap them gratitude. At this point in a traditional
in your hands; bring them to your mouth despacho ceremony, the shaman would
and blow your breath of spirit across take the bundle and burn it privately.
them, using your breath as a prayer You may choose to burn or bury your
offering. Take a moment to center bundle, because depending on the land
yourself here and focus on your intention, where you live, fire may not be legal
your prayers, and your gratitude. This or advisable.
is your time with your cosmic mother.
Spend it wisely and in a way that you However you give this bundle back to
will enjoy. Next, on top of your layer Pachamama, do so with loving intention.
of leaf prayers, place the gifts you have May you be blessed for this expression
brought—sweets, crystals, flowers, found of gratitude in ways that advance your
feathers, or stones—and position them progress on your spiritual path.
in a pleasing way, focusing on symmetry
and balance. Then, once all your gifts are Amen, A’ho, So it is
- la
It is almost time to say goodbye o
to nature’s bounty. ex
By expressing your gratitude for one
of your blessings in a ceremonial •
To usher in First Harvest Smudge yourself and the items you
and the gift of wheat have gathered. As you do, bring your
attention to this moment and sit with
At Lammas, we give thanks for the early the energy of First Harvest. The growth
harvests. We get to taste the fruit of our cycles of this year are complete. Do you
labor, but the season of growth is now feel a sense of excitement for the harvests
behind us. It is almost time to say goodbye ahead of you, or a sense of sadness and
to nature’s bounty. For this ritual, choose longing for what can no longer travel
one of your early soul harvests or personal with you? To harvest well, one must both
victories of this year to celebrate. By create something that survives and grieve
expressing your gratitude for one of your the crops that did not make it. What
blessings in a ceremonial way, you will could you have done more diligently this
invite more to follow. year to ensure strong growth of crops
that withered? What did you do well to
Gather: ensure that those that survived will
• Palo santo, copal, or white sage for bear strong fruit? Both the gain and the
smudging loss are your teachers.
• A white candle for gratitude or a golden
candle for harvest Light your candle and turn your body
• An item representing one of your to face south, which is the direction of
accomplishments already realized summer and high growth. Greet the
this year guardians of this direction, and hold
• A crystal to bless to carry as a reminder the item you have chosen to represent
of your future harvests and seeds of your personal first harvest. Hold it high
crops yet to come above your head, feeling the sun’s warm
• An offering to bury for blessings upon gaze upon it, and allow energy to flow
your remaining harvests from your energy field through your
chakras through your talisman; then,
pass your talisman over the flame of your
candle two times—first to express your
gratitude and second to set your intention
crystal you have chosen to bless and pass soil) to represent future growth. Finally,
it over the flame of your candle, calling place the talisman representing your first
in a strong harvest for yourself and your harvest on your primary altar, a symbol
relations. Take your offering in your of your potential to manifest your desires
hand and pass it over the flame of the in alignment with your soul purpose.
candle. Extinguish your candle. Bury your
offering in the west of your garden, to Turn facing south, bow, and bring your
symbolically bless the remainder of your hands to prayer position over your heart.
crops for this season. Place the crystal for
future harvests in the east of your garden Amen, A’ho, So it is
September b
September is a month you can feel before h
it arrives; there’s a crispness to the warm air h
that signals autumn’s arrival. Long summer w
nights grow slightly shorter, and leaves on trees p
glow in shades of honey and amber at sunset.
Nature is coming close to finding her own co
personal balance and harmony as the second in
annual equinox approaches.
begins this month as we celebrate Rosh can be no delay. While this harvest is fresh
Hashanah. Mabon, the Celtic name for the in your mind, think about what worked
fall equinox, is celebrated this month as well this year and what did not. What
well. Mabon is the second of three Celtic could you have done to ensure stronger
harvests—Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain, growth? Or maybe this year’s harvests
which comes next month. Mabon is the were beyond your expectations. What can
heavy harvest, while Samhain is the you do now to ensure that next year will
harvest of the dead and what is left behind be equally successful? Did you enjoy the
from this month’s efforts. At Samhain process of growth this year? What can you
we make sure the vines are clean and do to make the process more enjoyable?
prepared for winter rest.
