Entrepreneurs - More Than An Undertaking

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Randy Ataide

Undertaking More
Than Business
hile in the Harvard Business School program view of business – one comprising numerous relationships
six years ago, several classmates read my bio and actions, full of nuances and complexities.
in a class packet and sought me out: “Talk
to us about this,” they said. “How is it that This is not to say that the business world is beyond criticism,
you’ve run a successful company for many years and have a for the events leading up to the current economic crisis
master’s degree in theology? We don’t see the connection.” underscore the need for serious reflection and correction
among those of us in business. Indeed, many companies and
I couldn’t blame my colleagues for not seeing a relationship business schools are vigorously discussing these failings, and
between faith and business. I, too, had many times struggled some political reforms and restrictions on business practices
to find connections between what I was hearing from the have already been implemented. The fact remains, however,
pulpit on Sunday and my work as a business person. that all too often, the business world does not look to sound,
biblical principles to inform business practices. In truth, many
“Religious leaders speak inadequately about business,” writes Christian businesspeople have found it easier to go along with
professor Richard J. Goossen of the status quo in their organizations
Trinity Western University, “more and not rock the boat with their
so than almost anything else they
preach on. Their professional
we already see many signs own set of ethical principles. To
complicate matters, the Christian
vocabulary, for the most part, so of Christian businesspeople businessperson’s set of values may
misses the point that it is painful
to listen to them. The alarming
from every denomination be founded on the latest pop culture
book instead of Biblical wisdom, in
state of the church’s ability to be a rejecting religion, and religion part because they have not themselves
relevant force influencing business
can be summed up in a simple
overwhelmingly rejecting made a connection between their
faith and their work.
observation: we already see many businesspeople.
signs of Christian businesspeople While I serve in various roles
from every denomination at PLNU connecting business,
rejecting religion, and religion overwhelmingly rejecting economics, and students as the executive director of the
businesspeople.” Fermanian and Business Economic Institute (FBEI), I am also
an entrepreneur, perhaps one of the most misunderstood types
In the book, Church on Sunday, Work on Monday, Dr. Laura of businessperson. I did not necessarily seek the entrepreneurial
Nash of Harvard Business School and Scotty McLennan, path; my undergraduate education is in communication, and I
dean of religious life at Stanford University, suggest that once thought I would become an educator. Instead, I did what
business is not as simple as religious leaders tend to think the research shows holds true for most entrepreneurs –I came
it is. Capitalism is frequently reduced to a monolithic upon my career almost entirely by accident. Since joining
concept labeled as “The Market,” that inevitably exploits all PLNU in the fall of 2005, much of my academic research and
participants except the most powerful. In my own experience, personal writings have sought connections between the church
misconceptions about the marketplace create hurtful and the entrepreneur. And what I have observed is a tremendous
and inaccurate stereotypes that portray even Christian opportunity for connections, but what I have experienced is
businesspeople as uncaring, unthinking, exploitative, and significant misunderstanding and mischaracterization.
unengaged. What is needed is a richer and more accurate

Defining the Entrepreneur
Perhaps part of the misunderstanding stems from the lack of Professor Scott Shane of Case-Western University has written
clarity around what an entrepreneur really is. The dominant that “The real reason most people start businesses, however, has
media images of entrepreneurs are visionary inventors such as nothing to do with wanting to make money, to become famous,
Bill Gates or Steve Jobs who start transformational businesses to better their own communities, to seek adventure, or even to
in a garage and ultimately achieve staggering riches, power, improve the world. Most people start businesses
and influence. This no more accurately represents the realities
of entrepreneurship than do televangelists represent the rural simply because they just don’t like working for someone
pastor of a small congregation or the U.S. presidency compare else.” While Shane’s research is insightful, it has a common
to the local civil servant. In the field of entrepreneurship, this limitation: first, it does not fully appreciate the movement
mistaken typology is called the “entrepreneurial myth.” of contemporary entrepreneurship far beyond the traditional
boundaries of for-profit business ventures, and second, the
In sharp contrast, 17th century European economist, Richard impact and influence of personal religious faith upon the
Cantillon, offered the French term entrepreneur meaning “one entrepreneurial processes.
who undertakes.” Considered the first definition of the term,
it distinguished the “undertaker” from landowners and hired The Kauffmann Foundation, a highly influential voice and
labor because the undertakers had to adjust to risks and live research group in entrepreneurship, released in 2008 a
with uncertainty. There was no distinction in class or status for comprehensive study that described entrepreneurship as “...a
the entrepreneur, but simply the recognition that a third actor process of fundamental transformation: from innovative idea to
was emerging between the farm worker and landowner, one enterprise and from enterprise to value… As a distinct mode of
who sought additional opportunity, thought and action, it derives from
freedom, and flexibility. business but can operate in any
embedded in most Christian realm of human endeavor.”
With no direct translation for the
French word, it was very early
entrepreneurs are strong Research and experience show
rendered in English as “master,” missional, communal, and that embedded in most Christian
entrepreneurs are strong missional,
“speculator,” and “projector” – all
inadequate to convey Cantillon’s
faith-driven principles which communal, and faith-driven
work. This inaccurate representation make them natural allies for principles which make them
likely contributed to the natural allies for congregations
entrepreneurial myth and grew out of
congregations seeking new seeking new insights and solutions.
the publicity and attention given to a insights and solutions When we consider the Kauffman
small number of entrepreneurs who definition, we begin to see how
achieved great success. Throughout the entrepreneurial personality
the rise of the industrial revolution and beyond, headline- might be helpful in three areas where the church is currently
grabbing inventors, financiers, and capitalists who achieved engaged: critiquing the dominant culture, serving the poor and
incredible success while taking great risks became the archetype doing justice, and building relationships with people and groups
for the entrepreneur. Ironically, while the specific motivations outside the church.
that drive entrepreneurs are complex, success is not typically the
entrepreneur’s driving motivation.

