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Dr. Govindaraj Thangavel M.E., PH.D., F.I.E

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Emalid : [email protected],[email protected]
Mobile : 9080487960,9655362518,7639703551
26 Years in Engineering Educational Institutions and R&D in the self financed and Autonomous
• 2 Years as The Principal and 10yearsasProfessor&HeadoftheDepartment/EEE,
• 9yearsasAssistantProfessorandHeadoftheDepartment/EEE,
• 2 yearsasLecturer in EEE
• 15 years in Research andDevelopment
• 8yearsinEngineeringIndustries(ElectricalErection,Installation,Operation&Maintenance).
• Ph.D. (Engg.)Electrical Engineering, 2010, Jadavpur University,Kolkata
• M.E.Electrical Machines, 1993,PSG College of Technology,Coimbatore
• B.E.ElectricalandElectronicsEngineering,1987,CoimbatoreInstituteofTechnology

Government Grants:
• Coordinator for AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on Soft Computing Techniques
• Coordinator for AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Computational Intelligence Techniques in
GreenEnergy, 2011 ( 1Lac)
• Chief Investigatorand Coordinator forAICTE sponsored MODROBs-Modernization
ofElectricalMachines Laboratory,2011-12 ( 13Lacs)
• Coordinator for AICTE Sponsored two days International Seminar on “Power Quality Issues in

Professional Affiliation:
• Fellow of Institution of Engineers of India (F.I.E.)
• Member , Board of Studies, Faculty of EEE , Anna University Chennai
• Life Member of Indian Society for Technical
• Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
• Senior Member of International Association of CS and

Award • Biography is included in Who's Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2011-2012
• Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 11th Edition, 2010
• Who's Who in Science and Engineering - 12th Edition, 2016
• Who's Who in the World - 30th Edition, 2012
• Who's Who in the World - 31st Edition, 2013
• Who's Who in the World - 32nd Edition, 2014
• Who's Who in the World - 33rd Edition, 2016
• Scientific Award of Excellence 2011 from American Biographical Institute (ABI)
• Outstanding Scientist of the 21st century by International Biographical centre of
Cambridge, England 2011.
• Best paper for ICEESPEEE- 2009 conferencepaper.
International Journal Editorial Board Member: 20
International Journal of Computer and Electrical
Engineering International Journal of Engineering and
Technology International Organization of Scientific
Research (IOSR) International Journal of Engineering
International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research
(IJAIR) Journal of Computing Technologies
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
(IJEAT) International Journal of Emerging Technology &
Research International Journal of Engineering Mathematics &
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science and
Engineering. IJAFRSE) , Peer Reviewed And Quality Article Monthly Journal.
ISSN 2349- 4794
International Journal Peer Reviewer:50
• Taylor&FrancisInternationalJournal“ElectricalPowerComponents&System”UnitedKingdo
m. JournalofElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringResearch
Journal of Engineering and Technology Research (JETR)
International Journal of the Physical Sciences
Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in
Enterprises Scientific Research and Essays
Journal of Engineering and Computer
Innovation E3 Journal of Energy Oil and Gas
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering(JECE)
Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society
TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Int. J. Automotive Technology(IJAT)
IEI-Electrical Engineering
IET-Renewable Power Generation UK
IET- Electric Power Applications UK
Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology South Korea

Conference Chairman:
National Conference Chairmanfor
1. Innovative Technology in Electrical and Electronics System 2010ITEES’10
2. Innovative Technology in Electrical and Electronics System 2011ITEES’11
3. Frontier Research in Power & Energy Conversion 2012FR-PEC’12
4. Innovations in Special Electric Drives, Power and Energy iSEDPE’13
MuthayammalEngineering College, Rasipuram,India
1. Multicon-
2. International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering &
Technology2013 ICEEET13
3. InternationalSeminaronPowerQualityIssuesinRenewableEnergySourcesandHybrid
Generating System on 08 & 09 July2013
Coordinated in organizing the following technical training programmes for the benefit of
Rural and Urban Unemployed Youth.
• “HightechsolderingofElectroniccomponents”incollaborationwithETDC,GOI
• “OfficeAutomation”incollaborationwithCAD/CAMCentre,PSGCT
• “Work shop on servicing of Electrical & ElectronicAppl.”
• “plastic processing“
• “IndustrialPlanningcourse”forManager/EngineersfromHAL,GOI
• “Design and automation of computer integrated manufacturing “,4-8Jan‘91
• “AllIndiamanufacturingTechnology,DesignandResearch”3-5Dec’92.
“Multipurpose Mechanic Training Programme” in

Projects Guidance:
Ph.d(Engineering) : 5 (provisionally confirmed) : ONE Doctorate Awarded
M.E. PED&PSE : 60Awarded
B.E. EEE : 80Awarded

AICTE-ISTE sponsored Winter / Summer School Quality Improvement Programme

participation:98 Days

• SwitchModePowerConversionatIndianInstituteofScience,Bangalore,7-11Aug2000.
• VirtualRealitySystems-DesignAndApplicationatKarunyaInstituteoftechnology,Coimbatore,Nov2000.
• ComponentBasedObjectTechnologyatCSEdept.ofPSGCollegeofTechnology,Nov-Dec2000.
• NationalTechnicalManpowerInformationSystematTTTI(NITTTR),Taramani,Chennai.
• Virtualand Intelligent Instrumentation at KIT, Coimbatore- May 21st–June22 2001.
• IntelligentComputingatKumaragurucollegeofTechnology,Coimbatore,Nov19-30,2001.
• Biomedical Imaging at Dept. of CSE North , North Eastern Regional Institute
of Science andTechnology,Nirjuli,ArunachalPradesh,Nov10-212003.
• AUPowerlab at Anna University from 27thto 28thMay2004.
• FuzzyLogic,AIatJayamathaEngineeringCollege,Nagarkoil,2006
• Soft Computing Techniques In Advanced Special Electric Drives, 2weeks,2011
• ComputationalIntelligenceTechniquesinGreenEnergy,2011
• PowerQualityIssuesinRenewableEnergySourcesandHybridGeneratingSystemon08&09July2013

Organized and Attended the following National/ International

• WorkshoponOpportunitiesinElectronics–SmallScaleSector17thNov90.
• TestabilityinElectronicsMixedAnalogue/DigitalDesignThermalManagementinElectronics,Exper
tfrom UK,1991.
• DesignAndAutomationOfComputerIntegratedManufacturing4-8Jan91.
• AllIndiaManufacturingTechnologyDesignandResearch3-5Dec92.
• InternationalConferenceonElectricalEnergySystems&PowerElectronicsinEmergingEcon
omies, ICEESPEEE- 2009, SRM University, India, April 16-18,2009.
• InternationalConferenceonControl,Automation,CommunicationandEnergyConservation,IN
CACEC- 2009,KonguEngineeringCollege,IndiaJun.4–6,2009
• International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering,ICMEE2009, International
Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, IACSIT(Singapore), Chennai,
India, July24- 26,2009
• One day National Level Workshop on “Finite Element Analysis”, 07 thAug’12
• One day National Level Workshop on “Facts & Power Quality and Solutions”,10thApl’12
• Pre-Conference Tutorial workshop on Advances in Power Systems,8 thOct’13
• CSIRsponsoredOnedayNationalLevelSeminaronIntellectualPatentRightsAwarenessinE&ITSe
ctor, CoimbatoreInstituteofTechnology,16 thMar2012
• ConvenerforNationalSymposium“Powersparx2009”,“Powersparx2010”,“Powersparx
2011” MuthayammalEngineeringCollege,Rasipuram,India
Publications: 244
International Citation: 484 ; h index 12; i10 index 20

International Book: 1
1.Govindaraj Thangavel,” Finite Element Analysis of the Direct Drive PMLOM” In book:
Finite Element Analysis - New Trends and Developments Chapter:6,InTech - Publisher, Oct
2012( ISBN 978-953-51-0769-9)

International Journal: 85 (SCI Thomas Reuters Journal: 03 : Scopus : 09)