The end of one precious cycle begins the
Although this month’s energies of next. May all your harvest celebrations
completion and release bring our attention be blessed.
inward for reflection, contemplation, and
connection with Source, now is also the Y A’ho
To honor the Jewish New Year I center and connect with my traditions. A
The meal, the prayers, y
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, the sounding of the shofar,
which is honored at the new moon each and the resolutions set are all W
September. Rosh Hashanah celebrates sacred expressions
the creation of the first humans on Earth. of gratitude and renewal. H
Repeat the following blessing aloud to I channel the energies of rebirth,
honor the Days of Awe and the past year imagining new possibilities for the to
of your life. year ahead.
I look to what I have created,
On this anniversary of the creation of and give thanks for my prosperity. W
Adam and Eve, I view the world with new eyes,
I celebrate the Jewish New Year. at the start of this blessed new year, H
At this time I welcome the Days of Awe, approaching life with compassionate
and I reflect on the past year. thought and intention.
Now is a time of interpersonal repentance. I embark on the year before me, S
I seek out the souls who need to hear restored and full of optimism.
my apologies May all be inscribed and sealed for a
to make amends for past transgressions. good year
I account for my actions, that blesses me and all those I love. W
and I apologize if I have hurt others.
At this sacred time, Amen, A’ho, So it is H
and Invocation
Fall Equinox (Mabon)
A calling to celebrate And she can offer you the path, the
your soul’s harvest lightness of being, the deep permission
to just be now.
We turn to the west today, and Mother Your work of the year is done.
Ocean says yes. We turn to the west today and Mother
Her waves crash upon the shore and Ocean says let go.
she is ready Her vast expanse and power can hold the
to receive you and take from you all the things that weigh you down
burdens you shall no longer carry into and your worries can sink to her bottom,
the seasons of acceptance and rest. float to her edges
We turn to the west today and Mother while you experience her embrace.
Ocean says now. She sees your fear and she washes it away
Her waters still at midday as Father Sun so that you can live in pure radiant
casts his beams of light upon her and joy and peace.
caresses her like a tender lover. Mother Ocean has been waiting for you.
She is ready to teach you how to be The guardians and gatekeepers of the west
still and receive so that you hear greet you today with open arms.
the messages of your elders now as Yes, now, come, let go. Your work is
the veil thins. done.
We turn to the west today and Mother So the season of balance, acceptance,
Ocean says come. stillness, and release begins.
Her deep blue majesty is an open invitation
to create better flow in your life. She Amen, A’ho, So it is
holds the key to creation, manifestation,
your rebirth.
You are not just light or just
shadow. Those are easy answers.
You are all of it, and more. •
For good harvests and As you gather your Mabon tools,
rewards ahead divide them into two sides: light tools
and shadow tools. For the first part of
For this Mabon, or second harvest, ritual, this ritual, you will want to keep them
we are going to balance the scales and separate; later in the ritual, you will be
mirror nature’s own division of light and guided to mingle them, acknowledging
shadow, which strike perfect balance on the intimate dance of light and shadow.
the two equinoxes each year.
Smudge the items you have gathered,
Gather: and on the left, or yin, side of your altar,
• One white or cream candle to place your burgundy or black candle,
represent your light harvest your perfume or essential oils, and your
• A gemstone to represent your light gems that represent shadow. On the
(e.g., selenite, scolecite, clear calcite, right (masculine), or yang, side, place
quartz, or petalite) your white or cream candle, your gems
• Palo santo, copal, or white sage for that represent light, and your smudging
smudging herbs. Take a deep cleansing breath and
• One burgundy or black candle to acknowledge on an energetic level that
represent your dark harvest all these tools represent parts of you that
• A gemstone to represent your shadow need to be integrated into one dynamic
(e.g., black tourmaline, jet, golden whole expression. When you are ready,
sheen obsidian, or aegirine) call upon your spirit guides to help you
• A perfume or essential oil blend discern which items on the light side of
to integrate your light and shadow your altar are ready to be moved to the
aspects shadow side, and vice versa. Is your light
candle ready to glow upon your shadow
stones, or vice versa? As you step forward
in wisdom to move items on your altar
as called by Spirit, enjoy the liberation
that comes from blurring boundaries.