Critiquing the dominant
Artists, poets, and activists are some of the strongest voices In light of the current economic crisis, renewal and change are
calling for renewal in the Christian community. These voices on many people’s minds. It appears that a profound economic
are frequently at the forefront of re-imagining the church, for “reset” of some sort is underway, its exact scope and implications
they speak out against the dominant culture’s influence on the not yet fully defined. A significant number of us are making
church. In many cases, however, these artists, poets, and activists economic and lifestyle choices that are turning away from the
appear to be overly academic, radicalized, or impractical, using excessive consumerism of recent decades. Economic reality has
language and imagery that draws from sources unfamiliar to collided with our own personal lives.
the typical churchgoer, rendering their
valuable message irrelevant. Entrepreneurship has the power
Nearly 70 percent of U.S. to respond and then transform
Yet, to the ears and minds of the society. It is, in fact, the primary
entrepreneur, some of this activist
economic growth can be driver of economic activity in the
language resonates deeply. Why? attributed to entrepreneurial U.S. and worldwide, far more
Because the entrepreneur is, in many effective than governmental policy
ways, the voice of renewal within
activity. Over the past 20 years, or corporate expansion. Nearly
the business community, constantly two-thirds of all jobs within 70 percent of U.S. economic
challenging the dominant culture of growth can be attributed to
business and propelling it forward industrialized countries can be entrepreneurial activity. Over the
through innovation, flexibility, and attributed to entrepreneurship. past 20 years, two-thirds of all jobs
a dynamic nature. The entrepreneur within industrialized countries can
waits from the fringes, impatient be attributed to entrepreneurship.
and desiring to engage in ways of doing business that are not
yet imagined. This is not a reckless personality but rather an Conversations between church leadership and entrepreneurs
observing character. And from this observation come new would be groundbreaking, for there are few others with the
products, firms, and services. These entrepreneurs are people kind of practical experience and appreciation for the value
sitting in our local pews each Sunday. They are the often of “time, talent, and treasure” as the entrepreneur. The
overlooked small business people – the farmer, restaurant typical entrepreneur exists largely without the governmental
owner, financial professional, building contractor – who must protections that generally favor publicly held corporations,
go beyond the poetic imagery portrayed in the pulpit and public employee unions, and other organized groups. There are
face the realities of meeting their payroll in the coming week, no bailouts for the small business or aspiring entrepreneur. But
dealing with an emerging competitor, or resolving disputes the entrepreneur compensates for this lack of formalized power
among employees. by being dynamic, imaginative, and flexible, thereby sharing
numerous characteristics with the artist and the activist. They,
too, can envision new possibilities and are uniquely positioned
to act on them.