1. Govindaraj Thangavel Et Al,,”Low Power Multimodal Switch For Leakage Reduction And Stability
ImprovementInSramCell”,SpringerArabian Journal for Science and Engineering ,Volume 41, Issue
8, August 2016 ,pp 2945-2955 ISSN: 1319-8025 (Print) 2191-4281 (Online) (Thomas Reuters SCI
Journal IF 0.367 ,Scopus)
2. Govindaraj Thangave Et Al , “Low Leakage Power Gating Technique For Subnanometer Cmos
Circuits”, Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences,Volume: 24 Number: 6
pp 5011-5024 ,Dec 2016 ISSN: 1300-0632,2015., doi:10.3906/elk-1410-175 ( Thomas Reuters, SCI
Journal ,Anna University AnnexureI , IF-0.507, Scopus)
3. G. Thangavel and A. K. Ganguli,”Dynamic Modeling of Directive Drive Axial Flux PM Linear Oscillatory
Machine Prototype Using FE Magnetic Analysis”, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer-Fall 2011 (ISSN: 1682-0053
4. Govindaraj Thangavel, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli,” Design, Development and Finite
Element Magnetic Analysis of an Axial Flux PMLOM,” International Journal of Engineering and
Technology, Vol.2 (2), 169-175 , 2010 (ISSN 0975-4024 ,SCOPUS Indexed, IF 0.8470)
5. GovindarajThangavel,DebashisChatterjee,andAshokeK.Ganguli,”Design,DevelopmentandControlofan
AxialFluxPermanentMagnetLinear Oscillating Motor using FE Magnetic Analysis Simulation Models,”
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Oradea, Romania, October 2010(ISSN 1844-6035
Indexed with Index Copernicus, Poland with Current Index Copernicus Value ICV of4.80,
Scopusindexed )
6. Govindaraj Thangavel, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli,”FEA based Axial Flux
Permanent Magnet Linear Oscillating Motor,” International Journal THE ANNALS OF
7. Govindaraj Thangavel, Ashoke K. Ganguli and Debashis Chatterjee,”Dynamic modeling of direct drive
axial flux PMLOM using FEM analysis” International journal of Elixir Electrical Engineering Vol.45 pp
8018- 8022, April 2012 (ISSN 2229-712X Indexed with Index Copernicus, Poland with Current Index
Copernicus Value ICV of5.09, Publication Impact Factor(PIF) of 80.85 powered by I2OR)
8. GovindarajThangavel,DebashisChatterjee,andAshokeK.Ganguli,”FEASimulationModelsbasedDevelopmen
Axial Flux PMLOM,”International Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp.74-
80, 2010 (ISSN 1737-9377)
9.Govindaraj Thangavel,” Design, Development, Analysis and Control of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet
Linear strokes using Finite
Motor Element
suitable for Method,” International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research
(ISSN 22278-943X;Transsteller
Number 3 pp. 419–428,Impact
2010 Factor(JCC):5.6397 )
10. T.Govindaraj,RasilaR,”DevelopmentofFuzzyLogicControllerforDC–
11. V.Selladurai,P.Aravindan,K.ThirumaranandT.Govindaraj,“TheimportanceofEntrepre
Technicaleducation”,TechnologyJournalofPSGTech,ISSN Code:0973-1334pp28-
12. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andS.Deepika,“HybridinputBoostconverterFedBLDCDrive,”
InternationalJournalOfAdvancedand InnovativeResearch.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-
2012, pp444-451. IF 0.349
13. R.NarmathaandT.Govindaraj,“InverterDead-
InternationaljournalofAsianScientificResearch,vol.3,April2013.(ISSN:2223-1331GIF:0.467 ICV
14. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andM.Gunasegaran,“PVMicroinverterSystembasedElectricDrive,”Internationa
lJournalOfAdvancedandInnovative Research.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-2012, pp458-467.
15. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andM.Jagadeesh,“
16. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and A.Kanimozhi,“ Instantaneous Torque control of Small Inductance
Brushless DC Drive,”International Journal Of AdvancedandInnovativeResearch.ISSN:2278-
17. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andT.Keerthana,“DFCAndDTCOfSpecialElectricDriveUsingPIAndFLC,”
InternationalJournalOfAdvanced andInnovative Research.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-2012
18. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andR.Narmatha,“EliminationofDead-
19. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andV.Nithyadevi,“AnalysisofViennaRectifierforDCDrive,”InternationalJournalofAdva
Research.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-2012 ,pp 489-496.
20. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and T.Srinivasan, “ An Hybrid Five-Level Inverter Topology with Single-DC Supply fed
Of Electric
Advanced andDrive,” International
Innovative Journal 2278-7844,Dec-2012, pp 542-548.
21. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and M.Praba,“ Reliability Modeling for Electric Drives under FOC,” International
Journal of Advanced
Research.ISSN: and Innovative
2278-7844, Dec-2012 ,pp 497-503.
22. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andV.Prabakaran,“HybridElectricVehicleEnergyStorageSystem,”Inter
nationalJournalofAdvancedand InnovativeResearch.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-2012, pp504-
23. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andA.Sasipriya,“SolarInverterFedSpecialElectricDrive,”InternationalJo
urnalOfAdvancedandInnovative Research.ISSN:2278-7844, Dec-2012 ,pp511-517.
24. Dr.T.Govindaraj,andT.Satheshkumar,“NewEfficientBridgelessCukConverterFedPMDCDriveForPF
CApplications,”InternationalJournal Of Advanced and Innovative Research.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-
2012, pp518-523
25. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and R.Venkatesh Kumar, “AFLC Based Speed Control of PMSM Drive,”
International Journal Of Advanced and Innovative Research.ISSN: 2278-7844, Dec-2012, pp433-
26. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and B.Gokulakrishnan, “Simulation of PWM based AC/DC Converter control
to improve Power Quality,” International
27. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and V.Jayakumar, “VMC Based Universal Motor,” International Journal Of
Advanced and Innovative Research.ISSN: 2278- 7844, Dec-2012, pp549-553.
28. Dr.T.Govindaraj, and V.Purushothaman, “Simulation Modeling of Inverter Controlled BLDC Drive
Using Four Switch,” International Journal of AdvancedandInnovativeResearch.ISSN:2278-7844,Dec-
29. Dr.T.Govindaraj, Dhakeel V P,” Simulation Modelling on Solar Resonant Converter Fed PMDC
Drive” IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume
1, Issue 6, Dec-Jan, 2014 ISSN: 2320–8791(IF -2.317 ,ICV -4.53)
30. Dr.T.Govindaraj,JithinP,”SimulationModelingonHighPerformanceFLCbasedInductionDrive”IJRE
ATInternationalJournalofResearchin Engineering&AdvancedTechnology, Volume1,Issue6,Dec-
Jan,2014ISSN:2320–8791(IF -2.317 ,ICV -4.53)
31. Dr.T.Govindaraj, T.Archana,”Unit Commitment Based On Frequency Regulating Reserve
Constraint Using Dynamic Programming” IJREAT
32. Dr.T.Govindaraj, Sreema.R.S,” Simulation Modeling On Micro Solar Inverter And Pi Controller
Based Induction Drive” IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced
Technology,Volume 1, Issue 6, Dec-Jan, 2014 ISSN: 2320–8791
33. Dr.T.Govindaraj,T.SatheshKumar,”ABridgelessCukConverterFedPMDCDriveforPFCApplicationsandR
Sinusoidal PWM Technique” IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering &
Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 6, Dec-Jan, 2014 ISSN: 2320 - 8791(IF -2.317 ,ICV -4.53)
34. Dr.T.Govindaraj, Vaisakh.T,”Resonant DC/DC Converter to Reduce Voltage Stress and Ripples”
IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue
6, Dec-Jan, 2014 ISSN: 2320–8791(IF -2.317 ,ICV -4.53)
35. Dr.T.Govindaraj, T.Premkumar,”Simulation Modelling on Reduction of THD with Diode-Clamped Z-
Source Inverter Fed Synchronous Motor” IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 1 January2014
36. Dr.T.Govindaraj,Senthilkumar.A,”ZvsBasedDc-DcBoostConverterFedDcServoDrive”IJAIR-
37. Dr.T.Govindaraj, G. Nanda Kumar ,”Analysis 0f ZVS Dual Half Bridge DC-DC Converter Fed Servo
Motor Using ANFIS “IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 1 January2014
38. Dr.T.Govindaraj , Sarath.S ,”Resonant DC/DC ZVZCS Converter Implementation for Voltage Spike
Reduction in a PMDC Drive”, IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 1 January2014
39. Dr.T.Govindaraj, S.Kanagaraj ,”Optimal Location and Sizing of Distributed Generation for
Improving Voltage “IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 1 January2014
40. Dr.T.Govindaraj, E.Viswanathan,”Bat Optimization Algorithm For Security Constrained Optimal
Power Flow” IJAIR- Vol. 3 Issue 1 January 2014
41. Govindaraj Thangavel ,”Low Frequency Axial Flux Linear Oscillating Motor Suitable for Short Strokes”
International Journal ISRNElectronics
42. Dr.T.Govindaraj, K.Hemalatha,” Quasi-Z-Source Solar Inverter Fed BLDC Drive Using ANFIS MPPT
Control”International Journal Of Innovative
43. Dr.T.Govindaraj, R.Preethi ,”PV Based Cascaded SVPWM Multilevel Converter Fed Induction
Drive” International Journal Of Innovative
44. Dr.T. Govindaraj, S.S.Shabitha,”LC Series Resonant Circuit Based Soft-Switching
Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Fed PMDC Drive,”International
Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering,Vol.
2, Issue 1, January 2014
45. Dr.T.Govindaraj, Jafar Sadik KK,”Single Switch PWM Converter Fed PMDC Drive,” International
Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical,
46. Dr.T.Govindaraj,B.Pradeepa,”SimulationModellingOnSwitched-InductorZ-
47. Dr.T.Govindaraj, Dhivya.N.M,”Simulation Modelling On Artificial Neural Network Based Voltage
Source Inverter Fed PMSM,” Innovative
48. Dr.T.Govindaraj,Ms.P.Suganya,”SimulationModellingOnSpaceVectorModulatedQuasiZ-
SourceInverterFedPMSM,”Innovative ResearchIn Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And
Control Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2014
49. Dr.T.Govindaraj,M.Vidhya,”Optimal Economic Dispatch For Power Generation Using Genetic
Algorithm,”Innovative Research In Electrical,
50. Dr.T.Govindaraj,H.Ashtalakshmi,”SimulationOfBridgelessSEPICConverterWithPowerFactorCorre
51. Dr.T.Govindaraj, N.Saranya,”Sparse Matrix Converter Fed Induction Drive Using Fuzzy Logic
Controller,” Innovative Research In Electrical,
52. DrT.Govindaraj,G.Divya,”SpeedControlOfInductionMotorUsingFuzzyLogicControl,”InnovativeRe
searchInElectrical,Electronics, InstrumentationAndControlEngineering,Vol.2,Issue1,January2014
53. Dr.T.Govindaraj,T.Muthuraja,”SimulationModellingOnZVSBasedMOSFETInverterAndIGBTConv
54. Dr.T.Govindaraj, R.Thendral,”Multi Objective Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Quadratic
Programming,” Innovative Research In
55. Dr.T.Govindaraj, S.Dinesh,”Simulation Modelling On Risk Based Optimal Power Flow Using Bio
Inspired Algorithm,” Innovative Research In
56. Dr.T.Govindaraj,D.Hemalatha,”DynamicReactivePowerControlOfIslandedMicrogridUsing
57. Dr.T.Govindaraj,J.Jayasujitha,”AWideAreaMonitoringSystemUsingNeuroControlTechniqueFo
58. Dr.T.Govindaraj And C.Surya,”Simulation Modelling On An Integrated Non-Isolated Buck-Fly back
AC-DC Converter For Power Quality Improvement,” Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics,
Instrumentation And Control Engineering,Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2014 impact factor 1.112 ICV3.98
59. Dr.T.Govindaraj1, G.Nagarajan," Simulation Of A Boost Converter Based Bootstrap
Capacitor And Boost Inductor For PMDC Drive,”InnovativeResearch In Electrical,
Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering,Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2014
60. Dr.T.Govindaraj, Shilpa Susan Abraham,”Modified Time Sharing Switching Technique For
Multiple Input DC-DC Converter Fed PMDC
61. Dr.T.Govindaraj,T.Keerthana,”DirectFluxAndTorqueControlOfThreePhaseInductionM
otorUsingPiAndFuzzyLogic Controller,”InnovativeResearch In Electrical, Electronics,
Instrumentation And Control Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2014
62. Dr.T.Govindaraj1,N.Lavanya,"FuzzyControllerforSolarReconfigurableConverterFedBLDCDrive"
63. Dr.T.Govindaraj,V.Tamildurai,"FireflyAlgorithmforOptimalPowerFlowConsideringControl
64. Dr.T.Govindaraj1, S.Udayakumar,"Optimal Reactive Power Planning And Real Power Loss
Minimization Using Cuckoo Search
65. Dr.T.Govindaraj, C. Suresh kumar,"Solving Environmental Power Unit Commitment with
POZ Constraint Using Memetic
ntrolEngineeringVol.2,Issue2, February2014
66. A.Kanimozhi,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”ControlofInstantaneousTorqueinSmallInductanceBrushle
ssDCMotor”Transactionson EngineeringandSciencesISSN:2347-1964Online2347-
67. Dr.T.Govindaraj,P.Saranya,”A SCADA System For Next Generation Distribution System Using
Zigbee Technology”, IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 2 (February2014)
68. Dr.T.Govindaraj, A.Nandhini,”An Improved Double Flying Capacitor Multicell Converter
Controlled By A Phase-Shifted Carrier PWM”, IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 2 (February2014)
69. Dr.T.Govindaraj,S.Manikandan,”DynamicSpeedRegulationOfPermanentMagnetSynchron
ousMotorUsingGaBasedPi Controller”,IJAIR-Volume 3 Issue 2 (February2014)
70. Dr.T.Govindaraj and S.Vishnu,” Simulation Modelling of Sensor less Speed Control of BLDC
Motor Using Artificial Neural Network,”
71. Dr. T. Govindaraj and S. Vasanth,” A Novel Approach to Harmonics Analysis and Control for
Dynamic Power System using STATCOM,”
72. Dr. T. Govindaraj and Mr. K. Bharanidharan,” Stability and Reliability Improvement in Solar
Wind Hybrid Power System with Battery Energy Storage Station,” International Journal of
Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 10, Issue. 3,
73. Dr.T.Govindaraj, M.Senthamil,”Simulation Modelling Based Control Of An Interleaved Boost
Converter Fed Induction Motor Using PSO Algorithm,”Innovative Research In Electrical,
Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering,Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2014
74. Dr.T.Govindaraj,P.Vijayakumar,”SimulationModellingOnHarmonicReductionUsingCa
olEngineering,Vol.2,Issue1, January2014
75. Dr.T.Govindaraj, P.Ganapathi,” Simulation modelling of ANN based Discrimination of
in rush current and fault Current in power transformer”, IJAIR- Volume 3 Issue 2
(February 2014)
76. K.KrishnanDr.T.Govindaraj,,P.Kanmani,,”MANETBasedLocalityTrustExtendedAuthenticationUsing
LAM”InternationalJournalof Scientific Research in Computer Science (IJSRCS)
uthenticatedData Transmission with High Security Risk,” International Journal of Scientific Research
in Computer Science (IJSRCS), IRET Journals,Vol.2,Iss3,2014
edByAPhase-ShiftedCarrier PWM”,Elixir International Journal,June2014
79 .T.Govindaraj and N.Lavanya,” Fuzzy Logic Controller for Solar Reconfigurable Converter Fed BLDC
Drive”, Elixir International Journal,June 2014
80.T.Govindaraj Et al”Low Leakage Charge Recycling Power Gating Structure for CMOS VLSI
Circuits“,International Journal Informacije MIDEM – Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic
Components and Materials,Jan2015.(Thomas Reuters, Anna University Annexure I)
81.B. Gokulakrishnan and T.Govindaraj ,”Power Quality Improvement In A Distribution System Using
D-STATCOM WithFuzzy Controller ”, International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research(IJAER),Volume 10, Number 11 (2015) pp. 29927-29936 (Scopus )
82. A.Ambika,Dr.T.Govindharaj,” Performance Analysis of Improved Power Quality Chopper Fed
PMBLDC Motor Drive”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562
Volume 10, Number 9 (2015),http://www.ripublication.com (Scopus)
83.MANICKAM Kavitha,THANGAVEL Govindaraj,”Power Gating Technique for Power Reduction and
Data Retention in CMOS Circuits”, Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Romania,Volume 9,
Number 1, May 2016(Scopus)
84.Govindaraj Thangavel, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli,” Finite Element Analysis of an
Axial Flux Permanent Magnet
inear Oscillating Motor suitable for short stroke,” International Journal of Computer Science , Current
Issue, Mar ’10 (ISSN 1819-
85.Govindaraj Thangavel, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli,” Modelling and Simulation of
Magnet Linear Oscillating
Microcontroller Motor,”International Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems, Vol.1,
based Permanent
Iss.2, pp. 112-117, 2010 (ISSN
86.Govindaraj T Et al,"FLC Based SOGI Controller for Photovoltaic Operated STATCOM for Current
Harmonic Elimination" Journal of Testing and Evaluation 2017