You are not just light or just shadow.
it, and more. You are the slippage between lessons have been unearthed here for
the categories we believe are fixed. You yourself? Take a moment here to breathe,
are the exception to all the rules. And connect, center, and receive messages
that is why your magic is undeniable from your guides. Finally, bring your
and indefinable. hands to prayer position over your
heart and give thanks for what you have
Once you begin to mix the sides, keep learned. This is the hour of balance, and
going. In the amalgam, your peace and here you are, in the center of All, right
your deeper purpose reside. Move the where you need to be. Welcome this
stones, the candles, the offerings. When moment. Cheers to your balance, your
a new balance has been struck, step back integration, and your health.
and take a closer look at the alchemy of
light and shadow, the balance between Amen, A’ho, So it is
For sweet blessings and Gather: yo
seeding of intentions for • White sage, copal, or palo santo for w
next year’s harvest smudging p
• A 2- or 4-ounce (60 or 120 ml) glass jar cr
Honey jars are old magic, with roots in with lid ju
ancient tradition where the use of honey • Gemstones or chip stones aligned to
in sacred work is thought to attract sweet your intention(s) O
blessings of affirmation. If you wish to • 1 to 2 ounces (28 to 56 g) of herbs or se
attract new people, experiences, emotions, flowers aligned to your intention(s) sp
or energies into your life, then it is time to • Honey or agave in
craft a honey blessing jar. And the harvest • 2 or 3 slips of paper upon which to write p
season is the perfect time to call in sweet your seeds of intention for next year an
blessings upon the seeds you are planting • A pen to write with yo
now for next year’s crops. • Ribbons and crystals to adorn the yo
outside of your jar (optional) yo
• Small beeswax candle (or vegan ye
alternative) to melt over your jar re
goals you have for next year. They can be jar, add honey or agave to the top, and
vague or specific. Do you have plans for then write on your slips of paper the
a new career? Maybe you are expanding two or three crops you wish to bless for
your family, moving into a new phase next year. Try to limit yourself to one
with children getting older, or your aging sentence for each, or even just a few
parents require more assistance. What words. Economy of expression is the art
crops are you planting next year that are of the wise. Once you have expressed your
just for you? intentions, fold each slip of paper into
thirds and place it in your jar. Push each
Once you have identified two or three piece down until it is covered in honey.
seeds of intention, smudge your crafting Then, seal your jar and adorn as desired
space and your supplies. Exhale deeply with ribbons and crystals. Do you feel
into your jar, infusing it with your the completion of this work already?
e personal life force. Center yourself, It is a profound exercise in faith, trust,
and keep your focus on your crops as and hope. It is belief in things unseen,
you create your jar; the more focused forces at work that are not visible to your
your attention is now, the more likely human eyes.
your intentions will be manifest in the
year ahead. There is a causal energetic Place your small beeswax candle on top
relationship between your thoughts of your jar. You might melt a drop of wax
and your reality. on top of the sealed jar and then place
your candle on the melted wax to attach
Begin adding items to your jar, one at a it securely, as you will want to let the
time, using your intuition. Maybe you are candle burn down and over the top of
called first to place a quartz point or an your jar, sealing it completely in beeswax.
herbal offering in the jar to set the space Once the wax has covered your seal, your
and magnify the ingredients you add next. intentions are set, and you can place your
With each crystal, each herb, each flower, honey jar in a dark cabinet for as long as
say a blessing or prayer of gratitude as you wish—at least until your intentions
you add it: “Great Spirit, thank you for come to pass. You can open your jar and
the gift and presence of this gemstone, add new intentions throughout the winter
this herb. Please allow its energy to bless if you feel called, or simply stay with the
my honey jar with power and love. Amen, intentions as you have expressed them
A’ho, So it is.” Once your herbs and stones here. You have been well guided, so you
by accident, not even intentions. All alignment with your purpose.
desires you experienced have been placed
on your heart for a reason. May yours Amen, A’ho, So it is
October en
During October, the veil between the realms of in
the living and the dead grows thin. It’s the best H
time to contact the spirit world. October 31 is th
known as Halloween in the West, but Halloween th
has its roots in Celtic lore. In ancient times,
October 31 was celebrated as Samhain, which in
means “summer’s end” in Gaelic. On Samhain, ar
engage in divination on Samhain light and shadow this month? Perhaps
night. Samhain is considered a pagan you will perform an energetic clearing of
high holiday and is honored in most your home. Maybe you will light fragrant
earth-based traditions as the new year. and colorful candles to call in Lakshmi’s
Candles are lit to bring balance to the blessings of prosperity. Or maybe you will
darkness, not only in pagan practice but arrange a beautiful altar to honor your
in Hindu tradition as well. Diwali, the ancestors. However you celebrate, may
Hindu festival of lights, is celebrated at you and your loved ones be blessed not
the October new moon and celebrates only by your connection to each other
the triumph of good over evil. No matter but also by your memories of the past
the tradition or practice, October’s and your ancestral roots. Those roots are
magical past is anchored in the battle your deepest form of protection, peace,
between light and darkness, echoed and prosperity.
in different forms and manifestations
around the world. Y A’ho
To honor the victory of I vow to be a channel of clarity
light over darkness worthy of your prosperity.