Serving the poor and doing justice
The past decade of entrepreneurial research has done years, and his company employs several PLNU alumni. At his
well in chronicling the rise of social entrepreneurship and manufacturing plant in Carlsbad, numerous ministry events,
microfinance, both of which contribute to global economic including a church’s primary sanctuary, co-exist with snack
justice. While social entrepreneurship and microfinance are production. Mellace and his partner, Mike Runion, are an
not a distinctly Christian notion, there is certainly a ripe impressive example of traditional entrepreneurs, taking a
opportunity for the church to support and nurture the business idea and shaping it around serving the world in the
entrepreneurs who stand to align their goals of justice and name of Jesus.
mercy with those of the church.
Besides providing wholesome snacks with natural ingredients,
Social entrepreneurs look at the intractable problems facing a positive mission in itself, Mellace’s non-profit foundation has
society and feel great frustration at the lack of progress towards also developed a product that could help end world hunger.
solving them. Bill Drayton, widely regarded as the founder Using surplus nuts, Mellace created a peanut-based paste
of the modern social entrepreneur movement, has written, fortified with minerals and vitamins that World Vision plans
“The core psychology of a social entrepreneur is someone to use to fight malnutrition globally. Statistics have shown
who cannot come to rest, in a very deep sense, until he or she that a child who eats three packs a day for 30 days has a 90
has changed the pattern in an area of social concern all across percent survival rate compared to the 5-10 percent survival rate
society.” Famine, clean water, housing, education, and the without the product. Mellace and his partners are using their
administration of justice are just a few example areas of great professional talents and passion, combined with a creative,
importance to these contemporary entrepreneurs. solutions-oriented entrepreneurial spirit, to fight hunger.

Mike Mellace, founder of Mama Mellace’s, is in the snack What Mellace and his company and foundation do is certainly
business – nuts to be exact. His products can be found in bold and dramatic, but it is not an aberration. There are
retail stores throughout the U.S. Mellace has been a friend elements of justice, grace, and service in many entrepreneurs in
to the Fermanian School of Business and FBEI for several a wide variety of industries if we just take the time to look.
For many students, these
activities provide their first
At PLNU, Dr. Rob Gailey, director The most significant impact is
of PLNU’s Center for International exposure to the idea that poverty probably the influence these CID
Development (CID), is helping alleviation and sound business activities have on students. For many
students make connections that students, these activities provide
will enable them to make this same practices can go together. their first exposure to the idea
kind of impact. The CID, based in that poverty alleviation and sound
the Fermanian School of Business, business practices can go together.
provides opportunities for aspiring social entrepreneurs to They discover that they can use a PLNU degree to pursue
learn from those already in the field. There is groundbreaking careers in the non-profit and social innovation sectors. These are
collaboration between key microfinance and social transformational moments in a student’s life.
entrepreneurial practitioners, university faculty, and students
from throughout San Diego. This collaboration, the San Diego My hope is that as more and more students aim to fulfill Jesus’
Microfinance Alliance (SDMFA), is no theoretical platform – call in Matthew 25 to serve “the least of these” by combining
students are shaping and being shaped by practitioners who viable business solutions with a conscientious and compassionate
are directly involved in serving the poor not only in San Diego, mindset, we will find more and more connecting points between
but globally. church and business – connections that will help us, together,
navigate the challenges of global poverty.

Business Matters
PLNU students and alumni are connecting Microfinance is another model that is creating Microfinance is also happening locally. Travis
profit with passion. The following three socially responsible businesses. Vaughn (08) helped found the Microfinance
businesses are about more than just yield; Club at PLNU, and he is now working with the
they’re about making a difference. All three “Microfinance may be non-profit, but they’re CDC Small Business Finance, a non-profit
are creating new capital and opportunities for giving loans to for-profit businesses all over organization that partners with commercial
those in need. And they’re their products and the community – providing them with access lenders to provide loans to developing
services are high quality and innovative. to financial capital that they can then turn businesses in San Diego. Their community
around and use to support their businesses,” loan program targets women, minorities, and
Brothers Shea Parton (07), Stenn Parton said Dr. Rob Gailey, associate professor veterans who face difficulty securing capital.
(08), and Raan Parton (04), along with Shea of business and director of the Center for
Foley (07) are connecting what they produce International Development. Breaking out of traditional lending by
with what they care about. They founded coming up with unique capital “solutions”
Apolis Activism in 2004, a for-profit company Blake Armstrong (07), director of operations and strategizing with clients to set up the
that’s connecting quality design with social at EduLeap, is using microfinance to make a most fitting financial plan, CDC makes small
activism. When someone purchases a shirt, difference. He co-founded EduLeap with Chris businesses development possible, where
bag, or canvas grocery bag from Apolis, Crane, and they are making private education less-than-stellar credit may otherwise seal
some of that money is directly impacting possible for young people in the developing a “no” on developing innovative business.
various causes in countries like Bangladesh, world. They provide loan capital and
Nepal, and Uganda. Apolis partners with business training to those “edupreneurs,” as In his book Creating a Worth Without Poverty,
non-profits in order to maximize the good EduLeap calls them, wanting to start private Muhammad Yunus, founder of the celebrated
that their profit can do. schools abroad. When EduLeap invests in Grameen Bank, calls ventures like these
an “edupreneur” and their school, they are “social businesses”– they are not non-profits
But their business is not just creating funds that creating a business while also investing in the because they’re making money. But they are
they can give away. Their products themselves next generation. also not for-profits where they are maximizing
are being sustainably produced in order to shareholder wealth. “Rather than seeking to
create jobs. For example, their highly popular “EduLeap itself is a non-profit,” said Gailey. amass the highest possible level of financial
Philanthropist Briefcase not only turns a profit, “But the work they’re doing is supporting social profit to be enjoyed by the investors, the social
but it employs three Ugandan farmers who can entrepreneurs in various countries.” business seeks to achieve a social objective.”
now utilize a year’s worth of their cotton harvest.

