Zeo Med CFLsenso Ga Eng NEU
Zeo Med CFLsenso Ga Eng NEU
Zeo Med CFLsenso Ga Eng NEU
Please read the instruction for use carefully before performing installation and operation
of the CONTRAfluranTM-System. The instruction for use is one of the product’s components
and needs to be kept in direct proximity of the devices, so that it will be accessible for the
operating personnel at any time.
To make the performance of your filter effective A1. Fasten the SEN-
and to help ensure your safety, be sure to follow all SOfluranTM- Fill level
proper application procedures. control unit to the rail
of the respirator/ ana-
4.1. Transportation esthetic gas machine.
During the transportation of the CONTRAfluranTM- Sys-
tem, the following points should be considered:
The dispatch carton should be transported with
the lable showing right-side up
The carton should not be put placed on its top or
on its side.
Open the carton from the top. A2. Connect the mains
Keep the original carton for return transport. adapter into the plug
socket located on the
4.2. Storage bottom of the fill level
For storage of the CONTRAfluran-Anaesthetic gas filter control unit and plug it
and SENSOfluran fill level control unit which are currently into a wall outlet.
not used, please consider the following:
The dispatch carton should be stored with the
label showing right-side up.
Do not store in the open air, but exclusively in
suitable rooms which are dry and dust- free.
We recommend a maximum relative humid- ity of The SENSOfluran fill level control unit is now in
80 %. self-diagnostic-mode consisting of:
Storage temperature should be –5 °C to +35 °C a short visual and acoustic test:
- all 4 LEDs light up and an acoustic
4.3. Operation signal will sound for 1 second
Before using the filter, please ensure that all components a test of the infrared light barrier:
needed for a proper use are available. - the red LED will light up for a
This inculdes: short time and sound for 1 second
The CONTRAfluranTM-Anaesthetic gas filter - afterwards a steady and repetitive
The SENSOfluranTM-Fill level control unit blinking of the green and red LED
Accessories: flexible hose ISO 22 and operational- lights will occur
ly adapters to use with different exhaust ports
A3. Remove the seal The differently colored LEDs (green, yellow, red) of the
cap from the filter. device indicate the quality of the filtered expired gas and
thus the fill level of the filter.
The filter cleans the expired gas and has still suffici-
ent free capacity.
The capacity of the filter diminishes. But the
concentration of the anaesthetic gas in the filtered
exhausted air lies within the MAK ac- cepted values.
A filter change is recommended when the second
A4. Connect the flexi- yellow LED lights up.
ble hose to the filter.
The capacity of the filter is exhausted. The used
filters must be replaced.
Error message:
A5. Note down the All 4 LEDs light up at the same time and an acoustic
applied signal will sound for 1 second when the red LED
anaesthetic gas on the light lights up: Either there is no filter assigned or
top label of the filter the filter is not correctly inserted into the mount.
5.1. Application in operation areas with exhaust Apply only one kind of anaesthetic gas per filter.
device Mark the respective applied anaesthetic gas on
the corresponding label of the filter.
Anaesthetic apparatus Flexible hose
ISO 22 Filter change must be done when the red
LED lights up.
Filter change is recommended when the second
yellow LED lights up.
The used filter should be clearly marked in order
to avoid any repeated use.
5.3. Application with the AnaConDa-System Due to legal reason the device must be sent to ZeoSys
GmbH in a period of 6 months for calibra-tion. Please use
Gas monitor
the original carton for the dispatch. With payment, you
Gas monitor line will immediately get a new
Flexible hose
ISO 22 9. Disposal of the SENSOfluranTM-Fill level control
Products Art.-Nr.