I revel in pure joy,
Diwali, of Sanskrit origin, means experiencing each moment as an
“light” or “lamp.” This ancient Hindu infinite expanse.
festival celebrated annually at the I am present with my beloveds,
October new moon is one of the most and give thanks for all my relations.
important of sacred days, known as I release any fear or worry with laughter
the biggest, brightest, and happiest and dance
of Hindu celebrations. Repeat the and share in the spirit of generosity.
following blessing aloud to celebrate While I celebrate wealth and abundance,
light’s triumph over darkness. I look deeper still.
The true richness of life
On this new moon, lies in empowering hope over despair.
we remember light’s victory over darkness. I celebrate new beginnings and set
Diyas glow like treasures, intentions.
thunderous sounds boom triumphantly, Light, love, and gratitude are the origins
illuminating the night with color and of lasting happiness.
sound. I banish darkness from my life and rejoice
Now is the time to delight in celebration. in the light.
Lakshmi, I honor you on this day. May the light always prevail.
Thank you for blessing us with your
abundance. Amen, A’ho, So it is
To keep safe all that you love and make me and mine invisible
to anyone who would do us harm.
When you feel afraid, remember that Pave my path, guides and Great Spirit, T
you have guides and guardian spirits all with ease and care. w
around you. Their job is to protect you Help me to know I am never alone.
and keep you safe. Use this blessing to Place people in my path S
summon them. They always come when who can support me in the physical world. b
you call. Strengthen and heal my body and mind, b
so that I can face my life with confidence ac
Guides, Elders, Guardian Angels and and courage.
Spirits, And at night when I rest, grant me To
come close to me in this season of shadow. sweet dreams w
Circle around me and grant me the favor of joy and peace. T
of your protection. Surround me with love. T
Help me to feel safe, secure, and held in Fill my heart with your presence. W
my life. Thank you for the gift of this safety. I
Surround me and mine with a sphere w
of white light, Amen, A’ho, So it is S
and Invocation
or altar of offerings to your ancestors. rest. Space them evenly apart, taking care
Select an open space where your family or to create balance and symmetry.
guests will see it. Gather your items and
smudge them well. Some choose to use an Once you are satisfied with your altar, T
altar cover or arrange items at different it is time to dedicate it. Close your eyes, a
heights, so think about organization and bring your hands to prayer position over th
artful display as you begin placing pieces your heart, and focus your thoughts on
on your altar. the ancestors you are choosing to honor In
in this space. Allow your heart to swell an
Place candles in the south of your altar to with love and gratitude for them. Then, au
represent ancestral courage and strength, speak these words aloud: “Ancestors, o
which you will draw upon each time you you are welcome here and your wisdom m
visit at this altar. Dried flowers can be is appreciated. I have created this space p
scattered across your altar or placed in the to commune and connect with you, and T
east, as they represent the passage of life for you to do the same. May we continue p
and the renewal of cycles. Your gemstones, to be joined in our hearts across space
including your crystal skulls, should be and time, always.” Enjoy the process of G
placed to the north, which represents the sharing sacred space with your loved ones •
mineral kingdom. And special foods, once again.
mementos, candy, or jewelry should be •
placed in the west, which represents Amen, A’ho, So it is •
transformation and healing. Try to find
do the same with the top and bottom. bow or knot. Blow your breath across the
You should end up with a small finished bundle, and then take it between
rectangular package. your hands, bringing your hands to prayer
position over your heart. Connect deeply
Wrap your ribbon over the top, being with the energy of these offerings that
careful not to spill the ingredients inside. have been chosen to protect and care for
Then wrap it under, turning the bundle you. Give thanks for this new tool and the
over, and secure it. Bring the ends around safety you will feel as you work with it.