International / National Conference: 158

1. T.Govindaraj, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli, “A Permanent Magnet Linear
OscillatingMotor for Short Strokes,” Proc. International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems &
Power Electronics in Emerging Economies ,ICEESPEEE- 2009, SRM University, India, April 16-18,
2009, pp. 351- 355 (Best paper award).
2. T.Govindaraj, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli,”Development, Finite Element Analysis
and Electronic Controlled Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Linear direct Oscillating Motor drive suitable
for short strokes”, IEEE Proc. International Conference on Control, Automation, Communication and
Energy Conservation, INCACEC- 2009, Kongu Engineering College, India Jun. 4–6, 2009,pp.479–483.
3. Govindaraj T, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli,”FE Magnetic Field Analysis Simulation
Models based Design, Development, Control and Testing of An Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Linear
Association of Engineers, World Congress on Engineering 2009, London, United Kingdom.1-3, Jul2009
4. Govindaraj T, Debashis Chatterjee, and Ashoke K. Ganguli, “Development, Analysis and Control of an
Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Linear Oscillating Motor suitable for Short Strokes”, Proc. 2009 IEEE
5. GovindarajT,DebashisChatterjee,andAshokeK.Ganguli,”Development,ControlandTestingofaNewAxial
2009 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, ICMEE 2009, International
6. GovindarajT,DebashisChatterjee,andAshokeK.Ganguli,”FEMagneticAnalysisSimulationModelofMEMS
–PMLOM,” National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Systems,
Muthayammal Engineering College, India, Feb ’10.
7. R.Rasila and T.Govindaraj, “FLC Based Closed Loop DC-DC Converter”, Pro. of the National Conf.
“Innovative Technologies In Electrical And Electronics Systems”, Muthayammal Engineering College,
Rasipuram, India, Mar. 30,2011.
8. R.RasilaandT.Govindaraj,“DevelopmentofFuzzyLogicControllerForDC-
DCConverter”,Pro.oftheNational Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”,
M.P.Nachimuthu M.Jaganathan Engineering College, Chennimalai, Erode, India, Jan. 21,2011.
9. A.Anjaline priya and T.Govindaraj, “A Modified Sepic Converter with High Static Gain For Universal
Input Voltage Applications”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Smart Systems (NCS2)”, Erode Builder
Educational Trust GroupOfInstitutions,Kangayam,India,Mar.19,2011.
10. G.Ramya and T.Govindaraj, “Implementation of Multilevel Inverter Using Microcontroller”, Pro. of the
National Conf. “Modern Communication Techniques (MCT)”, Mahendra Engineering College,
Namakkal, India, Mar. 21,2011.
11. Penchala kishore.K and T.Govindaraj, “A Non Isolated Bidirectional ZVS-PWM Active Clamped DC-
DC Converter”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”,
12. K.PenchalaKishoreandT.Govindaraj,“ThreeLevelZVSActiveClampingPWMfortheDC-
DCBuckConverter”, Pro. of the National Conf. Smart Systems (NCS2) Erode Builder Educational Trust
Group of Institutions, Kangayam, India, Mar. 19,2011.
13. T.Nandhini priya and T.Govindaraj, “Design Of EMI Filter for AC Fed Motors”, Pro. of the National
Conf. “Innovative Technologies In Electrical And Electronics Systems”, Muthayammal Engineering
College, Rasipuram, India, Mar. 30,2011.
14. T.Nandhini priya and T.Govindaraj, “Design Of EMI Filter for AC Fed Motors”, Pro. of the National
Conf. “Intellectual Perspectives On Intelligent Control(IPIC-2011)”, Annai Mathammal Sheela
Engineering College,Rasipuram, India, Mar. 11,2011.
15. M.ManikandanandT.Govindaraj,“ZeroSwitchingVoltageInHighFrequencyDC-
DCConverterUsingPWM”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Intellectual Perspectives On Intelligent
Control(IPIC-2011)”, Annai Mathammal SheelaEngineeringCollege,Rasipuram,India,Mar.25,2010.
16. V.NanthakumarandT.Govindaraj,“AnImprovementOfATransformerless,Voltage-
BoostingInverterForPV Modules”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Intellectual Perspectives On Intelligent
Control(IPIC2011)”, Annai MathammalSheelaEngineeringCollege,Rasipuram,India,Mar.25,2010.
17. V.NanthakumarandT.Govindaraj,“ASinglePhaseMultilevelInverterGridConnectedPhotovoltaicSystem”,
Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, M.P.Nachimuthu
18. K.Dhanya, K.Umadevi and T.Govindaraj, “Design Oriented Analysis of Buck PFC Converter”, Pro. of
the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, M.P.Nachimuthu
M.Jaganathan EngineeringCollege,Chennimalai,Erode,India,Jan.21,2011.
19. S.Ramachandran,P.VijayaraghavanandT.Govindaraj,“SinglePhasetoThreePhaseDriveSystemUsingTwo
Parallel Single Phase Rectifier”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics
20. M.Sahira Farvin Banu, S.Velmurugan and T.Govindaraj, “Multilevel Inverter Fed Grid Connected PV
System”,Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”,
M.P.Nachimuthu M.JaganathanEngineeringCollege,Chennimalai,Erode,India,Jan.21,2011.
21. K.Sanjeevikumar, R.Prakash and T.Govindaraj, “An Integrated Four-Port DC/DC Converter for
Renewable Energy Application”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics
22. G.Mahendran, S.Velmurugan and T.Govindaraj, “Balancing the Supply and Demand Using Flexible
Intelligent Energy Delivery System”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering”, M.P.Nachimuthu M.Jaganathan Engineering College, Chennimalai, Erode, India, Jan. 21,
23. G.Manikandan, R.Prakash and T.Govindaraj, “An Efficient AC-DC Step Up Converter For Low
Voltage Energy Harvesting”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering”, M.P.NachimuthuM.JaganathanEngineeringCollege,Chennimalai,Erode,India,Jan.21,2011.
24. K.Mohanasundaram,P.VijayaraghavanandT.Govindaraj,“ZVSBasedHighEfficientBridgeConverter”,P
ro. of the National Conf. “Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, M.P.Nachimuthu
25. K.Kabilan and T.Govindaraj, “ Fuzzy logic controlled harmonic reduction in current source converter
fed stepper motor drive”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering
(NCRTE’12)”, Mar
26. K.Kabilan and T.Govindaraj, “ Fuzzy logic controlled harmonic reduction in current source converter
fed stepper motor drive”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Emerging Trends in Power Electronics, Drives and
27. M.Sankar and T.Govindaraj, “ A Control Strategy of BLDC Motor using Sensor”, Pro. of the National
ollege, Chennimalai, Erode, India, Jan. 21,2012.
28. M.SankarandT.Govindaraj,“AnEfficientControlStrategyofBLDCMotorusingSensor”,Pro.oftheNational
Conf. “Recent Trends in Computational Intelligent Techniques in Power System”, Vivekanandha college
of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode, India, Feb.18,2012.
29. M.SankarandT.Govindaraj,“AnEfficientControlStrategyofBLDCMotorusingSensor”,Pro.oftheNational
Conf. “Recent Advancements and Challenges in Electrical Engineering and Applications”, Institute of
Road andTransportTechnology,Erode,India,Feb.29&Mar.1,2012.
30. R.PariandT.Govindaraj,“ASeriesTunedInductivePowerTransferPickupWithAStepperMotor”,Pro.ofthe
National Conf. “Innovative Challenges In Electrical Engineering, ICEE-2K12”, Jayalakshmi Institute of
Technology, Thoppur, India, Mar.19,2012.
31. R.PariandT.Govindaraj,“ASeriesTunedInductivePowerTransferPickupWithAStepperMotor”,Pro.ofthe
Road and Transport Technology, Erode, India, Feb.29 & Mar. 1, 2012.
32. J.PandiyanandT.Govindaraj,“SquareWaveOperationforSinglePhaseMotorDriveSystemWithPFC”,Pro.
of the National Conf. “Emerging Trends in Power Electronics, Drives and Control Application”,
Christian CollegeofEngineeringandTechnology,Oddanchatram,Dindigul,India,Mar.22,2012.
33. A.Sowmiya and T.Govindaraj, “ Improving Stability of Active Clamped ZVS DC-DC Converter With
cations”, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode, India, Feb.29 & Mar.1,2012.
34. A.Sowmiya and T.Govindaraj, “Utilization Of Active Clamped Technique In ZVS DC-DC Converter”,
Pro. of the National Conf. “Computational Intelligence to Emerging Electric Power System”,
N.P.R.College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, India, Mar. 31,2012.
35. A.Sowmiya and T.Govindaraj, “Stability Analysis of DC-DC Converter Using Clamping Technique”,
Pro. of the National Conf. “Intelligent Electrical System(NCIES-’12)”, Mahendra College of Engineering,
Salem, India, on Mar. 30,2012.
36. M.Sharanya and T.Govindaraj, “ High Gain Isolated Boost DC-DC Converter for a Stepper Motor”,
Pro. of the
Road and Transport Technology, Erode, India, on Feb.29 & Mar.1,2012.
37. M.SharanyaandT.Govindaraj,“HighEfficiencyIsolatedBoostDC-DCConverterforaStepperMotor”,Pro.of
on Mar.30,2012.
38. S.AnjanaandT.Govindaraj,“InductionMotorFedFromPowerElectronicEnergyStorageSystemsWithUltra
Capacitor Using the Principle Of Regenerative Feedback”, Pro. of the National Conf. “ Recent
Advancements and Challenges in Electrical Engineering and Applications”, Institute of Road and
Transport Technology, Erode, India, Feb.29 & Mar.1,2012.
39. S.Anjana and T.Govindaraj, “SPWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor and Converter Based ESS Using
Regenerative Braking”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering
(NCRTE’12)”, Mar Baseliose Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Peermade, Kerala,
India,Mar.19, 2012.
40. S.Anjana and T.Govindaraj, “SPWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor and Converter Based ESS Using
Regenerative Braking”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Technological Developments in Power Engineering
(NCTDPE’12)”, K.S.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, India, Mar. 28,2012.
41. M.SuganyaandT.Govindaraj,“HybridCommon-
ModeEMIFilterWithActiveImpedanceMultiplicationUsing Universal Motor”, Pro. of the National Conf.
“Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”,
42. M.SuganyaandT.Govindaraj,“HybridCommon-
ModeEMIFilterWithActiveImpedanceMultiplicationUsing Universal Motor”, Pro. of the National Conf.
“Recent Advancements and Challenges in Electrical Engineering and Applications”, Institute of Road
and Transport Technology, Erode, India, Feb.29 & Mar.1,2012.
43. P.Raja and T.Govindaraj, “A High Power Density Single Phase PWM Converter with Active Ripple
