The editorial discusses the importance of integrity in tentmaking missionary work. It notes that some churches have used tentmaking simply as a way to enter restricted countries without regard for how the associated business is operated, leading to problems. However, when tentmaking combines sound business practices with sharing the gospel message, it can be an effective strategy for spreading Christianity. The editorial advocates for greater cooperation between tentmaking organizations and churches to jointly reach more unreached peoples around the world.
The editorial discusses the importance of integrity in tentmaking missionary work. It notes that some churches have used tentmaking simply as a way to enter restricted countries without regard for how the associated business is operated, leading to problems. However, when tentmaking combines sound business practices with sharing the gospel message, it can be an effective strategy for spreading Christianity. The editorial advocates for greater cooperation between tentmaking organizations and churches to jointly reach more unreached peoples around the world.
The editorial discusses the importance of integrity in tentmaking missionary work. It notes that some churches have used tentmaking simply as a way to enter restricted countries without regard for how the associated business is operated, leading to problems. However, when tentmaking combines sound business practices with sharing the gospel message, it can be an effective strategy for spreading Christianity. The editorial advocates for greater cooperation between tentmaking organizations and churches to jointly reach more unreached peoples around the world.
The editorial discusses the importance of integrity in tentmaking missionary work. It notes that some churches have used tentmaking simply as a way to enter restricted countries without regard for how the associated business is operated, leading to problems. However, when tentmaking combines sound business practices with sharing the gospel message, it can be an effective strategy for spreading Christianity. The editorial advocates for greater cooperation between tentmaking organizations and churches to jointly reach more unreached peoples around the world.
shared his love and zeal for the Lord in the marketplace as well as cooperation and partnerships in his article. In the future, tentmaking businesses and churches hopefully and alluded to in practically every article of this special edition. One thing is sure, taking the Gos- in chains. The important point is he will combine their efforts and unite in pel into the marketplaces and class- never tired of sharing Christ’s love. solid partnerships in reaching the rooms of the unreached world is not He did this both alone and in partner- unreached of the world. only the main, and in some cases the ship with others. The nationalistic Throughout the articles and case only, strategy to grant us access (see attitudes of newly developed countries studies presented in this issue, it Patrick Lai’s article), but also and has changed the way that the gospel becomes apparent that if the Gospel more importantly takes the Gospel of is and can be carried into the is to be proclaimed in the market- the religious affairs of men into the unreached areas and peoples of the place, good business principles must arena of relationships, and real life. world. The movement of evangelizing be practiced. One of the basic princi- Here is where the Gospel needs to be in the marketplace is not new but it ples is attitude. The person represent- lived, heard and seen. Here is where it has become an effective way to enter ing or starting a business must have will make its greatest impact. Indeed restricted access countries where the a "calling", and the desire to succeed actions born in true faith will speak majority of the unreached peoples are in business and at the same time louder than words! found. know how to share the Gospel. Busi- God has given us today wide open How the missionary and tent- ness journals say that a people’s atti- doors of opportunity in Brazil (see maker performs in the marketplace tude is more important than their has become of prime concern. Some Robson Ramos’ article). Several skills. churches have used the professional authors help us see the close link of Gary Taylor carries this even fur- business and missions in tentmaking as a means of entering a country ther in his article as he feels that the (see Nordstrom/Nielsen’s article as without regards to how his or their business operated. This policy has led native businessmen can be taught the well as David Hagen’s and Patrick to many problems, often at the cost of Gospel as well as the skills needed to Lai’s). Doug Lucas explores the great the Word and Truth of the Gospel. succeed in business. A successful potential the Internet holds for tent- business person is looked on favora- makers today. Kitty Purgason helps In this special edition of the IJFM bly and respected by people of devel- us see one of the greatest commodi- we will take a close look at the oppor- oping countries which makes for ties in the world—the English lan- tunities, challenges and problems related with the tentmaking mission closer personal relationships and guage—and how to teach it with integ- movement. For instance the whole opens the door to sharing the Word rity that will produce much fruit issue of integrity is brought into focus and discipling and mentoring others. among the unreached of the world. in Bob Morris’ article as well as in var- However, if the business is a mere For a list of additional options, ious other articles. front that only allows the business needs and opportunities in tentmak- person to enter the country, it is Many denominations and congre- ing today, contact Tentmaker Interna- quickly discovered and no amount of gations have battled within them- tional Exchange at 206-781-3151 or selves as to where their mission preaching will offset the lie that the at <[email protected]> efforts are directed, locally and glo- person is living. bally? This led to competition instead Actions do speak as loud as of collaboration. This same occur- words. The principles and characteris- Kenneth Smith, guest editor, rence has transpired in the business tics, including a sound theology of General Secretary of Tentmaker world where competition is fierce. But tentmaking, needs to be know and International Exchange (TIE). now a new era of partnering has come understood and acted upon by the Hans M. Weerstra, IJFM editor. into being. Phill Butler addresses the tentmaking mission businessman March 1998, El Paso, Texas great benefit of synergistic action of today. These are stated and outlined USA
International Journal of Frontier Missions Vol. 15:1, Jan.-March 1998