to the front, and if desired, add your
charm or talisman to one end of the Amen, A’ho, So it is
November ye
Gratitude is a typical theme for November; in in
North America, families gather this month to fo
celebrate Thanksgiving and the abundance in is
their lives. But gratitude is important this time an
of year not just because of the holiday season;
gratitude should naturally follow the season of
harvest. Nature has just bestowed upon you her
most infinite blessings—another year of health
and home, family and loved ones surrounding
you, strong crops, and food to eat. To live a
ceremonial life means taking the time to pause,
ref lect, and give thanks before turning inward
for rest in the winter months. When you cook a
meal using the freshly harvested fruits, vegetables,
and grains you (or others) have grown, you honor
the contributions of all who worked hard to bring
those offering to your table. Before you consume
your Thanksgiving meal, offer a blessing like
the one in this chapter as a means of expressing
your appreciation and being mindful of the cycles
of life.
year? You can express gratitude not synchronicity. By getting into energetic
only for the beauty in your life, but for alignment with your desires, you can
the challenges as well. Everything is manifest them far more easily.
a teacher.
May all that you seek come to you in
Gratitude begins the cycle of abundance perfect time and deep alignment with
in your life, so once you say thank you your reason for incarnating this time.
for everything in it, get ready for the And may you enjoy all you receive with
universe to bless you in big ways! That an open and grateful heart.
is why this month you will also enjoy
an 11/11 Law of Attraction ritual you Y A’ho
To hold space for planetary in every country, space, and nation.
healing and peace at the holidays Today, Great Spirit, I ask that you wrap
those in need
Great Spirit, we come to you in many in bundles of comfort and light,
forms today. fueled by the warmth of your spirit.
From all traditions, races, countries, Help them feel and know
ethnicities, and belief systems that kindred around the world
with one intention: are holding them tightly.
to hold space for those who are in need. May their pain know an end
Those whose bodies and spirits have and may they be healed swiftly.
been wounded, We hold this intention with faith
and those whose hearts are aching— and gratitude
the lonely, the weak, the disheartened. for your presence in the midst of
We come as Spirit Warriors our circle.
. to guide them, to hold them, We are all One, and when one hurts,
to love them, to raise them up, we all hurt.
and to offer them solace But when one is healed,
in an energetic embrace all are healed.
during this sacred season of hope.
An embrace that will encircle them Amen, Aho, So it is
To attract all that you seek space if you feel called with your oil blend.
while doors to wealth are open Beginning at the top left corner of your
paper, fill it with your desires, needs, and
This is a wishing ritual, best performed deepest inner longings. Don’t be shy. Ask
on the 11th day of November, when for what you seek for yourself, for your
energies of divine synchronicity are inner child, for your inner crone. Ask for
especially active. what you need as a wife, husband, partner,
father, mother, brother, sister, friend. Do
Gather: you desire space or connection? Travel or
• 2 white candles to represent 11 more time at home?
• 2 crystals aligned to your desires
(should be the same stone) Dream big, reaching into your memory to
• White sage, copal, or palo santo for locate the places and moments where you
smudging felt not heard or not seen. Make wishes to
• Perfume or essential oil blend for heal those hidden places. What medicine
attraction (e.g., bay, catnip, melissa, is needed in the dark corners of your soul,
clary sage, and neroli) what in the brightly illuminated garden of
• A piece of paper, 8½ × 11 inches your mind?
(21.6 × 28 cm)
• A pen At the bottom right corner of your paper,
• Ribbon write, “It is done. Thank you thank you
thank you.” Roll your paper into a scroll,
Place your candles to the east and west of tying loosely with ribbon. May the process
your altar or sacred space. Position your and the outcome bless you equally.
crystals next to the candles, and smudge
everything. Anoint yourself and your Amen, A’ho, So it is
Amen, A’ho, So it is
them along with the elemental guardians releasing. It might be a single drop of
to your healing space. Thank them for wax, or you might burn through your
their presence and support. Ask them whole candle. You will know when
to work through your hands, freeing enough wax has been spilled. T
you to surrender circumstances and fo
energies that are no longer aligned to your Now, find a place, in your own garden
development. Give them permission to preferably, to bury these offerings. Even P
do so without your conscious awareness, the roots of a potted plant will work. th
if that feels right. Begin placing your Open the earth with your hand in a co
herbs, crystals, and oils into your offering clockwise motion, place the offerings, O
bowl, one by one. After each addition, and then cover the earth with your hand yo
say a quiet prayer thanking the offerings in a counterclockwise motion. All the o
for helping you identify and release old while, sing, give thanks, and pray. Your o
patterns. Each item you add is holding healing is already under way. Let it go, w
space for your recovery, rebirth, and with grace and gratitude. a
renewal. Light your black candle and b
drip one drop of wax onto the offering Amen, A’ho, So it is h
To scent your home, and Gather your ingredients, and take
for holiday gifting a moment to consider the energies
they bring to your home this season.