Energy Storage Fed Dc Servo Motor”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Emerging Trends in Power
Electronics, Drives and Control Application”, Christian College of Engineering and Technology,
oddanchatram, Dindigul, India, Mar.22,2012.
44. Jose.K.Paul, and T.Govindaraj, “ Power Factor Correction of a Boost Converter Fed Three-Phase Four
Switch Inverter Fed BLDC Motor”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering
45. B.Gokulakrishnan and T.Govindaraj, “ Power Quality Improvement by Injection Active Power Filter
using Energy Release Circuit,” in proc.11th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and
Energy Conversion’12”,on18th &19thOct.2012,MuthayammalEngineeringCollege,Rasipuram.
46. M.Kavitha and T.Govindaraj, “ Leakage Current Mechanisms and Reduction Techniques in
Submicrometer CMOS Circuits,” in proc. 5th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and
Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram.
47. V.Purushothaman and T.Govindaraj, “Analysis of Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Inverter
Control BLDC Motor using Four Switch,” in proc.16 th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in
Power and Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering
48. S.Deepika and T.Govindaraj, “Hybrid Input DC-DC Boost Converter Fed BLDC Motor,” in proc.17th
in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy Conversion’12”, on 18 th & 19th Oct.
2012, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram.
49. U.P.Dhivya, N.Krishnapriya and T.Govindaraj, “A Voltage-Controlled PFC Cuk Converter Based
PMBLDC Motor Using Fuzzy Controller,” in proc.18th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in
Power and Energy Conversion’12”,on18th
CellBasedModularMultilevelConverter fed Induction Motor Drive,” in proc.19th in the National Conf.
on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal
Engineering College,Rasipuram.
51.M.Gunasekaran, S.Ramkumar and T.Govindaraj, “Boost-Half-Bridge Photovoltaic Micro inverter
System for Single Phase Induction Motor,” in proc.20th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in
Power and Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College,
DC Converter Fed DC motor,” in proc.21st in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and
Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram.
53.V.Jayakumar, P.M.Manikandan and T.Govindaraj, “ Novel Non-isolated High-Voltage Gain DC-DC
converters Based on Three-State Switching cell and Voltage Multiplier Cells,” in proc.22 nd in the
National Conf. on
54.A.Kanimozhi and T.Govindaraj, “Instantaneous Torque Control of Small Inductance Brushless DC
motor,” in proc.23rd in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy Conversion’12”,
on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
Fuzzy Logic Controller,” in proc.24th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy
Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram.
TimeinSPWMInverterControlledSinglePhaseInduction Motor Drive,” in proc.25 th in the National Conf.
on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal
Engineering College,Rasipuram.
57.V.Nithya Devi, N.Krishnapriya and T.Govindaraj, “Design and Performance analysis of Vienna Rectifier
for DC Motor ,” in proc.26th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy
Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
58.M.Prabha, N.Krishnapriya and T.Govindaraj, “Reliability Modeling for Induction Motor Drives under
Field- Oriented Control,” in proc.27th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy
Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
59.V.Prabhakaran and T.Govindaraj, “Design and Controller for a Battery UltraCapacitor Hybrid Electric
Vehicle Energy Storage System” in proc.28th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in
Power and Energy
Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
60.A.Sasipriya, A.Thangaraju and T.Govindaraj, “Implementation of a Buck-Boost Converter Based PV
Inverter Fed Induction Motor,” in proc.29th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and
Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
61.T.Satheshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “New Efficient Bridgeless Cuk Converter Fed PMDC Motor Drive
for PFC Applications,” in proc.30th in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy
Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
Phase Induction Motor,” in proc.31st in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and Energy
Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram.
63.R.Venkatesh Kumar and T.Govindaraj, “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Speed Control of Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motor,” in proc.32nd in the National Conf. on “Frontier Research in Power and
Energy Conversion’12”, on 18th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram.
64.P.Vijayakumar and T.Govindaraj, “Analysis and Mitigation of Torsional Vibration of PM Brushless
AC/DC Drives With Direct Torque Controller,” in proc.33rd in the National Conf. on “Frontier
Research in Power and Energy Conversion’12”, on 18 th & 19th Oct. 2012, Muthayammal Engineering
College, Rasipuram.
65.T.Sirinivasan, and T.Govindaraj, “An Hybrid Five-Level Inverter Topology With Single- Dc Supply Fed
Single Phase Induction Motor,” in proc.7th in the National Conf. on “Emerging Scenario in Power
Engineering Electrical Drives”, K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February
66.V.Nithya Devi, and T.Govindaraj, “Design and Performance analysis of Vienna Rectifier for DC Motor ”,
y College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February2013.
67.A.Kanimozhi and T.Govindaraj, “ Control of Instantaneous Torque Control of Small Inductance
Brushless DC motor,” in proc.7th in the National Conf. on “Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering
Electrical Drives”, K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February 2013.
68.A.Sasipriya, and T.Govindaraj, “Implementation of a Buck-Boost Converter Based PV Inverter Fed
Induction Motor,” in proc.7th in the National Conf. on “Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering
Electrical Drives”, K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February 2013.
al Drives”, K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February2013.
70.R.Narmatha and T.Govindaraj, “Inverter dead-time elimination for reducing harmonic distortion and
improving power quality,” in proc.7th in the National Conf. on “Emerging Scenario in Power
Engineering Electrical Drives”, K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February
71.M.Jagadeesh, and T.Govindaraj, “Resonant converter fed PMDC Drive using soft switching techniques,”
y College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February2013.
72.M.Prabha, and T.Govindaraj, “Reliability Modeling for Induction Motor Drives under Field-Oriented
Control,” in proc.7th in the National Conf. on “Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering Electrical
Drives”, K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February 2013.
Fuzzy Logic Controller,” in proc.7th in the National Conf. on “Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering
Electrical Drives”,K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February2013.
74.C.Gayathri, and T.Govindaraj, “An Innovative Chopper-Cell Based Modular Multilevel Converter fed
lDrives”,K.S Rangasamy College of technology, Tiruchengode on 7 February 2013.
75. S.Deepika and T.Govindaraj, “Hybrid Input Dc-Dc Boost Converter Fed Special Machine”,
ProceedingOf National Conference On Advancement In Electrical Power, Signal Processing And
Communication Network Systems2013, Selvam College Of Technology, 15th &16th March2013.
76. A.Gopinath,A.Thangaraju and T.Govindaraj, “A ZVS Interleaved Boost AC/DC Converter Fed
Permanent Magnet Dc Motor”, Proceeding Of National Conference on Research Advances in
Communication, Computation, Electrical science and Structures(RACCESS-2013), Bharathiyar Institute
of Engineering For Woman, on 23rdFebruary2013.
77. M.Gunasekaran,Mr.S.RamkumarandT.Govindaraj,“ABoostHalf-
BridgePhotovoltaicMicroInverterDrive using ANFIS”, Proceeding of International Conference on
Computing Of Power, Energy, Information And Communication at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College
on 17th &18th April2013.
78. M.Gunasekaran, S.Ramkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A Photovoltaic Micro Inverter fed Drive”,
Proceedingof National Conference on Emerging Vistas of Electrical Electronics and
Communication Technologies
(NCEVEECT-13) at Kingston Engineering College, 15th &16 th June 2013.
79. M.Jagadeesh, M.Hemalatha and T.Govindaraj, “Resonant Converter Fed Dc Drive Using Soft Switching
Techniques”, Proceeding Of National Conference On Emerging Vistas Of Electrical Electronics And
Communication Technologies(NCEVEECT-13) At Kingston Engineering College,15th &16th June2013.
80.V.Jayakumar, and T.Govindaraj, “A DC-DC Converter Based On Three State Switching Cell And
And Communication Technologies(NCEVEECT-13) At Kingston Engineering College,15th &16th
81.M.Jayaseelan, C.V.Venkatesan and T.Govindaraj, “A High Efficiency Single Phase Single Stage Three
Level Power Factor Correction Ac-Dc Converter For PMDC Motor”, Proceeding Of 4 th National
Conference On Industrial Technology (NCIT-2013) At Bannariamman Institute Of Technology On 13th
&14th March 2013.
82.K.Kathiravan, S.Ramkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A High Efficiency Single Phase Active Input Bridge
Converter Fed PMDC Motor”, Proceeding Of National Conference On Recent Trends In Control System
And Power Electronics NCCSPE’2012, Vivekanandha College Of Engineering Technology For
Women,27th 28th December 2012.
83.K.Kathiravan, S.Ramkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A High Efficiency Single Phase Active Input Bridge
Converter Fed PMDC Motor”, Proceeding Of National Conference On Intelligent Controller In
Electrical And Electronic System, Held On AVS Engineering College 10 th April 2013.
84.C.Parthasarathi, S.Ramkumar and T.Govindaraj, “power PWM current source inverter fed induction
motor using zero speed operation”, Proceeding of 2 nd National Conference on Advancement In