Points of Connection sustainable development projects in the French-speaking world,
such as Africa and Haiti, with experts in their field.
The use of entrepreneurship to point people to Jesus is near
to my heart. In my own life, business interactions and people’s The ability to talk to secularized Parisians – those who literally
interest in entrepreneurship have led to spiritual conversations think that Christians are mentally deficient – is an exciting
and relationships in many different settings and countries. These breakthrough, leading to unprecedented open doors in Paris.
opportunities to share my faith would never have been achieved
through traditional evangelistic methods. “Too often we approach people outside the church with an
attitude that says, ‘we know something you don’t,’ and the
implicit message we convey is ‘we’re better than you,’” said
Our Personal Impact
Stephen Johnston. Joy Johnston added, “We also forget that we
Business is an opportunity to show people the impact of our
all share the same deep longing for something meaningful. One
faith. When we have strong character, conduct business honestly
way a lot of people outside the church express this longing is
and fairly, show transparency and generosity, and care about the
through altruism. When we remember that true religion is to
needs around us, we open up opportunities for relationship. Our
help orphans and widows in their distress (James 1: 26-27), all
conduct gives us a voice.
of a sudden this altruism becomes a place where secular values
intersect with the heart of Jesus, and that’s a meaningful place
Much of my work at PLNU occurs in an off-campus role, where
for us to connect with people outside the church.”
I meet with business leaders from throughout the region to
discuss issues of common interest.
This is what’s happening through
Since San Diego is fundamentally a
Coherence. Parisians from inside
small business and entrepreneurial
community, I have been able to Business is an opportunity and outside the church are meeting
at that intersection. Together, they
connect with people in diverse to show people the impact make donations that encourage
settings, including faculty colleagues
at great regional public universities, of our faith. social entrepreneurs serving the
poorest of the poor in French-
business people in companies of all
speaking countries around the
sizes, and leaders of local churches
world. And they make these
and ministries. These initial connections often deepen into
donations while attending events where they dialogue with
significant opportunities for spiritual conversations.
experts in various fields. This makes for a lot of meaningful
interaction, and a lot of conversations that Jesus can enter.
I recall a meeting two years ago with a group of leaders from a
very prominent San Diego organization at a local restaurant.
In an increasingly secular and hostile world, entrepreneurship
Lunch was served, and the senior executive present from the
is a platform with broad potential application, allowing us to
organization asked if I would pray for the meal. What was
connect with communities that have generally turned away from
originally intended as a business lunch turned into a time
the traditional voice and vision of the church.
of fellowship, and my relationship with the organization has
blossomed on all levels.

Global Opportunities
These surprising points of connection have developed in other
Meaningful connections abound. At the intersection of faith
areas as well. For the past five years, I have been working with and entrepreneurship, we can, together, seek out ways to be
ministry friends in France and Portugal on how entrepreneurship salt and light in profound ways. We can envision new ways of
can become a common meeting ground when traditional tools engaging and transforming our culture, we can love the poor
or language fails. In October 2009, I was asked by the non-profit through compassion and solid business ideas, and we can build
organization Coherence, created by Parisians Stephen and Joy relationships with those who might not otherwise ever enter
Johnston, to speak to a group of business people in France on the the doors of a traditional church. This is an opportunity ripe
topic of entrepreneurship. Coherence partners with Greenhouse, with possibility.
a traditional evangelical ministry operating for over 20 years in
the heart of Paris. Coherence has a complementary purpose – it
connects local business people who are interested in supporting


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