Part of the magic of the holidays is Cinnamon brings abundance, prosperity,
those smells that remind you of home, and hope. Cardamom brings passion,
connection, celebration, and togetherness. connection, and encouragement. Clove is
One way to bring the scents of fall into powerful for attraction and brings your
your home while also creating a sacred desires to fruition. Ginger cleanses and
offering is to craft batches of mulling detoxifies the mind, body, and spirit.
or simmering herbs that you can blend Star anise is a powerful offering to Great
with apple cider or red wine to make Spirit, and brings clarity and balance.
a sweet-smelling and heartwarming Orange peel brings financial abundance
beverage while also scenting your entire and happiness. As you combine these
home for the season. herbs, roots, and fruits together, using
your hands, imagine the alchemy of
Gather: these energies and how they will bless
• 24 cinnamon sticks you, your loved ones, and those who
• 24 cardamom pods receive them as a gift this season. Once
• 2 ounces (56 g) clove buds you have combined all of the ingredients
• 1 gingerroot, peeled and sliced together, separate them into 4-ounce
• 24 star anise pods (112 g) servings (which will infuse two
• 4 ounces (112 g) dried orange peel large batches of wine or cider), place
• Organza bags for gifting (optional) them into organza bags with a quartz
• A quartz point to charge your herbs, point to magnify the energies, and
one per gift (optional) adorn with ribbons or gift tags. Place a
• Ribbons or gift tags to adorn bags note inside each bag with instructions
(optional) for use. You can copy the text below as
• Notepaper an example.
• Pen continued
Add 2 to 3 ounces (56 to 84 g) of mulling strain any remaining herbs from the
herbs to a tea strainer or reusable spice liquid, and serve warm.
bag. Pour 24 ounces (710 ml) of apple
cider or red wine into a Dutch oven or Cheers to your health, happiness, and
large saucepan. Add the tea strainer or wealth this holiday season!
spice bag. Simmer over low heat for at
least 30 minutes to infuse flavors and up Amen, A’ho, So it is
December to
And then in December, a hush descends across o
the land. The turning of the Great Wheel from is
to Christ Consciousness, which is the some way. The spirit of this month may
spirit of grace and loving-kindness that help you find grace through service to
permeates our human existence. We often others. Let the whole family participate
find ourselves in a more loving, generous, in decorating your home or sacred space
and open mood. We want to be more with natural, organic materials and lots of
compassionate, giving, and forgiving of sparkling candlelight. Making your home
others. Our best selves emerge and hope magical at the holidays can be easy, fun,
is rekindled. and affordable. Put the emphasis on time
together and honoring sacred traditions;
For those who have lost loved ones, the more you rest and restore your soul
December can be a difficult month. The now, the more prepared you will feel
antidote to sadness is service, so if your come spring. Enjoy the tender warmth of
heart is hurting during the holiday season, winter’s embrace.
find ways to engage in philanthropic
efforts. Give your time to someone Y A’ho
and Invocation
A calling to honor the and our hearts find hope in the sky’s
longest night of the year brightest star.
Through the coldest of days,
As we approach the end of our calendar as we call back the warmth of the sun’s
year and the many holy days around the bright light,
world, Yule is a grand turning point, may we rejoice in the year’s abundant
a moment to pause and acknowledge blessings,
the sacredness of these days. and be grateful for the lessons embodied
in our losses.
Great Spirit, Mother Earth, and For Yule is both a beginning and
Father Sky, an end,
As we celebrate this day of Yule, the darkness and the light, our year
with its festive music, lights, and feasts, divided in two.
we honor the passing of our sacred Our commitments for this year sealed,
winter solstice, finished,
and watch in awe as the Great Wheel our plans for the year ahead unfolding,
turns toward winter. becoming.