Electrical Power, Signal Processing And Communication Network Systems2013, Selvam College Of
Technology,15th &16th March 2013.
85. P.Ramprasath,K.SelvakumarandT.Govindaraj,“AHighFrequencyFuzzyControlOfResonantDc-
DcConverter Fed Dc Motor”, Proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Vistas Of Electrical
Electronics And Communication Technologies(NCEVEECT-13) at Kingston Engineering College,15th
&16th June2013.
86. D.Sangathamilan,G.Santhoshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A High efficiency Power Factor Correction
Boost Converter Using Soft Switching Technique”, Proceeding of National Conference on Science,
Engineering And Technology(SET) at VIT University, on 8 th & 9th November2012.
87. A.Satheeshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “Z-Source Multilevel Inverter For Fed Single Phase Induction
Motor”, Proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Vistas Of Electrical Electronics And
Communication Technologies(NCEVEECT-13) at Kingston Engineering College,15th &16th June2013.
88.T.Satheshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A Bridgeless Cuk Converter Fed PMDC Drive for PFC Application
& Reduction in Conduction Losses”, Proceeding Of National Conference on Innovation In Electrical,
Electronics And Control System (IEECONS 2013), Kumarakuru College Technology, 2nd March 2013.
89. P.Ganapathi,A.Thangaraju,Dr.T.Govindaraj,” Solving Unit Commitment problems by Neural Network
with Simulated Annealing Approach”, International Conference on Future Utility of Scarcity Energy(ICON
FUSE) 2014
90. T.Satheshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “a DCM operation of IGBT switch in bridgeless cuk converter fed
PMDC drive for PFC Application & Reduction In Conduction Losses”, Proceeding Of National
Conference on
gy And Intelligent Computing, Angel College Of Engineering And Technology,21 st To 23rd
91. T.Satheshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A Buck Operation of Bridgeless Cuk Converter Fed PMDC Drive
with PFC Application”, Proceeding Of National Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control For
Engineering Application, Anna University, Regional Centre. 27th &28th March2013.
92. T.Satheshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A Bridgeless Cuk Converter Fed PMDC Drive For PFC
Application & Reduction in THD values using sinusoidal PWM technique”, Proceeding of International
Conference on Computing Of Power, Energy, Information And Communication at Adhiparasakthi
Engineering College on 17th &18th April 2013.
93.S.Sathishkumar and T.Govindaraj, “A High Efficiency DC-DC Converters Based On Quasi Z-Source
Network Fed Dc Motor”, Proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Vistas Of Electrical
Electronics And Communication Technologies(NCEVEECT-13) at Kingston Engineering College,15th
&16th June 2013.
94.S.Sengottuvel,K.Selvakumar and T.Govindaraj, “High Frequency Resonant SEPIC Converters Fed Dc
Adhiparasakthi Engineering College on 17th &18th April2013.
95.S.Sengottuvel,K.Selvakumar and T.Govindaraj, “High Frequency Resonant SEPIC Converters Fed Dc
and Structures(RACCESS-2013), Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering For Woman, on23rd
96.P.Senthilraja and T.Govindaraj, “A Novel DC-DC Converter Using High Frequency Resonant Fed Dc
nd Structures(RACCESS-2013), Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering For Woman, on 23 rd
97.G.Srinivasan, T.Muthukumar and T.Govindaraj, “Direct Torque Control For Three Phase Induction
Motor Without AC Phase Current Sensor”, Proceeding of National Conference on Intelligent Controller
in Electrical and Electronics System at AVS Engineering College on 10th April 2013.
98. T.Srinvasan and T.Govindaraj, “Five-Level Cascaded Inverter Topology With Single DC Supply Fed
Induction Motor Drive”, Proceeding of National Conference on Emerging Vistas Of Electrical
Electronics And Communication Technologies (NCEVEECT-13) at Kingston Engineering College,15th
&16th June 2013.
System(RTPEP-13).R.M.K Engineering College,18th march2013.
put High Voltage Application”, Proceeding of National Conference on Research Advances in
Communication, Computation, Electrical science and Structures(RACCESS-2013), Bharathiyar Institute
of Engineering For Woman, on 23rdFebruary2013.
101.R.Venkateshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Speed Control Of Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motor”, Proceeding Of National Conference on Research Advances in
Communication,Computation, Electrical science and Structures(RACCESS-2013), Bharathiyar Institute
of Engineering For Woman, on 23rd February2013.
102.R.Venkateshkumar and T.Govindaraj, “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Speed Control Of Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motor”, Proceeding Of National Conference On Application Of AI Techniques For
Hybrid Renewable Energy System(AITHIRE-2013),SRM University,21st -22nd March 2013.
103.P.Vijayakumar and T.Govindaraj, “Analysis And Mitigation Of Torsional Vibration Of PM BLDC
Drive With
d Communication Technologies (NCEVEECT-13) at Kingston Engineering College,15 th &16th
104.H.Ashtalakshmi, P.Ganesh and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Reduction of Input Ripple Current and Harmonics
using Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter fed PMDC Drive”, Pro. of the National Conf.
“Emerging Trends Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, Thangavelu Engineering College, May. 03,
105.Dhakeeel.VP and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “High Efficient DC-DC conversion Using Solar Resonant
Converter”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Innovative and Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology”,
Panimalar Institute of Technology,Chennai , May 06, 2014.
106.N.M.Dhivya and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “ Artificial Neural Network Based Voltage Source Inverter Fed
PMSM Drive”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Emerging Technologies and Applications in Electrical
Sciences”, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Mar.15, 2014.
107.G.Divya, G.Dineshkumar and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “ Speed Control Of induction Motor using Fuzzy Logic
College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Mar.15,2014.
108.K.Hemalatha and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “A Quasi Z-Source Inverter Fed BLDC Motor with MPPT control
using ANFIS”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Optimization Techniques in Engineering Sciences and
Technologies”, Bannari Amman Institue of Technology, Erode, India, Apr.4-5, 2014.
109. Jafar Sadik KK and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Speed Control of PMDC motor using Single Switch PWM
converter ”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Advancements in Instrumentation, Control and Automation”,
Thangavelu Engineering College, May. 03,2014.
110. Jithin P and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “High Performed Fuzzy Controller Operation of Induction Motor”,
Pro. ofthe National Conf. “Innovative and Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology”, Panimalar
Institute of Technology,Chennai , May 06,2014.
111. Lavanya N and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Fuzzy Controller For Solar Reconfigurable Converter fed BLDC
Drive”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering and Electrical Drives”, K
S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Mar.21,2014.
Pro. of the National Conf. “Advanced Computing and Communication systems”, Government College
of Technology , Coimbatore, Mar.27,2014.
113.S Manikandan and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Dynamics Speed response of PMSM using GA based
Controller”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Technological Innovations in Electrical Engineering”, KSR
College of Engineering , Tiruchengode, Mar.28, 2014.
114.S Manikandan and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Modeling anlysing of PMSM using Intelligent Controlled
Technique”, Pro. of the International Conf. “Trends in Technology and Engineering”, Arjun College of
Technology , Coimbatore, Apr.04, 2014.
115.K.Murugavel, Dr.T.Govindaraj and P.Ganesh, “Speed Four Switch Three Phase Inverter Fed Induction
based on Fuzzy Controller ”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Advancements in Instrumentation, Control and
Automation”, Thangavelu Engineering College, May. 03, 2014.
National Conf. “Advanced Computing and Communication systems”, Government College of
Technology , Coimbatore, Mar.27,2014.
117.G. Nagarajan and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Boost Converter Based on Bootstrap Capacitor and Boost
Inductor for PDC drives ”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Electrical Power and Energy Systems”,
Kongunadu Colleg of Engineering and Technology, Mar. 26, 2014.
118.G. Nandakumar and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Simulation of Dual Half Bridge DC-DC converter Fed Drives”,
Pro. of the National Conf. “Electrical Power and Energy Systems”, Kongunadu Colleg of Engineering
and Technology, Mar. 26, 2014.
119.B. Pradeepa and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “ Switched Inductor Z-source Inverter based BLDC drive”, Pro. of
g and Technology, Erode, Mar.15,2014.
120.R.Preeti, A.Thangaraju and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “PV based Cascaded Multilevel Converter Using SVPWM
fed Induction Motor Drive”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Modern Trends in Electrical Power
Engineering”, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Mar.06, 2014.
121.T.Premkumar and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “THD reduction in AC drives with Z-source Inverter”, Pro. of the
National Conf. “Recent Trends in Industrial Automation”, Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and
Technology, Pollachi, India, Mar.21-22, 2014.
122.N. Saranya and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Performance of Converter Fed AC drive”, Pro. of the National Conf.
“Technological Innovations in Electrical Engineering”, KSR College of Engineering , Tiruchengode,
Mar.28, 2014.