Through the longest of nights, Bless us as we heal within
please help our bodies find rest in during this season of rest.
the stillness,
our souls find wisdom in the silence, Amen, Aho, and So it is
To light your way through This project is best done at the waxing or
the dark months new moon, when you have the strongest
energetic opportunity to set a new vision
During the dark days of winter, or new course for your life, or when you
candlelight becomes a source of are building energy toward your dreams.
illumination and hope. Light brings Alternatively, craft your votive at the full
with it possibility, beauty, and a sense moon to celebrate the fruition of dreams
of alignment. past and present.
Amen, A’ho, So it is
in the southern quadrant of your altar, about your experiences. Even tiny shifts
and light both to usher in peace and open in perception are worth noting, as your
your Seeing Eye. Anoint yourself and soul gifts tend to develop incrementally.
your crystals if you feel called, using your By becoming more conscious of your gifts,
psychic development blend or just a single you will come into deeper awareness and
essential oil note. Decide based on your appreciation of them.
intuition which crystal will represent
each of the soul gifts: clairaudience, Once you have meditated with each A
clairvoyance, clairsentience, and of the four crystals and recorded your m
clairalience. Take each crystal, one by experiences, take a deep breath and
one, and call upon your spirit guides give thanks to your spirit allies for their li
to reveal some new aspect of each gift support. Keep these stones with you, w
today. In what ways can your senses separate from your others, for they now
of sight, understanding, hearing, and have a specific charge and frequency.
smell become more accurate sources May they continue to show you ways to
of information, not only from this deepen your wisdom and expand your W
dimension but also from the universe gifts, now at Yule and always. cr
as a whole? h
Amen, A’ho, So it is li
When you finish a ceremony, ritual, or birth and the death, the beginning and
craft of any kind, give thanks for what you the ending. In magical work, we close
have learned or received, even if you feel circles counterclockwise—widdershins,
like you have already expressed gratitude. or against the sun—to acknowledge the
Then, acknowledge the beauty of what has unwinding of energy that accompanies
been with clarity and honesty. Sometimes the completion of ritual. As we turn away
beauty is indulgent and luxurious; other from the sunshine of this book in these
times, beauty is overwhelming and even closing words, take a moment here to
scary. We may not know how to work honor what you have learned and received
with or sit with beauty. But the process from this book. Energetically, you have
of learning brings us closer to Source, also brought your own magic and energy
to God, and to our own true nature. We to this book, and for that may you also be
are simply sentient extensions of divine blessed in all ways, always.
consciousness. Part of that consciousness
is the presence to all of creation—the Amen, A’ho, and On we go
Acknowledgments A
Many people worked hard to make this book, take it as an opportunity to connect A
beautiful book a reality. First, thanks go to with your own ancestral and magical se
Jill Alexander, my editor, and Tiffany Hill lineage. In that way you will personalize C
who edited the book gracefully, allowing your experience of these words and their M
all the original content to find its way energy will have a more profound impact o
into the final version. Thanks as well to on you and your practice. May it be so. so
John Gettings for managing the project ed
through to completion, and to Regina To my husband, Dave, my children, re
Grenier for her skilled leadership of the Nick and Zoe, and my parents, Nick and ac
art design process. I also want to thank Marie, thank you for supporting and in
Team SG and Becca, in particular, for encouraging me through this process. a
her stunning photography, which BrookeLynn, Sona, and Claire, thank you C
formed the foundation of the incredible for your leadership and your inspiration. an
illustration of the book by artist Andrea To my teachers along the way whose as
Henning; and the design by Tina Berning. wisdom has been a source of inspiration co
Thank you to all of you for your vision, and transformation, thank you for your tr
integrity, and beauty, and most of all for magic. And to my students—past, present, an
your support. and future—I wrote these words for you.
I gathered these blessings, invocations,
To the reader, you are entering a sacred and rituals like flowers with which to craft
chamber by reading this book, a vault a bouquet of beauty for your nourishment
of wisdom that for many remains and pleasure. May you receive my words
secret. For thousands of years, magical in that spirit. Amen, A’ho, So it is.
invocations and blessings were shared in
oral traditions but not archived the way In your service, with gratitude,
they are here. Each time you sit with this
First Published in 2019 by Fair Winds Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group,
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ISBN: 978-1-59233-877-1
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