123. Sarath S and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Implementation of ZVZCS converter for Voltage Smoothing in a
PMDC drive ”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Advancements in Instrumentation, Control and
Automation”, Thangavelu Engineering College, May. 03,2014.
124. SaravananMandDr.T.Govindaraj,“WindTurbinesbasedImprovedFullBridgeThreelevelDC_DCconverte
r fedaDCmotorusingVoltageDoublerRectifier”,Pro.oftheNationalConf.“EmergingTrendsinElectronics,
125. SenthamilMandDr.T.Govindaraj,“ControlofaninterleavedBoostconverterfedInductionMotorusingPSO
College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Mar.15,2014.
126. A Senthilkumar and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Soft switching based DC-DC Boost Converter for DC servo
motor variable speed control method using PI controller”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Advanced
Computing and Communicationsystems”,GovernmentCollegeofTechnology,Coimbatore,Mar.27,2014.
127. A Senthilkumar and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “ Zero Voltage switching DC-DC Boost Integration Technique for
DC servo motor speed control method”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Technological Innovations in
Electrical Engineering”, KSR College of Engineering , Tiruchengode, Mar.28,2014.
128. A Senthilkumar and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Colsed loop Speed Control of DC servomotor using PI
controller”, Pro.
129.S.S. Shabitha and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “LC series Resonant circuit based Soft switching Bidirectional DC-
DC converter fed PMDC motor”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Recent Trends in Engineering and
Technology”, Jansons Institute of Technology , Coimbatore, Mar.22, 2014.
130. Shilpa Susan Abraham and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Working of Multiple input DC-DC Buck-Boost
Converter fed PMDC motor based on Modified Time Sharing Switching Technique ”, Pro. of the
National Conf.“Advancements in Instrumentation, Control and Automation”, Thangavelu Engineering
College, May. 03, 2014.
131. Sreema RS and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Speed Control of Induction Motor using Photovoltaic micro
Inverter and PI contoller ”, Pro. of the National Conf. “Advancements in Instrumentation, Control and
Automation”, ThangaveluEngineeringCollege,May.03,2014.
sourceInverterfedPMSM”, Pro. of the International Conf. “Electrical, Communication and
Computing”,Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, Mar.13-14,2014.
133.C.Surya, M.Hemalatha and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “An Integrated Non-Isolated Buck-Fly Back AC-DC
converter for
134. Vaisakh T and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Resonant DC-DC Converter to reduce Voltage Stress and Ripples”,
Pro. of the National Conf. “Advancements in Instrumentation, Control and Automation”, Thangavelu
Engineering College, May. 03,2014.
135. S.Dinesh ,Dr.T.Govindaraj,” Risk Based Optimal Power Flow Using Bio Inapired Algorithm” Issues in
Power Quality and Renewable Energy Systems,CIPRES’14,Anna University ,Triuchirappalli
136. S.Vasanth,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”A Novel Approach to Harmonics Analysis and Control for DynamicPower
System using STATCOM”,National Conference of Electrical Power and Energy Systems’14
137. C.SureshKumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Solving Profit Based Unit Commitment with Emission Limitation
using Memetic Evolutionary Algorithm”,EtEIC 4111
138. C.SureshKumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Profit Based Unit Commitment withEmission Limitation in
Deregulation Environment using Memetic Algorithm”,National Conference on Issues In Power Quality
and Renewable Energy Systems(CIPRES’14), Anna University ,Triuchirappalli
139. J.Jayasujitha,G.Dineshkumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”A wide Area Monitoring System for Load Restoration
using Wind Energy”,National conference on Advances in Electrical Energy & Intelligent Control
Systems,6-7 March 2014
140. Thendral.R.,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Economic Load Dispatch and Emission Control using Quadratic
Programming”,National Conference on Recent Trends in Industrial Automation,RTIA’14
141. T.Archana .Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Unit Commitment Based on Frequency Regulating Reserve Constraint
Using Dynamic Programming”,National Conference on Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering and
Electrical Drive,21st March 2014
142. D.Hemalatha,K.Hemalatha,Dr.T.Govindaraj,” Dynamic Reactive Power Control of Islanded Microgrid
using IPFC”,National Conference on Advances in Electric Energy & Intelligent Control Systems,6-7
March 2014
143. C.SureshKumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj,” Solving profit based unit commitment with POZ Constraint using
Memetic Algorithm”, International Conference on Future Utility of Scarcity Energy(ICON FUSE) 2014
144. P.Saranya,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”A SCADA System for Next Generation Distribution System using
ZigbeeTechnology”,National Conference on Advancement in Electrical Sciences NCAES’14
145. S.Kanagaraj,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”A FOA Based Optimal Location and Sizing of Distributed Generation for
Improving Voltage Stability”,National Conference on Advances in Computing ,Communication Electrical
&Network Technologies (ACCENT-2K),27th March 2014
146. C.Rajesh,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Economic Load Dispatch through a Bat Optimization Algorithm”
International Conference on Future Utility of Scarcity Energy(ICON FUSE) 2014
147. V.Tamildurai,Dr.T.Govindaraj,C.Dineshkumar,” Fruit fly Algorithm for Optimal Reactive Power
Dispatch considering Continuous and Non Continuous Variables”National Conference on Innovative
Technique in Power Engineering & Drives,2014
148. V.Prabakaran and T.Govindaraj, “Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System”, Proceeding Of
ConferenceOnIntelligentControllerInElectricalAndElectronicSystem,HeldOnAVSEngineeringCollege10 th
149. E.Viswanathan,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Bat Optimization Algorithm for Security Constrained Optimal
Power flow” National Conference on Advances in Electrical Energy & Intelligent Control
150. K.Bharanidharan,G.Dineshkumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj,” Stability and Reliability improvement in Solar
Wind Hybrid power system with Battery Energy Storage Station” International Conference on Future
Utility of Scarcity Energy(ICON FUSE), 2014
151. S.Udayakumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj ,”Contingency Constrained Optimal Reactive Power Planning using
Cuckoo Search Algorithm” International Conference on Future Utility of Scarcity Energy(ICON FUSE)
152. Udayakumar,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Voltage Stability Optimization using Cuckoo Search Algorithm”National
Conference on Innovative Techniques inPower Engineering & Drives,2014
153. M.Vidhya,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Optimal Economic Dispatch for Power Generation using Genetic
Algorithm”,National Conference on Emerging Scenario in Power Engineering and Electrical Drives,21 st
March 2014
154. P.Ganapathi,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”ANN based Discrimination of Inrush Current in Power
Transformer”,National Conference on Advancement in Electrical Sciences(NCAET’14)
155. C.Rajesh,Dr.T.Govindaraj,”Economic Load Dispatch through a Bat Optimization Algorithm”,
National Conference on Enhancing Intelligence in Technical Aspects-ETITA 2014
156. Vijayakumar P and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Minimisation of Harmonics in Induction Drive using Cascaded
Multi- level Inverter”, Pro.of the National Conf. “Recent Trends in Industrial Automation”, Dr.Mahalingam
College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, India,Mar.21-22,2014.
157.Vishnu and Dr.T.Govindaraj, “Design and Implementation of Sensor less Speed Control of BLDC motor
using Artificial Neural Network”, Pro. of the International Conf. “Intelligent Engineering Systems”,
EASA College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India,Apr.03-04,2014.
158..Dr.T.Govindaraj et.al. ,” Power and ground bounce analysis of VLSI circuits using low leakage charge
recycling technique , TEQIP-II Sponsored 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced
Computing and Communication. GCEB-CONFLUNCE’16 Government College of Engineering
Burgur,TN , 17.3.16 and 18.3.16
Citations(My Papers referred in the following journal papers)
1. Zongxia Jiao.Tianyi Wang,Liang Yan,” Design and analysis of linear oscillating motor for linear pump
application-magnetic field, dynamics and thermotics” Springer-Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering,
November 2016,DOI: 10.1007/s11465-016-0407-9,pp 1-12
2. Pranab Bhattachryya,Anjan Dutta Gupta,S. Dhar,Gautam Pal,Paramita Mukherjee,”Electro-magnetic
stress-induced degradation of insulation vacuum of a large cryo-magnetic system”, Elsevier-
Cryogenics,Volume 77, July 2016, pp 8–14
3. Izzeldin Idris Abdalla, , Taib Ibrahim, “Nursyarizal Bin Mohd Nor,”Development and optimization of a
moving-magnet tubular linear permanent magnet motor for use in a reciprocating compressor of
household refrigerators”,ElseveirInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems”Volume
77, May 2016, Pages 263–270
4. M. A. Hannan ; Zamre Abd. Ghani ; Azah Mohamed ; M. Nasir Uddin, “Real-Time Testing of a
Fuzzy-Logic-Controller-Based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter System” IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications , Volume: 51 Issue: 6 , pp. 4775 – 4784 ,2015, DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2015.2455025
5. Leo Emil Sokoler ; Peter Vinter ; Runi Bærentsen ; Kristian Edlund ; John Bagterp
Jørgensen,”Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitment in Meshed Isolated Power Systems”,IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems ( Volume: 31, Issue: 5, Sept. 2016 ) pp. 3516 – 3526 ,
DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2485781

6. Nursyarizal Bin MohdNor,Izzeldin Idris Abdalla,Taib Ibrahim ,“The Fabrication and

Characterization of Short-Stroke Tubular Linear Permanent-Magnet Motor, Empowering
Research and Innovation”,BookPart X, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS ,pp. 777-789,2017,DOI
10.1007/978-981-10-1721-6_84 Print ISBN 978-981-10-1719-3 Online ISBN 978-981-10-1721-6 Series
Title Lecture Notes in Electrical EngineeringSeries Volume 398 Series ISSN 1876-1100 Publisher
Springer Singapore ,9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power
7. Izzeldin Idris Abdalla, , ,Taib Ibrahim, ,Nursyarizal Bin Mohd Nor,”Development and optimization of a
moving-magnet tubular linear permanent magnet motor for use in a reciprocating compressor of
household refrigerators”, Elseveir , International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy
SystemsVolume 77, May 2016, Pages 263–270
8. Izzeldin Idris Abdalla, Taib Ibrahim,Nursyarizal Bin Mohd Nor,”The Fabrication and
Characterization of Short-Stroke Tubular Linear Permanent-Magnet Motor, DOI,10.1007/978-981-10-
1721-6_84,Springer Chapter,9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and
Power Applications,Volume 398 of the series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering pp 777-789,2016
9. Y. Srinivasa Kishore Babu, Tripura Pidikiti and P. Sai Prasanna,”Duty ratio control schemes of DC-
DC boost converter integrated with solar PV system”, IEEEInternational Conference on Energy
Economics and Environment (ICEEE), 2015 27-28 March 2015 IEEE Explorer
10. Tianyi Wang, Zongxia Jiao, Liang Yan,”Design of novel double-layer compound stator for tubular
linear oscillating motor” 15-17 June 2015, 2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ICIEA),, 10.1109/ICIEA.2015.7334424

11. Y. Srinivasa Kishore Babu, Tripura Pidikiti, P. Sai Prasanna,”Fuzzy control of zero current switching
resonant buck converter”, IEEE2015 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals,
Communication and Optimization (EESCO) IEEE Explorer, DOI: 10.1109/EESCO.2015.7254059

12. Kuldip Singh ; P. Swathi ; M. Ugender Reddy,”Performance analysis of PV inverter in microgrid

connected with PV system employing ANN control” IEEE2014 International Conference on Green
Computing Communication and Electrical Engineering (ICGCCEE),2014,pp. 1 -
6, DOI: 10.1109/ICGCCEE.2014.6922390IEEE Conference Publications
13. Shuai Wu ; Zongxia Jiao ; Liang Yan ; Yaoxing Shang ; Chin-Yin Chen,”A new rotary voice coil
motor suitable for short angular strokes-design, modeling and optimization”, 2013 IEEE/ASME
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2013
DOI: 10.1109/AIM.2013.6584190

14. Ayadoure Srinivasane alias Stalin ; Mohammed Shakeel ; Revanth R. ; Durairaj D.,”Designing of
anfis network for wide area power system monitoring and protection network using matlab simulink
tools”,IEEE2015 International Conference on Power and Advanced Control Engineering (ICPACE)
12-14 Aug. 2015, pp 280-284 , DOI: 10.1109/ICPACE.2015.7274958

15. V Jankūnas,”Oscillating Movement Synchronous Drive With Pulse Power Supply Research”Phd
Thesis,Kaunas University Of Technology,Palanga, Lithuania, 2014
16. R. Janakiraman,S. Paramasivam,”Analysis of FEA Based Simulation for Torque and Force
Calculation of SEIG for Wind Power Application,praiseworthyprize International Review on
Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS)Vol 6, No 2 (2013), pp 419-425
17. Mohamed Boutouba,Abdelghani El Ougli, Sabah Miqoi and Belkassem Tidhaf,”Asymmetric Fuzzy
Logic Controlled DC-DC Converter for Solar Energy system, Journal of Renewable Energy and
Sustainable Development (RESD) Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2016 - ISSN 2356-8569,
http://dx.doi.org/10.21622/RESD.2016.02.1.052 ,Alexandria, EGYPT
18. Luz Maria Aguilar-Moreno, Edgar Edgar Peralta-Sanchez, Maria del Rocio Morales-Salgado,”fuzzy
control for a half bridge bidirectional DC-DC converter”,Vol. 7 (2016) ,Ingenio Magno, ISSN print
2145-9282, ISSN online 2422-2399, 2016, Vol. 7 Nº. 1 pp. 116-132
19. Ruben Dario Bonilla Isaza,“fuzzy control applied to a DC-DC buck converter for a nonlinear
load”,Vol. 20, no. 48 (2016), Tecnura,p-ISSN: 0123-921X,e-ISSN: 2248-7638,Vol. 20, No. 48, 2016,
pp. 137-148 , Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.

20. P. Rajesh Kumar & S. L. V. Sravan Kumar,”Comparative Study of PID Based VMC and Fuzzy Logic
Controllers for Flyback Converter , International Journal of Instrumentation, Control and Automation
(IJICA) ISSN : 2231-1890 Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011 ,pp 29-36
21. Izzeldin Idris Abdalla, Taib Ibrahim, Nursyarizal Bin Mohd Nor,”Optimization of iron-cored linear
motor with trapezoidal magnet using finite element analysis, 2014 5th International Conference on
Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS),3-5 June 2014

22. Ragunath L Senthilvel S, Dr. P. Ilamathi,”Hybrid Energy Generation Through Vertical Axis
Savonius Wind Turbine and Solar Panel IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in
Science & Technology| Volume 2 | Issue 11 | April 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010 pp 304-311

23. Jagan Mohana Rao Malla,”Implementation of Fuel Cell based Distributed Generation System with
DSTATCOM”,IRET Transaction on Power Electronics and Drives (ITPED) Vol. 2, Issue. 1, April 2014
pp 1-10
24. B. Srinu. Nayak, “Comparison of Direct and Indirect Vector Control of Induction Motor”,
International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering,Vol. 1, Issue. 1, Jan. 2014, ISSN
XXXX-XXXX, pp 110-131
25. Siva Ganesh Malla, Jagan Mohana Rao Malla and M. Mariya Das,”Sensorless Control of Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)”,International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and
Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 10, Issue. 4, May. 2014. Pp 1-14
26. Siva Ganesh Malla and Jagan Mohana Rao Malla,” Novel Controllers for the 48-Pulse VSC SSSC
Using Three Phase 9 Level Converter with One Transformer”, International Journal of New
Technologies in Science and Engineering,Vol. 1, Issue. 2, May. 2014, ISSN 2349-0780, pp 1-18
27. T. Suneel, “Multi Level Inverters: A Review Report”,International Journal of New Technologies in
Science and Engineering,Vol. 1, Issue. 1, Jan. 2014, ISSN XXXX-XXXX, pp 82-109
28. Siva Ganesh Malla,”Secondary Battery as Source to Mobile Phone Battery”, International Journal of
New Technologies in Science and Engineering Vol. 1, Issue. 1, Jan. 2014, ISSN XXXX-XXXX, pp 110-
29. Siva Ganesh Malla and Jagan Mohana Rao Malla,”Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor with
Fuzzy Controller: A Review”,International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics
(IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 10, Issue. 3, April-2014,pp 1-16
30. Lenin.K.,B Ravindhranath Reddy, Kalavathi, M Surya,”A Study On Application Of Nature Inspired
Algorithms For Solving Reactive Power Problem”,International Journal of Advanced Engineering
and Science , Vol.5.No.1 (May 2016):pp 53-59. ISSN 2304-7712
31. M. Naveena, K. B. Madhu Sahu & Ch. Krishna Rao,”16- Cell Back-To-Back Stacked Multicell
Converter”International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER)
,ISSN(P): 2250-155X; ISSN(E): 2278-943X,Vol. 5, Issue 1, Feb 2015, 33-44 Impact Factor (JCC):
5.9638 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0 Transteller TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
32. Ignatius R. Mardiyanto,Hermagasantos Zein,Adi Soeprijanto,”Scheduling of Hydrothermal Power
Systems in Two Seasons Zone with Multistage Optimizations”Vol 9, No 2 (2016) >Mardiyanto,
International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS), Praise Worthy Prize Italy
Scopus,ISSN:1974-9821 ,e-ISSN: 1974-983X ,
33. Jawed Ali and Mr.Chirag Gupta,”Analysis And Simulation Of Matrix Converters”,International
Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER) www.ijater.com , ISSN No: 2250-
3536 Volume 5, Issue 3, May 2015 25 ,pp.25-29.
34. Mojgan Nikouei,”Design and Evaluation of the Vienna Rectifier for a 5MW Wind Turbine
System”,Master of Science Thesis,Department of Energy and Environment,Division of Electric Power
Engineering,Chalmers University Of Technology , Gothenburg, Sweden 2013
35. Kabutha Samuel Gachihi ,” Power Loss Reduction By Pv-Pq Buses Conversion”, Project Report,
F17/28954/2009, University Of Nairobi 2015
36. Handaker Lubaba Bashar ; Amina Hasan Abedin ; M. Nasir Uddin ; Mohammad Ali
Choudhury,”Three phase three switch modular Vienna, Boost and SEPIC
rectifiers”,DOI: 10.1109/CIEC.2016.7513753,2016,2nd International Conference on Control,
Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC)
37. Gajendra Sahu, Kuldeep Swarnkar,“Economic Load Dispatch by Genetic Algorithm in Power
System”,International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3,
Issue 8, August 2014 , ISSN: 2278 – 7798 ,pp. 2167-2171.
38. Navpreet Singh Tung, Sandeep Chakravorty and Harkamal Singh Bhullar,” Gravity Local Search
Inspired Particle Swarm Algorithm for Economic Power Dispatch Planning Problem in Small Scale
System”, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing Vol. 9, No. 5 (2016), pp.111-124
http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijgdc.2016.9.5.11 ISSN: 2005-4262,2016 SERSC, ISSN: 2005-4262
39. Umang Meshram,Sayali Morey,Santoshi Gawande,”To Study and Analyze Economic Load Dispatch in
Power System Using Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical,
Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2016 DOI
10.17148/IJIREEICE.2016.4457 231-235 , ISSN (Online) 2321 – 2004 ISSN (Print) 2321 – 5526

40. Gajendra Sahu, Kuldeep Swarnkar ,”Optimization of Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Genetic
Algorithm”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR),
Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014, 2673-2679. ISSN: 2278 – 7798

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